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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1922)
THE EEC: OMAHA. SATURDAY. APRIL 1. 11-J ' V Musser Makes 7 Denial of Fraud in Oil Iiiul Cac Company IlraJ Talt- 2?Uud ; and Kilin I'litfrprUe (iomuiiifiit DrrWc. M'm Fair. .4 III H, Mu.r, CutMrlliJattt Will) KVIurl Mti. lljii'l. on in U&. (ml lomt on a rlurce ti u.iim the it a'U lo l' lci'l. look lite itnf umi jr.tculiiy atirrnown 1114 de-iril'c-d in dcuil the formation and tlrtioii of iht American liroktr- lue ami Uevt luiniirril ronuutiv. "ili Mn.kUnJ lu.J iu horny to sn irnrii lor we,- ne mm, in trie t'Uie tt li tr.iinmnv. Mu.rr de. iiiiil ftiiti lie h4I mail any iintt.iif. ivri -iiinit the tat trrtk IM firl.l I ml in an rlTott to rl .t.nk. He ailmiitr.l luting a .utrnirnt 10 the r.MiNtrrrt roiuuiiy, wliicli iiitrmliuH by tlie roM-vuion. Mr. ), V (liUon, one of tlie lulrv women for the American ((mUrage riiil Drvrlippini nt inny. tctificU hail not riraril either Murr or Mi SlriikUml tell other ! leoole (or the company w nuke nii MatmenK ). C. l o.lrr, m called laot WeHneilaf an a witnm for the wcunori. was retailed to the stand "Artnse yeterdav. lie alo 'he ever had heard Mimtrr or SSlrkklaiul trll their nalemen o inireprecnt the Montana land or to tell prospective purchasers that there was a drill working on the land. . The trial was adjourned V 4 yes terday afternoon until iMo...ay aft ernoon, v Kiwanis Club Settles Business Problems Everything was strictly businoss at the regular meeting of the Kiwanis cluh at Hotel Rome yesterday noon. Various business problems were discussed and settled. . ; Several new members were wel comed by President K. D. White and given instruction in Kiwanis spirit. Will lleatherington and his Ki wanis orchestra plaved several special selections. Singing was led by Harry Disbrow, one of the club's soloists. Majority of Cops Prefer to Walk Beats at Night Only 44 out of 106 patrolmen pre fer to walk their beats by day. ac cording to assignments for April an nounced at police headquarters yes terday. A ruling effective today permits senior officers to choose any of the three eight-hour shifts. Shotwell Will Ask Death Penalty for Slayer of Hahn County Attorney A. V. Shotwell stated yesterday that he would ask y, in acam penanv m me case 01 utto -raOCie.TChargedtth shooting and kill- ' ing KftXyL.tfahn, pawnbroker, in his i Shotwell-will personally conduct the prosecution, assisted by Chief Deputy County Attorney Ray T, Coffey. 1 , 5. Brief City News k 1.K4 II Bcddeo Goes Kast Elmer Beddeo will go to New York eity on Saturday night, to be away . about two weeks on a business trip. To Attend Congress Six Omaha physicians will attend the American congress on internal medicine at Rochester, Minn., next week. Robber Sentenced Joe Knapper, charged with robbing, was lined $1 and given a sentence of six months in the county Jail by District Judge Leslie yesterday. Divorce Granted Chester P. Flag? was awarded a divorce decree In the district court yesterday. He alleged that his wife deserted him In October, 1919. , 1 Wrestler Makes Arrest Mike Stine, professional wrestler, turned policeman Thursday afternoon and arrested Vincent Starr, charging him with stealing a woman's cape. Brooker Stricken Goodley Brook er, 80, former city councilman, suf fered a paralytic stroke on his right side yesterday. He was rushed to a hospital and is expected to recover. Held for Car Thefts Charles E. Cherry, charged with stealing motor cars, was bound over to the district court under 12,000 bond after a hearing in- Central police court yesterday. Lost Man Found Louis Damuth, .. 407 South Twenty-fifth avenue, mlsstne since last Monday. was lo cated by police at Missouri Valley. a., yesterday. He was injured m a; fall not long ago. Guilty of Liquor Charge: Sabas tine Valande was found guilty of three liquor charges by a jury In the district court yesterday. This is said to be the first conviction in liquor cages for the last month. Rob Filling Station Motor ban dits robbed the Standard Oil com pany tilling station at Thirty-sixth and Center streets at 2:30 yesterday morning. No estimate of the loot could be made yesterday. Gives Corn luncheon Members of the agricultural committee 01 me rhimhpr nf Commerce attended a i-nrn luncheon at the home of C. C Beltlea. a member of the committee. yesterday. Three Kinas ot corn bread were served. . Crelgliton Suggested Charles H. i'rihton. son of the late John V, Creighton, and the first trust com panv, have been suggested as ad ministrators for the Creighton estate, according to a petition filed in the county courthouse yesterday. Operates on Dog A night opera tion, performed by r. O. F. Rei hart. saved the life of Tlby, pet dog in the home of Mrs. Alice Jones. S007 Franklin street, Thursday nifrht. it consisted of removing a pork chop bone from the animal's throat. Vnb 'Fmlniiiu Siiicidc Mrs. O. T. :imer. S5. Tsortn iweuucui feet, killed herself by drinking car- c acid to avoid going to a nos 1 Thursday morning, according o an anonymous note tnat reacnea he iolice yesterday. Her husband, a salesman, could not be found. Showever With Presents So manv presents were received by Mr. and Mrs. John Jaeobsen, 49. Ave nue K. at a celebration of their sil ver wedding at the Swedish audi torium Thursday night, that a van was needed. The presents include vnholKtered chairs, huge china cabi- r.'ts. a library table, several sets of ihina and miscellaneous articles. Free Movies for Kiddies Wing Toy" with Shirley Mason. 9 A. M. and 10:43 A.M. ttrf-Nli Au4itaritM Filth TlMr 0) MESS- Nash Cm J EVERYBODYS STORE Gladioli Bulbs Mixed color. Special Saturday, 2c e ach. itfM-NMrwauirt Ur Candy Specials Bittcriweet Chocolate Larger than the ordi nary cream, with heavy bitternwcet coating. Spe cial Saturday at, lb., 56c. Cream Brazils Brazil nuts covered with soft maple or vanilla fondant, lb., 56c. Jumbo Salted Peanuts Large sired selected nuts, fresh and well salted. 2 lbs., 35c. Kum Back Balls Pasteboard ball on rub ber string filled with fresh candy, each, 10c. Burf MS-Nctfc Miiitnlnt Flor OOO Drug Specials Yeutk Craft Hair Tonic, 89e. Cram La Moo, a lemon cream. 39c. Pussy Willow Face Powjer, 39c. "Shie" for eyelashes, 39c. DoubU Vanity Casa, 69c. Cray's Glycarina Tonic, $1.39. Millar' Antiseptic Oil, 39c. Aksorbant Cotton, lb. roll, 69c. Ammonia, pint, 15c. Watarbury's Compound, plain or with creosote, 89c Dr. Hobsoa's Pain Dispeller, 39c. D. D. D., medium size, ordinary strength, 49c BurfM-Nuh Mala Floor OOO Silk Tassels Large tassels of pure silk in black, brown, navy, taupe, green, orange, jade, and combination shades that are of a qual ity ordinarily much higher in price. Our special offer, each, 20c. Burfi-Nh Main Floor New Vestees The success of a suit de pends upon its immaculate freshness. And what is crisper and cleaner than a vestee freshly laun dered? Of net, lace, linen, gingham and pique, in smartest styles, $1.00. BurgMi-Nash Main Floor Collars : Cutfs Many a dress is attrac tive because of its collar and cuff sets of filmy lace or linen. Both Peter Pan and Tuxedo styles are de veloped in - white and sports colors and in un usual combinati ons. Priced, each, 59c. Burcesa-NMh Main Floor Handkerchiefs It's the little things well chosen that make the whole attractive. Ker chiefs are not the least of these. The conservatism of white linen and the radical sports colors plot against one another for public favor, while the colored border around a center of white forms a liberal medium. Priced 5c to $3.25. Burgeis-Naih 'Main Floor OOO Easter Cards that convey the senti ments attached to the day. Dainty cards are made attractive with hand painting and engraving appropriately illustrated and thoughtfully written. - ' Burcess-Naah Main Floor Stationery French lawn, a good quality package paper that is moderately priced. Box of 60 sheets, 25c. Envelopes to match, pkg., 12V'c. Bur(s-Nah Main Floor O OO Hair Nets Gainsborough Hair Nets, double mesh, in cap and fringe, every color, 2 for 25c; dozen, $1.35. Carmen Nets in cap shape, with elastic, all colors, 3 for 25c The New Vaglo Nets, dou ble mesh hairpins to match the hair with each net, 2 for 25c. Cap Shape Hair Nets of human hair, all colors, dozen, 50c. Bmr(sa-Nuk Main Floor Suits : Coats and Wraps Are Here for Easter Choosing The Coats and Wraps Are you choosing a cout or wrap this spring? The timo has come when you must decide. To le sure there's little choice in smartness between the free swinging lines of the cape, and the deep enveloping folds of the wrap. Marvclla, Veldyne, and Corona, in brown, navy, black, .Mohawk, and Sorrento Uluo fashiun the smartest of these. Priced at $65-$7950-$125 Tailored Suits of Tweed The aristocrats of fashion for town and coun try wear. Mannishly tailored straightline tweed3 are more engaging than ever in shades of Copen hagen blue, brown, tan, and rose. Long as to coat, and straight as to skirt, these suits contrive to produce a jaunty out-of-door air, and offer most unusual values. Priced at $25 - $2950 - $35 Burftts-Naah Third Floor If Easter Togs for the Girls Youth Will Be Served mid Smartly The kind of apparel that shares with little maids a disdain for "the same old thing every day" and yet is as simple as th most con servative mother could exact. New Taffeta Frocks $10 and $15 Perky ruffles and bouffant flounces arc made more gay with tiny flowers of silk thread embroidery and with bits of ribbons. Uqual to almost any occasion arc these charming practical frocks priced so moderately. Wool Crepe Dresses $10 and $15 These frocks may be chosen at a price which meets with mother's idea of economy. They are of wool crepe, a new fabric which promises unusual wear ing qualities. In such lovely combina tions as navy with red, light tan with jade, henna with tan and brown with tan. Coats and Capes $10 and $15 By a colorful lining or a bit of silken threaded embroidery one knows these wraps for this spring's very own and by the same token the choice of youth. Plaided and plain capes, swaying fr6m the shoulder box coats, trimly belted about slim girlish waists and the "regu lation" tailored style. Bloomer Dresses Priced 25 Every little girl goes light-heartedly out to play or even visiting in a dress with bloomers to match. Of checked gingham with collar of white that boasts an edge of blanket stitch and corner motifs of hand embroidery. The waist is long and belted; the skirt full and pocketed. The bloomers are 'made with elastic at the top and knees. In red, tan, blue, and green. Sizes 6 to 10. BurfM-Nak Junior Shoo TkM Floor OOO 000 Silks-Dress Goods For the Easter Wearing Marinette Crepe A beautiful crepe the season has brought forth. Periwinkle, Flame, Canna, Radio, Marabelle, Serpentine, navy, black; 40-inch width; yard, . $2.95 Printed Crepe de Chine A favored silk for summer dresses and lingerie. Dainty patterns on white ground. Fast col ors. 40-inch width. Priced, a yard, $2.49 Showerproof Foulards Not to be cast aside for the newer and more frivolous fabrics ; foulard in patterns of light and dark colorings. 40-in. width, yd., $2.95 New Sport Silks Crepe Iowna for sports garments. A rough Qrepe adapted to capes, suits and skirts. All the newest shades. 40-in. width, yd., $3.95 Satin Charmeuse A rich, heavy quality in black, navy, brown, Japan, henna, taupe, pimento, tangerine, jade, pumpkin, Venice. 40-inch width. Yard, $1.95 New Tweed Suitings Suitings of tweed and homespun in the rough weaves and soft colorings so much in demand for spring suits and tailored capes. In 54 inch width these are exceptional values when priced as low as, yard, $2.25 and $2.49 New French Serges The ever-favored blue serge has found that nothing can replace it. We are offering all wool French serge of a rich navy shade in a fine weight quality that is suitable for spring suits, dresses and lighter weight wraps. 54 inch width. Special, yard, $1.95 Burfcn-Naah Second Floor A Remarkable Sale Hundreds of New Hats $5 and ?75 A remarkable group of hats whose style, quality and workman ship justify a far higher pricing. They are of soft straw, glossy haircloth, and colorful Canton crepe. The col ors are: Scarlet Rose Turquoise Jade Cold Periwinkle Tan Quaker Gray On some clusters of bright flowers bob gayly, others are be decked with patches of vivid embroidery, and still others are trimmed with ribbons, crisp and novel ornaments. Burgesa-Nash Hat Shop Third Floor Newest in Blouses For Tailored and Sport Wear Very Special Saturday $2 With youthful suits of jaunty cut, one must wear a blouse that is equally naive and ingenue. What could better convey youthful simplicity than white dimity with collars and cuffs of checked gingham in the color that best suits one's complexion. All white blouses boast narrow pleated ruffling. The popular Peter Pan, the becoming "V" and flattering Tuxedo collars are developed as illustrated. Sizes 34 to 46. . BurfMi-Nath Bloutt Shop Third Floor OOO Sale of Art Needlework . Of Interest to All Women are these extensive assortments of crochet cotton, knit ting yarns, stamped bedspreads, pillowcases, towels, scarfs, centers and scores and scores of other articles that are sure to interest the lover of needlework. And at these prices, exceptional values. ' 100 Bed Spreads Stamped on the best heavy quality unbleached ma terial in designs adapted to cross stitch or applique work. Special $3.95 1,000 Balls Yarn Shetland floss in summer shades. Special value. "A lightweight yarn that suggests filet sweaters, slip over sports sweaters, scarfs, baby blankets, etc. " Special 25c . BurfeM-Naih Art Shop Sccoad Floor Imported Lisle Hose Plain weaves, light and medium weight. Varioi u l'e fVio cnino nf Hfo an iVin fnllnworc nf fl Dame Fashion will welcome this new shipment of im ported lisles. In plain weave in light, medium and chif fon weights, also in lace boot or allover patterns or the hand-embroidered clox are here for your selection at moderate prices. One popular number in lace boot effect is priced, pair, $1.00. Hand Embroidered Clox Hose, pr. $2.00 Fine lisle hose with hand-embroidered clox in the various sport col ors on shades of brown and gray, also black and white, are distinctive in their newness. . Pair $2.00 BurftM-Naah Main Floor This Store uses no comparative prices they are misleading and often untruei OOO New Oxfords for Spring Priced Unusually Low m " 1 ,. Comfort and smart ness meet in the sturdy lines of these oxfords that bid fair to continue their fashionable way throughout the entire season. Semi-Brogue Blucher Oxford of patent colt with medium military heels, all sizes, an unusual value at $8.50. ' Patent Colt Lace Oxford Blind eyelets with gray quarters; assuredly smart for street wear. Priced at $8.50 Others of the season's smartest styles for street and dress wear are priced $7.95 to $13.50. Burfot.-Naah Main Floor