The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 01, 1922, HOME EDITION, Page 8, Image 8
Heal Bunion to Taxpayers Here Dough County I'j)in fur , (!ourllioui Turn Pumii Ywi Ago Ky lo Put laauct 0rr. Br PAUL GREER. TTIierc ii nation raUr ilun lo iiua hon&t. An election i eSl. ome lociier cirginization lAtt the litld, tail on the appointed tUy fttcfiiiil minority of llie citin goti la the ol!i srnl putt the tiue over. Jlany property tmncri Jo n trouble to vote, n4 taxpayer in tetter! may be ti not to look le lore they leap. It l sy lo trll bond foe public purpose, but it it lard lo pay litem iU. Nrliratkt it lull o ambition. eomniunitict that are groaning at meeting the interest and have carce ly begun to pay oil the principal. 1 he magnitude of these operation it glimpud in the autemrnt that i Mil man, woman and child in Dm l a owet $122.02 at hit thare of the nty, county and tdiool bond out taadinir. Thit obligation it divided Among the divisions of government in the following way: City bond, 559.96: achool. U3.33: county, $19.33. Thia it excliuive of bondt for the water and light plant, which are to be redeemed from earningt and not by taxation. There it a inull amount I money in the other'a treatury for bond redemption purposci, although the achool board it the only body actually laying up a definite amount toward the day of maturity. , Condition la General The lame tort of thing it going on all over the country they call It pasting to posterity ita jutt ahare of the cost of permanent improve ments. Very often it amounta to thit. although Douglas county it still paying off the bonda on the old courthouse which was torn down yeate ago, and there are other In stances in which the actual object (.hat disappeared before the bill I bill comet due. Thit year Douglai ! county will pay off $268,000 of bonds (that were first issued in 1870, and I which even then represented only the consolidation and refunding ot I debtt contracted in, the earliest days of organixation. The per capita debt of New York 1 city is greater than our own, reach ing to the imposing amount of $182, : and that of Pittsburgh is $107. To come closer home, Det Moines citi zens owe about half at much at those of Omaha. $56.36; Denver, $54.99, and Salt Lake City, $86.45. It is flattering to know that the bond buyers consider the obligations of Omaha to be gilt edged. The total outstanding is $22,294,288, with $2,500,000 worth soon to be sold for the building of schools. The con fidence that the people of Omaha will meet their bond bill is due to the fact that the city is growing steadily in population and wealth. If population gains faster than bonds henceforth are issued, the per SECOND PRICE CUT Of the Seaeen STARTING NEXT WEEK ADMISSION 25c , Includes Tu Except Saturday and Sunday All Drinks 10c Nothing Higher AU Tablet Free EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN ' EMPRESS SHOWING HAMLIN A MACK I ALEXANDER eV . to FIELDS Ta Two Record." tWo of "the Idlt WINTON "' ". BROTHERS MARY HAZARD ,n In ' "On Time" "Watch Your Step" At 11-1-3-5-7-9 Held Over for Three Days Matinees Until 6:15, 35c; Nlghta, 700 Seat, 40c; Main Floor, 50c; Boxea, AOc H EATR E TODAY at 1-3-7 and 9 Price 50c; a few, 75c; boxea, $1 WALLACE REID ELSIE FERGUSON in the Paramount Picture, "FOREVER" The greatest story of love the screen has ever known. ALL SEATS RESERVED a aim "Foolish Matrons" TOMORROW "Cardigan" Norma N-pin ijft t viil ttiink. To put the imt'T trniT ''. Omaha ! mui'4 b pMtiioUy bankrupt if H ' kept i n aiiij bond at it prrtrut without ynnwi!( Ml "C an4 wraith. Figure Show Growth, ,, tjlite thow l"w I' bon4 lurdrnj i growim. The following figures give the amount of lands iriuirrd by the county, city and (hio district ii redeem bondt and pay inter?. t, t rt in C17, thru hit year, thia ytit and the following t ycari! -t7 $ S0..MS I'i.'l 1.155,100 !(,'. 1.476,78 !.' 4 l.S.'o.S. IV-4 .'OOj.lJS Of coure, other bondt will be It iud in the future, 1ut the tabula tion cuitmru only the iuci now outstanding. In certain casea bondt can be iiued without a vote of the citiens. At the prernt time there i tome question whetlier un der a recent ait of the legislature, the school board ran iue on it own rctponsihility, bond up to the amount of J5.iXKJ.U00. It U only fair lo ay that the board i not content platuik the uc oi thin provision. J he city council, on its pail, it au thorized by law to issue bonds with out a vote of the people up lo the value of $100,000 a year fur park, playground and boulevards, iO.Oml for an ensine house, $50,000 for pub lic comfort stations, $1U0,(NKI tor po lice stations and up to $500,000 for acwrr. . This is aside from the financing of ordinary street, aidewalk and tewer improvement. .at ear special taxes levied, due in install ments over a 10-year period from benefited property holders amount ed to $l,2.l',5,;j. The sum taken in through these special ,isrsiiicnls covering levin nude in previous years was ?6J8.9-I7. Marble Halls Unpaid For. Omaha may have set the pace for Lincoln and the rest of the com munities of Nebraska, for most of them are in the same race. Many county seats look with pride at an ornate new courthouse, but most of these marble balls have not been paid for. In some instances, as in Clay county, the oconle have oaid by taxation as they built. In others, as in Colfax and in I'lattc, after at tempting to pay as they went. he citiiens finally resorted to bonding. Those old-fashioned citizens who see a quiet dignity and good taste in the wirnam Last Two Times MATINEE TODAY, 2:15 Early Curtain TONIGHT at 8 William Gaxton Cameron Sisters Emerson and Baldwla Ed Allen Present TAXIE Jack, and Jmle Glbn HARRY DELF lw Fiandere and Geneve Butler Topic, at Pay; Aeioe't Fibm: Pith, Newt NEXT WEEK SALLIE FISHER In "The Choir Reheareal" and Six Other Excellent Acta and tha Patha Motion Picturea of "The Perfect Back Con ttit" Taken In Omaha. Matinees, lie to 50c: mdi 750 ant SI. 00 Sat. and Sua. Nlghta. 150 to 11.00; Km SI.2S Sat. and Sun. Today'a Winner of Two Free Seat I Auto No. 9,974 STARTS TODAY Ralph Connor's "Cameron of the Royal Mounted" LAST DAY Valentino and Dalton "Moran oi the Lady Letty" -OMAHA'S FUN CENTER- Mat. and Nita Todar, Good RaaVd Seat, 50c CLASSY. CONSISTENT. CATCHY BON TON GIRLS S With JOHN BARRY and GEO. DOUGLAS. Chorae of Twenty Charming. Talented Steepen. LADIES' TICKETS, I3c-25e EVERY WEEK DAY Vioievifk ffktmt Maim wbsiowsiajMe. NOW PLAYING MARY MILES WINTER "Her Winning Way" The story of a man who was painfully ahy and a girl who waa not. EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION "Wild Men of Africa" Series No. 4, 'The Land of ihs Pygmies" (.Lin britk counbouca . t4ch. a prang up from tU virgin ptiinrs are raiidmnH tr yuUa opinion a tiiOfabacks, It it tlit iJy of llie hooetrr. Local atti vt!i!t to ape cui, n-J ma! citirs to apt N Vorb. 1 rrowih of local bondH dftt hat knn (orrJ too piJ!y in N I)rl anj this is going to he a lu4 chsrge on t4jM)n Ur goo many ytars. The bond rrglairy bureau In the elite rspilol shows that a bon4 dfbt -I JfW.S.U.ftXt is otit.nrtJmg aKimit llie various aubdivisions oiBovrrn mrnt. Citir. villairs, irrigation an druiiiaE districts o $40,O.I.'J; school di.tricts. f 0.&S.fXi0; countifs, See the Bautiful Living Models In Our Center Window Tonight Coats First Floor Saturday Specials Spring Blouses From 9 to 12 Saturday morn ing, you may have your choice of over 200 very smart light and dark color' spring blouses; sizes 36 to 46 ; unbelievable values for $1.59 TIIK PER: 'OMAHA. .SATL'RIUV. M'MU 1. 1922. In, is duuhie the drN lit V!J an4 ihttt tuiifs th4t of )r aio. No Bonded IndctttdneM, The state tf Nc brali iterH stands elmoat unique among Amrn. rn (ominonk(liht in bavin,; n bonded indebtedness for the pay mrnt of winch Ucs tstll lave 14 be kvi4 over a teminaj term of years. The new ute fipttol it bemg built by a direct t4 en the people. In stead oi selling bond., the sUte has bought more than a nul'ion d'IUr worth of bondt of other stairs, eountiei, school dUirictt and munici palities, the representing uivetrd nhooj funda. This clean aUie gives the legila. Now comes A sale involving 700 fine Spring Coats, Wraps and Capes that we contracted for weeks ago, before normal demand had stiffened prices. Today, at present quotations, many could not be bought at wholesale at Saturday's sale price, a price representing values that will create profound amazement. $69.50 Values- Tailored 4m styies: Wrappy Effects Sport . Models turre the future tippurlunity ta iiiekr iltti.lid reduitious in Uxre by cuttiiiii oil fivue u is now'prr forming for the ciixrus. enhdivUioiis are fit-ed quite othrr wie, Hitli payments coming due on bond that will tend U keep the U' high, (a f(Hk'rt i r a time t itue btitids HuU mean a 4critice, but ciment tmglt el pause Ur a mo ment to get Ihrir btcath, I'nlr.s the bonding, aeeceeing and apeudmg boards Irl UP. Ur., in.tcad (if g nig Qer, will go lusher, relrolruitt produclion of ihe world durum the at ejr amounted lo i'r.l'J'l.'aiO barrel., an increae tl 2 per cent over llie previous year. CON'ANT HOTEL WLDti a timely sale of Spring and Easter Wraps $65.00 -Values 2 Styles . Plain or Fancy Capes S'. M Colors: Include every new shade and combination, with scores of Blacks, Navy and Brown There are plain and irregular, deep fringed, braided or embroidered Capes, Coats , with large mandarin sleeves, wrappy Coats, shawl collars, patch pockets, metal belts, long tassels, in fact every new style touch is included in this wronderful offering of fine Coats, and priced at only $33. Involved are quite a number of higher grade one or two-of-a-kind "Sample" Coats, Wraps, Capes But for these you must come early. Barker Clothes Shop Makes Improvements When improvements siinounced by A. V.. Parker, prcident of Harkvr'a Clothes shop, are completed, (lie new tie will be the largest eulu.ive mru'i wear store in ihe city, he says. Lres Kit rom formerly occupied by the Washington Murt company on SMrcnih lrerl, and the I lender on rtoMer ahon pn -'arii4iu street luve been !ned. These will be re I modelled into a bir L-shsped room with entrances on Farnam and Sin rrnil streets. One of the r4tre nl ihe- remodeling will he a slumping $59.50 sssValuessss Marvaline Bolivia Pandora Veldyne Spongeen Crepongee Camel's Hair jlnhhy, ri)ir4iiic lo the second ii'j the alum ate to I e built in addition to tur elevator entrance alieauy m use. The remodeling i epecte4 to he lniiehrd in ahuut ai weeks. New futures m both floor arc I he insUlled. The h"u im the arcond door will remain open during the re. modeling. The Marker ( lothes shop has occn. pied Ihe second floor of the .seeurj. ties building at ixtciiiiH mid I jr. nam streets for the iat tic irji tlrowth of the business brought alout the rnlargt-mrnt, Mr, j'arkcr 4). , Caing t the theater. See The llec ads of theaters oflrr. what Your greatest Saturday Opportunity Capes .J $55.00 Values Materials: First Floor Saturday Specials Spring Skirts riain and fringed home spuns and tweeds, pleated prunellas, in novel colors and newest combinations, re markable values at $4.95 Drcic., t $15.00 Saturday, we affer smart stew Canlen Crepe Dreaee, actually world up ta 138 00, far 119.00. JULIUS ORK1N ISI2 Douglas St. Wrapt and Coati, at $25 Saturday, we offer Wraps and Coal for Womea and Misses, at 129. Actual $35 4139.50 values. JULIUS ORKIN 1512 Douglas St. ------ ---g-gVTiiVtjrxrijijT V, 4