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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1922)
It THE BKF.: OMAHA. SATURDAY. APRIL 1 Wi. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Live Stock ' Omaha Grain lt...lli r. ; Vri,.i tli..l Milo, 4 t.t ...,.! Thi.4,,., lilt iui .4. ... I ) 9l u IKe 141 U.I ! tiM d. I . M" jl . U. 1 - 41 til ,r -It J' t'itt lies til nil ! t.'l II ;l ti ! ; u t HI l.M I -IK t IM 1 ! t 94t i tl ill t Hii-l d in uf II i '" t Ik. ,u,i (-. k IIHi.lia. II burnt ti.. H( i i m u.i.h ;i, Iir.i MrM i Alia tVil llus l CM i. I i UsiM.b H H .. . I I mun IV it'r H. l ... ... I' N. w, lit , ...i ..... ', H W t . r M, r. I', t u l' , ' . .... n. M .. . m i. r. I . V 1 I'. IMIkaW 'al Mr U. W. To'al I tl I 1 rm H"t :s i,4; i.m t m i .... .; a.t ! ,ii 4-i 1 t.i .... i . . , , , ... J :'.:: :::: . . . . . 1 i .... :i ,, .... . . . . i it it 1l .... u 4 Tit i.i-i .l Aromer I' ..... . n.l rtrtial t o. Ii rim. to Mem I kg C... ,. (Witt In J W. Mutfh, l.iaruta) J'kt, . . . Midwest I'kg. ',,. mail I'M tfeaiua tea Bant, tt. 94 . i W. II. Cb-k t ariMi tt tun.. .. Iwanw ftaiMK,. .) llarv.v llnaUlK.r Uljsvr T J. laahtaia.,,,. Y. , uiit r. r. uii J. 94. Ita Co.... bulliva Mro. tuber bayata 'aa l-ka la bnllaf iMa. aula nri") pt. , I. Sot iin.l Catlla tu 4:4 nul aliow aay quuiabla chauaa ikla mniM. Uooil fat ataata, auaa n4 bvl(r aoll nulla raadily at fully aaa4y aruaa .wblla plain anil inailium raaat wara aluw al' yrairnlay'a rtatlini1. Mljr a ttw aiuakara and f-df m wra uii aala aa4 tbny aulil ataaily. Comprd wlib a wark a bat coaa and baifara a4 a fw of Ilia boat ahlain( ataara ra a lit 11 blcfcrr, but olhar araiix ara aa taara tbaa alaady and anna of Iba bbiia aad Hiaillunt Iwvh ara aalll( alKhtly luaar ttun Ut ark, nuatalmaa aa rattla: Uoud la choir b'vvra, I.76a a.4u; fair tu (nod bevvea, b7.7t; cuiaaion to fair bvavea, Ik to ai; goi.d t rholr vrarlliiit. 17. toy aid; fatr ta rand y-arllana. i;.oat7.kit; - i wim ta fair yaarlnio, l.ta)7.0Ui a al ta rbolca brirra, t7.auV7.ta; fair to koad kaifira. I.tutt ti; cholra to prima cowa. It; luyt ;i: good to cholra ioa. 14 la ; alr to koikI roa, !.; J i; oiHiuaa t fair rowa. $:.tw4.:i; (und to knli-a frrdrra. (( 7. to; fair to aood fadrr. lii.'Ji) t.i; ronimon to fair f-ad-ara. ti.'btja :; iooiI to choir atiM-iirra. I7.07.7a; fair to auod atorkrrn, la.tiia; 7 09; rammon i fulr atockara. li.7SI.Ji; nock balfpra. ld'; toon cowa, II. CO uti.ii; atnik (alvaa. S.I)H7.7&; vaal alvea.; bulla, alaga. ttc. 13.40 So. 24.. It.. , !.. 31.. 21.. Av. ...1lt ...l:e ,...15i .. ,,,.! BKKI!" IT. 7 IS 7 to 7 61 I STEKRS. No. . :i 11 II II Av. .lo . 121'T .Uii .nut Tr. 17 35 ' 1 45 7 0 I li It. 11 7......1t , 1 114 2i mi M T 144 I li 4 ii TKBa and HEircn.o. . idl t 11 1 1' cows. J li i S 00 71 6 1121 6 40 60 1 lilt i 73 15 ( to 7. 7 HI VTlH-KEim AND rECDERS, II 716 16 KULI.S. l 17: t l mt W(tn ilwatsta, 4.70 bead. Shlpaara bought, a few loads at prion ruling : atcady ta 10 kujtaor tkaagii tha graeral rloas wrath Tha llgiit ham cold from 9.70QI.M with a toa prlco t 111.08. lllmd lead and autcbar we4Ma. S.76. anit packhtv gradra 9.iW(j'9.69. Rh mttrraa -baavtiw tl.6IS9.CI.' Bulk of uibn, .Hjr.. HOG ft. ,b' Tr. N. Av. k. .. 1 41 70..27S 16 ... t 65 64..27I 4 .. ' t 5 79..2a 4t Jfo. Av. W..2J3 M..2.M 4-S..27I 3-..!l 13. .224 I 75 It 16 10 tt S3..JS 17. .IX Pr. !1 6 tt I 7t I It 9 tl Srreep Reclp4a, 4.8 bad. Tha fat lambs market today ruled rnaatly Sic toww wHb balk of fat wooled lamha gvll In at 14.251S.OO, with the latter top Trlel fr the day. No choice heavy, weights were lnduJed la tody'a receipt Clipped iambi sold at 118.09 and sheep hrere abaut steady, somf fair quality ewes aellin at "0. ' '' Kamsati City Mrratovb. Kan flty, Mo., March 31. Cattle Kecolpts, 0O head: all claaaes. steady: mixed yearlings, 17.65: quarantine steers, li.S64f 6.25: better grade cows. I6.606X.00; , heifers, $7.60; choice vealers, 18.60: light Texa feedors. 16.00 06.26J few na tives, 18.65. Hoes Recelptax 1.500 head; market opened steady; closed lOo to 16c lower than yesterday' average: bulk, llght-weig-h-t to shippers, 10.0010.05; top, tli.06; bulk, .( 10.00; packers paid alO.OO early; closing sales; 10u to 15c g-poa z.o to 24u-pouna weignis atocK pigs, steauy; cnoice Omahi. Mirth JI. HCrU of whrJt i! I-Xal l"fkft rre only 1'' cart. (omtarrt) with ') trt )rtrrday ami 2 tart Ut it4r, l oin, $i (f,t jtij otlirr M't. Twtal ffiri'U of all kinJt of Itram rr 8'i (art nJ romparcJ with 14 r ago, TtiUl ihip' mrtit wrre hray, at J47 ear. comar4 with 7. rar ut yer. rHuftwn of aHotit I rent per ruh t in Canatin rprt frei.-ht rate on whrjt Mat announced to uke ef frU April Jt. A prominent private ttaiutnun ettimatrt the conditiun of uiutrr whrat at 787 per cent, at CoitipatasL ith ,t ptr cent Ut Vt cemlirr.vri'l raiimatfi the crop at 5i,imi(JIiI bq.lirU. at coiiiiarftl with S.7.iM).un tiu.hrU Ut December, ait'l tayt the a-rce to be aban- UHtet cannot tie lorecaiicd wtth any orgrrf ot accuracy at tnii ilate. ,C 4h wheat tales in the early i bimi were about unclungcil, but the nurkrt weakened Ulrr and the bulk of the !' were made at price 2c to jc lower than yettcrday. Corn old lie to 'jC lower with f.iir de mand. Oat were weak and told ,ie to J4C lower. ReneraHy i'te lower. Kye wa nominally tmehanged. Wilt! AT. V. "S bard winter: ! rata, tt ?4 So. t bard ainter; I ar. tl 73. 4 bard amltr: I car. f 1.34; I rtr. No (t :i. Nr.. SO. N.i. So. t llnw bard! f rare. II Tl. I aalluw bard: I rar, tl.:. 4 mitad: I tar (durum), II Ot, 5 ilurum: t car lainbti), ( I vl . CORN No. t hlt: 1 rar. tOf, No. 1 hna: 7 rar. ' N, t abita; I rar. 4u'i. No. I yallnw: lara, lie. No. 1 yllow; a rara, llr; 4 rtr. It'Jc. No. I iiilne.l: I rata, 4,c; l rtr tehlp. pera' walahlal. 4tc. No. ! nilteil: I rar fnear )llow. 10c: t rara. 4ac: I rae (aiiippera' weights), 4r; t rar lahlppert' aaighta, old bill), 47 ',e. No. J mined: I rar (apwlat billing), 41 Sc; 7 cars. 4lc: I -r no bill). 47c. OATS. No. 3 white: t rani. :3H. No. 4 while: 1 rar. SSto; t car. Sir. baiitpl while: 1 car, JJn 1 car, l:Sc: I car, itv. OMAHA RUCEIPTS AND KIIIPMENTS. Ii'arloia ) rteclpu Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago W'hant It 40 :t l urn n at ;t oata 115 ID 2 Hi :l Karley I i 1 Mupmanta Today Wk. Ato Tr. Ago Wheat .11 5? J3 Torn 1.... t4 3.1 Oat :1 It 4 lt I 2 H.rley 0 2 1 PRIM ART RHt'KIPTJS AND SHIPMENTS I llurhrla) ttacelpir Today Week Ago Tear Ago Wheat 66H.00 644.000 a'O.noO forn tit.oto 6H5.0O9 607. 000 Oata 4H.OO0 4.16.OO0 312.000 Shipments Today Week Ago Year Ago Wheat 631.000 6J5.OO0 tit.OOO Porn 6S7.O0O 483.000 40i.00 On I a 498,000 612.000 328,000 KXPORT CLEARANCES. "Bushels Today Tear Ago Wheat and flour 23I.Ai I'orn 97.900 34.000 Cata , 133,000 CHICAGO CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Week Tear Today Ago Wheat 8 7 Corn 107 Oat 40 90 38 Week Ago Ago 24 133 69 Tear Ago Today KANSAS CITT CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Whet 12S 78 254 Corn ."1 " 2i Oat tit ST. LOCIS CAR LOT BECEIPTS. Week Tear Today Ago Ago Wheat :;s K9 79 Cr St - 37 34 Oata 25 20 17 NORTH WB8TKRN CAR T.OT RECEIPTS or WHEAT. Week Tear Today Aro Avo Minneapolis Hi 128 - 22 I'uluth 43 69 67 Winnipeg 387 (71 283 Chicago Grain fir CHARLES D. MICHAELS, I.IMb Haw Lm4 Mir. Chicago, March Jl. Mild liquida tion wat on in grain. With lack of upHrt price declined readily and cloaed about the bottom with net lotact of Id.? 7-8c on wheat, uith May leading. Corn wat off l'i I J.Jc, o,ii j oiaa-ic. ana rye. i j-4cii 7-bc The heavy buying of May wheat, which wat mich factor in advanc ing prlcet the previout day, wat con. ipicuout by it ahkence. Local ten timcut wat bearlah, a break of J-4 C't.14 in Liverpool being factor At no time were the active deliverie higher than the hmh on Thurtdiv May howe4 more weaknett than the July at the inid. being off near- ly Jc and the May-July pread nar rowed to 15c at the lat. Private crop report, while failing to khow any material improvement in the condition compared wiih the December, uggrted that the aban doned acreage would not be nearly at large at expected. These report were construed at uearisii. uomri tic milling and export demand were blow. Keceiptt here were 10 can. (ara Trad ItaarUb. Trad In earn mainly waa of a local rl'ataciar benlimant a-narally waa bar Uh. With whrat ak, a daclln was ee.ilv aitalnrd. Tha Movement ahow no aignt of inrraaalng. Haeripi ara small, car., whlla thy dnmaetio and a port demand la light altb ta.os buahel No. i niitud auld to th aeaboard la order to make room. I'rivat report auggrateil that th propaganda ta derraas tha aire. ago for tu new crop I having littl el fa.t. A broader trad was on In oata. That n.arket allowed mora atrenaih than either wheat or corn, du to rontlnued wet and cold weather delaying seeding. This In duced fair early buying hen th hlgheat prlr wars made, but th lt break In other grains mad a fair decline from th top. Tha cloa was eaay. lomeettc ship ping demand slow with sale of 20,004 bUNhWe. Receipt 41 cars. Utile was heard regarding export de mand for rye. With wheat heavy, a d rlln easily attained. Local trader were mora inclined to tak th telling aid. fit Note. Tiurton Hungerford. l.ogan aV Bryan' crop reporter, aumtnarlte th winter wheat condition as follows: "Winter wheat in eastern Ktnaas. Mis souri, Illinois and Indian lit very good condition, good stand and growth, many fields four to six high. Some low land fieiua In thea etatea nav spots where water stood that have a yellow color nnd will niak thin tand or drnwned-out spots. In weatern Kansss, Oklahoma and tha Panhandle of Texas ther la between 1 600.000 and t.tOO.noo seeded acrts that will need perfect weather to mnK a crop." I". M. Goodman or Dement Curtia saya: "Lack of aufflrlent srowlng weather In tha aouthwent make It Impossible to de termine the extent of abandoned acreage Half our rnrrespondente are unable, to eatimat condition of probable abandon ment in the western third of Kaniae. About one-lhlrd are hoping for Improve ment in the western Oklahoma and Texa rerlcn.' Wlr communication with the cast and port of th west were mad difficult bv th sleet storm which brok the wire Datlly In tome sections. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Vpdlk Oraln Co. PO. "627. March SI, Financial ti, tt 16 Art. I Open. I High. I Low. Close. Tea. Omaha Produce lower with g-po at I9.75tj0l86; 1:1ml. Il.Tf. Sheen and Lambs Receipts, 1,600 head; killing prices Steady: 107-pound shorn wethers driven In from nearby feeding station. H,S5j 10-pound Colorado lambs, 115.10; other shorn lambs, 113.00. hlcRgo Livestock. . Chicago, March 31. Cattle Receipts 9.500; generally steady on all classes; quality plain; top, 88.75 on yearlings; best matured steers. 88.60; bulk beef ataers, 97.408. Ot; bulk veal calves, 98.00 CDS. 60. to packers: few handy vealers to shippers. 99.00ifiil0.00. Hogs Receipts. 21.000: lighter weights, 8c to 10c lower: others mostly steady with yesterday's average; shippers bought about 4,0o: closing active; holdover mod. erstely light: top. 810.50: bulk. $9.90 30.40: Bias. lOo to 16o lower: bulk. 100 to 130 pounders. 89. 75 1-0.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, t.000; ahorn lambs strong to 25a higher; wooled lamb steady; sheep steady to 10c hlglrer; top, wooled lambs. S la. 50 ; top, shorn, 9t3.7t; ahorn wetners. ll.aitAifl 1l; few stronger welgbt wooled ewes, J9.00SS.25. Sioux City Lire Stork. BlUllt ViJ, 13I-, M.llll O.. -nui ceipia, 4, 1 uu nu; inarni'i lie inner; leu avteers and yearlings, 17. 008.50: warmed .up steer and yearlings, 85.007.00; fat cows and heifers, 94.00)7.00; cannera, J.5lg)4.00; veals, 85.009.60; feeders, j. 00(i7.00; calvs, I4.57.25; feeding cows and heifers, 93.505.'O; stockera, 95.00 7.00. Hogs Receipt. 6,000 head: market weak, 10o lower: butchers, J9.50$9.7O; atags. 88.256.60r lights, J?.8O9.S0; heavv mixed, 99.009.60; heavy packers, 9,26'J8.50: pigs, western, 910.10; bulk of sales, 99.5009.76. ' Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6.00 head; market steady fi, auI. l.lvMtnelr. Eaat St. Louis. 111.. March SI. Cattle Receipts. 600 head: steers steady to atrong; ether classes steady; bulk, beef steers, 16. 804J7.15; bulk beef rows. 94.75'5.75: bulk, good to choice light rest calves, I5.l08.50; top. vealers. $8.75. Hogs Recetpta. 9.00 head; opened 15c to -Oc lower; closed 25o to 30c .lower; medium weights off most: top one load. E 10.46; practical top, 910.40: bulk. 1H0 o 230-pound averages, 810. 15 10.40; ulk 240 to 280-pouuders. . $IO,0010.10; pios.'lOo to 25c lower; 99.25f210.25; pack er cows steady. Sheep Receipte, 200 head: steady on few odd bunches here,. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo.. March 31. Wheat Close. Mov. 91.19 H; July. 91.10 H; Septem ber. 91.03. Corn May, 61Hc; July, 55Hc; Septem "ber, 58 Uc St. Louis Grain. St. v Louis. March 91. Wheat May, l.iH; July. 91. 14. Corn May. 66ic; July. 69 fc. Oata May, J7Vic; July, 40c. Kansas City Produce. Kansa City. Mo.. March 31. Eggs, Sutter and Poultry Unchanged. ' Thing Feultry. Chicago. March 31. Poultry Aliv. hither; fowla. 27c; tpiinga, 30c; roost era, 19. New York Poultry , New Tork. March 21. Llvb Poultry t'lrm; broileis, by express, S5xc85c; loals, . 4'cc; dressed weak (owls, 22$ 33c. Furnished by stst ot fcebri partment ef agriculture, bureau at air- keu aad marketing: LIVE POULT RT. Whole. Whole Is Bavin Pr. aWilllnff Pe Stags 10 iriwjn ?i in tumtn j Springs 20(g) .26 .26 IP .20 Hens, light ' ,20W .25 ' .23(h) .27 Hens, heavy 20 .25 .27 Cocks , 13 .16 .1448 .18 Rucks 18 .22 .2li .85 Oeese 10 .20 .13 .20 Stags .. Springs Hens ,. Cocks ., Duck , Geese ,. Turkey DRESSED POULTRT. EGGS. .54 .28 .27 .17181 .24 .1 5il .35 .54 .22j .20 .lit .25 .20 .20 8U.0012.OO 7.00 8.50 11.00411.60 9.5010.60 7.00 9.60 8.00 9.60 7.00 8.00 20.0021.00 18.00(iiil9.00 15.00017.00 12.00CT14.00 10.00611.00 8.00 9.00 00 Select .... No. 1 No. 2 Cracka Eggs, case count, per case 'f .456.75 BUTTER. Creamery, prints Caeamery, tub Country, best 22 .23 Country, common .17 .19 Fat, Sta. price... .28 Hy. Prairl No. 1 upland... No., 2 upland No. 3 upland . ... No. 1 midland No. 2 midland No. 3 midland No. 1 lowland No. 2 lowland Alfalfa, choice No. 1 Standard No. 3 No. 3 Ont Btraw Wheat straw..... 7 on FRUIT8 AND VEflBTAHr.wa Fruits Bananas,- per lb., 7HI. Orahgea: Size 216 and larger. 86.758.00; els 250, 86.768.00; size 288, 97.007.75; six 324, 9?.007.76. Florida tangerines, per box, 93.00. Lemons, per box, 96.00 7.60. Grapefruit, per crate, 3.?55.50. Apple: Delicious, according to size and grade. J3.50f 4.50: Rome Beauties, ac cording tq size and grade, 92.50fjit.25; Black Twig, according to aize and grade, 33.00; WincsHp, according to size and grade, 1.753.75; Arkansas Blscks, ac cording to size and grade, 82.854.00; Ben Davis, according to size and grade, 32.763.0O; Newton Pippins, according to site and grade, 32.60 3.25. Strawberries, crates, 24 pint boxes, 5.60; quarts, 50 60c. Figs: California, 24 pkgs. 9-oz.. 82.25; bulk. 1516e. Vegetables Potatoes: Nebraska Early Ohio No. 1, per cwt., 31.76; Minnesota whit stock, per cwt., 82.00; Colorado and Idaho whites, per cwt., 2.00 3.25; Red River Ohio stock, per cwt., 82.003.5O; Colorado Brown Beautiea, per cwt., 92.00 2.25. Sweet Potatoes, per bu 81.76 2.50. Clery. dox.. 75c81.85. Lettuce: Leaf, per doz., 7590c; head, per crate. 85.5066.60. Onlona: Red, per lb., ttj'lnc; yellow, per lb 8ai0c. Onion Sets, per bu., 92.253.00. Cauliflower, crates, I2.502.76. Cucumbers, hot house, per doz., I3.50if3.00. Carrots, per lb.. 2'i 3c. Turnips, per lb.. 3jc. ramnlps, per lb., 383ic. Beats, per lb.. 33c. Cabbage, new Texas, per lb.. 3 4c. To matoes: Crates, 34.005.00; lugs, $3.60 4.00. Young Southern Radishes, per doz., 75c31.00. Toung Southern Carrots, per doz.. 90r1.00. Young Southern Beets, 90ce1.00. Young Southern Onions, per doz., 7o9nc. Young Southern Turnips, per doz., 91.00. Spinsch, per lb., 11c. Brussels Sprouts, per lb., 25c. Shallots, per doz., 65075c. Green Peppers, per lb S035o. Parsley, per doz. bunches. 45c 91.09. HIDES AND WOOL. Beef hldea: Green salted No. 1. per lb., 66c; green Baited No, 2. per lb., 45c; green hides. No. 1, per lb.. S34c; green hides. No. 2, per lb.. 2 3c; green salted (old stock), per lb.. 23c; green alted bull hides. No. 1, per lb., Jc: green salted bull hides. No.' 2. par lb., 2c. Horse hides: Large, each. 32.50; me dium, each, $2.00; small, each, 81.50; pony and glues, each, 75c 81.00. Sheep pelts: Green salted, as to sire and wool, each, 60c31.00; shearlings, green salted, a to six and wool. each. 6030c. .Vool: Choice fin and balf-blood, per lb., 92027c: medium or thrse-eighta-tlood, per lb., 20023c; low and quorter-blood, per lb, 17t19c; burry wool, per lb. it 12c. Wht. May July Sep. Rye' May July Corn May July Sep. oms May July Sop. Pork May Lard May July Ribs May July 'I I I 1.35 I 1.35 1-84V, 1.18. 1.19i 1.18V,:.. 1.12 1.03 .94V, .59 .68!. .921 .64 ,37Vijl ',59'iV .41 U I 1.12i 1.03 .94 Vi .59 I. .62 HI t .37, 1.5214 i.iY' i.'nii 1.01 4 .92 1 1.32H 1.32' 1.17, 1.178, 1.11 U .57 i I.. .6m .4i ?J 3SI .40 I .39 .41U .40H 1.01 '4 .92 , .67 8, I .6U, .63ii .36i .38 tl ....I.. 10.50 10.85 110.66 110.20 110.65 110.20 10.47 10.73 10.65 10.15 10.47 10.72 10.69 10.15 1.85 1.85 1.19 1.19S 1.12S 1.12 V 1.03S .94 '4 .68 .69 .62 'i .64 .37 ".39 .41 18.79 10.60 . 10.95 I 110.77 10.27 Bten Weoi. Boston, March 31. The Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will say: "There is a little more buying of wool, chiefly In a speculative way aa the week closes, but at prices showlno- some slight declines from those of a week ago. On the whole thtPmarket still is quiet. From the recent top price values now are down about 6 to 10 per cent In this market. The situation at the mills is very much mixed and with the strike outlook bad and the demand for cloth very limited, there is little In the Immediate prospect to encourage business. The manufacturers still are doubtful about the tariff out come, also, which of course, does not help business especially. "A little consignment business Is re ported from Arizona, but otherwise the west is quiet." ffhe Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will publish wool prices as follows: Wisconsin, -blood, 3687c; H-blood, 35c; ,4-blood, sic Scoured basis, Texas, fin 12 months, 91.05; fine 8 months, 90c. , California, northern, 91.05; middle coun ty, 95c; southern, 80c. Oregon, eastern No. 1 staple, $1.06 1.10: fine and fine medium combing, Sl.Oo; eastern clothing, 85c; valley No. 1. 90r. Territory, fine staple choice, 81.06 1.10: Ij-blood combing. 96c$1.00; , blood combing, 75c; li-blood combine. 6263c. Pulled, Delaine, $1.05; AA, 95c; A supers. 80 80c. Mohalra, best combing, 3S37c; best carding, 2336e. ; Bradstreet's Tsade Review. New Tork, March 31. Bradstreet's to morrow will say: " curiously mixed, In fact, decidedly spotted condition exists in trade and in dustrial lines as tho country enter the shadow of the coal strike. First and foremost, thero appears the same Indif ference to this threatened labor trouble previously not noted except In the Im mediate neighborhoods of the mines where union miners are expected to strike, where trade buying is and has been restricted. Owing probably to the lateness of Easter- and the widespread stormy weather of the week, rain, hail, snew and cold being noted In different sections, reports from Jobbing and re tail trade in wearing apparel, furnish nga and spring attire generally are noth ing to get excited about while primary markets for oottons. silks and woolen be tray the same unsettlement previously not ed with trading largely on the quiet side except In the case of exports buying of sheetings and some other heavy cottons Induced by recent price cuts. Trading for the far future in the apparel lines, In fact, appears cautious, except in the novelty lines. Raw wool is easier In rrice and there is a reported fear that New England may involve important wool en and worsted interests." Weekly bank clearings, 89,r56,64,000. New Yorit Cotton. New Tork. March 31. The tone con tinued steady and business was quiet in today's cotton market until the later trading wheo, under scattered local of ferings, the list alipped off somewhat from last night's closing level. Trade calling and aoattered Liverpool buying helped to boost the list 6 to 14 points early, but the market was unable to hold the gain in the face of renewed local liquidation. At mldsesslon the list was about net unchanged. The bullishness of weekend statistics checks the afternoon decline, and the market closed within a point or so of It low, 7 to 10 net lower. Spot was quiet, 5 points decline; I8.IO0 for middling upland. southern spot markets were: Galves ton, 17.45c. 10 points Tlecline; New Or leans. 16.63c, unchanged; Savannah, 17.13c, unchanged: Augusta, 17.13c, un changed; Memphis, 17c, unchanged: Houston, 17.40c, 6 points decline; Ltttle Rock, 16.75c, unchanged. w Tork Dry Coods. New Tork, March 31. More strength developed In the cotton goods market to day and print cloths were uuoted He a yard higher on wide constructions. Yarns continued dull. Silk ribbons of a novelty character moved better, but silk fctures were steady. Burlapa took an other Jttmpao 6.2c for lOH-ounce. 4a inrh Roods. 'jHen'e weak markets ahowed a belter By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES, Umm turn lm-4 Wit. New Vork, March 31. The inter, ruing movement todav wat in the money market; not the" advance of ttokk exchange call money rate to 5 1-i per cent, which wat puicly an incident of quarter day preparation, but the downward tendency of ttreii ratet on time money. There wat tome diversity m Quotation, but at the clone it wat evident that loan on collateral running out in tw6 inoiiilit had gone, in come iu-tancei, at low at 4 I-4 per cent, which wat note worthy a the firtt time tliit year mat rate tor tune loam nave been lower than the federal reserve bank' icui.cnunt rate. 1 lie change mere ty indicate a general rend which wat reasonably marked out belure hand and which it likely to go furth er. Thi condition found ttriking re flection in today' market for the Liberty bonds, of which the fourth 4 M', the inane meet largely held by iuvetor. tcorcd the somewhat extraordinary advance for the day of virtually J-4 points. I lie price reach ed WW. whereat fJH.20 wa the t)ighc9t ever reached up to the be ginning of March. It might be ar gued that the mere' fact of time loan drifting toward 4 per cent and with the ictory 4 J-4 1 seilmir on cit than a 4 per cent basis, would mean that the 4 1-4's ought to tell around par. Mora Adiaiir tjtrly. In th earlier hour another vlcorou. advance ocrurrvd In the sto. k market. It nrougnt ronld. Tallin sales rrotn specula llv source later on and nun reaction ensued. N't change for the day wer therefor Irregular, with scattered d nines, but th general closing: wat abov thm of th day before. Hallway atneka mad moderate gain. Foreign etchang rate went allghtly higher, but th rhangee wura unlmuort- ant, except fur a sharp percentage recov ery In th mark, which, got to .005 today, aa against Tuesdty' low point of .(io:93;. The apathclla movement of the other Kurojiean exchanges, on th eve of in titima conference, ha attracted com ment. Hut then, no one would describe the stork market a "reflecting" In ad vanc th coal strike srhrdulcd for to morrow, Th week-end merrantll review jir again more Interesting for ahat tbvy do nut ten us than for what they do. All of tnem repeat the familiar story of "mixed ' conditions with hopes ot better thing t ut. except for the steel trad, without via Ibl signs of It. Such report still read a they did a month or nior go. when one week after another merely repeated "bet ter feeling" not translated into forward purchases. Situation Perplexing. This, In Its way. Indicate the perplex ing circumstances of the business situa tion, which Is still so largely governed laa In textile Induatiy) by th mutually de structive Influences of a raw material tending towarda higher prices, while con sumers will submit to no advance In fin ished goods. How far this reflects ab sence of th usual buying power under the widespread unemployment and bow far the difficulty of changing the popular hahlta contracted during the consumers strike, could not easily be proved. At the same time, it must always be rememoeren tnat such laminar financial weather signs as bank clearings. Iron and steel production and volume of railway traffic are much more apt to predict con- nuiona wntcn nave not yet developed tnan to reflect the position of the moment. In so complicated a business sltuitlon and with the export trade so curiously out of joint, It i difficult to Imagine precisely what course revival in trade would take, even If temporary in character. But the traditional indices of revival are now vir tually all present. In more or less empha tic form. To complaints that their fore cast Is not yet fulfilled is complaining of mo uarunirirr, cerause in, weamcr or to day and yesterday is at variance with It, i ti tit IK4 . tiV ! Ill ,1 tWb, U,. .... II' tir, li.jt Tt,,, t !, ". t ail. l'.ki- .... I1 tut. ti k US li'l tl- ...I rapt) 3 84, l niim ,,,, s.b-n.,1 ,, j,- 11,4 fil ....!' tr, ToU-i ,.,,! I !' I: ,i. L.4 tl M'4 i, Phil, t u. iS IC I S fuHin.a i;t' i:i :- P. A. Uar II ! tj 44' kx. I, H. buses, , t H.W.I ki.u.a ,,, tk 4t 44 "S sup, ail wl Jl' V !,, 9", i, i. r.,.. js ts ir I'bew,... it , as It ii Tout mim. I.ltl.t akar-a Uourv 4'ie. t( wr kbi; ThiMlf iluM, 4't i ei Urk CI-. .15c I THur4r timt. .loll..'. Krtii Cloa. ,ttlr Thvaday rlo, ., HitntHt Via. 9l3i Tttuttd? eta. 14 il It l ai-o l' IH is., tl tl II I I at) nt I , i S (l l hi. ,..(. i st', t i I fait, T,H ... r- l-l I't II 111.4 !'( !;' 1-4 I I' M K..I a ! , t4 tti, ', : u ttukiM i !'. ti us t i' i.-i i ii ii ii t t'lk few J I tl', ', II', t ir t,r b .... !, pi US II n bi .i I.,, tl tt I WiM l.l U tl l t Wt silMtiw ..! tS it Wtku-4 fcl I !', 14' lS a w m I. K r. IS . S 'S JS t w i pa il la , ', t ', Wti.. t ISt,. tl tl " N. Y. Curb Bonds New York Bonds New York Stocks Range of prices of the loading stocks furnished by Logan & Bryan, 248 Peters trust building: .RAILROADS. ' Thurs. Hlgh.-Low. Close. Clnso. A. , T. & S. F.... 9797'i 91b 974 B. & 0 42 40'4 41 4 4i Can. Paclflo 137 136Ti 136i 137'4 j. ventral ( an, si sxis. unes. & Ohio 63 Mi Great No 72 III. Central 103 K. C. Southern... 26 V4 Lehigh Valley 60 Mo. Pacific r: N. T. & N H.... 2134 No. Taclfic 761 C. & N. W 71 Fenn. R. R .40 Reading 76 ti C, R, I. & P.... 41 So. Pacific 86 So. Railway , 23 V C, M. & St. P... 23 U. P 134H 134 Am. Car Foundry.,156 15SVI ir.5',1 15514 Allls-Chalmers .... 47'i 46 46 47 Am. Locomotive ..111 110V4 110 110 Baldwin Loco 112',4 110 11144 111 Bethlehem Steel.. 75 73 74 74 Colo. Fuel & Iron.. 30 . 30 SOtt 29 Crucible 68 67 67 67 Am. Steel Foundry 87 36'4 36 S7ty Lackaw'a Steel... 51 U 49 50 '4 49 Miuvaie steel ..... 34ft Ji'H 34 Pressed Steel Car.. 75 72 74 Vi 7H4 Rep. Steel & Iron 53 62 V4 62 14 52 Ry. Steel Springs.. 98 98H 98'i 98 Sloss-Scheffield ... 41 40 40 41 U. S. Steel 96 4 95 9,i14 95 Vanadium 39 38 38 38 COPPERS. Anaconda 62 60 Am. 0. 6z n. uo... 04 r3 62 "4 62 72 72 73 102 1(12 102 Zf 25 25 60 22 'i 20 76 71 59 75 40 8674 22 23'4 18454 69 22 20 75 71 39 4 75 40 86 22 60 "4 22 21 75 '71 39 75 40V4 96 22 23', 134 1774 28 40 30 27 4 16 15 Cerro De Pasco. . Chill Chlno Cal. & Arizona., Green Cananea Inspiration Kennecott Miami Nev, Con. ...... Ray Con. Seneca 14 Utah 64 OILS. Atlantio Pet 19 Gen. Asphalt .... 61 Cosden 36 Cal. Pet 64 Island Oil 1 Invincible Oil .... 19 Mex. ret. . . Middle States .... 13 Pacific Oil 49 Kan-American Phillips Pierce Oil .. Pure Oil ... Royal Dutch Sinclair oil 35 17 27 . . 40 ' ' 29 27 14 74 14 13 63 18 60 36 52 18 61 6314 36 17 27 40 74 30 27 16 li IS 'A VI 4 13 14 63 63 6114 53 74 35 17 27 68 26 40 29 27 14 19 6074 36 62 1 19 121 119 120 13 49 74 es se 8 31 54 24 55 37 9 3174 64 24 13 49 54 74 26 8 31 63 24 19 60 36 62 1 19 121 1.1 49 65 37 8 31 64 24 Stand. Oil, N. J. .174 174 174 173 Texas Co ...44 44 74 Union oil ....... 17 17 7i White Oil 9 9 MOTORS. Chandler 76 73 General Motors.... 10 10 Willys-Overland... 8'.i 7 Pierce-Arrow 17 1774 White Motor 42 40 Studebaker 114 110 112 111 RUBBER AND TIRES. 17 lf, 17 44 7', 17 9 10 8 17 41 44 17 9 73 10 7 17 40 Flsk Goodrich 40 89' Kelley-Sprlngfield.. 46 45 Keystone Tire IS'i 17 Ajax 17 17 U. S. Rubber...... 63 62 7i INDUSTRIALS. Am. Beet Sugar A., G. & W. I Am. Int. Corp.... Am. Sumatra .... Am. Telephone... American Can.... Central Leather.. Cuba Cane Cuban-Am. Sugar. Corn Products . Famous Players 40 it 74 . 30 29 , 44 43 32 32 .121 121 48 46 , 37 37 , 15 15 22V 22 108 81 'i 40 45 17 17 63 40 30 43 32 17 29 4B 17 17 62 '39 SOVi 444 33 121 120 47 7. 47 37 15 106 106 106 SOU S0 10 General Electric... 156 156 ir.6 156 37 15 2 Ot. Nortb'n Ore... 3674 ,-.6 36 S6 Internet. Harvester 97 96 97 96 Am Hide. Lthr. pfd 69 69 69 70 V. 8.. Ind. Alcohol. 47 4674 47 47 Internet. Paper .. 47 46 46 46 Internal, M M. pfd 74 72 72 72 Am. Sugar Ref... 72 71 72 71 Sears-Roebuck ... 74 73 7474 73 Stromsberg 47 47 47 47 Tobacco Pdcts. ... 62 62 62 61 Worth'ton Pomp.. 52 62 62" 61 W'estern Union .-. 98 West gh'se El 57 57 57 American Woolen . . 8874 S7S 88 87 MISCELLANEOUS. Am. Cotton Oil .. 25 25 25 25 Am. Agr. Chcm... 39 58 3,. n74 Am. 1.1-iseed 33 33 :u Union Bab, pfd. r . .3 (Th Bee i th only Omaha newspaper, which pubbthct th of ficial clot of the Ntw York Stock exchange bond,) New York, Mr. b 51. After alio 1st early h-.naiion, Liberty Imum rum4 tlirir upwsid movement in th bond mar. k. today. Th J. second 4 tad l nt all th t'i unh or rd4 previous butt rwnra nr tn rer, cw In at sains of tt cent per lltt. Kxreptlng Mtltn g'iernmnt. whI Jt re 5 and 4 Poims, lb friga division reactionary or irregular, em s Hem gain in many of th lew priced rail extended front I to t twlnt. New York. WU'hetrr tnd Boston 4 'it led lb ris. There was heavy buying of th vari ous underlving bond of cl producing rampanira, th Impending sink of th nun, is ea-rtlng no adverse Influence. Cel. ten carriers also gained on th mar at tentive movement of thai commodity to market. Total sale (par value) aggre gated tll.17t.H90. I alted mate stead. Sate (In 11.000) High Lew :u Lib 3 tito ii.: tneny it 4 1 Liberty !d 4, 913 Lib 1st 4t Jl.l Lib Id 4' .. 1723 Lib 3d ! 4JH Lib 4th 4 37 victory 34,4 Hi Victory 4a Dos te tl tl 74 tin tl.ll 91 tt ti ;t tt 41 tt 12 II o ti to . .100 04 mo ei ..100.91 109.13 Foreign, (i.veraweat, Wala ad Maairlssil 7 Argentina 6 13 93 99 f City Herns la 113 112 111 2 City Hergen ts ...!" 109 109 4 flty Itordeaux .. 88 t6i II I' IV t'OOen IS4B .. 13 ll S3 61 City t.yona a M 86 14 29 t'ltv Mursallles is .. 96 81 6", 2S City K 1) Jan 9 ..10; toiS 102 14 City Zurich Is 113 112 113 ;t Pert riein 7 ....' ts 3 Dominican Rep is.. 90 90 10 . 13 Do Can 6s II 97 17 17 24 Do Can 1 notei..1on 100 100 38 Dutch E Ind 6a.... 14 IIH tt 54 Kren-h tlnvt 7t..137 10; 102 1.1 French Govt 1 107 106 lt 15 Jap 4 73 74 74 17 Jap 1st 4s to M !", II Kinr Helglum 6s. ..103 103 103 U King Helglum 7t.10k 0 10 208 King Denmark ts.. 98 97 97 14 King Norway Is. ...112 111 111 64 King Sweden 6s. ..100 loo 14 100 4 Rep Chile 8s 46. ...103 103 1"3 It Hep Cuba 6s 44.... 99 9 89 2 Rep Vruguay 8 106 106 106 t Sta Queensland 7s. 10 108 108 25 Swiss Confrd 8s. ...118 117 11774 Z30 KUB1 6'4 Z3...1IICV "' 1 163 VKGHftr 6s 37. .103 108 105 152 VKOIUI 6a 37.. 100 00 99 22 U S Brazil 8 105 105 105 218 U S Mexico 4s 62 49 62 293 U 8 Mexico 5s 61 69 61 Railway and Miscellaneous Heads. 1 Alaa O M deb 6s A 11 11 11 10 Am Ac Ch 7s ...101 101 101 26 Am Smelt 6s 89 89 89 9 Am Sugar ts 98 98 98 41 Am T T COl is. 17 98 97 6 Am T & T cv 6s ..115 114 116 4 Armour Co 4a. 89 98 88 17 A T A S F cv 4k 66 79 79 79 5 A T & S V adj 4s.. 81 . 91 81 8 A T & S F gen 4s.. r? 87 87 - 4 Atl Coa Iiln 1st 4s.. 88 87 88 4 Atl Fruit 7: 35 34 34 126 B & O cv 474s .. 80 79 80 28 B ft O ref 6s .... 82 81 82 20 B & O 6s 98 74 98 98 - 8 Bell Tel Ta 7s ...107 107 107 7 Beth Steel ref 6s.. 93 93 93 10 Beth Steel PM 6s.. 90 89 90 1 Braden Copper 6s 96 96 96 12 Bkl Kill gen 7s SD.107 107 107',; 20 B R T C ct 7s s.. 74 73 74 15 Bush Term Bldg 6s 89! 88 89 1 Calif O & E 5s ... 94 94 94 10 Can North 6s,...109 109 109 23 Can Pac deb 4s ... 7 7 74 7 7 77 10 Ccn ot Ga cons 5s. 95 74 , 12 Cent Leather 6s. . 97 8 Cer d Pns 8s 114 118 Ches & O cv 4s.. 8674 78 Ches & O cv 6s ... 89 1 Chi ft Alt 3 68 6 C B & Q gen 4s... 87 119 C 11 & Q ret 5s 9674 64 C ft E I gen 6s ne. 77 28 Chi Gt West 4s .... 61 71 CM & SP ref 4s 69 64 CM & SP cv 4s.. 66 ' 66 CM & SP CV 6s.... 66 1 C ft N W gen 5..102 102 7 t'nl Kail 68 79 79 ICRIAr gen 4s, . 83 48 C R I & P ref 4s.. 80 7 Chi Union Sta S.113 11374 113 39 C & W I 4s 73 73',i 73 28 Chile Copper 6s.... 86, 86 86 .19 Colo Indus 5s 7374 73 73 23 Colum G ft E 6s.. 92 91 92 101 Consol Gas 7s 109 1I8 109 3 Cuba C Sug cv 7s.. 84 84 84 1 Cuban Am 8 106 106, 106 2 Cuban It R 7s'...102 102 102 10 Del ft Hud cv 6s... 9 4 74 9 4 94 5 D & R O ref 6s.... 44 44 44 80 D & R G' imp 6s... 81 81 81 3 Detroit Edison 6s.. 102 102 102 4 Dlam Match. 7s. ,108 108 108 z;i ii f ae rem Is.iti4 111374 103 95 97 112 95 98 58 86 96 77 61 58 64 65 82 79 95 97 114 85 88 68 87 96 77 61 68 65 68 102 79 83 80 15 Duquesne L 6s. 42 Erie gen 4s 39 Erie con 4s. ..... . 64 Flsk Rubber 8s... 13 General Eleo 6s... 31 Goodyear T 8s 31 3 Granby Mln 8s 7 Grand Trunk 6s 22' Gt North 5s . 50 Gt North 7s . . . 10 Hud ft Man ad1 5s. 81 102 101 102 48 46 4674 62 1 61 106 104 105 99 99 99 99 99 99 91 91 91 !ioi 101 101 . 96 96 96 107 107 107 81 86 14 13 60 95 83 97 6674 105 106 84 84 90 90 91 92 81 86 99 16 13 60 95 83 97 86 1 lilt Cent ref 4s... 86 8 mt Cent 6 99 74 30 Inter Met 4s .... J-S 26 Inter Met 4s ct.. 13 114 Inter R T 6s 61 13 Inter M M 6s 96 74 13 Inter Pap ref 6s.. 83 13 Invincible Oil 8s .. 97 17 K C Southern 6s.. 86 16 Kel-Rprlng Tire 8s. 106 3 Lacka Steel 6s 60. 84 3 Laclede Gaa ref 6s. 90 19 L S ft M S 4a St.. 9271 3 Lehigh Valley 6s.. 101 101 101 2 Liggett ft Mey 6s .. 96 96 96 2 Mar St Ry con 5s.. 89 8 9 74 9 9 10 Marl Oil 8s war... 99 7i 99 Ti 99 Ti 12 Mex Pet 8s 103 103 103 Midvale sueel 6s.,.. 87 10 MSP&SSM 6s ...101 13 M K ft T 1st 4s... 7774 634 M K ft T ad 5s new 51 94 MK&T pr 1 6s new 82 36 Mo Pac gen ,4s 62 1 Mo Psc rfg 5s 23.. 9974 13 Morril ft Co 4s.. 86 2 Nat Ry Mex 4s.. 28 15 N O T ft M 5s 68 1 N T Airbrake 6s.. 98 8 N Y Edison 6a. ..108 1 N Haven deb 4s 67. 47 45 N T Ry rfg 4s ctfs 84 15 N Haven deb 6s 48. 6974 95 N Y W ft B 4s.. 49 S Nor ft Wes con 4s. 87 K.w Tetk. Narva SI rMtloli'g I eeuiplel il of lhl linei Huns u tb Near York t'uik IW..4 n,ikct up I ' ll p. m . a uh ! ( b is-u and lb t)ilt, low s4 IMI p'l.-e; ,iei . 7 . t .tea'. Si 86 87 101 101 77 77 61 61 82 12 62 62 99 99 85 85 28 28 67 68 98 98 101 102 106 106 10774 108 47 47 33 34 69 69 46 47 87 87 ..107 107 107 62 85 10574 87 62 S57i 106 87 107 98 91 99 79 89 74 94 102 97 8 97 .106 108 106 91 99 79 88 94 102 97 88 97 74 68 Nor ft Wes cv 6a 23 North Paclflo 3s .. 62 46 North Pacific 4s.. 85 U'J N r O N Jt 674s. i. 106 1 Nor States Pow 5s. 87 7 Nor Bell Tel 7s.... 10 7 74 1 07 21 Ore & Cal 1st 6s.. 98 98 . 20 O S L ref 4s 91 1 O S L con 5s 46 ct. 99 440 WRR&N4S.. 7974 7 Pac Oft E 5s 8974 1 Pac Tel ft Tel 5s... 94 6 Packard Mot 8s.. 103. 4 Pan Am P ft T 7s.. 97 29 Pa R R gen 4s.. 88 41 Pa R R gen 6s ... 97 2 Pa R R 6S ..'... 6 Pere Marq ref 6s.. 9474 2 P C C ft S L 5s... 94 27 Reading gen 4s.... 84 6 R I A ft I. 4 7,8... 79 6 SLIMftS rfg 4s.... 85 44 SL&SFPr in 4s s A 71 115 S L ft S F adj 6s.. 79 264 S L ft S F inc 6s... 65 1 S L Sou 1st 4s...... 77 69 Sea Airline con 6s. 50 135 Sinclair Oil 7S...1"3 103 103 1 Sou Bell T ft T 6b. 94 94 94 in: sou Pan cv 4s 90 46 Sou Pac rfg 4s.... 86 1 Sou Pac col 4s 82 16S Sou Ry gen 4s... 64 29 Sou Ry 1st 6s 94 44 Sou Ry dev 6s... 96 11 S Porto Rico Sug 7s 97 13 Stand Oil of Cal 7s. 106 4 Steel ft Tube 7s.... 97 2 Tx Pac 1st is. a 93 14 Third Ave adj 5s.. 5274 15 Tidewater Oil 6a.l02 IS Tub Prod 7a 93 94 94 83 79 85 70 78 63 77 49 94 94 83 79 85 70 79 64 77 60 90 86 82 63 94 96 96 1"5 97 93 62 101 99 74 90 8674 83 64 94 98 97 106 97 93 62 101 98 ttr tilth 1 Allied l'k rtf. La t Aluminum 1 i, ,,!) t Aluminum T- 31. ...l!' It I. T is tt Am.r T T 21. ! anier T T ii.ioi a Am.r Tub 7 31. ...!: 3 Anaroiius imp ... t A nam I'op 1 :l .ujt ; AiiS-Ainer mi in, II Armour a) t'a 1. .!:' 11 nam, ,1411 . ,...l"j II hW ; f,., .11 II ltlb """I ' ti. .,!"' I , III' peril! C PI I t'uluin ilraphu la.. 4 lansoll Tetll I. 14 I t'onl (i,s 7s ....ll I 1 udhr 7 II le-r. A t'o 7S-. "' 3 (ialaita Ki Oil 7..ll 1 (lea Anull ia....iut 5 tlsodnrh Tir 7a... t linns Co 1 .... St Inter H T M ;, t Laclede Dae la.. I'l.ibby McNeil It Manitoba 7a I Mnrns a Co 7',. 73 N Y N It II 4s. St Phil Co t 41.... 3 Phil Kl I I"l' It Pu Her Co NJ S 1 Robert t.alr la.... t Skelly Oil IS ...102 I Holvay CI s...ll 21 Sou Hell T'I 7s, It Stan oil NT T :l.oi 1 Stan (Ml NT ...l5 ( Sun Oil 7 I"0 1 ttwirt A Co 7t 26. .101 3 Swift V Co 7a 31.. .103 I Tex aV Co 7s ....!"! I I n oil Trod s . 1 Vacuum Oil 7a . Warn Hug 7a 41.. 43 WVat Klectrle 7 3 Winchester 7 1 Charcoal Iron la t Colum Uraph Is rtf 4 21 Cons Coal Co Ct... 97 14 Del 4 Hud 6 Wl I Hershey Choc 7t.l0 X Kings C Ltd 97 Marlsnd 7s 95 (9 Mo Pae Ry ts 97 99 NTNH&H 7s Wl.. 4 II No Am F.dl 92 Siiks ft Co 7s 99 3 West S ft E Cat tt 93 foreign IVMida. 98 Argentine 7s 23.... 99 Ruexian CSa ctfs.. 30 6 Russian 6',s 21 1 Swiss 6 1"! S Argentine is GU.. 7 6 t City Soiaaons 6s... 85 ( hlrage Slocks. Runce of prices of the leadi stocks furnished by Logan & Peters Trust building: Am. Radiator Armour ft 4 o. piI Armour leather com Cont. Motor Diamond Match Carl Motor Llbby Montgomery-Ward Nat. Leather, new Plggley Wlggly Quaker Oata Stewart-Warner Swift ft Co Swift Int Union Carbide Wahl Wrleley ng CI Dry a hlra go , 248 .. 87 .. 96 .. 12 .. 7 ..116 .. 3 .. 4 .. 17 .. 1 .. 40 ..175 .. 28 ..104 .. 20 .. 60 .. 66 ...100 Minneapolis liraia. Minneapolis. Minn.. March 81. Wheat- Receipts, 155 cars compared with 220 cars a year ago. i.asn, .no. 1 nortnern, i.4 1.62;May, 11.40; July. 81.30. l-orn INO. is yenow, ouirur, Onts No. 3 white. 32 33 Tie. Barley 61 63c. Rye No. 2, 93 f? 9 4 74c Flax No. 1, 12.50 42.Si. Minneapolis. March 1. Flour Un changed to 20o higher; In carload lots, family patents quoted at SS.OOfl S.40 a barrel In 98-pound cotton sacks. Bran 921.eon21.nn. Turpentlae and Kosin. . Savannah. Oa.. March 81. Turpentine Dull: 81c; no sales; receipts. 78 bbls.; shipments, 215 bbls.: stock, 624 bbls. Rosin Firm: sales. 167 casks; receipts. 1,289 casks'; shipments, 319 casks; stock. 65.652 casks. Quote: B. 33.90: D. E. 93.92: F. fl. $3.95: H. S3.95S3.97: I, 94.00: K. 14.10: M, 34.60; N, 95.16; XT, Q, 95.60; YV, W, 36.80. St. Joseph livestock. St. Joseph, Mo., March 31. Hogs Re ceipts. 2,600 head: market, steady to 10c lower; top, 99.90; bulk. 99.70ia9.90. Cattle Roceipls, 200 head: market. steady; steers. 16.757.25; cows and heif ers. 94.008.35: calves. 13.00(5 7,60. ftneep Keoeipts. j.iuo hesd: market. 10c higher; lambs, 114.70 15.50; ewes, 19.00 10.00. New York Produce. New Tork. March 31. Butter Steady: creamery, higher than extras. 3637iic: creamery, extra, 8636c. Eggs Barely steady; freah gathered firsts, 24!826c. Cheese Steady: state whole milk flats. fresh specials, 2020c; state whole milk twins, average run. 1919c. Chicago Produce. Chicago. March ' 31. Butter Lower: creamery extras, 36c: firsts. 33 74 35c: seconds, 3232c; standards, 35c. Eggs Lower; receipts, 36,783 esses; firsts, 23if236.; ordinary firsts, 22 zzc: miscellaneous. 2323c: storage packed extras, 2625c; storage packed Itrsts, z7io. I rik tampeau. the t'tiiwe of teiertt vitUm. pla) the ilUnt. Tar. dill, in "Ihe l-ane That Had No urnlllg, the tn.t ttarrmg veliitle for Ague Ayre. which will open to morrow at the Kiatto theater. Amoiiiu Moreno i to hate the leading male role in the new Hupert 1 1 n' he film, "The Hitlerites of Sweett," which tt being put into Im mediate production. Coldwyn announce that id film vrraiou rf Sir I tail Craine't lainon. novel, The t'briatian.' w ill !e made In 1 1'gUnd. and Main ire Tourneur hat been engaged to direct the pro duction. 'Ihc company will fail thit month. . Today' Attraction. Sun 'iooti.h Matron." 8trand-"Smilin Through." Kialto "Moran of the I.ady Let- Selling Pencils Makes little .Men Mis Didmaii, Iltuiuiio SxtcU cly Apent, Tliinli Work It Character ltuiltlcr. ty Royal Moon "Caineruii of the Mounted." Kmpret "Iter Winning Way." Muie-'The Kn. of the World." Grand Jewel Carmen in "No body." If a m 1 1 1 o n Conway Tearle in "Buckhig the Tiger." AT THE THEATERS Jt'll.V MARRT nd Oaort Douglas rum to th, Gsr this sfterpoon f-r o-.u Miib lha "lion Ton Olrls." th first, of this conit-any Ih Oma ha m l0 a"i. ! presented la railed "A Trip la Forlunelsnd" and I al. to afford the two playmate bo rnd of opportunity for merry-making. Kar and Marie tiaira, a standard dancing rt, will display n unuausl assortment of steps. The M-enlo production I aald to b very elaborate tnd tha cnalumlng on n exlrnsiv s. ale. Tomorroa matinee tart at 3. This ta the concluding day of th un usual Orph-uiu allow allien is pesueii py William Oaaton In th one-act play. Kleaea," and by the charming dance production of the Cameron Sister. Tb curtain rl-a tin evening at I o clock. Knr next week, opening witn tn matinee tomorrow come on of th most peatng vent of th vaudeville season. It ta the engagement of th delightful ctr slngrr. Salll Klaher, In the quaint one act comedy. "The Choir Itehearaal." Th 1,1-v w-a written foe her bv flare Kum- mr. author of such uccease as "Uood1 (iraclnua Annsbelle" snd "He Calm. Camilla." Mis Flher ts the star wnn was seen In the role tit Mary during the recent revival of "Forty-flv Minute from Hrodwy." Arrangements hav been made with the Paths company to show the moving" picture this company took In Omaha recently of "The Perfect Hack Conlest," held under the auaplcea of the Omaha Chiropractor's association. A numher of bark poasesalng beauty sufficient to take honor away from Kitty Gordon aro promised In the review. .New Tork Dried rrulta. New Tork. March 31. Evaporated "Ap ples Firm. Prunes Dull. Apricots Nominal. Peaches Steady. Raisins Quiet. Seljing pencil make better little men. That' the decision of MU Flennor Dickman, agent for the Junior Humane MHicty, ut charge of 4 campaign to incrra-e the Omaha menineraliitt of tne organuation iroin to 5,in by the cloe of humane week. April iO, "One little fellow who wat timid and lacking in initiative bat become a star talnnun," Mitt Dickman laid yesterday. "Ily giving the little one i, purpose and having them meet th fuhlie, w teach them by mean of the pencil campaign to depend on thenitelvet to a greater extent." . Money from the bale of the pencil poet into a fund to erect a humane botpitat and bhelter on a lot already purchased at Twenty-firt and Iiard ttreett. Officer of the kociety could not predict yettcrday when ground would be broken. The Junior Humane tociety it open to children in the fourth grade of the public tchool and higher. Adult trfA nnw tti.1r.ncr lull are a&lftiked a BIFW " , '-, - - membertliip fee. The society ha an 1 -r c.i .. :ti..-...,. average attenuanrc 01 inon cd lecture after tcliool liotn't; in the It.irffeis.Vali it Are and (rciitjently conduct a tory hour a an adiliiVri- ....t. ....... 4 !'!. i,n, re CI rmcTiailiiiixiii. iu ii v ..t.i:. " I'UIJIIk. Tell Court Canopy Needed for World Theater BuUdiut If a canopy i not erected on the pew World motion picture houe, Fifteenth and Douglas streets, the building will lose most of its archi tectural beauty, ow ners of the movie home stated yesterday in a petition filed in district court to enjoiti and restrain the city commissioners fiom interiering with the construc tion. The coramitsioners decision, which was made several months ago, will denude the building front, say the petitioners. Plan Drive to Raise Fundi for Park Band Concerts The City Concert club is to launch a campaign to secure several thous and members at $1 each during the week of April 24 to 29. The money raised from this campaign will be used to provide a series of band con certs in the city parks during the summer and to carry on the munic ipal concerts at the Auditorium next winter. GRAIN WE solicit your consignments of all kinds of grain to the Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kansas City and Sioux City markets. , We Offer You the Services of Our Offices Located al Omaha, Nebraska x Lincoln, Nebraska Hastings, Nebraska Chicago, Illinois Sioux City, Iowa Holdrege, Nebraska Geneva, Nebraska Des Moines, Iowa Milwaukee, Wis. Hamburg, Iowa Kansas City, Mo. Get in touch with in of the branch office with your nest grain taipmcnt. The Updike Grain Company "The Reliable Consignment House" Business Man's Investment I offer $12,500.00 of 10 Two-Year note in denomination of $500.00 each, the unsold portion of an allotment of an issue that is to be sold at this time. These notes are secured by a first mortgage Trust Deed covering the property of the Standard Potash Co., located at Lakeside, Neb. The property alone cost over $750,000.00 and the Trust Deed also includes the lease held by the Stand ard Potash Co., running for about forty-five years, covering 24,000 tteres of land. On about 14,000 acres of this leased land there are strong indications of both oil and gas. A development company, backed by some of the strongest financial -and best business men in Omaha, are now sinking an oil well on thia property and have drilled up to this time down 2,700 feet, with the expecta ' tion of striking oil sand at about 3,300 feet. This paper, backed by the security, is a safe investment, owing to the fact that the junk value of the plant would be considerably more than the amount of the notes that will be sold at this time, and in case of development of oil and gas the holders of the notes will have the first opportunity to make further invest ments on developing this property. I will be glad to go over this matter with business men who believe in and are willing to take a chance for the development of oil in Nebraska. Will meet you by appointment, which you can make by addressing me care Standard Potash Co.'s office, 712 Omaha National Bank Building, Telephone JAckson 0246, or at my office, JA ckson 2674, when I will give full particulars in regard to this matter. JOHN G. WOODWARD