The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 01, 1922, HOME EDITION, Page 13, Image 13

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Weissmuller Establishes Tank Record
Illinois CIul. ?lar $rl
ur p( the Illinois Athlriie club, Ut
niflit set firw world's record time
for 200 pirtert ml J.'d H'dt in an
runt at lbs N't York Athletic IuU
trimming amivil, iKgotuiing 2tXi
meters in 2 minute., Id I S second.
u4 r.U rdt in J mimitfi. 19 J
The old ward f.r btfi diunirt,
2 intiiutri, 14 4-5 r?nd, h nude
hy Tfd Cairn, fi the Sew YoiW
Athlrtie t'.ub.
Two Swimming HrcunU
Sew Vi'iV. Ui Jl, John
t-0m .1.
Illinois A. C.
Star Splashes
in Fast Time
!inu Century Hare in ."3
JvtoikI; Hat in 73-l'oot
I '(.til itf (lolumluM
Jess Barnes Shows
How to Hold Ball!
Sew York, March 31, J aim!lrr of the Illinois athletic
i lull, lliii'u, ul)tclir it new
uorl'l rcioril ot ii second ilt lor
the joO-yard indoor swimming event
today. Writaimiller's frt ua
onijiilird in the 75-foot pool oi
Columbia titiivrrity under i"cial
ililmc union sanction and timing.
ri,mullrr wh jiacrd bv two of
the inmibrrs of the Columhia
univrr.ii)' wititimiiK train and set a
terrific stroke from Urt to finish. He
rumidrtrd the di-iance t'oninaratively
frrh, otif-iilili wt a ccond fantcr
than h' rrvnini lr t time, 5.1 1-5
second, which ua the former
world's ndoor record.
Jli fiew time lie that made by the
two, 'Hawaiian swimmer. I)nke Ka
hiftifioku and J'au Kealoha on
raixht.iwav course in the n 1 1 wat
er of Honolulu harbor.'
National Swim
Won hy Omalian
A. 1.. Andoron of the Omaha
Athletic ctuh, won llie national jun
ior A. A. If. 2.'0-jard swim at the
inert luld in the ). A. C. poo!
Thursday night. Hi time for thcdi.s
tame was 2 minute, 44 4-5 seconds.
B. E. Colburn of Kansa Aggies.,
von second place and Jack Mc
Cjuade. O. A. C, third.
Anderson alo on the wcsicru
A. A. U. senior 50-yard swim, com
ing within one-fifth of a second of
ticing Hart Jcnks' 1921 record of 27
second. Anderson's time was
27 1-5 seconds. Colburn. Kansas
Aggies, placed second and Mackay,
also a Kansas AjJuie entry, third.
D. L. Dimond. O. A. G, won the
western A. A. U. senior WO-yard
backstroke championship, breaking
his 1921 record. His time last night
was one minute, 17 4-5 seconds.
Cahow and Pillar, both O. A. C.
swimmers, placed second and third,
Classy Field Entered
in Pinehurst Tourney
Pinehurst, N. C, March 31. Prac
tically all the leading professional
Rolfer in America will play here
today and Saturday in the 72
hait North and -South field chain
' pionshrp. Tie field is said to be the
8triwgcs.t; w hich - will start in the
United' States this seasan-txeept for
the national .pea tb.Jc played in
Chicago. . . ,
Jock Hutchison, 'British open
champion; Jim Barnes, American
open champion; Walter Hagan, Joe
Kirkwood. the Australian, and Fred
McLeod, are the favorites, but the
held will include more than 20 stars.
Last year the event was won by
Jock Hutchison witn a toiai oi
for the two days? .play. ...
Canadian Champ Loses
tQ Australian on Foul
. " London, March 31. Soldier
Horace Jones, Canadian heavyweight
champion, lost last night to Albert
Lloyd of Australia, on a foul in the
10th round of what was to have
been a 20-round bout.
Tones had the Australian virtually
knocked put when the foul occurred.
Baseball to Be a Major
Sport at Minnesota Uni
Minneapolis, March, 31. Decision
to "re-establish baseball as a major
sport at the University of Minnesota
was reached yesterday at a meeting
of the university senate. The game
will be given another three-year trial
and a coach selected and a schedule
drawn up at once.
Twenty States to Have
5 Teams in Cage Tourney
Chicago, March 31. Thirty basket
. bail teams from 20 states have now
entered the fourth national inter
scholastic tournament' to be held at
the University of Chicago, April 5,
6 and 7.
, Pesek Throws Orlando.
Chicago, March 31. John Pesck,
Nebraska wrestler, defeated Max
Orlando of Chicago in straight falls
here last night. The first fall required
15 minutes and five seconds and re
suited from a" three-quarters Nelson.
The second fall came in six minutes.
Jack Perry Wins.
Scranton, Pa., March 31. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Jack. Perry, Pitts
burgh welterweight, easily defeated
Joe Quinn, Minneapolis, in 10 rounds
here last night.
a - aKk
JESS BARNES is a baffling
"pill artist" for the New York
Yankees. He doesn't mind
showing you how he holds the
pellet Get wfcat you can out of
this at the top you see Barnes
hand ready to toss one of his
famons floaters. Below he has
gripped the ball to shoot a speedy
one smack into the . groove.
Nelson Re-Elected Head
of Gate City League
Waller XeUon wa re-elected
president of the Gate City class C
Sunday league at a meeting Thurs
day night oi club managers.
Nelson is a veteran amateur mo
gul, having served six consecutive
years as head of ninny baseball as
sociation leagues.
The date for the opening of the
league was set for April 23.
Clubs which posted forfeits to date
arc the Baker Clothes Shop team,
Whistles, White Sox, Christ Childs
and the Corr Electrics, formerly the
Another is striving to get a backer
to put it in the, league.
Did" Kerr to Hurl for
.Chicago Semipro Team
Chicago. March 31. "Little Dick"
Kerr, pitcher for the Chicago White
Sox, who has been holding out be
cause of differences on the salary
question, will play ball this coming
season with a Chicago semi-professional
team. George Carlson, com
missioner .of gas and electricity, an
nounced today. Mr. Carlson said
Kerr had signed to pitch for the
City Hall nine, the players being
city employes. . It is said the team
will join the Midwest league. Kerr's
salary s not giv-eiC
Anderson and Vosbell
Semi-Finals in Tourney
New York. March 31. F. T. An
derson and S. Howard Voshell con
tinued their winning form in the sin
gles of men's national indoor ten
uis championship tournament here
yesterday and became scmi-finolists
by defeating a. i. Bowman ana ur.
George King, respectively.
Aurdcrson won from Bowman in
three-set match. 6-4, 3-6, 6-2, while
Voshell defeated King 6-2, 6-3. G. C.
Shafer also won a place in the semi
finals by defeating C. E. Unterberg,
6-1. 7-5. '
Grappler, Stricken Blind
in Match!, to Recover
Spokane. Wash., March 31. No
permanent injury will result from the
rliclri-atirin nf Tvan Siomrn's snine in
his wrestling match with Torn Grant,
Monday night, tnough ne win not oe
able to wrestle for about three weeks,
irrnrHintr to nhvsiciaiis. Siemeri
was stricken temporarily bjind when
Grant tnrew mm on nis neaa. ,
Picrotti Is Sold -
Galveston, Tex., March ; 31.
Adolph Ticrotti, righthanded pitcher,
with the Houston, club last -year, has
been purchased bV Galveston from
the St. Louis Cardinals. i-
Christy M at he u son
Elected ' President of
Bueknell "B Club"
Lewisburg, Pa., March 31.
Christy Mathewson, former Na
tional league pitcher, has been
elected first president of. the newly
formed "B club" of Bueknell uni--versity,
Lewisburg, Pa., it was an
nounced yesterday.
"The ideals and spirit which
characterized Christy while he was
in this Baptist college, and later
during his career in the baseball
world, are those which this club
wishes to perpetuate," said a state
ment by university authorities.
More Scandal Breaks Out in
Mergard Ideal Parlors Five Dumps
Into Tough Luck Draws Suspension
Ranks of American Bowlers
Ilawka Dm limt W ir.
Toledo, O., March 31. Cincinnati
is coming in for more undetirable
publicity as the rcu!t of the running
in of "ringers" in the American
Bowling congress tourney. Hardly
had the smoke blown a ay
Husker-Sooner Game
m Prevented by Rain
Norman, Okl., March 31. (Spe
cial.) An all-day rain which floodcl
Boyd field, prevented Thurday'
opening game with the I'nivernty
of Nebraska here. Indications are
that the entire series will have to bit
called off as the playing field it un
der water and rain continues to de
scend. Nebraska has been able to
practice only two days since its ar
rival last Monday.
Chica. SJrh 31 Kllowln t.i
rUlv victory otr Jot Jwtt ft Sill
uk. tbo.r.t lh I'. M, (
Ian f'rliliy, Kvr Itmnmrr, th tiinl
Hlhlwtljh'. U ekln !!.! h trull
IllrhP- Miulill, III Jllluk
Tommy fomokry. SI. Paul ml'll.
wiihi. left lt nlghi for OrMii liny,
Wi. br h will ni't Jimmy Nu in
10-round bout lonKht. On MnnJy
nifht Comiakry will men Nral AlSlaun in
W atcploo, la.
from the hi foiiauii-g r
po.ure of Burbrmk rtilliug undr
the name of It. Hreyrr on the Cm
ciiiniti Uuikeye Malt Syrups, which
team i captained by Henry Mer
sard, r before snoilier scandal
broke about the qmntet captained
by tlenry Mergard. jr.
The latent adccl the Mciard
Ideal Parlor five snd i the result
of a man named I. Kinck rolling on
tliis team and in doubles and singles
under the name of W. Hiirkhardt.
who was originally and ottidally en
tered with the team.
Henry Mergard, jr.. U eaptaitt of
the Ideal Parlor team and lat night
was notified by Secretary Allan Grey
of the A. B. C. that the all
events of team member. J. Kicnabcr.
G. Wattclle. . Spat. K. Rinck and
his own had been disqualified: that
his doubles with Uurkhardt had been
thrown out. and that all the e men had
been expelled from organized bowl
ing until further notice.
When In Omaha
St. Paul Sportsman Kills Black Cat
In Race for Touring Car Record
Paris, March 31. Walter Hill of
St. Paul, son. of the late James J.
Hill, railroad builder, broke the tour
ing car record from Monte Carlo to
Paris, via Marseilles, driving 1,100
miles in 26 hours, stopping only to
"I had only one accident, killing a
black cat while traversing Macon,
where the wine comes from," he said.
"In the black darkness, while run
ning through one of the narrowest
streets, the head lights revealed a cat,
blinded by .the rays, that did not
budge. I could not swerve without
colliding with the old buildings built
on the edge of the street, as there
are no sidewalks, and I would have
wrecked the whole, town if I had
struck- one of them, so goodby cat
Starting at 9 o'clock in the morning
from the Riveria, where there was
sunshine and warmth, I struck bitter
cold while traversing the mountains
in eastern France, and then ran into
a snowstorm and had slush four
inches thick on the car when I
reached Dijon."
(Copyright, 19IJ.)
Today's Ring History
f1fty-nn Tun Ao.
Ben Jordan born, Bermondsey, England.
TweniT-thw Tram Ao.
Joe Goddard won from Ned Kyan, Mel
bourne, Australia, t rounds.
Caaper Leon and Danny Daugherty,
draw, Brooklyn. 20 roanda.
. (Seventeen Teavs Ago.
Matty Baldwin and Johnny Jfarta, BO
decision, Philadelphia, S rounds.
FleTfii Tir Ago.
Sam McVey and Sam Longford, draw,
Paris, SO rounds.
tne Year Ago.
Soldier (Alfred) Kearne and Jack
Twin) Sullivan, no decision. Brooklyn. 10
1 " Four Team -Ago.
Jimmy Kanlon (luia Quarantine! won
from Harvey Thorp, Joplin, Mo,- IS
Follow the Beaton Path
When Shopping It Pays
Specials Saturday and Monday
11.00 l-pint Imported Olive Oil,
per pint 69t
30c Beaton's Cold Tablets
at 25
60c Doan's Kidney Pills.. 46e
15c Venida Hair Nets,
2 for 23e
10c Elotia Hair Nets,
per dozen 50
$1.10 Nuxated Iron 89
(With $1.00 box Vitamine
TabMs FREE.)
$1.10 S. S. S ;.89
$1.25 Lyko Tonic 98
$1.00 Grant's Vita-Vim Tablets
for 69
Nature's Remedy Tablets
for....l7 33 and 68
75c Milk's Emulsion. .. .48
' Help eliminate the rat pest
by using BurnUmUp Rat
Slayer, box 85
60c Formamint Tablets.. 48
10c Wanous Shampoo Bags.
4 for 25
30c Mentholatum 17
$1.15 Swamp Root 89
30c Laxative Bromo Quinine
for 22
60c Beaton's Emulsion Cocoa
nut Oilfor 34
Auto Strop Razors with
Strop and Blades... 89
$1.00 Auto Strop Blades
for 65
$1.00 Gillette Blades.. 79
$1.00 Gillette Razors and
three Blades .69
50c Milk of Magnesia. . . .39
$1.25 Pinkham's Vegetable
. Compound for ........ 98
$3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk
for S2.89
15c Sterno Canned Heat. . .8
70c Sal Hepatica . . t . . . .45
60c Sempre Giovine (Jovenay)
.for .44
$3.00 Hair Clippers, special,
for1 $1.49
30c Colorite ....... 19
$1.50 Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal
for ; ....98
40c Whisk Brooms .... . .19
30c Mavis Talcum .18
50c Non Spi . .. ..37
35c Pond's Cold or Vanishing
Cream 21
$1.50 Graham's Beauty
Secret, special ...81,19
75c Graham's Skin Pure
for 59
Complete line Vantine's Incense
Burners. Cones and Powders,
in all odors, up from. . .25
50c Newbro's Herpicide. .39
$1.00 Lucky Tiger Hair Tonic
for 69
$1.00 Youthcraft, for the hair,
for .89
$1.25 Henna D'Oreal 98
60c Danderine 46
60c Parisian Sage Hair Tonic
for 48
$1.25 Piver's Azurea or La
Trefle Face Powder. . . .73
$2.00 Coty's L'Origan Face
Powder for 79
50c Djer Kiss Face Powder
for 37
60c ,4 lb. Theatrical Cold
Cream. Beaton's, for. .35
50c Tooth Brushes 25
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste.. 36
50c Pepsodcnt Tooth Paste
for ..".36
50c Orazin Tooth Paste.. 34
12c Jap Crepe Toilet Paper
for 7
Per dozen ...80
30c Resinol Soap .21
30c Cuticura Soap 22
30c Packer's Tar Soap...l9i
15c Lemon Oil Soap, imported,
tor , .,...10-
Per dozen ........ .81.10
15c Castile Soap, 3 for. . .25
Camels, Lucky Strike, Ches
terfield and Sweet Capo-
rals for 15
Cartons 81.45
Don't Miss These Specials
15c Sirena (Corona Size),
2 for 15
Box of 50..... .$3.50
3 for 50c Sirena (non plus),
3 for ......25
Box of 50 $4.00
15c Mozart, Rosa . . . i . .9
Box of 50 ..$4.50
10c Musina 5
lOq Tamerettes 5
Add 5c per box or carton
if mailed.
$2.00 Djer Kiss Extract, per
oz. $1.10
$3.75 Ideal Extract, Houbi
. gant's, per oz. . . .-. . .$2.10
$1.75 Jickey Extract, per oz
for ., $1.00
$3.50 Bluet (the latest import)
per oz. $2.60
50c Puzzle Peg FREE with
every $1.00 box of John
stons Chocolates ' Saturday.
80c 1 lb. Jordon Almonds,
Saturday and Monday,
per lb. 49
$1.00 Allegretti Original
Chocolate Creams, Satur
day only 69
2-qt. Velvet Red Rubber Com
bination Fountain Syringe
and Water Bottle . . . $1.45
2-qt. Velvet Red Rubber Water
Bottle for 89
The Original anil Reliable
15 to 50-Watt... 40
60-Watt 45
Fuse Plugs, 10 to 30 amperes,
for 5
Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention
ISth and Farnam Streets, Omaha
(Arkansas Semi-Anthracite Coal)
We have just received a fresh supply of this
good fuel. Telephone us if you do not
know its superior qualities;
Updike Lumber & Coal Co.
4500 Dodge Street . .
mO'JI ' kM w u. buy it row its ton k f vSg
lAT VtM A .If 111 v-i
j April Records Out Today
,,rPUK Sftwiot Story Ever Told." That as the
1 first music ever recorded on a phonographic dic.
The disc in now in the Smithsonian Institute. In the
Spring: everybody's fancy turn to the "Sweetest
Story." It's in the soft blue of the bky the tender
green of the trees the songs of mating; birds. In
taster Lilies full of fragrance and incense of promi&e
and fulfillment. And it's in Vocation Records full of
beauty and sentiment of lliiheneos and the irresisti
ble call to dance.
.Vs. &M frit
Anlal Child Fot-Trot liiMitaafic
tola Lo-llasiun foi-Trot Ytt S. FlwaUOnheaiM 1 ,r
Old Faaalonad Ctrl (In I ttniHam t"n1 FovTiot 1
(UM. Th B. llarhorNicifiyOfth.f I4JM t .7
Bluahs Fox-Tro(...Kuily Wlolecli't Laliiuruuins)
M Mammf Knows Fai-Trot I llua la .
iUUooMBlut--l-o.TrouTIC4li(oriiliiRinblrj,,w" 1
KnmaaihaT la Naplaa Fot-Trnt I it
Alls lb IUlo-i-ut.TrotVet' S. S. FteiUi Oniatn I ,un l "7
Boo Hoo-lloo(Vou'rf onn cry mlin I'm tn) Fnt-trftA
Tli Bar lUiborNx.wty Oicbtttral ..i.i
On Ih 'Cln 'Cln 'Clnnf hhort-t-n-TiK fw" r ,7S
Irvine SScin "Club Mamlct" Oich.7
Virginia Bins Fot-Tmt .The Bar Itsrhnr SocImv Orrhmra I
l)oo l)ah Blusa-Foa-TtutVukci' 6.S. Moiilla tltchcstia I
:ull Foi-Trot from "Tha Rtu Kitten"
Yki' H. S. FloiHU Orc1ira
Maria Foi-TiotTb Bar Harbor Society Otcbtatra)
Sultanto a la (Only to You ) Gdilm-f'itt
Kobrrto Rotondot
Cantl mod ami (A modrra tone) iQuici-M osi) (
Tettsa Lx Mtlleato
t)la Crien cualan (Stlrtarlt) I
Chicken (Kaeia nt Mnrrl. Cokludo i
Little Cray Sweetheart of Mine Chatlra Harrison I
Hello """p-'r ii, Imirg Kaufman i
I4.IM it .is
l4ie II .7S
1414 U .75
UJ IV .75
14241 10 .75
14241 It .75
MI51 If 1.25
flroken Toy.. . Charles Harrison 1
1 hoae Day Art Oter-Xturlre Harrison and fcverett CUrk I
The Woodland Flirt (A Bird Flirtation)
The bird and the SaloDhone
A charminf wbntling record by Sibyl Sanderson Fagan)
Palllaccl Veart U ilubba (On with thepUy) lUmrorolM
Otulio Crtmi
Faust Salut demeura (All bail. Thou dwelling lowly) I (aM ...,-
MlUbry Lak' Ro
Bella of Shandon
In th Wet Little Home I Lore
It'a Only Step from Klllarney to Hearen
Kweet Girl ol My '"""
Nellie and Sara Kouna 20H5 It I.M
Colin 0'More)J8JJ1' "
Arthur Burn.) '
The Cruclli (Faun) (In French) 1 . -
Rosa Rate and Ciacomo Rimini j 12931 l ''5
Aft Maria (ScAuerrl) (Violin Record) Satha Culbertaon 52IJS 12 1.75
May Breeiea (Wain Caprice) ILtslir) ...
Serenade thi th Aeolian Llsht Orchestra J 1 tr ,75
Rio Mthta Walts (Thompson) . .- . M
LaUwana Lullaby Fox-Trot (Srf).FerTera & FranchinlJ lr
Don't Let Blade's Big
Bargains Go Begging
Quitting Butineat Fixture for Sale
litis up to ItJ.fW st 15.00
Li wis
Tow is
419 South 16th Street
Earl A Wilson
Earl Wilson
Wilson Bros.
i i PUCK
$5.00 and K'.OO lu k 13.00
$5.00 and $7.00 Mocha W.50
It Capes at M'W
hi grade; 3 for $1.00
3')c grade; 4 for
20c grade; 8 for 11.00
$1.00 grade for $3-00
$:).30 and $4.00 grade for....f2.50
$J.50 grade for '.....fl-lG
7.i Silk Hose for we.lsOdJ
40C Lisle Hose for 5
j $5.00 Grade for ,..93.00
$3.00 and $3.50 grade for.... 93.00
$2.00 and $2.50 grade for.... 91.45
All Silk Shirts at.. 95.75 ,
Athletic Union Suits
$1.50 and $2.00 grade; 3 for. .93-00
$2.50 and $3.00 grade; 3 for. .95.00
$5.00 grade; 3 for 90.00
All Silk np to $15.00 97.50
Most sll ntw Spring styles Capi up to $4.00 st 91.75
All Neckwear up to $4.00. Imported silks, band-mads and sll
lt Ties-st 91.45
Not all aizss in all kinds, but still
a big assortment to select from.
Charles E. Black
1417 Farnam Street
UJ u
orrie eHilaifir
Jo .My i
(Kansas City)
8:30 P. IYI.
Jerry Voltoc . Battling Manelly
(Verdigre) (Omaha)
(Omaha) (Omaha)
Merritt's Drug Store Baseball Headquarters Stock Exchange
Sportsman P. & B. Cigar Store Auditorium
' ,
Auspices Omaha Police Department