The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 20, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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Mrs. Mark Levings Low in Qualifying Round of State Golf Tournament
Turns in Card
of 98 Over
Happy Course
Mr. Silver Second Low
Medalist With 99 Cham
pionship Flight Starts'
Saints Wallop
and Win Game
Happy Hollow ;'-h-ih.
course in a W, I i.mmham, 11
M- J.:iZtf :
ingi of the I ii"!d nt,rY.r, rf
club ye strrday wiinn. .
s lotf medal- ."K.TirtffL.-
Wilder, c-lb
St. Joseph. Mrt . June 19. St. Jo
eph walloped the ball hard today
ant) took another game from Omaha,
9 to 3, Coffindaffer wn pounded
hard, while Bird had little difficulty
in holding the Buffaloes.
it in the quali
fying round of the fifth annual Xe
braka state women' golf cham
pionship tournament.
Sixty-four of the 72 women who
played yeterday survived the quali
fying round and "ill compete today
in the first flight of the champion
ship. The sun was hidden behind a
cloud durinR most of the morning
and a cool hreeze swept the course,
making an ideal day for play.
Mrs. Levingi Medalist.
Mrs. Levings won the low medal
ist prire by bring one stroke under
Mrs. Walter G. Silver of the Happy
Hollow club, who turned in a card
of 99.
Mrs. Levings' score:
.,. I U U 1 47
...I I I I It i I t SI
AD. R. H. ro. A. F.
8 0 t I 1
It .... 4 I I 0
4 ft a t ft a
4 8 o s l o
o i o a o
4 o a
t o 1 t I
4 i i o
p-H.. 4 1 I t 1
i o o i o o
"sol " tl 10 "l
st. josrru.
AS. K. H. FO. A. E.
3 1 I ID 0 I)
4 t 0 (I 0
t I S 1 0 II
4 0 ' I I 0 II
ft o I 4 e
ft o i s 4 o
a l o 4 o o
a l o o o
o o o o o o
7"S7 IS 17 17 "l
Equine Aristocrats
of America Will
Compete at Latonia
Olu.n. lb
(orildrn. If .
H.hrr, rf ...
HonoMlU, rf
lefat. . .
MrllooaM, Sb
Nlevenaan. Sb
K(in1ler, e .,
lllrd. p
tSmllh, tt ..
Totals .
xRattMl fnr Wllrox In wtrnlh.
(Kan for Iterate In eighth.
Hrora by Inrilntu
Omaha 00011(100 0 t
ft. Jncrph I0 100S01 I
Nummary Hunt and Mtat Off Bird, I
and 8 1 off (nfflnilaffcr. 8 and IS la 1 l-
Innln(i) off Ourrh, 0 and 0 In i-s Inning.
Karnrd run.: Omaha. 8: Hi. Joarph, .
IUm on ball.! Off Bird, ti off (offlnrlar
fer, 4. Struck outi By Bird 4, by Coffin.
naifrr, a. Lrt on umana. 71 Pit.
Mr M f JVninlH r.f tK flmaha 1 ,OIM,, ,H Tvro-Baao nut: (orriuen,
A , , Umana Ittirrh. Fisher. MrOonald. Three-baso hltl
' ofrindnrfer. Double plnym Bird-Derate.
Olson; Msuiiish-fcpenrrr. Karrlflca hit: Bo
now III. Hit by pitched ball) By fofflndaf-
fcr (Olaon.) Nlolen banc: Oialason. I'm-
pirei: Ormshy and Hnlnien. Time: 1:45.
Field club, winner of the 1921
ment, had a 102. Mrs. Karl Linin
ger, runner-up last year, apparently
was off her swing and took a 110.
Omaha's representation in the
tournament took 15 of the 16 places
in the championship flight. Mrs. C.
M. Joh.'ison of Fremont being the
only out-state golfer to gettinto the
elite class. "
Sart Play at 9 o'Clock.
Thirteen out-state golfers, teed off
in the qualifying round.
Play today will start in the fhamp
flight at 9 a. m.. and golfers in the
ether classes will be started at half
hour intervals.
Play in the second flight will be
held Wednesday and the semi-finals
will be reached Thursday. The
championship will be decided Friday.
Detroit Wins Seventh
Straight Game From Boston
Detroit. June 19. Detroit won lt
aventh airtight fame today bv defeating;
Botton. 11 to , In a tlugginK match.
Hellmann was itopped In the fourth by
Fullerton after making: 10 consecutive
aafe hlti. Pratt hit a home run over the
acoreboard In th eighth Inning with two
ruhnara on..
i Pinch Hitter's Home Run
in Ninth Inning Wins Game
Philadelphia. June 19 A home run
drlva by Pinch Hitter Pejers. scoring two
men ahead of him In the ninth gave
Philadelphia an I to victory today over
Chicago. In the Cuba half of the same
Innlnn with the score tied. Recruit Pitcher
Kaufmann smashed a homo run with
Wlrta on base.
Stall, rf 5 1 0 (I RarP. 3h 5 13 1
nnllocher, is 4 0 S SiParkinson, 2b 4
Knit. 3b 4 1 3 t'WIIIIams. cf 3
Crimea, lb J 1 11 l Walker, rf 3
'418 oiT'tHiiirveau. rf 0
Frllierf. rf
Miller, ir
Terrr. 2b
Wlrta. c
Stnetand. p
Kaufmann. p
1 6
3 0
4 0
0 0
I, 1
2' 2
8 0
6 2
0 1
0 0
0 0
(I 0
I.lebold. cf
Menosky. If
Bums, lh
Pratt. 2b
riucan. 3h
Tolllni. rf
Ruel. o
Plttencer, la
Quinn, p
Fullerton. p
TMrtf. p
4 1 1 OIB'ue. lh 5 S S 0
4 9 3 HlJnnea. Sh 5 8 13
4 1 11 (1' cf ,5110
.1 3 1 .HVearh. If 3 2 3 1
5 1 3 HHeilTinnn. rf 3 12 0
4 0 3 llCutihaw. 2b 4 2 4 5
2 2 DIHiney. Jb 0 0 0 0
4 3 0 JIRimey. H 3 13 1
10 0 1'rtiHler. c 3 13 0
0 0 0 O'atoner. p 10 0 3
3 0 1 ?i01.iham. p 10 0 2
10 0 OI Tnlinson. p 0 0 0 0
I nMiree. p ft o ft o
35 13 24 1!' Clark 110 0
34 15 2T 15
i Totall
Patted fnr Pl-rcy 1n ninth.
Batted for Stoner In seventh.
Score by Innings:
Boston HO M0 040 9
Detroit 311 150 OOx 11
Summary lluns: Llebold i2), Menosky
(2). Pratt (2). Ruel, Pitteneer (2), Blue
(2). Jones (2). Veach. Hellmann (2). Cut
shaw. Baasler (2. Clark. Errors: Col
lina. Jones Two-hase hits Burns. Three
base hits: Veach (2). Cutshaw. Jones.
Home run: Pratt. Stolen base: Hellmann.
Sacrifice hits: Collin. Ruel. Stoner, Jones,
Veach. Kfgney. Cnbb. Bassler, Burns.
Double plays: .Tones to Cutshaw to Blue,
Rlgney to Cutshaw to Blue. T.eft on
bases: Boston, 10; Dttroit. 9. Base on
ballss: Off Oulnn. 3; off Fullerton, 1; off
Stoner. 4: off Oldham. 2; off Johnson, 1.
Struck out: Bv Ouinn. 1: bv Johnson. 1:
by Stoner. 2. Hits:' Off Quinn. 7 in i Johnston, lb
Innines: off Stoner. R in 5 innines: off walker, if
runerion, a in i i-.i innings; on iiio
ham. 4 In 2 1-S inninars: off Piercv. 3 in
3 2-3 innings: off Johnson. 2 In 2-3 in
nlna; tnone out In ninth): off Dnuss,
none In 1 Innlna. Hit bv pitched ball:
Menosky. by Oldham. Winning nltcher:
Stoner. Loslna pitcher: Quinn. Umpires:
Chill and Hildehrand. Time; 2:27.
4 1 3 01 1. If 4
3 2 0 .V Fleteher. M 4
2 0 4 0' Leslie, lb 4
2 0 1 O'Henllne. 0 3
110 OlWeinert. p 3
l-Wriahtatnna 1
Intals 31 8 2 lJlWimers. p 1
Peteri 1
I Totals 3.1 0 27 13
Two out when wlnnlnar run scored.
Batted for Welnert in sixth.
Batted for Winters In ninth.
Score by Innings:
Chicago 010 003 002S
Philadelphia 000 001 3048
Summary Runs: Krug. Grimes (2).
Miller. Wlrts. Kaufmann, Rapp. Williams,
Walker, Lebourveau. Lee (2), Henllne.
Peters. Errors: Hollocher (2). WiriB.
Walker. Two-base hits: Statz, Krug.
Fletcher. Henline. Home runs: Miller.
Kaufmann. Peters. Stolen bases: Park
inson. Henline. Sacrifice hit: Fletcher.
Double plays: Hapn to Leslie. Lee to
Henline to Rapp, Terry to Hollocher to
Grimes. Parkinson to Fletcher to Leslie.
Left on bases: Chicago. 4: Philadelphia.
11. Base on balla: Off Welnert, 4: off
Stueland, 5: off Kaufmann. 4. Struck
put: By Stueland. 2; by Welnert. 3: by
Kaufmann, 3. Hits: Off Welnert, 7 In
6 Innincs; off Winters. 1 In 3 Innings;
off Stueland. 7 In B 2-3 innings; off Kauf
mann, 2 in 3 Innings. Wild pitches: Stue
land. Kaufmann (2). Winning pitcher:
Winters. Losing pitcher: Kaufmann.
umpires: Moran and Quigley. Time: 2:20.
Browns Strengthen Hold
on American League Lead
St. Louis, June 19. The Browns
strengthened their hold on first place by
one game bv defeating Philadelphia to
day. 3 to 2. .This puts the locals twd and
one-half games ahead of New York. The
winnlnsr run was scored In the seventh
when McManus' single brought In Tobln
from second. Tobln was safe on first on
Galloway's low throw and was sacrificed
to second by Gerber.
Cincinnati, June 19, A race that it
expected to rival in importance and
enthusiasm the Kentucky Derby
and the Preaknett stakes will be run
at Latonia Saturday, June 24. It will
be known as the Kentucky special
and the Kentucky Jockey ciub will
nana up a purse ot sw.ihki,
The equine aristocrats of America
will compete for this rich prize. The
race win te or J-vear.o d tx
clusively and each horse will carrv
120 pounds over the mile and one-
quarter journey. The race is a sne
cial event, put on the Latonia rac
ing program by General Manager
watt j. Winn in order to insure the
presence of the unbeaten Morvich
at the Latonia meeting.
Denver Beats Wichita
Wichita. Kan, Juna II Penver won
the laal game of the aerlea from Wichita.
i io i, uy nam inning iu the firsi In-
All H O A All H O A
Gomes, rf SIS 0 Smith, cf S 1 S I
WrlsM.ce 1 0 1 u.iMmrn, Jb 113 1
l.T.. If 4 t 0 0 Htrter. aa til:
O'Hrieu. rf 4 10 0 Eul. rf S I 3 I
Hhanlev. :'r SIS lilakeiler. If S 1 3 I
"lirrl1it,IH S 3 13 u Mi lwwell. lb I 0 III l
Spranter. as S.3 3 S'drlffin. 3b 4 10 1
Parker, c .1 1 S THiler. v .515!
Hall. i 110 4 Ramaer. p II ft 0 (
illeebe. p 4 1 I
Totali 40 IS 87 141
I Totals 41 14 37 10
Score by Innings:
Denver 1I OftO OftO S
Wichita 00(1 001 0014
Summary Runs: Gomes. Long. O'Brien
hi, lartwrigni. npranger (J I. rarker.
Smith, Washburn. Berser. Orlffln. Kr.
rora: Long. Hhanley, Spranger. Berger. Sac
rmce nil: wrignt. Two-base hlta: Oomea,
O'Brien. Cartwrlght (2). Parker. Berger,
Orlffln. Three-base hit: Orlffln. Stolen
naaes: Long, Spranger. Hlta and runs:
Off Ramsey. 4 and S In 2-8 Inning; off
Beebe. 11 and 3 In S 1-3 Innings. Double
plays: Beebe to Berger to McDowell, Hall
to Parker to Cartwrlght. Shanley to Cart
wright. Struck but: By Beebe. 6; by
nan. a. iiaae on balls: Off Ramsey, 1;
off Beebe. 2; off Hall, 3. Left on bases:
Wichita, 12; Denver. 9. Earned runs:
Wichita. 4; Denver, 7. Umpires: Ander
son and Donahue. Time: 1;S0.
Boosters Beat Indians!
Oklahoma Cits', OkI Juna 19 Okla-
noma uity outhlt Des Moines. 14 to 11.
but the Boosters bunched their hits for
an 8 to 4 victory over tha Indiana here
Gorman. 2b
Wagner. 3b 3
lloran, cf 5
Turseon. SI 4
Cullop, lb 5
Mcl.auchlin.rf 3
Vuna. c. 4
Men. If 4
I.vrch. p 4
oaenwila o
3 0 3 OiMiddleton, If
1 1 1 Mann, as
4 llClnglardl, cf
1 3: ruber, e
5 01 Long, lb
1 l'Krueser, 2b
7 llTate. 3h
4 01 alien, rf-p
0 V Tonne, p
0 OIBrtdy, rf
4 4 3 0
Totals 35 11 27 7l Totlll SO 14 27 5
Ran for McLaughlin In aixth.
Score by tnnlnea:
Pea Moines 00 400 031 3
Oklahoma City 020 010 100 4
Summary Runa: Gorman (2). Wagner
(2). Horan (2). Cullon. Yuna. Ginglardl.
Fisher, Long. Krueger. Errors: Gorman
Merz. Stolen base: McLaughlin. Sacri
fice hits: Wagner. Turgeon, Fisher,
Young. Two-base hits: Horan. Turgeon.
Cullop. Yuna. Middleton, Long. Double
play: Lynch to Gorman to Currop. Runs
and hits: Off Young. 5 and 7 in 6 1-S In
nings; off Allen, 3 and 4 In 2 2-3 Innings.
Strike outs: By Young, 7: by Allen, 2;
by Lynch. 5. Base on balls: Off Young,
none; off Lynch. 2. Hit by pitched ball:
Gorman, by Allen. Left on bases: Des
Moines. 5; Oklahoma City, 12. Earned
runs: Dea Moines, 8: Oklahoma City. 3.
Umpires: McGloom and Brown. Time:
Ducky" Holmes to
Succeed Kirschner
as Beatrice Manager
Beatrice Defeats
Norfolk Club, 4 to 3
Norfolk, b., .Tune ' 19. Beatrice de
feated Norfolk here today in a long
drawn out game by the score of 4 to 3.
after the visitors hammered .Timmv
Moore for 10 hits. It was a question of
hard hitting after the score was tied two
PUer. 2b 4 15 4!Athertcn. ss S 0 2 2
Jvirichner. id 5 1 in n;vMer, jb
tilison. c 8 0 5 liMarr. 3b
Bnwman, cf 4 2 0 O'rtnus?, cf
Pill, ss 5 11 Olriark. If
Edwards, 3b 5 3 1 HSmrker. rf
Streator. rf 4 3 4 O Hegartr. lb
Bittendorf. If 4 0 I ft'Srellman. c
Gtddina.9. p 2 10 1 Moore, p
Dull, p 10 0 l;
lotais m a n ia
Totals SO 10 87 Hi
Score by Innings:
Beatrice 01" nil ftOO 4
Norfolk 100 020 000 3
0 3
0 3
1 0
0 s
0 1
0 11
1 4
1 1
Welch, rf
Miller, rf
Perkins, c
Ciallowav. ss
rvki. .-.b
Kelmach. p
Xavlor, p
Touni. 2b 4 1 1 01 Tobln. rf . 3 0 0 0
3 0 9 0'rcerber. sa 3 10 2
4 ft 2 OlSialrr. lb 4 0 1ft 2
4 0 1 0 McManus. 2b 4 2 2 3
4 13 Oklsrcbson. cf 2 0 11
3 2 5 lUVilllarfs. If 4 14 0
2 2 1 4!Svereid. r 4 0 ft 1
2 0 2 I'Ellerlw. 3b 4 12 2
2 0 0 llRolp, p 4 12 2
000 01
1 0 0 01 Totals 32 6 27 13
Totals 29 6 24 71
Batted for Hetmach In eighth.
Score by innings:
Philadelphia 020 000 0002
St. Louis 002 000 lOx 3
Summary Runs: Miller. Perkins, Tobln
(2), Kolp. Errors: Young (2). Galloway
(2). Ellerbe. Two-base hits: Miller, Per
kins, Young. Kolp, Williams. Stolen base:
.T.irnhson. Sacrifice hits: Dykes. Gerber,
Galloway. Johnston. Doublo plays: Mc
Manus to Sisler, Galloway to Johnston.
Left on bases: Philadelphia. 3: St. Louis,
9. Base on balls: Off Hetmach, 3. Struck
out: By Heimach. 3; by Kolp, 5. Hits:
Off Heimach. 4 in 7 innings: off Naylor,
2 in 1 Inning. Wild pitch: Kolp. Losing
pitcher: Heimach. Umpires: Connolly
and Moriarity. Time: 1:29.
Qualifying Scores
Mrs. Mark Levings, Field club 9S
Mrs. W. B. Silver, Country club 99
Mrs H. L. Arnold. Field club 102
I Mrs. E. V. Arnold. Field club 105
Mrs. V. T. Burns, Country club ....105
Mrs. J. T. Stewart. Country club 10B
Summary Runs: Bowman (2), Dill. j Mrs. C. M. Johnson, Fremont 100
Bittendorf, Atherton (2), Moore. Errors
Kirschner, Dill, Dull, Marr. Three-base
hit: Bowman. .Two-base hits: Bowman,
Plzer. Rouse. Sacrifice hit: Marr. Base
on balls: Off Moore. 7; off Giddings. 4;
off Pull, 2. Stolen bases: Marr. Streator.
Bowman. Atherton, Clark. Dill. Double
play: Marr to Wissrer to Hegarty. Hits:
Mies Daphine Peters, Country club ...107
Mrs. Roy ElllQtt, Lincoln ..110
Mrs. John Caldwell, Country club 110
Mrs Karl Lininger, Hippy Hollow ....110
Mrs. George Kedlck, Country club Ill
Mrs. John Redick, Country club 112
Mrs. H. Harper. Field club 114
Mrs. Blaine Young, Field club H
. 5 n 9 'nrlnKs: 'f Giddines. (Mrs. Ross Curtis, Lincoln nil
,n 4 1 Innings: off Dull. 1 in 4 1-2 ; Mrs. jr. v. Morris. Happy Hollow 116
ln,'ii',?s ?,nick Ju'; By Moore. 2; by j Mr G M Hoerner. Hastings 117
Glddlngs. ); by Pull, 2. Hit by pitched !Mri Howard Goodrich. Hannv Hollow US
ball: Flier, by Moore: Atherton, bv Gld
dings. Winning oitcher: Dull. Losing
pitcher: Moore. Umpire: Murphy. Time:
Mittlck. If
E!H. cf
Meta. lb
Ostersard. 3b
Palmer. 2b
Rdhiaou. rf
Ouerr. c
Twr. p
W'llUams, p
Ninth-Inning Rally Wins
Tulsa, Ckl., June 19. A ninth inning
rally climaxed by Elsh's two-basrger, net
ted Sioux City three runs and enabled the
visitors to defeat Tulsa. 7 to 6. Mat
tick and Lamb hit home runs.
5 3 0 o nennett. ir 4 2
!r 1 3 3 Thomreon. 3b 5 3
5 a 1 Otitis, rf 4 1
5 0 12 Oi Stuart, ss 5 1
S 1 1 l!l.amb. cf 4 S
4 13 URauman. 2b 3 3
4 1 1 01 T.elirelt. lb 4 1
4 3 T 2; Crosby, c 4 0
3 ft 0 ll T.ukanoTic. p 2 0
110 0 Rachsc. p 1 0
. ''McGinnis 1 0
38 12 27 81
I Totals 3, 13 J! 13
Batted for Tesar in ninth.
Batted for Rachac In ninth.
Score by Innlnga:
Sioux City fl 111 SOS 7
Tulaa 303 tlOO 010 S
Summary Runs: Mattlck (3). Eteh.
Cstergard (2), Query. Tesar. Bennett,
Thompaon. Davis. Stuart, Lamb (3). Er
rora: Elan. Osteraard. Earned runa:
Sioux City. 7; Tulsa. 4. Left on bases:
Sioux City. : Tulsa. T. Two-base hlta:
Lamb. Bauman. Mattlck. Eish. Bennett.
Home nine: Mattlck. Lamb. Sacrifice
hit: Banman. Stolen baae: Lellvelt. Base
fin balla: Off Lukannvle, 2; off Tesar. 1;
off William. 1. struck oat: Bv Luka
nnvle. 3; by Rachac, 3: by Teear. : by
William. 1. Wild pitch: Lukanovle.
Poubla play: Oatergard to Palmer to
14 eta. Bona and hlta: Off Lnkanovic. 4
and t In 3-3 Innlnga: off Teear. and
11 in laalnga. Umpires: Fitipatrick and
Burnaida, Tim: !:(,
Beatrice, Neb., June 19. (Special.)
"Ducky" Holmes, formerly man
ager of the Sioux City and Lincoln
ball clubs in the Western league, and
later manager of the Nebraska City
club in the old Mink league, was to
day chosen manager of the Beatrice
ball team in the state league by the
directors to succeed "Toots" Kirsch
ner, who has not been delivering the
goods. Holmes played his first pro
fessional ball in Beatrice about 30
years ago, porr.g from' here to the
Chicago White Sox and later join
ing the New York Giants.
Club Trophy Play
Babe Ruth Hits
Home Run and Is
Sent From Field
Pugnarioui Slugger of Yan
kffi Again in Trouble
New York Lose Eighth
Straight Game.
Cleveland, June 19. Cleveland de
(eated New orlc today, 4 to 2. mak'
ing it eight ttraight defeat (or New
York. Mailt pitched brilliantly until
taken out for a pinch hitter in the
eighth. He (truck out nine batsmen
including Babe Ruth twice. Ruth
however, hit a home run with none
on in the first inning. lie later was
ejected from the sanie by Umpire
Dineen for disputing a decision on
.Nunamaker at second in the eighth
MrMlllan. rf
Mr.Nallr. fb
Kuth. If
Miller. If
Steuaal. rf
Ipd. lh
Ward, 3b
tcntt, ss
Hofiaann. a
Mavs. n
4 I 3
1 3
a i
o I
0 II
I 10
a n
0 o
1 o
SI 10 3T II
I 0 3 lamia. If
4 3 3 AlWhassa. b
3 13 0 Speaker, cf
0 0 0 (iirdner, 3b
4 3 3 0 1 Hel, aa
0 1 3 la
4 0 0 I firmer, rf
4 0 1 SIO'Nelll. a
3 I 3 0 alalia, p
son rrnie. p
0 a o
1 1 0 01
1 0 0 01 Totali
33 f 14 III
Ratted for Hefmann In ninth.
Patted for Jonea In ninth.
Batted for Mailt In eighth.
Rcnre bv Innlnga:
New York too 00 0103
Cleveland 10 000 0S 4
Summary Runt: McMillan, Ruth
Jamleson. Wamhsganss, Gardner, Nuna
maker. Error: Gardner. Two-basa hits
Witt, Oardner, Nunamaktr. Speaker.
Tnree-naee nil: jamleson. Home run
Ruth. Stolen base: Ward. Sacrifice hit
Mclnnla. Double plays: O'Neill to Oard
ner. J. Sewell ta Wambsaanas. Left on
bases: New York. 7: Cleveland. S. Base
on balls: Off Mays. 1: off Malls. I. Hlta
Off Maya. In 7 1-3 Innlnfa; off Malls.
In S Innlnga: off Jones, 1 In l-I Inning;
off Uhle. J In 1 Inning. Htruclc out: By
Malls. : bv Mava. 1: by utile. 3. win
nlng pitcher: Malls. Losing pitcher:
Mays, umpires: rallln and Dineen.
Time: 1:06.
Dodgers Defeat Pirates
in 14-Inning Contest
Brooklyn. June II. Johnston a a ngle,
followed by Decature's sacrifice and
Wheats ainsle, scored tbe winning run In
the 14th Inning and enabled Brooklyn to
defeat Pittsburgh. ( to (. today. Tha
uoogera ataaea a tnrllllnr rally to tie
the scora in the ninth, scoring four runa
on tnrea doubles and two singles.
.wartnmie, id 6 l 7 siHign. 3b 3 11
Carey, cf . 3 S OiJanrrln, 3b 3 11
I'.llbee, If 6 3 3 Ol lohnaten. 3b 8 3 S
Barnh.rt.Sb 1 3 31 T. Griffith, rf 9 13
Traynor, sa a 1 0 71 Decatur, p 10 1
Rohner. rf 0 13 01 IVfcrat. If 6 2 5
Orlmm. lb 0 3 15 llMvera. rf .118
Knoch.o .119 ll Mitchell, lb .1 111
Olamer. p 3 0 1 SlOlnon. ss 8 A 3
Hsmllton. p 3 0 0 31 Peberry. 0 5 3 8
n ance. n s o i
Totals 53 11 40 2IiB. Oriffith. rf 3 1 1
I'RuMher 10 0
"Nell ,0 0 0
I Total! .11 13 42 13
one out when winning run scored.
Batted for Vance In ninth.
Ran for T. Griffith in ninth.
Score by Innings:
Pittsburgh 001 000 033 000 005
Brooklyn 000 000 100 004 01 I
Summary Runs: Maranville. Barnhart
Rohwer. Orlmm. CJooch. Johnston tS)
Olson. Deberry. B. Orifflfh. Errors:
Johnston (2), Mitchell. Olson. Two-basa
bits: Grimm. Oooch, Hlsh, Deberry, John
ston. T. Griffith, Janvrln. Stolen bases:
Carey (St. Goooh. Myers. Sacrifice hits:
Glazner, Myers. Decature. Double playa:
vance to Olson, Olson to Johnston to
Mitchell. Left on basea: Pittsburgh. 7;
KrooKiyn, 12. Base on balls: Off Glai-
ner, 4; off Vance. 1; off Hamilton, 1.
Struck out: By Glazner, 3; by Vance. 5;
by Hamilton. 1: bv Decature. J Hltn:
Off Glazner, S In i 2-3 innings; off Vance.
o in innings: off Hamilton, 4 In 4 2-3
Innings: off Decature. S In S inninas.
Wild pitches: Glazner (2). Vance. Passed
Dan; Deberry. winning pitcher: Decature.
Losing pitcher: Hamilton. Umpires: Sen-
tena and Frank Wilson. Time: 2:50,
Eighth Jnning Rally
Permits White Sox Victory
unicaeo. June 19. An e ghth Inning
rally today Enabled Chicago to shut out
Washington, 2 to 0, in a pitching duel
oeiween ocnupp ana Mogridge. Schupp
had wonderful control in nlnchea. ner.
mittlng the Senators only four hlta, and
eirucK oui iu men.
Country Club.
Mrs. 3. T. Stewart .106
Mrs. W. T. Burns 1B
Mrs. George Redick Ill
Miss Daphne Peters 107
Total 429
Lincoln Country Club. ,
Mrs. Ross Curtis' i 116
Mrs. Ray Elliott no
Mrs. J. M. Stewart , 136
airs. Chas. Mattson 130
Total 492
Happy Hollow.
Mrs. IV. G. Silver. 99
Mrs. K. A. Llninger no
Mrs. Howard Goodrich 118
Mrs. M. V. Morris ,.m
Total ..443
Field Club.
Mrs. H. L. Arnold , 102
Mrs. Mark Levings 97
Mrs. Blaina Young ...115
Mr3. Allan Parmer 121
Total J0t
Pairings for Today
Mrs. B O. Brunnington, Council Bluffs 119
Mrs. W. H. Flinn. Prettiest Mile 119
Mrs. S. Caldwell. Country club lis
.Miss Gertrude Kountze. Country club 12
Mrs. H. Bohling. country club 120
Mrs. W. B. Roberts, Country club '.120
Mrs. Joe M. Davis. Hastings 120
Mrs. Allan Parmer. Field club 121
Mrs V. M. Strohbehn, Council Bluffs 121
Mrs. t J, Assenmacher. Lincoln 122
Mrs. Allen Dudley. Lincoln 122
Mrs. J. Bekins, Lakoma 12o
Mrs. Lewis Meyers. Country club 123
Mrs. O. H. Goodrich. Field club 124
Mrs. F L. Scott. Hippy Hollow 125
Mrs. A. Sibbernsen. Country club 128
Mrs. E. A. Knipp, Happy Hollow 12S
Miss M. Turner. Council Bluffs 129
Mrs. H. S. Lueberger. Country club .,.129
Mrs. J. J. McMahon. Field Club ...129
Miss G. Stout, Country club 120
Mrs. Charles Mattson. Lincoln 130
Mrs. TV. Edmlston. Lakoma 131
Mrs. Dee Elche. Lincoln 132
Mrs. Chaa. Thiessen. Prettiest Mile 132
Mrs. F. C. Bettor, Happy Hollow 133
Mrs. W. Bryden, Field club 134
Mrt. Albert Fall. Council Bluffs 136
Mra. J. M. Stewart, Lincoln 136
Mrs. W. H. Platner. Field club 13
Mrs. S. Volland. Hastings 1.1$
Mra. E. Crawford. Happy Hollow 137
Misa Irene Walker. Field club 139
Mra. D. HaJI. Country club 140 1 Mra. H. Luebercer en.t M x t,..
Mra. E. F. Daugherty. Lakoma culb.,141 i den.
Mra. R. A. Nelson. Fiehd club 141 ) Mrs. B Stout against winner of tie
Mra. A. E. Schauta. Prettiest Mile c'.ub 144 ! Mrs. F. C. Boston against Mrs B A
Mrs. F. Morrison. Lakoma club 144 ' Knopp
Mrs. J. H. Scharf, Field club 146 I Fourth Flight
5!"- t- i!; ??""","' JL.koma club-:--- u i F. T. Morrison against tie winner.
Mrs. J. W. Bkoglund. Lakoma club.. ..149 Mra. D. Hall against Mrs. L. J. Hough
Mrs. L. J. Rough. Field club 153 , Mrs. K. F. Dauahertv in i. .!.
Championship Flight.
Mrs. M. M. Levings against Mrs. John
Mrs. W. J. Burns against Mrs. John
Mrs. J. T. Stewart against Mrs. Blaine
Mrs. K. A. I.lninger against Mrs. H. L.
Mrs. W. G. Silver against Mrs. Ray El
liott. Mrs. C. M. Johnson against Mrs. H.
Miss Daphne Peters against Mrs. Curtis
or Mrs. Morris (tie).
Mrs. George Redick against Mrs. B. V.
Second Flight.
Mrs. Curtis or Mrs. Morrit against Miss
Gertrude Kountze. .
Mrs. B O. Bruinton afainst Mrs. TV J.
Mrs. H. Bohling against Mrs. C. L.
Mrs. M. M. Strohbehn against Mrs. How.
ard Goodrich.
Mrs. G. M. Hoerner against Mrs. W. B.
Mrs. W. H. Flinn against Mrs. A. Dud
ley. Mrs. Joe Davis against Mrt. J. Bekins.
Mre. A. Parmer against Mrs. S. Cald
well. Third Flight.
Mra. O. S. Goodrich against Mrs. C. E.
Mat son.
Mrs. M. Turner against Mrs. C. Thiessen.
M-a. J. J. McMahon against tie winner.
Mrs. D. Elche against Mrs. A. Sibbern
sen. Mra. F. L. Scott against Mrs. Ed-
Bluese, 3b
Harris, 2b
Itlce. cf
.fudge, lb
Rhanki. If
Onelwl, rf
ftharrttv. c
Pfcklnp'gh. t s3
Moirldge. p 1
Torres 1
"Brower 1
4 lLTchnson. is
3 3lMulll8in. 3b
1 ol Colllllt. 2b
7 2lHooir. rf
2 OlMniUI. cf
2 OlFllk. If
1 SI Wisely, lb
3 4lshalk. c
2 SI Schupp, p
0 01
0 01 Totili
4 0 5 4
3 11
2 0 3
3 10
4 1 1
4 0 2
3 2 5
3 1 11
2 0 0
28 6 27 0
Totals 23 4 24 1M
Batted for Mogridge In ninth.
Batted for Bluege in ninth.
Score by innings:
Washington 000 000 000 0
Chicago 000 000 02x 2
Summary Runs: Collins. Hooper. Two
base hits: Sheely, GHarrlty. Three-base
hits: Rice. Mulligan, Moatll. Stolen bases:
Bluege. Collins. Sacrifice hit: Mogridge.
Double play: Johnson to Sheely. Left on
bases: Washington, 1;; Chicago, 7. Base
on balls: Off Schupp, 8; off Mogridge. 3.
Struck out:,' By Schupp, 10; by Mogridge,
1. Hit by pitched ball: Collins, by Mog
ridge. Umpires: Wllsh, Evans and Owens.
Time: J:57.
Western League.
Omaha . . 3
Tulsa . . .
Sioux City 7
Denver . . 8
Des Moi'a 8
Wichita . 4
St. Joseph 9
Okla. City 4
W. Wk. T.
F. S. R.
, M
Brooklyn 6
Phila. ... 8
New York 4
Chicago . 6
Boston . . x
St. Louis 5
Cincinnati x
Pittsburgh 5
National League.
T. W. Wk. T.
S. R.
Mra. A. H. Habatedt, Happy Hollow... 156
Mrs. C. F. Gruenig. lakoma club 160
Mra. James Allen. Lakoma club 160
Mra. W. Crosby. Field club 160
Mra. M. A. Jamison. Lakoma, club 169
Mra. A. F. Holcroft. Lakoma club 172
Mra. E. J. Rector. Happy Hollow 172
Mra. Lt M. Holiday. Happy Hollow. ...178
Mra. R, B. Schuyler, Field club ill
Mra. E. Crawford against Mre. J. H.
Mra. J. H. Scharf against tie winner.
Mra. R. A. Nelson against Mra. A. H.
Mra. A. L. Schantx against tie winner.
Mra. J. W. Skogluna againat Mra. R. E.
Detroit .ll
St. LouiJ 3
Cleveland 4
Chicago . 2
Boaton . . 9
Washgfn 0
New York 2
Phila. ... 2
American League.
W. Wk. T.
F. 8.
American Association.
W. Wk.
T. F.
Kan. City 3
Wilwakee 4
Ind'nap lla 2
Loulaville 7
Minnp'lla 10
St Paul - 8
Toledo ... S
Columbus 7 .. . .
Nebraska State League.
S. R.
Large Entry List
in the Annual
Latonia Derby
Cincinnati, June 19 Eighty-six
J- ear-old colts and hllies are
entered in the Latonia derby which
will be run Saturday, July I. It is
virtually the same list as was named
(or the Kentucky Derhy. Morvich,
undefeated until last Saturday, is a
certain starter according tojiis owner
benjamin Ulock.
The distance of this race is one
mile and a half. The distance in the
Epsom Derby, the great English
classic, is one mile, nine hundred
yards, while that of the Kentucky
Derby is a mile and a quarter. The
Latonia Derby has been run continu
ously since 1883. In that year it was
won by Leonatus running in the
colors of Ghinn and Morgan. The
winner was ridden hy Isaac Murphy,
accounted by nearly all horsemen as
the greatest negro jockey. Murphy
in his career won five derbies. In
1885 he rode Bcrsan to victory, in
1886. Silver Cloud; in 1887 Libretto
and 1891 Kingman.
Willy Stingy With
Hits, and Fairbury w ins
Grind Island. Neb.. Juna IS. Wflly had
tha lorala at hit merry today, allowing
but on scratch hit up to tha eighth In
ning. He was. furthermore, given per
fect fielding tupport. Faulk waa liberal
with walkt and fielding erron contributed
to Falrburya tcoret In tn eighth.
Rooner, as
Clvlind. 3b
MrDfrmott, e
Belclllt, If
Rllas. rf
(loedwln. 3b
w nbuan. lb
Jennr, rf
Willy, p
0 11 Jnhnann. rf
1 0 rilUrwnod, 3b
1 8 O Kranda. 9b
1 3 o,ralmiitie, If
1 3 01 Matt. I
1 3 4 liaker. lb
1 14 01 Wirnaurf , cf
8 0 0 RnherU. a
0 0 3i foul, p
0 0
0 4
0 0
S 0
0 3
0 13
a o
1 T
1 t
30 S 37 141 . Totlll
31 4 27 18
8core by Inning!
Ftlrbury 001 lflt 020 6
Orand Island 000 000 0000
Summary Runt: Cleveland. Bllia (!.
Goodwin, Winbuth. Erron: Meta (8),
Speaker. Sacrifice hlta: Winbuth, Clave-
Itnd (2). Bate on halls: off Faulk, 1:
off Willy, i. Stolon base: Goodwin.
Double pity: Harwood to Speaker. Struck
out: By Faulk. 6: by Willy. 8. Left on
bases: Fairbury. 8; Grand Island. 5. Wild
pitches: Faulk (2).
Lodgepole Team Wine.
Lodgepole. Neb.. June 19 iSceciat.V
Tne localt defeated Brule here Sunday,
in to a.
Herman Victorious.
Herman. Neb.. June 19 (Soeclal.l
Herman defeated Bennington Sunday In
one of the beat games sean here thia tea
son. Two singles and a couple of errora
enabled the loca la to score in the eixth
Rain slopped tbe game in the eighth In
Score by Innings: R. H. E
Bennington 0000000 0 0 1 3
Herman 0 000030 02 6 1
Batteries: Harris and Peterson, Burdlc
and West.
Johnson Creek Loses.
Pawnee. Neb.. June 19 (Special.)
Pawnee defeated the Johnion Creek bate
ball team here Sunday, 5 to 4. The via
the locals rallied in the seventh Inning
ana nela the lead thereafter.
May wood Heats Gothenburg.
Maywood. Neb.. June 19. (Special. .
Maywood defeated Gothenburg on tha fit
ter's grounds Sunday, 9 to 3. Rallies in
the seventh and ninth Innings won the
game for the home boys.
Moore Wlna Came.
Modale. Neb.. June 19. (Special.) Mo-
dale won from Missouri Valley here Sun
day, 4 to 2. It was a pitchers battle be
tween Moore of the locals and Baum
gartner of the visitors.
Caddork's Colts Win.
Walnut, la.. June 19. (Special.)-'-Cad-
dock's Colts defeated Malvern here Sun
day, 7 to 0. Powers, on the mound for
the locals, fanned 12 men.
After More Games.
North Platte, Neb., June 19. (Special.)
The local American Legion ball club
claims the best semi-pro team In the state
and is anxiout to play any team for any
amount of money. Write F. C. Peterson,
North Platte, Neb.
Want Out-of-Town Game.
The Omaha Printing ball club hat an
open date next Sunday and is looking for
out-of-town game. Call John wacht-
ler, Douglas 4805.
Geneva Loses Game,
Exeter. Neb.. June 19. (Special.) Ex
ter defeated Geneva here Sunday, 4 to 3.
Batteries: Exeter. Wilson and Fuseell;
Geneva, EUer and Sharkey.
Cheyenne Defeated.
Kimball. Neb.. June 19. (Special.)
Kimball defeated the Cheyenne team here
Sunday. 9 to 4, In a well-played game.
Batteries: Kimball. Linn and Cromle;
Cheyenne, Shilling and Magor.
Wins Close Game.
Ellsworth, Neb., June 19. (Special.)
The localB defeated Ashby here Sunday,
to 7.
The White Eagles defeated the Bur
lington shop team Sunday morning at
Miller park. 11 to 5.
Basset t Beats Long Pine.
Lone Pine Neb.. June 19.7-(Speclal.)
Bassett defeated the locals here Sunday.
to 6. Batteries: Bassett. Denny ana
Curtis; Long Pine. Donovan and Cox.
Win Game In Tenth.
Wakefield, Neb., June 19. (Special )
Wakefield defeated Wayne here Sunday,
to a in 10 innines. Batteries: Wayne.
Burke and Booth; Wakefield, Ralph and
Beats Vnderwood.
Melvern It .Tune 19. (Soecial.) Mal
vern won from Underwood here Sunday,
to S.
Shuts Out Nellgh.
Newman Grove. Neb., June 19- Tha
locals defeated Nellgh here Sunday, 1 to
in a hara-fougnt game. Batteries:
Newman Grove, Hlnman and Hlnman;
Nellgh, Frentresa and Cole.
Wins From Elm Creek.
Eddyville. Neb.. June 19. (Special.)
Eddyville defeated Elmcreek Sunday, 8 to
on tbe latter's grounas.
Hasting Team Wins.
Minden. Neb., .Tune 19 (Special.) At
the annual Farmers union picnic held
ere last Thursday. Hastings defeated the
locals. 7 to 2.
Score by innings: KrH. E.
Hastings 250 000 0007 13 1
Minden 020 000 000 2 a
Batteries: Hibler and Ker.ley; Donovan
and Copple. Simanek.
Hugo Club Winner.
Antley. Neb.. June 19. (Special.) The
Hugo Brothers hall club defeated the
locals. 7 to 6. They also beat Litchfield
Thursday. 18 to 12.
Lincoln ..10
Fairbury 6
Norflok . 3
Gd. Iaiand 0
Hastings 13
Beatrice . 4
W. Wk. T. F.
S. R.
iNo game.
Bee Want Ads 'will solve your
problems. Read them use them.
Leigh Wins Game.
Leigh. Neb.. June 19 (Special.)
Schuyler Puritans defeated Lehigh on the
local diamond. 3 to 4. Schuyler acoring
the winning run in the ninth with two
men down. Batteries: Schuyler, Var.lka
and .7. Buret; Leigh. Hahn and Fowler.
Syracuse Wine. J to 1.
Syracuse. Neb.. June 19. (Special.)
Munson'a Drive-It-Yourselfs of Lincoln
played the Syracuse teem on the local
lot yesterday afternoon, Syracuse winning
by the score of 2 to 1. Syracuse wae
short in playing because of an Injury
to Its catcher. Manager Copple. necessi
tating the playing of a tub catcher. A
rainstorm coming up in tha flrat half
of the teventh ttopped the game. The
score :
Muntons 010 000 1 1 2
Syracuse 200 000 2 3
Batteries: Muntons, Reiser and Mater;
Syracuse. Roberta and Dvi
Huskcr Track
Star Has Tough
Luck at Meet
Captain Smith of Nebraska
Victim of Two Slipup
on Tart of Officials.
Say Schulte.
Lincoln, Neb., June 19. (Special.)
The wcil balanced Cornhusker
track team, which won the Missouri
valley championship, found the
mountain peak competition of the
national intercollegiate track and
field games at Chicago Saturday
mighty stiff going, according to
Coach Schulte, who returned Mon
day morning.
"Cish, Moulton, Hawkins, Ted
Smith, Turner, Allen and Gardner
came through in each case to form,"
said Schulte. "No man was a dis
appointment. Captain Smith, whose
great work in the valley ranked him
as a star, alone appeared to fall
down. Instead, he was the victim
of two of the queerest 'slipups' on
the part of the officials that I ever
saw. And the officials were good
"In the preliminary 100, Smith
stepped along in an easy second
place to qualify. He ran in lane
one, the 'fatal lane,' and the judges
missed him and placed Desch of
Notre Dame, who was a yard back
of Smith.
Judgea Stand Firm.
"The judges stood firm, however,
on their decision. Protests on the
part of other officials and coaches
availed nothing. Smith, with no
prospect of running in the finals,
loosened his shoes and relaxed in
the shade of the stands. Thirty
minutes later, with the 100-yard men
on the marks for the finals and the
starter's gun up, the latter was sig
nalled to wait. Smith was -called for
and, without a warmup, laced his
shoes, dug his starting holes and
Started with the group. His close
fifth place for half a point was all
that could be expected under the
"In the 220 Smith was again a
victim of circumstances. He was
nosed out of second place in the
preliminary just at the tape. In
formed that he could not run in the
finals, he went in to dress. Again
the athletes were on their marks.
The clerk rushed over to the starter
and announced that Smith of Ne
braska should run. The race was
held while Smith stepped out of a
hot shower, dressed and went to the
marks. Without a warmup he led
for bO yards and then fell back,
Beat Paulu in M. V.
"Smith was the victim of the only
two slipups on the part of officials
I know of during the meet," Coach
Schulte said.
Paulu of Grinnell won the 100 in
9 9-10 seconds. Smith ran it in
9 8-10 in the M. V. C. meet, where
he beat Paulu by four feet. Paulu
won the 220 in 21 4-5 around the
turn, which would be about 21 2-3
on a straishtawav. In the M. V. U
Smith, on a straightaway, won from
Paulu handily in 21 3-10 seconds.
Smith micht reasonably have
been expected to place well up in
each race at the national if he had
been properly prepared. Outside of
these two incidents the meet was run
off in excellent fashion, according to
Coach Schulte
Lincoln and Hastings
Divide Double-Header
w.tine Neb. June 19. After "Lefty"
Bailey came within one hit of pitching
himself Into the hall of fame In the first
from whfrh T.incoln won. 1 to 0. Hastings
came back and won a slugging mttcta, 13
to 9, In the tecona game.
Score, first game:
3 0 8 OiF'zslmmons,
4 0 1.-9 Denton. 2b
4 2 3 :0l Amen, cf
4 0 14 OITomfa.lf
4 11 OlWillets. 0
4 13 31 Serb. 3b
4 12 SlHolLr, lb
2 0 0 2ICrirm, rf
8 0 0 21 Peterson, p
31 5 2? 101 Smith
1 Total!
Batted for Crann In ninth.
Batted for FlUslmmona In ninth.
Batted for Denton in ninth.
Score by innings:
Lincoln V " lm
Hastings " uuv
Summary Run: Wood. Errors: Carr,
Fitzslmmons. Denton. Two-base nnj
Wood. Sacrifice hits: Conley and Zinker,
t hallo, riff Tiaitev t. stolen
bases: Conkey. Wood (2). Smith. Struck
out: Bv Bailey. 7; by Peterson. 2. Left
on bases: Lincoln. 7; Hastings. 2. Hit
by pitched ball: Carrlg. by Peterson. Um
pire: Hawtnorne. unit: ini.
Score, second "game:
5 13 0I"zlimmons, ss 5 2 14
2 2 1 Kenton, m a
0! Amen, cr
1! Tomes. If
01 Wlllett. o
Ctrrtf, If
Dve. sb
Wood, cf
McCoy, lb
Olbeon. rf
Carr. 2b
Zinker, 3b
Ccti key. c
Bailer, p
AB. H.O.J.
13 0 0 1
4 0 3 4
3 0 2 1
3 0 2 0
3 0 S 1
3 10 1
1 ill 1
2 0 10
3 0 0 6
10 0 0
0 0 0 0
10 0 9
29 1 27 15
Csrrii. If
Dye. ss
Wood, cf
McCoy, lb
Gibson, rf
Carr. 2b
Zinker. 3b
Conkey, o
Owenl, p
1 2
2 13
2 1
3 1
0 0
3 2
0 0
39 14 24 12
Serb, 3b
Holly, lb
Crann. rf
Wlwlntton. p
reterson, p
13 3
2 2 0
2 2 0
26 3
2 1 1
1 10 1
2 10
1 1 0
0 0 0
35 15 27 12
Score by innings:
Lincoln 910 700 001
Hasting! ..: 240 030 04x 18
Summary RunB : Carrig. Dye, McCoy
(2). Oibeon (2), Carr, Zlnkec Conkey,
Fitzslmmons (3), Amen (3). Tomes. Wll
lets. Serb (2). Crann (2). Wlggington.
Errors: Dye. McCoy (2), Zinker, Amen
(2) Wlllets (2), Serb. Three-bite hlte:
Fitislmmons, Conkey. Amen. Two-basa
hits: Tomes. Crann. Sacrifice hlte: Den
ton (2). Zinker. Base on balls: Off Wlg
gington, 2: off Owent. 4: oK Peterton.
2. Stolen bases: Amen. Wlggington. Con
key. Carrlg. Dye (2). Wood and Tomea.
Double plays: Dye to McCoy to Conkey,
Dve to Carr to McCoy, Serb to Holly to
Serb Fitzsimmons to Denton to Holly.
Runs and hits: Off Wlggington. 8 and
8 in 4 innings: off Peterson, 1 and i In
5 Innings. Struck out: By Wlggington, S:
by Owens. 2: by Peterton. 2. Left on
btscs: Lincoln. 7: Hastings, S. Wild
pitch: Peterson. Earned runs: Lincoln,
5: Hastings, 7. Umpire: Hawthornt.
Timei 2:00.
Hot $0 C Suits to
Weather " Order
Reduced from $40.00
Perfect fit guaranteed. Cool
and comfortable for summer
wear. Wool crashes, home
spuns, tweeds, mohairs and
palm beaches.
Southeast Corner ISth and Harney
V L. Tct ' W L P
I Jawt 47 IS .IM 0aht 34 SI .
Tulaa 37 M . Mill. Of 1! ) til
WlrMO M j4 Sal liM Molt,,. SS W
tmut Cllf U J .1)4, Darner SI 41 .tii
Veterda'a Knullt.
St. Jasepk, 1 1 Omaha, S.
Sioui lily. T; Tula.
! Mninet, , uklahomt City. 4.
Denver, Wichita, 4.
Tod Ml 'a tiamae.
Omaha al M, Joeepb.
Siout city at Tu..
Ia Slolnet at Oklahoma City.
beaver n Wuhita.
W L ivt I W, I, Pet.
riliburr IS II ,M Norfolk If SI .itr
jru-oln a II ,.' Hralrlrt If U .444
Hiatlnil 19 11 .Sil Qr d lalmd IS II -4SU
Yealerda'a Krtulta.
Fairbury, S; Urtnd Island, 0.
Beatrice. 4: Norfolk, I.
Lincoln, 1-S: ilasting. O H,
Todaj'a liamea.
Lincoln tt Hastings.
Fairbury at Uratid Island.
Baalrut at N'orfulk.
W. L. ivt I W I. Pet.
New Tart 17 21 ..MU'l,l,.ro t; id (?l
It. Loilll 33 M .SMI'liirlnriltl 19 ,11 .ITS
Pltlllniltk It tt .9191 Bikini L'l 30 411
BruokLm 11 29 .SI7,l'blladrlrbll 19 31 .951
Vrsterday'a Keeultt.
St. Louis., Si New York, 4.
Brooklyn, ; Pittsburgh, S.
Philadelphia. I: Chicago, I.
Clnclnoatl-Botton, rain.
Today 'a Game.
Pittsburgh at Brooklyn.
St. Loula at New York.
Cincinnati at Boston.
Chicago at Philadelphia.
W. L. Pet 1 W I,. Pet.
St. Loull 37 24 .s07!fhlraio 3D II .4S.1
New York 35 27 ,MSi Vallilntnn S 32 .475
Detroit 31 21 .s.rrrhiltdtlrbii U 31 .41.1
Clnelud 30 30 . 400, Boaton 23 34 . 404
Yehterday'e Keeultt.
Cleveland, 4; New York, 1.
St. Loult, 3; Philadelphia, 2,
Detroit, 11; Botton, .
Chicago, 1: Washington. 0,
" Today' Camea,
Wathlngton at Chicago.
Philadelphia at 8t. Loult.
New York at Cleveland.
Boiton at Detroit.
W. L. Pet. I W. L. Pet.
TndUnipolll 3 22 .OwColumbiit 28 33 .19
MlanMpolil 37 21 .0311 Lmiiafllle 28 .13 .444
St. Paul SB 28 .003! Kuisa Cite 15 III .301
UlUriukea 83 31 .510! Toledo 19 40 .322
Yesterday's Ketulti.
Minneapolis. 10; Louiavllle, 7.
Columbua, 7; Milwaukee. 4.
Toledo, 7: Kansaa City. 3.
St. Paul, t, Indlanapollt. 2.
Today'a Game.
Minneapolis at Louiavllle.
Milwaukee at Columbua.
Kansas City at Toledo.
St. Paul at Indlanapollt.
Now Showing
" wit
miens aummim richard dk
Last Round
(Xnmber Six)
"The Leather Pushers"
The one amusement
park where every one en
joys an outing and picnic.
Arrange date for your
picnic now.
Elks Carnival
and Fun Frolic Week
June 26-July 2 Incl.
Don't Mitt Seeing the
Teddy Brothers
'The Decapitated Elk"
"Maggie Murphy and
Matilda Ann Brunt"
Peter Pan Pony Show
This it a thow that will be
enjoyed by the grown-upt at
well at the children.
All will be there for your en
tertainment. Wednesday Night
"PAGLIACCI," with Mutic by
the "Black and Orange
Friday Night
That All Will Enjoy
Benson car direct to park
Free Gate Admiation
up to 6:45 p. m.
The school children to be
entertained by Mayor Dahl
man Tuesday and Thurs
day of this week mutt
present their tickets at the
Park entrance between the
hours of 12 nu and 3:30 p. m.
Cardinals Take
Second Straight
Game From Giants
Douglai Hit Hard in Early In
ning Horu'liy First Na
tional Lragufr to Make '
50 Scorrs.
New Yoik. June 19. St. Louis hit
Douglat hard in the early innings to
day and made it two straight, from
New York, S to 4. Peffcr wan
helped by splendid support, cupe
cially by the infield. Hornsbv failed
to hit a(cly, hut scored his 50tli
run, the first National leaguer to
reach that mark,
i Score: v
t. urm
AH H n.A '
nu t. rf
atann, rf
J Hntuk. rf
Mombv. ;b
U' HMirr. ir
Kotirnirr. b
Hurk. :ih
Aliiauiltli, S
I. Stan, t
PWfr. p
rw KMK.
0 O.FItnrmft. v til
i (I J 0 ll.IUi.. S t I
i a I 1'rlarh. ah' I I
3 0 14 Uaiaal, If
4 1 S 01 Youiit, rf
III olKallr. lh
III I Slmtrl. rf
1 I O K Kmiih, a
4 I J I pmitlit. a
4 0 0 0' T minlmliut
- lrmar. p
JS 9 17 i"Mnbrtm
T. Itimat.
I 10
0 I
0 A
s s
Tm.Ii ST 10 IT 11
R(ir1 fnr Pnutlat In firth
Hntl-1 fnf ClUtrv In tvtntrl.
Htitd fnr V. Barnes In ninth.
' 8,-nrn by Innings: ....
HI. Louis A 1
Nw York 010 000 101 t
, Suniniarv Runs: J. Smith (t), Hornt
hv, Koiirniar. flock. .Mui1. Ktlly. B.
Smith. Knxrrttnn. Errors: Youns, Ktlly.
Twii-Iihs hits: K. Smith. Bancroft. Thr.
has hit: .1 Smith. Homt run: B. Smith.
Sairlflro hit: MrHtnry. Lft on httrs:
Nw York. K; Ht. lou!s, , Masa en
halls: Off (-au.ry, I; off PffftrM 1.
Htruok out: Hy Pousltt. 1: by Pftfftr, 3.
Hits: Off Imuilat. I In I lnr.ln.ti; oft
Causey, none In 1 Innlna: off V. Barnes,
none In I Innlntt. Hit hy pitched ball:
Fnurnli-r. hy poualat; Shlnners, by Pff
fr. I-aieed hull: E. Smith Loln
pltrher: Douirlas. Umpire: Klem anl
MrCormlnk. Tlma: l:f0.
Last Week of Preseflt Season
iunous stogy
as "Mlzzard, the legless man
Surely Worth Seeing Over Again
Thursday and Friday
Saturday and Sunday
Farewell Week
The Orpheum Players
"She Walked
in Her Sleep"
With an All Star Cast.
And fire other acts of super
'The Face of the World'
man and Hit Chief."
CHAS. WILES "Hammerer of Har
nosy and Syncopation."
dity in Laughter and Song.'