The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 15, 1922, Page 14, Image 14
14 THE BEEt OMAHA, THURSDAY. JUNE 15. 1922. Helpless Baby Gasps for Life These Hot Days The Bee'i Free Milk and Ice Fund Only Meant Ilelp Pitiful Infanta. A bby, innocent and helpttM, fiiPf thrpugh these hot dm and nifbu, iicpa for its very life. It mother, desperately poor, eeeki with U the ttender mesne in her wretched home, to keep h alive. There are Korea of iuch' cue la Omaha today, right now. vMSeT- " - Corns? juat say Blue-jay to your druggiat Stop Pain Instantly The simplest way to end a corn la Bine-jay. A touch atopa the pain In stantly. Then the corn looiena and cornea out Made in two forma Colorless, clear liquid (one drop does hi) and fat extra thin plaster. Use whichever farm you prefer, plastera or the liquid the action is the same. Safe, gentle. Made in a world-famed laboratory. Sold by all druggists. mm-iA- aw A TkuMM. Dtvi. lit The Bee's Free 11 ilk and lee fund I. the only established mtan to help thete piuiul infanta. Visiting nurses, when they find turn taws as the above, order pure milk and cooling ice and charge it to The Bee's fund. Thus, without -overhead' charge, every cent yon give actually goes to relieve the sul fering of tome poo' ''"' babe. Oh, don't forget them. Give a little of your comparative plenty to bring these helpless little ones through the hot summer. - Send or bring it to The Ute office. Pr.rfc.Mlr irtiwMH SIMM M. liUfii, rriM4. krh S-e A. r. I 2 a mi see alUraa aS Thrt.fir 4 Marl to 1.1 W . A. Ttal ... 111.11 Heroes of Flanders to Lie Together Bluffs "Buddie." Who Were Pals Till Death to Be Buried Sunday. Thev went to war toaether. fought together, died together, and now their bodies have been returned from overseas together and will be hon ored at a double funeral Sunday. Thus will end the rar record of two Council Bluffs me whose bodies, with that of a Nebraskan. were re ceived here Wednesday afternoon at the Union station. Pvt. Kobert A Cress. Col L, 168th infantry, was killed in action on July 27, 1918. One day later hi buddy, Cpl. Morris Dunn. Co. L, 168th in fantry, gave his life in battle. The other body received was that of Pvt. Lew M. Rehm, Battery B. 127th field artillery, who died of pneumonia, October 10, 1918. The body will be shipped to Bloomington, Neb., where the American Legion is to have charge of the funeral. Capt. M. N. Greeley of Fort Oma ha was in charge of a military escort that met the bodies at the train. Representatives of the Omaha Chap ter of War Mothers, the Chamber of Commerce and the Overseas 'league also were present to decorate the coifins. " ' . ' Vegetables are not hurt by re heating. Elks Convention to Meet Tuesday Columbus Lodge Preparing to Act at Hoita for Large Number of Viiitori. Columbus, Neb, June 14. (Spe cial.) Nebraska Elks and their wivet will begin to herd into Columbus next Tuesday for the annual state convention of the antlered members of the B. P. 0. . which will be held June 21 and 22. Ten delegates will represent each lodge In the state at this session, but the Columbus lodge, which will be host to the Elks, has been warned that many others besides the regular delegates plan on attending the con vention. In order of their age, the 19 Elks lodges in as many different cities in Nebraska are Omaha, Lincoln, Hastings, Fremont, Grand Island, Beatrice, Norfolk, Plattsmouth, Alli ance. Falls City, Kearney, North Platte, York, Nebraska City, Colum bus, Fairoury, ScottsblufT, Chadron, and the baby lodge, McCook, which was organised and chartered just last year. Committees of the .Columbus lodge already are hard at work completing arrangements for the entertainment of the visiting Elks, and programs which include plenty of music and dancing have been completed.. The' Columbus lodge at its meet ing last night, passed a resolu tion recommending the trustees to invest in bonds for the Omaha Elks new $1,000,000 club house not to ex ceed $500. The antlered brethren of Columbus are frequent" visitors to the Omaha lodge and . will derive many advantages and much pleasure upon the completion of the new home at Eighteenth and Dodge., streets in Omaha. ' ' . . ' - 648 Minera Lose Livei in Four-Month Period Washington, June 14. Accidents in coal mines in the United States during the first four months of 1922 took a toll of 648 lives, according to the Bureau of Mines.. This figure . represent a fatality rate of 3.89 for each million tons of coal produced. J . u- i -f Do you TJiKrvTrmn-v (t tn conswkrita buying a tire TVneo yaxbuy atircyoa want to be certain that it is the policy Va pvc you nonem value m ivmi inauiaixiiHcu will last tne hie of V tt Maondbie cost. ,lnat its tread tbjCso, &nB costaoed traction and protection against skid. T3WEB. GEARED-TO-THE-ROAD TIRES bail to give the greatest mileage at the lowest cost.' Tread lasts 50 per cent lonfer tnan the noavciad tread. Every Miller tire is bailt of uniform, lied Jiiaa4caTisb to - Save Money and Trouble .Tne MvJer oi-ganization has contributed more to increasing ifimnQeaje in the last four vearstl any other group of men. Ider Tire have been adopted as initial exgiiiMitait by most el C baog mttwnMlb manufacturers. The Mifler Rubber fl mmu hag gtomt to be recognized as a leader in expert and toSSed nsbber, wex-kmanship the world over. 1 The I2er name on tires and tubes is your assurance that the . ICHsrtire or tsbe you boy will give you kind of lon depend- fa.Tj-rMMrAI mr ynw wratir. - THE MILLER RUBBER COMPANY of NEW YORK 1 Akron, Ohio aMtmtto o. a. r at. orr. - . Geared -to -the -Road Wa'waatdaalcra ta mm lrilriM Writ, hr th. cmmHimmliml 4UiU. MILLER RUBBER CO., 2220 Farnam Street imIIm Tlr O, It mm "L" bnn, t4tk Lalw St. Dwa Tm Cant. 14J0 r an. St. Mm'l ' TlUUrWirto, 4530 at. . : 9. W . Gain 3104 Cam. Plata Cane. 34th Omaka Motor Ina No. Lomaworth St. Omaha Motor fa No. 2, XS72 Hanwy St. Blackatona Cam. 3814 Far . aaat St. DUkm Jacob. oo, 314 S. IStk. Don Towa Cant, 1430 Har oySt Sqairn Garato, 3C1 farnam. RhoadM GarafO, 3010 Haraoy. ' Quality Tin Shorn, 11 OS N. . iatk St. i - Kill Motor Co, 3080 Farnam. Portaco Tin Marfcot, 1811 Chi Seminary Teacher Attacked for Heresy Indianapolis, June M. Attacli on the alleged teaching of heresy by Henry Clay Vedder of the Crosier Theological seminary, Philadelphia, Pa., were made at the meeting of the Fundamentalist group oj the North ern Baptist church by Dr. Frank Goodchild of Brooklyn, N. Y. "An immunity bath from sin," a sentence which Dr. Vedder is charged with having often spoken and written, was the basis of the at tack by Dr. Goodchild. Bringing of the chacge of teaching heresy at the seminary before the convention tomorrow, it was said at the meeting, would be attempted. William Jennings Bryan, former secretary of state and an elder in the Presbyterian church, addressed the convention tonight on "tinkering with the mainspring." Check Presented Widow of Man Slain by Bandit The Nicholas Oil corporation, through its officers, has presented Mrs. Cathryn O. Siefken a check for a handsome sum in memory of her husband and son, who were shot and killed by a bandit at one of the Nicholas filling stations, according to Otis Alvison, cashier of the Oma ha National bank, and H. H. Abbott, manager, Browning, King & Co., who represent the Siefken estate.' Goblin Givea Up Atlanta, Ga., June 14. William S. Coburn, former grand goblin of the Kn Klux Klan in California, left here for Los Anceles to answer an indict ment returned against him. Separation Suit of Grahams Ends Case Brought to Sudden Close When lee Cream Man's At torney Waives Arguments. The Graham separation suit ended suddenly in District Judge Sears' court yesterday when J. I". Von Dorn, attorney for Howard Graham, ice cream manufacturer, waived his right to argue the cae. The move deprived Lloyd Magney, Mrs. Graham's attorney, of the op portunity to present a mass of evi dence collected in the la.t six months, in support of the wife's petition for separate maintenance. Her other attorney, William J. Hotz, presented evidence that Gra ham has an earning capacity of 000 year, and declared he refused to allow her more than $100 a month. "His wife suffered privations while he covered up his wraith," said Hots. The wife asks $300 a month, a home in California and furniture. Judge Sears stated he would an nounce his decision in a few days. ra m Charles W. Pool in Race for Secretary of State Lincoln. June H. (Special.) Charles W. Pool, former well-known dt-movratit; state office holder, filed today for the nontinatiou for see rttary of state and issued s long statement pledging himself to stand for practically cveything he thinks the people want. David Robinson of Chadron filed today for the republican nomina tion for state railway comini.sioner. Tax Pavnienta Due. The office of the collector of in ternal revenue in the federal building was busy yesterday. Large numbers of citizens were payt'tg the June in stallment of the income and profits taxes which must be paid by June IS. HULBRANSEN PLAYER PIANO WationalbVncuL liranaca in tne eaac- Qiuncry Va4 Uwta-l 600 ttssr 495 The Art and Muuc Store 1513-15 Douglas Stroot Attorney Ceneral Davis to Address Old Settlers Lincoln, June M (Special,) At torney General Clarence A. Davis will, pek tomorrow afternoon at the Palmyra Old Settlers' picnic, la the evening be will talk on law en forcement at the Wesleyan umversi. ty radio station. His speech will be broadcast to radio stations through cut the state. Neal and Shukert Estate Appraised for Heavy Tea The Douglas county exchequer ' S . I. a ...laaJllt was enncnea soinewiui iinuuii imiriniig wnrn iwu r.ian. -r primed for inheritance tax, The $7MJ,UJ 2S estate of Gustava E. Shukert will pay the county a lax of $471174, while the $111,612 estate of Charles T. Neal will pay; $o.'8. AOVKBTIBRIIEKT, ADVERTISEMENT. BEATON DRUG CO. Make Remarkable Offer to Any Person in Omaha Who la Weak, Sick, Nervous or Run-Down. It Is New Possible fr Y U Com U This Store, Bay a RegcUr $1.10 Package if NauliJ Iraa fr SSc, Us ll Ur Ts WeeJu, ami If at the End of That Ties Yo Have Net Received All. mmi Eves) Greater Base fits Thaa Yaw Eaoact, Simply Briag the Wrapper Bask t Beatea Drag Ca. aad'We Witt Cheerfully Head Yaa Back Yeur Money. Omaha people may wall 'ask how we can afford to make thia remarkable "Satisfaction or Money Back" offer. Medical examinations by physicians all over the country show that an amazing number of people lack 100 iron in their blood. At a recent conference, Dr. Jamea Francis Sullivan, formerly physician of Bellevua Hospital (Out Door Department), New, York, and the Westchester County Hospital, said, "Without iron, th blood becomes weak, thin, pale and watery. In many people thia so seri. ously weakena their vital organs as to lead them to believe that they have heart or stomach trouble, kidney diaeaae, nerve fores exhausUon or soma other serious ailment I have had people coma to me thinking they had heart trouble, becauae they often had paina and palpitation of the heart, sudden dizziness, faintness or spots before the eyes. In a great many of these cases, the moment iron was supplied, all of these symptoms dis appeared." We make thia offer because Genuine Nuxated Iron contains true organic iron like the Iron in your blood. So many people art defi cient in iron who would surely be benefited by this remarkable remedy, that w recommend that you come right to Beaton Drug Co., get your bottle of Nuxated Iron. Use it for two weeks, and note the improvement in your own case in atrenirth. enerary and endurance. If you are not more than surprised at the results, just bring back the wrapper and we will promptly refund your money without question. T Again Tomorrow and All Week PURE WJgg and Fresh Pastries, fiome-Made Kind - - : Big Cake Doughnuts, 20c Dos. 'r-'.. IT. CIL. TT. - A AMI K x M.l. M .! A "" ... .. .. ... ;-7,- "ow awiv nours: 9 tut a p. iu.f except oaiuraay uu o p. m. For TKursday Extra Specials Greatly Underpriced aBmvBBBBaBBaaBBaBB ' mmm ' aaaaaaBBBiBaBa a-a-aaaaBBBaaataa. aaaaaaaBaBaaBBBBa.BaBBaaBBaBBBaa The Annex Offers Unusual Inducements for Thursday Women's Vests, 2 for 25c Women's vests, sleeveless, all sizes regular 25f val ue. Ammtx Sateen Bloomers, 69e . Sateen bloomers, white only, all sizes. Regular 98c kind. t Aaaex Marquisette Cur tains, 91.49 Fine marquis ette curtains, nat ural or white, ruf fled or lace edge. These are 2 yds. long and a very good quality, val ues to $2.50. ' i ' Annex Marquisette, 15 Yd. . Marquisette with plain or fancy bor ders in white or natural, 34 to 36 inches wide. Reg ular 29c values. v Annex Curtain Scrim 121oYd.- Fine curtain scrim, 36 inches wide with fancy r printed borders. Regular 29c val ues. Annex Scrim Voiles Fine ruffled and hem switched bor der scrim curtains 21 yds. long. Val ues to $1.49. ' , '., Annex Black Sateen, 25 Yd. ; Black sateen nicely finished and very lustrous. Regular 39c value. Annex Unbleached Muslin, Women's Hose, Ribbons, 17 Yd. Yd. 12Vrt Pr. Urge assortment of dood heavy fine qual- . Women's fine hose in ribbons in plain ltjr LL muslin, 36 Inches Waefc or brown, gauze j d f tar Sis!"' W" ular 29c values. Aanax '. Annex " Annex Women's Union Suits, 351 Printed Voile, 25e Yd. Women's union suits, sleeve- printed voUej 40 inches ? "r,1'?'1? ?"? in aU new effects. Regular 49c Sizes 36 to 44. Regular 49c . 6 0 . value. , , ' ..' .: :. ' , . -;. Bloomers, 29. Staple Gingham, Dress Ginghams, Fine pink baUste 14 Yd. 15 Yd. bloomers, well made, Rf,Bu Fine dress ginghams full out, regular 49c cSn VuA Z I'Jrtl value. . 1 , , stripes, regular 25c val- ular 19c value. . ue Annex . Annex ' Annex r '.; .,' ,.' ' - Children's Sox, 3 Prl 50t Stunmer Net Corsets, $1.00 Children's fine half hose, plain Fine light weight summer net cori colors and fancy tops. Sizes 4 "Vvf" " to A,B0 !toe "ght . weight corsets, medium or low bust, to 10. Regular 35c kind. sizes 21 to 36, Regular $1.69 value, v Annex Annex'- THURSDAY SALE IN DRAPERIES AND RUGS Third Flour Green Bungalow Porch 3hades Well made and nicely finished: ' 4-foot ...... S 3.75 6-foot !i G.25 8-foot ...... 15 8.25 10-foot 1(11.00 12-foot ......913.25 Pillows of Cretonne Round and square shaped pillows of bright hued cretonne of good quality, 79 and 98s Baffled Curtains are for summer use. - We have a full line, ready hemmed and tie-back to match In marquisette, voile and scrim, white and ivory. $1.85 values, pair. $1.00 Deltox Grass Rugs - Nationally adr vertised. You've heard about the superior wearing qualities and at tractive color- ef fects of the Deltox for bedrooms, din ing rooms, sun parlor and porch. 27x54 ....... S 2.25 3x6 S 3.25 4x7 ....... S 6.50 6x9 ....... $ 9.00 8x10 .......811.00 9x12 ....,..$15.00 ' ' Cretonnes We have arranged over 5;000 yards of heavy, medium and regular qualities. A wonderful range of patterns and colors. , Styles for ev ery possible use, for drapes, furniture cov ers, pillows, cushions And many other uses. Lot ll 39c values, yd.23e Lot 2: 49c values, yd.33e Lot St 59c values, yd. 43d Thursday Notion Sales Annex ;' , - - Dress Snap Fasteners, black and white. Regular 5c value. Per dozen 24 Stay Binding All widths. Reg ular 5c value. Each ........2 Bnbberlzed ' Kitchen Aprons ; Regular 50c value, each 33 Stickerie Braid Regular 10c value; a'bolt..... 5e Safety Pins Nickel plated. AH sizes. Special 5e) Sanitary Aprons Regular 50c value, each 33et Bick Back Braid All colors, 10c value, 3-yard bolt....6c . Dressing Fins Regular 5c pkg. each 2e Baby Bobber Pants 39c value, each 25t Dressing Combs Coarse and fine, 25c value, each ..... lOe J. A P. Coats' Spool Cotton , Black and white, spool. ...4e J. & P. Coats' Darning Cotton . All colors; a ball 24 J. & P. Coats' Silk Finish Cro chet Cotton All colors. Spe cial, a ball. ..... . . . . ... .5e Weimar Toilet Soap, large bar, 1 10c value, per bar...... ..'.5"et . Palmolive, Jap Hose, Creme Oil Toilet Soaps, etc., 12c value, . per bar ;..;7e-,: ' Annex - . Boys' Wear on Sale Thursday Boys Blue Chambray Sport Blouses and good percales, stripes, all sizes. Special pT( Thursday. ... OUC Boys' Crash Knicker Pants Sizes 6 to 15, gray, tan, khaki color, plain stripes, rA special, at... 0Js New Wash Hats and Golf Caps Every imaginable style and color. A Special, at ................ tcOC Boys' Overalls Good quality PAn denim, all sizes. Special. . ; . . . OUC Boys' Tash Suits Hundreds to select from, : samples and surplus rCT stocks, "values to $2.50, at. . . . OC ' Anne - -l; -. ' ,.. T Thursday ! Toilet Goods Sale . - 25c3Iavis Talcum Powder 15f $1.25 pint size Vacuum Bottles for .................. 79 25c Listerine ........... .18 10& Haskins' Hardwater Soap iot 7Vit Lemon Soap, 6 bars for. . .25 Combination Water Bottle and Syringe for......... $1.25 Front Room for Thursday $1.50 and $2.00 Hand Bags All genuine leather, good d" styles, well made:. . . . . . . tyX. Silver Candlesticks Regular price $1.50. Sale price, di per pair ............... tjjj. Ladies' Handkerchiefs Regu lar price 12'Ac and 15c (" each. Sale price, doz. . . . tpx A Shoe Sab for Thursday Women's Patent Leather Two Strap Fancy Whit Stitched French Heel Slippers Sizes 4 to 7 in A and B dQ QfT widths, $5 value tymleiJO Boys' and Women's Lotus Calf Stitch Down Sknff ers Sires 2r2 to 6. Some have rubber heels, balance made without A good $2.00 value QQ per pair...... pXe3t Thursday Sale Men's Wear Men's AIl-Wool 1-Piece Bath ing Suits In blue and white, brown . and heather, assorted combinations. Reg. (PQ QfT price $6, at...... buVJ Store for Vea and Boys Hen's Genuine Porosknit Union SMts In white and tan. -Reg ular price $2.00. Thursday Mala Floor iva iuu $1.29 Thursday Sales in the China vare ' . ' ' , .' ,' ; Sale of Fancy China 5 Big Lots We bought the sample line of Mormura Bros, of Hand-Paint ed Fancy China ---they are the largest import era of Fancy China in the world. We will put on sale the entire line, con sisting of Salad 8 o wj s, : B o n Bons, Jelly Plates, Relish Dishes,' Celery Tr ays, Spoon Trays, 01 1 v e Dishes, Salt and Peppers, Su gar -and C r e am ers, M a y oh n aise Sets and all kinds and sizes of Fancy Plates at' $1. $1.50, $2. $2.50 and $3 Values double and triple the sale prices. Thursday : Sales . Wall er Pap Wall Paper tn Living Rooms, Dining Rooms, Halls and Bed rooms 7ic Two-tone stripes, grass cloth ef f ects, allover pat terns, n atripea and chintt patterns for your bedroom. Sold with new cut out' borders to match. - St. cago St.- f