Eight Autosits Lose rv i . . r r ii$nt to unve v.ars FigSt niftorit urre trntf nrri in' fentr.il police rmiM Tii'(v not to' qnvf g4til for limilH nn1l. I.fi Lotifn, MJ'l S.iuili Forty rialitli irr-f. nl I'red Smith, T'n. 1 ty-nimh lt'1 M strfetf, rfrUrn drive intt ; f'lir nf $15 rrh 4ii'l tiiirn 1 m (rnf (or IS dyi. Irthn Crawford. HraVf rnur. "I'flins: 'in. tit to lnt for 10 dV. Ilrrv WM, ;MH N'orlh Twnm. fir.t tlrct. P'Hinn; $7 50 fine, nl in drive- for to dv. I'.nil I'auUon, 1714 Frwn street, reiMr driving; ?7 fin', not lo drive f.vr 5 dav W A WilUrr.on, M0 Soiilli Thir-' tvtltit'l street needing; $5 fin', no o drive for 5 d.iv ,. tntcph Pui-.ill, 4"2I Cuming Mreet feeding; $5 fine. n"i to drive fur 5 dv F H Brown, 1 1 ! South Twenty ith tree, rtrcding; $10 fine. n"t to Hrive for 10 d.iv Six rittirr were fined for speed- ' ing. I Hotfl FnntPiit'lIp Miin Silrnt on Court Ruling i "I have no fonimrnt lo maWe," raid F. C. Fppltv. operator of Ho tel Fotitrtiel'e, ulien asked concern- ing the ei'fcit of the rerent supreme , it .'-' 'ii mi his future opera- t -i nf the I, Omaha hostelry. Tin i'rri:nii held that no receiver should he hcen appointed for the Nebras U.i Hotel Hitilding company, thus unnarrntly makinpr invalid the $1,- niHl.OOO purcha'e hy Mr. Eppley of notois ot that company. Mr. Kpplcy said the new drug mop he is constructing on the street Iloor of what formerly was the I.o- pan Inn will be opened as scheduled Saturday. July 1. Music by Gin Kdwards orchestra and favors for women visitors on the opening day win ne icatures ot trie pharmacy, which, according to Mr. Eppley, will ne one of the most novel shops in the country. Read and use Uec Want Ads and get on the road to success. METAitr.csis Ho per line each day. 1 or 2 days. Jl'o per line torn diy. S lo 6 days. l"o per line esoh day, T days or lonner. These rates apply to Tha Sunday Bee well as In The Morning anil Evening Re. All weekday ailvertlaementa appear In both morning ami evening edltlona at th one rout. , The above rates apply exclusively to Want Ads whlrh are commonly termed "public wants." and do pot Include -advertising ir exploiting their busineas. THE BEE reserves the right to desig nate what constitutes a public want. Want Ails accepted at the following offices: MAIN OFFICE ..17th and Farnam Sts. South Side 4985 South 24th 8t. Council Bluffs 15 Scott St. Telephone AT-lantlo 1000. Call for Want Ad Department. An e P'rienced Want Ad taked will receive your ad and a hill will be mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. CI.OSIM! HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition 11:4S a. m. Morning Kilitloa 9 p. m. Sunday Edition 9 p m. Saturday. THE MORXINO BEE. THE EVENING REE. THE SUNDAY BEE. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. KLKHARTT lira. Sarah Ann, died June 19, 19??. She la survived by a brother, V. 1. Stafford, also a nephew, Harry B. Fleharty. both of Omaha. Funeral services from the Old People's home, Fontenelle Blvd.. Wednesday, June 21, at 2:30 p. m. Interment Forest l.i'wn cemetery. Crano mortuary in ch.irge. HVl'SE O. N. age 64 years 4 months 27 ilays; June is, 1922, at family residence, 3119 Cass street. Funtral services Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from residence to Em manuel Lutheran church. Nineteenth and Cass, at 2:30. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends ate welcomeJ BURIAL VAULTS. AUTOMATIC sealing concrete burial vaults Recommended and for al by all leading undertakers. Water proof, no ateel to ruat. no wood to de cny. Insist upon the AUTOMATIC SEAL ING VAULT manufactured by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co.. 6210 N. 30th. Omaha. Tel. Kenwood 1077. CEMETERIES. Visit Forest Lawn There are 320 acres In Forest I.awn cemetery, the moat beautiful spot In this vicinity: sufficient to accommodate the peonle of Pnugias county for hundreds of years. There are only A few larger ctmeterlea in the country none In thla vicinity. Offices at the cemetery tnorth of city limits), and 720 Brandeis Theater Bids'. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO., Successor to Btark & Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. arrow AMBULANC EH a? w f Thirty-third and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertaken and Embalmers, Phone HA. 0286. Offtca 2811 Farnam. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Plrectorg 2224 Cuming. PDriODV TfnrT?17" 24thWlrt. WE. 0047. FLORISTS. LEE LARMON ILV. dWSS SXY IT WITH FLOWERS J'KOMESS & SWOBOPA, lilt FARNAM STREET. iTHENDiilRaON. 1607 Farnam. J A. 1258. JOHN BATH, 1S04 Farnam. JA. 1906. ATTRACTIONS. ATTRACTIONS wanted for big 4th of Julv celebration at Analey. Neb. Ad dress, Concession Commission. Box 6. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS, LOgTOold mesh , bag during C"rP Christ! procession. r.ngm.rw .... Barbeau. Rewnrd. No questions asked Return to 38is i'osT On W Park car or between luh L and Howard and 17th and Poul, cars, small cameo. Call Douglas 031. R- ward. tost Small diamond and sapphire bar pm. Saturday p. nr. near 18th and Har Sey Sta. Harney2JM Reward offered. j ,-,.,t.-tii.,-i, mare? Call Ralston 69. PERSONALS. THT SALVATION Army Induatrlal home TI??.T1' . in clothing, furniture. magasine'" W. collect. Phona DO. 4135 and our ""ViVt. Call and Inspect our new home. H lo in !-1114DodgeSt SCALP tre.tm.nU at . ,7dldtAT Psndruff positively eradicated. AT. 19:9. SHORT stone, wanted ntw mtsn Write for particulars. Loveland, Maga z;ne. Loveiana. ioio. PRIVATE rest home for aged and Invalids. Trained nurse In charge. Terms reason able. Webster ss:4. MATERNITY HOME, electrlo baths for nervousness. 1912 Emmet. l b. 2911. MAGNETIC bathe; Violet Ray treatment "with massages. 614 S. 19th. AT. 9391. THEATRICAL historical masque, costumes. for plays ana pruc. -. ropody. Keening. o . " FOR nurses by the hour or for massage call AT. ! or v a. MASSAGE Emma Brott. 1T1T Webster. EXPERT MASSAGE. ATLANTIC 54. BENT vacuum eleenera. HA. 1071.ARMT shoes, fi t. T0I No. 14th. THE GUMPS I 1 fuc umm UktM'T Mlkl I TA Par 4. Cftk.T dm ViiNV Asa L 1 f I IKT Via.wlU!VJf-. m KiA IT 0A- I 1 I -ivikkiw iki o. ii cno iuc re.tt(.u nm . l ow if v. 1 riA n w a 111 11 iih r i jiI usnm r- s rVI I IXJ I II LJ -i U I f M -f . -' -" . . ts iuu einw ninuuia. ". ivli. V anil v a saw jbew. eaaw JjlXllMOliNO JF r 1 njul- C. t. I'.lenl OffM PACE OF COLOM IN lilt SUNDAY BtK CoP-rl.bt. ftm I j I HOPE VOO DIDN'T ) f I COULDN'T ") I ( WVIAT Wtf?E. YOU L ( SWE WJT TELLING 1 1 I 1 AND WHAT WAS ( 1 7OLiD,lV2.ABOJT 1 1 Af NT VOO COT I ,' a v. J I I MAKE ANV BREAKS EVEN 3(?EAK TALK ING ABOUT 50 ME ABOOT HER S I VOU SAViNQ ? -SLJiAJiER NO PClDE? , f mriTKiffi seta -mrf: ry I . '(g i22 v Int-l FgATuwc Swvice. Inc. '62 1 " ' J j PF.RONAI,S nuay tit'iilniciil. a. Jacobs. AT. 5366. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordion Pleating. mri'4 nox pirating, covered buttons, .all styles; hemstitch ing, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button A Pleating Co., J08 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. 19:16. MTTR PT.r?. A TTNin Hemstitch ing. Cover- ed Buttons. DO. 5S70. 1806 Farnain, 2d Floor. Chiropractors. PotOevn DR- N., Chiropractor. !07 ctri&UtJ paxton block. AT. 1741. WE. 89J9. Office hrs.. 11 a. m.-6:30 p. m. Dancing Academies. LEARN to dance; summer classes; 10 lea aons, 14. Keeps. ISIS Farnam. PO. 8440. Dentists. DENTAL X-RATS, Ml each, la a full set. 819 Securities Bide. 16th and Farnam. Dr. R. R. Pase, Pentist. 642 World-Her-old Bltlg. Of. AT. 0581. Eve. KE. 0772. Contractors. OARAOES built, aQf style and alze, $100 up. concrete wora. uncKiin iiumDer as Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. 6656. Detectives. RKLIABLE Petectlve Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg., JA. 2056; night, KE. 3812. Independent Petective Bureau. 304 Neville Blk. AT. 5001 ; night. WA. 4045 : KE. 0465 JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville BP; secured in all cases. AT. ll."-t:. Kodak Finishing. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St Furriers. TJITT'DO remodeled, rellned, cleaned, r UXVO Kneeter Alaska Fur Co., J0J So ISth St. DO. 7283. Dressmaking. Emhrotderlnit. dressmikinR. AT. 3717. Mattresses. crrr mattress co. MattresRes made over. New ticks. Box Springs Repaired. 5115 Cuming St. AT. 4979. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON. Osteopath, 643 World-Herald Bldg. At. 2960. Ja. 0729. Paint and Paper Hanging. P. TH I ESSEN, painting and paperhang ing, 15 to S per room, including paper. Beet work. AT. 2719. PLASTERING, cement work, . also paint ing and paperllmglng. A. Carlson, WE. 6419. FIRST-CLASS painting at reasonable prices. Call PO. 5747. CLEAN paper, wash walls; exp. JA 1041. Printing. EDDY Printing Co. 813 8. II 81. Da. 9847. Patent Attorneys. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, 1711 Dodge, room 209. Also Washington, D. C. I help Inventors sell their patents. Wedding Stationery. WEDD1NO invitations and announcements printed or engraved; aamples sent upon request. Brandeis Printing department. Miscellaneous Announcements. OAITED saddle horses for rent by hour or day. All are gentle. My personal attention given to beginners. Smith Crane, proprietor. OMAHA RIDINO ACADEMY. Ak-Sar-Ben Field. Phono WA. 606S. DIAMONDS price with privilege to buv hack at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omaha, Neb., 402 N. 16th St. Telephone DO. 6049. VACUETTES as advertised In Saturday Evening Post, page 47, June 17, on ex hibition and sale. VACUETTE SALES CO. OF OMAHA 1614 Harney St. Phone AT. 0050. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over in new ticks at half price of new beds. Pillows renovated and made up in new feather proof ticking. Old bed ticks washed. 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. TO protect your trees from damage done by worms and other insects, have them eprayed by the Home Landscape Ser vice Co., 911 N. 24th. DO. 5115. buy. sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc., Omaha Fixture & 8upply Co., S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. DR. Louis N. Smemoff. diseases of women and children. 315 N. 21st St. AT. 6766. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded it the 5 Sherman A McConnell Drugstores. WILL give private lessons in high school subjects. Call HA. 4122. FISHER, baths, massage. - 3:0 Arthur Bldg. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desk, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. AT. 146. Call WE. 6441 first We pay more for furnftvre, ruga, stoves, clothes. FOR SALE. Pianos and Musical Instruments. TRADE your used piano on a new plRyer piano. Ralance as low as $10 per month. A. HOSPB CO.. 161J Douglaa. Clothing and Furs. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For aale. a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, cheap, alterations free. Northwest Cor. Utb and Harney Sts. FULL DRESS sulta a.d Tuxedo, for rent. JA. 31?v !' N !Ntn l . teldm.n. ill n IN COLOM IN THE iUNOAV ' Ufl (I lA H'A'ift j I, ... L'iT -N trill II I 1 1 l 11111 f oml .j ( 7, UVILW II V ) f -f V A 1m FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. Annual Auction of Unredeemed Household Goods WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS: Dressers, tables, beds, buffets, chairs, linens, dishes, kitchen utensils, etc. If( you need any household effect! ' be sure and come Frank B. Stephenson, Auctioneer. Saturday, June 24, H) A. M and 1:30 P. M., Bekins Omaha Van & Storage, 807 SOUTH 17TH STREET. Auction Auction At Dowd's Auction House, 18th and Webster Sts. Every day at 1 p. m. Tuesday and Friday eve nings at 7:30 p. m. Furniture sold on com mission. If vou have anything to sell, call AT. 0986. James L. Dowd, Buy at Your Owri Price Complete furnishings of medium and lifgh grade homes sold Wednesday at the Stephenson Auction. Unlike a tore goods, you 1o not pay what they ask, you pay what you think articles are worth to you. AUCTION' WEDNESDAY, JUNK 21. AT 1 T. iVr. 1509 CAPITOL AVENUE. The Downtown Auction House. Auctions every Tuesday and Friday Eveninps 7:30 P. M. EXCELLENT piano, $125; combination gas and coal range, kitchen table, two up holstered mahogany chairs, $5 each; fruit Jars, 60c, doz. 3401 Center. Har- ney 6293. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES retailed at wholesale prices. S7& buya the best. Phone Douglas 4423. Good Things to Eat. CHERRIES FOR SALE Come Thursday to the Finch farm 1 mile east of Cal- ' houn. Pick cherries yourself at 4 cents a pound. As many as you wnt. Home Landscape Service, 911 No. 24th St. DO. 5115. EXCELLENT cherries, 74th and Military. Pickers wanted, 25c per basket. WA. 8009. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. BTvery machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc, JA. 41J. 1912 Farnem. Miscellaneous Articles. EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICKEL9. 15th and Harney. . DO. 1973. BOTTLES New and used. Nathan Steinberg, 1019 Harney. Do. 6166. SURPLUS bees and suppllea. WA. 3043. WANTED SITUATIONS. Laundry and Day Work. WOMjS w.nts bundle washing. WE. DAY work, house cleaning. Ref. WE. 6004. SILK and fine washing. AT. 415. HELP WANTED MALE. DO you want to Increase your Income? Write the National Auto School. 3114 N. 20th St., Omaha, for catalog. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. Write for catalog. TIRE BUILDERS, EXPERIENCED FINISHERS, WANTED. ALSO MACHINE OPERATORS. BLEKRE TIRE A RUBBER CO., 8t. Paul, Minn. WANTED Competent man for grocery and meat Dept. Also truck driver for grocery. Apply 1514 Park Ave., between S and 7 p. m. HELP. WANTED FEMALE GIRL Good, while, to assist with gener al housework. HA. 0961. $015 Lin coln Blvd. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Widow for housework - on farm: 2 In family; bv widower J. H. Neff, R. No. 40, Os" ceois. ieb. NURSES Student nurse, wanted. Wayne Hospital. Wayne. Neb. Nurses wtd. $27 Securities Bldg. AT. 191$: WA. 429$. THE OMAHA BEE: WEDNESDAY, Jl'NE 21. 1022. SUBTRACT $500 HELP WANTED FEMALE SALESWOMEN wanted. Thoroughly e perloiced saleswomen for ladies' ready-to-wear department. Permanent posi tion. State experience, age. reference, alary. In first letter. BARON BROTH ERS, Mitchell, S. D. WaWLD Good girl for general house work. Must have references. Call Mrs. C. W. Burgess, 1J N. 33d St. HA. 0333. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Tri-Clty Barber College. SALESPEOPLE wanted tor very profitable, permanent and pleasant work Training free. W. A. Hiienbaugh,- 1814 8t. Marys. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackaon 1(65 for large Illustrated catalog. Addresa Boyles College Boylea Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business'. Day and Evening Schools. 210 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 5890. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 603 Karbach Blk, JA. 1(111. BUSINESS CHANCES. Restaurant for Sale in Iowa city of 60.000 popula tion. Bargsin. Owner will be in Omaha for a few days. Part , cash, prompt action. Address, Y-1930, Omaha Bee. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK FOR SAJt'. $90,000 stock of general merchandise In county seat town in Nebraska. Best location and most modern atore. Will lease or sell building, 48x132 ft. Ex ceptionally good patronage and clean atock. Same location and management for thirty years. Selling on account of sickness. Address T-1931, Omaha Bee. ABSOLUTELY the best paying garage bualnesa In city of Denver. Downtown location with capacity of 100 c;irs. Price, $12,000. Reasonable rent with lease run ning about four years. For aale by owner direct, who la leaving state to look after other urgent business. Call In person or write for appointment. M. C. CLARK, Care of Hall Hotel. Denver, Colo. RADIO and Electrical Supply business for sale or will take partner capable of handling bualnesa Write Y-1928 Omaha Bee. MODERN first class hotel for aale at a reasonable price. Good location. Excel lent transient trade. Address Box 166, Red Oak, la. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. THE AURORA. Exclusive rooming house, Just opened. Hanscom park district, everything new and modern.. Attractive rates to perma nent guests. 1322 S. 31st St. Tel. HA. 6262. Lady attendant. GET YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms in all parts of the city. A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. OPPORTUNITY for business or profes sional man to share attractively fur nlahed bachelor quarters. West Farnam district. Phone Harney 4643 after 6 p. m. HOTEL. 8ANFORD, 19TH AND FARNAM, HOTEL HENSHAW, 16TH AND FARNAM special rates to permanent guests. FURN. rms. with prlv. bath: warm, com fortable, cheerful; prices reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 470L WELL furnished steeping room, single $3. or $4 double. 222 So. 29th 8t. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GUIDE TO the better housekeeping rooms Is the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies In all parts of the city. LOVELY light housekeeping rooms. $5 to e per wcn. lit 80. Slst Ave. HA. 3718 29th St., 1719 So Lovely cool rooms. v irnmny on canine. HA. 3479. California St.. 3119 "jJ nicely furn. hskg. rooma. modern, cool, light. Unfurnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, close In, strictly modern, rea sonable rent. Call A 17 3250. vr. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. Choice Kellastone Semi Bungalow Five rooms and bath strictly modern, practically new, oak finish. $75. Two block. West Side Perk car. Jackson 222. FOR RENT Six-room house, redecorated, garage. 2023 Pierce. Now vacant; $37 per month "all AT 226. 'FINK 7-rm. hnuse. Ml modern: large shady yard. $134 N. 13d. KE. $771. FROM TIIK ROLL FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. HAMILTON HOTEL Farnam at 24ih. one room, with kitchenette and bath. Two room, with kitchenette and hath. All completely furnished Including gas and light. A SATISFACTORY PLACE TO LIVE. . HUNTER INN Home for the traveling mnn to leave hia wife in comfort and safety. 2408 Dodge St. FOUR rooms and sleeping porch in mod ern home, nicely furnished, with light, water and gas, $55.00 per month. Call KM. 1194. Trt'O AND THREE-ROOM apartments. Brown apartments. 508 North 21st St. AT. 7449. CHOICE apts. at 2063 Farnam. Unfurnished. HAMILTON HOTEL Farnam at 24th. Fine sub-basement apartment with 4 rooms and bath, good condition and very desirable, at a reasonable rental. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. 10 Q room modern apartments. THE , Li, O-DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY, 1702 Howard St. AT. 9708. JA. 2806. MODERN 4 and 7 rooma; low rent, cloae In. G. P. Stebbins. 1610 Chicago. NOTHING like it 3 or 4-room apt. with Bleeping porch. 220H N. 23d. DRAKE Court upiirtnii nt; to party buy ing furniture. Atlantic 9781. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT 10-room houae with sleeping porch In first class locality, with plenty of ground around house. Box H188, Omaha Beo. FOR RENT Business Property. FOR RENT OR FOR SALE Store and living rooma and stock. Fine location. Forty-fifth and Amos avenue. MERCANTILE STORAUW AND WARE HOUSE CO., 11th and Jones St. MOVING AND STORAGE. "WHEN MOVING" PACKING-STORING-SHIPPING, llone Jackson 0288. FIDELITY STGEcAoND 1107-11 Howard St. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooma for household goods and pianpa, moving, packing and shipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South 16th. DO. 4163. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving Contracts taken on Job or hr. Globe Van & Storage Co., JA. 4338. AT. 0230. 620-24 North 16th St. TO SAVE MONEY ON HAULING CALL BINGO TRANSFER. DOUG. 6883. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. PHEASANTS and bantam eggs. Large pigeons. 3 pairs. $5. 651 S. 26th Ave. Wheat screenings. $1.50 per 100 lbs., A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. JA. 1142. TWO MILK GOATS. HA. 6119. BABY chicks. JA. 2185. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. They're Still Buying Those who bought our used cars pent their friends, and they also bought. Come in now. There are some real bargains left. State license good until Dec. Slst, 3922, free with tiaeh par purchased. NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE COMPANY USED CARS THAT CAN BE USED. 18th at Howard. AT. 1770 SOME bargains in used Fords; prompt delivery or. new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3609 CHANDLER, 1120 model, touring, cash; runs better tnan new; a bargain, cash or terms. 2052 Farnam St. DO. S9S7. LOOK over our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. 506 Farnam St. AT. 736. BL'ICK touring car. Oood aa new. Cord tires. Perfect condition. Cash or terms. 2052 Farnam St. DO. 8987. DODOE touring car; all new tires; perfect cqndition; cheap; cash or terms. 2058 Farnam .St. Douglas S987. USED Ford parts at halt price. Parts for all standard make cars. Neb. Auto Parte. 101 Harney St. rREE Inspection and water for all makes battery. Battery and Parts Co., 2414 Farnam St.. AT. 3 14. USED cars, worth your money. The Ne braska Oldsmnblle Co.. ISth sud Howard Sts. AT. 1T70. FORI roadster with starter at a bargain. Caeh r terms. 2052 Farnam St. DO. 97. USED radiators, all makes for sale. Orssn ou?h Radiator Repslr. 2039 Farilsm. PATENT Pullman bed built Into your auto at Pfelffers. 2i Leavenworth. HOLLY, expert auto utnuasr. $11 8. 14th. Drawn for AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Cash or Time. 13uy ur Sell. ' Fords, from $50 and up. Dodge, Bulcks and others. $100 and up Ford bodies winter tops. GOLU8TUO.M AC TO SALES CO., 131s Harney St. Central Garage. A CAnTl.LAC TOURING IN FINK CON DITION FOR SALE CHEAP, OR EX CHANGE FOR GOOD TRUCK. WHAT It AVE YOU? HALSEY. AT. 4411, or HA. 6507 EVENINGS. BUY A OUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment. 26th and Farnam Sts. Phono DO. 1970. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WILL. BUY YOUR HOUSE. Want 3 houses. 5 or 7 rooms. Wilt pay cash If priced right. W. T. GRAHAM, JA. 1533. 704 Peters Trust Bldg. HOMES for sale, APTS. for rent. W. J. Palmer Co., Real Estate Management Specialists. Keeiine Bldgr AT. 89S0. List yonf home Buy your home, BINDER & OTIS, Beat Estate. Loans. Rentals. JA. 2f61. To buy or sp Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat'l Hk. BUlB. JA. 1426. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance, H02 Tity Nat. Bk. AT. 96C8. Reed & Co., Real Estate and Insurance. 1207 Farnam St Phone AT. 6141!. ORTTTCNTft Keal,y Co- Li,t wi,h VJJ.V J AJiM i VJ us frir Quick results. 1418 First ,at'l Bk. Bldg. JA. 1966. PTPT'TTl'Tirri REAL ESTATE DJ. IV IV Jit X Sells. P.ents. Ins nsures. 350 Peters Trust Bide., JA. 0633. LIST YOUR RANCHES WITH US. H. S. MANVILLE, Realtor. AT. 2403. 515 Peters Trust Bldg. STRAIGHT 6-year loans. K'-j per cent. AMOR GRANT CO.. 101 S TSth. Arthur BldK. AT. 83S0. NEW homes, completely financed. Pay like rent. C. T. SPIER & CO., Realtors, 804 Peters Trust Bldg. DO. 4S57. MONEY to loan on furniture. Fords and salaries. Rex Loan Co., 701 W. O. V. Bldg. AT. 913 WANT 6 or 7-room, well located, in Don' dee, by the first; have cash. Box '"1. Omaha Bee. GEO. T. PORTER & CO. Real Estate, Rentals. Insurance. 105 South 18th. AT. 2998. LIST your homes for sale with us. We have the customers. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO. GROVE-HIRBARD CO., modern houses. 526 Uy. Exchg. Bldg. A 4956. LIST your property with W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St. LIST your property with R. D. Clark Co.. Securities Bidg. WANT to buy 5-room house. Box H-109. Equitable Trust Co. Realtors. AT. 2945. Western Real Estate Co JA. 3607. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. T.OUGEE. INC. 638 Keeiine Bldg. Farm Loans eVe,ar, on western rms. ranches. Kloke Investment Co. 845 Om. Nat l Bk. FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omana real estate. Shopen & Co., Realtors. JA. 42J8. 234 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEKFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1019 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson S716. 1100 TO 910,000 ioans made promptly. F. D. WE AD and D. H. BOWMAN, 310 S. lth St. Wead Bldg. At. 0151. ON IMP. PROPERTY NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS.. 46 OMAHA NAT. BLD. Stocks and Bonds. Liberty Bonds SVbond HOUSE, 1321 1st Not. AT. S644. GERMAN bonds taken in as payment for dividend paying oil atock. St. Paul Bond Exchannc. 71S Sims St.. St. Paul. Minn. J. H. MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS. 921 City Nat l Bank Bldg. FARM LANDS. Minnesota Lands. FOR SALE On account of age. excellent stock Sfarm. See or write owner. "Wood lawh." R. 5. Slankato, Minn. No agents. Nebraska Lands. Do You- Want to Buy Land? Tell th numbtr of acres dsslred. whether improved &r unimproved, loca tion preferred, amount you will pay down, etc.. and 1 will assist you in lo cating such a farm or ranch as you ara seeking. I have no land of my own to sell, nor do I represent any land fil ing comnany. My assistant e in locat ing a farm or ranch fur vou is fre Write Homrftnder. Box V-1925. Omaha Bee. P ApTVTC Write M A. Larson. Central A City. Npi,., Jour want8 for arrange rafts, farms REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE GARAGE, actressi-e. clear, country town Will exchange for acreage or small farm. AT. 1111. The Bee by Sidney SmllhL"J!IV0SLED.. l.tinsat. Kill . . ! I REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN. Benson. Stone Bungalow, Two Lots Strictly modern, acreened porch, awn It. Km. dandy garage to match, chicken hi u.-e, fruit, shrubbery, fine garden in. owner going to Denver. UlKgeat bargain in Benson. $5,500. $1,000 cash. Call Osborne Realty Co. 5.10 Peters TruKt Bldg. Ja.-lion 212- Big Sacrifice Owner say sell this '-room home. Hardwood floors and finish. Full ce ment basement. Garage. East front lot. For appointment call Mr. Shaver, Kb. 3768. Equitable Trust Co. I SI 3 DouKhis St. AT. 2945. AXKAT COMFORTABLE HOME. Only 84.650 on terms which will suit. A 5-toom, strictly modern homo on paved street; 3 years old. Lot, 40x146. HA. oaSfi evening. Florence. NETHAWAY sella and trades. KE. 1401 REAL ESTATE OTHER CITIJS FOR SALE One of the moat desirable roltages on Lake OkoboJI. Just west of Inn. Most exclusive surrounoings. roi session for this season. Also one for rent for season on Dixon's beach. M. E. De Wolf. Spencer, la. j real estate-improved. West. Leavenworth Heights Bungalow, $5,250 Now building. Five fine rooms, attic, find full cemented basement. Oak floors. Well built, well arranged and well located. On paved street. Close to car. Easv terms. Evenings call Grant Benson, WA. 150. A Good Name in the Building Game Benson & Carmichael 642 Paxton Block. AT. 3540. 438 N. 38th Ave. West Farnam Cathedral District "Wrt have just listed this home t a prire s Jrpriaingly low, considering loca tion. Size it up today but arrange with tis for inspection. This is eight rooms, all modern, four bedrooms, all in good repair. Price for quick sale. $8,000. Glover & Spain REALTORS JA. 2850. 918-20 City National. Here's a Real Trade Owner will tako in cheaper house or lot as first jifiymerit on his almost new California style bungalow, (n West Far nam District. Schroeder Investment Co., REALTORS. 538 Ry. Exchange lath and Harney. JA. 32fil. Evenings call Schroeder. HA. 0411, Booth. WA. 500S. Must Move to Texas Dandy snmi-biingnlow of 5 nice rooms. 3 rooms on main floor, 2 bedrooms and bath on second floor. Osk floors and finish. This property ran be bought for lfys than ft an be duplicated for. Drive by 43tH liarkfr St. and then call us for price and terms A. P. Tukey & Son "Tukoy Sold It." 620 First Nat. Bk. Jackson 4223. VV. (.). I. arson. Hnrney 4649. Cathedral District 7-room. .'-story, frame, east front, hot water hpat. nn car, ga rage; 3 bed ro.ms. bath, attic and full basement; all nak down, maple, white enamel up; house in excellent condition; fine loca tion. 51ft North 36th St. For appoint ment, price and terms call World Realty Co., World Th-ater Bldg. AT. 3402. West Farnam Bungalow Six large rooms and bath, pretty sun room with the French doors, oak and white enamel finish, Cranstone exterior. Handy lot. A little over two blocks to all Farnam car service. 11.100 cash will handle. Call. Osborne Realty Co. 50 Petets Trust H;d Jackson 2:2. Military Ave. Five-ronm. strictly modprn home: oak throughout; biggest bargain yet, 14,760 n easy payments. E. G. Gangestad & Sons North. Owner Wants Offer 3912 N. 17th St. Wt'H nntructfd bunea'.ow type hme T'iHttd n an east front lot. "ne block to car line. Home cnnsitmR nf 5 riMnm ami bath firt floor; two rooms f.n:shul on second floor; furnace hat : front and reir porch serened . Pirait f.ir ono car. I'andy thicken tmiis and yard In twelifnt repair and nwly i-.iint eel Her t an opportunity to buy a horn worth the money. George & Co., Realtors AT. 3024. 13 Nonh. iifn . i II All aUUtlfin IIUUIU for $3,200 Kl.e nice Uig ro.nu (".I haaenieiit, gued fmu oiill M. a.ie.l shade and '"i 1 . i i. i.e. l Ml W 4HI llandy In car and . ho.il T.mu. r.li. Mlema lit a Hii'hlh If " iarain sea ihia hta I h. i. D. E. Kuck & Co., HKAi.Ti'H III Omsk S'ai I. Ktaniiiga, iiuca, e. r. ri. MA "l I'KKTTT Mll.i.K.ir TaKK " A l ouiiliy fluo hon.e. U u.g l ant 'into the pack anil leasing i.' Its lake. .nng livnng rnuiit, tiling rm.itt. kiiiiten and !.r,n!lin Y ,tow tiataiie. T lealy lie.lrai.ins and ba'h Ufaiaim. ropular hunt In fealuraa aaj fuiiah. fall basentenf. Near rar anil a-hiH.i. This beautiful home prlrrd a( .!". Terms "Mi'l-rs A COMI'ANV He.ltma JA JI Keeiine Pldg Quarter Acres, $245 $5 Down, $5 Monthly I.o,ated nuthweat of Omaha Kield Club and only three and a ball mllea In poaiofy.e only a few left, yea will Kava ti hurry. The Hyron Reed Company PO :tT. IHtrtrnam t i:io kow'k. tti hsva a I roeni sttlillv modern rettase on laved alreei, paving fald lenient basenient, gas hasier. floored attic, 41 foot front let. bri. k founda'inn. newly drcnraiad, block to rar. li .aied near S4th and A me" Why pay tent Tall Mr. Lewis this avenmg. Walnut It:!. II V. i'I.AKT ret.. Realtors ; 4i h and A me. Ave K H JtiJL'hli HAHOAIN Modern. I rooms In fine rendition rull In near 14th and Miami At. Trice r ISO. Kay terms. W, T. GRAHAM. Ill 70 I'elers Tiual Tlldg. ' "l4"'vicfR AVE. " " Hi it ronma on one floor, osk and enamel finish, in as good as new con dition, ready to move right In Anuin front Int. p.ivlng paid In full A bargain if sold at once. About Ho cash will do Call us for appointment. RASI' IIHOM.. sis Keellne llldg, AT. n:;i. " Real Bargain Sin-room, all modern home, dandy haement and double garage; 13.00(1; -ay term" E. G. Gangestad & Sons I5.JO0 -ITS CASH. Sold laat year for fl.ooo. Owner must sell this ek. r.. mod., t-sty. frame; garage; well located on Florence Blvd. CHARLES T. UKLMAN. AT. 5260. 72J Peters Trust Bldg. 305 H. J4TH ST. Sis-room bungalow. 17,250. ('. O. Carl berg. Realtor, lit Hrandela Theater Bldg. JA. 05. 333k CAMDEN Ave., rooms, modern with half acre of fruit 11.000 rash, balancs monthly. o Bee Bldg, JA. 0200. V. E. BUCK A CO. buy and sell homes. South. Choice Field Club Home Owner Going to Oregon S'ven room and bath, firtplacs. bookcases, built -In faturts. full bass mht, choirs south front lot. Priced right, shown only by appointment. Call Osborne Realty Co. Peters Trust Bldg. JA. !22. SMALL FARM BARGAIN. Retween South Omaha and Bellevue. Thirty. three acres, well Improved, close, to car line. Fine for feed yards, dairy or poultry. Can take Omaha property for about half. W. T. GRAHAM. JA 15S3. 704 Petera Trust Bide. 12,200. On South 12th. A nlco wide paved street. House has ft rooms with plumb ing, electric lights and gas. About t00 down. Call Mr. Splcka, AT. tilt or of tics open to 9 p. m AMOS GRANT COMPANY Realtors, AT. mo. 210 So. Hth. Ground Floor. AN ACRE of ground for only 1976. Fronts south nn th Blvd. at Jtth St. Easy terms. AT. "428. Vacant. DUNDEE lot, 601125. on 64th St., near Farnam: choice lot; will consider re offer. C. A. Orlmmel. Phone JA. H16. RaTsW&sltUP7olnnrl esSy payments. 1 hone Stewart. Ralston 10-W. DUNDEE lot. n. e. corner 57th and Har ney. (.0x100. Beautiful location. Priced to sell. J3.000. KE. 0460. WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots in Edgewood; very essy terms. Atlantic 3540. DUNDEE lot near 61st and Farnara Sts., J2.00.1 Geo. & Co.. Realtors. AT. M24. Miscellaneous. Home Bargains In Dundee, near car line. 100 ft. south front, house full 2-story; i good sleeping rooms, in splendid condition, ready to move Into. 4908 Davenport street. In Benson, a half block north of the Country club snd car line. Six rooms, entirely modern, oak floors, large screened porch, orchard and garden. 4 large lots. Owner leaving city, must sell; family In house will show you. No. 2952 North 55th street. Near West Side park car line, a new house of 6 rooms and sun room, will be completed in 10 dayi and can be bought with one or two lots. Will be offered on easy terms. Take a preliminary look now, if you wish. It is a half block west of 32d avenue on Spring street. , Near Kountze Tlace. No. 2107 Miami street, 6 rooms, all on one tyoor; dandy bath and back porch. Double garage and large shop on alley. I,ot 53 ft. wide. ravin f paid in full, rossesslon at once. $i,500. Can arrange terms. Special price of $3,350 for a R room, modern cottage on corner bt !n Windsor school district, snuthwest of Hanscom park. House nearly new and In good condition. A $10,000 Home. We have Just listed an elegant 7-room Kellastone stucco home, built 2 or 3 years ago, splendid neighborhood and very sightly. Owner would like to get a -room house at about half this value. If you have outgrown your house, 1st us tell you about this. Harrison & Morton, 91 S Omaha National Bank Bldg. HAVE a new 5-room bungalow with gsr aae and ettra larga piece of ground can be baught on very easy ravmenta or will tnke a lot or good Ford rar as first payment. Call Mr. nilbv. WA. 2471. wii.i. build snd finame jour nl--horn for von. HASTINGS HETPEN KM Harney 3t. AT. . ' w V . Bank BMg .