The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 27, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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    T1IR OMAHA BEE: TUESDAY. JUNE 27. 1022. '
f hamninn Jark Rriftnn Wins Over I pnnarrl nn Fnnl in Thirteenth Round
.Welter King
Hands Benny
Severe Lacing
l.i:Iitwrij:lit 'fill Holder IV
lilit ratclv IIit- Opponent
While I.atler VTa on
Hi- Kneeit in 13lli.
Omuli ll- I Meil Mir.
New Virk. Juiif 'f-J;iik I'.ril
fun, t fir wrllirwPinht c lian: t tl. won
Imin llriiny l.rniunl. tlir lin!'twrMi!it
i-li.iniH.'ii, in the I .llh round in a
Uii'liiNd 15 rmmil li'uit at tlic
llri'iix vi-lnilri'ine toniKlit itritt.m
ti a I Kucti l.coiiar'l a otvere Iu'iiik
to tlif Tiionifiit Leonard cut
over the allt'Ki'd ioi:l blow.
I lit y uric ii'.ixuiK in a ii'riinni.iK''
in tlii-'l.tlli round, with Hritton anav
nut m the load. In a clo mhIII'1
ilriti'ui went down on his knees with
a :lit !-tt .Mid a shine from the
litihtwi-iKlit iliaiupiMii As lie was
in that portion, looking P l'lr
nfine. I'atsv llalry. I.ronard ilrlili
iratiiv Miiasln-d lint toil with lefts
and iik'H- to the (are. Immediately
thirr tut ifrrat excitement. The
vriituls nt both men ilimbed into
the iiii', making wild claims in ajl
direction, hut the reieree "called"
I. iard tai the spot. It va a very
mi-at i;it tory ending to a battle
which appeared to be all 1'iitton's
Did As He Pleased.
The elterweiht Hritton did
about as he pleased. In the tight he
mailo a veritable utirker of Hilly
Ciibson's champion. There was only
one round in which Leonard showed
in front and that was in the eleventh
frame. Then he staered the vet
eran Jack when he shot rihts and
lefts to the face. Tor a brief period
he appeared to have Hritton on the
run. That was the only time during
the entire fracas when Leonard
slu wed in front.
Hritton had the liRhtwcicht cham
pion beaten riht along. He hooked
and cro.s-.ed Leonard to the fare
well. Kepeatcdly he drove Leonard
into neutral corners or he smashed
him with lefts and riKhts to face and
body until he had Leonard in a very
much worried state.
The blow that sent Hritton down
in the 1.1th round was rpiitc a puzzle
to the spectators, the two men were
working last, when suddenly Hritton
went to his knees. He apparently
wasn't very much hurt and looked as
though prepared to take a resting
position when Leonard sent over the
foul blows. To a man up a tree it
looked as though Leonard had found
a k00'1 snot 811(1 wl,c,ller or not -Vs
punches were deliberate must remain
a mooted question. At any rate,
Britton was the winner by a wide
margin up to the time of the unfor
tunate incident. Leonard was out
smarted and outpunched by the vet
eran welterweight at every step. And.
regardless of the verdict by way of
a foul route, Hritton was a legitimate
winner on points up to the time Ref
eree Patsy Haley stopped the con
test. Hurts Boxing Game.
The finish looked altogther wrong
and hurts the boxing game and we
trust that Leonard didn't resort to a
foul blow. This much is certain,
Hritton is Leonard's master as a
boxer and proved it clearly to more
than JO.lKlO boxing tans tonight.
At the start of the Lith and final
round while the men were walking
in to a clinch, Britton shoved a vi
rions left to Leonard's face, and
while Honnv tried to back awav he i
was upset and, tell on his back. 1 lie
dignity of the lightweight champion j
.suffered He was verv mucli ,
worried when he arose and appeared
unable to defend himself by the
severe attack of the veteran Jack. It
was at that particular stage as the
men went around that tbev stid
denlv came with a rush into short
.... .. ...i-c i,.iti,f t m re rri-e n a
lvMore the rcleroe hail a
chance to break then,. Totton sank
to a knee position, in which Leonard;-:
afterwards sent over the pv.nrr
1 lie nv.nriies
which brought the sudden termina
tion of the contesl.
Opinions Differ. j mR Rame v
From a pool taken at the ringside I This is probably only the begin
there were very few who claimed to njng 0f responsible jurisdiction,
Lave seen trie mow mui mvh
ton down and that is the puzzling
part of the situation. Was the whole
thing a Harney ': Opinions were
varied ns the crowd tiled out ot the 1
big amphitheater and there was ht-,
tic satisfaction over the queer end-
imr Surclv the boxing game can ;
;ot sustain such practices much
Fight by Rounds
Round One.
Leonard tok the offensive, landed a
light tup to the nose and Britton missel
a l.'ft swine for the body. They exchanged
rights and lefts to the body. Both fouuht
onutiously. Leonard to evade Button's
left hoo't and Hritton to keep away tmm
the lightweight champion' straight
rights. There were few l.'.owa during the
Round Two.
They passed a few light punches to the
law una were m a series of clinches.
Bnlto:i stat-gered Leonard with a right to
tho .law. Leonard retnllated with lefts
to the fa,e. Leonard turned Britton
eround with a right to the Jaw at the
Konnd Three.
Leonard pushed Britton around the ring
with lefts to the face. Britton sent sev
eral rights to the stomach. Leonard's
upper Hp wa cut by a straight loft. They
exchanged hard rights and lefts at close
quarter and Leonard was backed into a
neutral corner at the bell.
Round Four.
Leonard staggered Britton with a hard
right to the jaw and followed with a
eric of straight left to the face. Brit
ton sent hard lefts to tho fac and body.
Britton forced Leonard to tha ropes with
a body attack. Tliey were fighting hard
as the round closed.
Konnd Five,
... .u- e... ,,, landed'
Britton took the f'en,'"K u' J j
few hard blow. They fought for head
and body at close quarter. Britton ap.
peared to oe caving in Denr 01 in. e-
change. j in a medal o,ual'fv!ng round?
Round Six. j A. No. In medal play, the player whose
Leonard caught Britton on th Jr with ; ball I farther away from the hole on the
everal straight right. Britton found putting green ha the right to have an
Leonard head with right wtng. Britton : other ball either lifted r played.
wa cut in the mouth with a (traight j Q. Ha a four-ball match the right to
left They had a fast exchange on the demand to pass through a two-ball
farm m-itti Krirren on in onensite. 1
Round eeTen.
Leonard appeared to b Uklnf things
ey. waiting tor a chance to land a
knockout punch. In the meantime. Brit
ton found hi Jw with right and ltt
hook. They atiggercd each other with
right to th head. Th fighting was
low In thi round.
Rotrod Eight.
They traded punches to the head and
tod-r. liaonar m working miilitj
Retains Hi Title
f 1
pi j
OZtct &rtJvrt I
Irfl f. !: lira.! .'ff-tlv.!y, lmt una
hkit twir.- niih lft honkn to ttif Jhw.
Th trhiiMK'i'.: luinrhit In an rn
(Miuiitcr Kt t-iiiHi, ijiinrhru, with lirlttun
ai''atiiiK ti iiavt thn In-wt of it.
lCniiiiil Mm.
I.ptitiii nl f 'ifupt . from tun rnrnr ami
fon-fd th M-lt ru r-iKliI knuc aniuml with
rinhiH Li t)i liiiiil, hut liiHtun'n defensive
work was Ht lilt ln-nt ninl he wan llttlts
hurt. Hntton t-nt ;i wrrifji of ntralirhC
lfi to ttio fa and ftin'd r.conard Into
a iit'Utral orii'T I .i-onfird nil sued Hveral
richt nwtiiKH ati J took & hard punch td
thu jaw.
Konnd Ten.
I-ponurd wan shukiri with overhand
riKhts tu hi jaw. Leonard rdurnfd hard
lfft to thtf Jaw. and Hritton nmfd will
inx to mix. returning nn K""tl hj nun n'nt.
I.fonard was alwavs -n lh ii-ftnl e in
thm rouiut.
Hound Klovrn.
Loonari! kwuhk hard with rtKhta and
lftH to th- ,i;nv and m-tit lrltton to the
rtdn.'H. lint tori rliirn'd hrd rights to
the Jaw. 1 nard rshd Hritton around
the rin with hml nvht-t to the h-ud.
'J' his was l.conurd'M bi'Ht round.
Kottml Twfltt.
Leonard iifiki'd with Ills lft at Brlt
tnn'a fa'-o and Jiitton hiMktd hard riKhts
Hint ettH to thi jaw. If tit tun nhook
the llKhtweiKht ihnrnplon with rlffhtn to
th atomuth and lnft hooks to the Jaw.
They exrhaiigiil lljfht punrhes to the head
and hotly. Jlrltton's ilffen-lve work failed
to how In this round. Ho used offensive
tactics altogether.
Konnd Thirteen.
Leonerd tripped and fo barkwardn. hut
was not hit. H was up Immediately and
took three lft hook to the Jaw. Hritton
claimed a foul and went down on one
kn-e and Leonard struck him hlle he
was on hi kmc.
Hritton wins on foul.
The fact that "Kill" Schlaifer is
nianaperless is no sign that he is his
own boss. Xo, not by any means.
There's a Mrs. Schlaiter, who has
a word to say regarding her hus
band's ring warfare.
This was brought to light just be
fore the recent Schlaiter-Kocky
Smith battle.
"Morrie," said Mrs. Schlaifer the
attrrnoon of the i lic it, vou must
I t-n t Smith or you will n t be popu-
lar with the fans. I want you to
beat hini ns quickly as possible.
i'lease. .Morrie, do as I tell vou.
"All right," said the "Kid" to
friend wile. "I will do mv best."
Schlaifer knocked out Smith in the
second round.
The recent decision of the Xcw
York boxing commission in declaring
Joh,1"r Kilbane is no longer holder
- V" --.w..u ... v...w
! 01 drastic action necessary to
! awaken boxers to the fact that a
wnicn win some uav ne coutury-
and those who follow the ring
sport as a livelihood must eventually
recognize tins tact.
Wins Golf
Honors at De Imonte
Delmontc, ('a!., June 25. Mortie
Dutra of lVbbie Heach, won the
finals of the Northern California
Professional (iolfers' association
matches and the riifht to contend
in the national open championship !
matches by defeating A. K. Espi-1
noza of Oakland on the 37th green
here today. Kspinoza was disquali- j
tied for brushing the line of his putt 1
with bis hand. Each man's score for .
the 06 holes was 144.
Golf Rxcis
Q Is there any rule requiring that a
match at golr be played over IS holes or
more in tourn-iment play?
.A- The rule (dates t hut a match con
sist of one- round of the conrM. How
ever. 1H holes is the prevailing length of
matche. Vet there is no reaaon why a
rlnb that has only a 9-hole course should
not stage matches of 9 holes, if It so de
sire in tournament play.
W. In a recont round my ball stopped
tinder a rile cf haw h.i.ha Ihnt h1 hvn
cut In tha -. ue of the rough and were '
lying there to be carted awav. Did I !
have tho right to lift and drop the ball 1
without penalty?
A. If these had been rut hy the
greenkeeper in Improving or maintaining
the course nml were clearly meant to be
moved away, they rould he considered a
obstructions left there by the greenkeeper.
ana iinaer ucn conuit-i.His tne nan could
"rwHl ana iiroppcu wnnout penally. .
Otherwise the cae would have to be treat-
ed aa an unplayable lie.
VJ. Does the retr.s'atement
the 1
.,.., th.t vm,,., P. ,n h. ni,v,rt
a If & .in.l. mut.h .ha. la nlai.
i er playing two bail., fulls to keep it j
place, the match that follow it has
right to go through, whether it is s
single, three-ball or four-hall match.
What is the penalty in medsl play,
if a player picks up a stick or stone or
the like more than a club length from
hi hall trough the fairway T
A . The los of two strokes.
If any golf rule puixle you. write Inn
Brown, care or your portmg editor. n-
ciotiug 1 tamped, retura tjvtjor.
All-Nations and
Locals Divide
Two fan ball gamei wrf reeled
off at the Western league Ml park
Suiuiy afternoon between the
Kans', City All-Nations team and
the Omaha All-Star. The viitor
won the tir.t. 7 to 0, and the local
the i.ei'oud, J to 0.
Kedrnhaugh. temi pto pitcher
from Tabor, la, wat on the mound
ior the locals in the necond and held
the visitor hitlens and ruules. This
is the first tune this irjson the All
Nations luxe been shut out.
In the first name, the visitors
touched the veteran Andy (..raves
for eight hits, which were bunched
in the third and eighth inning, while
Hell had the locals eating out of his
Score, first game:
All H O A
f.rttw, ft
I u Oflnrn
4 i 2 2
uill.iti... lb
IUrti. cf
It I'mImi. m
Mini ilk. 2b
i'nrwiMH. If
U IT.ih.t. .lb
A (.'., p
1 7 S ?b
1 4 li Mil J", ill
0 4 2 Donild-'Xi. lb
0 4 3 WIIMftQi. o
oso '(ir. ir
1 A ri.ln.1", rf
0 ft ft Tbomaa. cf
0 0 : Heil,
tf I
0 0
1 4
1 0
3 I
0 0
TuU't 81 ST III Tnll'l M H
!.,iri .v InninM: . . .
i-Nll.,n , "1" 0107
Umiih All-Slur 0H0 BOO 0000
Hummrv llunn: Diburn. M-nitf, Ion
nlildon. "oily, I.lndrr. Tbuma. H'll.
Krrnra: lUr.rn. II. I'rolut, Mlnlku. U.
I'rol'nt, Yomi. A. llrnvra, oilmrn C, An
iliron Twu-Iua hln: Mnilfi. Iwinalrt
un, llnipn, Thoma. K rifle hlia: Oa
hornr. Mi-ml't. lilt hy llrhid hall: Hell.
I.y (Iravri: ilain, by J1.-II. ill!.: off
Hall, 1; off Uravra, . Hlrurk oul: ny
Hill. 6; I.y Uravea. 4. Numbrr Innlnaa
lilt. hcl: II)- Hall. ; by (iravoa. . He
on rail.: (iff JIpII, 1; off Gravra, 1. I'm
plr: Moor. Tlma: 2:00.
Score, second game:
All H O A
All. HO. A.
Ortrell. rf 3
winiiim. ill a
lltzm. rf 4
11 H S
Mlnlku., Sli i
eofror.n. If 4
0 Pniliit. Sb I
lU.wii. c 1
Betlrntiauch, p 3
0 t o'lMmma. ai
1 14 OlAruttnofl. tb
3 0 OlMflinVt, St-P
A 1 4l IVmaldaon. lb
fl 4 ,1i Willi. nn. r
1 S 0'Coolfr. P-Sb
1 It d'Mnittr, If
0 3 n'Thnmiii. cf
0 0 31 Bell, rf
4 0 0 S
! 1
0 13
II 0
0 10 1
0 0 1
0 I 0
0 10
0 1 0
Tnlati 27 5 37 Kl
2 0 U
Si-tiro hy Inning":
AM-Natlnna 000 000 000 0
Omaha All-8lar 003 000 0103
Summary Rum: Alva Graves. Wll
llamii. n. Probat. Error.: B. Probat. Wil
llama, 1111. Sacrifice hit: Ball. Stolen
lm: Williams. Haen. Double play: B.
Prnhat to Mlnlku to William. Hit by
pitched hall: Under, by RedenbaUKh.
Hit.: Off Hedenbaulth, none; off Cooley,
riff Memlea, 3. Struck out: By Reden-l-augh.
3: by Cooley, 4; by Mcndea, 6.
.N'unitier inning pitched: flv ReilenbauRh,
9: hy Cooley, 3 1-3; by Menriez. 4 3-3.
H.i.o on balls: Off Redenbaugh. 3 off
Ponley, ; off Mendei, none. Umpire:
Moore. Time: 1:30.
Rook Who Twirled
No-Hit Game Signed
Twirling a no-run, no-hit game
against the Kansas City All-Nations
yesterday won for Pitcher Reden
baugh of Tabor, la., a tryout with
the Omaha Buffalos.
Barney Burch, Omaha pilot, this
morning obtained the erstwhile semi
pro hurlcr's signature to a Buffalo
contract and he will receive his in
augural trial in organized baseball in
one of the games with Sioux City.
Johnny Dundee and
Jack Sharkey Sign
New York, June 26. Johnny Dun
dte, junior lightweight champion, and
Jack Sharkey today signed for a
world's title 15-round bout at Eb
bets field in Brooklyn on the night
of July 6. They agreed to weigh in
at 130 pounds at 2 p. m. the day of
the fight.
"Tut" Jackson Ordered
to Refrain From Fighting
Washington Court House. O.. June
26. "Tut" Jackson, negro heavy
weight fighter, who was to have met
Jack Johnson, negro, former heavy
weight champion here July 4, was
ordered today by Judge C. A. Reed
"to refrain from engaging in a prize
fight contemplated here for July 4."
Jackson will be placed under bond
as a guarantee that the court's order
will be followed out.
Baseball Dope
Western league.
Mid. ' Tot.
imnha x
Tulsi 2
Sioux City x
T. W. Wk. T. F. S. R.
Moines 3
Wichita x
St. Joseph 9
Okla, City x
National League.
S. B.
T. W. Wk. T.
New York
American League.
S. K.
T. W. Wk. T.
St. Louis
New York
American Association.
Mid. Tot.
M. T. W. Wk. T. F. 8. R.
1 Kansas C.
; Mllwia kee
; Indian'oli
, Louisville
st Paul
Coiumbue 2
Nebraska 8tale League.
I. R.
T. W. Wk. T. F.
t,r d laid
xNo gam.
tonthern AMorlatina.
Atlanta, e: New Orleans. I
Chattanooga. 3; Little Rock.
Birmingham, 3; Mobile. 4.
American Association.
Columbus. O., June 26.
R. H. E.
..6 4 1
.3 7 4
Batteries: Hill nd Dixon: Northrop and
Toledo. O., Jun 26. R. H. E.
Louuvill 0 3
Toledo 1
Batteries: Eatell and Meyer; Wright,
Long and Kocher.
Only two game ichtduled la attocii-
Uqu today.
PMlrMi.hi. fa . Jun PfctUiWl
fihi t tmt'i iui ut Uii pine fmUy W
Uk.ntf i' fifih nimttflit victuiy rma
ilo.'un. Id 6. 8 it.
All II O
6 114
I'nll, ef 1
u ILlf. 3b
Htrtitre ?B 4
Homim is. rf 1
Nil . If
I'raiM. If rf 4
rnn.irrib'r.Jb 4
ll..k, 111 4
i 1 ritiittna, fti
H V OlMMiama. rf
I I 0 u alk... rf
3 a
I I.. If
l'Kii.'lir m
a lall. IN
4 HmiIii, 0
" Hini. P
s 1
t 3
Kril, at
ll"iV, 0
.ll.m e
Mlllff. D
IVilaun. a
llrailnfi, u
4 I
I 3
0 0
1 I
II T.otli
37 IS 37 13
a 11
1 1
T.i'ila 37 I" 54 1"'
Mailed f..r Walton In aeventh.
Uall'il for Hratlon in mnlti.
a.cor by Inninct: . ..
Iln.ion I I"' 510-J
Philadelphia I 001 om-l
Summary Runt: Powell, Hrbar,
I'rulae. Kurd. N tip. Parklnnon,
William (!. Kl'.lcher, l.e.lle. Ilenlln
CI. Kin i;rrnr: i hrlatenbury. parkin
on. Ilenllne Two-ba. In': llenllne,
parkinaon. Wllll.nn. Hum run: Orula.
William. Hioln l.n: lee ('), Walker.
Marrifb-a h.t: Rln-. Walker. Iouhl
play: I'arkmaon lo Fletcher to l.etil.
Left on I. .,; Iliiaiim. (; Pliilailelnlila, I.
Ila.a on l.alla: Off Mill-r. 1: off Wataon.
1; off Ulna. I. Hiru'k oul: Hv Miller.
I: by Wuie.m. 3: by Knit, 3. Hit.: off
Miller, in 3 InnlriK. inone out In third);
off Wataon. & in 4 off llratton. 1
In 3 innnma lilt by pltih'd ball: Wil
liam, by Miller. T.oalnK pitcher: Miller.
I'mnirta; MrCormlrk and Sent"ll. Time:
1 : it.
Cub Down Plrle.
Chlctgo. Juna 36 'hlcao cam from
behind and, playlnir an uphill battle, hit
opportunely behind bate on ball nd
erratic fielding on the part of the vl.l
lora and defeated Pittsburgh. C to 4. In
the first nam of tha series. Htueland
pitched In flna form, eiperlenelnir only
on bad Innln;, when the Pirate touched
him for four hits, which with two error
Save tham the lead. Score:
riTTsnrrtoir. Chicago.
All II O A
All H O A.
niiiw. if
I'srev. cf
Tlernfr. Sb
lltrnblrt. rf
Tramor. as
4 I 1 OtBtilJ. ef
.113 0 llolloch.r,
3 0 1 2 Kruf. 3ll
1 1 4
0 1 1
4 3 1 0 inline., lb
0 )1 0
l!Hrathonte, rf
SI Miller. If
!T.rrr. 3h
3 O Farrel. 0
1 1 Htueland. p
3 I 1
M.raniill.. 3b 4 1
.14 0
nrlmra, lb 4 0
Coorh. e 4 0
Mormon, p 3 0
13 3
0 0 6
Totllt 32 34 l: Total! 02 8 37 13
Score hy lnninfrs:
Pittsburgh, 000 300 0104
Chicago 010 110 21i 6
Summary Runt: Carey (2). Ilarnhart,
Traynor, Stati:. Krug. Heatheote (31.
O'Farrell. Krrort: Carey. Tierney, Tray
nor. O'Farrell (2). Two-base hit: Maran
vllle, nigbee, Hollocher. Miller. Three,
ba.e hits: Sratz. Heatheote. Stolen base:
Carey, Henthcote, KruK. Sacrifice hits:
Tierney, Kruic, Stuelnnd, Stata. Hollocher.
Iiouble ploy: Traynor to Maranvllle to
Orlmm. Left on PlttaburKh. 4:
Chicago. 9. Base on balls: Off Morrison,
0; off Stueland, 1. Struck out: Hy Mor
rison, 6; by Stueland. 1. Hit by pitched
hall! Tierney. hy Stueland. I'mplres:
Klem and Wilson. Time: 1:36.
Cincinnati Beat St. I.ouia.
St. Louis, June 26. Cincinnati trounced
the Cardinal. 7 to 4, In the flrt of tha
two-game series. Frank Keck, recruit,
holding the locals well In pinches. Keck
weakened a bit In tho latter part of the
game, but the locals could not overcoma
the visitors' lead. Score:
Bums, cf 5 4 2 OlSlark. rf 5 3 2 0
Daubert, lb 3 0 10 oLSmith. ef 5 2 3 1
Duncan. If 5 3 B llllornaby, 2b 5 0 .1 1
llari'tr, rf 3 2 3 (ijMrHenry. If 10 0 0
IVinio. c 4 3 2 III Mann. If 0 0 2 0
Ilnhne. 2b 4 0 2 7(lalnor. If 0 0 0 0
Ctxmty. .t 4 0 1 0:Frumler. lb 4 1 0
rinelll. 2b 2 11 2'Stnck. .Ill 4 2 11
Keck, p 3 10 OlAlnamlth. 0 4 1 ft II
Il.aran. as 4 0 3 3
Totals :;.'! 11 27 lOertlca. p 0 0 0 1
iN'crth, n 10 0 1
firtmltz 10 0 0
"Tniiorcer 10 0 0
Rallpv. p 0 0 0 2
l"Miller 1 0 0 (1
'"BUotlai 110 0
I Total. 37 10 27 14
Hatted for rertlia in third.
"BHtted for North in seventh.
Hatted for Mann in eighth.
Batted for Bailey In ninth.
Scorn bv innlncs:
Cincinnati 51 1 010 0027
St. Louis 000 000 022 4
Summary Runs: Burns, Dauhert (21,
Duncan. Harper. Plnellt (2), Slack, Smith.
Alnsmlth, Shntten. Krrora: Bohne, Smith,
Portico. Two-base hits: Stock, Wingo.
lluncan. Shotten. Sacrifice hits: Harper,
Keck. Double, plays: Smith to Hornsby,
Duncan to Bohne. Left on bases: Cin
cinnati, 5; St. Louis. 8. Base nn balls:
Off Pertlca. 2: off North. 1; off Bailey.
1; off Keck, 2. Struck out: Bv Keck. 1;
by North, 1; by Ballcy. 1. Hits: Off Per
tlca, none In 3 Inning.; off North. 5 In
4 Inlnlngs; off Bnlley, 3 in 2 Inning.. Los
ing pitcher: Pertlca. I'mplres: O'Day and
Hart. Time: 1:55.
St. Joseph Wins From Tulsa.
Tulsa. Okl., Juna 26 St. Joseph evened
the series with the Oilers by winning to
day, 9 to 2. Bird would have scored a
shut out bnt for an error. ( and
I.ukanov.c. were baited out of the box
early. Score:
AH. H O A 1
All H.O.A.
Olon. lb HI 10 (11 llennett. If
0 3 0
1 2 3
Corriden. If 3 2 0 D Tliomrson. 3b
Kliher. rf 5 4 0 (HDarlB, rf
Ilnnnwltr, cf 3 1 5 Oi Stuart, as
Derate, s. .13 6 OiUmb. cf
McDonald. Sb 4 12 4illauman. 2b
0 0
5 0
S 0
0 3
9 0
2 I
0 1
SIOTMUon. 2b 5 2 3 .llUlivelt, lb
Handler, c
1 fllOrosby, e
(Irabowaki, c
0 ljtilaser. p
0 2II,ulianrwie, p
Bird, n
0 0 0
2 1 1
- Haughland. p
41 16 27 181
I Totals
34 7 27 S
Score by innings:
St. Joseph 203 001 0109
Tulsa 002 000 0002
Summary. Runs: Olsen (2. Corriden
(2). Fisher (3). Bonowits. McDonald. Ben
nett, Davis. Errors: liefate. gtevenson.
Bennett. Davis, Baiiman, Leiivelt. Earned
runs: St. Joseph. S; Tulsa, 0. Left on
bases: St. Joseph. 10: Tulsa. 8. Two-base
hits: Thompson. Lamb, Stevenson. Defnte,
Kishcr. Home runs: Fisher. Corriden.
Sacrifice hit: Corriden. Base on balls: Off 1; off Lukanovic. 1; off Haugh
land, 2; off Bird, 3. Struck out: Bv
Haughland, 1: by Bird. 1. Wild pitch:
Haughland. Bird. Run and hits: Off
Ciaser. 4 and 6 (nono out in third I; off
Lukanovic. 3 anal 3 in 1-3 Inning Losing
pitcher: Glaser. liouble plays: Thompson
10 Leiivelt. Stevenson to Defate to Olson.
I'mpires: Holmes and Ornisbv. Time:
1 :55.
Ienver Win Mugfct.
Denver, Colo., June 26. Denver took
the lead In the first Inning from Ties
Moines today and In a slugfest in which
McLaughlin was the victim, defeated the
visitors. 14 to 3. Cartwright and Parker
were the leading Bear aluggers of the
afternoon. Milan hit his 10th consecu
tive game. Score:
riorman. 2h 4 13 lll.a.alle. as 5 2 14
Turiteon. st 4 1 2 O'Wrlsht. 2b .13 17
Hnran. cf 4 2 4 OILong. rf 3 12 0
Graham, lh 3 1 6 l:O Brlen.ef 4 110
Warner. 3b 4 0 1 ll'Oemes. If .13 10
Milan. If 4 13 0 C twrlsht. lh 4 4 IS 0
Vuna. rf 4 ! 1 HPuterson. 3b .1 0 2 I
Brren. c 4 0 3 llPsrker. 0 5 3 11
McLaughlin, pill rnall. p 4 1 0 3
Total! .".5 10 24 5! Totllt 40 IS 27 !0
Score by innings:
Pet Molne 002 000 om 3
Denver 602 300 40x 14
Summary Runs: Gorman, Milan, Mc
Laughlin. Lastlle. Wright (3). Long.
O'Brien 43), Gomet ;. Cartwright (21,
Parker (3). Errort: Turgeon. Wagner.
Milan. Breen. McLaughlin. Lasalle. Earned
runs: Pea Moines, 3: Denver, f. Two
base hit: Horan. Tuna. Wright. Cart
wright, Parker (2). Three-base hits:
Horan. Laeallt. Wright. Long. Cartwright.
Racriflc hit: Long. Sacrifice fly: Gra
ham. Long, "truck out: By Hall. 1; by
MeLaughlan. St. Bate on balls: Off Mc
Laughlin. 2. Struck out: Bv Hall. 1.
Passed hall: P.rker. Doubt plays: La
sail to Wright to Cartwright. Wagner to
Gorman to Graham. Wild pitrh: Mc
Laughlin. Left on bases: les Moines. :
Denver. . Umpire: Donahue. Time:
Phut Out Nebraska City.
Syracuse, Neb.. Jun 2s. (Special )
Th local shut out Nebraska City her
Sunday. to 0. Robert, on th mound
for th local, finned It men. and alio;-
but two bit.
BaseBall Results
M rTt.HN I Mdl It.
w 1. I'. i w I
' Jeia ;i 14 .; Osiaiit Jl 14
TuIm 41 30 '' " ilr ''7 41
Ulcl.ll t'l :il .Ml Ilr. Mlnr.
giuuttitf ;' ill .JU'limirr .7
lesterday'a He.ults.
Kt J.iaeph. . Tula.. 2.
Denver, 14; l"' ,Min.-., I.
No other gent's 'laed.
Today' t.ame.
tilon. I lly nt Onmha.
Oklahoma City at Unh. la
Hi .luaeph at Tulsa.
Drt Muinr at Denver.
W I. I VI. I w
rvrta-rf 30 11 .i.HTl V..rr..k J 2.1
I. ln.elll 2'I III ..Mullealllie III 'Jl
II. atm.l 22 U : Ir .1 I', .'.s
Veklrrda.t' Ke.ull..
Lincoln, f. ; luattiie. 3
Norfolk !?; ilraud I. land.
Kurburt, t. iliiatingt, b.
Toduy't (.nira.
Huttings nt Norfolk,
tlrand i.tand ht B"Htrlc.
Lincoln t It'airbury.
. It
W. I., l-rt I W
:i:i 21 .ii.U'lilciiio :
31 211 ..'.mi I'liuiiiinh 2'
3.1 .'111 ..Vl.'l'lillailrl.ila 2
34 32 .imlKulti.n 2'
N'.w Turk
Vcsierdav't Keatilt.
riilladelphln. I; lloslon, t.
Cincinnati, 7: St. Louis, 4.
Chicago, 4; Pittsburgh, 4
Nu other gatno scheduled. .
Today' iame.
Pittsburgh at Chicago.
Philadelphia at New York.
Cincinnati at .St. Louis.
Urouklyn at Boston.
W. I.. P. t I W. L.
40 2S .W7l'thlntton 32 34
38 .11 .ir.l Cleveland 31 30
3.1 31 .53illnaten 2S 3
34 32 .SlSIPlilladelphla 24 34
St. Iiull
New York
Yesterday' Remit.
Cleveland. 6; St. Louis, 0.
New York. 6 ; Boston. 4.
No other game scheduled.
Today's Game.
St. Louis at Cleveland.
Chicago at Detroit.
Boston at Philadelphia.
No other game scheduled.
w. l. p.t. 1 w f,. ret.
St. Ptut 40 21 .ll:'.'.,I.mii.r!lle :) 3!) .411
liidiaiiaimlls 43 2rl .O'JIiU'olunilius 3 37 .4111
Mliineatioli :; 21 .1111:1! Kanus City 27 44 .3x0
Milwaukee 38 33 ..VWTuli-ii.i 23 44 .313
Yesterday' Results.
Indianapolis, G; Columbus, 2.
Toledo, 2; Louisville, 0.
Only two games scheduled.
Today' Came.
Indianapolis at Columbus.
Milwaukee at St. Paul.
Louisville at Toledo.
Kansas City at Minneapolis.
Indians Beat Browns.
Cleveland. June 26. St. Louis was un
able to hit Coveleskie effectively and
Cleveland won the first game of the series
today, 6 to 0. The Indians waited Pruett
out and when he put the ball over
bunched their hits. Kilerbe's sensational
fielding held down the Indians' score.
AB.H.O.A.I AB.ll.O.A
Toliin, rf
Gerbrr, at
301 uikvids. ir
4 1 0 4 'V'b'ganss. 2b
4 1 1.1 O Speahcr, cf
4 10 Oidardner, 3b
4 0 1 3!.f. Sewell, as
4 0 3 OlMrlimis. lb
3 0 3 (1 Wood, rf
3 2 1 S'O'Neill, e
3 10 l! Coveleskie. p
1 0 0 0
... Totala
Slaler. lb
William. If
1 0
1 1
2 4
1 0
0 1
0 1
Mc.Manus, 21i
Jtti'nbson. cf
Hevereid, n
Ellerbe. 3b
I'ru.'tt. p
S3 12 27 0
33 6 24 1
"Batted for Pruett in ninth.
Score by Innings:
St, Louis 000 000 000 0
Cleveland 001 040 lOx 6
Summary Runs: Evans. Wambsgan.e.
Speaker CM. Sewell. Coveleskie. Krrors:
(lerber, McManus. Two-base hits: Pruett.
Wamhsitanss, Wood, Evans. Three-base
hit: Coveleskie. Stolen base: .Tacohson.
Sacrlfcle hits: Wambsganss (2), J. Sewell,
Double, plays: Kllerbe. McManuetaoinET
Double play: Kllerbe to McManu to Ns-
ler. Left on liases: St. Louis. 9; Cleve
land. 8. Base on balls: Off Pruett. 2; off
Coveleskie ,3. Struck out: By Pruett, 2:
by Coveleskie. 6. Umpires: Chi 1 1 and
Connolly. Time: 1:40.
Ruth's Homer Helps Tanks.
Boston, June 26. Home runs bv Ruth
and Shawkey were big factors In New
York's 6 to 4 victory over Boston today in
tho last game of a series In which Boston
had won four straight. Ruth hit into
the right field bleachers off Qulnn in the
fifth for his eighth homer of the year,
wilh two men on and two out. Winchen
don fans gave Witt a purse of J"0 in
gold. Score:
AB.H.O.A : All.H O.A
Witt, cf .12 1 11 Smith, rr
McNallv. 3b 5 2 1 .HMenoskv. If
Butti. If 3 13 01 Burnt, lh
Meusel. rf 5 2 1 O Pratt, 2h
Pitt, lb 4 1 (t O'nunan, 3h
Wtrd. 2h 4 0 2 01. f. Collins, cf
Scott, ss 3 0 4 2lrtuel. c
Hoffman, e 4 10 Oll'ittenser. st
Shawkey. p 4 2 0 .VQninn. p
Totalt 35 11 27 111
I Total.
Batted for Quinn in ninth.
3 0 0
1 1 0
3 17 1
12 7
10 3
1 1 0
0 3 1
n 3 s
n n 1
I) 0 0
33 10 27 21
Score by innings:
New York onn 040 002 6
Boston 201 001 0004
Summary Runs: Witt (2), MrNally,
Ruth. Scott. Shawkey. Smith. Menosky,
Pratt. Dusnn. Errors: Ward, Hoffman.
Pittenper. Tvo-ba..o hits: Smith. J. Col
lins. Home runs: Ruth. Shawkey. Sacri
fice hits: Plpp, Pittonger, Menosky. Burns.
Double plays: Quinn to Ruel to Burns.
Burns to Pittonger to Burnj. Pratt to
Pittenger to Burns. Loft on bnscs: New
York, S; Boston. 8. Base on balls: Off
Shnwkev. 1; off Quinn. 6. Struck out:
nv Shawkey. f.; hy Quinn, 2. Wild pitch:
Shawkey. I'mpires: Dinecn and Hilde
hrand. Time: 2:03.
Waterloo Lone.
Waterloo, Neb., June 2fl. (Special.
Bennington defeatc-i the locals here Sun
day. 4 to 0. Batteries: Bennington. Har
ris nnd Feterson; Waterloo, siaingie una
St. Edward Win.
St. Edward. Neb.. June lit. (Special 1
St. Edward defeated Genoa hern Sun
day, 6 to 4. Batteries: St. Edward. Fol
liott and Fisher; Genoa, Harris and .V!1
lard. Lelfha Ileal Monroe.
I.eisrh. Neb.. June SS. (Special.) Leigh
defeated Monroe here Sunday. 2 to 0. In
a well-played game. Batteries: Monroe,
Schlmirk and Men Ullams; l.e'.gn. i,inn
and Fowler.
Want Sunday Came.
Th Omaha Printing team ha an open
date for next Sunday. July 1. nd It
looking for an out-of-town game. Call
Douglas 4M5.
V. P. Shopa After Game.
Th Union Pacific Store department
team defeated Auburn, Sunday on the
latter' ground. 4 to 1. The Union Pa
cific team would like to book games
for July 4 nd the balance ot Sundays
In July. Writ or wire. F. I. Holmes,
In car of Union Pacific Store department.
Union Pacific hop. Omaha.
Rambler Beat edr Creek.
Th North Omaha Rambler Journeyed
to Cedar Creek, Sunday, and defeated the
team of that place. S to n. Slmpaon. on
the mound for the Rambler. llowed
bnt three hit and trar-k out 1 men.
The Ramblers deftsted Fsplllton. I to 2.
Just it.
Norfolk Win. I'alr.
Norf.i'k. Net., June Norfolk took
t.i gam a tiei Mmilay af'ertioon from
(linnd UltiiJ. tnakliig a line etr.tialil
Mctury iti tin t.Tir.. Tl-s f.r ttin,
.l s n:ti iniutig s,-HN.,ll.Mi, tit teist.l-
l-r. being l.i, ator.. ttttud Hhetl l..lle out a home run for ih vi.t.iiy
' w.ih a sior., i.f i, 1,1 4 The sei-ond anin"
I Urt. . hetlulr.i tu go tetan Inniiig. th
1 . ,!.!.. Icr. lading a In the .lain, and
llioi.e tied Tie. worn in tha aeventh sn.l
M.irr bmiiglit in Hi.. Kiunu.g run in Ilia
I. lalll with n .IKtlle. HUHltlg it 7 t.i 4.
J Hiule, first gain,.;
lillAMt INI. AMI
Nillll'iil K
4 3 12
4 11 I 3
4 t I
5 1 0
2 12
.1 I 0 II
4 11 I I 0
.1 n 11 0
4 II 0 1
1 rf
1, "h
I lir.rr. II,
i'almai.ere, if
I Nik.r cf
Herhl, at,
I it.ii.ert.. e
j '.otk p
1 Hri'.k p
Fnlerle. Ill
loilo 'tieii,.n. at
1 11 2 Ui.w. :b
2 0 1' l.rr It,
3 '.' U, ll .11.. If
" 1 3 1 lark, r
I l' C'lirkr,. rf
1 1 II.;. n, III
0 II I H .lely-l rf
I 0 4 I,.l,,-r 11
o n 0 11
A II 1 l T"laia
31 il 27 11
I SI 1 21 ll!
1 ntie oul whin winning run or. I.
! S. .ire b inning:
, Norfolk "00 inn mi . Isl.ui. I 102 duo mil 4
I Hiiinnuiy Hun.- Itobt-n 12). Krnnda.
t llri'iver, Atherton, Mmr 12), Itoiiae. i'lrk,
'Krrora: Atherton I'JI. Home rut. : llous".
Thi ba.o hit: Two-bnae hn:
I Pallnatiere. Mir CI Kscrlfl.e lilt:
! Unas on balls- off Miller. 2;
.off l-'aillk. 6. Double plava' KratiiU to to llrewer lilt.' tiff I Milter. (.; ntl
i-'aulk. ) in 1 11 Inning.: off Shook. I in
1 1-3 Inning, struck nut: lty Duller. ;
by I'nulk, D. Hit I.y inched hall: I'lnrU.
by I'.iulk Losing pit. her; Knulk. Em
pire: Murfy. Tune: 14.'..
Score, ucond game:
Rnlirn. rf lb 4 2 2 it Alliertim. at St. 4 10 lilVluer. 2b
I'rlli Iiard. lb 3 0 0 Marr. 3h
Hlwuk. rf 2 0 0 0 Haute. If
I'almalnere. If 4 2 3 O l'lark. c
M.ti. aa 4 3 2 P snicker, rf
Hlteaker. ef 4
Serle. 2b 3
IPilierta. e 1
Keilrrle. p 4
1 1 0 ll.aarlt, ih
1 2 l!Khlehl. cf
0 n'lll.ller. p
1 0 L'tlieera
Total. .13 II 22 71 Totllt 33 11 24 0
One nut when winning run scored.
Hatted for Shiebel in eighth.
Store bv Innings:
Grand Island 010 023 00 g
Norfolk 002 020 21 7
Summary Runs: Roben. Kranda, Palm
atiere, Men, Serlo, Roberts, Atherton (2),
Wl.ser (2), Marr, Dldler (21 Krrors: Serio. Kederle. Mrr, Dldler. Thee
baHe hits: Metz, Palniatlere, Twn-hasa
hits: Dldler. Marr (2). Palniatlere. Sacri
fice hit: Hegarty. Rase on halls: off
Midler. 3: off Federle, 4. Stolen l.ases:
.Mt. Speaker. Struck out: By Dldier, 3;
by Kederle. 4. Hit by pitched halll: Serlo,
bv Midler: Atherton, by Kederle. t'mpire:
Murfy. Time: 1:30.
I'alrliury Win Third.
Hastings, Neb., June 28. Kairlniry made
It three straight from Hastings, defeating
lncnls today i.y sending three runs home
in the ninth inning for an 8 to 6 score.
Smith, a local pitcher, knocked out a
homer In the second with one man on.
All 11.(1 1
All. H O 1.
Ttaoner, s. 4 2 1 :
laiiehan. as
4 110
1 eveland. 3h 5
MrDerrantt. rf 4
2 3
21 'liuri-h. 'Jb
i" Amen, rf
O'Tomet. If
1 1 VVillets. c
3 1
1 0
2 1
0 1
ft 0
0 0
7 S
0 1
0 0
0 0
Itelrlilc. If
ItliHS. cf
4 1
r. 2
4 2
3 2
Cooduin. 2li
Wlnbn.h. lh
O'Connor, c
.Tennev, cf
Lovich. o
rinfqnlinlk, p
Wnlfolk. p
2 .1 2 Serb. 3b
2 0 lb
2 4 nU'rann. rf
1 0 OlSmlth. p-lh
0 0 0!terk. p
0 0 Wlrelnetnn. rf
0 0 li'Holliiigaw'tta
Total. SS 1 27 111 Total. 3.1 10 27 18
Batted for Wiggington in ninth.
Score by innings:
Fairhurv 110 101 013 S
Hastings 022 000 0105
Summary Runs: Rooney, Cleveland,
Roirhle. Bliss (2). Goodwin. Wlnhush. Jen.
ney, Wllletts. Crann, Smith (2). Beck.
Errors: Rooney, Tomes (2, Wllletts, Serb.
Home run: Smith. Three-base hits:
Rooney, Winbush. Two-base hits: Mc
Permott, O'Connor, Rooney, Cleveland.
Sacrifice hits :Crann. Bliss. Base on
Hallq Off I.ovich. 3: off Gotschaik. 3: off
Ttpck, 1 : off Wolfolk 2. Stolen bases:
Smith (2). Bliss, Goodwin, Rooney, Tomes.
Double plays: C.aughan to Church to
Smith. OauEhnn to Smith. Runs and hits:
Off I.ovleh, 3 and 5 In 2 Innings; off
Gotsrhalk. 2 and 5 In F. innings: off
Wnlfolk, none and none in 2 innings; off
Beck. 4 and 10 in 7 Innings: off Smith.
4 and 0 in 2 innines. Struck out: By
Gotschaik. J; by Wolfollk. 1: by Beck, 7.
Lft on bases: Hastinp.. 1C: Fairhury. 7.
Hit by pitched ball: Willets. by Lovieh;
McDermott. by Smith. Wild pitch: Smith.
Beck. Knrnrd runs: Falrburv. fi; Hast
ings, 5. Umpire: Kingslcy. Time: 2:30.
I. Ink Cop Another.
Beatrice. Neb.. June 26. Lincoln took
the last game of tho series here today
from Beatrice. A misjudged fly ball to
Klrschner and Gleason from Carr'.g's bat
was responsible for four nf Lincoln's runa
In the third inning. Score?
4 0 3 4:,7or, 2H 4 114
Orr. s.
CarrlK, cf
MC.iv. lh
t'ibscn. If
I'arr, If
Dvp II.
Unci, rf, nn
Cnnltov. c
S. ott, p
.1111 Kirschner, lb 4 112 0
'2 n n o'limnn. .9
1 0 (I Rowman. cf
2 0
.1 0
3 4
0 0
n 4
n n
1 n Dill, rf
1 .1 5' Parker. Sh
1 0 n warnslaff. If
2 0 S:Oleason, c
1 4 I'Vorton. p
0 Jl l ncer
l n o n
7 2T 13
1 R 27 171 Tntala
Hntte.l ror Glenson In ninth.
Score bv Innings:
Lincoln 014 000 0(105
lieatrira 100 000 020 3
Summary Runa: Carrifr. Gibson, Dye,
rtool, Zinker. Plzer, Kirschner. Quinn. Kr
rors: Orr (2), McCoy, Kirschner. Home
run: Zinker. Two-bnsn hits: Klrschner,
Hool. Stolen base: Parker. Struck out:
By Scott, 5: by Norton, 2. Base on balls:
Off Scott, 3: off Norton. Fi. Wild pitch:
Scott. Double play: Parker to Kirschner.
Umpire: Slattery. Time: 2:00.
Baseball Records
Made This Date
June 27.
June 27. 1 SK4 No -hit En me L. Cor
coran. Chicago against Providence fN. I..)
.1 une 27. 1 S Most'is on balls, off
one pitcher in a pa me, 1 ("leorp Van
Hiiltren, 'hicafro (X. L. ), Record aif
held by W. George, H. Uruher, B. I.
June 27, 1916 Most times caught stenl
intf liases In a game. ," -W. L. Gardner,
Boston, apainst Philpdelphla ( A. L. . Rec
ord n!-.o held by five America n and sis
National league players.
Don't Fail to See
The Largest Industrial Tractor
Exhibit Ever Staged West
of New York
Three Days This Week, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday, June 28-29-30
From 8:00 A. M. to 10:00 P. M.
Showing the
The Universal Tractor
Doing your work the
in less time and
Twenty-first and
Vat Week' Record
in Major Leagues
I Xrw V.'tk. N. V.. June .V. -Ilif
wriV reeotil in each Irjxtie of
, atin playril, miii icnl lot, Laiithrr
with nin, hil, errora, nun let mi
lia-i", runs ,nri il hy ni'l'i'iu . m
I'linhiH t;.inu nl S.iiiiul..) , 1 .1. lo.
I low.;
' Imigur,
r I 11 nil
I Kl I. MM . ,
I New 6 k .
j I 'elliill
, Washing!, ,n
! Chicago
I I'lnla
1 ll.'.Llll . . .
1 - f. !
1 I 4
; r 1 1
It 31
I VW V'i'
Nl I. mil .
I'm. -1. ,
Ili.M,,.: n .
I 'tilt ago
I ll.'t..ll , . .
I I'llllil
12 .1
4.' 40
: 3;
3d j
College Tennis
riiil.i(lclihi.i, June 2. - The cream
of the country's collide raci'titt
wirltlers were h ie today for the
oiening of the ;nli rculli-Kiatc l.iwn
tennis cliunipionhi) tournament on
the rourts of the Merion Cricket
cluh. More than 70 players, repre
senting 26 coIIckc!'. were entered. It
is the largest and one of the inot
representative entry lists on record.
Philip N'eer, winner of last year's
siiiRles championship, will defend his
title. Xeer was re-elected president
of the intercollegiate association last
Kair weather was forecast for the
opening day of the tournament,
which will continue all week. Play
in the doubles will start tomorrow.
Leading Batters
Western Learnte.
I!. A R. R
, : 4 1 -
, !::
, 1 0 S il i
,724 III ; .'
. r a l n
. ; .4
. 2 4 21 4.'
t i It at
Nallonnl leuiue.
1 4 4.
.4 it:" 1;
, S 2 4 .'4 i a
. 1. 4 2 'I '.I
. !. 3 2 .H 14
. i 3 11 n r
,1, n t h 4
K f I .14 !.
. If. Bet.
112 .421
114 1.9;
92 .3.S
100 .379
II. Pet.
l:o .4:10
90 .3M
::. .:i7j
C9 .;:c
ir. ret.
97 .411
to .::.'.
R7 .nr.i
si .:i:.l
71 .351
Fi.h.r. SI. .To.eph.
Manuah. Omuha ...
Ka..t. Wichita
e.rantham. umaha
Klsh, Sioux City .,
f,9 ! 71
.117 219 7!
.fa r.n b!
.112 !40 C4
.63 L'64 Ci
American I-arjue.
(1. AH. R.
Slsler. S Louis . . ti7 :7f. f.4
Hellmnnn, Detroit . di t'"6 t.O
O'Neill. Cleveland.. 54 K4 10
Speaker. Cleveland. 15 L'nl :ih
Witt, New York .. 64 ln7 Si
National Leneue.
a ah. r
Hornal.y, St. Louis.. 2
Crimea. Chlcauo .. 02
23fi 62
225 44
Bigbee. I'ittsburKh. 69 245 42
Dauhert. Cincinnati 66 261 4
Smith, St. Louia .. 6S 202 47
Baseball Today
Omaha vs. Sioux City
Ladiet, 10 Cents
Game Called at 3 P. M.
All This Week, Includ
ing Sunday, at
Krug Park
Thousands of People Attended
Monday Afternoon and Night
Don't Miss This Big Show
Close the doors to your home and
malic merry with the Elks. Seo
The Bull Fight
and the majiv other added attractions.
A Ford a Day to be Given Away
Benson Car Direct to Park
Une Uay vniy jm
Tues., July JL
at. aT4- 1
Reserved chair seat sale day of
ihow at Beaton Drug Co.
way you want it done,
at much less cost.
Leavenworth Sts
ia v Crow Rows !
ay lo Victor)
Iviwitu 1 1'itrsr, June 26. Th4
miul ai.nli iin rcvv uprated it lri
uinpli of P'.'l at the annual inter
tulli-tiute ti'Ki't.i t, i,l. iv, w inninii th
x.iimIv ll.t.i nu'.' t. c hy 4 margin
uf iiiiirr lli.oi a l.'iik'li limit Vali
ii.tituii, uhuh w.'i -cinii.t, Cornell
and St ii'ue pit' up a irat batile
ior tlntd pl.M in the lat ipiaitrr ol
.1 null' .Hid wile link ami neck (C
the titi'sli. i".'iiicll, liniii the klinjf,
appi.iteil li li.te won ll'.e place. Co
lumbia liui-hid lillh, Ifinjlh
h.n'k. and the Iiiihk I'i'iiiisvlvanu
irevv hrotik'lu up 'be rcir a p""r last.
The jmlve. thud i.ue to
Sviaitise and ( f urll Imitlll ."syit
itie it i'l-.iti'il t'intie! bv one foot.
The Navy e-.t.ihhhn a new tee
ord for the 1'iitir.c, it lime beuiK I.f
tuiiiilies .'.I sei'Oiiil-, which in
mme than ball' a mile !.itcr than the
time sit bv the vii'tnri'iits n-ivy i rew
h-t vear. ' Wa-bmi-'toii was latipbt
in l.V iiimtiK's .fi 1-5 seconds, which
was far b. iter than the previous rec
ord oi 14 ii iiiites and 7 seconds. At
the tini-li the Nnvy had a lriith'
lead mir Wa-hingtmi, which in turn
was thn't-tpiarti r" of a lennth ahead
of Syracuse and Cmn.ll.
Whatever the "want" is that you
have in mind. Pee Want Ads can be
of prompt service to yoti.
Hot $0t; Suits to
Weather L Order
Reduced from $40.00
Perfect fit jruarantecd. Cool
and comfortable for Burrrrncr
wear. Wool crashes, home
spuns, tweeds, mohairs and
palm beaches.
Southeast Corner 15th and Harnay
after you
and attend those bargain daily
Summer Prices
Now in Effect
Mats. -- 15c
Eve's - 20c
Above Prices Include Tax
with a cast including
and many others.
Two-reel Christie Comedy
"Bucking Broadway"
Every Woman Every Wife
Every Girl Should See
"A Doll's House"
Six Performances Daily
Alto a Comedy With Much New
"Lokum" Entitled
"Rapid Transmittert ot Mirth and
"The Vertatile
GOMERY "Harpin Bcfc"
"The Dapper Camic"
A Bill That Ha Taken Omaha
By Storm!
Exclusiv Picture Play
Lakeview Park
"Lakeview Folliea," a snappy
onf and dance revue with, a
galaxy of gladtome girlie.