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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1923)
RED CLOUrC NEBRASKA, ' CHIEF ;. h.i .'. L S" ! r- -, f AS TOLD TO US K r K5!KS5JS13!KKKfilM DOWNKY NKSP District Com t is in session his week Old lime dance Satuiduy night, at tho Aud toriimi. Wendell Heal of Supciior was tho city Saturday evening. I"ffi"" K1 LVOSl Qlnftk " i HHBlHIillklliiV I ITffTffii i DOWNKY NEST One cnilo..d of hogs wriv hipped from heio to the Kansas City mar kets Tiic-day muring and one c load of cattle to St. Joe. aM-j- wim3frmmm Mr. and Mrs. James Cuther went I. Miss Jl,Jiil w"nc. wcl,t to art' to lh-stirigs Wedhcsday on train 1. iJ!s "( ' moriiinjr for a short .visit with her .sister, Mr?. Lew Evans. C. L. Fuller was a passenger to Copies Monday morning on No. 4. Mrs. George Kailcy was a passen ger to Hast'ngs Wednesday morning. Miss Muriel Fisher arrived here from Super or Saturday morning on 'No. 15 for a short visit with friends. I E. C. Henderson and H. H. Crowell Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fcarn of Wilcox,1 to, S J Sunday morning in were n the city the first of the week. ,ch"rKc of tlic tock hlPPcd f,0,n hcrc tw n,.,. r rw-w , .mn. A" W lme dance will be new at ger to that town from hcrc Wcdncs- t,,c Auditorium, Saturday night. C. A. Horen went to Superior Sun- " .': :, , , ,.,, , .ij.:,) day morning to spend the day, ic- Howard Kalcy and Will McBndCi J . . ft .. , ... . . ., ,. . ...... iturnmc to this city that evening on . . i . -nt iin iinnir in hiiiki - - .Squill IIIV MlM ui mu vtv:ti in "" ings. Several of the Slippers from hoc attended the conclave at Hunting last Thursday at which time Poitci Hale crossed the docit. Mrs. Ci C. Hotcr. of Cowles was a passenger to Hird City, Kansas on train 15 whore she will snend n couple of weeks v'siting with her daughter Mrs. John A l noil and daughter went to Hastings Thursday morn ng to spend the dav with friends, ie- turning home that evening on No. 1 1 There wcic two cars of hogs shipped from heie to the Kansvs City mar kets Sunday, one carload of sheep and one carload of cattle to St. Joe.' State Representative O.wir. Kiefei of Hostwck has fi ed on the Rcmibli- can ticket as a candidate for Co i- gicssman of the 5th Congressional district. No. 17. Rev. C. W. McCaskill was a pas senger to Hastings Tuesday morning on train -1. Sevc lty ono cars of stock pasied throueh heie Sundav moininir foi ,thc Kan-ias CJity anil St. Joseph mni kets . Hazel No-bit of Inavale was passenger from here to Superior No. 14 Friday. a on Lynn Bush is hcrc visiting for a few days with h's parents, Mr. mil Mrs. N. 13. Hush. Mrs. Hugh Kellcy went lo Oilcam Tuesday evening on number 17 to spend a couple of days visit'ng with f l icr.ds. Earnest Nelson and daughter, Miss Gwcldyn of McCook aic here visiting with his brother, 'liny Nelson and family. They intend returning home Thursday. H9 zrv&aiMU n m w r i aar i ta$x&ii2as& w 5 arner WRAP-AROUND INVISIBLE CORSETING FOR ALL WOMEN. IN VARIOUS STYLES FOR YOU! i Haven't you longed for something that would perfectly control your figure and yet leave it free? Something that would be invisible under your dress? To wear a Warner's Wrap-around, is, to enjoy a now and delightful experience: it is so convenient, so comfortable, so becoming to all figures. You will FEEL, as well as LOOK younger in a Wrap-around. SEE THEM TODAY THEY RANGE IN PRICE FROM $f to $6 BARBARA PHARES Mrs. J. II. Bailey and daughter, Miss Mabel returned home Wednesday afternoon on the freight from Blue Hill where they made a short vi-it w.'th friends. Mis. Win. Ficnch went to Omalii Thursday morning wlicic she will ,,. , . ,,..., i spend a couple of weeks with hci Miss Nina Simmons went to Brail-1 shaw Saturday morning visit with relafvcs. for a short mother. Good old time music at the Old time dance Satuulay, Novembei at the Auditorium. '7, Mrs. Elizabeth Foe went to Cowles Thursday morning on train 4 where she will visit for a few days with relatives. Mr. and -Mrs. Clare Pope of Hast ings spent the week end here with relatives and iiicnds. Mrs. John Arncll spent Sunday Orleans with relative returning her home on No. 14 Monday. Joe Crow returned to his home at Republican City Friday evening on train 17 after spend ng the day here with lelativcs Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hummcll and children were passengers to Superior Thursday morning on No. 14. Will Jernberg went to Denver, Colo rado Saturday evening on 17 where he will snend a few days visiting 'with lelativcs. Art Robinson went to Republican Monday morning to resume work on the Burlington bridge gang working near there, after laying off for a couple of weeks. DOWNEY NEST R. C. Rhode Ibbuid Red Cuckrels for shott limp $1 each. Mis S. B Kuuir roatli, Guide Rock. TJie IteliekHliH and Odd Follows held mi cutertHinmtMit at their hill last night ntul those attending bud an en joyable time. Mrs. Harvey Rickcrscn and child ren, returned home Wednesday on train 1G from Orleans where they have been spending tlm past, few days vis'ting with her parents. Mrs. M. E. Moon of Oberlin, Kansas icturncd to her home theie Friday morning after spending the past lew days here with relatives. Lucy Woodruff of Oiwles was a passenger from here to Kansas City 'Saturday morning on train 14. Mr. W.A. Sherwood went to Omaha Wednesday on train 4 to spend a few days vis'ting with friends. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson rc ,' turned home last Thursday from a ki visit to Kansas and Oklahoma. Rev. and Mr.?. J. D. Lamb of Ks bon, Kansas, were pa.-scngcrs to Kearney froni the local ticket office Wednesday morning. J. E. Yost returned home Wednes day morning on No. 15 from: Kansas C!ity where he went Sunday in charge of a shipment of stock. Mrs. Rich Lippincott and daughter Lucille, returned home Sunday from Oeresco, where she had been spending tire past few days with her sistcr-'n- law, Mrs. Noyc? and family. Henry C. Scoft, avd 82 years, who had been in poor health for several mouths, passed away this morning itt the home of his daughter, Mrs Onrney He is survived by several children i T Mrs. George Hincs returned to her home at Wymore Monday morning on Number 1G. She hns been hcri for E. C. Henderson icturncd home Tuesday cvcivng from Ka.nsas City, where he went the first of the week wiuh a shipment of stock. While there he bought two carloads or cattle to be fed on h's place this winter. Mr. and Mib. V. L. Watkins iiihhiui panid by Mr. and Mrs Claude Ulli'-on and family anil Unwind lieiuinliiiinp drove to Belleville, Kansas, Sunday, where Mr. Gibson look tho tiain lo Wichita where he has entered a ehlro prnetio school. id m 3 C m m Deep Rock Oil and Gas Goes Farther and Lasts Longer On Sale at Filling Stations in Town and the Big Truck jtill makes Daily Trips to the Country. Mr. and Mrs. H. 11. Childress and .hildrcn drove to Blue Hill Sunday to spend the day visiting witd friends. The Guide Rock American Legion I'ost and Auxilliary will hold a pro gram and haskct supper at the I. O. r 1 1...11 ..4 41...4 .1.i,wt 'I'.m.l.iit V.., the past week visiting with her phr- embcr 20th. prizes for both old and ems, .in. itr.ii .tirs. r run ues iwiti Auditorium Program November 16 to 23 w'th other relatives. young. Lunch stand do not buy boxes. Mrs. W. R. Lippincott and daughter, Lucille went to Ccrcsco, Thursday morning where they will spend a few days at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Noycs. Mrs. Novcs is a daughter of Mr and Mrs. W. J. Lippincott. Friday and Saturday Here is a Program every Man, Woman and Child in Red Cloud will enjoy. "The Cowboy and The Lady" with Mary Miles Mlntcr and Tom Moore A Western Romance tint's jot cm all stopped for real laughs . anil tlirills. Two famous stars and a sp eiulut supporting east. Actual ly filmed in the jjicat Western canyons. Also "Dogs of War" One of those Laugh Provoking "Our Gang" Comedies Edgar Harrington, who up until a few weeks ago was operator for the Ituilington at this point, drove dowi from Alma where he 's now walking Wodnelay to spend tne day with friends, returning to Alma that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson of Cheyenne, Wyoming arrived hcrc oi No. 16 Friday morning to spend a couple of weeks visiting with hci parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jcrnbctg and with his sister, Mrs. Oliver Powell and husband. Small Floy'o Idea. A .luvt'iiili' I'liuipiiiilnu. bavin'.' nl- i served the corner ..innc of n puliHc building lii-crlhcd "A. 1. I'.itj " iiiinlc tlic statement "I iippii'.i' Hint inenii 'All done. BMi!.'" for those who DEEP ROCK OIL CO. W. H. McKlMMEY, Manager Phones: Red 192: Black 223. Ind. 199-R. Hi m nllc 3 C m i . Hew arrivals AT MrH. Cynthia A. Fulton, aged 80 years, passed away at her home In I ti vale Wednesday evening The fineiul services will lie held n Inavale Friday afternoon alter which inteinicnt will b made beside her husband In the Walnut Creek cemetery- BILL BOOSTER SAYS Sunday and Monday This Program has life enough in it to make every movie fan in the community set np and take notice. THODORK ROBERTS and AGNES AYRES in "Racing Hearts" by the autor of WALLACE REED'S Racing Hits Risking he. life at 105 miles an hour-daring, vivacious, swift aud saucy-thai's Agnes Ayrcs in this picture! Also the 9th Fighting Blood story entitled "The Grim Fairy Tal6" Tuesday Only "The Guilty Hand" 2-reel Western Drama "High Rickers,,-2-reel Century Comedy 3rd chapter of "Steel Trail" 2-reels. Adm. to, 17 and 25c N,CVAO WNW-CS "TO JOtW fcWL VfcJ BOOSTERS' 'PAOVOCK CU)0? WO OUESV HO GOAT TO WOEN LOTS OF SEV1EFTS HELPS NOOl HELPS OTHERS. EVERSaOOV CAM JOIMW JOtt TOON TO aECOA A WiEVAEP. OF THt "PAOLOC CLOB'; JUST PlACG A LVTTLE PADLOCK OM NOUR. UPS VJHEW NOU THV4 TAEfa ABOUT TO 00 A LITTLE V04OCWV4G OR SPREAD A 6Y OF SCAMOAL. THATS ALL, n Wednesday and Thursday MARION DAVIS in another Cosmopolitan picture of the same company as the "Face in the Fo6 in "The Young Diana" How to be always young and beautiful -this -.trangc fascinating ovc romance has plot and luxurious gowns and settings, love romaiiv. Marie Corclli s popular novel. .Mrs. George Beaidslee residing south of this city, passed away suddenly at her home Friday morning. The fimei- ill cervlecs weie held at the bonie Sun- day morning at 11 o'elnek. Ilev. Lamb of Hsliou in charge, after which inter- meut was made in the Webb Hill 9 cemetery. Our small pioiits make it necessary that wo 9i:ll a lot of goods. We need your business and we will do anything to please you Once in a great while we do nut Inivo what a customer In looking for. If not ve are glad to get it for you at a gnat saving. We can give you names of customers In Hast ings, Lincoln, Omaha or any other town of importauco. Johnson & Ora ham Finn Co., Red Cloud, Nebr. We Sell Thom For Less. The Cowden-Kaley Clo. Co. roung men's a Suits 8 evercoats f SPORT SUITS $18.50 to $42.50 OVERCOATS $16.50 to $37.50 Made by Blocks Americas Greatest Manufaeturs of YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHES See Outs First Farm Loans I can make farm Iomiih in Webster, Franklin, Jowell and Smith counties at positively the lowest rate, best terms aud opt'on offered .1 II. IIAILKY Dr. W. Gay Gillette Chlronmctor Auditorium Bids. Hanson Laundry Under New NanaftemeHt If you have never known the satisfaction of having your Laun dry work done by us, now is a good time to try it. Phone us and our wagon will call. Wo do RufT Dry Finish and Wet Wash Ray Gard CHRISTIAN "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of mail be lifted up; that whoso ever belle veth may In Him have eter nal life." Sunday School and Moinlng Worship next Sunday morning. In the evening, we join in the evening meeting at the Methodist chinch. The Primary children will use their new up-to the minute tublo next Sun day mornlug for the llrst time. This tablo was made by tho Smltlw Hughs Bjys. It is very convenient for both children and teacher and will uiaho a fine addition to our department. The Social Circle Is meeting with Mrs. Charles Smith on Friday after noon. m GRACE EPISCOPAL The Church Sohool at ten o'clock every Sunday morning. Morning Prayor at eleven o'clock o voi y Sunday morning. ICvoning Prayer at seven thirty o'clock every Sunday Hvenlng. Choir rehersal Saturday evening at biviiir-Uiirty. Vmi will find a cordial welcomo to our services. .; - V. - Hv. liasil S. Duuglierty. I1APTIST llible school at 10 a in. Morning service at 11 a in., Subject will be appropriate to the Union meet ings being held every evening There will be no evening service as this church joins In Union Service at the Methodist Fpiscopal church at 7:M. special attention of every member and fi lend is invited to the meetings every evening next week except Satur day at the Christian church, all ser mons to be dellveied by Mrs. II. O. Wilcox, who Is giving to us a remark, able series. Nothing in the history of the city seems more dellnitoly Providential than the coming of Evangelist Wilcox to engage in these meetings, and the ideal spit It of fellowship among tho churches promises all that could be hoped from union service at any tim Moreover the music, led by Mr. llu-h and Rev. Daugherty is of the highv oider aud adds tothciutcrestaud he fulness of every service. The nieetin, tire gaining in attendance and pow r every evening I. W. EPSON, Pastor. Wo arc now prepared to give reason able terms on both Now,iud Used Cars payable monthly or In n'lump sum. Oglevle Uros