THE OMAHA BEE: THURSDAY. JUNE C?. 192;. 1.1 ",'t-v,"t? . 11 H'HIIIC sae.itt ..... I... -!.. ttel't Jnftmsn4i4 aad far Ml k all la4ti.f .atarl.e.'a '. M te4 rust. 4 M et I.e4 stet M AUTOMATIC SEAL. I Vl I T anttfare Aa.u 'lkl v:i c. tilt L Mil. rmeka. T.i. (n4 1111, CEMETERIES. Visit Forest Lawn Tkeee It I'M Fee.. Law iiF, lea MMt keesmrtu ae4 la tk Vl.k l, 4(flQMI I ttMIMdtlt Ik. of ru(. retail for fciaadr.di f er. Tfceie are ealy a fear itrfar miriM ib Ik cstirr . It ikit I'lauy Offices iki MBMir iihi) el my Uauai. tt 1;4 rta4ie Tkeaiet HI DEATH FUNERAL NOTICES. I',IV-V!I4, II )' Wife ( H-ory A . Wt4ntt4lr kl k leeai ft;, iai fix lf i,nil kr br kus Hi 1 ski int.. rklKnk rur.iai Friday at I tn. treat Rr.wtr rntp.1,. 14'h tail K Pr. II I. he!e. effl'latirif. fesrltl tl 'lrte.:t4 Park rtnalsry MlWtUl Tbrr. kf (4 .tre W.dBMday k m tl IMII hospital tre l.ft to mourn r sr lo ! brath.ra. P J e,f Graft'! Ititaji. T"m of Colorado. a t'at.r. VI r Marr Foie.n Omtka Re-nuns will b tent from Httf.y rf.afry rfctpal Thursday P- m . I ty, J t . for burial F U NRLdTr ECT 6 R S. F. J. STACK & C57 Sueeettor la Stark Fairest omahas Btrr, Tltnrr. A HI PITT A VP kTtltvtCl arrow saaai-' uaii w h HA. TulMy.hir4 ta Parwem. HEAFEY & HEAFEY fr)4trtebet a4 Ersetlmera. Phre HA. t:4. Office 1411 Ferness. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral rrnara. 1114 Cvntlag. CROSBY-MOORE ATTRACTIONS. ATTRACTION! wanted lar kit am aC July celebration it Aaa.ey. Neb. Ad dee! Concetties Otsanvasten. Bog 44. FLORISTS. LEE LARMON "1,.. BAT IT WITH FLOWERS ITOM A SWOBOPA. XII FAR WAX TRgKT. L." HENPKRSON. IIT Ftmem. JA, llH JOHN BATH. 1104 Ftraan J A. lt. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. LOAT On W. Park rtr ar Wwtrt Iota aa4 Howard ttd lfth kn4 Ptuglat earn, tmtll ram to. Call PaafUk Mil. Rs wtrd LOeT Blrk pwkttbask In 4iw d tlrlct Wf4nra4ar. ronttlalllf 4 In rarrmcr. Revtrd, If rtturned lo T. M. A. LOST Small 4laman4 and tapphira baf pin. Satunlty p. m , nakr ltlt and Hkr n!f Fit Harnrr K Rwar4effr4. PERSONALS. THE SALVATION Army lnduktnai bam asllnik your old clstblnt. furnltvra. inittima r cellacL diktribaia. Pheaa PO 4J5S tad our wroo will alL Ctll and intpact our n boma. 1114- lli:-11)l Poda St. SH"RT ttorin wtsifd for y matann. Wrlr f'ir pariiralart. LoTland. altta 1 . Lvland. Tola IHIVATE rrt hornkfor ted ard Inrallda. Trained num In fhtrga Irrai raton tl.r Whttr 4i64. SPECIALIZE In hmpooin and mat tat; retidenct rtork tolicltad. WE. SI2T. MATERNITY HOME, nitric nn-oitnft. 1S15 Immtt. btha far MAGNETIC batht; Vloltt Bay tratmfnt wllh matsaraa. Ill S. 18th. AT. 4341. THEATRICAL klttarickl eaatttBaM, for plkra and ptrllra at Lltban'a. Omaha. SULPHUR batht. Swwlnh mtaaar'. cht ropody. Evanlrtt to 4. io 8l 0th 81. FOR curtn by tht hour or for jnaaaaca ctll A T. Ilil. or WA. 4:l. EXPERT MAS3AOE. ATLANTIC t44l. RENT rmtn cinnrrt. 7c. HA. 1071. Otlol-' trratmcrt. G. Jacobt. AT. 6364. UASSAGE Emma Brott. 1T1T We hater. KXPERT MASSAGE. 51(1 3 7TM. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordion Pleating. ACCORPION. tide, knitr. box pleatint. eorcrad bnttont, all ttylat; bemaUtcb ln. buttonho'.ta. Wrltt Idaal Button Plfttlnt Co.. 10S Brown Block. Omaha, Nb. Tflepbon J A. 1!S. NEB. PLEATING SiTSV ad Battona. DO. S470. 1504 Farnam. ta noor. Chiropractors. P1nn. PR. A. N , Chiropractor. 101 Carlson pti woct at. 747. WE. 4H4. Offlc hrt.. 11 a. ra.-t:B P. m. Dancing Academies. LEARN to dance; tummer claaaea: It lea tont. 14. Keep'a 1U Ftrntm. PO. Dentists. CENTAL X-RATi. 14 aach. U full aat. Cll SacorltUi Bldt.. Itth and Farntm. Pr. R. R. Ptsa, Dentist. 44! -orld-Her-oldRldf. Of. AT. 4S41. Eva. KB. T7. Contractors. GARAGES bum. any ttyle ind al. !M up. Cancrata worX. Mleklt Lumbar Wrrltlnr Co. Tel. WE. 44. Detective. RELIABLE etctlv Ei. Bldr.. JA. !; Bureau- Railway nlht. KB. 41i. ii..rriui Datactiv Buraau. 404 Neyilltj Blk. AT. 4501: nleht.WA.404B: KK. 4441 JAMES ALLAN. 31S Neville Blk. Evjdenoa iweored la all casea. AT. 1114. Kodak Finishing. FILMS PEVELOPED FREE. The EnaltTB Co.. 1407 Howard P- Furriers. PTTDO remodeled, rellned. cleaned. J? UXVO Kneeter Alatka Fur Co.. 201 R 1Mb St. PO. 7 Dressmaking. Embroldarlng, dreatnuklns. AT. 1T17. Mattresses. CITT MATTRESS CO. llkttrratet rr.tde over. New tieka. Box Spring! Repaired. 1114 Cumins St AT. 44.4. Osteopaths. PR. MABEL WESSON. ;Pth- " Wrld-Hra'd Bldt. At W. Ja- "ft. Paint and Paper Hanging;. PLASTERING, reraent work. klt P'" lot and paperH'mtlnt. A. Carlacn, w E I41. . FIRST-CLASS painting prieaa. Call PO. 6747. reasonable LUPTON Ptiuter; Inside werk i elalty; cheap for cath. AT. 4 .17. CLEAN paper. wash walls: axp. JA 1441. Printing. irnrvT lrinHr, Co. Ill S. 11 8t Do. t44T. Patent Attorneys. j w Martin. Patent Attorney. 1712 Podia, room 204. Also Washington. P. C I help Inventors tell their alentt. Wedding Stationery. VEDDING iuvitauont tnd announcermenta printed or engraved: aamplea Bent upon request Brandeit Printing department Miscellaneous Announcements. VACUETTES at advertised in Saturday Evening Peat page 47, Junk 17. on ex hibition and cale. VACUETTB SALES CO. OF OMAHA, lilt Harvey Et Phona AT. 4444. CM AHA PILLOW CO. Mattressea made ever in new Uckt tt half prtca Bt new beda PiMowa renovated and made up In new feather proof ticking. Old bed ticka washed. 1147 Camlet- JA 444T. V. k. hnv sell ufM. make deskSL fcOW- caaaa. etc.. Omaha Fixture A Supply Cn, a W. Cor. 11th and Pouglaa. JA. P. THIESSEN. painting aad paperbang rag. 44 41 per reoin, tnclndina raper; beat work. AT. I7. DR. Louts N. Sxcerno'L disease of women and children. Ill N. 21tt SL AT. 744. PRESCRIPTIONS car, folly Mupamttl tt tha 4 Sherman at Metonneil vraw WILL give private leaaona In busk acbool t.bjecta Call HA 4112. FAINTING and paptrhanging: beat wwrk; kaat rteaa. Cans Braa. AT. '' ? A IVT INO and paparhaagins. !:Sl J. A, Rosa. Call AT ITHE GUMPS CH00 BRINGING UP VH M4 JIC6.. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Miacellansons Announcemenw. GAITEO aaddla karaea far rait by baur or dty. All art ttntla. My paraaaai kltention tlrtn ts bt(lkecn. Smith Crtnt. propriator. OMAHA RIPINO ACAPEMT. Ak-Str-Baa Field. Phone WA, 1411. DIAMONDS Wa pay the bait prlca with privilete tn bur back at rmall ornf.t. GROSS JEWELRT CO.. Omtha, Neb.. 442 N. ltth St. Telephone DO. t"4. TO protect yaur treet1 from dtmafa dona ky ermt and other lntectt. htvt thtm tprayed bv the Home Ijindecepa Ser vice Co.. 411 N. 24th. PO. 4115. FISHKR batht, iniic. 320 Arthur I Dldf. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New datka. tiaed dtakt boutbt. aold and trtdtd. J. C Reed. 114T Ftrntm. AT. 6144. Ctll WC 4141 flrtl We pty mora for furniture. rut. ttoeea. ciotnea. FOR SALE. Pianos and Musical Instruments. TRADE your uad plana on a new player riano. Balance at low at tie per mourn. A. HOSPE CO.. 161 J Douglas. EXCEPTIONAL vtluet In ueed phono- trtphs. All makes and moaell. or chard V 'Wllbelm. Clothing and Furs. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For aala. a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" auita. cheap, alteration free. Northwett Cor. 16tb and Htrney Sta. FULL PRESS aultk akd Tuxadoa for raat. JA 1124. 1 N. 14th St L Feldmaa. ARMT thoaa. 12.40. T44 No. 14th. Furniture and Household Goods. Auction Auction At Dowd's Auction House, 18th and Webster Sts. Every day at 1 p. m. Tueaday and Friday ave aiprt at 7:34 p. m. Furniture told on com miatioB. If tou have anything to tell, call AT. ri6. James L. Dowd, Auctioneer. EXCELLENT piano. fi:t; comhinaticm caa aad coal range, kitchen table, two uo htltterad rnahogtny chain. II etcS: fruit Jars, 40c, dot. 1441 Center. Har ney 4244. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES retailed at wholesale prices. 174 buya the best Phona Douglas 4421. Good Things to Eat. CHKRR1BS FOR SALE Coma Thursday to the Finch farm 1 mile eatt of Cal houn. Pick cherries yourself at 4 cents a pound. At many at you want. Home Landscape Service, 111 No. 24th: St DO. 411S EXCELLENT cherriet. 74th akd Military. Plckert wanted. Sic per basket WA. 0(l. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS A.MJ All MAKES bought, told. rtpalred. Sola aaents for the CORONA. Get our pricea before you buy. EVery tnkchink guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc JA 412. 1411 Farnam. Miscellaneous Articles. EXPERT tawing- machine repairing. M1CKEL9. 15th and Harney. PO botti.ES New and vaed. Nathan Stelnbeir. 1414 Haraey. po. 4164. RADIOS made and repaired; work guar anteed. 1227 Podge. SURPLUS beek and supplies. WA, 3442. WANTED SITUATIONS. Laundry and Day Work. WOMAN 3117. araata bundle waabing. WE, DAT work, hewaa cleaning. Ref. WE, 4004. SILK and fina waahlng. XT. 4164. HELP WANTED MALE, Auto Mechanic Wanted Ftrrt-Haea anta mechanic, capable of managing bit owt busineaa. to take over garage: goad petition if you can thow ui you knowyour busineaa. Address H 122. Omaha Bee. SASH MAKER wanted: experienced: also wanted Iirat-ciasa ctoinei m. good millwork shop; good wages: steady work: cheap rant; free fare. In ntwer iag atata axparlenoa and If married. Da kota Sash, and Poor company, Aber 4 tan, S. P. D.lrn wasted at Six bricklayers at ooawara. ia.. ei day. r"a rl ScMachter, Woodward. Ia. DO yen want ts inereata your lnceroe? Write tna ixanemai aai, K. 24tk Bt. Omaha, far catalog. GROCERY delivery clerk. Sommer Bros, 2601 Farnam. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 114 S. 14th, Write for catalog. FEINTING "ttsaten wanted. Cylinder pressmen. Miller feeder prestmen. Per manent poeitiona for competent men. Open shea. 4 6 -hour week. George P. Barnard Stationery Co.. St. Lwiit. Mo TELEPHONE switrhkoard sir-met and lastalle (enpertencedl wanted for snsn- ' sal and aatearjaue eqatpment In reply state references. Msctrck Telephone Mfg. Co.. Fort Podge, la. WANTED Cetaneleat ansa fsr gracerj aad tweet Itrt, Alt track drives for grerery. Apply 114 Ft Ave., between 4 and T p. ta. X THl SUNDAY ItC W ?M HIM HJL'TVit tlMt m WtLU st 66H s. 6tT CK Ht fkH ie?s- ru Mb. wkt Bk CtiVTCH llo)0 to c W Ml VJtU.- CI FATHER J RrtuUattd ' 1 1 ii 1 T i . " 1 , v r" . I 1 i i . rrr. - . . - .. c,-, how Kri it oe. l ak&xoi. coing i nxtrt t .ct i i t- - ' ' ' &WJ.- rtrit U& ( ' HELP WANTED MALE. 24 COLORED men a anted tt atpbalt thoveltra at Harlta. la, HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL Good, white, to usifi with tentr al heutework. HA. 0C2. 4014 Lan tolt Blvd. Nureea wtd 227 Securitiet Bide AT. Hit; WA. 4248. SHORTHAND tearher. Lady to teach iJrftt ehorthand; bit future; prefer someone aishmt permanent poaitlon and d tn rout of becomint identified with work. Teachint experience not necet tary. State age, education and previ ous employment. For interview ante Bor H-11T Omaha Bee SALESWOMEN wanted. Thoroughly h perlenced ealeswcmen for Isdiet' retdy-to-far department. Permanent posi tion. Sttte experience. ae reference, salary, in first letter. BARON BROTH ERS. .Mitchell, S. p. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladies and boyt to learn barber trade: big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1401 Dodge St Tri-Clty Barber College. SALESPEOPLE wanted for very profitable. permanent and pleasant work. Training free. W. A. Hiienbauglf. 1S14 St. Marya. EDUCATIONAL. PAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete coursea in accountancy, m chlre bookkeeping, comptometry, khort hand and typewriting: railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial brailcha. Write, call or phone Jackson 3i65 for larpe illustrated catalog. Addrest Boyles College Boyles Bids.. Omaha. Neb. Vtn Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 2!0 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas SflG. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 603 Karbach Blk. JA. 10S1. BUSINESS CHANCES. RESIDENT MANAGER. Having a wlda acquaintance among tht provision and hotel and restaurant Arade, to represent a New Tork im porter and develop a trowing demand for an Imported meat product, the only one of its kind that can be imported into the United States at pretent and of etcellent repute and wide popularity. Attractive arrang"ments offered. Ex clusive territory to the right parties. Addresa V. L. care of Vredenburgb, Kennedy Co, 171 Madison Ave, New Tork. general, merchandise stock for sal:. 134,400 stock of general merchandise In county teat town in Nebraska, Best locttlon and meat modern atore. Will lease or sell building. 45x132 ft Ex ceptionally good patronage and clean stock. Same location and management for thirty years. Slllnr on account of j sickness. Addrest Y-1431. Omaha Bee. RADIO and Electrical Supply buslnesa for tala or will take partner capable of handling business. Write T-1S25 Omaha Bee. CANDY STORE, including fixtures and stock, for sale at bargain, with lease. W. FARN AM SMITH & CO., 1324 Farnam St. J A. 0544. 40DERN firtt class hotel for sale at a reatontble price. Good location. Excel lent transient trade. Address Box 144, Red Oak. Ia. SMALL printing outfit including Pearl Press. Cheap, or will exchange for car. Call AT. 7052. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. GET YOUR ROOM through Tha Bee furnished room dl- rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooma In all parte of tha city, A service that banefits both advertiser and room seeker. OPPORTUNITY for business or profes sional man to share attractively fur nished bachelor quarters. West Farnam district Phone Harney 4643 after 4 p. m. HOTEL GAKFORP. 1STH AND FARNAM, HOTEL HENSHAW. lf TH AND FARNAAI Special rates to permanent guestt. FURN. rma. with priv. bath; warm, com forts bit, cheerful: pricea reasonable, dv or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 470L EMMET ST.. Kountie Place, one block r lines, beautiful to park, near two rooms, fn modern home. WA. 3714. BURT ST.. 1617 3 lovely furnished, nice cool rooms, close-in. reas. AT. 2C1I. HOTEL CASTLE. S. ISth. at Jones St; tractive rate for permanent guests. WELL furnished sleeping room, tingle S3, br 14 double. 222 So. 2Sth St. POCGLAS ST. 2124 A nice sleeping room. Housekeeping Rooms THE GUIDE TO tht better beusekeeping roomt It the directory furnished to tdrertlser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free oopy containing desirable vacancies ia all parts of the city. 21th St., 1714 So. Lovely cool rooms, eprlvate family ta carlina HA. 44". Ctlifornia St.. 3UH. 2 roemt. modern, cool. aiceiy furn. htkg light. Unf urn lined Rooms. UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, close In. atrictly modern, rea sonable rent Call Ar. 4J64. LOVELY unfuratihed room. Ave. HA. 3T14. 124 a Slat FOR RENT HOUSES. Urifurnished. FOR RENT Six-ream kesta, redecorated, gartte. It;i Pierre. Now vacant; 137 per snentk. Call AT. I!24. OH, Ptlaot OIITct FOR RENT HOUSES Unfurnished. fjne ; yard. -rm. houte. all modern: Itrte thidy 1134 N 2'i. KK. 47T4. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. HAMILTON HOTEL Ftrntm at Itth. rne room, with kitchenette and bath. To roomt, with kitchenette arid beth. All completely furnished Including rts tnd llcht. A SATISFACTORY FLAE TO LIVE Comfortably Furnished Four-room apartment. No. 1 Harold. 27th and Jackson. 1st floor, south ex posure. Large bedroom, built-in cup boards, tile bath; everything furnished, I7. Payne & Carnaby Co. 416 Omaha Nat Bldg. JA. 1014 Morris Apartment Hotel, 18th and Dodge Sts. Apartment! consist of lirljif rorm, dressing room, kitchenette and bath. Weekly rental includes heat, lipht, gaft, phone and maid aervice. Hither weekly or permanent pruests. Phone AT. 3?in. HUNTER INN Boma for the traveling man to lttva hit wife in comfort and safety. 2401 Dedga St. TWO AND THREE-ROOM apartments. Brown apartments, SOS Nona 21st St. AT. 7449. CHOICE apts. at 203 Farnam. Unfurnished. Very Choice Apartments Three tnd 6 rooms In the Mercer apta.. 3910 Cuming St Burrounded by a regu lar park, with lota of nice shade trees and away from the noise of the streets, W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. JA. 05f4. Farnam. HAMILTON HOTEL Farnam at 24th. Fine i.:b-basement apartment with 4 rooms and bath, rood condition and very desirable, at a reasonable rental. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. 10 Q room modern apartments. THE f " DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY, 1702 Howard St. AT. 470S. JA. 2105. MODERN 4 and 7 rooms; low rent. In. a P. Stebbint. 1614 Chicago. NOTHING like it 3 or 4-room apt tleeping porch. 220 hi N. 23d. tlth FOR RENT Business Property. OFFICES FOR RENT. Tel. JA. 4120Excellent ttore room. ground flor; also desk and window display space on Farnam SL Good lo cation. STORE OR OFFICE ROOM 22x134 1501 HOWARD STREET BUSHMAN. JA. 0564 FOR RENT OR FOR SALE Store and living rooms and ttock. Fine location. Forty-fifth and Ames avenue. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO., 11th and Jones St. MOVING AND STORAGE. "WHEN MOVING" PACKING-8TORING-SHIPP1NO, Phone Jackana 4284. FIDELITY ""co 1147-11 Howard St. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked roomt for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. i "T;Zr ' i 404 South IStn. PO. 4163. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contracta taken on job or br. Glob. Van t Storage Co.. JA. 4334. AT. 4134. 624-24 North 14th St TO SAVE MONET ON HAULING CALL BINGO TRANSFER, POCG. 6S5S. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FHASANTS a nil bantam eggs. Large pigeons, 3 pairs, i. Sal S. 16th Ave. Wheat screeninc;. 13. aft per 1 Of lbs., Warner. 801 X. Jth. JA. 1142. BABY chlckt. JA. 2164. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. BUY A GUT L. SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment 24th and Farnam Sts Phone PO. 1174. CHANDLER, 1420 model, touring, cash; rune better than new; a bargain, cath or terma, 2062 Farnam St. DO. f47. LOOK over our litt of uked ctra. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. 2454 Farnam St AT. 7516. BUICK touring car. Good as new. Cord tires Perfect condition- rash or terma. 2052 Farntm St. DO. S4S7. PODGE touring car; all new tires: perfect condition: cheap: cash or terms. 2052 Ftrntm St. Douglas 1137. USED Ferd parts at half price Parts for all atandard make cars. Neb. Auto Parts. 1414 Htrney St sKEE intpection and water for all makes t cattery. uattery ana farts c- 1414 Farnam St. AT. 4;14. USED cars, worth your money. The Ne braska OMsmobiie Co. !th and Howard Sta. AT. 1774. FORD rotdttar with starter at a bargain. Cask or terma. 3454 Farnam St DO. 465T. PATENT Pullman bed bulit Into your au'.e at Pfeiffers. 2626 Leavenworth. TOURING CAR, 4611. fine condition. 1164. AT. HOLLY, eifert auto tnm-rer ill S. Itth. DOCTOR! 7 wiu an. Mt o? ih "tt f "AkNtX- Klkvr?. "fW 6eT NOwt.wi.kwH CAN 1 TtU.t Tr.t VAtt tKH IM TWt VFR.NCi WVCL UikVL MX Mt - MVU. kVL Mt MS MOvJiH- cr- SEE JICCS AMD MACCIK IN tVU. PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BLE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. TODAT Street Car TOMORROW Motor Car of Your Own . That l?. if you look over cur tio-lt of BETTER VSED CARS, for w feet assured that no n would tiijt up such bargain after ee:ng tbm We hava on hand a larga aanortment of used care ranfinp :n price from f ?fl0 up that haA- been taken in trade on new Oldamobila Fours, These cars are in pood running con dition, are ready fr io'.s of hard rv ica, and will be displayed all this week on anr aatea floor. Free State LIrense With Every Car Purchased. Cash Terms Trade WALK IN AND RIPE OUT. NEBRASKA 0LDSMOBILE COMPANY USETl CARS THAT CAN BE USED. 18th at Howard. AT. 1770 Fords! Fords! New and Used. Cash or Terms. We have them all prices all mode:.. Be euro and see us before you buy. McCaffrey Motor Co., The Handy Ford Service Station." Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3500. Open Sundays from S till 11 a. m. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Cash or Time, Buy or Sell. Forda, from $i4 and up. Podge, Buickt and ethers, 11(0 and up Ford bodiet winter tops. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO.. 1318 Harney St. Central Garage. A CAPILLAC TOURING IN FINE CON DITION FOR SALE CHEAP. OR EX CHANGE FOR GOOD TRUCK. WHAT HAVE TOU? HALSEY, AT. 4431, or HA. 4507 EVENINGS. SOME bargains in used Fords; prompt delivery or. new Fords. M'CAFFKEY MOTOR CO., Tha Handy Ford Servica Station. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 8s0 Bl'ICK ISIS, must be told today. Party leaving for Detroit Mich. New battery, ail new cord tirea, $&4 worth of extras, and in perfect condition. R. A. Terry, owner. Loyal hotel. BUICK 1919, must be told today. Party leaving for Petrolt, Mich. New battery, 480 worth of new cord tires extra; in perfect condition. R. A. Terry, owner. Hotel Loyal CLETRAC tractor. 1 year oid. will consider Ford touring or ton-truck in trade. Can be teen at 6662 Florence Blvd. KE. 1U. W. A. Hansen. USED radlalort. all makes for aala Green ough Radiator Repair. 2024 Farnam. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Llsf your hom Buy your home, BINDER & OTIS, Real Estate. Loans. Rental!. JA. 2641. To buy or tell Omaha Real Estate e FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. JA. 1424. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate, r.entals. Insurance. 1"2 City Nat Bk AT. 4S6S. Reed & Co., Real Estate arid Insurance. 1207 Ftrntra St Phone AT. 6145. GRUENIG Realty Co. Lilt with us for quick resuita 1414 Firt Nlt'l Bk. Bldg. JA. 1444. BIRKETT REAL ESTATE Sells. Rente, Insures. 354 Peters Trutt B".dg- JA. 06S3 LIST TOUR RANCHES WITH US. H 6. MANVILLE. Realtor. AT. 2403. 615 Peters Trust Bldg. STRAIGHT 5-year loans, 44 per cent AMOS GRANT CO., 201 S ISth. Arthur Bldg. AT. 8s. NEW homes, completely financed. Pty like rent C T. SPIER CO.. Realtors, 144 Pettrt Trutt Bldg. PO. 457. WANT 4 or 7-roem. well located, in Dun dee. by the first: have cash. Box KL Omaha Bee. 4JKO. T. PORTER CO. Retl Etttte. Renta'.a. Intuttnce 10a South lstjl. AT. 2444. LIST lour boraea for ta.e witu ua We have the customer!. FAINS INVEST MENT CO GRCVE-UIBBARD CO.. modern bouses. 626 Ry. Excbg. Bldg. AT. 45 LIST your property with W. 8mith Co. 1130 Farntm St. Farnam Equitable Tmst Co. Realtors. AT. 2445. Western Real Estate Co. JA, Iff", Drawn for tv.c . t.K c I utr Mrrtt kTM V)4tlS.5TKH Vt VWONT V UT. 5- O. 5 IM MOT f.UNwWCU. H ajCH1 S1TVJ& Drawn REAL ESTATE WANTED. List Your Property LOUIS COHN, 42? . 24th St. Market 4143. WILL BUT TOUR HOUSE. Wtnt 3 houtet. 6 or 7 rooma Will pty cash If priced right. W. T. GRAHAM. 704 Peiera Trutt Bldg. ja. its: HOMES for ttle. APTS. for rent W. J. Palmer Co., Real Etttie Management Specialists. Keellne Bldg AT. 11)1. LIST jour property with R. P. Clark Co Securitiet Bldg. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have catk on hand to loan oa Omaha residences. H. LOUOEE. INC. 431 Keeline Bldg. Vorrri Tianc No delay on western r drill IMdUb Neb. farms, ranchet. Kloke Investment Co- 445 Dm. Naf Bk. FIRST mortaga loana made promptly oa Omaha real estate. Sbepen at Co Realtors. JA. 42:4. 234 Keelins Bldg OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB, FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, 1014 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1716. 6100 TO 110.004 loans made promptly. F. D. WEAD and P. H. BOWMAN. S14 S. 18th St Wead Bldg. At 0151. ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO PELAY. OARVIM BROS.. 446 OMAHA NAT. BLD. Loans. Money to Loan $30 to $500 on Furniture, Pianos, Etc. Less than legal rates, monthly pay ments. QUICK, QUIET AND CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA LOAN CO.. 506 Karbach Block. Tel. JA. 2216. Snutheaat corner lot h and Pouglet Sts. Stocks and Bonds. T irVTr Ronfic Bough nd Sold. MACKS BOND HOUSg, 1221 1st Nat. AT. 8644. GERMAN bonds taken in at payment for dividend paying oil Btock. St Paul Bond 714 Sims St.. St. Paul. Minn. J. H. MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS. 181 City Nafl Bank Bldg. Miscellaneous. MONEY to loan on furniture. Fords and salaries. Rex Loan Co 501 W. O. W. Bldg. AT. S137. FARM LANDS. Minnesota Lands. FOR SALE On account of age. excellent ttock farm. See or write owner. "Wood lawn." R. 5. Mankato, Minn. No sgents. Nebraska Lands. Do You Want to Buy Land? Tf 11 the number of acre desired, whether improved or unimproved, loca tion preferred, amount you will pay down, etc.. and I wili aasist you in lo cating such a farm or ranch as you are Peking. I have no land of my own to ell. r.or do I represent any land sell ing cornea ny. y assistance in locat ing a farm or ranf-h for yoo is free. "Write Homefinder. Box Omaha Bee. FARMS Wrlu M ttareon. Central X XXXViUO City, Neb- your wanU for acreage tracts, farm. Wisconsin Lands. SO ACRES good, heavy, level, hardwoad. fruit Ifind. sin miles west of Bav field. Wis.. 15 per acre. Inquire of Wra. Butfhey, Spooner, Wis. REAL ESTATE. INVESTMENTS I HOWARD HOME. 377H AND FARNAM. 3-room. all brick house. 6 bedrooma, on one of the best Farnam strfet cor kers. To close an estate true fine property will bt toid or long lease made on good terme. Small cath payment Choice Building Lots 6I130 On Podge, at 43d, 12,608. 60x130 Adjoining Dundee, 41.J50. 40x1:7 17th Ave., near Wirt, 61.050 Car! make good term, on any of above. John W. Robbins, Realtor, JA. 05:. 574 Brtrdeus TS-1. Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. Here's a Real Trade Owner will take in cheajer house or lots aa first payment on ba almost new California style bungalow, in Weet Far nam District. Schroeder Investment Co., REALTORS 24 F.y. Exchange. 15th and Harney. JA. 3241 Etemcgt call Schroeder. HA. 0411. Booth. WA. 60 REAL ESTATE OTHER CITDiS FOR SALE One of the most destrsble cottsget oa Lake OkebeJI. Just west of Inn. Mot exclusive turreundrsgs, Poa aeeelen for this teases. Also ene for rent for season on Dixon's beach, M. & It Wolf. Spencer, ia. Th Bs by Sidney Smith lOtrrtaal. Ilttl nst IT ta.Aa.j'0 tta Mt Tv.t vie & r wV6Ht WttikAlST. -Twl". S CXivNCi,' wVCL SA4iTit. CiuS THblt , CKa MH lav IVVC-t ,..811 T- 4nki. v3 for The Bee by McManu Okrttkti lltll REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benton. Stone Bungalow, Two Lots strictly modern, screened porch, awn ings, dandy (tract to mttth. chicken houte, fruit, thrubbtry, fins garden in; owner going to 1'envar Birgett barttm in Benton. 15.60" 11.404 caah tall Osborne Realty Co., H Peters Trutt Bldt Jl'kson till. Dundee. Dundee, $12,500 We have just listed a very rood -mom ?r!t tTy all modern home at a price that shuti sell it quickly; firat floor has large living room with fire place, dining room, large sun room and complet kitchen; second floor, oa extra large bedroom and three ether feed rooms with large tiled bathroom with tiled ahewer; fleered attic; house in good condition throughout and just painted 2 coats; one-ear garage. We recommend the houte, location and price. Glover & Spain, Realtors JA. 41l-2 City National. Dundee Home, Best Loca tion, Immediate Possession l-room home, including tun room, I4eeakfaat room and tletping porch. Tha belt workmtnship and material through out. Hot water heat, Ruud heater, ther moatat, and soft water by faac.t. Won derful south front lot with thrubt and fruit . trees. J. J. Mulvihill, 200 Brandeit Theater Bldg. JA. Ilil. Kveninga call Wal. 1547 or At. 17!4. Florence. NETHAWAT tells and trades KK. 144. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West New 3-Room Bungalow $2,450 $200 Cash Haa five-room accommodation, oak floors throughout, built-in cabineta in kitchen, dantty dinette, good basement Located m new district near Central Park school and Fontenelle Blvd. The Byron Reed Company PO. 4217. 1611 Farntm St. West Farnam Bungalow Six large rooms and bath, pretty tun room with the French doors, otk and while enamel finish. Cragttone exterior: dandy lot. A little over two block! to ill Farnam car terviee 41,100 cash wiil handle. Call. Osborne Realty Co., 510 Peters Trutt Bldg.. Jackson 211. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. IJ.750. Sommer. Pouglaa 4494. Call H. North. All Modern Home for $3,200 Five nic. large rooms and bath. Full basement, good furnace. Large yard, 5"xl33 ft., good shade and fruit treet. Kandy to car and tchool. Terms 41,150 cash, balance 135 a month. If you want a barsaia see thit today. Phone - D. E. Buck & Co., REALTORS. 741 Omtha Nat'l. PO. $610. Evenings. Buck, KE 234 ' Pero. MA. 0404. BOUND FOR KANSAS CITY Owner will tacrine, hit equity in se der to make e quick tale. Five roomt, strictly modern, netr Kountie Pltce. All large rooms. Two bedrooms could easily be finished upttairt at a very tmall expense. Fifty-foot front lot with nice shrubbery and trees. New cement garage. House is in dtndy condition, just newly painted. Thia It a genuine bargain at 44.600, witb about 11.140 cash. If you don't have that much cath call ua or your own realtor and we will arrange terms to suit, R F. CLARY. Realtort. 14th and Ames Ave. KK. 4176. Owner Wants Offer Well conttructed bungalow type home. Located on an eatt front let bat block to car line. Homt consisting of 6 rooms ana otin nrst noor: two roomt finished on second floor; furnace heat; front and rear porchee tcreened; carace for one tar. Dandy chicken bout akd yard. In excellent repair and newly painted. .412 K lTth St. George & Co., Realtors ATLANTIC 124. NEW BUNGALOW. Has electric lights, located south of Ames avtnue. Four large rooma. a good eited cellar. Thit house has a widt south front lot and for tal at I2.T64 on terms of about S04 or 1464 and 124 P?r month. Call Mr. Splcka. AT. 1564 ar office open to 4 p. m. AMOS GRANT COMPANT. Realtora. AT !S. ;i go. 16th Ground Floor. 1644 VICTOR AVE. Six roomt cn one floor, oak anS entmei fmith. in as good aa new con dition, ready to -move right la. South front lot. paving paid In full. A bargain If aold at once. About 1154 cask will do Call ua for appointment. RASP BROS . 212 Keellne Bldg AT. S7JI. $5,300 $750 CASH SeJd latt year for fl Mt. Owner mutt sell tkia week. 4-r.. mod.-. I-aty. frame, tarage: well located en Florence RivS ATLANTIC T IT'T US A XT WALNUT 24t a a a v Til Peters Trust Bldg 1144 4313 N. 27th St. 1 offer my borne, living room, dining room, kitchen aad bedroom, hot water beat, natural wood flnl.h; two chick.n house., fruit, etc. Only 4V "5: etty terms. Tsa mutt tee it or call JA. REAL E5TAT E-l M PROVE D NurihT Near Prettiest Mile If tat) a' at' i at k fctnt auk t4 txa4iati il 4 at tit mm' .I. flatly tt'4 ttt b.b I tr lita ta4 r. tr a ki. 4 if at tit k.t fur .t. rti(a kt-1 tt if atftta an, ikraa wa-t f a ta. I ia aak. taiit tuaa.t a ia imxt 'mm t4 I not I p i kalivaina talk 1 lH'l tit (iaiA itaiukte fat t'etea, t jl aaiKaaiat tttaiatai, k ami k-4114-lw atak ! fa I l w a 4a4 kawt T.f-t tf t"itt.t taa wa atita 1li fnimt. Tayne & Carnaby Co., ! iwitt Nal 11.44 JA I"I4 Two Bargains Jill tiartioaa Aa t ltan.4 t'rltlly MB I hi . otd nat 4 -a M.t"i. ka a. it if r.e.a at a . tji4 it !' Ik a ia a I- bu To Close an Estate ha a iit'tt f" tjuirk tt.a faar bwat a!' 4o4 Ibaf lll"4 t tkl, IBal kt at. CI S. P. Bostwick. 7)t P.lara Tfu.l ti ll I MJl HAH'iAlN MtiUin t i . t "t coad i tn Full li. aaar a'l Mint" 1" P'. l : I'tty itirnt W T I.HAH IV J S1; 7ti J'tlaia Tu' dt '6 Rooms. Modern, $3,000 Da Ri: tl E. G. Gangestad & Sons a-4UKt MRUTI-f Mul-eitX A email p. Titian .io. t ha-gtik. ner' pan fte4 tireei. cak fiaart fitith it ntt'k faint full tmenlad baaemaal. en j tkoi.1 inn .'4 Ctll avtn" gt AT tttT tail CAMDES Ae. 4 roomt. rr.d,rn nk fcatt tors nf frit. Il4i catk, he: tars munibly tit kee b,d JA tl4 THUKK hOuM boua.. tatvly ttr.len a ibirkaat II i" lt. pleniy PO 414. D E B'TK CO. any tad sell kemra. South. Choice Field Club Home Owner Going to Oregon Hevn rooma tnd bttb. flrep'act, book fttea built-in (otluree full baa. rnani. cuoi. . toulb fram lot Pni.4 tight; bon or.:y by trpoiniriefit Ctll Osborne Realty Co., . 4lt Peien Trutt BM4 JA till. SMALL FARM BARGAIN. Batta Sautb Omtha and Bella ue. Thlriy-thre. acres, well imfroved. cloas ta car Una F:n. for fed ytrdt. atlry ar pouiiry. Can Ukt Omtha property lor koaut btlf W. T. ORAHAM. JA 1411. 704 Peters Trust Bidg. 10!: S. ItTH ST S i -room bungalaw, IT 260. C G Carlberg. Realtor. 311 Theater Bldt JA 4414 AN ACRE of ground for only 1176. Front! soutb en the Blvd. at 14th Et Kaey trm. AT 142 Vacant. DVNDKE lot. 60x126. on 64th St. naar rtrnam: choice lot; will csntider rata offer. C. A. Qrlmmel. Phon. JA. 1416. Ralston Lots "To-,-11 payments Pbena Slcwtrt Ralston 10-W. DUNDEE lot. n. e. corner 67th and Har ney. i4xl04. Betutlful location. Priced ta tell. 43,444. KE. 4440. 44TH and Jonet Chef. batldlng lei. 176". Owner, 644 Leavenworth. WA. 6:t. DUNDEE lot, 41x116 fet, tl.t St . south of Farntm St . 11.264. George A Co. Realtors. AT. 4624. WILL build to your order on eur beauti ful lott In Edgtwood; very easy terms. Atlantic flit. , Miscellaneous. A Real Bargain, 1 $1,000 Down l-rootn strictly modern bungalow all on one floor, with oak floors and oak finish in living room and dining room, built-in beokcane. built-in rhlr.a eloaet. ! dandy bedroomt tnd hath, kitchen, all on one floor; good attic: good batement; south front lot Jtit think of It. priced at 13.154. Payne Investment Co., 617 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldt. Pouglet IT". HERE IT IS! , 17 64 BUYS REAL BUNGALOW BARGAIN Strictly modern, aloe large rooms, .pace ta fiartb off two good roomt in attic if desired. Cement basement with floor drsln. Large porch, good lot-a, paved street, handy to car, overlooking Clairmont addttioa; price reduced to 14.350; terme. 144 a month; owner leaving city at once, has vacated Ihit horn.; you can htv. immediate pos session. Phone PO. 6630; evenings, KE. 2134, or tee P. E. BUCK CO. 748 Omtha National Bnnk WILL build and financt your new heme for you. MiSTtvr.a a WR-mvv f 1614 Harney St. AT. 4fl. LOT SALE ' Starts Saturday it WAVECREST (Located at Carter Lake) Lett at Low '390 A Few Higher DOWN 5 A MONTH SEE FRIDAY PAPERS FOR FULL DETAILS Or Call at Our Office and Learn How Entilr You Can Become Your Own Landlord. J. L HIATT CO. JESSE L. HIATT Firtt Nat'l Bank. AT 9900 We make fO Loans On Omaha Property Hornet, Apartments, Businett Property Monthly payment! if detired. Peters Trust Copany Peters NatIonax Bank. $1,500 Cash S647 ChicSgo street, 6 rooms, all rrodtrn. Comer lot. Price $4,500 MORTGAGE LOANS Omaha Net ! Bank Bldg. ills! IS