The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 08, 1923, Image 7

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Relieved of Catarrh
Due to La Grippe
$ $' '' ' t. ' Cf decorations tlint only nations cnn bestow. I can HMraHSriK:jr"
I nS.aa '- -v ?.-, " f'. mjiiso the prayers of our people, of nil peoples, Sar? -w U'iKi'rjmvrn4l
,M.:' itt& that tl.Ls Armistice day shall mark the beginning MfttlJf? &&lWl Wli
ZS i&W&fc&W& f n new nnd lasting ern of peace on earth, good SOB&fMfMm
j- ;. ,V , "''Vtb'i will among men. Let mo Join In that prayer. nSWJ! JIlHiMRPx
' mil I I i I i s
Roup Can Be Prevented
by Providing Dry House
Houp can ho prevented hy keeping
the poultry In dry, well ventilated
houses and feeding halanced ration.
I'nder such conditions If a case ap
pears the bird should be killed anil
limned or burled deeply, sujs a writer
In Successful Farming. Treating a
case of roup Is ory discouraging.
The bird w'lth roup Is suffering ex
treme prostration mill the discharges
from the disease hao a repulsive odor.
This odor Is the factor that determines
whether the hen has roup or a .simple
If a hen has u cold It Is only n few
steps to a case of roup. Isolate hens
with running ojes and treat them with
one of the coal tar disinfectants or a
commercial lotip remedy. Place per
manganate of potiNt In the drinking
water to keep the disease from spread
Inc. Color the water a deep red. Never
lettirn a bird with a cold to the Hock
until she Is thoroughly cured and look::
like a healthy, vigorous specimen.
We know of one ease where u boa
was tre.tted for rout) and then liber
ated before a cure had resulted, lu
about a week, eight other bens lu the
Hock were sick with th) disease, and
after another week of fussy unpleas
ant doctoring, all of the ulck hens had
to he killed to protect the remainder
of the Hock.
A hen which has had a severe cold
should be banded so she will not he
included In the breeding pens the next
ear. When the disease has progressed
until It results In roup the bird Is
weakened and more subject to a icpetl
tlon of the disease. Thin trouble Is
vo .serious when onco stinted that the
owner of a good Hock of poultry must
not hesitate to sacrlllce the best look
ing hen In the Hock If sbi? contracts
the disease. It Is necessary to protect
the balance of the Hock and prevent n
serious financial loss.
US ADS bared I Fuces to the Eastl It
EJ J Is the eleventh hour of the eleventh
III day of the eleventh mouth the fifth
A M. I returning of the moment when
silence fell upon the guns and the
?tvjw cheers of victory replaced the clamor
ski il. ' -'0IllHct ; when Joy came once
"QtzziP" more upon the earth; when hope,
which .springs eternal In the human
breast, rose high ; when personal wi was swal
lowed up in thanksgiving.
It Is u moment sacred beyond nil telling. Let
each good American Interpret Its silence uccord
Ing to his experience and capacity, with a prayer
for better understanding. And may each recurring
November 11 forever find the American peoplo in
ruverent silence with heads bared and faces to
the Knst. -May they In that sacred moment say,
each to himself:
"I will remember while tho light lasts and In
the darkness I shall not forget."
At Arlington America's tribute to her "Un
known Soldier" will be paid by the highest
oflleluls of the government. Two years ago Pres
ident Harding's address was the feature of the
elaborate burial services. Last year President
llurdiug, accompanied by Secretaries Weeks and
Denby of the War and Navy departments, placed
u wreath of red, white and blue blossoms on this
national shrine. Then the president saluted and
turned away. Not u word was spoken. Tho
Rllenco was broken only by the clatter of the
hoofs of the cavalry escort and the booming of
distant guns In the national salute.
This year another hand must place that wreath.
And when America stands with bnred head and
face to the Kast there will be remembrance of
tho kindly gentleman and true patriot, unspoiled
by pride of place, who has "Gone West" to Join
the hoys "Over There." Tor Warren . Harding
was a good American and had understanding
witness these words of his at Arlington, which
should never he forgotten:
"We do not know the eminence of his birth,
hut wu do know the glory of his death. He died
for his country, and greater devotion hath no
man than this. He died unquestioning, uncom
plaining, with faith in his heart and hope on his
lips, that bis country should triumph and its
civilization survive. As u typical soldier of this
representative democracy, ho fought and died,
believing lu the Indisputable Justice of Ids coun
try's cause.
"Sleeping In these hallowed grounds are thou
sands of Americans who have given their blood
for the baptism of freedom anil Its maintenance,
armed exponents of the nation's conscience. It Is
better and nobler for their deeds. JJurltil here Is
rather more than u sign of the government's
favor; It Is a suggestion of a tomb In the heart
of tho nation, sorrowing for Its noble dead.
"Today's .ceremonies proclaim that the hero
unknown Is not unhonored. We gather him to
the nation's breast, within the shadow of the
Capitol, of the towering shaft that honors Wash
ington, the great father, nml of tho oxo,ulslto
monument to Lincoln, tho martyred savior, Here
tho Inspirations of yesterday and the conscience
of today forever unite to make tho Republic
worthy of his death for (lag and country.
"I speak not us n pacifist fearing war, but ns
ono who loves Justice and hates war. I spunk as
one who believes the highest function of govern
ment Is to give Its citizens the security of peace,
tho opportunity to achieve, uud tho pursuit of
"As wo return this poor clay to Its mother
soil, garlanded by love and covexeii t'ith the
decorations thnt only nations can bestow, I cnn
sense the prayers of our people, of nil peoples,
that this Armistice day shall mark the beginning
of n new and lasting era of pence on earth, good
will among men. Let mo Join In that prayer.
" 'Our Father who nrt In heaven, hallowed bo
Thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be dono
on enrth, ns It Is In heaven. Give us this day
our dally bread, and forgive us our trespasses ns
wo forgive those who trespnss ngnlnst ua. And
lead us not Into temptation, but deliver us from
evil, for Thine Is the kingdom, and tho power,
nnd tho glory, forever. Amen.' "
And what of the Intervening years since
November 11, 1018?
David Lloyd George puts Europe's condition
thus: "Fifteen million picked men killed, twenty
million crippled for life, tens of billions of wcnlth,
gathered through the centuries, squandered In n
moment, commerce destroyed, nothing left except
But not so In America. We hnve no hate. Per
contra, wo have fed starving Europe without
thought of payment or reward. And America
emerges from the World war the wealthiest nnd
most powerful nation of nrth. Food for thought
In the sacred moment of silence 1
And whnt of Germany? It begins to look ns If
she were on her knees at last. Apparently It Is
not safe to put It nore strongly the truth has
at last been forced iiyon the German conscious
ness that In the greut four-year struggle which
convulsed the world and Impoverished It In life
and treasure Germnny was decisively nnd con
clusively beaten. Never, until tho olllclal nnd
public and unconditional abandonment of passive
resistance In tho Ruhr, Jms Germany given
acknowledgment that tho victory In the test of
war was absolute.
So 1023 sees a second surrender hy Germnny,
of hardly less Importance than that of Armistice
day of 1018. Another thought for the moment of
silence I
November 11 nt tho eight American cemeteries
In France, Belgium ami England, there remain
the bodies of liO.IlOJl stldlers, sailors and marines
who gave their lives during tho war. At each
of these, from the MdUso-Argonno, Alsne-Marne,
Surosnes, St. Mlblel, Jiio Sonune, Olse-AIsno in
France, In Flanders 1uld In Belgium and at
Brookwood In England, appropriate services were
held thoughout the iny with American diplo
matic or military tuid nuvul otllclals paying
November 11 Is not tho only "Armistice day."
Tho year is full of dnyit (bat are "Armistice days"
lu spirit.
In .Tunc the dlsobled American veterans,
through National Coii'm.inder .7. A. MoFurlund,
placed a wreath on t'co tomb at Arlington.
On tho Fourth of July was unveiled In Paris a
monument to the Am-rlejui volunteers who en
listed In the French iuny In 11)14-15. The statue
which surmounts the monument strikingly sug
gests Alan Seeger, thu soldier poet who wrote
that Immortal poem "1 Have a Rendezvous With
In the spring at SeU.V-prey tho First division,
A. E. F was honored Jy France by tho dedica
tion of a monument, photograph of which Is
reproduced herewith. The First division fought
the battle of Selcheproj catly lu 101S.
Gen. Henri Gouraud, ".ton of the Argonne,"
who lost his right urn In tho service of IiIk
country, was a visitor hero in July and placed
wreaths upon tho ArllviNon tomb.
Another photograph ttmwH tho crosses, row on
row, which mark the graves of American sol
diers lu the national co.iotery nt Arlington. They
died In Franco and v-ero brought back by the
American government.
American klndorgurWti leaders, visiting Ameri
can kindergartens In I'Vaneo, decorated tho grave
of Franco's "Unknown Soldier" under tho Arc
do Trlomphe.
Chutenu Thierry recently unveiled monuments
to tho Americans who there gave their lives to
block tho German drive to Paris in 1018.
Cantlgny has erected an elaborutj fountain as
a moniorlal to tho Americans of tho First division
who enptured tho tovrti from tho Garttinus In
May, 1018.
"Bellrau Wood," n corner of tho forest pre
serve at Hand nnd Ballard roads, has been mndo
Cook county's first living memorial to her World
war soldiers of Cook county, Illinois. The area,
In nccotdnnco with tho plan of the county board
to nam? forest prescrvo tracts after battles of
tho Wtfrld war, commemorates the deeds of tho
Second division nt the famous wooded hill nenr
Chateau Thierry.
A $2,000,000 memorial, testifying to tho regard
of the people of Tennessee for her sons who gave
their lives In the World war, soon will take Its
place among the most beautiful and elnbornto
bulldlngl of the kind In this country. The stnto
appropriated $1,000,000, the city of Nashville
raised ipJOO.OOO and tho county of Davidson put
The Oenernl Federation of Women's Clubs,
comprlsrtig the majority of the clubs of the entire
nation, Ym Indorsed and Its component clubs will
take an nctlve part In the campaign for border
ing tho Victory highway, national memorial trans
continental highway, with living monuments to
tho soldier dead of the United States, In the form
of trees planted nnd cared for by the local clubs
which ere members of the general federation.
LIuttorVhntel, tho little village which was
almost V7lped out five yenrH ago In the course of
the hard, swift drive by which General Pershing's
men cle-red the St. Mlblel salient of German
troops, la September celebrntod Its resurrection,
thnnlcs l American generosity, nlong with tho
fifth nnrlversary of the deliverance of tho vil
lage fro-ii the Germans. Miss Belle Skinner of
Ilolyoke Mass., Is the wealthy American woman
to whose generosity the village is Indebted for
Its restoration.
At Clmumont In June n monument was dedi
cated to "Franco-American friendship." Chiui
moiit wan the headquarters of the American gen
eral staff.
Tho French nation has begun the erection of r
mngnlllcflut and colossal monument to the Amer
ican soldiers. It will stand upon the Polnte do
Grave, the lonely capo upon the stormy Bay of
Biscay, where the American soldiers first landed
In the great World war. The monument will rise
to a height of .'."() feet. It will he by far tho
grontest monument of Its kind In tho world.
Tho principal sculptural feature of the work
will be a gigantic Hguro of France on the seaward
side, gur.Jng straight over the Atlantic in the
direction of America.
The foundation stone of the monument was laid
with Imposing ceremony by Prlmo Minister Poln
care In '.ompuiiy with the American ambassador
to Fnincti. The day chosen for the ceremony was
tho nnnhersury of the landing of the American
troops, and happened also to be that of the arrival
of Lnfuytte In America with French troops at
the time of tho Revolution.
Belleau wood, which Marshal Focll called "the
cradle of victory," was consecrated In July to tho
memory of tho Americans who died there. Tho
French flyg, at Foch's command, was hauled down
to trumpeting by French buglers and the "Mar
seillaise" by the murine band from tho U. S. S.
Pittsburg, and tho American Hag was run up to
the sttnls of the "Star Spangled Banner." A
group of Americans from many states and rela
tives of ",ie dead assembled Inside the ring of
French tillages, the homes of which the Amer
icans savid. Tho wood was formally dedicated as
a pormoTsent memorial by the Belleau Wood
Memorial association, represented by the presi
dent, Mr James Carroll Fruzior, who directed
the plan to buy tho land and preserve tho bnt
tleilelds, with trenches and machine gun nests
and erert u monument and place descriptive
A demcid for n congressional Investigation Into
the alleged deplorable condition of the Amerlcnn
military cemetery at Bellenu woods, France, wna
mndo In October by Edward E. Spnfford, New
York sUtft commander of tho American Legion.
Co-Operative Marketing
of Eggs Is Profitable
The farm poultry Hock has been
itiiiile a source of cash Income as well
as for food for the family by many
farm women who have lent tied from
their agricultural extension agents tho
best methods of poultry management
and preparation of products for mar
ket. The experience of the women of
Fulrhaven (Uu.) community, la typical
of tho work In many stnto. Theso
farm women, desiring to Improve tho
earnings of their flocks, brought eggs
to the weekly meeting of the exten
sion club, where the home-demonstration
agent showed them how to grade
and pack properly for hhlptnCnt. Thin
was continued each week until the
members were able to do the work
themselves. They then organized to
ship their eggs co-operatively, secured
as customer a grocery store In a near
by city, and. according to reports to
the United States Department of Ag
riculture, have been carrying on a sat
isfactory business for more than a
New co-operative egg marketing as
sociations organized In 1!--. according
to reports, handled -lOO.OOO dozen eggs;
In 10U1 some 400 new organization
handled about 1200,000 dozen eggs.
All Hens Show Decided
Preference for Wheat
A recent test at one of the state, ex
periment stations provided certain
amounts of various feeds for the hens,
and what they left was carefully
weighed back In an effort to see which
foods the hens preferred naturally.
Almost all the hens showed a de
cided preference for wheat, which Is
generally used as n poultry feed. Kufllr
stood next In popularity, followed by
corn nnd cornmcul, but outs, bran nnd
sunflower seeds did not prove very
popular. Alfalfa leaves wero also
nnssed hy pretty generally.
A similar tcht showed that tho use
of either beef scrap or sour milk makes
'be ben's egg record at least twice as
,iood as though she were fed no animal
feed whatever, and that sour milk Is
fillghtlv better than beef scrap for this
purpose, In addition to being cheaper
nnd easier to get on most farms.
Proper Care 0 Poultry
Is Apparent in Autumn
Now Is a time when the good care
of poultry shows up. The Hocks which
have-been underfed through the sum
mer are not ready for winter laying.
The pullets which have laid a balanced
ration hnve developed plenty of vigor.
The poultry keeper who has neglected
I. Is flock cannot hope to make up for
lost time. The best of rations will
help to Improve the poorly-fed flock,
but they will never equal the birds
tint have made a rapid normal growth
from the start.
Mrs. Laura Ucrhcrick, over 70
years of age. 1205 Willow Ave.,
llobokcn. N. J., writes: "A severe
attack of La Grippe left inc. with
a hoarseness and slime in the head
nnd throat. I li.ul chronic catarrh.
It grew worse. I could not lie down
or sleep at night. I was always
bothered by the slime, pain in the
back and a terrible headache every
Finally I bought a bottle of
Pc-ru-na which was of prcat bene
fit. It nave me blood and strength.
I have no pains in head or back,
nor noises in the head. The slime
lias gone and I can sleep. My
weight has increased. I am clicer
f til and happy, thanks to Pc-ru-na,
winch I shall always keep in the
liousc and recommend to my
For every form of catarrh
Tc-ru-na meets the need, Coughs,
Colds, Nasal Catarrh, Indigestion,
Ilowcl disorders arc all forms of
Buy it any where in tablet or
liquid form.
Nearly every time some fool inakei
n kick Eonie wise man gets the benefit
of It.
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
Wo are convinced easiest by the ar
guments of people we like.
Mrs. S. W. Knott
1 s&tMmlKm
Health Brings Beauty
An Women Can Look Well il in Health.
Chnmpalim, HI. "Ever Blnco I de
veloped luto womanhood I havo been
troubled with functional distur
bances and fainting spoils. I was
under a physician's caro, but no
medlclno I took Boomed to do mo any
Kood. A friend, Who had gono
through tho samo exporlenco aa my
self and had found such help by
taking Dr. Plorco's Favorite Prescrip
tion, urgod mo to try it. I tried it
nnd to my great delight tho Pro
scription brought about a wonderful
change, ovory organ functionating
correctly. I can cpeak In tho high
cat pralso of Dr. Plorco'H Favorlto
Prescription." Mrs. S. W. Knott,
1212 N. Market St.
All druggists. Tablota or liquid.
Wrlto Dr. Plcrco, Pros. Invalids'
Hotel, In Duffalo, N. Y., for froo
medical ndvlco, or send 10c for trial
pkg. tablets.
Working Hard.
"Will your boy Josh icinuln In col
lege?" "lie thinks so," replied Farmer
Corntossel. "Ho don't take very kind
to study, but he's workln' hard In
hopes the football team can't do with
out him."
Dispose of All Fowls
Weak and Lacking Vigor
Cull all bens that are sick, weak.
Inactive, lacking In vigor, poor eaters,
wIMi shrunken, bard, dull or whitish
colored comb; small spread ordlstanco
between rear end of keel and pelvic
hones; full, firm, or hard abdomen;
and those that hnve molted or begun
to molt In August or September. In
breeds having yellow legs and skin
the discarded hrns should nlso show
yellow or medium-yellow leirs and yel
low benVs nnd vents
Ix-ime and achy m thu morning? Tor
tured with backache idl day long? No
winder you feel worn out aud discour
aged! liut have you given nnj thought
to our kidneys? Weak kitlticyij causo
just Mich troubles; and you are likely
to havo hradachcH, too, with ihzzineiH,
htabbhng puius nnd bladdgr irregulari
ties. Don't risk neglect! Ubo Doan'8
ICidncv Pills. Doan's havo helped
thousands. They should help you.
Ack your nciyhbori
A Nebraska Caso
Mrs. A. AV. ICrum-
me, A r a p a h o o,
"r2rnvN".. says: ".My
mo and a dull,
ft 'SJ "iiKKintf iiuiii in
"ffP my tiuek bothered
yirmo y upe-lis. ay
,i .fcRJiuneyB actcu lr-
1v rotjularly and I
lv- wus dizzy at
-? I' llinitn T tmt n Iwiv
(!(tj "" ."" w""-
VKJ or Donn a Kianoy
'llittiAfifUmm I'uis ana aiior us-
p4i ..--w- t v- camo uettor and
I havo boon feollns nil right over
Get Doan'f at Any Store, 60c o Box
IIKXICO Wo fnmUh eipcrt, reliable Informa
tion coterlnK cmidlllunft nnd oppurtimltlca lioro and Ouuiiurrulal llotureocm. tro , K00. re
tamrdlflnfimTenlcntor luiposilble furnltti Infor
niatlun. l!(ilTeral Information and Borvlce Com
iun lJaldcra27.MeilcuCU7.Meilco.