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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1922)
4 VOL. 62 NO. 7. Church Is Hallowed In Cermonies Sacred Heart Consecrated by Archbishop J. J. Harty Amid Glorious Setting of Papal Colors. Edifice Free of Debt Amid the glorious letting of papal colon and the splendor of a beauti ful day, Sacred Heart church, Twenty-second and Binney streets, was consecrated by Archbishop J. J. Harty of Omaha yesterday. The ceremony was long and im pressive, church dignitaries in their purple robes and clergy from all part of the country t::king part. Services were unusual in that the edi fice i free from any incumbrance, Sacred Heart church being the only structure in the Omaha diocese that is now consecrated. I HifnrtrHc nf nrcnn lini tli streets ana wains aooui inc cnurcn while a procession of acolytes, fourth degree Knights of Columbus, clergy and prelates in flowing pur ple robes marched three times about the edifice, escorting a crypt that bore the relics of four martyrs, St. Marcellinus. St. Pantaleon, St. Alex ander and St. Lawrence. Church Dignitaries. i The attending church dignitaries j in the robes of their office were: Archbishop J. J. Harty of Omaha; Archbishop J. J. Glennon of St. Louis; Bishop T. W. Drum of Des Moines; Bishop Edmond Heelan of Sioux City and Monsignor McManus of Council Bluffs. Archbishop Glennon, who delivered sermons at the laying of the corner stone to Sacred Heart church 22 years ago and at the dedication of the edifice two years later, preached the consecration sermon yesterday to an audience that filled the church to capacity. The services began at a a. m. Spectators stood with bowed heads while the procession made three circuits of the church. Blesses Crucifixes. Following the blessing of the ex terior, the procession made three cir cuits within the structure, Archbishop Harty blessing 12 chucifixes attached to the walls. The relics of the lour martyrs were placed in a sepulchrum in the marble altar stone which then was sealed with cement. Following the blessin gof other equipment in the church, pontifical high mass was solemized. Fourteen fourth degree Knights of Columbus; -in., formal attire, baldrics and drawn swords, who met Arch bishop Glennon at the Union station, escorted the prelate to the altar, of the church. Archbishop Harty pre sided on the throne during ethe mass. Celebrant -was Rev. Oliver Dolphin of Red Wing, Minn.; deacon. Rev. Joseph A. Casey of Chicago; sub deacon. Rev. Dan Hurley of Wells ville, Mo. Music by the. Sacred Heart cljoir, Mrs. W. H. Boyde, di recting, was a feature of the services. Papal Benediction. Papal benediction was imparted to the Sacred Heart congregation by Archbishop Harty, who received spe cial faculties for this occasion from Pope Pius XI. The church was decorated with papal colors and the Modern Wood men band led a procession of . Holy Name members and Fourth degree Knights of Columbus who escorted Archbishop Glennon from Twenty second and Lake streets to Sacred Heart church. A banquet at Hotel Fontenelle fol lowed the consecration services. At solemn pontifical vespers last evening in Sacred Heart church, Bishop T. W. Drum of Des Moines officiated. Bishop Edmond Heelan o'f Sioux City delivered the vespers sermon. Mass to Be Sung. Solemn high requiem mass for the deceased priests and persons of Sa cred Heart parish will be sung at 9 today in the consecrated edifice. Celebrant will be Monsignor F. P. McManus of Council Bluffs; deacon will dea tr did will be Rev. Oliver Dolphin; sub- deacon, Kev. Joseph A. Lasey; mas ter of ceremonies, Kev. J. H. Ost diek. S)VS following Fourth defres Knlits of Cdiumbui participated in the consecration services: Leo A, Hoffman. Charles Wal ker, D. J. Doraey, H. J. Dorary, Thomaa Maher, John L. Coulton. Dr. J. C. Iwer sen, Charles Ederer, Dr. E. B. VcCJutl lin, T. C. Green. P. H. Routers. O. H. Koewler, John Wilson and D. M. Mur phy. Marshall of the day was J. W. Reynolds. Platte Valley Irrigation District Survey Finished Kearney, Neb., June 25. (Special.) Surveying of the Platte vallev ir rigation district has been completed, according to Federal Engineer F. F. Smith, in charge. The data assem bled is now being compiled, charts and maps are being drawn and other office detail perfected before the sur vey is turned over to the Department of Agriculture. Eleven reservoirs have been lo cated north of the Platte river, while three will be placed south of the river, between North Platte and Lexington. Three additional reservoirs are pro vided in the Platte, by damming the river. The survey provides for irri gation of 300.000 acres and the drain ing of an additional 90.000 acres. Rebekah Lodge District Meeting Held at Wolbach .Wolbach, Neb, June 25. (Spe cial.) The second annual district meeting; of the Rebekah lodb-e for the 37th district was held in thU city to day. Over 100 delegates were pres ent. A banquet at 6 was held in the Methodist church basement. - Rain Insures Cora Crop O'Neill, Neb, June 25. (Special Telegram.) A two-inch rain, which began early Sunday morning aad continued most' of the day, assure the carrying of corn through the dry July period usual in this section. I M SiwM-WsS tutor t M. IM. st Saw f. 0. VMM AH Iwt I. 1Mb Archbishop Denies That Thurch From Very Beginning, the Church Has Stood Against Public Corruption, Sayi Speaker. Archbishop J. J. Glennon. Denial that the "church it in politics." in the form as usually charged, was emphatically made by Archbishop. J. J. Glennon of St Louis in his sermon at the conse cration services of Sacred Heart church yesterday. Archbishop Glen non, one of America's most eloquent orators, chose at his text Chronicles 7:1ft-" "For I have chosen and have sanc tified this place, that my name may be there forever, and my eyes and my heart may remain there per petually." . "Politics is not in itself an ignoble thing," said the archbishop. "On the contrary, rightly understood as mean ing the promotion of laws and move ments making for the common wealth and as the sum total of efforts leading to the peace, happiness and prosperity of the people, it becomes a science altogether honorable and worthy of the support of all our people. "But politics in the minds of many has come to mean quite a different thing. Divorced from genuine states craft, from the promotion of justice and the happiness of the people, it has come to be regarded as the occu pation of men who seek thereby to srrve themselves and not others, and who. to attain their own selfish ends, are prepared to resort to dishonesty, onbrry and fraud. Interest Selves in Welfare. "It is in this degraded sense that politics is always taken by those who raise the cry The Catholic church is in politics.' What I do not under stand is why it is that the Catholic church alone is invariably made the subject of their attack. "Catholic people, in the course of ages, have interested themselves in the Social and political welfare of the nation. They regarded it a duty to defend and uphold legitimate author ity. They sought the promulgation of iust laws the defense of the rights of conscience, of God and humanity. British Cabinet Will March at Wilson Funeral Wife Consents to Permit Toliticans" to Attend Only "" WneS King's Name " Is Invoked. Ceprrtfht, Its!. . London, June 24. Lady Wilson withdrew her objections to .Prime Minister Lloyd George attending the funeral of her husband, Field Mar shal Sir Henry Wilson, on Monday, and the prime minister and his camV net will march behind the artillery caisson bearing the coffin. Only by invoking the king's name did the widow of the martyr consent to "politicians' participating in the memorial ceremonies, as her friends pointed out that the absence of the ministers from the public funeral would be regarded as disrespectful to his majesty. Spit Is Blamed. Lady Wilson's refusal to receive Austen Chamberlain, who called to present the cabinet's con dolences, and her announcement that Lloyd George and the cabinet would not be welcome at the funeral, was a result of the split which occurred between the prime minister and the field marshal several months ago. Sir Henry consistently opposed what he termed Mr. lioya ueoigc s weak and vacillating policy towards Germany and France, insisting that the British government should as sume a firm and just attitude in sup nr;nT Vi Frmrh in their fair de mands toward Gerrrtany, but giving the Germans a chance to live and make reparations. Break Over Collins. wv... Mr T.tnvH Georae began ncrn;atinn with the Irish. Sir Hen ry could no longer stand the prime minister's policy ana ne Drone swy ly on the principle involved which he said was "snaking nanas wun mm- derers." . . . . The culmination of their break oc curred when Sir Henry called at rtnrnlnir etrret nnf dav while Mr. Lloyd George was conversing with Michael Collins, as tne iiem mai .h.i .r,r.r1 the crime minister s study, Mr. Lloyd George said: sir itenry, ici mc mnvunv ..... Collins." Without replying to these words, the field marshal placed his hands behind his. back, ana wamcu from the room, summarily breaking off relations with the cabinet. New Golf Clubhouse Friend. Neb., June 25. (Special The Friend Golf club has just com pleted a club house. It is of the bun galow type and large enough to ac commodate a large dancing party. The floor is of hard maple and there is a fireplace in each end of the room. A Catalogue of Want Ad Offers The Want" Ad paure of The Omaha Bee contains the offers and wants of hundreds of individuals every day that likens it to a huge catalog. Bead this catalog daily m It to satisfy your wants. The Omaha Morning Bee Is InPoUtics ;ninationiMenace Is - M ' '''; f A.VJ Archbishop J. J. Glennon. "But that the 'church is in politics,' in the form and as the charge is usually made, is not only palpably and viciously false, but the very op ppsite is true. From the very be ginning, the church has stood against the corruptions and frauds of politi cal life against the greed and sel fishness of her kings and politicians against the powers of darkness in high places. "Poor Politicians." "I wojbld like to ask our critics whether the church was in politics in ' those 'early centuries when the pagan emperors ruled from Rome the destinies of the world 1 Poor poli ticians, those Christians were, but for God and civilization martyrs and de fenders. Thomas A. Becket, arch bishop of Canterbury, showed little political wisdom when he dared to defend the rights of the church of God against the domination of the English Caesar, Henry II. It was by Henry's politicians that he was foully murdered at the high altar of his cathedral because he would obey God rather than man. Police Guard All Notables at Harvey Dinner King and Queen Remain to End Scene Resembles '.Glittering Spectacle of " " Mid-Victorian Days. London, June 25. (By A. P.) With the Wilson tragedy fresh in mind, the police took amazing pre cautions to guard the king and queen, the members of the cabinet and oth er prominent personages who attend ed the American ambassador's dinner last night. Groups of Scotland Yard men in every manner of disguises were deployed in doorways, alleys and obscure corners, and fully 300 special detectives patroled the streets for a radius of several blocks of the Harvey residence, almost as much an object of interest as the Wilson home nearby. Hundreds of curious waited outside to catch a glimpse of the distin guished guests. Detectives were on all sides when Premier Lloyd George alighted from his automobile, and the' other members ot the caoinet were similarly safeguarded. The gathering lasted until after midnitrht. the kine and aueen remain ing until the end, which is unusual. as the sovereigns were never Known to remain to such a late hour at pre vious dinners. . The scene within the ambassador's house resembled a glittering spec tacle of mid-victorian days. All the men. with the exception of Chief Justice Taft, were attired in knee breeches and the British guests car ried jeweled swords. Many deco rations and foreign insignia were worn and the prime minister, with some of his associates, arrived in Napoleonic cocked hats. The women were resplendent in shimmering of gold and silver, the Americans vicing with their Eng lish sisters in the beauty and Iavish ness of their jewels, diamond tiaras, ropes of pearls, and rings of rare beauty. The queen wore a robe of silver brocade, with gorgeous dia mond headdress. The king spent considerable time in taking with Lady Astor of her re cent experiences in America. "You have made me a splendid laison offer between the two countries," he smilingly said. The queen held a miniature court, chatting with Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Taft and other guests, who con gratulated her upon the prince of Wales' successful tour and safe re turn. The king escorted Mrs. Harvey into the dining room, where there were 40 covers, while the queen was escorted by the ambassador. Besides the Tafts, the American guests were Mr. and Mrs. James M. Beck, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Ger ard, Mrs. Whitelaw Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Post Wheeler, Frank A. Munsey, Paul D.'Cravath and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Field. After dinner the American singers, Garence Whitehill and Miss Marcia Van Dresser, sang a number of songs. Deadlock on Judgeships Is Broken at Conference Washington, June 25. The dead lock on the bill to create a score or more of federal judges was broken by agreement of the senate and house, conferees to give an addi tional federal judge to the New Jer sey, New Mexico, eastern Illinois and 'middle Tennessee districts. OMAH tONDAY, Tj etteiChloroform Is Assured Opponents See Little Likeli hood of Wisconsin Senator Being Defeated by College Head. Socialists to Give Aid By ARTHUR SEARS HENNINQ. Omaha Ho iManl Wlr. Milwaukee, Wis., June 25. Re nomination of Senator La Follettc in the republican primary Septem ber 5 is the political forecast for Wisconsin at this writing. Leaders of the citizens' repub lican conference, which selected Dr. W. A. Ganficld, president of Carroll college, Waukesha, to . oppose La Follettc, express the belief that La Follettc can be defeated, but admit that the odds are in his favor. The editor of a big newspaper, identified with the anti-La Follettc movement, tells me that in his opin ion the senator will be renominated by the largest majority he ever re ceived in a primary. Another man, recognize'd as one of the moving spirits in the committee of 44, which called the citizens' conference, put it this way: Has Strong Backing. "It docs not look as if we could beat La Follettc. He will have the support of mo;t of his old personal following, -the Germans, the Irish, the wets, the socialists and the radi cal farmers and organized labor." The decision of the socialist party to nominate no candidate for senate will inure to the benefit of La Fol Ictte, as was intended by the social ist leaders. At the judicial elections in the spring the socialists polled 170,000 votes. With no contest in their own primary, the socialists will be at liberty to vote for La Follettc in the republican primary. I saw Victor L. Berger, the boss of the so cialist party of Wisconsin, here sev eral weeks ago, before the socialist convention, and learned of the in tention to help La Follette. "La Follette Etood against imper ialism and militarism during the war," said Berger. "That was oui stand, too. I could not find it in my conscience to put up a candidate against Bob." No Deal Made. Berger is a candidate for congress from the Fifth district and may with reason expect to receive the support of the La Follette republicans', al though he denied that there has been any deal with the senator. Berger will be opposed by Congressman Stafford on a fusion ticket. In the last congress, Berger was twice denied a seat, because of his indictment and conviction for ob struction of war measures. The su preme Court set aside his conviction on the groud that Judge Landis should have allowed a change of venue. Berger does not expect to be tried again. His friends say he has been promised by house leaders that if elected next fall he will be seated. The opponents of La Follette are whaling away at the senator on his war record and his alleged radical ism, but the senator has not answer ed them up to date. Whether this line of attack is making much head way is problematical. Not Ultra-Radical. I recently asked La Follette what he thinks of the assertions that he has become an ultra-radical, a bol shevist. Narrowing those blue eyes to slits, shaking his gray mane and squaring away at me like a prize fighter, he delivered himself as fol lows: "For the life of me I can not per ceive that I am one whit more radi cal today than I was when I entered public life more than 40 years ago. All these years I have been fighting monopoly and special privileges. They have taken new forms and my fight has taken on new aspects to suit the occasion. "I was reared in the atmosphere of the granger movement. Well I re member those days when Alexander Mitchell, father of the St. Paul road, was maintaining that the railroads were a law unto themselves, that none had the right to regulate them, and when the farmers of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois began to awaken to the problem and to determine to organize to protect their interests. Farmers Organized. "The farmers of those four states organized, controlled the legislatures and wrote the first railroad regula tion laws. They elected a farmer governor of Wisconsin just as the Nonpartisan league six years ago elected a farmer governor i,n North Dakota. Big business of those days wrung its hands in holy horror. The farmers were called anarchists bol shevism being unknown then. "But the farmers were undeterred. The laws they passed were the foun dation of state and federal railroad regulations. The laws were upheld by the supreme court and the roads were compelled to abide by them. The Iowa code probably was the best of the four. The Iowa dis tance freight rate prevented railroads from building up any one great cen ter to become a metropolis over shadowing the rest of the state. Iowa has not one metropolis, but a number of larger cities, all about the same size, scattered through the state. "I was called radical at the be ginning ofmy career, for advocating legislation now regarded as conser vative. I have not changed. What I am advocating today I have been advocating for years. But public sentiment is changing. I am being called radical today for advocating reforms which will be adopted in time and in time will be called con servative. The world do move." JUNK 26. 1922. ' Discovered A Vast Quantity of Anaes thetic Sold From Army Stores Found to Be Deadly. One Death Is Reported Omaha ltv laanl Wlr. New York, June 25. An invisible peril that has been lurking for mouths, menacing thoiiMimls of lives and per- haps causing death in many cases, j was bared today when The World I obtained the admission of the Drpart- nient of Agriculture that it lias con ' dcmni'd as unsafe a vast quantity of ' ' l' iorm sold from army surplus stores. This chloroform, put un in small tin containers and intended for anaes thesia, has been distributed to sur geons and to hospitals throughout the country and there is no way of telling at present how much of it has already been used in connection with operations. Would Invite Death. About 1,000.000 cans are said to have been sold and it is estimated that possibly one quarter of it has decomposed to such an extent that to administer it to a patient would invite death. David B. Levy of New York, a drug wholesaler and importer, who bought and sold upward of 50,000 cans of the army chloroform, has written all his customers requesting them to return it to him at his ex pense and for credit. One wholesaler said that he was in receipt of a communication from a physician of New York state express ing the opinion thSt the death of one of that doctor's patients, which oc curred in the course of an operation, had beea due to some of this decom posed chloroform. Warning Sent Out. So far, The World was informed, all the cases of decomposition have been discovered in chloroform which the government purchased during the war from E. R. Squibb and Sons of Beckman street, manufacturing chemists of many years standing. To inform users how they might distinguish the army chloroform from the kind now being manufactured, Squibb and Sons have issued a warn ing to all persons upon their mail ing list. The last large sale of this chloro form, it was said, was early this year, when about 500,000 cans were dis posed of in Philadelphia at auction. The prices ranged from 4i cents to 84 cents a can. The retail price, it is stated, is about 35 cents. Dane May Be Deported Following Threats Alliance, Neb., June 25. (Special.) Chris Klagclund, 21, Danish sailor, who is serving a 20-day sentence in the county jail on a charge of de frauding a restaurant keeper, is fac ing deportation to his native land, following his threats to "blow up" the town, which he made when sentence was pronounced, according to Im migration Officer W. R. Mansfield of Denver, who came here to investigate the case. Klagelund reached town two weeks ago "a la hobo," went to a restaurant and ate a 35-cent meal, vhich he refused to pay for, claim ing he had been "frisked" of $15. Following his conviction, Chris cursed the judge, the officers and the restaurant keeper and declared he would "blow up the whole town" as soon as he got out of jail. County Attorney Basye notified Denver im migration officials, and Officer Mansfield was sent here to investi gate the case. The officer said he would take immediate steps to have Klagelund deported to Denmark. Klagelund claims he has been in the United States eight years and ad mitted serving a three-year term in the penientiary since his arrival. He has never applied for citizenship pa pers, according to the officers. Mystery Still Clouds Kidnaping of Baby Lincoln, June 25. (Special Tele gram.) Mystery continued to sur round the kidnaping of the baby of a university couple Thuhsday from the home f Mrs. W. C. Sharp, who ha dtaken the baby while the father and mother finished their edcuation in Lincoln. Holman Howe of Humboldt, Ne braska, university student, who ad mitted to police Saturday night he was father of the baby born ( four months ago and that he married the mother in February, was reported by police to 'be investigating a clew that a strange woman carrying a baby in her arms boarded a Kansas City train at Wymore Friday. Howe, police say, told them that relatives of the mother lived in St. Joseptt and he assured the police he would locate these relatives. Police say they were informed the mother is in Lincoln, prostrate with grief over the baby's disappearance. The demented woman, . described by Mrs. Sharp as the one who had called repeatedly at her home beg ging and beseeching her for a baby to mother, is without identity so far as police know. Mrs. Sharp, accord ing to police, described her as mid dle aged. Church Dedicated . Broken Bow, Neb., June 25, (Spe cial.) The Church of God Bethel at Berwyn was dedicated Sunday, Rev. W. E. Turner of Celina, O., making the principal address. A bas ket dinner was held in the W. R. Tennant grove near Berwyn imme diately after the dedicatory service. (I.ttfl Is III RH (l (Mil 0M Divorce Decrees Obtained Secretly in Paris Courts Practice of Liquidating Family Troubles in France j Growing Mile. Lenglen to Play Last Singles at Wimbledon French Masters Dictate Return of Classic Steps to Avoid Freak Exhibition. rri, June :5.-(Dy A. P.) Ainerican laywers in Faris are being deluged with inquiries as to the procedure nccentary to obtain a di vorce in French courts, the corre spondence being provoked by the number of divorces of Americans which have been granted in France recently. The absolute secrecy with which decrees are obtained appears to be the feanture that attracts, but French judges are beginning to set their faces against the growing prac tice of Americans of liquidating their family troubles in France. The courts stand firmly on two statuory pro visions: That the applicant must have a real residence in Paris, not a mere make-belief residence, and that legal reason must exist why the applying American was unalble to procure a divorce in his or her own country. Secrecy as regards divorce pro- i ccedings here is guaranteed by the ' laws prohibiting publication of de-; tails that are connected with divorce 1 cases. It is popularly supposed that : thousands of couples have been di- j vorced in fans without any other i publicity than that traveling by word j of mouth. This secrecy is criticized by some students of the social ques- I tion, who think that publicity of di vorces would promote better social conditions. To Play Last Singles. Victor or vanquished, Wimbledon will be the last singles tournament for Mile. Suzanne Lenglen, unless she changes her mind. Her determi nation to wipe out her defeat at Forestille at the hands of Mrs. Molla Bjurstedt Mallory, the American champion, is outweighed only by her father's orders to abandon singles tournament play. She said recently to a friend: "I "don't want to give the American correspondents another chance to shake the cocoanut tree at me. Return to Classic Dance. Classic dances are coming back next season by edict of French danc ing masters. Only three new steps have passed their censorship, because they want to discourage freak exht bitions. One novelty, having the rhythm of a Spanish waltz, is called the "passe-to." This, a jicw quad rille passed on by the masters in which five classic figures are re placed by the shimmy, waltz, tango and a mixture of all three. The houh is a descriptive dance sup posed to furnish an illusion of sea waves. Wear Black and White. Parisian Surrtme'r ""season fashion shows at the race tracks, to which in feminine minds, the running of the French Derby, the grand steeple chase and the grand prix are mere incidentals, may justly be called symphonies vi black and white. Even flowers c.n hats are for the most part' black and white. Silky flimsy materials have been, more common than velvets and all the skirts have been long. Carmen Diaz in Paris. "She is occupied doing as much good as she can without attracting attention," is the way the Mexican colony of Paris speaks of a slight woman of rather stately bearing, who is always dressed in black and is so well preserved that she might pass for any age between 35 and 50. She is Carmen Romero Rubio Diaz, wid ow"of Porfirio Diaz, long time pres ident of the Mexican republic. Badly assimilated knowledge, Ma dame Diaz holds, is partly responsi ble for Mexico's woes, she likens the effect of education on the Mexicans to the effect which the teachings of Voltaire and Rousseau had on the French. The result, she thinks, final ly may be the same, but the end is far off, and Mexico, like France, will be obliged to go through more reac tions and revolutions before her des tiny is worked out. Car Windows Broken by Big Hail Stones Grand Island, Neb., June 25. (Special.) An extreme" change in temperature took place here Sunday afternoon and a violent wind storm of about 10 minutes duration took place between 7 and 8. It was unac companied, however, by rain or hail. The wind was strong enough to do some damage to auto tops. Train No. 10' on the Union Pa cific, arriving here at 7, reports a severe hail between Lexijigton and Gothenburg, stones as large as goose eggs falling, and breaking a num ber of the windows on the norfh side of the coaches. Farmer Slashes Throat in Attempt at Suicide Crab Orchard, Neb., June 25. (Special.) L. S. Penkava, 40, a farmer living a mile north of this place, attempted suicide by cutting his throat with a razor, wo deep gashes were inflicted, but the jugular vein was missed. . Mr. Penkava has been in poor health for six weeks and had just re turned home from Rochester, Minn., where he did not receive much en couragement as to his condition from specialists. His condition is serious. Knoxville (la.) Buildings Are Destroyed by Fire Knoxville, la., June 24. Fire of unknown origyi, starting at 1:30 o'clock this morning, destroyed eight business houses in the center of this city with a loss estimated at more than $200,000. A high wind caused the flames to spread rapidly and the fire was not brought under control until 6:30 o'clock this morning. Two firemen were slightly injured by fall ing walls. ) Ml !. U. i-. i (. -. JL3 House Committee Moves to Curtail Election Expenses Bill Designed to Meet Decis ion of Supreme Court Taking Off Lid Is Drawn Up. Washington, June 25. (Special Telegram.) The house committee on elections moved to curb and regulate campaign expenditures to meet the supreme court decision in the Newberry case and the opinion recently rendered by the attorney general. The opinion and the deci sion are regarded as having taken the lid off expenditures in primaries. The supreme court decision in the Newberry case held that congress has no right to pass a federal law governing expenditures in state pri maries. Representative Andrews (Nebras ka) has formulated a bill which he thinks, will meet this constitutional objection. He introduced it June 9, and it was reported by the commit tee today. Its sponsors will seek to secure a special rule so it may be rushed through congress during ths closing hours of the session, in order to affect pending primaries. Representative Andrews' bill pro vides that campaign expenditures of members of the house shall be lim ited to $5,000 and of members of the senate to $10,000. He avoids the supreme court objection by avoiding the use of the word "pri maries" altogether, and makes it incumbent upon candidates for con gress to make a report of expendi tures to the federal government. McCormick May Leave Hospital in Airplane Chicago, June 25. There are indi cations that when he departs from Wesley , Memorial hospital, Harold F. McCormick will disappear in an airplane. The mysterious actions of an aviator from Checkerboard field caused such rumor. This man drove up to the hospital in the afternoon, carefully looked over a tract of vacant land adjoining the hospital, paced off . its measure ments, gazed at the McCormick win dows, held a brief conference with the Hospital authorities and drove away. The vacant lot is a full square and would permit the launching of an airplane easily, it is said. Dr. Lespinasse issued no bulletin regarding Mr. McCormick's condi tion, but said . he would keep him in the hospital a few days longer to be absolutely sure the 'operation was successful. Hemingford Farmer Fined for Assault on Neighbor Alliance, Neb., June 25. (Special.) Gus- Schoenig, farmer near Hem ingford, pleaded guilty to a charge of assaulting his neighbor, Constantin Klempke, in county court and was fined $5. Both men are members of a rural school board and a dispute arose over the question of moving the school house from Klqmpke's land to a point nearer the center of the school district. Klempke drove to the Scho enig home, where an argument en sued. The latter invited Klempke to get out of his automobile and as Klempke did so, Schoenig struck him in the face. The Weather Forecast Nebraska Fair and cooler Mon day. Hourly Temperatures. Us i m a 7 a. m. , m S k. m. It m. m. IS !... 19 11 a. m. 1 lp, E. ,, . m. . . I r. .. .... IMS... p. sa. .. I P. . .. . ..It ..1 ..7S ..71 .. ..71 It a. ..SI I S p. m. .as TWO CENTS Jury Fixes Blame In Mine War Coroner's Panel Finds Em. jdoycrs Hpsporisilile for Slaying of 20 Men in Herrin Hattle. Timekeeper Tells Story Onmlia ltr laart! Wit. Herrin, III., June 25. A coroner's jury in its verdict here today named C. K. McDowell, superintendent of the "(imp" mine of the Southern Illi nois Coal company, as the murderer of George Henderson, one of the two I union miners slain Wednesday night wncn tncy visum tne mine 10 mane an investigation on behalf of the union. The verdict came after the jury, accompanied by Coroner William M. McCown, had visited the Herrin hos pital and questioned a number of nonunion wounded patients there i since the massacre of union men of a score of strike breakers lollowing the killing of Henderson and Joseph Pitchiewicz, the other union man slain. Says McDowell Fired. Information that Henderson was shot down by McDowell was given the jury by Allen P. Findlay, time keeper for the guards employed at the mine, and who was himself wounded in the resultant fighting, it was announced. "I was standing right behind Mc Dowell when he fired the shots di rectly at Henderson," Findlay is re ported to have told the jury. McDowell was himself slain in Thursday's disorders, the miners venting a special vengeance upon the superintendent. The coroner and jury directed C. A. Jenkins,' Herrin undertaker, who has had charge of caring for the dead, to make notation on the Henderson death certificate to the effect that Henderson "came to his death from bullets fired by C, K. McDowell, and it was murder." A verdict that the remaining slain, including Pitchiewiccz, came to their death through gunshot wounds in flicted by unknown persons, was re turned. Records of Jer.kins placed the total number of dead at 21. This includes Henry Hoffman, nonunion worker, who died from his wounds at Herrin hospital yesterday. Coal Company Blamed. Entire responsibility for the mur ders of 19 nonunion workers and two union miners resulting from the riots and massacre at a strip mine near here last Wednesday and Thursday was laid upon the officials of the Southern Illinois Cnal company . mentioned specifically by name in the verdict. The portion of the verdict on this point reads: "We, the jury, find from the deaths of the deceased that the deaths were due to the acts direct and indirect of the officials of the Southern Illi nois Coal company. We recommend that investigation be conducted for the purpose of fixing the blame upon the individuals responsible." The jury contained three union miners, of whoni one was foreman. The other three members of the jury were business men of Williamson county. Iowa Girl's Journey Halted at Alliance Alliance, Neb., June 25. (Special.) With a winsome smile and an air cf unconcern, pretty Miss Madeline Silvers, 16, of Osceola, la., who was taken from a train en route from her home to Torrington, Wyo., follow ing receipt of several messages from Iowa and Nebraska authorities, told how she came to leave home with out parental authority or sanction. "You see. it is this way," smiled Madeline, in relating her story to Sheriff J. W. Miller. "I. had a boy friend back there in Osceola who sold a lot of hogs and got a lot of money. He lost some of it gambling, and I told him he had better give the rest of his money to me and I would keep it for him. He gave me quite a bit, ad then I took a notion I would like to travel. I met a woman at the station at Osceola who lived in Torrington, Wyo., and I decided I- would like to go to Tprring-ton too, so I bought a ticket and hopped on the train. I wasn't really run ning away. Miss Silvers said she graduated with the 1922 High school class at Osceola. She was well dressed, vivacious and seemed to regard her experience as a huge joke. "Oh, yes, I'll go back home, all right," she told Sheriff Miller. Sheriff D. Scott of Leon, la., ar rived here and started with the girl on the homeward journey. Mutiny in Kiangsi Province . Is Believed Under Control Shanghai, June 25. (By A. P.) Although fresh reports from the in terior of Kia,ngsi province are lack ing, missionaries and officials here believe the fury of the mutiny has been spent and the pillaging soldiers of the Peking government brought under control either by force or spread violence is believed past. It is possible, however, that reports from the districts south of Nan chajig, where communications still are more or less disrupted, may dis close further tragic developments. Farmer Arrested on Charge of Passing Bogus Checks Pawnee City, Neb., June 25. (Spe cial.) Jesse Korber, farmer of the vicinity of Dubois, was arrested by Sheriff Guy Avery, charged with passing bogus checks. The offenses are alleged to have been committed at Humboldt in Richardson county, so Avery turned him oxer to tha Richardson officials.