The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 27, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day
Omaha Grain
Exrrllrnt rains reported In north
eit, v.t and southweit, were cojv
idered favorable tor growing rropa
nd the tendency ol all market!
were downward. It was alio laid
that the Canadian drouth had been
broken. Export buMneii reported
was imall tola of wheat, corn and
rye. foreign exchange was weaker
Visible supply of wheat decreaied
3.612,000 bushels: corn. 1.015,000
huihrli; oau, U69.0U0 buihelf.
Omaha atocks of wheat decreaied
4.000 buiheli. corn decreaied 105,
000 buihela and oata inrreaied Jl,-
000 bushels.
The two daya' run of receipt at
Omaha aggregated 139 car of all
kind ei grain, coniiiting of 21 car
of wheat, 87 car of corn and 24
can of oata, and compared with
125 cart lait year. Total shipments
111 car as against 109 car a year
ago. Dark wheat in the local mar-
ket was in good oemana at un
changed prices, while the ordinary
moved slow y at iWie lower, corn
old lSU.c lower. Oat was V,
Yac lower. Rye was quoted 2yic
lower. Barley unchanged.
Na. I dark fcard: 1 ear (II par cant
durum), 11.11.
No. t hard wlntar: 1 ear (ft par cant
dark), 11.11; I car 111 par cant dark),
II 111 I I car. 11.11.
Na. I hard wlntar: M car. 11.1!.
No. 4 hard wlntar: 1 car (II par cent,
M lb.. II par cant r, 11.11.
No. I inliad: 1 car (durum). Il.ll.
Na. I mUad: 1 car (durum, raulty),
sampt mlicd: U (weevil), lie.
No. I whlta: I cara, lie.
No. I whlta: I cara (muatjO,
Na. 1 fallow: 1 car, tlttc; I cara,
No, I yallow: 1 car, II He.
No. I fellow: 1 cara, lie.
No. I mm J: 1 rara, I4le: 1 ear
(hlppara waifhta). Ho; I cara, tic; 1
car (aaar whlta), tie.
No. I willed: I car. 14 Ue.
1 cart (not corn account II par cant
wet corn mis), 41c.
No. I whlta: 4 ran (thlpperi weights),
:t,p; IV rs, Sic.
Na. 4 whlta: 1 car, tl'ie.
Sample white: 1 car, 14c.
No. I mixed: 1 car. S4Ue.
No. I mlttd: I cara (ahlppen weighta),
Itc; i ear, "4c.
Na. 4: 1 cara (muaty), 7ic,
No. 4: t car. 13 lie.
Sample: 1 car, 0c.
I variola I
Weak Tear
Tterelpli Torlay. Ao. Ago.
Wheat -1 44 14
Corn 17 64 fl
Oat (4 34 :
Tl;a 7 1
Barley 12 4
Wheat ID 13 II
Corn in 41 IS
Oata II 14 ;
ny i
Parley S .. I
Week Tear
Receipts Today. Ago. Ago.
Wheat l.OJK.oOo l.;is.S0t 1.414,009
Corn 1,144.000 1,011,000 1.S5S.OO0
Otts ..,650,00 1:3,000 Slil.OOO
Wheat 130.000 115.000 125,000
Corn 411.000 141,000 140,001
Oats 141.000 117.000 143,000
Bushels Wk. Ago. Tr, Ago.
Wheat and Floor P64.0O0 2.711,000
Corn 127,000 134,000
Oats 110.000
Weelc Tear
Carlets Today, Ago, Ago.
Wheat IS 13 55
forn !i : no !4T
Oats ! ?' J
Week Tear
CnrloU Today. Ago. Ago.
Wheat 516 47:: Sol
Tern 104 77 ise
Otts 11 14 :
Week Tesr
canon looay. Ago. Ago.
Wheat 1... 3 64 105
Corn lis ;i 60
Oats S 107 20
Week Tear
Carlots Today. Ago. Ago..
Vtnneapoiis 501 101
Duluth 101 13 II
Winnipeg 27 141 111
Bu:heh Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago.
Wheat 23,002.000 24.114,000 10,060,000
Corn : 31.SJ4.000 32,341.000 24.130,000
Oata 44,167.000 41,134.000 13,467,000
Rye 2.680,000 3,491,004 612,000
Barley 1.684.000 1.131,000 1,161,000
Bushels Today. Tear Ago.
Wheat 304,000 116,000
Corn 1,126,000 1,146.000
Oats 1,140,000 1,236,000
Rye 24,000 24,00
Barley ' 21,000 10,000
By Updike Grain Co. DO. 2127, .Tune 26.
Art. I Open. I High. Low. Cloao. 1 Sat.
.61 U
1.10 Te
1.1 m
.42 14
.37 ;
61 U
.21 U
1 .4
.41 'i
11. J7
111.83 '
111. IS
Kanawa City Craiit.
Kansas City, Mo.. June 36. Wheat
No. 3 hard, 1.107 1. SI; No. 1 red, 11.06
Corn No. 3 white. I7e; No. S yellow,
Ray Unchanged.
Kansas City. Mo.. Jun 21. Close
Wheat, July. 11.04; September, 11.064;
December. 11.014.
Corn July, 61 c; September, It'ie; De
cember, II c. .
Tlelbl Grain Sapply.
New York. June 2. Th visible sup
ply of American and bonded grain shows
th following changes:
Wheat, decreased 2.812.000 bushels.
Corn, decreased 1.064.400 bushels.
Oats, decreased 1.2OI.0O0 bushel.
- Ry. decreaied 911,000 buehels.
Barley, decreased 371,000 bushels.
Mian 4 drain.
Minneapolis. Minn., Jun 16. Wheat
Caah No. 1 northern. 11.1741.404; July.
11.144; September, 11.20)4; December,
Corn No. S yellow. l4iS4;e.
Oata No. S white. S4436c
Barley 441 17c.
Rye No. S. ll4IS4c.
Flaxseed No. 1. 11.111 t.H.
' Re. Lewie Orala.
St. Loul. Mo.. Jan II. Wheat July,
$1.174; September, 11.05.
Corn July, lie; September, 044.
Oata July, S'c; September. II He.
Minneapolla, Minn.. Jun S. Flour
Bran I14.60el7.00.
Tu 11 aad aVaetn. t
Savannah, O,, Jan SI Turpentine
Nothing doing: receipts. sou.; snip,
nattl 2l:Ttock. t.ill.
Roala Firm: ealea. 1.611 calks: receipts.
a . , . - .hiH,ii. . n . a,ic . 7a m
' Qlm: H. II.H: n. 14.66: E. 14.60: P.
Sill: O. 1471; R. S4.M; -I. 14 11: X.
I ll; U, 11.60; N. 11.71; WO, 16.JI; WW.
1I.7S.- , . '
- v - 1m4i Metals.'
Ltadon, Jun 21. Standard copper,
spot, ill IS:' future, ill Is Id: electro
btlr,' 1: futures, 171 10; tin. spot,
ill! II: future. Ilill7sld; lead. spot.
- f!47 Id: futures, 2310; sine, i:71,sld;
tuttres, i;ilt
Chicago Grain
Omaha) lira Indeed Wit.
Chicago, June 2o.-Raini and lower
temperature over a good part of the
grain belt removed the main bullish
incentive. Local long and commi
ion houie were good idler and
price declined readily. Support wai
lacking at the last, wheat being off
IWH'Ac, corn lil.. oats i
Ijec and rye 2J4c
While the bulk of the winter
wheat i beyond the point where rain
can affect the yield to any great ex
tent, the better weather condition
have checked any deterioration in
the spring wheat territory. Parts of
Canada nad rain which will be
highly beneficial.
Th country wsa a fair sailer of new
winter wheat to arnv. Purchases of
116,000 bushels war mad to com here.
That wheat wa hedged by ealea at iu
lurea. The July-Hptember epread wid
ened to Ma the last, the wldeat ao
lar. Eiport demand generally waa alow,
nentlmanl Bearish.
Scattered liquidation was on In fu
tures at times with soma stop loss orders
caught on lb way doyn. Sentiment gen.
orally haa baeom beariah. Liverpool
cloeed Hd higher lo 4d lower. A deoroae
of 1.111,000 buahele In th vtilbl failed
to affect th market.
Drouth a a market factor has been
limlnated from th corn and oats sltua
tlno for th Urn belnr. While th
rainfall waa too light to be of any per
manent aood. th aantlmental effect waa
considered. Both gralna declined sharply.
At th Insld corn was off lSOl'aC oats
down lWeiHe from Saturday finish.
Th best support cams from short In
corn, while In oats there wai commis
sion boue buying of December. That fu
ture rallied iharply toward tn laai.
The forecast suggeeled shower and
warmer aver Dart of the corn belt. Th
country eold corn freely to arrive a th
reeult of th better weather. There were
purchaee of bueneia to come nere.
Recelpla were 47 cars of corn and 141
car of oat . ,
A low eaporl demand wsi reported for
ry and with eome hedging preaaur and
th break In wheat a decline wa easily
attained. Nortnwsatarn interests were
good sellers.
ns oea.
rnntr.i t ataeka of wheat In publie ele
vator In Chicago Saturday night aggre
gated 1,177,000 buahels: corn, 4,117,0000
bushels, and oats 1.141.000 bushelo. For
the week wheat decreased 1,111.000 bush
els and oata 611,000 bushels, whll corn
increased 161,000 bushels.
Italian government haa suspended tn
Import duty on grain.
."n-. ...ti. ihi. !U he tha blearest
year In food aupplles In th history of th
country." aald Sincere Co. "There may
be a slight culling down of th. supply
of sheep and possibly cattls."
United Kingdom cables reported a bet
ter flour demand and som Improvement
in demsnd for wheat from Millers. Som
..ntln.nlll lnlr.Rt VBI BlSO' reDOfted.
Minneapolis messages laid that reports
on wheal and rye conditions In tha north
west were favorable, but that nearly every
on said oata wer In poor condition. ,
Xw York Cotton. '
.tw TvrKt June 40.
nretK occurrra in m wu..v . -
day. wun vonuuura
tn th belt, a lata slump. In Liverpool
ana unceriMni'j' wti
nOtlCeS IO D lOSUCU lomwiv,, . -v
market was aadly demorallied and tne
net aroppea aoout swv pw,ni -recent
high-water mark and approximately
half a cent a nound under Saturday's
final. - . ' .
Weakness and resettlement , continued
in the afternoon, pressure being heavy
enough' from scattered sources to fore
th list to now lows lor mo oay v -loss
of 10 to 10 points. July waa par
ticularly rara mi at it,iw . w,.7 ,
ject for bear attacks. Th market rallied
aoout J,40 a pouna in ine iaai nvui.
t. ...k,. .raft! taklnr htf BhOrtS.
Final bids were S to 66 net lower.
Th local mariset tor -opot iuiwn
ouit. 40 noints decline. 21.60c for mid
dling upland.
Southern spot markets: Galveston.
A nnta rlaltrtJ,' KW Orleans.
21.60e! 60 points decline; Savannah, 21.11c,
SO points decline. August, 21.11c, 37
points uecunei- mempnis, ..auu, ,iv,i,-
LiUle Rock, 21.26c, 26 points decline.
New York General.
New York. June 26. Flour Unsettled ;
sprlr.g pstents. 7.2iiSi7.76: spring cleara.
is:60ei.2ir; sort winter straignts,
1.00; hard winter straights. 18.60 J7.00.
Cornmeal Dull; fine whit and yellotr
granulated, II. 10(31.86.
Wheat Spot, easy: 4o. 2 red, 41.27';
No 2 hard, 11.28; No. 1 Manitoba. I1.44U
end No. 2 mixed durum, 11.31 c. i. f.
track, New York to arrive.
Corn Snot, essy; No. 2 yellow and .o.
2 Tdhlte. 80c and No. 2 mixed, tS'c
o. 1. f. New York, all rail.
Oats Spot, easy; No. 3 white, 4646'ic
Hay Barely steady: No. 1. 28.00i
20.00; No. 2, 26.0328.00; No. S, 123.00
26.00; shipping, 121.0023.00.
Hods Quiet, state. 1921, !024c; Pa
cific coast 1121, lS24c; 1920, 1719c.
Fork quiet; mess, l.s.eo;, ramuy,
i.ard Easy; mlriaiewest, ii.soou.o.
Tallow Quiet; special loose, 4Hc;
exira loose, .otc. ziiue, Bieauj , ibuv;
hesd. 7J7?;c
'w Y'ork Coffee.:
New Yo.-k. June 26. The market for
coffee futures opened at tv decline of 4
points to an advance o 1 points wttn
near months relatively eey. owing to the
circulation of July notices amounting to
about 12,000 bags. July sold oft to 9.99c.
but steadied at that level, while near
months seller bought later deliveries and
the general tone of the market was steady
durlnr tha afternoon with December sell
ing up from l.84o to 1.19c, and witTi the
general list cloeing at net advance of
6 to 10 points. Sales were estimated
at about 42.000 bags. July, 10.08c; Sep
tember. 1.99c; October, 9.96c; December,
9.68c: January. S.83c: March. 9.72c: May.
Spot Coffee Market dull: Rio 7s, 10'4c;
Santos 4s. 14j to 14,c. Cost and freight
offers were about unchanged, .including
Santds 3a and 6s part bourbon, at 14.00c
to 14.26c. for prompt shipment and at
13.600 to 11.70c for July, November ship
ment. Rio 7s were offered at lO.SOc for
June, July and at 10.60c for July August
shipment, American credits.
The official cables reported no rhsnge
tn the dollar buylnr rate. Rio exchange
on London was l-32d higher with the
sanioe market its rets lower to 200 reie
higher, and Rio, 76 to 100 fels higher.
Brazilian port receipts, 12,000 bags; Jun
dishy receipts, 3,000 bags.
: St. Looi U restock.
Bast St. Louts, III., June 26. Cattle
Receipts 7.000 head; market, best native
steers, steady; common and medium
gradee, IS to 25o lower; top steers, 10.26;
bulk natives, 17.0098.36; Texas steers,
stsady to shad lower; other classes,
steady; bulk . light yearlings, II. 26 7. 76:
bulk cows, 14.0076.25; earners, I2.26&
1.60; bologna lulls. 14.0004.26: veal calf.'
top, 18.60; bulk, 11.00; bulk Blockers and
feeders. IS.OO0t.26.
. Hogs Receipts 13,000 hesd; market,
fairly active. 16 to 26c lower; top, 110.76;
bulk, .160 to 240-pound averages, 10.l0$
10.76; light lights. 110.40010. 70; pigs,
110. 0010. 60; packer sows, 11.1091.00.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts 4,600 head;
market, steady to strong; choice Kentucky
lambs, 112.60; bulk natives, 111.00412.26;
southwest Missouri lambs, 111.00611.60;
culls, 16.0066.60; Tat light ewes, 16.00
6.60; heavies, ,12.0002.50. '
' New York Soger.
New York, Jun 26. The raw augsr
market was quieter today and the under
tone was a littla easier with spot, July
and August shipment Cuba quoted at
IHe. cost and freight, equal to 4.11c
for centrifugal. There were eales of 65,
000 bag of Cuba for August shipment.
In raw sugar futures early irregularity
waa followed by renewed firmness on
scattered covering - and buying by trade
and houses with Cuban connections. Fi
nal prices were 1 to points net hither
and within a point or two of th beat. .
July, 1.12c; September, J.Jic; Decem
ber. 1.15c ; March. 1.21c.
Th demand for refined sugar was less
active although withdrawals on old or
der continue heavy. Prices wer unchang
ed at 4. 25c to 4.J0c for granulated.
Refined futures, nominal. July, 4.10c;
September, 1.65c; Decern ter, 1.15c
S4wz City Live Stack.
Sioux City, la., Jun 14. Cattle Re
eelpta, 1,60 head; ted ateers and year
lings, 17.7S4P1.25; market, klllera steady;
lockers weak to 25c lower; eteera and
yearling. 11.71 4V: grass oows and heif
ers, 14.004)1.; fat cows and heifers,
16.21 7.T1: canncra, . 12.1091.00; veals.
15. 00911 01: feeders, SI.H97.OO: calves,
IS.IO0T.2t; feeding cows and heifers, 12.14
06.26; . Stockers. 15.00 7.00.
Hog Receipt. 1. 491 hesd; market 150
!5e lower: butcher. 9.IO01.OO; lights,
110.10; mixed heavy, tl.l50l.2e; heavy
packers, 18. 2i0'.H; native pigs, 110.000
10.21; stags. II..
Sheep Receipt. 10 head: market
teady; bulk ot lea. 11.716)10.0.
- Baa J1ts.
New York. June 24. Foreign Bar SilverHe,
i Live Stock
Omaha, Jun II,
Receipt were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
Monday eetlmai.... 4, so
Hams day laal week. 1.714 11.431 1,410
Sam I week (go... 7. Ill 14.114 IHI
am I week ago... 271 1114 II. ell
m day ) ear ago. . 4.611 1,113 12. til
Receipt and diepoeitlen of tiveatnvk
t the Union alockyarde, Omaha. Neb., for
24 hour, ending at I p. m. Jun 24, 1122,
m amv. nasi vnvep. 11 r
C. U A It. P. Ry.. I II
Wabh n. K 1
11 . p..i,i. u a
Total receipt 121 110 21 (
Cattle. Hogs Sheep.
Armour Co 1.451 2.848 2.631
t-udahy Packing Co... 1.144 2.424 1.17
Hold Parking Co Ill 1,096 ....
Morris Parking Co, .. 444 1.107 oT
Swift CO 1,031 t.033 1,417
.1. W. Murphy 1 174 ....
Swans Co 157 ....
Lincoln Parking Co. ... 8
Wllaon Parking Co. .. 171
Armour, Slous Fall 173 ....
Illggins Packing Co. .. II
Hoffman Bros 16
Mayerowlrh Vail.... 1"
Midwest Pe -king Co. .. 12
P. O'Dea I
Omaha Packing Co. .. 11
John Roth It Son 66
Sinclair 66
J. H. Bull 12 ....
Dennl A Francis .... 3
John Harvev 166
T. P., Inghram 3
F. P. Lewi 70
3. R. Root At Co. ... . 6
Sullivan Bros 4
Wsrthelmer A Degen.. 120
Othir buver 1.144 .... 1,174
Smiley Bros 13
Ulrkpatrlck Bros, .... 41 .... ....
Total . T.I5I 11,11 1,40
Cattle Receipts, v.600 hesd. With
about a normal opening day run of cattle
th market starts out about where It left
off Saturday. Trad waa fairly active on
the desirable atror.g weight steers, best
grades going at 19.2691.60. Yearlings
were inclined to be slow and sales abov
12.00 were rara. Cow and heifers ware
generally stead' with th close of laet
week and th market for etocksrs and
feeders wss dull and unchanged.
Quotations on cattle: Choice to prim
beeves, ll.OO0t.liO; good to choice beeves,
18.1601.00: flr to good beeves. 18.260
1.61; common lo fair beeves, 17.760t.25;
choic to prim yearlings, II. 6001.16;
good to choic yearlings, 18.1008.10; fair
to good yearlings, 17.6001.00; cofnmon to
fair yearllnga. 16.6007.25; choir to prime
heifers, 17.7501.10: good to choice heif
ers, 17.0007.76; fair to good heifers,
15.7506.76; choice to prime cows, tJ. 1 6 43)
1.76; good to choice cows. $,5.0006.00;
fair lo good irows, 14.0005.00; common to
fair cows. 12.00 0 8.76: good to choic
feeders. 17.1607.76; fair to good feeders,
1.I507.15; common to fair feeders. 16.00
06.60; good to choice stockers. 17.250
7.15; fsir to good stockers, 16.5007.25;
common to fair stockers, 15.6006.10;
stock heifers, 15.0096.75: stock cows,
1.1.6004. 60; stock calves, SS.S04P7.6O: veal
calves. 14.0007.60: stock bulla, 14.6007.50;
bulls, stags, etc.. 13.7(07.00.
No.' Av. Pr. No. Av. Tr.
It..:... 60S 7 10 II 1084 8 IS
4a. 1144 8 SO .10 882 8 65
33 1083 8 60 IS 1260 8 65
fi 1669 8 75 19 met w
S3... ...1246 IS 4:1 1138 00
3i 1100 25 17 1355 30
150 1335 S 50
31 741 7 75 ",13 60 7 85
22 731 8 00 29. 767 S 40
26 887 8 60 24 908 8 70
60...... 100 S 90 26 768 , 9 SO
12 764 4 10 7.. 142 S SO
S 1082 6 00 S......1326 6 10
18 748 6 35
12 645 1 00 18 834 7 60
20 T88 6 26
1......1440 3 C5 1 1080 4 -55
1 760 4 50 1 1710 i 00
II. 306 7 25,
Hogs Receipts. 11,000 hesd. Although
trading was slow to get underway today
the market was fairly active' later at
prices mostly 10016c lower with some
ur.evenness, heavy hogs and heavy mixed
loads continuing draggy. Light hogs sold
mostly at 110.00010.10, the latter top
price for the day; good quality medium
weight butchers at 19.7009.90 and strong
weight butchers st 19.4009.60. Light
mixed loads moved at 19.2009.75 and
heavy mixed and packing grades mostly
at I8.750I.2S. Bulk of good hogs, 19.50
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
67. .297 ... 9 00 69. .261 40 9 30
67. .262 ... 9 25 39. .298 40 9 50
61. .241 70 9 60 70..240 70 9 65
64. .244 10O 9 75 67. .236 ... 9 80
68. .232 ... 9 90 79. .219 ... 10 00
76. .211 40 10 05 70... 195 10 10
Sheep Receipts, . 6,800 head. Trading
on all classes was fairly active today,
with prices generally 25035c higher.
Idaho spring lambs sold largely at 112.75,
with best quality quoted at 113.00. Na
tive springers sold at 112.25012.50 and
clipped California lambs at 111.35. Shorn
yearlings averaging around 70 pounds
sold at 110.75. Sheep were strong on
light receipts, small lots ot ewes selling
mostly at 14.0005.00, with good quality
handy weights quoted at to. 25.
Quotations on sheep: Fat lambs, west
erns, 111.76013.00; fat lambs, natives,
III. 00011.60; feeder lambs. 10.00011.25;
cull lambs, 16.00010:00; fat yearlings,
19.00010.76; fat wethers, 16.5008.50; fat
ewes, light, 14.0006.26; fat ewes, heavy,
Chicago LIto Stock.
Chicago, June 26. Cattle Receipts,
22,000 head; beef steers, steady to strong;
spots higher: -top. 10.00; bulk. 18.250
940; she stock, bulls snd stockers. steady
to strong; csnners and cutters and veal
calves, steady; bulk beef cows and
heifers, 14.7507.25; canners and cutters
largely 13.0003.75; bulk bologna bulls,
14.26; veal calves to packers, largely
17.6008.00; to outsiders, 18.6001.25.
Hogs Receipts, 60,000 head; opened 1
to 13c lower; later steady to 15c lower
on lights and good butchers; mixed and
packing grades. 16 to 25c lower; top.
110.75; bulk good butchers, 110.25010.70;
packing sow mostly 19.0009.26; shippers
took about 14.000 head; holdover liberal;
pigs, stesdy. mostly 19.50010.50.
Sheep Receipts, 13,000 head; mostly
15c higher.; top native lambs, 113.00; bulk,
113.75; culls, S7.OO07.5O; best fat light
ewes. 11.76; extremely heavy. 13.26: fed
western yearling breeding ewes, 110.76;
sort off to killers, 111.00; native breed
ing ewes, mostly 16.5008.00; yeariings,
up to 19.25; good feeder yearlings, 18.60.
City Livestock.
Kansas City, June 26. (U. S. Bureau
of Markets.) Cattle Receipts 11.000
head; beet steers and she stock generally
strong to 25c higher; top steers, 19.60;
better grades cowl. mOsly 16.00 to 6.60;
few 16.00; common to medium, 13.76 to
4.60; csnners, bulls and calves, steady
to strong; practical top on vealers, 18.00;
small lot. 18.60; most canners, 12.000
2.60; cutters largely 13.00 to 2.60; most
bulls. 13.75 to 6.00.
Hogar Receipts, 14,000 hesd; shippers
took about 2,600; light and medium, weak
to 10c lower; top, 110.35; packers bidding
16 to 26c lower; bulk of ssles. 19.75 to
10.30; throw out sows mostly 18.40 to 8. 66;
stock pigs around steady; bulk good mix
ed. -110.00 to 10.25.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts 6.000 head:
all classes steady to strong; top native
lambs, 112.10; bulk better grades, 1125
to 12.60; most culls around 16.00.
St. Joaepk Live Stock.
8L ' Joseph. Mo., June 26. (United
States Bureau of Markets) Hogs Re
ceipts, 10.500 head; shippers buying a few
170 to 220-pound weights. .110.25010.20:
look mostly 10 lower than Saturday's
average: packers doing nothing; average
cost Saturday, 110.01 for weight 221;
average cost last week, 110.02; weight,
Cattle Receipt. 2,300 head; best grades
beef ateers and yearlings about steady;
others dragging; she stock and calvee
mostly steady; top pric 1,200 pound
teers, 11.00; no choic yearlings sold
early; beef cows mostly 6.60 down; veal
calves, top early, 17.00.
Sheep Receipts, 1,600 head; fat Iambs,
10c higher; sheep, about steady; top native
lambs, 112.60; culls, 16.00; 77-pound year
lings, 114.00; light fat ewes. 15.40; others,
- Dried Fruit. .
New York. Juna 26. Evaporated Ap
ples Quiet, stata prims to choice, 17 0
Prunes Firm. Callfornlas. tte to HHc;
Oregon I to 20s. 12H018C.
Apricot Nominal
Peach Steady: choice, 130 lac; ex
tra choir. 16c: fancy. 20c.
Rataine Eaay; loose muscatel. 160
24Ic; choic to fancy seeded. lSc to
14c; eetdles. 1140 to 20c
Union fartfle ft, R . , 71 21 ;
C. N. W, Ry., eat. I I 1
C, N. W. Ky,. weet SI I 3 4
C. St. P., M. O. 40 II
.'.. R. Q. Ry., et S
., R Q Ry., wt 7144.. 1
C, R. t. 4V P., aat. IS 2 ,. ,,
f , R. 1. P., weet. I 1
Illinois ventral A7,, e a ,,
C, O. W. Ry
Omaha lb) Indus' Wtr.
New York, June 26. Taken as a
whole, today's stock market tramac
tions of 7J0.0OO shares were large
enough as such things go but more
than one-fourth of that total was con
tributed by sales of Mexican Petro
leum stock, by dealings in share of
the company organized to hold Mexi
can Petroleum stock and by trading
in ihare of two or three other oil
companie. It will not have escaped
notice that the broad general trading
which was reflected in the almost un
broken series of "million share mar
kets" from the beginning of April
into June came abruptly to an end on
the day, a week and a half ago, when
the rapid marking up of Mexican
Petroleum began. Since that day
total transactions have only once
reached a million shares; the daily in
crease has been fairly continuous.
However much this subsiding of in
terest in the market may be an inci
dent of the season, it will hardly be
doubted that it is also the uncon
scious expression of dislike at a mar
ket dominated by a virtually cornered
Mexl-an Petroleum (lock Itself rose I1 14
points further today though It lost S
points of this before th clos. It
treme advene during th nln last busi
ness days has been 71 points. A change
of that sort In price, within so brief a
time ran only result from on ot four
causss an utterly unprecedented Increaae
of busineia profit, such a (nt up Beth
lehem Steel In th spring of 1116; un
bridled outside (peculation for th rise,
uch as brought Studebaker from 14 In
th spring of HIS to 111 In th fall,
a contest for control regardless ot price,
such ss carried Northern PacKIc from
83 in March of 1901 to 710 in May. or
last of all, the absolute cornering of a
speculative "short account." Since there
has been no Increase In this oil company's
business, sine th speculative msnla of
191 does not esUt today, and sine at
contest for control of a stock, th ma
jority of whose shares sr owned by
another company, ia not conceivable, th
actual character ot th market for Mex
ican Petroleum la not likely to be dlaputed.
Movement ot prices today, outside th
group referred, wa entirely upward,
changes wer mostly fractional and de
clines were about as numerous as ad
vances. Th (trength of railway ahares,
however, wa again noticeable. In th
day's market for Investment bond prices
changed little, but moatly In an upward
direction. The Fourth Liberty 4 '4s again
sold at their high record price.
After falling to 14.17; th low price
ot the season and marking a decline of
W.t cents from th rat ot almost exact
ly three weeks ago, aterling exchange re
covered 3ic closing below the test. Th
German mark recovered slightly from its
low point of Saturday; apparsntly its
price was not affected by th death of
Dr. Rathenau.
New York Stocks
Range of prices of the leading stock
furnished by Logan & Bryan, 248 Petera
Trust building:
High. Low. Close. Close.
A., T. & S. F 994 994 994 994
Bait. & Ohio 60i 60 U 60i 60 H
Canadian Pac 1394 138; 138S 139H
new lorx central 96s 14 I5T4 94;
Ches. & Ohio 67 i tS'i 66U 864;
Great Northern. .. . 81; 80 81 80
Illinois Central 106 V; 1044 106 U 104 "4
K. C. Southern 25" 24; 2414 25'4
Lehigh Valley 5"4 144 66 4Vs
Missouri Pacific.... 2I'i 21'i 214 214
N. Y. A N. H ,.30S 30 30 SO;
Northern Pacific... 7f 4 76 76 74
C A N. W 764 75 76 744
Penn. R. R 42'4 42 42'i 4-JU
Reading 75; 74 7814 74
v.. rv. i. ts. tr 1.1 ezi, 4J 43
Southern Pacific. 90'i 89; 90 H9K
Southern Railway.. 24 '4 2314 24 244,
C, M. ft g. P 2l 264 26'4 264
Union Pacific 1384 1 374 1 3 1 54 1 38 4
Am. Car Fdy, . .163 168 162 i
Allis-C'hal'mers ... 49; 4934 491 4 in
Am. Loco 113; H3 113; ....
Bald. Loco 114',i 118'i 1134 lis.
Beth. Steel 76'4 754 765. 75V
Colo. P. & 1 29'4 29'; 29 ....
Crucible 73 '4 72'4 72'4 72;
Am. Steel Fdy .... 37; 56; 37;
Lack. Steel 73 i 73 78 1; 73
Midvale Steel 334 33 334 324
Press. Steel Car 7514
Rep. Steel & I 714 71; 71'4 70';
IT. S. Steel ... 99; 9s 99'A 98T4
Vanadium 45,4 45 45V4 45',
Anaconda 62'4 52 62'4 61 4
A. S. ft Ref. Co... 60; 6954 69i S9;
Cerro De P 35V4 35t4 35'4 24
Chili 2114 20 ?; 21 . 21 '.4
Chlno 2914 ;o 29 ....
Cal. ft Ariz 111;
Green Cananea ... 30' 29 29 ....
Inspiration 40 'j 40 '4 40 '4 4014
Kennecott 3414 334 34 33;
Nev. Consol 16; ; jfiu igi
Ray Consol 16; IS'; isl 16,
S'n'c. 14 M; jsh, in;
Cth 634 63V4 63V4 63
General Asphalt... 7i 654 65'4 64
Cosden 474 45 46; 47 14
Cal. Peterol 66T4 64'4 64i 66
Island Oil n; 1 1 114
Invinciblo Oil 164 H?4 16 -16'
Mexican Peterol. . .204' 184 196 181 ',4
Middle States 14 13; 13 ; 14
Pacific Oil 684 67 684 68
Pah-American .... 86 '.4 804 85T4 80
Philips 62i 61 61; 62
Pierce Oil 84 8'4 84 84
Pure Oil 20 304 304 SO',4
Royal Dutch 604 69',; 69; 69T4
Sinclair Oil 33V; 32; 32; 33
Std. Oil. N. J 185 183 184
Ttxas Co 47 474 47 4474
Union Oil 214 21V4 21'4 214
White Oil 9 1 8',; ....
Chandler 71; 69'4 70 694
General Motors ... 14 13', 14 13
Willys-Overland . 8; 8 '4 8 8 4
Pierce-Arrow 194 19 194 184
White Motor 48 48 48 484
Studebaker 130; 128 128; 1284
Fisk 16 15 16 154
Goodrich 40 884 39 '4 39
Kelley-Sprlngfield. 49; 48 48 48
Keystone Tir .... 16; 14 16 15
Ajax 16 14; 14 144
U. S. Rubber 64 62 13 62
Amer. Beet Sugar. 46 454 46 ....
At, Gulf ft W. I.. 41 39 40 384
Amer. Inter. Corp.. 43 42 42 ....
Amer, Sumatra ... 41; 41 41 4114
Amer. Telephone .120 120 120 120
American Can .... 47 46 46 47
Central Leather .. 38 37 38 37
Cuba Cane 17 16 16 16
Cuba-Amer. Sugar. 24 24 24 24
Corn Products 105 1034 104 103
Famous -Player .. 804 74?l SOU 79
General Electric. .167 166 167
ureat North ore.. 38 884 38 38
Int Harvester ..100 100 100 ..
Am H ft L pfd .. 68 68 68 ..
U S Ind Al .... 67 56 56 67
Int Paper 46 46 46 ..
Int M M pfd 74 73 73 73
Sears Roe 77 76 76 77
Tobacco Prod .... 84 81 83 81
Worthing Pump .. 49 49 49
Wilson Co 39 39 39
Westing Elec 60 .40 60 60
Am Woolen 89 88 89 884
Am Cot Oil J6
Am Ag Chm .... 39 39 39 39
Am Linseed .. 33 33 33 ..
Union Bab pfd ..62 62 62 ..
Brook R T 26t4 26U 'it 7nit
Cal. Packing 76 76 76
Col. G. E 10 14 16 ....
Columbia Graph... 4 4 4 44
united Drug 71 74 74 ....
United Fruit 139 1384 139
Lorillard Tobacco. 153 162 152 151
National Lead 95 94 94 93
Philadelphia Co... 38 38 38 . . . .
Pullman 120 120 120 120
Punta Ale. Sugar. 49 49 49 48
Retail Stores 67U 65 s;u tsu
Superior Steel 33. 33 33 32
St. L. at B. F 21 28 28 27
Total sales, 715.800.
Money Close, per cent.
Marks Close. .002114c: Saturdav cln...
sterling Close, 14.31; Saturday close,
Dry tsoods.
New York. Jun 24. Cotton goods wers
quieter todsy, following the decline tn
cotton. Yarns were steady on limited
trading. Burlaps were steady.
Raw silk was slightly higher snd silk
goods showed a moderste Improvement.
Woreted drees goods sold a little more
ireeiy from stock and for delivery In
Kansas City Produce,
Kansas City, Mo.. June 24. Emc
Firm, unchanged; firsts. 20c: seconds, 14c.
Butt-r Creamery. 0c: le higher.
Tacking lc hither. 23c,
New York Bonds
(Th Bet la tbc only Omaha
newapaper which pubbehea the of
fecial eioae of the New Yoi It Stock
eachang bond,)
New York, Jun 2 Dullness was Ik
rhief feilur of today band msrksi,
dealing being lighter nU mora contrail-j
than at any r-M period. Uaina ut
numbered realone. but change In in
mr Important Iwue er normal.
Th enure liberty group, with on
eepilan, gsin sold well aver par, hut
na new record r eaiatiltehed, d'spit
heavy operation in the several 1 per
cent lue
Hrllieh lsn hardened slightly In r.
pons to th better Ian of aterling ei.
change, but Krnrh loan continued I
ease on th barkward case of th local
I'arw rate. Il-nran government md
up more of trolr recent reaction and
Cuban Can 7 and I Improved.
Oelne averaging I point wer registered
by many rslle, especially those of th
Investment type. Among thes wr Cen
tral Pacific firt la, Peunaylvama general
la, Ht. Paul rrfunding !a, kanaaa Oty
Southern is, Missouri, Ksnss snd Teas
and Chicago and Lantern Illinois Is.
Total salts (per value) siirrgsttd 114.
731.000. New corporal offringe of the day
Included Wsbaah railway I4.lo0.0oo or t
r rent r'quipmil Trutt rertifirste.
whlrh wer immediately disposed and New
York Sleam Corporation 16,000,000 fust
mortgage I per lent bonds.
New York. Jun 24 Kollowtnc si to
day' high, tow and closing prices of
bond en th New York stock eichssg
asa IB total sales of sscn bond:
C. . Bonds.
Sal (in 11.000) High Low Clos
13 Liberty ! ...100.12 100 01 100,04
1 Liberty let 4 . .100.10 100.10 100.1
1 Liberty let 4 ...100.10 100.10 100.10
1 Liberty 2nd 4 .. 100.00 100.0 100.00
121 Liberty 1st 4.. 100.11 100.10 100.24
III Liberty 2nd 4..I0.I0 100.03 100.04
182 Liberty Ird 4.. 100.14 100.04 100 04
127 Liber-y 4th 4.. 100.24 100.1 100.22
761 Victory 4,s .,..100.6 100.10 100.12
rorelga Bonds.
11 Argentine 7 100 19 10
4 Berne I 111 111 111
47 Bordeaux I 14 11 14
1 Christian! Is ....101 101 101
Copen Is 91 91 11
S Lyons Is 84 13 13
II Marseilles la 14 13 13
5 Rio De Jan la ....101 101 101
4 Sen Paulo I ....102 1014 101
I Toklo 1 70 70 70
1 Zurich I 111 11144 111
1 Danish Mun 1 A. .110 110 110
41 Dept Seine 7 .... 12 11 91
11 Dom Can t 21. .101 100 101
7 Dom Csn 6s 31.... 17 17 974
30 Dtch K Ind Is 47.. 94 94' 14
133 Dtch E Ind SI. . 94 94 94
47 French Is 103 108 103
81 French 7s 100; 100 100
19 Jspsn 1st 4 .... 91 41 91
7 Jspsn 4s 77 77 77
21 Belgium 7s 108 107; 101
It Belgium Is 102 ' 103 102
27 Denmark be 91 94 98
1 Italy 4s 44 14 II
71 Netherlands Is .... 97 97 97
4 Norway Is 110 101 110
20 Sweden Is 102 101 102
24 Parls-Ly-Med Us .. 10 80 80
2 Chile Is 46 104 . 104 104
7 Uruguay Is 105 104 105
6 Queensland 7s 109 109 109
12 Queensland 6s ....101 100 100
15 Rio Or 8ul Is 101 101 101
9 Swiss 8s 118 114 118
60 K Q B ft I 6a 22.107 107 107
48 K G B ft I 6s 22.107 1064 107
60 K O B ft I 6s 17.103 103 101
81 Brazil 8s 104 104 104
38 Mexico 6s 60 69 60
33 Mexico 4 91 17 97
Hallway and Miscellaneous.
1 Adams Ex 4s 77 77 77
4 Ajax Rub Is 100 100 100
12 Am Ag Chm 7s..l03 1: 103
9 Am' Smlt 5a .... 92 92 92
41 Am 8ug 6s 101 100 101
1 A T ft T cv 6s. .114 114 114
31 A T ft T col tr 6s.. 97 97 97
8 Am Writ Pa 7a.. 86 85 85
1 Armour 4s 89 . 89 89
95 Atchison gen 8s .. 95 95 95
4 Atchison adj 4s .. 83 82 82
14 At C L 1st COn4s.. 89 89 89
11 At Ret t 103 103 103
33 B ft O 6s 99 994' 99
17 B & O cv 4s.... 82 82 82
4 Bell Tel Penn 7s.. 108 107 107
1 Beth Ref 6s 94 94 94
2 Beth p m Ss .. 89 89 89
9 Braden Cop 6s . . 98' 98 98
2 Bkln Ed gen 7s D..105 106 105
1 Can Nor 6s 111 111 111
21 Can Pac d 4s . . 78 78 78
7 Cent Ga 6s 99 99 99
4 Cent Leath 6s 97 97 97
190 Cent Pac gtd 4s.. 89 87 88
4 Cerro Pasco 8s. ...118 117 118
65 Ches ft O cv 6s.... 93 93 93
74 Ches ft O cv 4s.. 86 87 88
18 C B ft Q ret 6sA..100 100 100
13 C. ft K 1 5s 80 79 79
7 C O W 6s 60 60 60
28 C M ft St P cv 4s 68 68 68
62 C M ft St P ret 4s 68 61 62
16 C ft N W 7s 107 107 107
SC& N W 6S....100 100 100
8 Chi Rys 6s ....T-. 81 81 81
24 C R I & P gen S.. 83 83 83
10 C R I ft P ref 4s .. 81 81 81
4 C ft W I 4s 73 72 73
16 Chile Cop 7s 105 104 104
7 Chile Cop 6s 91 90 90
1 C. ft S ref 4s .. 87 87 87
1 Col G ft 6s.. 94 94 94
25 Con Coal Mrylnd 6s 87 87 87
86 Cons Gss 7 116 115 116
35 Cuba On Sg d 8s.. 88 86 88
16 Cub Cn Sg d 7s 86 85 86
1 Cuba R R 6s A.. 103 103 103
1 Cub Am Sua; 8s. 106 106 106
2 D ft H cv 6s .... 95 95 96
D ft R G Imp 5s.. 81 81 81
1 D M ft Ft D 4s.. 66 66 66
1 Det Ed ref 6s 101 101 101
13 Det Utd Rys 4s.. 83 81 81
8 Dimnd Mtch 7s..l08 108 108
15 Dis Sec 6s 45 44 44
5 Dpnt Nem 7s ..107 106 107
2 Duo. Light 6s 103 102 103
8 Erie gen 4s 64 64 64
4 Eriopr lien 4s .. 63 63 63
6 Fisk Rub 8s 106 106 106
1 Floradi E Cat 4a. 90 904 90
7 Framer I D 7a.. 97 97 97
1 Gen Elec d 5s 100 100 100
32 Goodyear Ss 31 ..101 101 101
3 Goodyear 8s 41 114 114 114
1 Gnd Tnlc 7 112 112 112
23 Gnd Tnk 6s 102 102 102
32 Grt Uorth 7s A 109 109 109
200 Grt North 6s 101 100 101
23 Hud ft M ret 5s A. 83 82 82
44 Hud ft M ad inc Is 62 62 ea
23 III Cent 5s 101 100 101
7 Ind St 5a 100 100 100
3 Int Met 4s 12 12 12 12
6 Int Met 4s ctrs .. 12 lzis H"i
75 Int R T ref 6s.. 68 67 67
6 Int M'M sf 6s 97 96 96
6 Int Pa ref 5s B. . 86 85 85
4 Invlnc Oil 8s 47 97 97
7 Iowa Cent ref 4s.. 44 44 44
9 K C Ft S ft M 4S. 79 78 79
S.I K C So 6s 88 84 87
6 Kell-Spring 8s 108 108 108
IS Lack St 6s 23 100 100 100
5 6 Lack St 6s 50.. 89 89 89
1 Lacld G St I, 1st 6s 91 91 91
8 L S ft M S d 4s 31. 92 92 92
1 Lehigh Val 6s 102 102 102
14 Lig ft My 5s 95 95 96
Lorillard 5s 94 94 94
24 L ft N ref 5S ..105 105 105
4 L ft N unified 4s .. 91 91 91
62 Mkt St Ry con 6s.. 88 88 88
1 Marland Oil Ss 104 104 104
26 Mex Pet 8s 108 107 108
6 Mich State T 1st 5s 98 98 98
8 Mid CV 5s 88 88 88
1 ft St I ref 6s 46 46 46
27MK&TnplSsA 82 82 82
46 M K ft T adj 6s A 66 66 66
23 M K ft T 1st 4S.. 79 79 79
5 M P 6s 23 100 100 100
39 M P gen 4s 63 63 63
12 Mnt Pow 5s A 96 96 96
4 Nat Tube 5s 100 100 100
8 N T ft M inn 6s... 71 70 70
25 N Y Cent col 7s.. 106 105 106
66 N Y C d 6s 104 103 104
2 N Y Ed ref 6s..l09 109 109
2 NY NH ft H c 6s 41 79 79 79
6 N Y Rys ref 4s ctf. 88 38 38
20 N Y T d 6s 49 104 104 104
18 N Y Tel ref 6s 41.. 104 104 104
4 N Y W ft Bos 4s. 63 63 63
1 Nor ft Sou 6s A.. 65 65 65
1 Nor ft West cv 6s.. 108 108 108
3 Nor ft West con 4s 92 91 91
1 N P pr lien 4s 87 87 87
-8 Nor Pac gen 3a .. 62 61 2
95 N P-O N gen 3s. ...105 105 1064
3 N. States P ref 5 A 91 90 91
29 N W Bell Tel 7s.. 106 106 106
Are ft Cal 1st Is.. 99 99 99
14 O 8 L gtd 6s ctfs.103 103 103
1 O S L ret 4s 91 91 91
5 Or-Wsh RR ft N 4s 81 81 81
IS Pae GAR Ss.... II 90 90 J
9 D .1, m. rwt e Q - 7
18 Packrd Mot Car 8s. 107 107 107
1 Pan-Am PAT 7s.. 102 102 102
14 Penn ts 108 108 108
41 Penn gen 6s 101 100 100
1 Penn gen 4s S3 91 91
15 Per Marq ret 6s.. 91 SS SS
S Peoria A E Inc 4s.. 26 S6 16
S Pro A Ref Is 102 102 102
21 Reading gen 4s.. 84 11 83
4 Iron Mt ref 4S 86 86 86
29 Frisco adj Cs 78 78 78
45 Frisco Inc Is 68 68 48
21 Frisco pr Hen 4s A 71 70 71
24 St L 8 W 1st 4s.. 79 78 78
St PA KCS L48 81 81 81
4 S A A A P 1st 4S 76 75 76
29 Sbrd con Is 69 59 69
3 Sbrd adj 6a 26 26 26
II Sbrd ref 4 42 41 42
1 Sharon St Hp s A 48 98 98
11 Sinclair O tr 7s.l04 104 104
28 So Psc cv 4s 91 91 91
21 So Fao ref 4...... 11 18 11
I M Pae eel tr I., 11 II' 11
II M Ry tea .,.. 91 14
II ka Ry .en e 9s 91
29 So Ry gen 4s e4 44
24 ka Prt Hie gg te. , II 11 4
14 mas (ill Cal fa . 14 lV 114
I T Pa 11 le,, I. It II
II Third At d le,, I
I Third Ai red le,. 44 4I4 41
I Tab Prod 1 11 11 11
17 In Pee 11 4 94 144 11
In Pe cv 4 914 14 94
I In l'e ref 4 ..14 !
II Union Tank Car 1.ll ei e
SUN Really I ., 11 11 11
IV t Rub 7 es I1
15 U S Rub I 11 I
24 I' HI w I 11 4 101
S Ulshy I'uw I II leu 41
II Va-i'r Chm 7 ..! "
Va-cr i hm .:..)0i 11 141
I Vi If I II 14 41
1 West F.tec 1 140 o4 10 '
21 Weet Mrylnd let I. ! 13 II
I Weal Pae 1 17 11 11
14 Weetlng ISIee 7..,. 14 14 l4
I Wick Span St 7... 49 II
t Wllaon A C f 7.l5 141 'i lS
I Wilson A C cv Is- 91 91 91
II Caerba. Slovak I ctf 94 91 91
114 Dam ran la II M'4 41', 91
II Kmp OAK 1.. 11 91
7 Hin Crude Oil l. 11 11 11
1 Chinese Ry Is II II II
Toial salee of bonds tlsv were 114..
731 000 compared with 17,949.000 previous
day and 4.3J.oo4 a yar ago.
N. Y. Curb Bonds
New York, June 24 Transactions on
th New York curb market tedty were
a follows:
Dom ee tie BoAdi,
1 Allied Peck Is.... II 81
2 Allied Peck Is ctf 43 41
1 Allied Tsrk Is.... II 91 91
S Am T A T le 'JMOO' 100 100
4 A T A T 4S :i.,.IOI 101 101
2 Ana op 4s 100 100 100
Ana Cop 7s '21. ..103 101 103
Anglo Am Oil 7101 103 103
15 Armour A Co 7. .104 101 104
A O Wl Is ! II II
I H II (1 Is 104 104 144
7 Beth StI 7 '21. ..1044 104 10
20 B U O 7s 104 104 104
40 Can Nat Ry la... 11
5 Can Pso 1 101 101 101
1 Cent Bll I 106 106 106
4 C Cost Ir 1 16 96 95
15 Cons Gss Bait Is. 100 14 100
1 Con Test 1 100 19 91
1 Sun Ol) 7s 100 100 100
I Swift A Co s '21.101 161'. 101
31 Teias Co 7 101 101 101
I Tidal Ossge 7s... 101 101 101
1 Un Oil Prod SS...106 106 101
1 Valvol Oil 7 99 II 99
14 Wealern F.ic 7..10l 108 10
7 Winchester 7e...l01 101 101
Foreign Bonds.
14 Argentine 7 '21. .100 99 99
13 Can 8 7 84 44 94
14 C O Pr 7t -' Sl4 91
79 City of Elb 6 4 4 4
16 City of Monti 7s.. 47 47 97
14 K Serb Is 96 96 96
206 NY NH Fr 4s 15 84 86
I Russian 6s .... 20 20 20
1 Swiss 6s 102 102 102
131 U 8 Mex 4S 42 41 42
11 U S Bras 7s 17 11 17
Chicago Stocks.
Rang of prices of the iesding Chicago
stocks furnished by Logan A Bryan, 248
Peters Trust building:
Armour A Co. pfd 87 H
Armour Leather com 12
Edison com.' 130
Continental Motor 7
Diamond Match 115
Lihby 2
Montgomery-Ward 22
Stewart-Warner , 43
Swift i Co 100
Swift Int 194
Union Carbide 55
Wahl i 69
Wrigley 101
For on JULY THIRD the price of this
splendid security goes to $97.00. Event
ually you'll buy a share or two of this
PREFERRED STOCK it's worth $2.00
to you to make up your mind to BUY,
NOW get in on the ground floor.
Nebraska Power Co.
MW lata raullry.
New Terk, June 4 Poullri
firm, hroileie. lifier; fewle. ; rose!,
era. 14c: turkee, : tireeaed week;
western rkh bene, llr; fewle fjloe;
eld roosters Its Hi. lurUete. :itfi:r.
Faerlga V.trlMaae.
Now Yark, June : or-i f.f ng
1'irm. a
Uraal Hrlialn Demand. 1141: lee,
II 41; 44 d4v bills on hanks. It uv
Cranre 1 e m a B d. .litis, cabl.
Italy Demand, .0111c; rsbles. 4l"l';e.
Heigiuin D m a d, .;ilt; .sblee.
iermany D m n d, ,i;ir; rsble,
Ilniiand Demand, . 9121c; rsblea .31:1.
Nurway Demsnd, ,llle,
tittetten Demand, -SIO.
Ininark DemSnd. II!).
nwiiseflsnd Uemsnd. .11940.
Hpaln I'emsnd, .!
lr-e Pemand, ,2te.
Poland liemend, .041 I -t.
t'secha-Hlovakla Demand. ,419:'
Argentine Demand. Illle,
Hrasil Demand. .IXle.
Montreal ,11 ',e.
Vew York 5441.
Nw York, Jun 24. Copper Steedy;
electrolytic, spot and later. I344UC.
Tin Steady: sput and futures, ll'ic
Iron Kteady; No, I northern. 26 040
27.00; No. 2 nnrth-rn. 24 oo:i.or; No. I
southern. 1I.00IJ 20 00c.
Lead Stead)1; spot. 1.7101 lie
in. Quiet ; Et Ni. l-ouie, spet snd
nearoy delivery, ism see.
Antimony Spot, 1.018 tile.
New Issue
(published tn 1891.)
First (Cloed) Mortgage 64 Serial Gold Bond.
SECURITY! First mortgage lien on real estate, flan. nd
other fixed asseU of the company haine present
valuation of $6,704,862 or over THREE TIMES
the amount of this issue.
EARNINGS: Since 1896 have in no year failed to show sub
atantial profit For the paat 9 years averaf
earnings after depreciation, depletion and ob
solescence, but before interest and income taxes
x were $512,660 or approximately FOUR TIMES
the interest requirements of this issue,
Thii iiiue will appeal to the invsitor whe desire a well-secured
initmnt with a hifh interest return, and we offer it wita eur
unqualified recomoieadation.
Maturitiea Julj 1, 123 to 1937.
Price 100 and interest
Yield 6V2.
Write or call for a descriptive circular.
H. E. HARRIS, Res. Mgr.
701 Peters Trust Building
$100.00 SHARES OF
Our employees are our only salespeople. Ask any;
of them about our "Saving Plan" whereby you may.
purchase this stock on a "Saving Plan" basis of
only $10.00 a month.
ew 1a r
' Yarii, Jun It Hitr 1mi
uu, tmhtr lUK etira. l4 :
ffm etna., Ho; intiMry firele. I
.r, parsing iwa, current ma) r, a,
rise Clrm: (reek geihered lr mu.
'S !: tree gainer f.ri, l(
Jlei i'ili.f vnqMt4.
I'hMK- inn, ( wttala ml III 111.
Ire iruu. :SJlc elai (hall willk
fuia. run, ij iai l milk
twin. Ire.h epeelel. t'4! Ul
mhol nulk lni, erg run, !.
( hli ffMin.
Chlr. June Huiler Higher!
rrramary etlrai, flralai. IIVe)lltt;
ee-niie, lottJIr, eiendard. I?4e.
User. retelle. cmm:
flrele. IH,;m, mainarr Ural.
K)S''i mix ellan.mie lltaCHI! lrg
pe.ke4 etlrae, ll,)Jlc; e'erag sackea
tirete. JHr.
I'oullr) llv, unrhengsd. fowl, ltd
broileie, 21 9 lie i rooeier. lie.
hlrag Petal.
C'hlesge, Jun it. I'eial II I fatly
weaker; raralpia, III ran. total Unll4
Mai. a ahipmenie. Ill rara: eeulher
eirked hunt Triumph". 11 :tfl cwl I
Alabama, Hpauldir. Haa narked II II
Mi e I ; North I'lmllnt Irlah I'akhlera,
lata harral, II Sift 10; aaatarn ehort Vir
ginia, aiai earrel. Irlah I'abOlara. II 114
I. II. Dlil alerU, aleerty; Wlarnnun, ttlrkl'
ta iack4 rouna whlia, ti. tt.
Puluih, Minn, Juna 14 Flateed Jul?,
III bid: gentember. II 10 kid: Oalebar,
II ll. aaktd.
ATlaarle S1S.