The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 25, 1922, SPORT NEWS MARKETS, Image 16

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    4 B
United States Can
Use Twice Present
Number of Autos
C J.'Nfphler, General Sales
Manager, Oakland Motor
Company, Predicts Total
Will Reach 13 Million.
The United Sue can absorb twice
the number of junior vehicle rgi
trred at the (irririit time, according
to C. J. Nci'iilcr. Kcncral talci man
alter of the Oakland Motor Car com
pany. . '
"11 every date in the Union had
the number of motor car per capita
that Iowa has. there would be 20,'
(OO.(XX) passenger and commercial
carr in ue," rmon Mr. Nephlcr.
".Oi coune thii depend upon 'a
greater per capita wealth. Figurei
compiled contrastinff personal in
come taxei and automobiles per cap
ita indicate that invariably the atates
fthowinx a large number of return
fur )eronal income taxes likewise
show a large per capita percentage of
"The increase, in automobile pur
chases will undoubtedly continue In
creasing in the prosperous agricul
. tural 'communities. That , is borne
out by the motor density in such
rtates as Iowa. California, the Da
iiotas and Nebraska.
"In the rural .sections the automn
bile is a real necessity. The use of
the automobile has been increased In
these sections to a great extent by
the improvement in roads. In fact,
good roads are responsible for the
large number of automobiles in the
great, wealthy agricultural' states I
have mentioned.
"It will not be long before 1S.000,-1
000 passenger and commercial cars
;. will be in use. When this occurs,
there will be a renewal of approxi
mately 2,5(M).fHK) cart yearly, basing
the average life of a car as six years.
This tremendftus replacement alone
would be another great stabilizing
feature of the automobile industry."
Sets Record in
Mountain Climb
Studebaker Light Six First
Car to Scale Tillsbury
Knob, Pennsylvania. 1
A Studebaker light six' has just
. added new laurels to its many rec
ords for power and endurance, by
.' being the first car to reach the sum-
mit of Tillsbury Knob, near Nanti
coke, Pa.
For years the residents of Nanti
i coke and. vicinity,, have looked to
5 ward Tfllsoiiry' "Knob, one of : the
'highest metuptafW m Luzerne coun
ty, convtafiijjjteltiits heights could
never beetnetffcny VcKidW.'eifhcr
motor, or horse-raWn.
The: car that 'finally succeeded was
'driven by J. Williams of Nanticoke,
and the featnprpv.ed a test not only
, of the-s1urdlrjes oi the car but also
the ability of the driver. The ascent
was made over. -a mere footpath, for
, no road ' leads to the summit.
Boulders, undergrowth and even
trees furnished obstacles, in climbing
this mountain of shale and rock, but
the car maneuvered , its way upward
until the summit was reached. :
As an indication:,' of- the sharp
grades encountered. .during.. the as
cent, the mountain. -rises to a height
of 700 teet ih 'the course of t"he one
mile trip from base, to summit. The
Light-Six which made this unpre
cedented., climb under its- own . power
had "previously been driven "over
30.000 ' miles and still retained the
original front tires that came with
the car.
' Mr. Williams started up the moun
tainside with an ordinary pair of
automobile tire chains on the rear-
wheels, but the rough stones and
boulders soon broke them to pieces,
and a set of heavy half-inch chains
had to be attached.
On reaching the summit of the
precipice, the car reposed there for
one week. The headlights, were
turned on each night and the record-:
making Light-Six could be seen for
miles around. fi the end of a week,
the job of driving down the moun
tain was tackled, and proved almost
as thrilling and difficult as the ascent.
Prizes Offered for
Photos of Chandler
Automobile tourists are offered
cash prizes of $100, $50 and $25 by
the Chandler Motor Car company
for photographs . showing Chandler
cars , in. , interesting or unusual
scenes:1 ' '
Announcement to this effect is
published in the current issue of the
Chandler . Bulletin, the company's
monthly .magazine for Chandler own
ers, which says:
"The summer's touring pleasures
are recalled throughout the winter
by looking . over the . collection . oi
snapshot photographs' 'that tell the
story of the- happy days jof unfet
tered freedom in the great outdoors.
"To encourage the use of the
camera and to further the spirit of
comradery that' exists between fel
low travelers, the : Chandler Motor
Car company will award a series oi
prizes 'for jthe best ; photograph of
beautiful, 'scenes or interesting ex
periences encountered while touring
in Chandler., cars. ''''; '
"The Chandler tourist submitting
the most; interesting photograph
during the? "present touring season
will be'awafded a prize of $100. :
"A second - prize of $50 will be
paid for the second best photograph
and a third prize of $25 for the third
"Prize-winning photographs must
depict a Chandler car in an interest
ing or unusual situation, or an un
usual scene in which a Chandler cat
i included.
' "Each photograph entered' in the
contest must be accompanied by a
letter describing the scene and giv-
ing the name of the owner of the
"The prizes will be awarded be
fore the end of the year. The clos
ing date of the contest.-will be an
nounced in a future" isse of ' the
Packard Reaches
New Sales Record
Packard Motor Car company, ac
cording to figurei now available,' es
tablished in May the greatest monthly
record during alt of its 23 years of
Shipments which could not begin
to keep pace with incoming orders
amounted to 1.748 trucks, Twin-Sixct
and Single-Sixes, representing a
gratifying sales volume of more than
This figure, referring to the number
of shipments, was, it is said, IS per
cent greater than that 01 May, WM,
which up to this year was the com
pany record month, it is also luu
per cent grcatrr than lor the corre
sponding month of. last year.
In spite of its increased production
facilities, which made the shipping
record possible, the company finds it
selfaccording to H. H. Hills, vice
president of the distribution unable
to ship Twin-Sixes and Single-Sixes
to enable the distributors to deliver
to their customers orders which were
placed several weeks ago.
Distributors who heretofore con
sidered 100 cars a year as represent
ing good business now want from
300 to 500 cars." he states. Distrb
utors who formerly had four dealers
in their territory now have four
times that number."
New Tire Service
Station Opened
Building Arranged to Give
Prompt and Convenient
Service. ,
One of the finest and most com
plete tire service statibns west . of
Chicago recently was opened by
Fred C. Rudisell, who has been con
nected with the tire industry in
Omaha for several years. This build
ing was built especially for a tire
service station and is arranged to
give prompt, convenient service.
A' feature of the building is the
drive-in arrangement. Six large
double doors open on St. Marys
avenue, and a like number on the
street at the rear of the building.
This overcomes the necessity of
turning around or backing up.
1 he salesroom is on the nrst floor
and the tire stock is arranged in plain
view of the customers. The office
is on the second floor and is con
nected with a stockroom where two
carloads of tires may be stored. The
building has about 90 feet of frontage
on St. Marys Avenue and affords
6,000 square feet of floor space.
Kudiscll plans to handle both Uld-
field and Firestone tires, which wil!
include -. Firestone Flat Top pneu
matic and solid truck tires. A large
solid tire press has been installed.
Rudisell has been a resident of
Omaha for the last 12 years. At
one time he was. manager ot tne
and Rubber company and later was
Omaha branch of the Firestone lire
in charge of the Overland Tire fac
If it is something out of the ordi
nary which you want, insert a
"Want" Ad in the "Want to Buy"
column of The Omaha Bee and get
quick results.
A Business Coupe Of Steel
Tractor Show to
Open Wednesday
Practical Denicuutratioru of
Wide Range of Industrial
IW to Be Given.
The r1rt industrial tractor show
over held in Keliratka will open
Wednesday at Twenty-lirt and
Leavenworth streets.
This show will be open daily up
to and including Friday, and the pub
tic is invited to attend without charge.
I: will be educational in nature, with
every feature demoimtratuig the prac
tical application of tractor power to
the problems of the contractor,
builder, road engineer, manufacturer,
as well as the tanner,
The various exhibits will range
front railroad equipment, in which
tractors are used a locomotives, to
the smallest featnres of equipment,
adding to convenience and economy
in industrial operation.
Among the various kinds of work
which will be demonstrated will be
the use of tractors as locomotives,
hoisting by means of tractor operated
winches, the demonstration of all
types of road-making machinery, the
operation of electrical lighting plants
and the use of a tractor as power to
operate a stone crusher, and the in
dustrial uses of tractors in hauling
trailer trains.
The exhibits have been arranged
by a majority of the leading manu
facturers of power equipment.
Wednesday morning an immense
tractor parade will be, driven through
the streets of Omaha. This is the
first parade of its kind ever held west
of New York City.
Dodge Brothers
Build New Coupe
Closed Car for Business Men
Is Distinct Achievement in
Automotive Field.
Behind the simplo phraseology of
announcement' which Dodge
Brothers, Detroit automobile manu
facturers, are publishing in every im
portant city and town in America,
lies the story of a new achievement
in automobile development. "Dodge
Brothers announce a business coupe;
conservative changes in the body de
sign of all other types,", the adver
tisement reads.
The business coupe is the first all-
steel closed car ever marketed. In
this respect it takes a new and dis
tinct place in automotive history, for
it involves an entirely unique prin
ciple of coupe body construction. The
steel body not only practically elimi
nates the problem of limited produc
tion, due to the tedious and costly
individual workmanship required on
wood 'bodies, but' also 'enables 'the
manufacturers to give the coupe the
same lustrous baked enamel finish
which has already . contributed so
much to ...the reputation of Dodge
Brothers open cars.,. This process in
itself will also facilitate quantity pro
duction, as an enormous amount of
time was consumed heretofore in ap
plying the numerous' coats of paint
required oh wood.
Dodge Brothers offer to the business public of America
an entirely new principle in Coupe body construction.
From framework to window mouldings the body is built
of steel. It is the first all-steel closed car ever marketed.
This design anticipates every possible requirement of
commercial travel. It insures unusual quietness
unusual grace unusual stamina. It has made it possible
to give the Coupe that same lustrous baked-on enamel
finish -for which Dodge Brothers open cars have long
been famous.
The upholstery is of genuine leather leather that will
wash and wear. The seat is wide and comfortable.
Carrying compartments are accessible and spacious. The
car is equipped with a heater, dome light, window levers,
windshield cleaner, cord tires, Yale door locks, and every
other appointment necessary to the owner's comfort
and protection.
Built inside and out to withstand the wear and tear of
everyday use, it retains the same lightpess and beauty of
line which you are accustomed to look for in Dodge
Brothers cars.
It. is the Business Coupe' which business people the
world over have been expecting from Dodge Brothers.
The price is $980 f. o. b. Detroit
33-35 FOURTH ST.
- -
Cyclists of Qniaha
Have Gypsy Outing
Joined by EntbuaiaiU From
Sioux City, Colurnbui, Grand
Island, Lincoln and Bluffi.
The Omaha Motorcycle club and
cycle enthusiast from Sioux City,
Columbus, Grand Island, Lincoln,
and Council IllulTs returned Sunday
afternoon, June IS. tired but happy,
agreeing that it was the most success
ful tour they have ever made.
The Omaha members were in
charge of Robert flocck and Al
Klivens, first group: Lou Isely and
George King, second group; Herman
Fischer and Maurice Frank, third
group. The first group was1 led by
F.rvin Rohlff, who is with Victor H.
Koos, the cycle man. Mr. Rohlff was
tour master and had arranged for
the outing and took complete charge
of events.
The program consisted of boating,
fishing, swimming, dancing, games
and contests, and a wiener roast
and big Sunday dinner. Four boats
were furnished by the club, as well
as five cottages for sleeping accom
modations for the women. A five
piece negro orchestra had been se
cured and gale jazzy selections that
couldn't be resisted.
Those taking most active part in
the affair were: Herb Rynerson,
Krvin Rohlff, Otto Ramer, S. Fisher.
Fred Sutton, Sam Carpenter, Gains
and George King, accompanied by
their wives. Those from Sioux City
were: F. Schelman, tour master; A.
Christensen, Clarence Savage, D.
Balow and C. H. Cain. Columbus
and Lincoln tourned out with 25
riders, among whom were Ernest
Frederick, C. Kruni, Snow Marks,
Howard Brown and Big Lewis.
Your "Want" Ad in The Omaha
Bee will be read by thousands of
people who are interested in just
what you have to sell. The cost is
low, too.
(Succeaeore War ' Lelana
Stocks Bonds
Grain Provisions
Small lei ivn iimi attention
a large lot. PRIVATE WIRES.
W invito inquiries.
Y. Stock Exchania
J Chi
) Chi.
Chicafo Stock Exchange
Chicato Board of Trade
I Omaha Crain Exchange
T.N.Rutter, Manager
In the Stock Market
Made From Small Investments
Write for Free Booklet
The Most Simple Explanation
of Profitable Stock Trading
Eat. 1884
74 Broadway, New York
(Stocks and Bond$
1 1 Bought and told for
U caili or upon attractive ..
partial payment plan. l
Mh Quotation furnished
upon Local, Inactive and I
Unlisted Securities. i I
We invite your in-1 "
iquirie. i
Important development
contained In thi week'
market review retarding
the follawlnx- (eruritieai
Bait, A Ohio Texa Company
Marine "Hd."
Pan Americas Marlaad Oil
Durant Motor
Moth. Led Coal'l'n
Ct. Northern Ore
Baldwin Loco.
SImm Petrol,
Writ for free copy
P. G. S1AMM & GO.
Member of Consolidated
Stork Eithang of New York
35 S. William St., New York
$12. 60 buy guarantee option on 10, 000
boahela ef wheat or corn. Nm Farina Wale.
A movement of 6e from option price givea
roe an opportunity to take tsno.00; 4c $400.00;
Se. $300.00. ate. WRITE TODAY FOR PAR
IIVEST0IS MILT HUE, ou1brt1 Irmek
Dept. N, 10O4altlmor,KAN.CITr,MO.
produced by Stock Privilege on 100
snare, coatinf 978 to $137.50. Write
for Free Booklet No. 14. PAUL KAYE,
Timel Rulldlns. CHICAGO, II.L.
Bclentiric American I1M.. WASHINGTON, O. C.
VYoolirortn Dulldlni. NEW YORK
w 1J ttnq W.iA.J HOW THEY WORK
Thflr use In Trading In Wall SL cltirlj
explained la our KHKE BOOKLET No. 48.
Taehmaa Co. SS William St. Mm York
Whatever the "want" is that you
have in mind, Bee Want Ads can be
oi prompt service to you.
2216-18 Farnam Street
ii l yy
Gray Goose living proof of perfect
balaiice. .. Not too much weight nor
length just enough. Not too much
wing-spread nor power just enough. A
supreme development. Q The Wills Sainte
Claire its supreme power and flexibility
the ease and security with which it floats
over the road the zest with which it
climbs the hills, the new-found thrill of its
effortless driving: Q These things, in the
Wills Sainte Claire, have been created by
perfect balance complete harmony of motor,
wheel-base, weight, spring design, essentials
made possible by advanced engineering.
Have you ridden in the Wills Sainte Claire?
PHAETON. . $2475 COUPB . $3275 IMPERIAL SEDAN . $3575
ROADSTER . 2475 SEDAN . 3475 TOWN CAR . . . 3850
LIMOUSINE . $3850 F O.B. MatynlU
Farnam at the Boulevard
rv (Motors
Motors Xto
The wonderful riding ease of
the good Maxwell is particularly
prized when traveling at ordinary
driving speeds over rough roads
Cord dree, non-skid iront and rear ; disc eteel whecla, demount
able at rim and at hub; drum type lamp; Alemiia lubrt
cukm; motor driven electric horn; unuaually long spring.
Prices F. O. B. Detroit, revenue tax to be added: Tour
log Car, $885; Roaditer, $885; Coupe, $138) ; Sedan, $1485
Motor ? Supply Co. i
Omaha Phone AT lantic 2462
Phone HArney 0868
Chandler Bulletin."
-TtT Italia-Bee Want Ads bring
" the" nest, results.