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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1922)
t The Omaha Morning Bee VOL 52-NO. 5. f. t, UMa Aa) ST fciVfc OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1922. t Ma II aorti M taMit. N: MM, UH. attMa tfc m. 6toMM MX W II aMII M ,. III. ! Mfc H- TWO CENTS iDublin Men Shoot Peer in London Sir Henry Wilton Assassi nated at Door of Home '"' Slayers Captured Officer Killed. Prominent Men Guarded Caarrifkt, int. ; London, June 22. Irih gunmen brought their campaign of terrorism U the heart of London this after on when two former Irish soldiers from Dublin shot dead Field Mar hal Sir Henry Wilson as he was entering his home at 36 Eaton place in the Victoria section, within a atone' throw of the American em biv ui Grosvenor Gardens and Within sound of Buckingham palace. " Sir Henrv was returning home in all uniform after having unveiled a Monument to railway - war dead at the Liverpool street railway station. He drew his dress sword from his scabbard and attempted to defend himself from the group of gunmen when bullets struck him in the fore liead and one ankle, and he fell into the gutter. He died 10 minutes later withoutv regaining; consciousness. Policeman Killed in Chase. , One policeman was killed and two Hounded and a taxicab driver was shot, seriously, in a half mile chase, resulting in the arrest of the assas sins. j. A milkman, leaping from his cart struck one of the gunmen over the head with a milk bottle, knocking him down, as the couple attempted fo commandeer a taxi. A policeman iftrew his club at the other., who 1.' I 1 , was aiming nis revolver, xnocKing the weapon from the murderer's hand. Policemen then closed in and arrested the pair. They gave their ttames as James and James MacBrien. , It was stated one attempted sui cide, seriously wounding himself. A dozen bullets were exchanged during the chase, bystanders and the crowd escaping miraculously. ' Guards Doubled. ' ''The guards around Prime Minister Lloyd George, Winston Churchill, minister of the colonies, Sir Laming Worthington, minister of war, - and other cabinet ministers, have been doubled. .' The house of commons adjourned immediately after the crime this afternoon as a mark of respect, to the general. AThe late field marshal, who has been the military adviser of the; unionists government, just arrived in London from Belfast last night. It vas under his command that, the British forces reinforced -the union ist troops in the operation against the republicans on the Ulster border, resulting in the recapture of Pettigo nd Belleek. r During the Irish conference during the last two weeks. Sir Henry sup ported Sir James Craig in demand ing full employment of British forces in Ireland .to aid the unionists in rutting down the ' disorders and the i southern Irish Sinn Fein leaders and followers. Law to Ban Traffic "v; in Glands Planned """Chicago, Tune 22. Legislation to prohibit traffic in human glands, will be introduced in the next session cf the -Illinois legislature, according to two members of the general assem blyRepresentatives Thomas J. 0"Grady and Lawrence G. O'Brien, b'dlh democratic members from Chi cago districts. . Jhev declared that persons should be prohibited by law from selling any part of their body or from buy ing tissues or glands from the body of another. , Representative O'Grady a n -aounced that. his proposed measure t make gland transplantation illegal has been drafted 1 and that he will of er the bill as soon as the general mbly meets next January. Then the two legislators learned of each other's similar plans they de cided to confer on the matter. Prominent Elkhorn Woman Dies After Brief Illness Ida Marsh VanAlst of Elkhorn, Neb., died Thursday at an Omaha hospital after a brief illness. , She was the widow of Theodore VanAlst, lor many years a prominent grain man of Elkhorn. She was born in Pennsylvania in 1834 and has been a resident of Elkhorn and vicinity for more than 40 years. V'Durine the world war Mrs.' Van Alst had charge of the Red Cross knittme in Elkhorn and she devoted herself to works of charity. She is arvived by one sister, Mrs. Mary Quinn. Kosiha Held to District Court Under $1,500 Bonds r Columbus, Neb.. June 12. (Spe cial Telegram.) Charles Kosiba. ar rested in Omaha and brought here to answer to a complaint filed by Helen Jarecki of Duncan charging him with being the father of her un born babe, was given a preliminary iKriririfr in the county court yester day. It was agreed that Kosiba should marry the gh-1 but later on they disagreed and the plan of get ting married was called off.. Kosiba Tis bound over to the oistnct court 1 Auxiliary Band Formed ; Arapahoe, Neb.. June 22. (Spe- tar nf h Aranahoe hand, ha or. sanirMt an Bnxiltarv hand of 26 'members which will enter training immediately with a practice once a - week. It is the intention of Mr. - Ruble to later incorporate this anxu liary with the regular band, . . W. L Shuman in G.O.P. Contest (or Congress William E. Shuman of North Platte, whose candidacy for con gren in the Sixth district was an nounced last week, is a republican. Erroneous announcement' from Lincoln listed Shaman as demo crat. M r. Shuman is a native Nebriskan. 40 years old. He is a graduate of the state university law college and attended Pern state normal. Since 1904 he hat practiced law at North Platte. Recently Mr.. Shuman has been at torney for various out-state cities in protesting proposed advances in tele phone rates. His platform embodies pledges to work for lower taxes, lower railroad rates, improved mar keting of farm products and a sol dier bonus without increased taxation. King George Pays - Honor to Taft in Royal Palace British Sovereign Orders Spe cial Consideration Be Given Former . President at Presentation. London. Tune ' 22. King George personally arranged and delivered special honors to William Howard Taft as former president of the United States, when the supreme court justice was presented at court at Buckingham palace. Revising the protocol which hitherto has not con tained a special provision with refer ence to former beads of the United States government, the king promul gated proceedings whereby former presidents will bold identical rank, in court precedure as former chiefs of European states, be they presidents, emperors or kings.' ' J As chief, justice, Mr. Taft would have been presented in the usual way, but. the king, feeling that .a former president should be extended special consideration, requested the lord chamberlain and Ambassador Harvey to arrange a new special procedure, ing deep bows as they were pre sented, Mr. Taft and his wife were received privately by King George and Queen - Mary - and - the . royal family in the picture gallery pro ceeding the ceremony. The king grasped Mr. Taft's band warmly and - the former president kissed the queen's hand, and after a short conversation with the prince of Wales, whom they met in Wash ington, they proceeded to the throne room. - . . .' i ' ' ' ' j Weeks Speaks in Favor o( light Wine and Beer Chester. Pa.. June 22. Secretary of War Weeks in an interview here was quoted as saying he favored a- modification of the prohibition law. He said he had found a gen eral sentiment in favor of an amend ment to the "Volstead act. The peo ple, the secretary was quoted as saying, want , beer and light wine and it he were in- congress he would aid them.- . ..... . . Referring to a statement of Sena tor Capper of Kansas, that Secretary Weeks should resign because of his speech in Ohio last week, the sec retary said that Senator Capper did not appoint him. "You can't be in tune with every body all the time," said the secre- tary, and this shows Senator cap per and I do not accotd in .our opin ions." South Dakota Farm Women in Congress at Sioux Falls Sioux Falls. S.-D.. June 22. The South Dakota congress of farm women opened todav with 75 dele gates and members oresent An un expected feature is the presenot" of Mrs. Fanny M. Klinck of Parks ville, la, president of the National congress, who helped organize the South Dakota body three years ago. Mrs. Klinck expressed satisfaction with the progress made by the wom en since her last visit to them. . Interesting exchanges of opinion resulted from the "round table" talk with which the mornin session closed during which various methods of making pin money, and poultry raising and fine fowl breeding as farm "side lines" were taken up. This afternoon Governor W. H. McMaster addressed the meeting. Wyinore Girl Gets Highest Honors at smith College Neb.. Tune 22. (Special Telegram.) At- the commencement exercises ot bmitn college, eosion. Mass., today the faculty conterrea thr h;rhrct honor and decree within the power of that institution on Miss Grace Mane uattord, daugnrer oi Dr. and Mrs. C C Gafford of Wy- mn VK fic foffnrit h made a remarkable record during the time she has been prosecuting her studies at the college. . Attractions Concessions for July 4th ' Do you realize that July 4th ia lew than two weeks away? . . i 'A quick,i efficient method of getting il. " touch with par ties who arc looking for 4th of July - engagements ' is through ths use of the "Attractions'' column on The Omaha Be "Want" Ad page. To get immediate action wire or phone the Want Ad Department of The Omaha Bee and secure quick results. Importer in v dilate Watson of Indiana Charges Big Stores Oppose Tariff Because of Excessive Profits. Simmons Replies Sharply Washington, June 22. Another address in the series planned by re publicans in charge of the tariff bill designed to show that importers and big department stores are fighting that measure because they do not want their profits cut down, was de livered today in the senate by Sena tor Watson, republican, Indiana. It drew a sharp reply from Senator Simmons, democratic leader, in the tariff fight.. Exhibiting a score of foreign-made articles Senator Watson explained they had been purchased by govern ment agents in New York at prices ranging from 65 per cent -to 1,743 per cent above the cost landed in this country as. shown by' official records. He argued this showed the importers and department stores were behind a propaganda to defeat the pending bill. - . -Attack Called Ridiculous. -Senator Simmons in his reply de clared that as a tariff argument Senator Watson's speech and one of a similar nature made last week by Senator -' McCumber, republican, North Dakota, were "preposterous and ridiculous" because the cost and selling prices of American-made goods comparable to the imported articles exhibited t had not been given. . He exhibited some articles made in this country and abroad and produced letters stating that the im porters' sale, prices and the Ameri can manufacturers' sale prices were about the same. Brandishing a sporting rifle of modern type above his head, the In diana senator remarked that the fig ures on its cost and selling price showed what was being done, but he was interrupted by Senator Smith, democrat, South Carolina, who in quired if Senator Watson intended using the gun to reinforce his argu ment. Senator ' Watson - returned that his argument would stand alone. Rifle Cost 90 Cents. . . . The rifle cost 90 cents in Germany, the senator said, adding yit was valued at $1.80, including duty at New York and sold later there at re tail ior $15. " Senator Jones, demo crat, ftew Mexico, took issue wftn Senator Watson coacernin the for eign -cost, declaring that the invoice must have shown a record m marks instead of cents, and that as a result the "senator's figures. meant noth ing." Senator Watson retorted that .no invoice could get by customs author ities if made out other than in United States coin, and added after a 10 minute interchange of argument: j-; "The senator from New Mexico -(Mr. Jones) has been talking here for weeks. This is my speech and I intend to talk some myself and not have all the time taken up by others." Nevertheless, interruptions con tinued with growing frequency and the presentation of articles was ma terially slowed. Statement Brines Laugh. Senator Watson presented an electric hair dryer which cost , $3.57 and sold for $17.50 for which, Sena i tor, Watson said, "unfortunately my friend from Kentucky (Senator j Stanley) has no use. Senators laughed as Mr. Stanley rubbed his bald spot Two Admitted to Bar at Wynlore; One to Open Office Wymore, Neb., June 22. (spe cial.) Charles B. Pirie and Leonard Densmore of this city successfully passed the state bar examination held in Lincoln, Monday and Tues day, and were admitted to practice in both state and federal courts. Mr Pirie who has been studying law with A. B. McCandless, is in the employ of the Burlington railroad and is chairman of the grievance committee of the machinists. Mr. Densmore graduated from the Wy more high school in 1916 and went to the state university where he be gan his legal studies. At the Chi cago School of Law he won the Cal lahan prize for scholarship. Mr. Densmore will open a law office in Wymore. ,, Prussian Diet Votes Aid for Germans in Famine Area Berlin, June 22. The Prussia diet has voted 1.000.000 marks for Rus sian famine relief, especially for the Germans in the Volga region. The diet also passed a resolution calling upon the central government to seek international action to relieve the famine-stricken. Wild Western Roundup to Be Staged at Hersey Hershey. Neb.. June 22. (Special Telegram.) Hershey will stage a Wild Western roundup June 21, 22 and 24. Cowboys from different parts of the country are arriving for first rodeo to be staged at this place. ' Auto Races at Wymore Wymore, Neb., June 22. (Spe cial.) -The program for a July 4 celebration here will include sports of all kinds with auto races featured. Herman Traoemicht will enter his famous "Slim's Ford," and will en deavor to lower his official record. Charter for Unadilla Bank Washington. June 22. (Special Telegram.) A charter has been is sued by the comptroller of currency to the First National bank of Una dilla, Neb, with a capital of $25,000. British Aviation Program Makes Navy iSurrender as Mistress of Overwhelming Air Supremacy Is Achieved Propaganda Through Press Is Preparing Pobple to Consent to Huge Expenditures. irriM, ittt. London, June 22. The Washing ton treaties for a naval holiday and the limitation of armaments may be made obsolete if the British govern ment adopts the monntcr aviation program which the Lloyd George cabinet is now studying. Realization of the ambitious scheme prepared by the aviation lead ers of England and already support ed by parliament and the press, would give Great Britain such an overwhelming air supremacy that be side it, its surrender of its posi tion ts mistress of the seas at Wash ington would be no sacrifice at all. The press is .flooded with aviation propaganda preparing the people to consent to the huge government ex penditures. Prime Minister Lloyd George already has been in consul tation for some time with air min istry officials, and Austen Chamber lain has just announced to the house of commons that the cabinet is ex amining a program designed to pro tect England and to ensure it a proper place among the leading air powers. Sir Laming Worthington Evans, the minister of war; Winston Churchill, minister of the colonies and Alien Property Custodian Under Fire in Congress Investigation of Department Demanded Vast Shrink age Hinted by Michigan House Member. Washington, June 22. Demand for a congressional investigation of the office of the alien property cus todian was made in the house tonight by Representative Woodruff, repub lican, ' Michigan, who charged that the aggregate value of the properties held by the custodian as shown bv his latest report was "nearly a quar ter of a billion dollars 1e;s than we might reasonably expect to find there." Only an impartial investigation, the Michigan representative declared. would disclose how much of this shrinkage . is due to . depreciation through maladministration, how much to sale of properties below their reasonable value, how much to prac tical srms to officials, friends and favorite-of the custodian's office." Mr. Woodruff introduced a resolu tion for an investigation, declaring that charges of maladministration, discrimination between alien enemies and American citizens whose prop erty was seized and payment of ex cessive fees to attorneys have been so frequent as to create a condition which cannot be ignored without grave injury to the good name of our country. Referendum of Code Would Cost $74,900 Lincoln. June 22. (Special Tele gram:) D. M. Amsberry, secretary of state, said todav that if Orville Jones and other democratic politi cians are successful in obtaining a mandamus forcing him to put the administrative code bill to a refer endum at the November election it would cost taxpayers $74,900. Ams berry bases these figures on the fol lowing expenses incidental to a ref erendum: For printing pamphlets, $52,400; postage pamphlets, 6 cents each, $19,500; mailing and dravage, $3,000. Ihe cost of printing the entire bill necessary under the law would be enormous because it is a big bill and would take hundreds of pages more of pnntinsr matter than the four laws passed by the last legisla ture which have been referred to a referendum by Nonpartisan league petitions at a cost to the taxpayers of from ; $10,000 to $15,000," Ams berry said. Capper-Tincher Bill Put Aside Washington, June 11. Ihe house today, by a vote of 226 to 25, took up the Capper-Tincher bill to amend the tuture trading act, but almost immediately laid it aside for the con sideration of an appropriation bill. GASOLINE ALLEY The " freedom of Bachelor Walt is in dire danger. A plot is -afoot in Gas oline Alley to in volve him in the tangled meshes of matrimony, with Auntie Blos som as an unsus- ' pectine accom- . plice In the conspiracy. De velopments are unfolding- with startling' rapidity. Walt and Doc and Skeezix' and all the rest of the Gaso line Alley folk have come back , to The Bee to stay as long as Bee readers smile with . them. And that's likely to be for a long, long time, for the brand of breezy humor fur nished daily by Artist King gets the smiles. You 11 find them today on Page 10. The Evening Bee WALT Plan Obsolete the Seas No Sacrifice If admiralty officials also are in dose conference with the air heads and are preparing for the co-operation of their various departments. Representatives of the air ministry are now in Australia and India seek ing financial support from the col onies for an airship line using naval dirigibles of the type of the improved R-3 and SR-2. The British air effort it being camouflaged under the mak of com merical aviation, emulating Ger many's re-entry into the field fol lowing the expiration of the time lim its of the Versailles treaty clauses for bidding the Teutons from manufac turing airplanes until 1922, and aft er which only passenger and freight machines. Here a sharp difference marks the Trench and British policy toward the control of German aviation. Realizing their inability to dif ferentiate between commercial and military planes, the French are seek ing to control the German manufac turers, but the British are frankly ad mitting that they cannot clip the German wings and are preparing to safeguard themselves by an extensive program. UUSUUdUla Will Make CO. P. Race for U, S. Senator Head of U. S. Grain Growers Formally Accepts Filing for Nomination on Repub lican Ticket Charles H. Gustafson of Lincoln became a candidate for the republi can nomination for United States senator yesterday. Mr. Gustafson, who is now in Chi cago, telegraphed to the secretary of state at Lincoln an acceptance of the petition filed in his behalf Sat urday. Thursday was the last day on which he could act. Office in Chicago. Mr. Gustafson is president of the United States Grain Growers. Inc. He was formerly head of the Ne braska Co-Operative Farmers' union. Since being director- of the grain growers, organized for the co operative marketing of farmers' -products, he has maintained an of fice in Chicago. According to friends with whom he talked while in Omaha Monday, Mr. Gustafson does not nlan an ac tive personal campaign. From Saunders County. "If I accept, my friends will have to make the campaign for me," he said. "I have undertaken a work for the farmers which I cannot drop for any personal matter at this time." Gustafson formerly lived in Saun ders county and was a member of the state legislature from that dis trict In 1913 he was republican floor leader of the lower house. Lasker May Speak Here on Need of Ship Subsidy Washington. June 22.. .(Special Telegram.) Citizens, of Nebraska will have an opportunity to hear the real story of the troubles the ship ping board has had in fostering an American merchant marine, and the whys and wherefores of the proposed ship subsidy bill, from A. D. Las ker, chairman of the board, who fs planning a western tour and hopes to visit Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska and the Dakotas. He wants to talk where it is alleged by congressmen" opposi tion exists to the ship subsidy. Mr. Lasker has no invitation to speak in Nebraska, but says he would accept one if forthcoming. It is probable that dates in Nebraska will be arranged through J. R. How ard of the American Farm Bureau federation, which has already gone on record for the ship subsidy bill. Mr. Lasker hopes he will find it possible to speak in Omaha on this trip, provided there is any expres sion of desire to hear him there. , South Omaha Residents . May Register June 29-30 Registration for the forthcoming primary election will be possible for South Omaha residents at the South Omaha city hall from 9 a. in. to 9 p. m.. June 29 and 30. . The election commissioner's office at the court house will be open until 9 p. m., July 1, for the accommoda tion of any resident of the city who is not now properly registered. Voters who have not heretofore registered, who have moved since their last registration," or who have changed their party affiliation, must register before July 8 if they are to be qualified for the primarry election. ! Genevan Is Charged With Four Liquor Violations Geneva, Neb., June 22. John Kempf was tried in county court yesterday on a charge of four viola tions of the liquor law. - He was bound over to the next term of dis trict court His bail was fixed at $1,000, which he furnished and was given his liberty. . -" ' Farm Sells for $47,500 Beatrice, Neb, June 22. (Special j Telegram.) The Heilieer farm of 1 400 acre?, four miles west of Ply ! mouth. Neb., was sold to Henry F. Schroeder of Saline for $47300. This is the biggest land deal made in this locality in some time. Mr. Heiliger has lived on the farm for more than 30 yean, Labor Votes for Council of Defense Legal Body to Defend Unions Agamet Supreme Court Rulings Is Part of A. F. of L Program. Want Congressional Veto Cincinnati, O., June 22 (By A. P.) With . the avowed purpoe of meeting all legal attacks aimed at labor unions, the American Federa tion of Labor today added to its pro gram for curbing the powers exer cised by the courts by directing the establishment at Washington of a labor defense council, composed of lawyers selected by the federation's officers. The council primarily, will defend unions against suits that may be filed under recent supreme court decisions adverse to labor. The program of the four constitu tional amendments, repeal of the Sherman anti-trust law and enact ment of two new measures, which was adopted by the convention by almost a unanimous vote, will require- years of campaigning before adopted, speakers said in urging the creation of the defense council. Want Interpreting Law. The amendments include a con gressional veto of supreme court de cisions, the guarantee to labor of the right to organize, to bargain collec tively and to strike, the prohibition of child labor and adoption of an eas ier method than the present for amending the constitution. Enact ment of a new federal child labor law, and also a law interpreting the labor sections of the Clayton act were included as a part of the pro gram. The delegates set aside tomorrow morning for the annual election of the federation's officers. With this action, electioneering was pushed among the delegates, but tonight on ly one contest was certain. Railroad union delegates at a meeting tonight declared they would nominate Joseph A. Franklin, presi dent of the boilermakers' union, in opposition to the re-election of Treasurer Daniel Tobin. who is pres ident of the teamsters union. Sup porters-of both men were claiming victory tonight, but ,both were busy trying to line up support among the delegates. Three Disputes Settled. Three jurisdictional disputes also were disposed of by the convention, the settlement in one resulting in the reinstatement effective July 1, of the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Emploves. who were suspended from the federation a year ago. Its reinstatement was a part of a compromise agreement ending the dispute with carpenters. 1 he com promise provided that the brother hood should do all work on the rail road right-of-way, except that new construction work should be done by the carpenters. The electrical workers- were suc cessful in their fight with the steam engineers as to which union should have charge of operating; traveling electric cranes and machinery used in shops, factories and power plants. A third dispute centering around whether the teamsters or the struc tural iron workers should unload structural iron was referred to a com mittee for adjustment. Citizens Entertain Fort Meade Officers at Banquet Sturgis, S. D.. June 21. Seventy five citizens of Sturgis cave a splen did banquet to the 16 officers station ed at Fort Meade in charge of the 147th field artillery. S. D. N. G, in the Presbyterian club rooms. Talks were irive.n by Capt. Leslie Jensen. Maj. Sweet. Capt. Campbell Lieut. Turner. Capt Dawes Brisbme, Capt. Witty, Maj. Huntington. Rev. C. D. Erskine, John -Milek, Judge Milne, Albert Anderson, Edwin Cruickshank and Dr. Wallace. A musical program was given by L. D. Mi'.ne, Mrs. James Wilson, Miss Agnes Hapimond, Mrs. Henry McCrary and Albert Anderson. The rooms were decorated with flans and flowers. Council Passes One-Mill Levy to Finance Elk Band Plattsmouth, Neb.. June 22. (Special.) The city council here passed 1 mill levy for an amusement fund to be used in financing a series of open-air concerts to be given by the local Elks' band. The band is a 25-piece organization and is under the directorship of Mr. Schuloff. Weekly rehearsals have been held for the past year in preparation for the summer concerts. i Woman Appointed Chief of Police at Marlinsburg Martinburg, W. Va.. June 24. The new city council has appoint ed a woman chief of police, or city sergeant, as the office is officially designated here. She is Miss Hattie Zepp, republican, and well-known business woman. She succeeds Oscar B. Miller. Lassen Peak in Eruption. Rvno, Xev., June 22. Lassen Peak in '.orthwest Plumas county, California, has burst out in the heaviest eruption since 1915. a dis patch from Susanville. Cat., says, and ashes are being thrown far to the north and east. It started at 8 o'clock last night. Clouds of smoke are visible for 40 miles. - Have All-Day Service Wymore, Neb.. June 22. (Spe cial.) The Baptist church at Blue Springs. Richard Kellogg, pastor, will hold all-day services with a big basket dinner, in the Wonder park, mile and half east and south of Wy more, Sunday, June 25. Sun Yat Sen Vanishes After Canton Captured Shanghai. China, June 22. (By A. P.) Sun Yat-Sen, the president with out a republic, has diapieard, ac cording to advices received from the south by Chinese circles here. An uncontirmed menage from the Canton region stated that when Sun's naval forces deerted him, he fled the scene of his defeat and now is mak ing his way toward Shanghai by an undisclosed route. From Chinee tources in the south alo comes the report that Wu Ting Fang, formerly Sun' foreign min ister and at one time Chinese minister at Washington, has refused the post of civil governor at Kwangtung province, offered him by General Chen Chiur.g-Ming, conqueror of Canton. . The last definite news of Sun Yat Seu came in a dispatch from Prkin several days ago recording his flight from Canton when that city was cap tured by Chen Chiung-Ming. Since then rumor has had him aboard one of his cruisers bombarding -Canton, fleeing from Canton to Shanghai and held a prisoner by the United China forces. Prince of Wales Returns Home From World Tour Affectionate and Joyous Wel come Given Royal Idol After Diplomatic Tour of World. Louden, June 22. (By A. P.) England gave an affectionate aqd joyous welcome to the prince of Wales upon his return yesterday from his third imperial tour of the world. London, which he left eight months ago, greeted him with a fervor and spontaneity befitting a royal ambassador of the empire re turning from a series of diplomatic triumphs. Throughout his ride from Padding ton station to Buckingham palace the prince was proclaimed by jubilant multitudes who showered upon him salutations of affection and loyalty. His reception by London's millions was exceeded in depth and emotion only by the ardent family greeting, when he stepped from the train. The king grasped him by both hands and the queen embraced him with motherly affection. Princess Mary, who was married during his absence, discarding stilted royal decorum, threw both arms around him and hugged him. Dowager Queen Alex andra and other relatives then em braced him. So as to give the public the fullest view of the royal idol, there were no troops along the route, but 7,000 po licemen preserved order and kept the lines of traffic open. When the prince arrived at the palace an even more intimate greeting was given him by the members of his family. A great banquet was given in his honor to night. Candidates Asked to Go on Speaking Tour Lincoln. June 22. (S p e c i a 1.) An invitation requesting that Adam McMuTlen and Charles H. RandaH, candidates for governor, join A. H. Byrum in appearing on the platform to outline their respec tive positions in the coming cam paign, has been sent from the head qpartcrs of Mr. Byrum. "All candidates have declared for economy and reduction of taxes as far as possible, but it is very doubt ful how much of a reduction will be possible," said the request in part "under the operation of some of our principal laws as the same-are ad ministered at the present time. "The chief issue of the republican governorship campaign, as we view it, is between Mr. McMullen and Mr. Randall, who defend the code law and the budget law, as they are administered at present on the one hand, and Mr. Byrum, who attacks both of these laws on the other hand." The invitation suggested that meetings be held at Omaha, Lincoln, Fremont, Norfolk, Grand Island, Hastings, and Beatrice. League of Nations Acts on European Frontiers Geneva, June 22. The council of the league of nations has been called upon by the ambassadors' council to consider rectifications of the fron tiers between "Hungary and Rou mania and Hungary and Jugo-Slavia as fixed by the Trianon treaty. This procedure is in accord "with stipula tions of the treaty which provide for eventual rectifications toy com mon agreement under the auspices of the league. " Columhus Farmers Pray for Rain; Crops Ripen Fast Colnmbus, Neb., June 22. (Spe cial.) Farmers in the vicinity of Co lumbus are praying for rain as- it is badly needed, while others say that the wheat crop is rapidly ripening for the harvester and needs no mois ture. Corn and especially potatoes are beginning to suffer from lack of The Weather Forecast Friday, fair and continued warm. Hourly Temperatures. in a. a. I L I ! a. II a. a 11 . J 4 .at .M .S4 . . ! a. ia. . Highest Yesterday. tl'Kwth put t: Nnrth Piuta rvenport . - Iw Dx Meiaea . Doda CM 7 . ldr ..... , M Parbla l Rpta nty ( Santa Fa .. Cbartdan ... ) ttvmT atr . Vtleatia .. .. .. .. I .. M .. M ..Ml ttlt.a. rt j t a. m. ? 1 I a. at. - a. a. 1 I S a. at. S a. ai. HT lli.a. Death Toll in Mine War Reaches 27 Coal Field Area Quiet After Two Days' Massacre Troops Held in Readiness. Survivors Tell Story Herrin. III., June 22-(By A. P.) Death toll in the dinter last night and today, when 5,000 sir iking union miners attacked the Lester strip mine being operated under guard of imported workers, may run pat the 40 mark, it was said to night by those in touch with the situation, although thus far only 27 positively are known as dead. Waukegan. 111.. June 22. (By A. P.) Twenty-four men are known to have been slain in rioting be tween striking coal miners and non union men at Herrin, HU Carlos Black, adjutant general of Illinois, reported to Governor Ler Small at 8 tonight. This is the first report the governor has received on the trouble. General Black reported to the governor that Col. Hunter, his rep resentative who has been at Herrin for several days, reported tonight that a disorganized, drunken mob of strike sympathizers waylaid and massacred the nonunion men this morning in violation of a truce entered into last night. Inflamed by Liquor. Under the truce the nonunion workers were to quit' work this morning and leave the mine fields. Shortly after daybreak, Col. Hunter reported, a mob, inflamed by home made liquor, attacked the strike breakers' camp and shot down the men as they tried to flee. The governor has received no re quest for troops from the officials of Williamson county, and said that the officials did not want troops sent to the scene. Three companies of State guards have been held in readiness to go ta Herrin for two days, the governor disclosed, but he added that there apparently was no necessity of send ing soldiers unless rioting broke out again. The three companies selected for the first call are located at Cairo. Salem and Carbondale, -nearest points to the mine fields. Survivors Tell Story. Herrin, 111, June 22. (By A. P.) Half a dozen wounded men. some of them lying on death beds, tonight gave an Associated Press corre spondent the first actual eye wit cess accounts of the mine fight last night and this morning which brought dozens of casualties -when 5,000 armed striking miners attacked the Lester strip mine near here, which was being operated by im ported workers and guards. The substance of the statements by the wounded, who were among the besieged, was that not a mine worker was injured during the fight- ing, but that the numerous killed were shot down in cold blood after they had surrendered themselves and their arms. ' There was nothing from the union miners to contradict these claims. Several of the men imported to work the mine absolved the strikers from blame, saying that the ones re sponsible were those "who sent us here under false promises that 'thers would be no trouble," and that "the miners would not obiect" Some of the wounded interviewed were in the hospital, here. Others were located in their homes through secret channels. Vivid Account of Battle. Joseph O'Rourke of Chicago, commissary clerk at the mine, gave (Tarn to Pane In, (stum a Twa.) Wheat in Need of Rain, Says Head of State Crop Bureau Lincoln, June 22. Before leaving on a tour of the state this week, A. E. Anderson, federal statistician of the department of agriculture, bu reau of markets and crop estimates here, predicted that with continued heat and drouth this week Nebraska wheat would show noticeable signs of shrinkage. At the University of Nebraska farm today no reports of adverse condition of wheat traceable to heat and drouth had been received from any part of the state. It was stated by the authorities there, however, that the situation might prove se rious if heat and drouth were to ex tend into next week. Hoover Urges Protection Dam for Imperial Valley Washington, June 22. Prompt construction by the federal govern ment of a dam at Boulder . canyon, ior the protection of Imperial valley, Cal, ajrainst the flood waters of the Colorado river was urged by Secre tary Hoover before the house com mittee on irrigation of arid lands. Secretary Hoover, speaking as chairman of the Colorado river com mission, stated that be earnestly recommended action by congress upon the project without waiting un til the commission could report a comprehensive plan for irrigation and power plants at other places along the river. Columhus Business Men to Aid Starving Children Columbus. Neb June 22. (Spe cial Telegram.) Preliminary organ ization of an executive committee to conduct a county-wide campaign for contributions to the-$3,000,000 fund being raised by the American friends Service committee for relief of desti tute children in Germany and Aus tria was perfected at .a meeting last evening by a dozen business and pro fessional men. Platte county' oota to the fund is $5,000,