Kansas Pickups 4 SMITH COUjNTV UnwiilpivKlio'rer Ih finite poorly at tills writing. .Soiiip of the furiners Iibvc started orUililtif corn. I.oN Liitinlxftn Is spamlinj, the wi'ek with lu-r sister, Air?. Ilex lMllnui. Mik. Mao .Tones spent Siituliiy nnd Min'lny with Mrs. CI1119. Wray. Jim) Abbott mid wife spent StiiKlny w.t'j Eluiur Spurrier and faintly. Dinging potatoes seems the order of t in ilny, every one reports a good yield Mr. K. il Snnw hail it eleaiiup miIh 1'ist week mid is soon to k' to Cnllfor. n I ii Ml. ami Mrs. (Jim-. Wruy lire the p oti I parents of a baby tflrl, born last Fililav. Mis. Uleiitiette I'tiynu Is spomlliiK the week with her uncle Albert Must ermitii Htid wife. B K Spurrier mid Karl Abbott at tended the .lesue Itice hog sale In Ken smjjion, Mutiiiduy. Mrs K. E. Spurrier and her fatuerln law antoou to Green, Kas,, where the latter went to see a dootor. Mis. B. E. Spurrier and daughter, Mrs. Earl Abbott spent Saturday in Smith Center the guest of Mrs. E V. Lu- M s Emily Million, who is teaithlnp the liellalro oehool, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. (leorgo ithorer. 'J'. S. Spurrier Is quite poorly at this wilting with rheumatism, not bolng nhi" to lie down at night for the past six weeks Mi. Minnie Maddeox returned to her home In Ftnlleld, Nebr., after h weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs (Jporge Matson. Mm, Ilarve lll.ilr is at S.i.itli Center taking treatments lor rheumatism. She ha been having quite a seige wllh rheumatic fever for the psst two months. BAPTIST Klble school fct 10 a. in. Morning seivlee at 11 a in., Subjeot: "1 Modem Civilization Christ tun or Pngau?" Evening service at 7:110. Subject; "A Lesson In Economy." Mill-week meeting for Klble study aud conference pn Wednesday evening a' T::tO l'lie Ordinance of The LortlS Suppi r on Sunday morning, Choir meeting on Friday evening at the home of the Pastor. Coulial Invitation to all of above Serviees. The County Ministerial Association is e tiled to meet at the IlaptUt church at (titide Itouk on Monday. Nov. 0th, ut "2 o'clock p. in. Ministers and their wivts liie invited to 12 o'cloulc lunch, 'eon at the chinch. .S. P. (lowland, of Juniata, twice a veteran of the V. S. and an early plo neer of Adams county, enroute from a visit in Kansas, called at the home of the Pastor on Monday. I. W. BDSON, Pastor. LUTHERAN Regular services every first and third Sunday i.i the month in the Advetitist church at 11 a in. The public is cordially Invited to at teud our services. 0. K. Heinitz, Pastor Geo. W Hutchison Bonded Abstracter Real Estate Farm loans and Insurance Red Cloud, Nebr. Dr.R. V. Nicholson DENTIST Red Cloud, Ncbrask The Margin of Safety Js represented by the amount of Insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself Into h funded security xx ' '" Because lire has nover touched you it doesn't follow that you'rciminune Tomorrow -no today, If you have time and you better llnd time coino to tho otllce and we'll write a policy on your house, furniture, store or niMrchaudlsH LATER MAY 15 E TOO LATE- o. c. tel R.eliatble Insurance Methodist Church Notes H. (1. Wilcox. Pahtok That was a suiiittuoii.scafi'teilti sup per which wis rved by the west illv Islou ol 1 1 1 h I 1 1 .-. nl I hot Kinlny night. Judging fivni the wy the ehieken disappeared liieio aie n-iiiio bi'sbles preachers uln have iipfelu I pt oneness for that purliiMilar kind ot fowl, The Epwnrth I.e.iglH1 held a masquer nde linlhiVeii soeUI In the Hunch purloin mi M"inl-y night nl this week. Them won' ulttiur llfty who were pies elll. l'lie eveiitng wits spent 111 piny lug viii Inns rit ies lollowlng which the committee in charge .served refresh ments. It, Is quite probable that, special Evangelistic meetings will be held in our church in the prudent mouth Our Evaimollst will be Mrs Wilcox whom you will be please! to have lend us These moetlngs will I'nnilnuc through two weeks so be prepared to stait with the first service. Another of our esteemed momb rs hns been called from our midst in the passing of Mrs. Ell.ibth Potter who was ono of the eailiest to havo her name enrolled upon our record. He cause of her extreme suffering for many months death enme us a sweet release. The sympathy of our people is with her bereft husband and child ren in their loss. The east division served lunch outat Mr. Hunt's public sale on Wednesday of this week. The parsonage family are entertain ing the choir and Its ft lends this week. We are pleased to have these folks with us for an evening. Two or three little birds hnv told us that something Is going to happen tonight In the church parlors We shall wait and sen. A very pleasant sin pi is came to our congregation last Sunday morning Mil tint himgliiu on the wall of the audi forliini iii attractive clock which was the gift (if Mr. and Mm. Crablll. Doth pastor and people endeavored to ex press In a public nnmiier our spirit of appreciation to tbe-e good friends for their magnanimous gift. The time is here to begin serving the Lord. What do you say to the proposal that wo start out with Sunday School und'ehurch next Sunday morning to the time of the new clock You arc heartily Invited to both of these tiinrn lug services xml to the services of the evening dft, well. AVe hlgldviippremute tho hearty response that wc are ha- ingHnd Mthet) cordiality , manifest on every hand in the opening our pas, oral work here In lied Cloud. We begin to feel decidedly at home and that are now pretty weir broken In. Uncommon Sense JOHN BLAKB WASTINtiENEltttV OINCK the beginning of time men hav wasted millions of yenra of energy In tryln to naive the unknow able. Tim mysteries of life and death, the puir.le. of space, theso things are be yond the grasp of the human mind. Let them alone. There Is abundant knowledge that can be learned, useful knowledge that will help you with your career. . ' Study that kind of knowledge. Take mental food thut your mind can digest. Tuke It In abundance. Work hard to get It. Hut do not torture your mind with problems that are beyond your reach. A scientist, searching for truth, de termine us soon as he can In whut directions he can inuke progress. And his researches follow In these direc tions. Where he sees it stone wall set up tigalnst him, he turns aside. There U no use trying to travel any further In that way. There Is plenty of wyrk to do that can he done. And that li the work thut occupies the Investigator's mind. The average man will need all his brains and ull his energy studying things tht can bo found out. We do not mean things that are already known. If you stopped with these, tho world would forever remain In Its present Ignorance, which Is vast com pared with what It will know In the future. Rut where life conies from, why It flickers for a brief space nnd dies, and what Is beyof d the stars Is some thing that until we receive hitherto unheard of light, wo shall never know. Waste no time on these problems. They are as vain iin tho efforts of the alchemist to turn base inetnls to gold, which occupied brains that might have been bettor used on loarniui; more use ful things. Learn first the limitations of the subject that you study. That will dispose of much puzzle and worry, and enable you to go ahead and give It the time and thought that may ndd to the world's store of wisdom, nnd will certainly mid to your own. l by Julm HUke ) - o Nowhere to Go hut Heme. '.Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, they all close nt last and we have to go homeSun Fran dsco Curonlcte. , , W5D CLbtTD, , tfJSBRittti CHI1F J C (jJlOX HZ" p -A 3: IL, IE .rfflff sJ"r I WU YELLOW PENCIL lRS.VfCrr.CAMAMO0TMt:.srS;isl The use of g118 wns new In war II J L IvitfltflQ RED BAND V MADE BY I mil it Is old muff In politics. ) ffrAnt T nCAtr f AMAnnts r YJHELAR3EJT PENCIL FACTORY When you get your store teeth it (TOtjcl ball. Lincoln Joy riders arc certainly giving that staid old burg u icpiilii lion In this part of tho Mute. Tho fact that you have mi celpts doesn't prove that you pay your shuro of Hie taxes. lux re do not Four-wheel brakes uiny make auto middling safer but they won't do the domed fool drivers any good. Lot's all try .spending less money and minding our own business. Tho world will he better off If wo do. When you get real mad and toll a friend what you think of him the chances nre you don't really think It. About the last end or nothing In tho way of nu occupation would be lo engage In counterfeiting (lermaii money. If you uro (ruining your children properly you always tell thom(o run ahead mid pick flowers when your uto stalls. A Harvard man sighs for the good old times when ho could get u real man's size chunk of chewing tobacco for a dlnio. ..Mini men steal automobiles In Omaha. TliU In proven by the fact that someone Htole a car belonging to E. L. Walters. Some folks who don't believe in Sniitu Clans still believe It Is possible to make the big corporations pay most of the taxes. A Fairbury man Is so stingy that ho buys roasting ears with yellow kernels so his kids will think they are already buttered. Already some Nebrasku men nre beginning to treat me much nicer than they used to. They expect to run for otllce next your. Ono Nebrasku editor remarks that If1 Henry Ford Is really sincere In his doslro to cud poverty he will Imro to stop selling automobiles. There is no such thing us an inde pendent newspaper unless Its editor Is satlslled to merely record the news and nover express nn opinion. Someone remarks that when n mil lionaire's son starts nt the bottom to learn the business he only .stays long enough to get his picture taken. I used to turn my grandchildren over my knee when I whaled 'em. Hut they got to biting my log so bad that I had to turn 'em over u barrel. Some highbrow only four people have good sense, never been able three. rises to remark that out of ii hundred Mohbe so, but I have to llnd tho other A Oonovii man refused to take his wire to the hnspitul when the doctor advised It. Ho said he could get a brand new wife cheaper than he could repair the old one. Pool tables, picture shows nnd other such things may be desirable addi tions to the modern church, us nmo advocate, but It 1-. dllliciilt for us old fashioned folks to think so. A minister ut tho recent Methodist conference snj.s that what the church needs most iiou.iilay.s Is fewer men at doks aud managing drives nnd 'Hi re men preaching the gospel. How much merchandise did you ever buy from a merchant on account of Ids plastering the highways with road signs As a mutter of fact, you are more likely to cuss him ror muss, ing up the landscape. In some sections of the country child labor is nu evil but most child ren, nowadays, don't labor enough. A cynical Nebraska editor says a prominent citizen Is a man who nl Ways has a speech concealed In his system nnd Is ready to let It off any time. Mother gives the young ones their own way so she gets the ilowers mid the poetry. ad wants them to show a streak of sene occasionally. lie gets the roasting. l.ver. person who .seeks tho free use of .space In newspapers Is horri lied when ho discovers that "they don't want to print the news." I acknowledge the fact that I a bone-headed old grouch but notion is thut the natlnual. state iiii-l ncri""it h.ie enough t ri" !11 illl'l il looking after o.ir goieral wolfait nur.su to tell lis without providing n loii'llttle Wlllle'r.eeds a tooth filled or supplying us with swimming pools, dance pavilions -lnd other publicly owned roerc.Ulou.. n berry seed und'T lt-!1 ' ' ' ' -Jy r I It feels bigger than ' ''"i--J--uJBiJriJts, fiia In the County Court of Webslep County, Nebraska. MTATEc.r M.HIIASKA, Vi:ns ri u ' eix-n. s In the iiim' ter of the estate nf Michael Dniiovati, i ceued. ('editor i, f Said Estate Will Take Notice, thi.t Hie time limited tor pres etiUtlou Hint iilli.g of caiiiia against the same I IVbriinry 15th, I'.VJL und for the psjmetit of debts Is October 2()th, 1021. i inn I will t ut the county court room In ald county on the llliii day of Febiniiiy, 1024, at 10 o'clock, A. M , to recolve, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all chums and objections duly IP' d lUted tin 2oth day of Octob-r A. I) lOA'i. (Seal A. D I.ANNEV. County Judge. Notice of Final Report In thei t'niintv Court i f tt'clistm- Couuty, Neluiiskw I In the matter of the Eo'ii e of Swiu ' H. Johnson, Deceased. All Persons interested lnSnld r.Hte, are hereby notified that tho Execu'rlx b9 tiled herein a tinal Recount hihI re. port of her a Iministratinn, and h peti tion lor the final settU nient of such account aud report, aud for a decree or distribution of the residue of said estme, und for the assignment of the resl estate belonging thereto, and a discharge from her trust, ull of which s.ild matters have been set for hearing before said court on the 9th day of November, 1 J'2;j1 at the hour of 10 o'clock. A M W hen AH Persons Infer esteifMuy Appear nud i ontest the Same. Dated this 27tb day of October, 102.1 (seal). A. D RANNEY, County Judge In the District Court of i vswu.w vvuillj, HCUltUAU, Diivtd lA Mummert, Plaintiff , ,,VS LhO.U. NOTICK. Charles E. Eddy, Etntrm It. Eddv. his! ' Wife, Clarence Jone. Lillian It. .lone, his wife, Clarence Reeve, Kuto Reeve, his wife, First National Batik, llolyoke, Colora do; Lot Two (J) in Block One (1) in Vance's Second Addition t Guide Kock, Web ster County, Nebraska. The above nauieu defendants and each of them, a well n the unknown claimants to the real estate above des cribed, will take notice that on thei .59th. day of October 1923, David 7. Mnmuiert, plaintiff herein tiled his action in said court against baid de feudants, the object and prayer of whichls to foreclose h certain tax sale certificate Issued against Kitd real es tate ly the County Treusuier of Web. ster Couuty, Nebraska, on the ', day of November 1018 and subsequent tax es paid thereunder, now amounting to $12200 to have the amounts so paid with iuterest thereon decreed a tirst Hen against said real estate aud for a 8,ile'of said real estate to satisfy said, lien. Y6u are required to answer said j p-tflion on or before tho 17th. day of, December lOi'l David '. Mummert, Plaintiu", By Fred Maurer, His Attorney 163 Acre Farm For Sale Located 5 miles from Wheeler, Kas., and 7 Miles from St. Frauds. The farm is practically level, 85 acres being in cultivation, balance pasture, all fenced. Good well water. CO acres of corn that will yield '.io to 50 bushels per acre, 20 acres of feed in shock, 4o acres in tall wheat that is up. All new farm machinery, 8 head horses, Jl good milk cows, 2 wagons, 2 sets of work harness, 12 hogs, 50 chickens, und household furniture goes with farm, Farm cost $10,000 but owner will take $0,000. Can give time on $2,700. Write llox 10, r. f. d 2, St. Francis, Kans. You are reading a complete news paper when you read The Lincoln S ar. You have the satisfaction of know ing that the news facilities and the newspaper fcatiues arc tho best ob tainable. Two leased wire services carry tho news of the world to The Star Tho Associated l'reis and The lnii'in.uiuiiai ois oti vice, providing the strongest new facilities possible. The woi'loV gieati st newspaper ear tiiiinsis and 'e itni'c write is ate em. tilbiilois to The Mai. The Star is a 21. hour uowsiiaper, all the news complete in each edition. You can always llnd something good In tho Star, it will till all your news. piiperMwniits. It Is the paper for your homo. Adv. . 1 1 That's just what Dr. Hess Poultry CHAS. L. COTTING, I 1 85 t , .f. mm. -Jy - -v?y4PEI - J -s. . Ti. u eseseseaasese3esse9 CARL DAY'S SALE As we are changing location, we will disperse practically all our herd on November 6, con sisting of: DUROC JERSEY Boars, Gilts and Tried Sows To be held nt Form w - ...... yj 2 and A mi. Southwest of Nora, Neb. 2 TUESDAY, IS boars 17 S tried sows All have double treatineiitjor cholera' except fall pio-s O ' : GUARANTEE: All animals are guaranteed breeders. If any prove non-breeders, 20 of purchase price will be refunded: providing this does not bring animal be low market price. Notice to be given within 30 days. TERMS: Cash or bankable note bearing 9 interest, fames from- a distance, please make arrangements with your home bank. CARL Col. W. C. Henderson, Auct. esssesesesssesessscsescs rfZ$r Yes, We Have No Bananas Today But Mr. Business Man WE HAVE TWO OF THE BEST LINES OF PAPER FOR YOUR STATIONERY HAMMERMILL RIPPLE MAIL ORDER BOND LINEN Try Hammermill Ripple and be Convinced BOTH PHONES The Red Cloud Chief P "HELL'S HALF ACRE" NOVEMBER 8-9-10 1' Help your Moulters Moult If you want your hens to moult naturally If you want them back oti the egg job promptly-fall and winter laying Then you must make sure that your moulters are heal thy and hungry. They must cat lots, and be able to digest what tbev cat. Pan-a-cc-a does for your moulting flock. The Druggist 'Til' NOVEMBER 6 DAY Cadams State Bank, Clark ' . m i If J 1 - u- 'toil -... , -u, A " i'