THE OMAHA BEE: FRIDAY. JUNE 23. 1022; Madison County Candidates Under Wire for Primary Prrtrnt . 50th PiMrirt Rfprr. urinative to Contest With Tihlrn Man Kilitor Democratic Aspirant. Mdion. Neb., June 2J. (Spe rial) Candida re tinder the wire for the last heat in the primary race. For Mate representative. 5th di trier. C. H. Merian. present repre. tentative, Newman Grove, will con tent with Christian F. Hanson, Til !rn. F. I), f'onley, editor of the Madiion Star-Mail, i the democratic candidate. District 49 i represented hy Mr. 'Jea't Whitney on the re publican ticket, and Herman Cer ecke on the democratic ticket, both from Norfolk. V. S. Crook, Meadow Grove, for mer commissioner; L. C. Hanson, Tilden, and F. G. Massman. Battle Creek, have filed for commissioner of the third district on the republican ticket, and J. J. Blair and A. M. Jones, both of Tilden.on the democra tic. J. C. Kilmer, present commis sioner from the first commissioner's district, it the republican aspirant, and Watson L. Purdy, former com missioner, the democratic. Otto W. Wolf, present county clerk and republican candidate for renomination, must measure strength with George F. Kelsow of Madison, who also seeks the nomination. G. C. Warren, Norfolk, and Clyde E. Baker, Battle Creek, are the demo cratic aspirants. M. D. Tyler, present county at torney, and candidate for renomi nation, is contested by William C. Traub of Norfolk for the office of county attorney. Frank Warner's is the only filing on the democratic ticket. County Treasurer P. W. Ruth has no opposition before the primaries, but X. H. Marble of Tilden desires to measure strength with him at the poles as he has filed on the demo cratic ticket. C. S. Smith, present sheriff; H. A. Barnts. Norfolk, and Walter M. fallory. Battle Creek, are the can didates for sheriff on the republican ticket, and R. A. Allen and William P. McCune, Norfolk, and Earl W. McKinney and Charles N. Farage, Madison, are the democratic candi dates. N. A. House!, present county superintendent; Mrs. Alice Hall and John J. Malone, all of Madison, seek the nomination for county superintendent. Keith County Candidates File for Nomination Ogatlala. Neb., June 22. (Special.) -rThese candidates for nomination at the primary here filed in Keith county: For sheriff: , Republican, Gabe Wallen, E. V. Battershell, G. Cornick and D. A. Antrim; democra tic, Eugene Beal, George N. Heiser for renomination. '-. For county clerk: Republican. Lulu Rosengrant for renomination, E. A. Mead, C. E. Nichols and H. M. Hunt. For county treasurer: Republican, C. C. Worden, Georee Welsh and E. N. McNamar; democratic, A. J. Meerse; progressive, Mrs. C. E. Phillips. For commissioner, Third district: Republican, L. J. Lintz, Carl Schultz; progressive, George Denter. For county attorney: Republican, L. A. DeVoe for renomination. For county superintendent: Non political, Kathcrine Feather for re nomination, Jessie M. Gainsforth and Hazel Richmond. Choral Qub Entertains Clay Center, Neb., June 22. (Spe cial.) The Clay Center Choral club assisted in the Hastings district Monday night in furnishing the en tertainment for the Spanish-American war veteran encampment in Hastings. . Special Week of June 19 to 28 Inclusive I OLD FASHIONED (CHURNED) BUTTERMILK ALL YOU CAN DRINK FREE WITH ANY ORDER ALL SIX RESTAURANTS ADVERTISEMENT. How Many Women Peel Their Faces at Home Three Arreted, Allied LitjiUT Seized in Raid Btetrice, Nh. June 22 (Special Telegram ) A the remit of a raid made at the home of Clarence Krton in Glenover by Sherilf Emery. Kim. Srence Horn and William Dart in were arretted and lodged in jail for alleged violation of the liquor law, A quantity of allrgrd intoxicating liquor was secured bv the officer. Swift Plant Threatened When Jlarn Catches Fire Beatrice, Neb., June 22. (Special,) A hay barn near the Davis elevator which was partly destroyed by (ire last week, caught fire again Wednes day and for a time the Swift plant and other buildings were threatened. Swift employes, with the aid of the Beatrice firemen, extinguished the blaze. Thrilling Auto Race Ends With Liquor Capture Booze Stinnett Lead Federal Agent Merry Chae From Bluff, to North of Florence. A thrilling auto chase late yester day afternoon ended in the arrest of Carl Grace, 215 North .Eighth street, Council Bluffs, on the charge of possession of liquor. Earlier in the afternoon, Federal Agent Sumner Knox had raided the home of Mrs. Cora B. Grace, with whom her ton lives, and seized 40 gallons of alcohol. Knox, impeding that the alcohol wai the property of the ton. Carl, who previously had been arrested on a liquor charge, set fm in a high-powered automobile to find huii. He wis accompanied by Deputy Sheriff George Gillatpy. At Thirty-fourth and Broadway the officers overlook Grace speeding toward Onuha'in a big machine. Grace turned north on Thirty-fourth street, dashed across the Illinois Cen tral bridge to Kt Omaha, sped to i he boulevard and on north through Florence into the country north M Omaha. Knox and Gillaspy followed in hot pursuit, the deputy firing several shots into the air lo frighten Grace. The fugitive finally was overtoalen and wat returned to Council Bluffs where he put up fJ.OOO bond for hit release on the liquor charge. Dee Want Adt produce -results. i 1 1 1 i 1 1 i i i ii s i i i i t i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i it i 1 1 1 1 1 in i.iii i 1 1 i, i t ii i4 i tiii i i t r i i -i i i FREE On Saturday June 24th FREE The last day of bur Demonstration and Sale of Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges Voss "Sea Wave" Red Star Oil Stove. Electric Washers Herrick Refrigerators We will give away ire A Detroit Jewel Gas Range Value $45.00 A Red Star Oil Stove Value $78.00 A Voss "Sea Wave" Electric Washer Value $115 A Herrick Refrigerator Value $39.50 Anyone visiting our Downstairs Store be fore 4 p. m. Saturday, June 24th, will be given an opportunity of being awarded one of these prizes. It is not necessary to make a purchase to qualify for a prize. If the person to whom a prize is awarded has already purchased a simi lar article from us. credit will be made for the sale price to apply on pur chases in this department. Prizes Awarded Saturday, June 24th, at 4 P. M. People to whom prizes are awarded mutt be present to claim them. 16TH AND HOWARD STREETS iTaiiaiiiiiBtiaiiairaiiantiiiiii'.ai aiiaiMiiiaiiaaiii.ii.aiiai.ata-aiii' ii aMai:ii a.:aMa'aiiii!ii;ai.iiiaia;:a iaiiauauaiiart'aHa-trra;ia'aTii:iii('riii'aiiaiiaitai!a'iaia!B Any woman nowadays may quickly rejuvenate her complexion at home by a safe and painless peeling process. The days of expensive and dangerous "opera tions" are past and men woman can be her own beauty doctor. It has been dis coevred that ordinary mercolized wax, ap plied like cold cream at night, will cause the thin veil of lifeless, sallow or blotchy cuticle to gently flake off in invisible, flour-like particles, revealing the fresh, ' vigorous and beautiful young skin nnder neath. Th.' wax peels off only the un healthy and unsightly outer film. The process defies detection and unveils a clear, white, lovely complexion which is. of course, a perfectly natural one. For thia purpose many thousands of women are now using mercolized wax, which may b obtained at any drug store. Naturally the process also removes all such surface blemishes as freckles, blotches, pimples, tan, liver spots, etc. It makes the face look years younger. $25 Dresses at $12.50 Choice of 100 women's and misses dresses " that were made to sell for and up to $25.00, Friday at $12.50 JULIUS ORKIN 1512 Douglas Street Taie eotala. tea ling aaanrsHaf Mawaraaaaallet tea sasswlagaaia ess at aona, ma, no, sataiaa, eat. aadvaieklykaalatk.tajafy.aata UGHTHITJa on Th i Skerasus Md'asnwil Drag Btana June Rpses Brides and The Premier Baby Grand Each a Symbol of Happiness For permanent enjoyment, no other wedding gift can compare with the superb Premier Baby Grand. Its small size lends itself perfectly to the first cozy nest, as well as the more sumptuous home of future dreams. The Premier Baby Grand Its mellow tone the graceful contour and exquisite finish make it a prized possession year after year. Its price is but slightly more than that of a high-grade Upright $650 This gem of an instrument must been seen and heard to be appreciated. Come in today why not now! Convenient terms arranged to suit the pur chaser. , CM K-BDodfe St.... Omaha OPPOSITE HAYDEN'S F o ire Smoke and Hater did heavy damage to one of our branch stores. Hundreds of dollars, worth of merchandise ruthlessly priced for quick selling. APRONS Splendid styles in ging ham and percale, regular $1.50 values, at . 79c Silk Fiber Hose Black only, regular 75c ST 39c Beautiful Gingham Dresses Trimmed - with organdie, for street wear, worth' to $7.00 $2.98 Sizes to fit all. Large lot of Silk Taffeta, Canton Crepe Dresses, very, very slightly soiled, worth to $44.50; while they last $11.99 WAISTS Georgette, Tub Silk, Crepe de Chine and Pon gee, beautiful styles, worth to $7.50; while they last $1.98 Ladies' Fine Gowns.. 98c Silk Top Teddies. . .98c Sheriff Quashes, Attempt to .Break Jail hy Bank Trio Priftonm Narrowly Escape Death When Car Convey, ing Them to State Teni. tentiary Overturns. After being frustrated in an at trmptrd jail break three Omaha men, recently convicted of the De catur Mate bank robbery attempt, ere placed in a large touring car yesterday to be taken to the state penitentiary at Lincoln, narrowly escaping death when the car over turned near rremont. Sheriff Ray SunfWld visited the Tekamah county jail between 10 and II Wednesday night, lie discovered that rn King,, one of the thr men, had 4d one bar of his cell in two, and wai sawing on a second bar. King, and I. out Klernt and Gott fried rer.cek, the other two prison ers, were in separate cells. Deputy Harry Smith was on guard, but water had hern placed on the bart, thus deadening the sound of the sawing. Olnreri were at a low lo under stand how King had gained posses sion of the taw. Fearing to leave the prisoner in the ail any longer, Sheriff Standield, County Attorney Herbert Khode. Deputy Sheriff Smith and Burrell Latta act out for Fremont., When the big car rolled over a six-foot embankment near Fremont Latta. the driver, wat the only one aeriounly injured. The party arrived at the penitentiary in Lincoln at 11:30. r AN AM A, STRAW AND KIT HATS CUaW. fUeletBaa a4 R.tilaiat.4 DRESHER BROTHERS Halls. Claaaat HIT raaa St. AT 014 M.a' I aw S plM suits, ciaeaaa aa4 imm4, l SO ADVsumarNEKT. MEN BURS TO WOMAN WFEIIIQ How many mm. think you. hav anv idf I the nam endure dv women in their own household, and ,o(ten without a murmur? They have no patience len the over worked wile and mother begin to get pale, have headache, backache, faint spell, or'i melancholy and cannot sleep, There is help for every woman in thie condition, a evidenced by the many voluntary letter of recommendation which we are continually publishing in this paper for Lydia E. rinkham's Vge table Compound, It will pay ny woman who tulfer from such ail menu lo give il a trial. endured AntKNTiaMsCVr Keep Your Gums from Receding If eur turns art rwadina, yM hav th 4ra44 pyarrhsa, ln'l d.lsy. lio at onra la your d.nii.t and (at bis e4t-ire and lraimfll. And wash rear mouth daily with LykeUn, th poa.rdil anil. splla whlrh aaae th mats elaea and frae from farm, thus a.lplnf la pravant I ha gain en. Lyknlan maatt lb sums dim and rasistant la at tacks and stops tnd.nry la Mead. I's I as a mouth wash vrr day and anloy narfact Said by Uadmt druecists. When You Need Help use a Bee Classified Want Ad 'I"M ''l l"il'l':"l: l':l-"r"l"."UI.H:it.'r. f I l.ll f r ir(..l:uN I II) I I I ) I I I : . f t1"lll l 1 I I I I I 'I'' l''M''l"I"M 'I I' Exchange Department If you have pieces of furni ture or rugs that you would like to replace, we will be glad to talk with you about it. 16TH AND HOWARD STREETS 7oj)i, Dais Carriages, Children t Furniture 1 Third Floor FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY r u a. s :- h i ii i ii u r - ..cmaiiir. nil i ria h n . u it m -vr n ? MANY are the hours that will be spent on the porch this summer, and its proper, fitting out has become quite important- Come in and look at our stock of friendly, comfortable Summer Furniture and you'll de cide to increase the attractiveness of your home by the addition of some of this delightful, yet inexpensive furniture-. Maple Rocker or Chair, with reed seat, $3.95 Settee to match .$6.95 Bar Harbor Porch Chair. $11.50 Solid Maple Rocker, with double cane seat and back; especially good for rooming house or hotel lobby -$13.50 . : a Delaware" Porch Furniture White paint finish, double cane seats, attractive and durable. Rockers .$7.50 to $16.00 Chairs $6.50 to $15.00 Settee $20.00 Four rooms completely furnished with fur-, niture, rugs and draperies.. .$402.50 See this display in our 16th street window. Dr apery Section Automobile Seat Coverettes for any make or model of automobile, shown in three colors. Priced from 82.00 to 84.50 a seat. Complete slip cover sets for all makes o cars made to order. Stenciled Crash Greatly " Reduced to Close '. Curtains with Valances, regular $6.75 Couch Covers regular 8.00 40-inch Table Covers... regular 2.25 25-inch Table Covers. . .regular 1.00 Chair Backs regular 2.00 Pillow Covers regular 1.50 Vudor Porch Shades Shown in three colors; make the porch cool and comfortable on hot days. 5x6 85.20 I 7x6 ...... $7.25 1.9x6 89.75 86.00 I 8x6 $8.25 I 10x6 .... $10.75 $4.75 5.85 1.75 .70 1.45 1.00 6x6 Popular Summer Rugs . - .. jwvSjikr' : ?& dSf & QQ lllMlllUllllilllinil.HMliimiuxWmmv, vni!imiimtwnmmunmMMMuusMH Crex Crass Rum Plain or in patterns, in browns, greens, and blues seamless. 6x6 $6.00 8x7 ........... $9.50 6x9 $14.00 9x12 $13.75 All-Fiber Seamless Rugs 36x72-in $2.75 6x9' $9.50 4-6x7-6 $7.00 8-3x10-6 . .'. . . . $13.50 . Imported Bar Harbor Rush Rugs In twisted straw effects, fancy block designs or plain colors, reversible. 69 $17.50 7-6x10-6 $24.50 9x12 $33.50 Can be made into any width or length. 1 i i i Gift Shop Sale of Dinner ware It will pay you to investigate our stock of dinnerware. We are. showing an un 'usually attractive as sortment of English, French and domestic patterns. 42-piece dinner set in English Porcelain $26.75 This is but one of a great many patterns. Dinner- sets priced from $15 UP- Hartmann Wardrobe Trunks For comfort and convenience. Much of the pleasure of your vacation trip depends on the condition of your clothing at the end of your journey. A full sire- Hartmann Ward robe Trunk, equipped with all hangers, shoe mat, hat box, strong locks, cushion top,' which insures clothes packed without danger of wrinkling. $33.75 Complete line of seasonable luggage, including taxi suitcase, fitted bag, Warren hat boxes. Buy a Brunswick on our One Hundred Club Plan I Select any Brunswick in our stock. Pay $5 and it will be delivered- Bal ance in convenient monthly payments. No. 117, in Oak or Mahogany, $285 Value $250 j!aiaai:aiia:iaiia:a,!aNa:iaiii'aaiieiia:aiii:ai!aiia'.si:BiiaTarita i:a:a:ai:ai.atBHai;ai:!etia!'iriiitii(i:iti'aiiaiii'ii:iaiiaiiiKaiiaiai i.e!'i,i:a :a.iBiiB''Kaia'ai'a',a':a: i i:a:a'ia!ia'iaiiBaiia.iBiaiia!itTai'a:ia:a:iai'a! a.:a'ia'a 'aaMa(ia'tataMaTaT Wabash Train No. 6 LV. CHICAGO 10:30 A.M. AR. DETROIT 5:55 P.M. AR. BUFFALO 2:50 A.M. Via Lackawanna AR.ELMIRA 6:52 A.M. AR. BINGHAMTON. 8:25 A.M. AR. SCRANTON . . . 10:10 A. M. AR. WILKESBARRE 10:51A.M. AR. NEWARK ..... 2:59P.M. AR. HOBOKEN &:13P.M. AR. NEW YORK .... 3 :30 P. M. Wabash Train No. 12 LV. CHICAGO 11:25 P.M. AR. DETROIT 7:25 A.M. AR. BUFFALO 5:10 P.M. Via Lackawanna AR. NEW YORK ... 7:15 A. M. . From Chicago, Wabash "Train 6" at 10:30 A. M. of fers unusual service with its through equipment of all-steel sleeping cars and coaches and fine dining car service and not only to New York City, but to Detroit, Buffalo and the resorts of Canada, New England and the Seashore. Train No. 12, leaving Chicago at 11:25 P. M., also pro vides splendid service with all-steel sleeping cars to Detroit and Buffalo and thrbfigh steel coaches to New York City. Summer Excursion Fares East are now in effect from Omaha via Chicago to many Eastern cities and resorts. No excess fare via Wabash the lowest fares, either one way or round trip, apply. We invite you to write, phone or call for information. Tickets at 1416 Dodge St or Union Station, or write H. C Shields, Division Pass. Agt, 1909 Harney St., Omaha :USE BEE WANT ADS THEY BRING PROFITS: Powder an MCctim Talcum Aa exquisitely scented, antiseptic powder. Qtvea quick relief to un burced or Irritated aUna. vrtiiAnm heary perspiration, and bnparta delicate, lasting fragrance, Itftvtef tbs skin sweet and wnoleaocae. isaaTCaliiBi Sua as ssalaa 3 ' . X