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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1922)
THE OX AH A BZZ. s 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii f TOME B(B&iSiDy SoawBor Cm mm Three Specials for Girls NewSpring Coats 0? LJ I I, I Tor Children Size $ f ICO zw -ats iit t slit: t i? rtr: r.k f:r x'tis fcixl uli. Jlateruj ire Pal:, t- ciii, ri-fT :; eery ere is rr. Kj'.t; nr'-as t.trrt. cr .: rack azd cape itirzrt tie rrr:p: 15.C-?: priced f:r tij : 9.50 lie fvlU Skirts JiJt SD cf th t'LrJi nxi effr: re Izzt checks ri pliiij ari cri er; sires 6 to O QC 11: special Gingham Suspender Skirts IC-3 iliru ia p checks. pU-ds 1:2 ;lai2 eclcrs: sizes S XI; rr.:ed 1 AA a: iecxJ Fcr Wat Saturday' Sale of 1200 Gingham and Chambray Playtime Dresses More Than 15 Smart Styles for Children 5ck far tit Si Sire 2 to o if 9 Pretty Colors, Including Blue, Pink, Tan l Mad cf firs Armies.? grg'r-a.r3 az.d sneetfi eh a.:: rays fj thesis cr plaid trni -w-ti sheer crrardie ec-Ears ad ecf " iBw- Sc- ire parte effects urith elastic it the tree finished -th z. c-ffi. rar- r3"r friL TTrri Terr Esrf Saturday Specials in Hosiery for Women and Children Far Women Silk Hose in New Spring Shades T i2 fssaie5, risk iraKe sales ic ids .z4 i ffmrter twps, ia T CTt O CA sia-i, msi rate. Pet ja-, Thread Silk Hose For Children New Half Socks Wiia B!Trisei seeks. isk Kadc. trsTE. ii r fee stktx r: u pa. Ot2j a price. Per psir. Black Cat Hosiery For Bout end Girls Flafx rr -a.!r?eia-rwJ cixis. -5.e fceeS ' A. Sse srrerise4 fecse wrti docile rs i tews. A icw fcaSaa sIks are i-clide-i. j icf erwi bed ai Tby Tear Ts4errs2- Irrrfi.-t t a i-'S prae. 1 OQ lj aaa rise jct iJ ess laae. Sllr Asrx riixr Aoda Per ja-r. New Arrivals, in Jewelry- a ia&ae-Bri swsfc i eSetss rri tajs tie rsi e st-er frisre; .scscare siases i'a .yiaai r dcttJ fraaes. A beaxtifii prw? t feac?; jS, , as Ta.-aes; O Q C Fr:i Cray SSvcr-Rs!4 Corfes OrVrla,! asd cscrric3sal &rl3s fx?feeii ti QQ teg pesffa-gt aSrer tasBel, Bock tW "iit ?(c&7 !Wrr!i Kaj lid wiite a all the rae tia ta.;,".g. We are shr- iaeeaa2y prkrei at , ! 1 tiEs fixisfcea -wiS. peraart tassel, Airt Floor Esst Saturday Two Art Department Sales 1 1 Stand Work Baskets Marked for Quick Clearance These ire of inpe-rte-i sirjrr, rafSa and spirt "i;ksx in. rr-srd cr orur-rcil shapes. Xitzral cc-lcr tis ksts -Lh. tri -f-gs is Glides. Correriert ha -f 'f for fifn' y ait-s ChwV a T- q-artitj: i reIir 5.C"0 nlt;e prlred f:r clear- Decorated Bread Board and Knife Oblerg trsai hoards d-ercnte-i ia a Tiritj cf attne- cre coicrs. Its tisdle cf tee krife is dex?i ta natch the board. Per set, Tiki Fhvr Wg 25 1.50 Be "Wool Puller's Day" "Tl are t ira' Or TT7 I I ati a Itf ti A - '- J" Or sf Z N ri"y 'Jx: ..- s jt s5 arl s8 aiv- ts f is f tr-t a tia t r.i i j-et: craa.;ra. ' ta M trr !- T-T? ta tha a:i ta tws.t at a yr;ni?f a? r-?crtrr.'7 :rr r-- Sa tiT. i-ur " ArrJ iji rr ais ttr axit -. faar ti l.zZa -oel psln" ta sir ara. frts tie Hctr ti zr iara ir2. i't tr r-" io4 ;r sj ar.i ai tcr4 tar nai t iKLi ttrr :m a tia i.ara ti eirer Tt r2.ier ia Ejs ax2 isr tia eikre- iirj;-i. Jrr tie tzr ii ixxrx zz bzrttzM trz. - tre rrrr ci ra :rC tat k ,.? it? be, f:r tie ea?:;-.y t l fit ti cr?l e5-d.r:t, Jtrf nerj tf tsej rrarJo. ZxrTt re i' as IU r- 'h:' yes w-JZ tug sn tf tre rta izz ei ; Jrr ti isis M tT ceased t fi4 e-jeasre rs tie 'r bare lort ti capac.Tr t " tiat a rFr i' tg 'teii tie cisoia. . Brendiis & Sorts, New Spring Styles Higher Quality Plus Lower Cost Eveiy.Wi here for you the newest in styles for and your.? r.en. Tnere's r.or.e finer than Hart Schaffner & Marx; . low prices that make Q'y a real economy, for Men Satisfaction or money lT- W rac.-c and Young Men Buster Brown Show at the Brandeis Theater 9'30 A.M. and 11 A.M. Saturday Crf Fres Ttdh n S DeiLThcl RocrEcsi Toilet Goods and Drugs 39c 36c 89c 5c 4c 23c 75c baported Razor Blaiea Made fcr nxcrs; per parkins cf 12, 50c Prsaodeat or Listeria Tootk Paste, -15'a Lilac 6 Fraace, , L060B, 10c Cremc OQ Soap Earh, 9c Col7t'a Skainx Soap U. S. A. szrplzs : p-er caie. $1.00 Larorsa, ii He Farkaa'i Pasta, 15c Slari Caata LOO Lstrra at AmWy Siaicra P. Fae 69c 42c 10c 79c 69c 44c Mavis Tauct Water, "7Q 19c 25c 1.69 98c 14c 2Sc Djer Cm Tai- 1J S3a oa. Bottk tW 90c FWi Eaa 75c Wfe RlKr Sk!caf.Txri. 59c Pmjal Tiactie TaotkEruae, aaecaZ, 2J Aycr'a Lax- US9 Cstea Maxacsrc Seta. WsSta.' Tun FawaW, US Westaal AaSanb Hair Temac. Cjer Eias Sacaet, Ci I 1ana Leaaea Saay, 3 6T lC; st, per caie, ' Aaaeu T l aw Cream, special. C Java Kir, at S9c Dora Aakea f at 6Sc Ooaa's Eaey PSa, 69c 125 InorW 35c 75c 39c 39c 44c 45 c 1.19 69c 49c 33c 49c 19c 37c 45c 50c if Cream, OO ! 1 Come and see the New Sport Models, the New 4-Button Suits, New Dou ble Breatters, New Top Coat Models and Stylish Gaberdines. All very new and smart spring fabrics. Specially featured at 35.00 40.00 45.00 and SO. 00 Gaberdines Tbey re dcoEmosIysriart and exceptional TS-nes; belt narcai; tf-xliOO new xan shades. 20! Good Values in Boys' Clothing 25c N3 Snua, at 53c ' Sai, at 75c Vclvetiaa Skia 5eaaBer. Faater'a Two-Trouser Suits Made .cf aU--wooI mtertals, serss fcr Eister 95 ccrrrAct. Tf; r or soya o to 10 jra. Two-Trouser Suits Xi-a-'i the trie t ret So lis ue-w Sprt sit EeS arpryrj't t-t-e cf tieae ssart Eew tai- rarei rrwes. easEiseres ef Teissr cicki Sil Tb-y're eirept-sral -raise. Fs? beya t 0 Is T-ears. Fc-srth Floor V rswt 3ae s liauA AfiEi iTiJcr Wed. ar-d lasjes, Mack, irrax. ttaL Tokctara mf Ioaa, rer pa3re. Esmmb Saia, per Q pussd. " OC Fwrir Irea' Qanafae Stryck- siae Sarixf Taaac, QO 4 ffsaces. OOC FvwQexe4 Hraaa( a atsces. 1-09 MTi Face IT Pa. 4 C 15c 19c Saturday Continuing the Sale of Entire Stock of Wolfs No. 3 Store Consisting of Men's Furnishings, Hats and Caps Wolf Co. Sold at a Great 1 w A loss: On sale here ci about v2 Price Men's Fnrnishingt Sfzzt Floor Sczlh Hats end Caps Fourth Floor T key re Delicious Try Em Cocoanuts Just lecctTed a akipineatt of fme frvaa cocoata. Each 5c 5000 Home Grown Roses Rssaels Ophelias PrcsEsxra Cohmibsas . Red Rosea Each Mzzn Fl$r Xsrth 5 c Specials in Candies Peco Flake A crispy flaie, nade ci cf cifp-p-ed cc-ccart ard Spasisi pearzts. Special, pr poTT'd, Cocoaact Balls Rolled ia Nets Fresh irto tails ard dipped ia a Taril car.e spar fill 19c cocc-ir.-t rolled a cr chocolate ere an t. ties rtuied. in chopped rrs. Special, per pc-src CT-tocoIate Better Sweets aad Siss MZk Ckocolales DeikkfZS ciocolates ,-rii creary fri ard rrt . certcTs; pjtjied a pozrd tois; fpeciii. per bcx. . 39c ales d rrt 40c . They're Pretty and They're Practical! New Strap Slippers and Oxfords It takes the sxtistic teach. 2nd boundless rnainstioa to produce the . constsritlT Trpng stream of ne-r -slippers and cufcaTls contiirsally com izz in. In cc'ribinations of leather, vrth ornamental as well as csefnl MS strap's high and low heels shoes for every taste. Black Kid Oxfords Brown Kid Oxfords Brown and Tan Calf Oxfords Patent Leather Oxfords Patent Strap Slippers f ) Per vLA Pair Patent Strap Pumps Tan Calf Oxfords Broun Kid Oxfords Patent Leather Oxfords Flat Heel Slippers Patent and Grog Com- ! binations i 1 Satin 1-Strap Slippers j Patent Slippers tritk j Side-Gore A Complete Line of Buster Brown Shoes For Boys and Girls Ttr Flow Es