Two More Days of the Bargain Festival in ourBigBargam Basement It V- t Women's One Strap Black Kid Slippers Per Pair 1.59 Have ru liber lurls and fiislnoiii'tl inner soles; full and medium narrow shape toe; flexible leather-soles; sizes 3 to 8. Women's White Low Shoes A big variety la strap styles sad oxfords; leather soles; also sport black trimmed oxfords with rubber soles and heels; sizes 2V4 to 8; per pair, 1.95 Infant's Ventilated Sandals Of dark brown leather; band turned leather soles; sizes 1 to 5; slightly im- IQ perfect; pair, fxt7C Children's Mary Jane Pumps Come In either patent kid or Ha vana brown; spring heels, band turned soles; sizes 3 to 8; 1 AQ -er pair. X.4 BasementArcade rDomestics and Wash Goods Apron Gingham Full standard quality, in all the wanted blue and brown checks and broken styles; warranted Indigo IJif dye; special, yard, lrt2 Pillow Tubing 3,500 yards of a quality equal to Pepperell or Aurora, un bleached and unbranded; 6 to 15-yard lengths; 1 n per yard, XtJU Black Sateen Beautiful twilled quality, highly mercer- OQ. tied; 36 inches wide; worth regularly 39c; per yard, Shirting- Madras-vA beautiful range of new styles; 99ii warranted fast colors; 36 inches wide; per yard, 2v Unbleached Sheeting Heavy round thread quality, 40 1 VXp Inches wide; a wonderful value; pe'r yard, -- 2 Unbleached Mnslln-Heavy quality, fbr making sheets and pil low cases; 36 inches wide; exceptional value; spe- II-Iy cial, per yard, ' l .' v X21 Ginghams All standard brands, In a splendid range of plaids, checks and some plain shades; 32 inches wide; worth , OKp 39c; special, per yard, - . , White Twilled Cotton Suiting Of superior construction and fin ished by a special process to insure a lustrous finish; OOJLp 2,600 yards at the very special price, per yard, , White India Llnon A good, sheer quality for linings, 1 O-1- aprons or boudoir caps; regular 19c value; per yard, x2l' Hill Remnants 36-Inch Challie In a variety of Per- j AXn sian and floral styles; extra value; special, per yard, X21' Dress Percale Light and dark colors; In dress, wrapper and shirting styles; 36 inches wide; mill lengths; special, 1 per yard, linen Finished Suiting In a big range of plain shades; a won derful material for wash dresses, separate skirts, children's dresses, school or play suits; worth 35c; 36 Inches Oif wide; special, per yard, . m3 Tissue Gingham In a prefty assortment of checks and OQi plaids; 36 inches wide; per yard, . " OV Fancy Printed Dress Voile In every conceivable new style, in cluding the new popular sport effects; 38 inches wide; OKp regular 48c value; special, per yard, . . ' Fancy Printed Dress Batiste In a splendid assortment of floral and conventional styles; on white and tinted grounds; OQ 40 Inches wide; special, per yard, idUKs Basement North Linens and Towelings Bleached Crash Toweling All white; hand or dish towels; a real 15c value; spe- fXp cially priced at, per yard, "2t Union Crash Toweling About 1,000 mill ends, in brown or whitewith red -border; lip a good 18c value; per yard, , v xXl Sanltas Luncheon Sets 13-piece or 5-piece sets; ail colors; 1 AA only 200 in the lot; per-et,- , , XUU SO DoieiTHemmed Dish Towels Absorbent quality, with a 1 OJLp tape loop; each, ..' . XljC Tirklsh Toweling By the yard; for barbers, for the bath room or for the bathing leach; 24 inches wide; value 45c; in this QOp ySale, per yard, " OmK, Japanese Table Covers 48 and 53 inches; seconds; some are soiled or stained; about 200 in the lot; sell regularly for 1.25; 7Q in this sale,' each, ' I C Ribbed Turkish Towels 50 dozen;, large size; regular 39c s)s)n quality; specially priced at, each- , t Bleached Turkish Towels Big, heavy towels with. blue striped OQ. borders; regularly 39c; each, - tC . All Lisen Table ClothsFuJl bleached 70x7 0-inch cloths; nap 4.50 value; each. ' - . - MU Satin Finished Mercerised Table Damask Several good de- 7Q signs; 72 Inches wide; per yard, I C Crochet Bed Spreads Pull size, heavy crochet spreads, with 1 rjQ hemmed ends; 2.79 value; each, x I tJ . - . Basement South -'. 1 H F' d)KA D))CII S) ismMWUh) sHHmk Women's and Misses' Silk Frocks 6.99 Values 8.00 to 15.00 Over 600 to choose from; new fancy sport models; light and dark colors; georgettes, fine crepe de chine, 'canton crepe, taf feta, silk, etc. Basement East Women's and Misses' Summer Frocks of Cotton Materials 1.99-3.99 3.00 to 10.00 Values Made ef organdy, voile and ging ham, some in pleasing combination materials. Dainty, cool dresses in ' pretty styles. Checks, plaids, fig ured and plain materials., Basement East Sale of Cotton Lingerie The group embodies slip-over gowns, in V and square necks and cap sleeves; envelopes of sheer batiste in tailored styles and embroidery trimmed edges dainty lace trimmed styles In regulation and bodice tops; lace trimmed bloomers and step-ins trimmed In colored bands and lace; tailored style chemise, with hemstitching and embroidery designs; step-ins in flesh, orchid and honeydew colors with plcot edg ing; shadow-proof petticoats of soft finished sateen. Basement East - Batiste Bloomers In flesh and white, for women and misses; 50c value; OQ, special, ,MtJ (ill The Best Values You Ever Saw In All Wool Sweaters .99 Direct from the mills; for hiking, golf ing, rowing, etc. Almqst every conceivable weave, color and combination is represented in this comprehensive assortment. Sizes for all. ' One must see these values to fully ap preciate them. This low price sug gests arly inspection. Basement East Summer Net Corsets This is. the ideal garment for the woman who cannot elim inate the corset altogether in L hot weather, yet wants to be as cool is possible. " Made of open white net with medium low top, free hip and rust proof boning. Sizes 1 FA 22 to 36. Priced , Bandeaux : and Brassieres An essential garment particu larly with sport sweaters and the separate blouse. They' take care ofthe awkward break at the waist line. In white or flesh colored mesh. Sizes 32 to 40. Spe- Kflp daily, priced" iUl' Basement North Good Silks at Low-Prices Silk Remnants 5c Each Hundreds of desirable silk pieces from to Vs-y&rd lengths short ends secured from an eastern manufacturer, in .all sorts of weaves and colors. They are suitable for trimmings, hats, sleeves, collars, vests, bags, table runners, pillows and countless other purposes. All pieces, regardless of size, at this price. Tnssah Silk A firm weave in Oriental colorings and Jacquard pat terns.' The lovely bright f hades are especially desli- - AA , able for kimonos; 36 Inches wide; special, per yard , 1UU Chiffon Faille Poplin Plain or brocaded patterns in fifty shades; especially good for drapes; 36 Inches wide; specially "I AA priced at, per yard, AUU Satins and Moires One lot of 36-Inth satins in odd shades; -J AA some moires are included; per yard. XUU Kimono Silks A wonderful assortment of Jacquard kimono silks; small and large patterns; light and dark colorings; 36 1 AA inches wide; very1 special, per yard, - , 1UU Silk Remnants In many cases these remnants are being sold at half price Each piece is marked with the quantity and price of 1 the piece. All at j Fancy Silks Heavy Novelty Striped Satins, in moderately dark color ings, suitable for dresses, skirts or linings; 36 Inches wide; 1 AA Forth 2.50; in this sale, per yard, , l.UU Basement Center Drugs Brandeis Cocoanut .Oil Soap 10 bars 2 jj) Q Especially good in hard water. Armour's Grape Juice, special, per JQa quart, fxtC 25c Mavis Talcum Powder, 17 Life Buoy Soap, 4 bars for 25 Paris Green, for the potato bugs ; 4 lb. ll Listerine, 25c value; special at 19 Palmolive Soap, spe cial at 7$ J. & J. Shaving Cream, 35o value, 21 Rubbing Alcohol, per pint, 497 Lunch Kit, complete with vacuum bottle, 1.39 Tooth Brushes, 25c values; special as sortment; each, 10 Basement North Underwear-Hosiery and Handkerchiefs Women's Uoloa Salts White eotton; sleeveless; In regulation, an J bodice tops; lace knee trimmed; sites 36 to 44; specially priced at, per suit, Women's Tests Extra large size; la band top, regulation sleeveless; fine cotton; sites 46, 41 and 60; for stout women; each. Boys' llalbrlgfaa Ualoa Salts la white and cream color; In snort sleeves and sleeveless; all sites up to 34; per suit. Misses' White Cvttoa Ualoa Silts Sleeveless; shell knee; drop seat style; sizes t to 16; special, each. Women's White Cotton I'anti Lace knee trimmed; In sizes 36 to 44; 50c values; each, Men's Socks Mercerized and cotton socks; In black and col ors; worth 15c to 26c; a good work sock; special, per pair, Misses' White Mercerised Hosiery With double soles; hem top; sizes 6 to 914: per pair. Women's Mercerised Black Hoslery-t-In out sizes, with dquble soles: sizes 9 to 10: seconds of 59c Quality: per pair. Women's Cottoa and Lisle Black Hosiery A good cotton, fast black hose; per pair, Infants' Cotton Socks In solid dark colors; sizes to 64: 25c values; per pair, y Handkerchiefs for Men and Women Men's White Cotton Handkerchiefs A soft finished, good size hemstitched handkerchief; 124c values; each, Women's and Children's Cotton Hemstitched Handkerchief rialn white and embroidered corners; in white and colored effects; -J A 5c value; special, each, 3H; three for xUl 35c styles; 39c 44c 44c 39c 10c 19c 25c 12k 10c 7k Women's Thread Silk Hose Semlfashloned, with double soles, heels and toes, lisle tops; In blacks and some colors; imperfects of 1.25 quality; QQ" specially priced at, per pair, . 0C Basement A rcade 600 New Summer Hats 2.89 Made of Georgette Crepe and ribbon in a wonderful variety of styles ; in all the light shades, i Basement Arcade II 200 Men's Cool Summer Suits Made of Genuine Panama Cloth 8.75 Made of genuine Panama cloth in a variety of new shades ; plain grays, tan, blue, greeff and brown. Made in young men's and conservative models. In sizes 35 to 46. In regular sizes, stouts and slims. Men's Summer Trousers Just the thing for hot weather wear. Made of high-grade materials in light and dark colors; cut full and roomy, with reinforced seams; have belt loops, cuff bottoms, hip and watch pockets; sizes 30 to 42 waist; regular 2.00 1 AA and 2.50 values; while they last, per pair, XUU Basement Arcade Drapery and Floor Covering Bailey's Linoleum Just received another shipment of 2,500 yards of (he celebrated floor covering ; new checked and parquet ry patterns; 6 feet wide; for kitch ens, pantri, hotels and offices ; " worth 59c ; per square yard, 39c Ruffled Marquisette Curtains A very pretty curtain, with tasseled tie-backs ; 1 1 Q specially priced at AJL Window Shades 36 inches wide; 6 feet long; light and dark green; all complete at, each, Fancy Marqnlsette and Swiss 36 Inches wide; an excellent quality; woj-th 39c; peryard. Bungalow Cretonnes Bright new colorings for draperies and coverings; worth 39c; per yard. Dotted Grenadine An excellent quality for living room or room or other curtains; 36 Inches wide; worth 49c; spe clal In this sale, per yard, Basement West 39c 19c 19c dining 25c 3 8 6 43 IS 5 TJ 3 41 41 I: 3 I . I 73: i 1 T 1 iiMwnwIWftiinn f