The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 22, 1923, Image 8

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    RED , CtOUD, ' JHGBltiUKA, (THtKF
y 7SVSS. fuJasaaarA Jj vc
editor tiO)ic.s it taxpayers'
Tllllt MMIIIlls 111(0 S01IH0.
Most of iiH l:iiiv (if miiiio open
tabids tlint .should Ijc closed f
for re-
ptXt. ,
There Is so:r.o;- iug wrong If tl la
truo (lint business mill religion will
JlOt llll..
H Is possible for n mini to litiv
mote money tliiin brains mill still not
In- i-omxldercd wealthy.
When both sides cuss uu nlllclul for
doing what ho thinks Ih his duly, ho
must he hewing close to the line.
A friend suggest thnt The Itoss
might b better satlalled If I would
let a locomotive cinder siTttii fortny
The Lord's I'nt.ver Is entirely out of
Uato. FblkH don't ask to not ho led
Into temptation nowiidayH. they hunt
fMT It.
If you lire not 100 per cent Amort
ran you uro not a real American.
There enn bo no Imlfwny buslnoss
about it.
Tin; only Men of road making that
same men have is to pile big cliunkH
of Mugh sod and weeds In the tnlddlo
of tlie road.
fll.'li wares mid high prices mean
Unit we handle more money hut
liutke no more net protlt. Lets all got
hack to earth.
ft speaks well for Nebraska country
ftlllor when one of their numlier Is
called in to write front pane dope for
an Omaha dully.
f proved to Kmersmi I'urcoll and
Hank J."KKott ihe other day that Miry
lire not in my class who'i It conies to
RCtlng ii" extra piece of pie.
A Harvard bachelor ays that the
tiot'.blo uliout marrying for money Is
that you have to take a wife iiIoiik i
v.-!tJi It. Hut look at what she gets! I
Why worry about violations of the
ptolilhltlon InwV The Ten Command-m-ntn
have beei estnbllBhed much
Toueir and look how they uro treated.
Someone hits discovered thnt no
iuteniHn ever made a success merely
liccatise ho refused to wear u starched
CsA,v and mlsmed the Kngllsh bin
jl order to be in style I suppose
have to buy and wear one of those
tiwy lint, hut gosh, how I bote to.
Ntey are all right for dudes like Hill
Wltli an eye on possible future
atenls Ceorge Snow suya I should in
clude The Hoss In the Interior deco
rator's union. She is tlio charter
The average man llko.s his homo
comfortably shabby. Hut his wife al
ways imi.vb It Is because ho is too
stingy to buy new wallpaper and
other t'.'.ltms.
A New .It soy. Judge rules that u
mnn has a legal right to rule In his
wn home. Yes. and he also has a
,'egnl richt to tickle a mule's heels
ith u straw.
Why pay fancy prlcos for sweeten
ed 'map to wash jour teeth with. I
have proved in my own experience
that ci ncentrated l,e or laundry soap
answer the purpose equally as well.
An open department store adver
tised for a man to take charge of Its
complaint department. 'I'lte nuui who
j;ot the Job proved his ubillty by show
ing that he had a wife and the dnugh
Someone once gained a little fame
My asking to be relieved from his fool
rlends. I won't acknowledge that 1
Have any fool friends unless the fact
ttuit they are my friend Is evidence
that they nre foolish.
Whatever else organized Interests
amy do to the farmers they can't
starve them.
Lew Shelley snys bad colds nro not
popular in his town since it la Im
possible to get whiskey ami rock
The easiest way to bring down tlio
price of coal Is to start f armors to
producing It. And the easiest way to
iucreaso tho price of farm products 1
to put the miners to farming. So says
a. brother editor.
A Ilnrvard man refused to buy u
day bed recently because, he said,
in never sleeps in the daytime.
7ct rid of those unlucky two dollar
Bills. Tho editor of this paper is used
to bad luck so he will gladly tako them
on subscription.
A mnn got mad at mo recently In
waso I printed something- ho didn't
lir.-f. If I would got mad evory time
folks sny things I don't like I'd-bo WO
degrees above bolliug point till tho
tka. .
Some Sunday Morning Soliloquizing
Uy Tlidtmis T John -ton
I ib'iik 1 will urn go to chinch to Ihj, -
The week's b-eii heavy, and I'm all 'lied on';
I neeil the rrst, I ililitU 1M belter si iv
lligllllicic Ml liiviie liiul while Hie tiu.o it Wii J If-..'
I'll simply tlte my case mid He about
llit. will not inl-s just on-, ihmI what Is mnie ,
I Wei deserve n day otV now ntnl then,
l-W I most always go, tliioiigh ruin or .shine;
I'm ini hi il thai Ih whut our Sun lnyS for.
'I'd s WiiI'kiou ail the wcelt, i - 1 I hell iil'hIii
"m Miindu, -not for once- im, I ilicllii"
V I t.ihe i rest (leseiveil ninl lu'inge aroiinil
Aiul lei i lie lii'iii's ivhiie ilmiiise v.s away;
Vlie ctiiiue.' for lei-iu- is i nt always foil tl I
I llilnk i will not go to -much toiiii).
I think I will not go to church to'iiy,
It's too tint t i work to (Ix, ami iliess, anil gr;
I miess, it iit-eiti'd, out- cm how iiikI pra)
Klght whcie he Is pm liui Hie tiuest way,
For Christ himself chiiiI.'oiii.i punde atitl smw,
I guess If one just tries tu nv all rltfht
lie need nut put his g.unlhesi on a peruh,
The chlcfest thing Is urn to do, but be,
The tiuest iiiayms, hic seciet, not in sight
I guess I do not tienl to go to oliuicli.
'Ihe service Is so of tin loi.g, ami he,
The pitt'sou, though be uuy ba very good,
Is sometimes dry, and liusii't numb to suy
Ho doesn't preach the ny I wish he would
1 think I whl nit go to e iiircu tmlity.
And yet I'll mis It If 1 May iuviiv
Siitnohow rhe Sitbliuth win not seem quite litiht,
I might not have the znst to think or pray
I'll lo-e some blessing If I miss tod, '
Some strength for toil, some ohcr for il.irk'niny
Some iliiuight, soiim visloi , miiiik divine desire,
Some nige to fal'h and eourage in life's .strile
Through worship with the others who are there,
aome tl it lit t In tin- music b tji- clioir,
Sotn- won! ofcuuroi-t fnoio l d ISn.iU of Life.
Some (Siilivxrd linpilsn thrnugh the words ami
()l nil, on I I, 'ifn i li i li. '..Mil ii.-.,i i
Uv iim - a ituj't. irnei-s in i-v.-i y vii.
In tills good eauo of Cn. si I'll d ui pin!
th . IV better go to idmieh to lav
TUT It. UK AR'S house stood oh the side
XTX of n Till!. The chimney wtis close
to tho hill ariil then the roof slnnted,
and this Just suited the plan which
Mr. Bear' had thought out to punish
the one who had climbed up to the
chimney and slid' down' Into his pan
try several nights and curried off his
pies and cakes.
At tho foot of tho hill was n
muddy pond, nnd that also suited the
plan Mr. Bear had: for once any one
started rolling down the roof of his
house, Mr. Hear knew they would keep
right on until they landed in the
muddy pond below.
Mr. Hear was u very sound sleeper,
and though he hud tried very hard
to keep nwako at night and catch the
thief, he hnd not been ublo to do so.
And once Mr. Hear wits nsleep, the
"Smeared It Thickly With Grease."
nightly visitor was able to come down
tho chimney nnd go nwny without
wuklng Mr. Boar.
And so Mr. Bear hud thought hnrd
and long of some plan to stop these
visits, and one day he climbed up a
ludder to the slanting roof nnd
smeured It thickly with giease.
Thut night he did not try to keen
awake. He went right to sleep iib
soon us ho touched his bed, nnd Mr.
I'Nr, who was wultlng nearby, heard
him snore nnd knew It was safe for
him to slide down the chimney.
But his feet hud no sooner touched
tho greasy roof thnn out from under
him they Hew and over he rolled and
rolled. And then bounce, bang! He
Various Uses of Honey.
Honey enn be umiI safely In diseases
where other sweets are Interdicted. In
diabetes honey ami saceharln replace
other sweets. In the various diseases
In which cod liver nil Is proscribed,
honey and cream, or honey nnd Irtitter,
can bo used as u substitute.
Man Easily Duped.
A man can see beauty In the home
liest woman who makes him believe
that she considers hlei smart. Kx
change, Cuinetl With Love.
Headline In Chicago Tribune:
''Says Husband Sat on Stove to Be
Neur Cook." Huston IVunscrlpt.
wwo mtwnm
struck the, ground and rolled some
more until ho went splush in the
muddy pond ut the foot of the hill.
"Mr. Bear awoke, for 5IV. Fox inudo u
terrible racket on the roof trying, to
save himself. But before Mr. Bear
could , get to. the window he heard
some scrambling oh the roof auil d
bang oh the ground uml then all was
He hurried to the window ,'nnd
tooked out, untl In the moonlight he
suw nt the foot of tlio hill two muddy
objects swinging their paws about In
a very angry manner. He could not '
make out who they were nt tlrst, but
after a while Mr. Bear saw it was Mr.
Kox and Mr. 'l'ossum.
Mr. Tosstim hud been the one who
had visited .Mr. Bear's house so often, j
and one night he had met Mr. Fox .
Just us he was coming away with a
basketful of pies and cakes. "There i
Is plenty more," he told Mr. Fox. "You j
meet me tomorrow night and I will
show you how to get In."
But Mr. Fox did not care to be
shown; lit
wanted to get there tlrst
nnd take his pick of things, nnd he did
arrive tlvst, so by the time Mr. 'l'ossum
rolled otV the roof and landed In the
pond Mr. Fox was Just coming out of
the muddy water.
Mr. 'Possum could not stop to be
polite; he was rolling fa"t : and lie
gave Mr. Fox a bump, and back they
both fell Into the tmnldy pond.
"What do you mean by knocking mo
over?" Inquired Mr. Fox angrily as he
shook himself.
"What do j on mean by pulling me
Into that muddy water?" asked Mr.
'l'ossum as he crawled up the hank,
and Just as Mr. Boar looked out of
his window they began to quarrel.
"All, two of them!" said Mr. Bear.
"I will give thorn u good beating."
He was almost down the hill when
Mr. Fox and Mr. 'Possum saw him.
They stopped wrangling, and, dodging
and dieting, they run by him and up
the hill. But as they passed Uie
house Mr. Fox suw the roof, and he
knew what hnd happened.
Mr. Beur was bothered no more.
Ills pantry was as well tilled In the
morning ns when he went to bed, for
Mr. 'Possum and Mr. Fox were cured
of their longing for Mr. Hoar's pies
and cakes by one ttitiil bath, and they
did not enro to take another.
(IS, 1923, by McCluro Newapuper Syndicate.)
1 Worldllness.
In the low of money, and the wis
doni of this world, business U pro
posed, .then the urgency of alTalrs push
forward, nor can the mind In this
! Mate discern the good and perfect will
of (Jod concerning us, John Wool-
I man's .iournnl.
I Old Surgery Still Practiced.
Two thoimund live hundred years ago
I Hindus performed surgical operations
fur rui:.ct !; . method which s-lli
An: t iw.'-is r.apiaiy.
If wo moved our legs proportionate
ly us fust us mi tint, It Is calculated wo
could truvel nearly SOU miles an hour.
-1 -- - ' w i
3B V3r Ij 353; f
i VZZ noiiHfic RED BAND - made by I
dfPj "CArr r nCAtrt m Arrunnw rr a VvTHS LARGEST miCIL FACTORY A
1 lg cAuLt PfVCl CO, NEW YORK, USA ,j world
1 '
I , - - - -
In the District Court of
Webster County, Nebraska, I '. Mu-uiuer', I'cilnt ir
v Lkiai. Ndiit k.
ChMilesK IvMj. Kmiiiii II. Kldv. his
Clarenee Joti
Lillian It. .lones,
Ulareiico KeeM , Kate Heew, lits wife,
First Natlomil Lirtiik, Holjok-, Colora
do, Lo Two ('J) Im HloelcOno (1) Ml Vance's
Second Atlll -n ti Oulde itock, Web
st-r County, Neiii-hSku.
The aboie iiKtitcd defendants and
each of thein. k well as the unknown
claimants to the real estate above des-1
orlbcil, will tnke notice that on the
Jifllli day of October )02:i, David '..
Miiunnert, pi..intifr herein Hied his
action in haul court against suift de
feiiilants, the oliject and pnijvr of
which is to f ivcm-e a Oeltain tax sale
certlflcatois-uni iirfumst said t-al es
tnle by the I'.niut.v TreasuiHi- nf Web.
hier County, ,Veiiiik. mi in- I h. day
ol N'ovenibei HM8 uml nis. ,,-nt Ux '
es paid thereunder, imv iihumi mhu to
81 "2 IK) to iiav- the iiitiouips s,, paid
wit n interest ihereoi deeieeil , tir-1
leu au'itiiist sxlil real eMiiie I'm a
8 iIm nf sniil i en estate to s, . i- k,,i,i
lie". You me teqilM' il ti' i 'iw -iiil I
p-M I III, III .1 n. ,V th- 17' l iiln if
l)reeui"-i i.1 '. t
llavio . MliiiU'ifi'i I'l.nni i,
Hi l'eil" MlillIC'. il s Atttil (let .
fwiriMii-rniritirn'minrrinjnfi!iH iTiri.niiiriniini mwr
Thecdove Kosioff
tsra iui . t I...TJ1 Hi' in :ii
Moscow, Russia, is the birthplace of
Theodore Kosloff, the well-known
"movie" star. In his early stage
career he was recognized as the pre
mier Interpretative dancer of Europe.
He joined the throng of silver screen
artlt8 '" 1917. His long years of sue
cess In theatrical work aided In his
success as a moving picture actor.
. J V. S
The Friendly
Walter I. Robiatoa
"pOO much talk Is dangerous, ,
Perhaps this Is whut un editor
recently had in mind when he de
clared :
"When talk Is loose nnd money
tight, there must be something wrong,
all right."
During the period of readjustment,
there undoubtedly was a great deul of
hardship of which little or nothing was
heard. But Just the same there was
considerable moro talk thnn was for
the best Interests of the public.
No matter how bad unythlng may be,
constant complaining about it will
usunlly mnko it worse. The more ono
thinks or talks of his Ills or disappoint
ments the loss time he'll have to con
sider or discuss constructive plans.
Fuithormore, to pnrndo misfortunes
before tho world Is likely to turn oth
ers' thoughts in Hie wrong direction
nnd scatter tho sunshine before It lias
a chance to shine long enough on a
single pathway to make it cheerful
and smooth.
It Is always Inimical to the com
mon good to talk Fur better
to sift out the happiness, no matter
how scarce it may be, for there never
can be too much.
There probublv Is nothing more con
tagious than "hard luck" talk. Though
business men continually claim to be
seeking the encouraging news of eco
nomic conditions, we know they ulwitys
become nearly panic stricken when
they hear n whisper Unit's dlscour-
It Isn't possible to dispel depression
JmyL a
( - MMY2F$Km
KKmmifW iiiiiimim
when people
llvo with depressing
i A
jlufcr rjr
That's just what Dr. Hess Poultry
S JERSEY BOARS at Private Sale S
(i 5
jl We are not holding a Sale this fall, so you will fl
M be given the opportunity to select a Boar sired by
Ji Sensation Giant, Fashion Leader or Constructor. This jl
KX breeding is the best that you will find anywhere and 'jf
j these boars are the long heavy boned kind, and our fl
1'iii.ia HIV lllll. SBr
We also have some sows with litters at side that fl
we offer at bargain prices.
Yes, We Have No
Bananas Today
Mr. Business Man
Try Hammermill Ripple and be Convinced
The Red Cloud Chief
Yes, Garber's
Is The Place!
To Buy Wall Paper, Paints,
And Electrical Supplies.
The best place for Picture
Both at One Throw.
J. It. M. writes: "What a saving of
tltno and other things there would be
If a fellow could tnke his llrst ocean
, oyage and his llrst . smoke nt the
time." noston livening Tran-
s iw 'fc, j. .-?k
Help your Moulters
If you want your hens to
moult naturally
( you want them back ou
the crfj job promptly-fall
and winter laying
Then you must make 3urc
that your moulters are heal
thy and hungry.
They must cat lots, and be
able to digest what they cat.
does for your moulting flock.
The Druggist
The Margin of Safety
Is ropreseuted by tho amount of
insurance you carry.
Don't lull yourself into a fancied
Because fire has never touched you
It doesn'tfollow that you'relmtuune
Tomorrow -no today, if you have
time nnd you better And time
come to the ofllee and we'll write
n policy on your house, furniture,
store or merchandise '
ReliOwble Insurance
. -. Vm
. 1 1 lQwiH;MMl
, w
' '' ."" V ,MI f
j .i
r .- n-
r -