E2D ' CLOUD, " NEBRASKA, CHIEF rt 1 I , rfc v.. ( , .HKKSMKKKIKKSK " AS TOLD TO US DOWXKY N15SP Nest Thmsclay i . Tiiunkgivir.tf Day. (5. W. Trine is painting the interior of his store. i Rev. Duughcrty is driving a new ' Chevrolet cur. Omar Wolfe spent Sunday here with relatives. Ruben Kocrtnu was a passenger to Hast ngs Wednesday morning. 'i Mrs. II. R. Childress we:it to Hast ings Saturday morn'ng to spend the day. Mrs. Howard Foe and baby went to Hastings Friday morning to spend the day; a Clliafj. Holgrain went to Lester on Wednesday to spe"d the day visiting with ftfer.ris. Twoicarloads of liogs were shipped to the Kansas City maikets Sunday morning- from here. Mi .s Nina Simmons went to York Wednesday on train 4 for a short vMl with relatives. The I. O. 0. F. lodge will elect of fleers for the ensuing term at its meeting Monday night. T. H. Manlcy returned to Ox fori" Sunday evening after spending the day here with his parents. Mrs. J. E. Krudig and children of Roseland were pasengers from here to Evnisvillc, Indiana, Friday. J. A. Mc Arthur spent Tuesday with his sister, Mrs. S. M. Carl, who re sides at Long Island, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ciow arrived here Saturday ' morn'ng from Republican for a short visit with relatives. Chas. "Funk returned to Superior Wednesday after spending a few days here vis ting with relatives. Miss Mary Peterson ar.d her mother Mrs. James Peterson were pas.-engeis to Hastings Friday mornfng on train 4. Mrs. Grant Turner and daughter, Mi.'.s Opal, went to Ulue Hill on Wednesday to spend the day with rela tives. M ss Minnie Traut spent Sunday here with, her parents, returning to her work at McCbok on No. 17 that cven'.ng. Several of the football fans arc planning on attend ng the Syracuse Nebraska foot-ball game at Lincoln Saturday. This week the Fire Department icccived f.vc bundled feet of .new hose which the Coune 1 ordered some time ago. 'llic Sterling F.c Orclie tra of Hastings will furnish trio music for the dance Thanksgiving night at the Auditorium. C. A. Shceley went to Aro l, Colo iado, Monday morning whcic he will spend a few days attending to busi ness matters. Miss Henrietta Steward returned to her home in Lincoln Monday morning after spending the past few days here with relatives.. Mrs. E. M. Gard went to Lincoln Tuesday morning on train 4 where slie wil spend a couple of weeks v'slt ir g with her daughter. N. C. Williams returned to his work at Trenton Wednesday on train 15 after spending the pa.-t few days hero with his family. There weic .seventy eight cars of stock through here Sunday morning for the" M'ssouri river markets. They were handled in two trains. Engineer and Mrs. E. A. Mitchell arrived here from Akron, Colorado, Thursday morning. Mr. Mitchell, of this city, but who has been work ing out of Akron for the past year, intends moving here again, he having taken the switch .engine in the local yards. Harry Roats returned to It s home in Detroit. Michigan, Monday morn ing, driving to Hastings and taking the train from there, after spending the past two week here vis tinjr with relatives a.".d attending to irtishies mntters, . . DOWNEY XBST R. C. Rhode Ulittul Red CoeUrel- for a --li it Unit? $1 eaeh. Mis S. KKiiull ron'li. Until.' liiH-U. Mr.. Ut is. Turner went to Hastings Satutday morning to spend the day, ictu ruing home on No. 11 that even ing. We are now prepared to giro reason, able terms on both Now uud Used Cars payable monthly or in a lump sum, Ogle vie Dros C. D. Ailcs, who has been spending tit past mx weeks in dilVeront Cali foi nia a ties, returned honjc F.riday morning on io. lu. V- Attorney Walteis returned to his home at Hlue Hill Thursday morning after attending district court heic for the past lew days. J. H. Railey went to Bird City, Kansas Thursday morning where he will spend a couple of das attending to business matters. J. I. Wines arrived here from Den ver, Colorado Tlnir.Mlny morning on train 1G to spend a few cays attend ing to business matters. Mr. A. S. Moore went to Concordia Saturday morning after an extended visit here w th his daughter, Mrs. Chas. Turner and husband. W. J. Linn went to Superior Sat urday morning on No. 1G after .spend ing the past couple of days here at tending to business matters. W. L. Hines and two children went to Wymote Sunday morning to spend the day with his parents, returning home that evening on No. 17. Miss Nellie Kailcy returned home Thursday evening from Hastings, where she went a couple of. days be fore to have her tonsils removed. N. B. Hush went to Obcrlin, Kan sas, Tuesday morning to spend the day visiting with It s mother and sister and to attend to business mat- ters. McHride and Kaley state they will hold "Old Time Dances" at the Audi torium Hull Room every Saturday night. Don't miss it this Saturday night. J. W. Auld went to Kansas City Monday morning on No. 14 where lie spent a few 'days attending the live stock show being put on there this week Mrs. John Arnell and daughter were passengers to Fremont Saturday evening where they will spend a couple of weeks visiting with her parents. B. F. Mizer returned home on train 1G Thursday morning after spending the pust few days in different towns west of here attending to business matters. Mi. n r Pnu-nlt vnfiivnnil in Iior home at Exeter Saturday mornng on train 1 after spending a few days heie visiting at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Oliver Powell. Wm. Mackey who has been working for the PiurlingUn at Ly ite, Wyo m'ng for the pa.-t several week, ar rived home Sunday mornirg for i. ..hort visit with his family. Ernest Nelson and daughter, Miss Glcndyln returned to their home at MoCook Thur.iKiy morning after spend ng a "couple of days 'neie visit ing with his brother, Ray Nelson, and family. Webster Encampment No. 2."j is planning on holding a big class adop tion the early part of December. Al ready several cand'datc; liave been secured and the Superior degree staff will put on the woik. Engineer L. Snow, who has been on the Hastings-Red Cloud passenger for the past six months, went to Holdregc Monday to take the switch at that po'nt, Hugh Kellcy taking the passenger run out of here. The Webster County Stock Judging Team accompanied by County Agent, H. R. Fnurch went to Kansas City, Sunday morning where they will en ter the contest being held there in connection with the American Royal Live Stock Show this .week. Effective Thursday, the 22ml, the Burlington will resume daily local service between Red Cloud and Ox ford. On account of the slump in business on this line several months rgo, the management cstablhhed bi weekly service unt 1 such t.'mo ts the buaines would warrant a train cftch way every day. LUTHERAN Rfgulur service., every fir.it ntitl third Sunday hi th,' mouth in (Ho Advent 1st elm rcli ut 11 a in ,. t Tiih uln, I linn 1 to all who vih to workup with us i) K. Heinit, Pastor BAPTIST llllilo school Ht 10 u m. Morning service At 11 u in , Subject will lie itppioprin'i! to the Union meet ings being held every evening We join lu oerviuc on Sunday vmh. lug at the MetliodUt'ohurcli. Also In Union Thanksgiving servlce.on Thins day nionilug ut 10:30, with sermon by Rev. IL R. Tweedy. tf I. W. EPSON Utor. GARFIELD COMMUNITY The Services of .Sunday will he ii9 follows: Sunday School at 10:00 a. tn. Seimott 1 1 n. ui. "And Bo ye Thank, fur," Ynuug' Peopled Depaitmetit meeting a 1,7:30 p. in Sermon, 7:45 p. ut., by Rhv. Jottea Campbell The Lectuie Committee plans to have a special speaker for the evening at the second and fourth Sundays of cueh month. Next Sunday evening Rev. Jones Campbell who is visiting his brother J. I). Campbell in this community will preach. The Young Peoples Department will give a program of addresses centering about the topic "Dulles to God" ou Sunday evening. The Young People's Department will hold another Social at the Clin roll un der the direction of the Social Com mittee, Saturday evening. A part of the time will be spent in eating for u few mattets of business that could not be cared for Sunday evening. The re port of the Constitutional committee will be considered. The Musio Committee will piovlde special music Sunday evening. The Thanksgiving service will be held at the chtituh Thanksgiving evening. There will be music, talks, readings, and a Thanksgiving address. CHRISTIAN "If we confess our sins, he is faith, ful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all tin righteousness. As last Sunday wc will have our Sunday School and Morning Worship At 0:15 p. m. we will hnve Christian Kndenvor then go to the' Methodist church for the I'nion Service. We are, privileged to welcome the Union Scr.. vices to this church this week and ate glad for the'splendid messages being delivered each night. The Social Circle met with Mrs Charles Smith on Friday of last week. Plans were talked over for the Bazaar At. the close of the business meeting the hosiebb assisted by Mis. Luther Crabill gave a delightful tea. GRACE EPISCOPAL Sunday Next before ADVENT, Nov. 2."ith. This will be a great day in our church Bishop Bcechcr will be with us, and preBch for us botli morning and evening. We ure anxious that all of our people as far as possible will be present on this day. Let us make a special effort to come to both Morning and Evening Prayer. You will be well repaid for your tiouble. There will bo special music, for these services. The Chinch School at ten o'clock every Sunday morning. .Morning Prayer ut eleven o'clock 'ereiy .Sunday morning. Evening Prayer at seven thirty o'clock every Sunday Evening. Choir rehearsal Saturday evening at seven-thirty. v You will find a cm dial welcome to our services. Rev. Basil S. Daughorty. Damages Orphanage DauiHge to the extent of about $20, 000 was inflicted ou the Christian Home Orphanage at Council Bluffs, Iowa, bv floods from excessive rains and cloud bursts ou the nights of September 23 and 21). Every building at this great institution was damaged, the heating, lighting and power plants rendered usolesstfor several days uud t ho store rooms in the basements of the buildings were Hooded and thousands of dollars worth of supplies ruined This is the worst catastrophe that has ever befall, en this work, and comes as a serious blow when the institution was already struggling to free Itself of debt This institution is non-sectarian, receives orphan and destitute children from all parts of the country and is supported entirely by the voluntary contributions of charitable people. It lb appealing to the public for a Thanksgiving oiler ing to help overcome the losses by the recent Hoods and to meet running expense-, in the ''ally care of two hundred and fifty inmates We have had calls from those in distress in foreign dim. tsand have lespoudml to them. Here is a good woiW right here at home that bus met serious iimit-le and is now risking ns for help Let all send some tliiiu1 at Thanksgiving and help to put llin home of those litUu children back on its feet. Addi-exs The Christian Home Orplmntigp, Council Ulufl's, Iowa EL "V 20th TOYS SALE STARTS THURSDAY Nov. 22. SALE ENDS SAT. DECEMBER 1st I BROOMS 49c Only one to a customer STOVE-PIPE 23c 22 CATRIDGES Winchester 19c Hi 410 SHOTGUN $8.85 It HUNTING COATR VESTS CAPS GUNS A T GIVE-A WA Y PRICES ji fi Razor Blades Gilettc 39c. OUc Auto-Strop 39c, 69c Enders .. .. .29c Gem 39c Duplex 39c A f The Hardware Store Sale Starts Thursday Nov. 22 I E3En.1L" TTTT1 f Ill 111 H ; W w mm in i immmtttmmmmrm-nmrmmmwmmmmmmmmmammwamammwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmHmmmimfmfmwtmmmmmmammam w. !)! i DoWNI'.Y .!:-. r , TIihs" ill iiiroiis l'" -'.l)i''riitiuii lo The Cliiuf can piv ill" suiiif to lie Argus hs l-Mitnr I'Mson I as lal;u ovi'r ' our subii'riiiHiin t'miiinto. i - ' Farm Loans I can make limn lonii In Wulisicr, Franklin, Jewell ami Smith eiiinities at positively the lowest rale, hest terms and opt on oil ei (Ml .1 II ItAILHY Hanson Laundry Under New Management If you have never known the satisfaction of havnijj your Laun dry work done by us, now is a ood time lo try t. Phone us and our wagon will call. Wc do RufT Dry Finish and Wet Wash Ray Card Anniversary Sale f; VELOCIPEDES 10 Days of Bargains A COMPLETE STOCK of Plain and Enameled SEE OUR PRICES on Ranges. Oil Heaters, Heating Stoves and Laundry Stoves BICYCLES All Models for Nen Women and Children Washing Machines Power. Hand and Electric Demonstration at any time Bargain Prices NOTHING RESERVED McGRATHS .JSEES Warner's WRAP-AROUND INVISIBLE CORSETING FOR ALL WOMEN. IN VARIOUS STYLES FOR YOU! Haven't you longed for something that would perfectly control your figure and yet leave it free? Something that would be invisible under your dress? To wear a "Warner's Wrap-around, is to enjoy a new and delightful experience; it is so convenient, so comfortable, so becoming to-all figures. . You will FEEL, as well as LOOK younger in a Wrap-around. SEE THEM TODAY THEY RANGE IN PRICE FROM $1 to $6 BARBARA PHARES I C USE- Deep Rock Oil and Gas Gogs Farther and Lasts Longer On'Sale at Filling Stations in Town and theJBig Truck still makes Daily Trips to the Country. DEEP ROCK OIL CO. W. H. McKIMMEY, Manager Phones: Red 192; Black 223. Ind. 199-R. D Oil 11 Dr.R. V. Nicholson DENTIST Red Cloud, Ncbrusk . OENTIS7 ( I VIMi STATIC HANK Red Cloud Xcbrnskn Dr. W.H.McBndeMr. W. fimv fiiiietto COASTER-WAGONS Roller Skates Boys or Girls $1.98 Ball Bearing Foot Ball 99c All Leather Aluminum Roasters 88c Coleman Lamps $6.95 Coleman Lantern $5.95 Mantles 79c Generators 29c 3-Piece Kitchen Set 1 Sliccr 1 Butcher 1 Tearing Knife I 99c of Hastings Sale Ends Saturday Night UW"L i SrSJEESRB JhL m m m 3 C in Geo. W. Hutchison Bonded Abstracter - Real Estate Farm Loans and Insurance Red Cloud, :-: Nebr. Vl " Till '4Jimj XAiaiUltV Chiropractor AUU tOr Ultl ISMS. t ' KtmwwR'J