RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF r' I m lis w BR mi SSfJI w n So easy You just mix water with Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, and bake 'em. Aunt Jemima Mtiny n coining man falls to nrrlvo i Wlmt Is the object' of driving pto becnuso ho got cold feet shortly ufter pie up to face trouble that It Is known starting. they will dodge? I issssl r" mtmmtmmmmstmsmmsm ?h Eco If n man once has It, It never dies the tuste for showy neckties. A Lady of Distinction Is recognized by the delicate, fascinat ing influence, of tho perfume she uses. A bath with Cutlcura Soap and hot water to thoroughly cleanse tho pores followed by n dusting with Cutlcura Talcum powder usually means a clear, weet, healthy skin. Advertisement. When you have to bear It about the nrdest part Is tho grin. Jor Economical A Istmilvtho I I f world's great- 1 I "'VfVViA est baking g 1 19 v4m$Pjr produced KsM Ml JB.t.M.CK' rlATTTsrfl g S Ba&itags CSI HI Jl?. for over fejf m of any y kJW:L Km brand peotbttest ? JlSfflJl imwmm? riTntfiyiTOW msm Every Farm EVERY farm neda two automobiles, one of which should be a closed rjdel Chevrolet. The open tourinft car it bcit for general farm use, carrying pas icngeri or iperhrps miscellaneous bulky produce or merchan dise, but for cold or rainy weather, and for church or social us the family ntds a closed car, cither a 2-pnsscnger Utility Coupu m illQstrated, or the 5-pnssencer Sedan. The extra large rar ompartmcnt is a feature of the Coupe. Thes closed cars are very finely made, furnished, upholstered and triiimed. Tlte windows arc of plate glass and can be lowctd, providing as much nlr ac an open car, yet affording full protection against wind, rain, snow or cold when raised. With a second car on a farm, one is always available for thosa at home when the other car is out. The low prices of Chevrolet make the ownership of two can feasible for most farm families. CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., DETROIT, MICH. Division of General Motors Corporation Prices Effective September 1, 1923 . . o. b. Flint, Michigan Superior 2-Pan. Roaditer . . Superior 5-I'M. Tourlnu . j Superior 2-Paii. Utility Coupe Superior 5-Pmi. 6edn . . Superior Commercial ChniU 6uperior Light Delivery . . Utility Eipren 1 ruck ChauU $490 495 640 795 395 495 550 AMERICA'S HOME Black - Tan White fiHIHObA ktautMtna Tjt In town, llontyt Pancakes! CALUMET amy BAKiNG POWDER. The man who depends on luck to get him through has u mighty fickle partner. The war has made table linen very valunble. The use of Red Cross Ball Hlue will add to Its wearing qualities. Use It and see. All grocers. Adver tisement. Where therein a will there's a bunch of expectant relatives. . Loud attire speaks for Itself. Transportation JNfeeds Two Five United States manufacturing plants, seven assembly plants ana two Canadian plants give us the largest production capacity in the world for high-grade cars and make possible our low prices. Dealer, and Servirc Station, Evtrywhen SHOE POLISH - Ox-Blood - Brown In the handy box that opens with a turn of the key. No broken nails or soiled hands. Softens end preserves leather. Sheds moisture. Shoe shining with SrllNOlA nifty thrifty habit. "The Shine for Mine" T5fte AMERICAN LEGION (Copy for This Depitrttnpnt Supplied by th Amorlcnn I.ritlj, Nrvvn Hirvlco.) LAWS BENEFIT SERVICE MEN New York Veterans Are Well Provid ed for Through Efforts of American Legion. Now York veterans of tlip World war will receive substantial benellts ns rt result of the American Legion's suc cessful efforts to olitaln passage of laws In tho state legislature. Anions the most Important ineasuros adop'ed were laws that Include: Appropriating SlfiO.OOO.OOO for the construction of a road to the veterans' mountain camp of tho American Le gion. Appropriating $1,f00.000 for the con Btrtictlon of n Btate military memorial at Kings' Park, to ho used solely for the care and treatment of World war veterans. Appropriating $10,000 for the pay ment of ?!00 annually to each Now York eteran totally blind as u result of war service. Appropriating an additional $1,000, 000 for relief of needy veterans, allow ing $.'?0 a month to single men, with u.'.dltlonnl allowances for dependents. Providing that the city of New York, as well as the board of super visors In each county, may appropri ate funds for the burial of ex-servlco men and Increasing the maximum for such funeral expenses from $75 to ?100. Kxemptlng the real property of tho American Legion used exclusively by the posts from the payment of taxes. Providing that new voters he ellglhlo to vote must pass the literacy test to be jjlven by the state board of regents. An amendment to the constitution authorizing the legislature to vote on a bond Issue for the payment of adjust ail compensation to otoratis, without submitting the bond Issue to the peo ple for approval. HOSPITAL INSTEAD OF JAIL American Legion Almo to Secure Lib erty of Mnny Ex-Service Men tNow In Prisons. Many former service men of tho World war, now In prison, are believed to havo committed the crimes for which they lire held when physically or mentally unfit as a result of war service, In the opinion of Joseph Sparks, chairman of the American Legion's national rehabilitation com mittee. Sparks has directed a survey by the Legion of the former soldiers nnd sailors Incarcerated for crimes In the penal Institutions and Is reviewing these, eases with a view of obtaining their release Jf n mental disability, traceable to war conditions, is proven. Chairman Sparks Is of the opinion that many of these men "drifted Into crime" as n result of their physical condition following discharge from sorlce. lie estimates that 12(1,000 such men are confined In the country, and Beeks some way to bring relief to them, as the problem Is of too great scope for the veterans' bureau to handle. "It is shocking to think that there are thousands of men from alt walks of life confined for crimes that many of them did almost unknowingly, be cause they were so removed f-om nor mal health and strength at the time." "We have made Investigations In Rome states where conditions are worse than others, and have found that many pf the men should have been In hospi tals, Instead of Jail, so iai )? Miolr condition, nnd tho Jail life has not helped," he added. Experts of tho veterans' bureau de clare that It Is remarkable that not more of the men are In Jail, because bo many loft army service with shat tered nerves and were cninjielled to ad Just themselves to after-war conditions. Dr. Stanley Itlnebart, ono of tho veterans' bureau specialists, said: "The states must see to It that ev ery service man In prison gets an op portunity to have a hearing If ho de serves It, or hospital treatment Instead of a jail cell, If this Is what he needs." This problem will ho presented at tho national convention of the Ameri can Legion, to ho held In San Kran ,'lsco. LEGION OBTAINS NEW LAWS Oklahoma Organization Accomplishes Much Good for Men Who Served In War. The American Legion In Oklahomn has accomplished much good for tho former service men In a legislative way, according to reports made by do partment ofllclals. Among the legisla tion enacted through efforts of tho Legion is the erection of a half-million dollar hospital at Muskogee, a quarter milllon dollar Institution for tubercu lar service men at Sulphur, mainte nance of separate "wards for former service persons at the University hos pital In Oklahomn City, n fund of Sno.000 for relief of sick and disabled veterans and for their dependents, ex emption of personal proporty from taxation of veterans In amounts not exceeding $200, designation of Armi stice day ns a stnto holiday, requiring thnt tho flag bo displayed In all school rooms, requiring teaching of tho Con ntltutlon in all public schools, and cupport of state compensation bills for World war veterans. O'CONNOR GOOD LECH ON MAN Kansas Member Haa Seen Long Army Service, Much of Which Wat Unexpected. John II. O'Connor, an active worker of the American Legion in Kansas, de clines that the unexpected has always led him Into a line of woik that he did not aiitldpato In fact, the Kansas man has said that uen his military career In the World war w s soiuewhnt unexpected, for an early admiration for tlugs mllltaiy caused him to be come r member of the National Guard at the age of tlfty-ono. Me was (lis cliargid with cltar.ons ami the rank of Heme unit colonel. 1 tin n In Frankfort, Ky he mined to Kuns is with bis parents In 1S7D, Just as tl at state was emerging fnm a elUFl r of shacks and a few score of faml les to modern cities. He was educated In Wlnlleld, and was thrown on Ms own resources early In life. Ho first tried southern California, but wen "broke" 2,000 mllos from home, lie became a surveyor with n party In the Sierra Madro mountains, and nciuumlated enough money to get back to Kansas. A series of even less fortunate experiences followed, nnd In turn, O'Connor became a farmer, n laborer, n stone mason, n soldier, n printer, n traveling collector, until bo finally returned to Wlnflcld, where ha F;i d & . o- ' John H. O'Connor. remained until the World war. A'ftet discharge from the military servlci he was appointed postmaster of Wln lleld. Ills military record Is nearly as re markable, lie enlisted for service In the Kansas National Guard In 18SZ and served until 1S01. On the opening of the Spanish-American war, lie vol unteered for service. At discharge lie was seigeant major of the Second Kansas Infantry. He then organized a company of the guard In Kansas In I'.lti'l, and hail reached the rank ol major In 1015. when detailed for bor der service. On May 'JS, 11)17, he was detailed for a tour of instruction at Port Sill. Oklahoma. In October, 1017, with -1,000 other Kansas men, ho was mobilized and arrived In Prance lu April. 1018, after a training period. He served in the Alsace sector, In the, east of Verdun, and for a time was fUatfo.1 In tho Corn mercy area. Colonel O'Connor Is now a member of the organized reserves. A delegate to the Paris caucus ol the American Legion, Colonel O'Con nor has been an enthusiastic workei for the organization. He organized and was first commander of the Win field post of the Legion, has served as state historian, and Is an active mem ber 'of the Forty and Klght. RENAME .BOATS FOR HEROES Metropolitan Firemen's Legion Post of Bo3ton Honors Members Who Gavo Lives in War. Ilellevlng that heroic deeds of mem bers of the city fire department who porik-lied in the World war should bo commemorated, the Metropolitan Fire men's post of tlie American Legion In Iloston has caused three llrebouts to be renamed In honor of the depart ment's dead heroes. These three vessels, formerly known us Knglne HI, Kngine -11, and Knglno -17 were rechrlstenud as the John P. Dowd, Thomas A. King, and Angus MacDonald, respectively, nt a special ceremony conducted by the Legion. State and post ofllclals, municipal uflicers and three thousand firemen of the department participated In tho ceremony. Mayor James P. Curley was tho principal speaker. On the pilot house of each boat was placed u bronze tablet, reciting the vnlorous deeds of tho man for whom thu vessel was named. These tablet were unveiled by relatives of the war victims. A llrlng squad from the navy fired n salute ad each boat was ro christened. Home for California Post. When tho county supervisors of To hnnm county, Cnl ordered tho building of n new court house, tho Itcd Muff post of tho American Legion succeeded In securing a portion of tho old build trig for ubo as n Legion homo. Only slight changes ud repairs were neces sary to mnke It Into an excellent build ing for the Legion's purposes. iY rt.l&TW'ru -Ji. .-VW 5 .&.: r?ua";.v.r i Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from tlrttRR-lntn tvlio nre eontnntIy in direct touch with Hip public, there is one preparation thnt knu been very euceewiful in overcoming lieie conditions. Tho mild and henling Inlhicnce of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot is soon renlied. It stands the highest for its rcnnrkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Comp.inlrs, In nn interview on tho subject, made the ns tonishiiig statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance tro re jected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the lnrRo majority of thoso whose applications are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. Dr. "Kilmer's Swnnip Hoot is on sale at nil drug stores In bottle of two sizes, medium nnd large. However, if you wish first to test tills m-cnt preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer ft. Co., llinghninton, N. Y., for n sample bottle. When writing bo sure and mention this paper. Advertisement. Castor Oil. The score of n hitherto unknovni waltz by IlnsMnl has been found among his manuscripts In the LI ceo at Pisa. It bears the amusing title "Castor Oil." GIRLS! HAIR GROWS THICK AND BEAUTIFUL 35-Cent "Danderlne" Does Wonders for LlfeloEs, Neglected Hair. A gleamy mass of luxuriant hair full of gloss, lus ter and life short ly follows a genu ine toning up of neglected scalps with dependable "Danderlne." Falling hnlr. Itching scalp and tho dandruff Is corrected Immediately. Thin, dry, wispy or fading hair Is quickly Invlgo rated, taking on new strength, color and youthful beauty. "Danderlne" Is delightful on tho hair; n refreshing, stimulating tonic not sticky or greasy I Any drug store. Advertisement. 'Vengeance. First Copper Seems to me that you were pretty severe with that speedster, weren't you 7 Second Copper Yes, when I found out that It was the dentist that pulled a wrong tooth on me. Children Cry for W- mSk f ll J 7.1 w sAfT'KillJalr1! , sk &) JMHHHHHlsSfts&lil H "f? r V VR a 1HT(vn To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of CaYf'CclcXtAA Proven directions on onch package, Physicians everywhere recommend it. A rule that refuses to work at all Thero la peace of mind for a man jften gets tho best of ono that works who knowB that ho "puts up a good both ways. front." SAY "BAYER" when you buy. Insist! Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians fof Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuralgia Rheumatism Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablet Also bottlcu of 24 and 100 Druggists. Aspirin t tho trade mark of Uayer MrtirUcturo of UoncxceUeacldcitcr of Saltcjllcicld livo pleasant Ways t to relieve a cough vw Take your choice and suit your taste. SB or Menthol flavor. A sure relief for coughs, colds and hoarseness. Put one In your mouth at bedtime. Always keop a box on ha id. TRADE SMITH BROTHERS &B. COUCH DROPS ENrapL Famoui DOCTORS WANTED TO OPERATE Mrs. Quillon Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Saved Her from nn Operation MnflkcBon,MIchignn. "After doctor Ing for elghtor nino ycarnwith different pnystcmns witnout anyrciicintnii.tnoy Bnioauasi.inni.inea tcino would not roach my cuno and 1 should havo nn oporation. I had henrd of Lydiit E. Pinltham'a Vcro tnblo Compound and often opw It ndvcr tisod in different pa poro whero somo women had Buffered lust aa I did nnd trot well and BtronR again by taking tho Veg etable Compound. I docided to boo what it would do for mo, and boforo I had finished tho fourth bottle, I waa much better, tho weakness stopped and tho Bovcro painn in my Bides left mo. I nm now much etrongor and do my own work nnd work in tho factory bcaidcB.I nm still taking tho Vcgetablo Compound nndgivoitnllthonrniso." MrB.NELLtu Quil.LON,17MorriflSt., Muskegon, Mich. Women uhould liecd mich warning symntomo ns bearing-down pains ana wcakncsg.for thoy indtcnto somo fomal trouble, nnd n persistent nnd faithful iiso of Lydia E. Pinkhnm'o Vcgotabls Cotnixnmd will seldom fail to help. Tell Me Your Wants in Omaha I run Iiiit It for yon. Nu ctumiitVnti rlmrgr. llof ert'tico, t'lrn NiUUiiml llnnk.f Iminti.Tof Commerce or Atiiocltiti-tl lli'lnllcts. N. AV. NAKICN, 1 in Hon til l.Mli St., OMAHA, A boy Is surprised that something he enjoys la useful. W0MEN1 DYE FADED THINGS NEW AGAIN Dye or Tint Any Worn, Shabby Gap. ment or Drapery. Each ITi-ccnt packago of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so slmpla that any woman can dye or tint tiny old, worn, faded thing now, oven If sho has never dyed before. Chooso any color nt drug store. Advertise ment A girl Isn't necessarily timid because she Jumps at a proposal. uwuu C3femond fyes MOTHER:- Fletcher's Castoria is pleasant, harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teeth ing Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared for Infanta and Qiildrcn all ages. X2 St ll . t MAM sine 1847 aaHMMMiMaBau.HaaaBB'