The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 08, 1923, Image 8

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    T ' ' ""' ttmmtm .. . - .i. . , . , , t.j mmm ,.,. ,. , , ., mimfl , . . m ., , . . i. i i '-
Teaching Patriotism
I'rtrl of the business (if Tho Youth's
Companion Is cultivating n llnu imtrlol
Ism- th love of country: not an tig,
bit tUMit. Tin' Youth's Couipiinlou
started the iiiou'tneui for putt ng I hi
ll g nu tlio .scliotil house, It foniiiliitcd
the Pledge of Allegiance to ihe Flag
tlm is lepeuteil tolit in puiulluiilly
every school in the United Stat a. U
hns fur a long I lino, now, been miming
ii m ries of patriotic covers plotuilng
ktrii.lng events In the nation's histur.i.
l'altitd by the bent historical illusti-ul
o-s In tne country, they fire ii'prndtie.
o I In f ill color nt fre I'lent liierviK
o.i T' Cn-npsiilonS rovi'i' It Is wnr'h
n yeai's subscription toTbuCoinpiiiiuii
t J Iihv tlii'-e coin's m our building of
the i ikii plctiucil ho gttiphlcnlly.
Tl ty Vgiimtly in llxlng ttie memory
of 'lie vents rchili'd in the school Ills
The yi Issues of 1DJI will he crowded
with mmIuI stoiles, short storlc, edit
orluls, poetry, fucts, mid fun. Sub
fiCib" now nml receiw;
I. The Youth's Companion- (ii! issues
In lll'l.
1!. All the lemiliillig Issues of lt).'I,
II Tliu Coiiiimnlon Ilo.r.o Culeiuhir
for 1DJ1. All lor$2.f0.
J, Ur Include. McCaU's Magazine,
the monthly authority on fashion.
Both publications, only JU 00.
Commonwealth Ave. ,fc St. I'aul St ,
Boston, Muss.
State Line
The tlrst snow of the season fell
Morula v
Jo' U Brown was trailing in Oucker
vlllu Tue-dtiy.
Clias Hollii ha- rented the .Mm
Cimpiiell fiirm.
Tlieie will be nuettnij-. ut the Vuw
11 ii ikv-Ii lid- week
Jo l i.nfi and rtjfo spent Solidity
eiei.i ' u lb rt tbi-s'.
lbi'i . b 1 1 1 p is doing the cliuivb at
0 .i I'i ' 'Mu u he. is gone.
1 I Hen Mapes ale lu-lping
G . j eir wcod III li wrute.
l e, s i ho Iihs been stole for tie
ps - '-li-ttpp at litis athiin;.
P i rper helped Cliirord Noble
tin ! s '(K liouso Monday and Ttics
Mr and Mrs Jim Collins spent Sun.
Uv. bci pupeni.s Mr. and Mrs. II A
"' Mr. Hoy Mjcrs lire Ihe
proud parents of u baby glil boi a Mon
day ev, ii'iig
Mi t ! Mis. Fred Broun iuuohI to
Nortui tiinliiy to attend tho tuneral
o' Mi- Pull mi Sumhiy.
O a i r at i filially went toNoitoii.
k.- I 'iii j i, i evening being eillod
'' d.-ith of hi mother, Mu.
October WcaHier Report
' V '''it: Mjn .it) di-g , uii.i
in nu 7s leu . on Dili, minimum IS deg
on li'tn
Precipitation: Total 1 ii? inches
-n fA I 1 me.i.
Nu nber of davo Clear 11, party
cloiulj Ii, cloudy It. Dates of fio-t
light ttlh, hilling 15, 111. a I Pievail
ing t.nd N W ndays.
Precipitation since Jan. 1st, 2170
I idles
Clins. S Ludlow, Observer.
Beguhir services every first and ihinl
Sunday I i th? monili in the AdvenMi-t
chinch at 11 a in.
The public is eoidially 'invited to at.
tHid our sen fees
O K. llolnltz, Pastor
IlEAU YE! The Red Cloud FarmtM.s
Local Union No. 1222 will hold an open
meeting nt the Odd Fellows hall, Fri
day ovoning, Nov 10, nt 7:30. Short
program The address of tho evening
will bo given by Rep. Dan Harbor. He
will have tho outiro evening and will
discuss the legislntlvo proceedings of
tho last session or the legislature. It
will be well worth your time ntul
troublo to heap Mr. Garber. All other
Locals near Red Cloud are urgod to
Attend ns well as the people of Red
Cloud A. D. Polrce, Prosldem.
The Margin of Safety
Is represented by tho amount of
insurance you carry
Don't lull yourself into a fancied
Because tire has never touched you
it doesn't follow that jnu'ro immune
Tomorrow -no today, If you have
time-nnd you better find time
come to tho office and we'll write
a policy on your house, furniture,
store orp merchandise
R.elia.ble Insurance
every Sunday mouiiug,
Morn!' g I'mw-r nt eleven nV'oili
eiy Sihi-'.'m urn' lib g."
Kviiiibig I'I'hxit it seve tlntv
o'l'ioek eVfi'.v .''iiiliiy Evening.
lirv. Ilnsil S. D.tllgheMj.
' VhiWi I If. (II il ttMltt Will t.n ... ...... f
' '' .....I ltni III, M 111 . ,
give unto jon: nr us tbt. woild giveih: I unto you "
V- will have Sunday School and
tiMiiiiirtg WHubtp i,h usual Mimdny
ui.'iiiliig; but unite wltlithu other
ohnruhes in a ptpintic seiviee in tte
The Sun lay Stihmil uolililnies tn
grow. Mrs. (teuigo Pope gave a veiy
iti-irii 'live piohitiitiou t ill las' Sic
Last Friday evo-ilng (Jer'rudo (.'a.
bill entertained tho lleacou Li tin
Class at her home to n Hallowe'en
Puny. The roiniH weie appropi lately
decorated with jick'o lanteriiH, mMs
and witches which gave the proper at
mosphere for all sorta of blunts, At
the close of the evening, Mrs. CntlilM
served a most delicious luncti and Oer
trudc presented each guest with a
handmade favor containing her for
tu tic
The Missionary Society met at the
Parsonage Friday afternoon. Child
labor and the play life of th chi!tl
were discussed. Some very surprising
cindlttotH exist even in our own bind
Tno Child and AmerioVs future lh one
all should be Interested in.
Methodist Church Notes
H. O. 'ir.i'o, Psroii
The most important Ite'iiJJiii mu
not s this week l the iiUiMtlncemetlt 1'lli'Ui I'jv.iiiueliiile in, eiin- i.
begin iu'.vi Mii'itbiy night to run time
WUeks. Mrs. Vi.en- will to tho mvhii.
gWi-t Meetin ;m tn Infill ut i be liip
i-t church Liter at the Cluisti.ui
clllll'ch mid iii-ii nl t'n. I'.Miiev.U ional
chiitvti. it iih.Ii'k timing th
uict'ttum at Meiliudisr church. Ym
will want to get in on this tho ver.
first iilclit
Armistice day otunes on Suiul ly tin
year A special progiain will bo held
in the. evening in ice ignition of the
event. Special music and iiiture-ting
speaking will be tho order of the
evening Tbe pastors null chinches
will unlto in Vii.s service.
We me all verry sorry that physical
inlsfortuiies should li.ive cotno to our
o-teemed friends Mrs. Hush and tJrand.
in i Hi-fZley within the last few tlay
and are all an.hni fur their rapid r
The V H. M Societv held an in'e-e-tiiig
meeting la-t Tiies lay at the
hoiii" of Mrs Itlootn.
riiM.'Miitli Divicion of tliu Ladies
Aid ate to I. live n tea at Mis. Ilmr
me'"8 home tlds afternoon. Bvorybotiy
is Invited.
We will bi delighted to sto ou at
chureh ne.t Stindav morning. Come
to mi Hay School and plan to I o pre
S9iiJJitJ)jvlp worship Nothing can
tilre'a sitl-ttieiory p aco I i our lives
which rules out tne proper waiting
of .iiir hea'ts upon ttoil lu the public,
means of grace.
The lOpworth Leauue is comluc; a
long line In the contest So far tho
autos arc running pretty much neck
and neck
We are much pleaded that the special
meetings which weio announced to be.
gin in our own church on Monday
uigut have been enlarged in scope and
that all the pastor.- will unite in the-e
meetings and that that all Christian
people will have a chance to link up
o:i a good spiritual campaign together
for throe weeks. We are Impressed
with the lino spirit which exists be
.tween the various churches lu Red
Tho Services of Sunday will be as
Sunday School at 10:00 a. in.
Sermou 11 n. m. Thome: lie not
overcome of Evil, but Overcome Evil
with Good."
Young Peoples' Department meeting
at 7:30 p. oi
Sermon, 8:15 p. in. Theine:-"Ele.
oients of Success lu the Christian
Hoth sermons Sunday will be given
by the Pastor.
A 15 mintito song sorvioo will be
held at the beginning of the Sunday
evening service. You will enj ly this
pleasant service of inspiration.
The Young Peoples Department now
has in it 28 active members of the
church and Is on n footing to do some
real interesting work this winter This
department will meet Sunday evening
after the opening song service for op.
Dr.R. v. Nicholson
I'lie Chiireh Mi'hnol nt ten o'c ni k
hcsfraMy MJ WMZi YELLOV PENCIL l xsjatmiavMmss, I
How ninny women hnow liovv to
make vinegar pic?
I ul?h I could net ua dlgrdlled ns n
piiSfH'nger londiictiif.
Most iitiyiuic can deninnd high
wiigcs but fow enrii what they get.
The only advice you pay any nt
ti'ttllon to Ib tlu kind you pay ca-h
to get.
Emi'iHon Purccll'H Ford Is ho old
that It has twenty-four rattles and
sl. buttons.
Real ItitPd times come when people
get to u point where they only buy
what they need.
It Isn't iilways what I say that gets
me Into trouble. It Is what other
folks think I say.
It Is easy to forget when one does
you a favor but you never forget n
wrong, real or fancied.
If you are poor and think you must
follow the fashions you (fit bo sure
that you will stay poor.
Tho only sure and safe way to got
rid of t'xee-s fnt i.s to (iilt outing so
much ami few will do that.
Low Shelley sayn the old maids In
his town violate the prohibition law
by wearini: corkscrew curls.
A mad dog ran Into a store tho
other day. l'.ut ihe store doesn't nil-1
veitl-e. so no harm was done.
Nebraska barbers talk about nils-;
Ing the price of haircuts to n dollar
Us haltlheads are lucky for once.
Now that party loyalty Is dlsiip
pcarlng what excuse can voter- otlV- i
for supporting n two by four cuiulb :
date? '
Hank Leggett Is always arranging'
pipe smoking contests for tne lint. '
none of his favorites ever show up I
for the test. !
Too many unselfish patriots are
looking for tho Job of working the
people beg pardon, I mean working
for the people.
For tlfteen years I have been roast
ed because I demanded rubber-tired
street cars. Now, it is said, they will
soon he In.iiBe.
Some folks suy the two dollar bill
Is unlucky. Send em to mo In return
subscriptions to tills paper. Tltnt
break tlio houiloo.
It I- gnnernily ttcknowledged Hint
one h'tjt to die to ho appreciated. If
this i- true I'd rather live and lot '
the uppriM iatloti go hang. I
die N 1 rn-ha editor remarks
a little work is all right once In a '
while for a change, so long ns it '
doe-n't Interfere with his golf game.
If country editors were us Inter
ested in getting a square deal for
theuist Ives ns they are for other folks
their state organization would he
more elVeitlve.
A Pennsylvania man was mar
ried by long distance phone recently.
Adam P.teede will take no such
chance-, lie Is afraid the wires
might crossed.
An eastern college professor says
no one should n:nrr. on an Income
of less ibiin s ,(i,n) a year. And still
the professors i. under why common
folks make fun n,' them.
An PM'haniro remarks that old fash
ioned spelling bres are no longer
popular In the - lumK Men who em
ploy high school and college gradu
ates found this out long ago.
Country towns need fewer country
clubs and swimming pools and more
old fashioned hard work. The same
Is true In the cities but 'no one ex
poets city folks to know very much.
I haven't got a single bud habit.
They all come In-droves.
(ilffcrd Pluchot will have a hard
time building a presidential boom on
the fact that his settlement of the
coal strike tncroased the price of
Hill Maiipln Is writing a colyum for
tbe Omaha Hee. If I wanted to' re
turn a compliment ho gave me recent
ly I might say that every day In
ever.v way the Heo gets worser and
A Hluir man Is so stingy that he
married a widow to save the cost Of
buying furniture.
If a candidate for congress would
promise bis constituents gold p! -toil
nlckles lots of them would believe
Th.- I'o-s uoesn't like towns wln-iv
they huvo street Ilghta hi the middle
of tho ftror-t. On account of tho
bother mid avpi'iue of chungltig thorn
I have pi-rsunilfd htr to let thorn
V wU&tfic RED BAND hade by I
Holici of Final Report V " ' . - .7
I i Hi
, Culli.t v
. In the nu Iter of Ihe Ks a e til Swiiin
II Johnson, i' ! M-ed.
An Person- "f.-'ed in Said ,
'are lit't'.'bv I'u tt;ii ilint the K vi en' i-i v
I I ' ml V ,.' ..tei ' r i
has Hied hen n. a ti tin 1 nc'onrit mid re- , jj jj
port of her a istrntbui. and a petbji"l!l
Hon lor the settlement of such J
account and t" urt, and for a decree, IT j
of dlstrlbuti' n o' the reshliiM of said m
e-tate, and ft i be assignment of thejjw
tvnl estate u 'ging theieto. and a Sl'ivi
discliarge from her trust, all of which
oin her trust, all of which Sii
i tun" been se' tin- hem inr , T&
court on the Uth tiny of;'j
said matters
before said c
November, llij.', at the hour of 10
o'clock. A M . v hen All Per-on- Ini, r-
fste-l May Anii'tf and ( the'
Duittl this UTth day of October. 102; J
(Seal). a. D ItANNEY, j
Coui.ty Judge.
In the Diotrict Court of
Webster County, Nebraska.
Uavli 7. Mummer. Pi.iintiu"
v- L:oi.
l'hail-s B Kdtly. Kami t I! r
. ,'i .
' urn i.
i' v. I is '
i In - - .Ii.iii--, L Hi. in !'.. .In...
(.1 ue. tee Reeve, K ito Reeve, b s wile, '
Fus National Hank, Hiilyni;, Cob. in
Lot T.ii ('J in Uloek Due (Hi. Y..' et-'s
Scmiil Atliin ui i (iuitle i;.ie. Uiij
sl.-r t'liuoiy, r.'eoi'nska.
Tlie abniK natnc'l (It-feie'ants atitl
t! it'll of tlieiii, us vii a- He i iiknow ti
claimants to the real estate iiiuve tbs.
eiii'il. win take nolle- tli.t nn 1 1
t! It Ii day of October IOiM, Haid .
Miiiniiit rt. plaintiff herein tiled Ids
II.miiii, in s;ill Ciiill't ,ngnii.-jt Mini i
fetiiiunt-, tlie obj cl anil pin.vt-t i t
liieh i.s to f.irecio-e a Ci'itnin lax sile
uerlltii'iiteisMK'd against atd ttal i
titelij the (Jimmy TrHiisuiei' of We.
sier Count1,, Nebrusku, on the i h. day
of Novetiilitr lDlo and sill -etpient ... '
'- paid trtercuiidet, now ainounl nu.' tu
1220.) to have the aiuouii's - piid
wrh mteiest tlnrmi ileceid :i first
il rf iiguiu-t sal I i. i. e-tnti- t.inl fm a
s tie of s, ib) ten t i.t'u to sulisty siiil
lien. You are nip. r tl to Miiser said
p n ion mi ur li i .) th I Mi. ' tt i-f
Ot'iviiibet' .02.'!
Hiivld 7,. Mu oil WJPntii.nti,
liy Fied V.i.rei. Hn .Mt'.ruy.
- . '
183 Acre Faan l?or Sale
l.oe-ttttt .' miles fi' Wheeler, Ra-.,
aim T Milis 11. .tn m 1'i'iiicis Tbe
fai 111 Is priictu' iii.v If el, 8.1 uure
ludng 111 cuitivatinu, lialaucH ptisttiie,
nil fenced, liood well '.s iter. Ill ncies
of coin that will Kld .'!") to 50 bushels
per acre, 20 acres of feed in shock, 10
acre- in fall wheat that I- up. All new
farm ui.ichinety, 8 head hi)i-er,'l good
milk cows, 2 wagons, 2 sets of woiki
harness, 12 hogs, i0 chickens, and
household furniture goes with farm. I
Farm cost $lll,t'0J Inn owner will take
$!l,000. Can give time on $J.7U Write '
Rox III, r. f. d. 2, St. Francis, Ivans.
Co. Ministerial Assn. Meets '
The regular monthly meeting of ,
1 ie county .Ministerial Association
convc.icd ut the Baptist church in
Guide Rock on Monday, Novombcr 5
, ud found the committee from Guide
Rock I'lready on the grou -tl with an
excellent dinner smoking hoi, ready
to be served. A most delightful
time was had nt the long table, after
which opportunity was given to the
new ministers to enroll themselves as
members and the Assoe.V.tion elected
1 s oilicers for the ensuing year: C.
Pi. Nelson, president, B. S. Daughcr
ty, vice-president; C. E. Kirkwood,
'crrctary-trea3u'iiOi, Rev. Kf'hclmiia
of Garfield Community church not
being able to 'be pre. ent to conduct
a round table, the matter ups takci
up impromptu, and a very interest
ing discussion was hail on the ques
tion: "Is Modern Civilization ( hris
tian or Pr.gan?" in which all present
expressed their belief, land the per
so 1 proposing the topic was given 15
minutes to close the discussion.
Altogether tlie meeting was found
very profitable. The next session
v"l c cir c M d" Pereher fl
at the M. K. chinch in Blue Hill.
Red Cloud Nebraska
'V"' h.
i) ia'j:no.TTr--r'rrr5n-iraSTncjawcsv
5'gt rfma-- --i Q
JSW e29 1A' ffivtSSJSF
That's lust what Dr. Hess Poultry
' (
I JERSEY BOARS at Private Sale
Wu are not holding a Sale this fall, so you will
be given the opportunity to select a Roar sired by
Sensation Giant. Fashion Leader or Constructor. This
breeding is the best that you will find anywhere and
these boars are the long heavy boned kind, and our
prices are right.
We also have some sows with litters at side that
we offer at bargain prices.
Mr. B
Try Hammermill Ripple and be Convinced
The fled Gload Ghief
In the County Court of
Webster County, Nebraska.
VKlisTi:urotNT. b
lu tho matter of theestatenf .Michael
Donovan, deceuscd.
Croditors oi Said Estate Will Tnko
Notice, that the time limited tor prcs
oiitution ntul tiling of claims against
tho same U February 15th, ID'24, and
for tho psyment of debts is October
20th, 1021, thnt I will sit at tho county
court room In said county on the llhh
day of IMinmry, 1021, at li) o'clock, A.
M , to ici't'lvf, t'Mimiui', lu ur. a low. or
ii.ijnsi nil chum and otjeoiions .inly
Dated this 20th day or October A. n.
(Seal) A. D. BANNEV,
County Judge.
Help your Moultcrs
If you want your hens to
moult uaturally-
If you want them back on
the egg job promptly -fall
and winter layiujj
Then you must make sure
that your motilters arc heal
thy and hungry.
They must cat lots, and be
able to digest what they cat.
does for your moulting flock.
The Orugirist
Mae No
BRiGas sm
ess man
Geo. W. Hutchison
Bonded Abstracter
Real Estate Farm Loans
and Insurance
Red Cloud, :-: Nebr.
Card of Thanks
Wo desire to express our sincere
thunUs to the Bubckub and 1. O. O. I
and tho niany friends wiio have so
frtitiifully hiipH us dining the time of
our bi-rtiivcnifut. We aie apprecia
tive for the sympithy and love e..
prcsscd'aud other emblems of friend,
Mr. and Mrs Murnahau,
and 'family. ',.
Red Cloud f
rt- -