The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 15, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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.r CattleSoldHerc
at Good Profit
Four Carloads of Prime Year
ling Shipped From Gering
to South Omaha
' Four' carload ol prime Hertford
yearling, hall o( which were heifer,
wliiih were fed on beet topi and
puli and hay were brought to the
iotal markrt by George Cromer of
Oring. The cattle were raied by
Mr. Cromer and hi father. E. V.
g Cromer.
A The younger Mr. Cromer aid on
account of corn being high in price
in hit neighborhood mot of the cat
tie are fattened with beet pulp and
Lett top. He taid the cattle
brought in yeterday were purchaed
in Colorado last November at a cost
of $575 a hundred, when they weigh-
ed JJO .pound. Th were old yc
terday at 8 6S a bundrrd,
Harry William, banker and toik
4l n-an of Cotbrbtirg. brought to the
Omaha market yesterday 51 head of
. exceptionally heavy cattle, averaging
1.787 pound. They old for the
good price of $8.90 a hundred and
vcre one of the weightiest bundle
of cattle old at the stockyard jthi
i, tcaon.
Well-Bred Stock Pays Beit
mtM 'r- William t noted 'for raising
heavy cattle, having brought in a
buncn last year tnai averaged i,io
pound, at which time , was ,the
, heavickt drove marketed in Omaha
for many year. He makes a spe
ciality of Sh6rthor;i stock and says
v he has found it pays best to raise wcll
tred stock.
' The top price of $3.65 a hundred
.for yearling heifers at the local stock
a yards was received yesterday by Jess
Ryan of Herman, who brought in 74
head that averaged 690 pounds.
Mr. Rvmi bought the cattle on the
local market last fall when they were
calves and averaged 275 pounds, for
' $5.25 a hundred laid1 down in his
feed lots.
"Crops around Herman are badly
t.T need of rain," said Mr. Ryan. "We
have , had but two good showers
since April and -jf we nlon't get
moisture pretty soon the corn and
potatoes will be a failure., .
Good Gain Made. ,
A shipment of 110 head of steers
was brought to the local stockyards
Tuesday averaging 1.072 pounds and
sold for $8.85 a hundred. The cattle
were brought in by George Mead 'of
Wood River and he said he had had
- them on feed sc,ven months, having
i made a good gain in that time.
i A load of 18 head of well finished
steers averaging 1,437 pounds was
marketed yesterday by Herman Von
Essen of Pender, lr. Von .Essen
received the lop pric of $9 a hun
i dred for the shipment... . '
A load of Hereford yearlings aver-
. Th Best Play in Year
MaU.Tue., Thur., Sal.
Thai Great' Corhedy,
"the Walked in Her Sleep"
and ',
Mr. Avery "Abbott
PrUo Play
Mothtr Love and the Other Woman.
S (rag Park I
The place where you can
best enjoy a swim.
'Benson car direct to
, . park and pool. . -
"The Htinch"
Sentence jeineell mtgmmi
niht thta picture.
V - Starts' 3-faH?
joB Thomas
aging 800 pounds wi brought to
market by John K. W. Mellor
of Hooper. The cattle were
good enough to bring $8.60 hun
dred. Mr. Cooper makes frequent
vltits to the local yard with live
stock and he M'd the tattle market
tai a good at expected, hi hip
meat having netted him a good profit.
Top Price I Paid.
The top price of $9,25 hundred
was received at the local ttockyardi
by F. VV. I'techt of Wake
field (or 19 head of choice trer
that averaged 1,089 pound. Mr.
I'techt alto had !1 head of teer
averaging 1.JU9 pound that he told
for $9.10 a hundred, a very good
price for that ila of cattle. The
cattle -were brought on the range
nine month ago at $5.65 a hundred
and Mr. t'techt said he believed in
marketing hi crop through live
Mock and that the cattle he brought
in had made an average gaiu of MX)
pound each.
Archer (N'eb.) wa preent on
the hog market Tueday by V. P.
Wcigner of that place who brought
in a choice load of 85 head of well
finished Duroc hog that were old
to a local packer at $10.30 a hun
dred, the top price for the day. The
load averaged 210 pound.
Two load of vhiteface yearling.
averaging 916 pound, were brought
to the local market by Del!
Sullivan of Duulap, la. The ship
ment brought an even $9 a hun
dred. The cattle -vcre brought here
seven months ago when they aver
aged 504 pound and cost $6.75 a
. Mr. Sullivan taid he kept the
cattle on a feed ol ground corn for
the first 90 days and then finished
them on a feed r-f shelled corn and
alfalfa. ,
McPberson Production Increasing.
. A. F. Hatch came in from McPher-
son county with a load of cat
tle included in which were three
steers that averaged 1,700 pounds,
that sold for $8.35 a hundred and 20
head of low; quality steers he bought
here as .stackers at $6 a head, for
which he received $8 a hundred.
"Although McPherson county has
no railroad within its borders, it is
advancing as a producer of grain and
tat livestock, said .Mr. Hatch, The
number of hogs grown is steadily
increasing and the corn acreage is
large. There are fewer cattle run
ning out on pasture than I have ever,
seen, yet range conditions are better for several years.
"A high wind the middle of May
did some damage to our crops, which
may decrease the total production
as compared with last year. The
ranchers have done pretty well with
cattle this year, which has enabled
them to take up a lot of their notes."
That's all for your luncheon
today and aver y day.
It's complata Try it.
Alfred' Jonet, chef and prop.
Hotel Castle Cafe and Cafeteria
26th and Fonum.
: lath and Laavanworth.
, 17th and Vinton
'., . lt- and Leavenworth.
30 Fourth St. 508 Eaet Broadway.
- 1121 S. Main St.
Dealers Not Listed Above Get in Touch With Your Jobber
Frank Rose Manufacturing Company
immediate delivery out of Omaha sto&c. Let us send you price
lists,' descriptions, etc. There is now a tremendous demand for
an effective lubricating system such as the Rose.
Prayer of Key
Has Been Granted,
President Savs
Memorial to Author of The
Stir Spangled Banner" DcJ
ieated by Harding at
' Baltimore.
Baltimore. Md., June 14 The
prayer of Francis Scott Key, that
victory ever may be justified "when
free men shall stand between their
loved home and the war's detola
lion," wa reiterated by -Pretident
Harding in dedicating here a mem
oriaF to the author of "The Star
Spangled Banner."
Standing at Old Fort Mcllenry,
near which Key penned the word,
which ct to music have become the
nation' anthem, the pietident de
clared the prayer he had quoted had
been granted.
Faith Hat Been Kept.
"The faith has been kept." he add
ed. "It it the hope of. every Ameri
can heart today that it will continue
to be kept. The intervening century
ha brought our country power anu
high place. It ha cat upon u
heavy burden . of responsibility,
making u share the difficult prob
lems of a world in the turmoil of
new time. We need all the inspira
tion and faith which fired his glow
ing soul of patriotism. No .genera
tion of men has ever come into the
world to find its path, smoothed, or
to fjnd its problems solved for it in
advance. Solution is the fit price we
pay for our great inheritance of liber
ty and opportunity."
The president, whose address dedi
cating the bronze figure of the "spirit
of music" as a memorial to Keys,
formed the theme for the nation's ob
servance oiy flag day, paid high
"The Ruling Passion"
The story of a man who
wouldn't give up busi
ness. Also a New Toonerville Comedy,
'The Skipper's Policy"
I)o you like trie dirty job of turning down your grease cup or
pumping oil into oil cups with a greasy oil can? : .
All of these things can be eliminated by the use of the
Rose -High Pressure
Lubricating System
Lubricator fills by suction. Simple, easy, clean, effective, inexpensive.' ' No
paddles or filling devices necessary. This system is manufactured by the Frank
Rose Mfg. Co., Hastings, Neb., manufacturers of, the famous Rose "Tire Pump,
the acknowledged best tire pump in the world. , . y
The life of any car depends upon proper lubrication. The Rpse System lubri
cates the most inaccessible places, thus insuring long life to your car.
The Rose Lubrication System costs $4.50 for the lubricator, plus the cost of a
few fittings, making it the most inexpensive outfit on the market.
During the present week Mr. Frank Rose will be in Omaha to assist the follow
ing dealers iri explaining and installing these systems. Have this system in-'
stalled on your car at once and avail yourself of the opportunity of having
Mr. Rose supervise the installation. , v :
37th and Leavenworth.
2S2S South 13th.
3323 Leavenworth. ,
2572 Harney St.
Bluff, Iowa
"A Nebraska Product Nationally Known
We distribute Rose
Lubricating Systems
tribute to the author, declaring that
"to aivt rinsina voice to tilth cow
victwn, to uch an aspiration, ms
one of the greatett tervicet which
any man could da lor the young re
public." Reveals American Soul
"In thii impassioned, aruiou. telf
taerineing. and exulting love of coun
try, transcending all cHe, Key reach
ed the sublime height and wrote the
poetic revelation of an American
soul aflame."
Mr. Harding appealed that more
of the spirit of the author of the na
tion's hymn might be instilled in
American of today and added that
even though the present generation
might be called unon to shoulder un
precedented burden it might rejoice
in unexampled strength.
"Evcrlatting right in the great
fundamental," he concluded, "we
may face the future with every con
fidence, providing men give firt of
heart and ouJ to the republic and it
riffhlenui inatitution and eive first
thought and unfailing devotion to the
nation s perpetuity.
Pretty Stenographer
Found Asphyxiated
. i
Uoatlniteef rnm rase One.)
awful thing. I beg of you. I
can't and won't believe that you
would do such a thing to me after
all that yott know you mean to
me. I love you. love you, love
you. love you, sweetheart mine,
and know that you won't do this
thing to nve. Fd rather a thousand
times that you'd kill me, dear.
Anything but to go away and not
even let me know. You can't,
dearryou won't; I just can't and
wont believe it.- I love you now
and always and always will, sweet
hcart mine. Don't, dear, don't do.
Oar Coollnf Sreten Invito Cofnonrloeei
Last Times Tomorrow
Doable Program
Last Round It's a Knockout
"The Leather Pushers"
30th and. Farnam St.
24th and Lake.
Ames Ave. and Florence Blvd.
2814 N. 20th St.
Supplied by the Following Supply Stores
2012 Farnam St.
1917 Farnam St.
Pumps and Rose
Tend can give you
this thine to .
won't, and won't believe it,
"Vour 01! o,i,
Poem Pound Nearby.
Near the young woman's body wat
found 'thi poem:
i ll iir af r th (titdu
t ax Hut at i Ium ml Mat i
Am4 lha auid.a mr ilitmi
Aia iwra4 10 lin-4 re
til lira ul V ika ftr
No longae 4 prtlumt,
Hh.a ma inllma auiro vf r "
Carry inrMxttl alumn.
I'll lira ef ton h. lha aiimmar
ta rutmUaa. rttH a4 srj
Wiiaa lit- puryio ,,4 r4 f auiwm
Mliall aaiua no our a.
I'll lira af Ka Maaalult
Hiiro ear lha uul ol mm,
I'll lira of aa vha Oo4i oa mmm
tlul sav.r uuiil man!
Janitor Smells Gas.
The body was found when C. B.
Johnson, janitor, detected the odor
of gas in a hallway. He opened the
door and found the young woman
stretched across the floor beneath
telephone evi which was hung a tele
phone ii umber, that of her mother.
Search of the apartment did not
reveal a farewell note.
Merkulov President i
v of Vladivostok Again
Vladivostok. June M.-CBy A. P.)
President Merkulov, who wai de
posed June 2 by the constituent as
sembly here, has resumed his place
as head of the central government.
Gen. Dieterichs, who had the sup
port of the assembly, was offered the
presidency and refused it, swung hit
influence to the aid of Merkulov. ,
McFadden Bill to Tax Banks
Is Passed by Lower House
Washington. June 14. The Mc
Fadden bill permitting- states under
their different state tax laws to tax
either the value of shares of stock
of national banks or the income of
the bank itself was 'passed by the
house and sent to the senate.
S- "Find. the
ggr Woman"
Repeating Seceessfol Photoplays
, ef 1921.23
- Tuesday and Wednesday
'-' ' Thursday and Friday
Jane 24 and 2 Sat. and Son.
plaza Garage,
4107 S. 24th St.
, 45Z0 S. 24tb St.
5134 S. 24th St.
, 2510 Cuminf St.
2027 Farnam St.
,iJa -f3..v.
Sale of Liquor on U. S.
Boats Starts Big Row
(leetlaaH freei rase Ooo.l
ruble discussion among prohibition
leaders, coming as it did on the heel
of the attack yettcrday on the board
vy ivrprckcnisuvc uaiuvan, uriuo.
crat, for permittiit" the sale of li
quor on American ships.
Not Pirst Notice.
Neither the (jallivau speech nor
publication of the Butch corre
spondence gave legislative leader
their first knowledge of liquor tell
ing at sea, however. During recent
month many of them have received
wine litis, from American vessels
mailed in all parts of the world, with
facetious comments.
. Reprelentative Upshaw, demo
crat, Georgia, was the first to an
nounce publicly that he would offer
an amendment to the ship subsidy
bill, providing that no part of the
federal subsidy fund should be used
by steamship lines on whose ships
liquor is sold. A leading western
representative had announced that
he would offer the same amendment
Smart Bathing Suits
In Which to Swim or to Play on the Beach
X (Gone ire the days when one could be negligent in the matter of the bathing
suit, when' shrunken flannels and shiny mohair sailor-collared suits were taken
from th trunk each season and were used as long as they would hang together.
In order to fully enjoy every moment in the water, one must wear a suit that is
smart, that is comfortably cut one that will not lose its shape. We have just such
suits, for everyone, at most moderate prices.
For Men
Whether you like a bright
colored edit with stripes run
ning around,. or whether you
are a conservative individual
who deaires to be inconspicu
ous, you will find a good wool
suit in our stocks. All sizes.
$1.50 to $7.50
Burfoea-Naali Main Floor
WatcKes : Jewelry
j Bracelet Watches"
What girl wouldn't appreciate a 14-karat
white gold wrist watch, even if she did happen
to have a plainer one? They are 15-jewel, made
in oblong or tonneau-shaped case. .
Priced $22.50 to $33.50
Men's Elgin Watches
7, 15 and 17-jewel watches in 20-year gold
case.- : . - .
, Priced $15, $19.50 to $45.00 .
Boy Scout Sun Watches
Watches by which only Boy Scouts can tell
the time of day .
Priced at $1.00
t ........
Burfeee-Nash Main Floor .
China ancl
.Colonial hp ice jugs, each, 75c.
Colonial 3-qfr. pitchers, each, $1.00.
' Colonial tumblers, each, 5c.
Nest of bowls for refrigerator, set of
four, set, 45c.
- Women's Hose,
' These hose have the good points
. that women look for in makes that
give service. Tjiey are pure silk
stockings,- full . fashioned, with
double heel, toe and sole, and with
lisle garter top.
Pair $2.00
; . . . -
Kiddies' Sox
Our assortment of kiddies' sox
is now at its fullest. All the new
"shades to match the tot's play
suits, rompers and frocks are here
at this attractive pricing.
. Pair 35c, 3 for $1.00
Burfeee-Nash Mate Floor
Tea Room
When you are just too warm
and tired to shop longer, come, up
to the. Tea Room for something
cool to eat or drink and a mo
ment's rest and relaxation. You
will shop much more efficiently
' Burteaa-Naeh Seventh Floor
and friends of the bill said it seemed
certain the Usue vould have to be
met unless the bill was- reported by
the rules committee with a stipula
tion that none but merchant marine
committee amendments would ' be
Amendment is Planned.
There was talk tonight that such
an amendment would be put square
ly before the committee, probably to
morrow,' although .its defeat was
Republican leaders announced to
night that the adminjrtrat ion's ship
subsidy bill,' introduced today, would
be taken up by the houe next week,
provided the merchant marine com
mittee to which it was referred i
able to report it by Saturday night.
The meature is expected to' 1e re
ported by almost a straight party
vote. With one possible exception
democratic committee men declared
they would vote against it and file a
minority report.
Predict Law Changes.
One ardent prohibitionist went so
far as to express the opinion that "by
next summer a law will be enacted
prohibiting the landing in the United
For Women .
With summer-trips in plan
ning, do not fail to select your
bathing suit with care. Ging
ham outfits appealin'gly femi
nine' and snug-fitting knitted
suits are here in all colors.
Sizes 36 to 44 and juniors. '
$1.95 to $18.50
Burfeis-Naah Second Floor
Union Suits .
Cotton suits reinforced to give real wearing
ing service and cut full enough to insure com
fort for warm weather wear.
V V ' -
Glassware Specially Priced
Colonial water pitchers, each, 50c.
Iced Tea Sets Jug and six glasses,
set, $2.95; sippers, doz., 75c.
Glass flower bowls, Rose and Topaz,
50c and 75c.
Burg eie-Nash China Snon Fourth FIi
White Sateen Petticoats
Each 38C
Fine quality sateen petticoats at just about
the regular price of the material, and they are
just the style you'd select if you went to the
trouble of making one. All are made with
double panel front, so that one petticoat is all
that is necessary even in this season of thin,
sheer dresses. , '
30, 32, 34 and 36-inch lengths. Regular and
extra sizes up to 57-inch hip measure.
Burgoae-Naah BED ARROW BOOTH Dowuataire State
St.trs of foreign titp " hkh
liquor .dim. it permitted."
More than a year ago. at in the
lat congrrtt, steamship uflicials ap
peared before committer in snppoit
of the luuond bill, ptuviding that
nothing in the Volstead art "hall
prevent the carrying or sale of liquors
on patenger vessels of either Amer
iiau or foreign registry." There was
the further provision, however, that
tliip stocks of liquor would be sealed
and not sold within the three-mile
After slrsiiithip official had teH
tied that they could not compete with
foreign companie unlets the law was
modified, the bill w.s put away, pro
hibitionitt averting it would be
overwhelmingly defeated if present"
ed to the houte.
Pilot Flies to Chicago From
' Florida in 16 Hours
Chicago, June 14. R. P. Apple
g4te, pilot for a commercial air
craft company, landed in Lincoln
park harbor tonight after piloting a
nev type, thrce-paitenger hydro
plane from I'cncolai Fia.. via New
Orleans in 16 1-2 hours actual flying
For Boys
Maybe you want a green
swimming suit, maybe . you
want a red one, but no matter,
you will be sure .to find just
the. right combination of colors
in one of our all-wool suits.
Good fitting, in sizes 2 to 16.
$1.00 to $3.50
Burfesa-Naah- Main Floor
Sizes 34, 36, 38, garment 65c.
40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 6075. r
Vests v
Flesh or white,
bodice or regulation
top in both regular
and extra sizes.
Each 35c
V a fnr $1.00
- Naah Main Floor
1 1'
1 - I