The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 15, 1922, Image 1

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    The 'Omaha Morning Bee
'Vol si no. 3io.
Senator Charges Big Interest!
, , Oppoie Tariff Measurt
Because it WU1 Cut
Huge Profits.
Says Press, Subsidized
Washington, June J4. Metropli
tan newspapers, especially of the
eastern seaboard and importing
houses and department stores of the
' country, were attacked in the sen
ate by Senator McCumber, republi
can, of North Dakota, who charged
. that they wert sr - jading "insidious
and poisonous propaganda" against
the pending tariff bill to further their
selfish interests and to maintain "ex
tortionate profits.
Assailing particnlarly New York,
jiosion ana I'hiiadeiphia newspa-
ert. the committee chairman said
he republicans had decided to
change their pol.'cy of keeping silent
on tne subject ct. proms and were
now ready to meet the arguments,
especially of the "soeatled republican
press, who have so capriciously con
demned this bill." . ;
Prosecutions Ufged.
Senator McCumber's speech, near
ly two hours in length, immediately
precipitated replies from the demo
cratic side and brought a resolution by
Senator Walsh, Montana, calling up
on the general attorney to advise the
senator where steps had 1cen taken
or were to to be taken to establish,
whether a conspiracy existed among
the interest) mentioned by the North
, Dakota Senator. The resolution ask
ed that if such combination existed,
prosecution of those suspected be in
. atituted under the antitrust law. .
The Montana senator sought im
mediate action on the resolution. but
"Mr. McCumber objected, saying he
was heartily in favor of an investiga
tion of the facts and incidents pre
sented but did not believe the Walsh
resolution was in accord with the sit
uation laid before the senate. The
.resolution went over a day' under
senate rules. . .
Senator .Underwood, Alabama, the
democratic leader, characterized the
tariff leader's stand as "most remark
able and entirely new in tariff .dis
cussion." He declared that on the
position taken by McCumber, the re
publican protectionists had left no
longer any appeal to. American man
ufacturers or labor. ' ....
Gigantic Fraud Charged. ;
"Th ernaint na'ftnijv '''caift fr
Attacked by
atfgsUnderwood, that the profit taken by
.. . lotnt of these people ranges as high
s per cent , 11 inai oe ue,
TThdw can be or his committee expect
. to protect American labor with 50
per cent duty? , what appeal has he
s left to the American manufacturer?
I say if his statements are, true then
he and his committee have perpetrat
ed a gigantic fraud on the American
. people."
The McCumber speech came at
the end of a day of little progress on
the tariff, bill and just ahead of the
time when it is to be laid aside tem
porarily for consideration of the an
nual naval appropriation bill, which
is expected to be before the senate
the remainder of the week..
Mr. McCumber appeared on the
floor : with . a number of articles
usually imported for sale by a de
partment store. Using the articles
on which both the foreign and Tesale
selling price , had been obtained, as
examples to illustrate Kiis speech, he
'described what" he characterized as
"the enormous frauds perpertated on
" the American people." .
V SnoW Big Prints. - '
Article after article was held up
before the senators. - There was a
cuckoo clock made in Germany, Mr.Jat sea was not the primary purpose
McCumber said, for 94c and sold in
New York at $22; a string ol pearls
from France costing $12.25 and sold
here at $150; electric bulbs made
' for 5.3 cents and retailed in America
- at
; at 30 cents; kid gloves invoiced at
27 cents and retailed at $2,a straw
hat of English make, bought there
at 69 cents and sold here for $4.
Wool blankets and carving sets and
hnff iron, hair clippers and briar
pipes were among: the exhibits.
V'And the men who handle these
are the men who are fighting this
tariff bill," Mr. McCumber- shouted.
"They don't want to give up robbing
and taking the very life blood of this
Auburn Man Seeks Job '
Vacated by C F. Reavis
Lincoln, June ' 14. Paul Manhart
of Auburn filed today for republican
nomination' for congressman from
the First district to fill the short-
.-ua.nrv f,i k
term vacancy caused by the resigna-.
inp; pitsi 1 1 1 l hi iu iiii i nsr jinini
tion ;oi Representative CF. Reavis.
Mate senate tilings were jonn ti.
Reiferoath of .Nelson, progressive,
?s and E. D. Hansen of Meadow Grove,
". democrats ' t-Y ? - - ' t :,.
Leon A. Moomaw, democrat, of
' Bayard, - filed for the democratic
: Hearst to Return Home -
With Body of Hfa Friend
. London. June 14. The body of
- Guy-Barham, the Loa Angeles pub
lisher who died suddenly ra London
last week, ?is -being- wnt. to the1
United States on the liner Olympic,
William R. Hearst, in whose party
,, Mr: Barham. came to Europe, is cur
' taih'ng hir continental tour in eon
. temsence oC the -death of his friend
aM mill . MnKarlr- m th OfrnnnSe
.n uk una Uiu mk iaeroanrK -
Facd CiU Coal Rates CuV
' WaaUs Jme . K Proiicals
- et Heary Rord to reduce coat rates
, en kw raarosal, tfcsr Detroit, Toledo
ft trtalM tislraaaL .vkaeli origsnSy
wet aiuribi far -. the interstate
wisiMMM; trmnaiaama! were allowed
to g H tact tedhr udcr a mI
Utaaj M IlllH w MtMM
tMM F. ft. VMM AM
Pretty Stenographer Found
Mabel Bessler, 26, Killed Self Is Belief of Police
Love Letters From " Chicagoan,
Four. i?Mn?ttAVvt,,a6Syas-
Mabel Bessler, 26, pretty steno
grapher, was found dead in her gas
filled apartment in the Chandler, 554
South Twenty-fifth avenue, at 3:30
yesterday afternoon. Two burners
of stove poured their, deadly vapors
into the room and police reported
she killed herself.
Officers were unable to establish
a motive.
A profusion of love letters signed
"George," an unidentified Chicagoan,
was found in the room, and there
was one signed with the name of H.
A. (Jack) Hood, also of Chicago,
who is said to be a stockholder in the
American Automatic Machine Sales
& Development company, 2557 Far
nam street, where Miss Bessler was
Expresses Friendship.
Hood's letter, written June 3, ex
pressed deep friendship for the young
woman, begged her to trust him with
her troubles, and contained this ad
monition: : .
"Don't let anyone bluff you. I
will absolutely stand back of you.
And tell them to go straight to H
if you feel that way."
In this letter he called her Mabel,
apparently for the first time, and
begged her indugence.
One of the letters-signed by
"George," undated, contained violent
expressions of love and indicated
Sale of Liquor V
on U. S. Boats
Starts Big Row
Democrats Plan to Embarrass
Ship , Subsidy Measure
With Amendments to
, Stop Sales. V
.... i. . v
Washington, June 14. Sale of
liquor on shipping board vessels at
sea will . be continued,! Chairman
Lasker reiterated tonight, tvrtil a sep
arate decision has" been given hold
ing such practice illegal under the
prohibition laws or until he "has been
convinced of its illegality."
Mr. Lasker maintained, throughout
the daj ' the position taken by him in
his letter to -Adolphusj Busch III,
vice president ' ; Anheuser- ' Busch
Brewing company, St.. Louis, despite
indication that it would be made the
subjeet of attack in congress and by
dry organizations. -';;.
. Officials of the Department of Jus
tice refused to comment ort the sit
uation, but in some quarters atten
tion was called to an opinion which
was written by former Acting At
torney General Frierson in 1920. Mr.
Frierson held that the national pro
hibition act was effective upon ships
flying the American flag wherever
they might be. .
According to high department of
ficials', a decision of any attorney
general remains the official interpre
tation of a law until it has been re
voked by court decision or super
seded by ruling. , 1
. Board Attorney Rules.
Mr. Lasker's stand as to liquor
sales on board American vessels, was
taken, he informed . Mr, , Busch, on
the authority of an opinion given by
General Counsel Schlesinger of the
shipping board.
The chairman conferred today with
Attorney General Daugherty . and
while there gave him copies of the
correspondence with the St. ' Louis
brewer. The problem of liquor sales
of the conference, Mr.; Lasker indi
cated, but it was brought Up inci
dentally. Refusing to. discuss his
talk with Mr. Daugherty, Chairman
Lasker declared "he ; would not -ask
the department, for a new opinion,
being entirely satisfied with that
given by Mr. 'Schlesinger. He add
ed that he would not answer further
letters on the subject of liquof sell
ing? ';. "" .t." - );-:'.'?
While there was no indication to
night that there would be 4ny move
by an executive department in the
matter at the capital the Busch-Las-ker
correspondence provoked consid-
(Tan to Fac F1t, Column 8U.)
Harding tp Accept Memorial
to Francis Scott Key for U. S.
. Baltimore, Md., June 14. A monu
ment, erected by congress, and dedi
cated to the memory of Francis Scott
Key, author of "The Star Spangled
i .
fanner, ..was. to. be unveiled today
. .,- x,
near the spot in historic Fort Mc
Henry over which floated the Stars
and Stripes, immortalized in the na
tional anthem.,- t s,, j . ,
The nation's tribute to the author
made the scene the mecca of the
ceremonies long i before the hour
nxed tor the arrival of President Har
ding, who was to accept the memorial
for the. country. -.. .
Motormg from Washineton. the
presidential party was to be met at
the city line by Mayor -William F.
uroening and members of the receo-
tion committee.
Former Vice President , f
V Received by Italian King
Rome, - June - 14.-King Victor
Emtnaneel received Thomas' R
Marshall, former vice ' president of
tne united states, and a large group
of - Scottish Rite Masons, who bad
bees attending the. congress of the
supreme Masonic lodges at Lau-
tunne. - With Mr. Marshall were
Grand Commanders John Cowles
and Leon Abbott, former Command
er : Barton Smith end ' Congressmen
Tread way and King. ' v ,
Victor Emmanuel questioned the
Americans regarding- their trip and
expressed himself as delighted they
were sue to visit Italy, . ...
Hi Mi IMS. M
Mm I. tin.
in Apartment
Miss Bresster had threatened to "go
Parting Wai Feared.
It follows,. in part: "
"Sweetheart, if you really and
truly love me as you say you do,
why, dear, would you even consid
er' such a thing, which is hideous
even , to contemplate, of - leaving
ami not even letting me know
where you go. Have you forgot
ten, dear, your absolute assurance
to me in that last precious little
love note that you would always
be waiting for me?. Do you know
dear and realize what such action
would mean to me? Can't yon
see, sweetheart, that life in itself
without you or without word 'from
you would be intolerable?
"So you know, sweetheart, that
you are more to me than even the
loving little mother who clings to
me, and would you have me throw
her aside? ' That, dear, is what you
are going to make me do if you go
away as you said. And sweetheart,
I could. hardly hear you, that won
derfully sweet Voice I love so to
hear. You' can't, sweetheart, you
just can't go away' like that. v.
; -Rather B Killed.";
"Please, ' , sweetheart, 4 please,
please, if you love me or have any
faith in me at all, don't do this
Tam to Pag Trt, Column Faar.)
Des Moines Man
Given Honor irjr?
Shrine Council
v.; :
Office . Leading to Imperial
Potentate Goes to Earl
Mills Washington
'? Gets Convention. . "
; San Francisco, June .14. Wa'shing
to, D. C, war chosen by the Im
perial council of the Order of the
Mystic Shrine for its next meeting
place. The council also re-elected
two trustees for the Shriners . hos
pitals for crippled children. They
were W; Freeland Kendrick'of Phil
adelphia ' and ' Dr. Oscar M. Land
strum .of Helena, Mont. ' s
';A human river of color, even more
barbaricaily ,gay under the' glow pf
electricity than by 'daylight, flowed
through the streets of San FraneiacqJ
tonight, the Shriners' welcome to the
election of James S McCandlesI -of
Honolulu as imperial potentate of
the order) . , ' t
Scores: of bands and Arab' patrols,
dressed in the bright-hued ? oriental
garb that has become the most . fa
miliar part of downtown, San Fran
cisco scenery the last few days,
briskly marched their way through
banked .masse s of . spectators to .the
strains of highly American music.K
Duplicate First Paradei , ; ;
' The procession; was a virtual du
plicate of the opening parade 'yes
terday, but the clearest of California
skies overhead and the balmiest of
June air made all yesterday's jokes
about "heavy mists" and "unusually
damp fog" merely a stale recollec
tion. .
Most of the bands and patrols
were out of town today, while the
imperial council went through part of
its business, electing imperial officers
and hearing committee reports. . J
There .was only one cdntest, three
men being in the race for. grand
outerguard, the lowest hing of the
ladder, that leads to the rank of. im-
perial potentate. Earl Mills of Za-i
Ga-Zig temple of Des -Moines, won
the honor over John' Fouche of Al
hambra temple, Chattanooga, Tenn.,
and E. J. Scoonover, of Murat tem
ple, Indianapolis Mills was chosen
on the first ballot , and the election
then was made unanimous. V H :. ":
: j - Officers Elevated.
Conrad -V.!- Dykeman of r Kismet
temple, Brooklyn, N. Y., . succeeded
McCandless as imperial deputy po
tentate. Thetw officers who have5
handled the business administration
of the shrine for . many years were
re-eiectea. I nev were William S.
Brown of Syria temple, Pittsburgh,
Pa., and Benjamin W. Rnwell:
Alepro temple, .... Boston, ' imperial
treasurer and imperial recorder, re
spectively. - . ' . ' j
Other imperial, officers were- ad
vanced one grade. - . ;
The report of, the board of trustees
of the Shriners hospital for Crippled
children occupied most of the rest
of the day. Tomorrow applications
tor new temples will be considered.
Many imperial representatives said
that probably only a few, if any,
of the nine cities applying; would re
ceive . charters. ' s x , - ' a
Gueatev of Oakland, "i
- Right behind a patrol and hand of
Islam temple, 'the 'host this year.
came Aloha patrol, fellew nobles of
the new imperial potentate, carrying
spears whose heads were illuminated
by electricity. V Fireworks soread
color in to the sky and buzzing air
planes added a novel touch to the
oriental scene. ": 4
Nearly half of. the patrols and
bands were 'guests of Oakland to
day,, parading through the streets
there and being 'taken on sightsee
ing tours. Most of the others west
to the auto races at San Carlos, where
they gave tancy drills tor 'the edifi
cation of the "crowds..?? - S -vr
- Tomorrow all the -patrols will join
in Kirinsr a drill exhibition at the
Golden Gate nark stadium. - - r J
Mrs. James S. McCandless. wife
of the new imperial potentate, was
the guest of honor today at a re
ception at one of the largest hotels
by lira. Ira W, . Cobnni, wife of
Ulam s lOustrioHS jMeatttc,
Jury Finds
King Guilty
of Robbery
Upon Hearing Verdict Second
of Trio in Decatur Bank
Holdup Enters Plea
of Guilty.
Clemt Yet to Be Tried
Tekamah, Neb., June 14. (Spe
cial) After butf10 minutes' de
liberation a jury in district court here
found Ben H. King, 3811 M street,
Omaha, guilty of attempted robbery
of the State Bank of Decatur.
, - Upon ' the reading of the verdict
Gottenfrey Perscek pleaded guilty to
a similar charge.
King, Perscek and a third man,
Louis Clernt, all of South Omaha,
were -wounded and captured .by a
posse within an hour after the at
tempted robbery 12 days ago.
E. H. McCarthy of Omaha, attor
ney for Perscek, flew to Tekamah
by airplane today noon. His client
was scheduled to ko on trial im
mediately following the trial of
King's case went to the jury about
11:55. After lunch the Jurors return
ed to the jury room and took their
first ballot, the vote being unanimous
for "guilty."
, Un the witness stand most of the
morning, King denied the robbery
charges and repudiated his alleged
confession. He claimed that he met
the two men on the road. He said
that when the shooting at Decatur
started he thought that it was a riot
and that. he fled to the bushes for
safety. ' '
. Miss Nora Connelly, cashier, whose
screams thwarted the bandits and
prevented the theft of $10,000 from
the bank, was on the stand yesterday.
Cyclone Wrecks
Houses in Western
Part of Nebraska
Wind and Rain Strike in
Vicinity of Henry
Farm Homes Are
"' Demolished.
Scottsbluff. Neb.. June 14.-r(SDe-
cial Telegram.) A cyclone sjruck
and ' demolished four farm . houses
north of Henrv. a villaire near the
Wyoming-Nebraska state line, 30
miles west of this city, this after-
-...-T.' . I .. A.
noon..? io one was mjurea. Ac
cording to early reports, a heavy
wind accompanied by dashing show
ers ot rain .was felt all over the
County.- The cyclone, after striking
a half mile west of Henry, veered to
the . northeast, cutting down the
houses in Jts path.
Lincoln Man Under
Fire in Capital
Scalp of Frank Harrison of
Brazil Exposition Body
V Sought by Associates.
Washington. June- 14. (Special
Telegram.) Trouble has broken out
in i the . American-Brazilian exposi
tion commission, of which Frank A.
Harrison of Lincoln is a member: .
Mr. Harrison is -the storm center
of the trouble and it is " understood
that the differences concerning, him
will be laid before the president to
morrow. .. 4 -;,;irV:.'-... i ..;;.'',-
- Superintendent Collier of the com
mission is returning from Brazil,
where, he has been installing the
American ; exhibit, and will arrive
here tomorrow. He will go before
the president with other members of
the commission 'and explain his side
of the 'controversy. Nothing is be
ing said here concerning its exact
nature, but it is understood that Mr,
Collier and his fellow members feel
Mr. Harrison has not worked in
harmony with them.
Mr. Collier's position pays a salary
of $15,000 while that of Mr. Harri
son pays $7,500.
Patriotic. Exercises Held
at Home of Betsy Ross
Philadelphia, June 14. Patriotic
exercises in front of the quaint old
home of Betsy Ross marked the
principal observance of Flag day in
this city. Preceding the ceremony
there was a parade in which mem
bers of . nearly every veterans' or
ganization and historical society took
This city claims not only the dis
tinction pi having produced the first
flag, : but also the citizen who .con
ceived the idea of flag day. J. Gran
ville Leach, member of a distinguish
ed Philadelphia family, who .is ac
credited .with having been instru
mental in having, June 14 set aside
for especial reverence of the flag,
died , here two weeks ago. ' He and
Betsy Ross were the subjects of
eulogy for several orators today.
Kaiser'a Book Not Worth
-' Price Paid, Says' Girard
London, . June 14. Commenting
on the purchase of Former Kaiser
Wilhehu's book for $250,000, James
W. Gerard, America's, war ambassa
dor to Germany, expressed doubts
that the volume Would prove worth
that amount of money. ,- -
"The book should have been pub
lished a couple of years ago when in
terest in the world war and Germany
was the hottest'' explained ; Mr.
Gerald. V -
JUNE 15, 1922.
The President Decides to Take Up Riding
1' vv ' I
Premier Lenine
to Be Replaced
by friumvirate
Trio to Head Soviet Govern-1
ment During Six Months'
- Absence Enforced
- . . ...... . .. . .-.
- by Illness. : , 7
' Berlin, June 14. (By A. P.) An
other German specialist has ' been
summoned to attend Premier Lenine
of -soviet Russia, it was stated here
today. ' Professor Fleich,slg, a lead
ing brain authority has been asked
to leave immediately for. Russia.
Berlin, June 14. (By A. P.) The
Independent Socialist ' Frejheit de
clares today that a triumvirate will
take - the place of Premier Lenine
of soviet Russia during a six-month
absence from Moscow which - his
health will oblige him to take. The
three men who will hold the reins,
according to . this newspaper, are J.
V. : Stalin, Led Kameneff and A. I.
M. Stalin is a Georgian bolshevist
of Turkish nationality,- described as
a strong man, the newspaper article
continues. M.; Kameneff is president
of the Moscow soviet and is consid
ered a liberal. M. Rykoff vurfs one
of the first-champions of the new
economic policy. He is believed to
have liberal views but, Die Freiheit
adds, is not considered '' a - strong
.The appointment of the triumvar
has been reported unofficially by the
communist party.
Condition Serious. '
Washington, June 14.- A message
from Riga which reached Washing
ton today said the illness of Lenine,
head of the Russia soviet govern
ment, was serious, but nothing in
the cablegram indicated whether his
condition was as critical as reported
within the last few days. The mes
sage, dated yesterday, warned that re
ports that the Russian premier's mind
was deranged as a result of his phy
sical condition had been taken with
reservations. v
Victory Note Interest
Will Cease Today
Washington, June 14. Interest on
all 3 3-4 per cent Victory notes will
cease tomorrow and all these' securi
ties should be presented for pay
ment. Secretary Mellon f - stated .tg
night. '.v ,.- " .,.'i-;,V"'"
Redemption of 3 3-4 per cent Vic
tory notes on June 15,. he explained,
was announced in February and to
date approximately $140,000,000 of
these; obligations - have ..been';, re
deemed, leaving about" $240,000,000
ot the notes outstanding.
Approximately $300,000,000 in , in
come tax receipts are. expected fey
the government tomorrow, according
to Secretary Mellon's estimate of
collections on the second installment
of the 1922 taxes. ,v
Fares Are Reduced on . ,
. Chicago Surface Lines
Chicago," June 14. A 7Tcent cash
fare with three tickets for 20 cents
went into effect on the Chicago sur
face lines at midnight tonight The
reduction from the present 8-cent
fare had been ordered some time ago
by the United States district court
Irish Negotiations . . - ' , ,
Result in Agreement
London, June '4. (By A. P.)
The Central News says this evening
it has learned authoritatively that to
day's Irish negotiations resulted in
agrcrcnt on virtually all points,
i - ' r'
rf 4 -
Malt O rMrll ihr w M4o,
6toM a 4U MM (I Mr)l CUI
Ncoff Found Guilty
of Gellis Murder
Valentine, Neb., June 14. (Special
Telegram.) George Ncoff was found
guilty of killing Frank Gellis by a
jury after three hours' deliberation..
Life sentence was recommended.
Gellis' body was found in a shallow
grave after a poker party on April
30. A report in court is to "the effect
lhat Ncoff has confessed.- Ncoff was
arrested at Cedar Rapids, la., after
a long chase." - .'..'; ; j--
, -. , , y.-y v,.;.la. "ft. .
Anti-Saloon Head
After Candidates
Sends Questionnaire Asking
Stand Relative to "Dry"
Legislation. ;
Lincoln, June 14. (Special Tele
gram.) F. A. High, secretary of the
Anti-Saloon league, today sent the
following questionaire to all Nebraska
candidates for ; congress and . United
States senator: . r
"Are you opposed to any attempt
to amend the Volstead act by legal
izing manufacture of beer and wine,
and if elected will you work and vote
against such an attempt ?
"If elected, will you support such
legislation as experience, may sjjow
is needed to secure" better enforce
ment ol the Eighteenth- amendment
and as may be agreed 'upon by re'eog
nized temperance "leaders j in ' Con
gres? .!. . .;:. ': . '; " -:.
"If elected will you use your in
fluence and vote to prevent any
backward step-' along the line of pro
hibition legislation or any attempt to
liberalize federal prohibition laws?
Crowd in Autos Starts
to Close Indiana Mines
, Terre Haute, Ind., June 14. A
crowd estimated at 400 persons left
here today in automobiles after an
nouncing their .intention of closing
every coal mine in operation . be
tween .Terre Haute and Brazil, 10
miles .east, of here. The first stop
made by the party was4 at the Hones
mine, near Staunton1 Ind., where
two trucks loaded . with ; coal were
seized and the contents dumped, into
the , road, according to reports re
ceived here. 'V h .
Two'guards at the' Jones mine were
disarmed bv the men when' they en
tered the mine and one of he em
ployes" was rOughly handled when he
refused to- quit work, according to
the report. The men also visited the
Robert Hughes mine, five miles from
Terre Haute, but the shaft was found
to be. deserted and the crowd moved
on. The, party was reported to be
proceeding toward the McCullough
and Girtoninines. v', .-..v
Gasoline .Reserve Supply . s
Now Highest in History
jWasfiioBtonii Jnne lA.Tit na
tion's igasoline - reserve - continues to
mount to new; heights, . the bureau
of mines said in making public fig
ures showing-- tnat on . May , l tne
stocks on band . amounted to ev,--267,763
gallons, an increase of 38,-
000,000 gallons over the previous
high recordmark of April l. . ...
The seasonable decline in the
gasoline stock curve, occurring gen
erally during' April or ? May," the
bureau, said, -has not yet started as
is evidenced by the sharp increase
In reserves.
-- , ill, v .
Fire in Texaa OU Town.
rFort Worth, Tex June 14 Fire,
starting , late last - night, . destroyed
more than- half the business district
of Oil City, Tex., causing damage
estimated at $150,000 before it was
brought under control early: this
morning, according to reports reach
ing hers -.-. .-
' " ' : ' " : 1 '
Ml t'u. tUS, Mali Mm Mk ml
on Jewish Ensign
Alleged by Solon
Member of Annapolis Grad
uating Class Alleged to
Have Been Slighted in
Year Book.
. Washington, Juney 14. Reported
discrimination by the class just grad
uated from the Naval academy at
Annapolis against Leonard Kaplan
of Weston, W. Va., a member of the
class, was scored in the senate today
by Senator Sutherland, republican.
West Virginia, who said that Kaplan
had been "stigmatized" because of
his nationality. .-;
. Several other senators joined Sena
tor - Sutherland's criticism and Sug
gested further investigation.
, Calls for Inquiry.
Theodore Roosevelt acting secre
tary of the navy, was called upon to
day in a message by Congressman
Isaac Siegel, New York, to make
a thorough investigation of the in
dignity alleged yesterday by Sena
tor Sutherland to have been effected
against Kaplan, 'a member of the
graduating class of the naval
academy. ' -
The slight was in the perforation
of the inner margin of the page in
the academy s year book, the lucky
bag" which contained' Kaplan's
photograph and a short sketch, and
the ommission of his name from the
page index. Senator Sutherland,
who said Kaplan was of Jewish ex
traction, attributed the indignity to
uacial and religious prejudice.
ur '. r;er I.- n ,
overcame iimcuiacs.
Mr. Siegel's telegram said Kaplan
had been encouraged by him during
his time at the academy where he
had "overcame serious difficulties."
"I am of the opinion that he came
out first in his examination," he
wrote. . "No finer specimen of
American manhood and - gentleman
has ever been at the acsjdemy. I
look to you to take exemplary
action." .. . '
'Miserable Trick."
Vv ashington, June 14. Character
izing the treatment of Leonard Kap
lin of West Virginia, a member of
this year's graduating class at the
naval academy, in the class year book
"a low down, miserable trick," Rear
Admiral Wilson, superintendent of
the academy announced here today
that he had withdrawn a letter of
commendation which he ' had ad
dressed to J.- L. Olmstead, editor of
the year, book.- ,
Spanked for Teasing Baby
T Schoolboy, 14, Kills Self
Emporia, Kan., June-: 14. Because
his mother had spanked him for
teasing his , baby sister, Herbert
Johnson, 14, schoolboy, banged him
self in a barn. The bov's father.
George A. Johnson found the body
wnen ne came nome trom work at
noon. . . . ; . .. . .
Hie Weather
:."'':'" ' Forecast
Thursday fair and continued warm.
Hourly Temperatures.
J a.
a. at
S a. m
e a. m .....11
1 -m. m -...It
S a. ... !
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I a. m.
II a. at.
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S a. ......
7 a. m . .
aa s a.
Highest Wednesday.
North Piatt
Paabla ..........t
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DvBPort ,
DTr . . .
TxxSf City
Laadvr ...
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.71 1 Sioua cur '
All Capitol
Bids Are
Commission Refuses Price
Submitted for Superstruc
ture of New State .
Competition Not Strong
Lincoln, June 14. (Special Tele
gram.) The state capitol commit- .
sion today rejected all bids for the .
superstructure of Nebraska's new ,
$5,000,000 statehouie. New bids and
new classifications of work wilt be
opened July 20, members of the com
mission announced. .V
"We rejected the bids simply be
ttuse they were too high snd there
wasn't sufficient competition on a
number of the larger items," George ,
E. Johnson, state engineer and secre
tary of the state capitol commission,
announced. ,.- ,'
Especially was the lack of suffi.
cient competition noticeable in bids
on the material to be used in con
struction of the statehoute, which
was by far the largest item, John
son asserted. , f
. Material Presents Problem.
As to whether the new statehoute
is to be built of marble or limestone
promises to bring about a lively fight.
The limestone people claim they can v
give the most for the money but ad
mit that limestone cannot be com
pared in color and possibly in wear
ing qualities with marble. Marble -will
cost from- $200,000 to $300,000
more than limestone.
The superstructure work w as
divided -into 26 classifications and
bids received on each classification.
There was only one firm,-John Gill
Jand Sons, Cleveland, which bid on
the entire superstructure job. Its
bid was $2,850,000. This bid provided,
for the use of marble. The independ
ent bidders numbered 70. The low
est independent bids on the 26 items
totalled $2,496,795. This includes the
Bedford limestone bid of $754,052.
Governor D ernes Rumor.
Before bids were opened Governor
McKelvie , stated that ; there was a '
report circulating that an Omaha
bond company was to be favored.
He declared this, a mistake and as ,
serted that the bond of any reputable '
firm would be accepted.
Architect , a. u. lioodhue of New
York was present when . bids were. ;
. ' (Tan U rae Two. (Mm Tw.)
Deputy Disarmed
Town Marshal and County Of
ficer Held Up by Flee-'
ing Chain Man.
Fred Brown
transferred his
is believed to have
activities to western
A report from" Cheyenne stated
Brown was alleged to have doubled
back on his tracks into' Nebraska
from Wyoming Tuesday night and
held up the night marshal and depu-'
ty sheriff of Dix, 18 miles east of
Kimball. .
State Sheriff Gus Hyers and War
den W. T. Fenton of the state prison
were reported hot on his trail.
A posse led by these officers is
said to have Brown surrounded east
of Dix, but ho confirmation of this
report could, be secured. Brown is
believed to have crossed the line into
Wyoming Monday; night, then dou
bled back. - 1 .
On seeing the officers at Dix, the
report states, he is alleged to have
walked over to a stolen automobile
he is using, secured his gun, held up
the marshal and deputy, - disarmed
them, walked back to his automobile
and driven off. '
Lost Treasure Chest
. Located in River Wye
Fenetanguishene, Ontario, June
14 A treasure chest lost in-the riv
er Wye by. Jesuit missionaries to
Huronia nearly three centuries ago
has been located, the authorities be
lieve, and divers were working to
bring the ancient box to the sur- 1
face. The chest lies in the mud, be
neath 20 feet of .water near . the '
mouth of the Wye.
Magnetic diving rods indicate i
is heavily laden with gold.
Records of the Society of Jesus'
show that one of seven chests
brought into New France m .1650
and laboriously carried to Fort
Sainte Marie by canoe was lost near
the mouth of the Wye. Is contained
solid gold vestments, the gift of the '
court of France, and a quantity of "
gold coin to pay the troops which
accompanied the mission.
Prompt Action on Strike
" - Vote of Railroads Shown
Chicago, June 14. A steady flow
of ballots into the headquarters of
the six railway shopcrafts unions in
dicated "prompt, action" by the men
on the question of striking over re
duced wages, due July 1, and other '
questions, union officials said.
The pink, blue and .white slips r
were mailed last Saturday night and
it was, thought they would reach the
farthest points today. AH ballots are
to be in Chicago by June 25, when
the crafts' general committee of 90
will .be assembled to count the vote
and issne any orders that may re- '
suit from the men's expression.
.- , . - ;
Meetings of Masked Men , :.- ':
Prohibited in Lbs Angelea )
Los Angeles, June 14. TheLoa; '
Angeles city council adopted an or-,
dinance forbidding public gather' '
ings of masked persons.' The or!
dinance was introduced ' following. "
disclosures of alleged .activities of the.
Ka Klux Klfttj . .