The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 01, 1923, Image 6
RED OLOCTD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF l aim. tw mm ajsKJvM HWaWtK'A'A'A'AWrtiWAWAWA'A'A'A''' NEBRASKA NEWS IN DENSER FORM Recent Happenings In Nebraska .n Given In Drlcf Items For M Rosy Renders iWj,jr,r'?'S'S'S,trir,t"t8,tfytfi- Mr .ml .Mrs. u wot C. Slraiton or Pawe-o City celebrated tln-Ir liOth WOd- Illtf lllllllVIT'lirj lllt Week. Tin' Rcatrlce lodge of l'.lk Will pill on n "Ininbu-oe" ni their headquarters for three days, slatting October III. An car f mill was t'.lillilt('(l at tin I'.lair corn contest lost week that measured sKteon Inches in length. The annual "grandmothers party" nt I'Inlnvlew was attended hy nearly r.(l "randiniiH," live dlllorcnt states being represented. Hog cholera litis been doing con sldernblo devastation among thu IichN of tnany farmers In Cuming county during the past few weekH. T'le Htntu bar commission Iiiih post poned its n(t oMinilnntlon of appll ciiulii for admission to the bar from November lit I to November 12(5. The Omaha Kelall (Irocoia' MHocia tlon, closed Saturday night with n n cord shattering attcmlance for the week of cmii y .'iU.OV.' paid admissions Homecoming day at Nelmiskii i We.slc.Min unlveiHlt.v bun been changed ! from November Id to November !). I wo hundred incmbrrx nf tb0 Krlddera will play Oca I Alumni association of the l'tilerity Moines unlveiHlt.v on that day. j "' NcbraHka college of medicine nru .Mrs. I. M. Mutler of Lincoln, ami ' I'Npeeteil to alteml the fourt ( tli an her brother. Oencnil .lohn .1. INtmIiIiik' ,l,ial ri'iiMhin and clinic to ho hold at commamlliiK olllccr of the Culled Mutes iirm.v have snllud for a three luontlis' lour of I'rcucb battleilelds. Dr. I. S. Cutter, dean of the No nraslm rnlvurnity collejie of niedlclne, has lieen aipolnted u lieutenant eid- onel in the medical reserve corps and attached to the Klphlyi.'.uth iIIvIhIoii. j l'awneo county cillzens have been I hnviiig a second crop of potatoes. This is unusual for that section of ibe " i counlr.v, hut the fact that the lirst l.llllm; frost was delayed has made it pom lble. h he was lludithiK his pipe for a morn.iig smolte at his home near lliatrlce, .lohn Watjes, 87, was ser-li-u-dy burned on the chest, left side and abdomen when the match iKiilted his clothing. I log cholera has been prevalent amoiiR the herds of many farmers around West l'olnt during the past few weeks. Almost every farmer in the county has vaccinated or Is plnnnlni? ' on doing so. i The executive ommltteeof the Nebraska Women's Christian Tem perance union will hold its mid-year executive meeting in Omaha in the spring. The next convention will he at North Platte. Archbishop Nathan Solricihlom supreme head of the state church ofjII!,,n "' exceptionally good buskers Sweden, next to the king, and eerie- "l ,,11 '"' ' to 100 bushels a day. alasiical prince of the national Lu-1 On an Ml-acre dry land tract owned theran church of Sweden, Is to he In j by State Representative A. N. Math Omaha November 12 and . 'I. j crs near tiering, II men are picking .lohn T. Cox, Jr., of Howe, attended! P potatoes behind two digging math- full j 112 school grades without I chines and at a conservative estl missing n' day or being tardy. Me Is ' mute it Is Ilgureil thai the crop from an llagle scout and has :tt badges to j tills tract will total 11,000 bushels, bis credit, lie Is the son or .lohn T. mill' of which will grade us seed stock Cox vice president or the Hank of 1 ""'1 half table stock. Howe. j Thomas 1). Dorn, Logan Center Miss P.ertba Itryant, of Orand Island farmer, who was forced by three rob was elected president of Hie Nebraska j hers to give up Ids money when they nurses' association at the meeting held compelled his two sons, Thomas anil in Lincoln last week. Miss Ilryant is ' Hiram, to act as shield, has announced superintendent or the training school j he will give a .fC.OO reward for the for nurses at the (iraml Island general hospital. Resolutions asking the city coun cil of Columbus to take steps toward the erection of a viaduct over the rail road tracks In the business district was uuuultiiously adopted at a recent meeting of tho Sipiare Deal Improve- j incut lab. A. C I'lirwell, Dul'.olii, trapped a pair of white pocket gophers on his farm and they luixe been on exhl 'iiliin in a local store. This sped nu n is very rare, the only other opner oi .similar coloring caught lu 'Inn torrltor.v Inn lug been captured tl.ree .ve.irsugo by Irani; Kliiua, rest- ""km xu'" " ,,sl'" ll' ll l"0,lt'1 ' dent of the same locality. , BTeiit many of their confreres In other Students fiom all parts of the ('ltl,,fl- '' ' Sllewskl, No 171. country are udmlt'cd to the Cnlverslty llllSh,,,l his ear and his dinner hy us er Nebraska's College or Medicine at Bls,l,l il much hewildered blind man Omiiba this semester. accordiiiL' to ,0 ''"l"' the taugleii nmss of tralhc nlllcials of the colli ge. Of the elght.,--lour students who have been admitted to the college this .semester, ihlrtj elglit came from tho I'nlverslty or Ne bruska, unci the reiualulng t'orly-six come rrom tlilrty-one colleges and universities in nil purls or the country. Joseph Spilkor. a runner near Rout rice, has lost several head of lino ct.ttle, which veterinarians say weio poisoned from eating tho forage of alfalfa after It had been frozen. Hunters In Pawnee cmnty are iiciug ncouiaged to shoot timber squirrels, TI e base become so numerous thai are compkiinlng about the in lount of corn being taken b. tliem. A series of meetings are being held ..t i be Methodist church In Table It ' k under the leadership of a re i.i! t, Rev. latrnesi A. Knight, as s still by the pastor, Rev. (Jeorge P. 't I lis A bU- stock sale, accompuuled by a Willie walking along the rnilroij b.irbei ue. put on by connalBSion ' tracks nt Lincoln Mrs. .luvlc i'piiiiu, firm ii (iraml Maud resulted In the ' .V.2, was struck by a Northwest! ra sale of marly .?IOO,000 wortlf of breed j pussenjicr train and litBiantly kllli-i. Ii-p and feeding stock Mrs. .1. D. Collins of l.'ncoln ., Tbe (iirl CadelH of llnstings were re-elected president of the H.ipti-t miiili in evidence at the lirth annual women of Nebraska at the net n il ooi. volition or the Ameiican Legion at session Just ended at oinaha. Mi Sm rianclsco, and scored tlieir greit- W. W. Cornell of I'awni'e Cii wis esr triiluipb when they were decorated re-oWrted vico-pri sldeut. with the legion emblem, by Alvin ' Kort.Ntlve carloads or grapes were owsiey, national legion commander, on handled In oinabn one day hist week, tho convention platform, l.'.ooo leg. and this Is said to he not an uiiumi.iI icn.iiirs and visitors witnessed the uuniboi'. Ten or twelve of those card drill work and maneuvers of thojworo destined for Omnhu, while thu cadets. h I others, wero routed for others; points. HIGHC5T TAXES IN 1521 Have Made a Stonily Climb Since Or gnnlzatUn of a In to .State taxes for Hie present year aro fear and a wdf million il(jni. l .' tl mi In 1921, when tln I lulicHt it-H m in blHtury were tniule. " i i mi""Hhi i Win. II. Kmltli lias Immmi Iii' hi: ever (lie re ''inlH of tllOH levied i.nn III'- or Kanl.'ill'ili of Die Mate, me Hi.' f illo 4 ma talile shown t lit' totcls r"r all ivir- '!. ear iv year. hIiicu 1M7: 1 K07 iui..-,TB'is:ir.. $1,1 Ml 27fi l.lHJ.IiSl I.ISl.'M't i ir,-i 2fi7 i. -".. 'U 1.2IH.0SI 1..M2.1U 1.1 t'.tlM 1..M :tin 1 rl.t li.Ti'm 2.1 M.IJl 2,:iii.". H'i I 2.l!Ui 2.l'"l,12t 2.i.,ii r. i-i 2.r..i.i;.i 2. en r,!:i :i.i;7i,.w, n.usi ms :i 277.1311 3i.-,r, din I, Oil '! 4..r,i,s:t9 7,rjr,.(imi 7,,.i.r.,.r7S i().'inu.cii7 7,niU,!)53 iHfiH nr.i i;o isti 1S72 r7;i IS7I KTfl i"7r. 1S77 1S7.S mvn I ISSfl jssi 1M2 tS.K.'I HKI issr. I IXS6. ....'. 1W ISSSt I IKS') IK'mi HUM tX'U 1S1II ; ia: i !(.'.. U'lil I (fill MH.M.'MWT :mif,2t,noi :i.i, nn ii,7"a moo iTJ.Tsr.iooi r.i2.i:::j pina r.i7.i:it''ii:i r.ia.'itB i '"i nn. rji: no'. ni7.(.o l'liui Cii.i' i i; Il.'ii, IHO't'iM fi"' n(ii; I'ldt ri7.ns:)'i!i!(i xis.fisi rni tl.S71'l1'' I i.o..itis.nn pit-, i.n.-,iK7i nits i.i!M.r,:t2tui7 i'iis 1.217 million l.l'lll.'iRI I'i.'ii 1.2r.l.1'l.,021 i.2ri7.n(i.ii!i::2 i-:i C,:i37.l33 The Women's Hoard of Missions of twentj-throo Slatca will meet, at Oina ha October .'!! to November 12. with au estimated iittcniiiuici. of over lilt). The high price or corn bus produced a new sort of criminal, according to farmeiH. who icport that much corn is helm; husked mid Hlolin from thu Ih'lds during the nlht in various parts f I'odjje county. Omaha November 1 1 mid 1." .More limn (he hundred prl;a aro offered in the premium list for tho lirst ti ti ti i iti I dog show to he buhl at the Auditorium at Omaha November K5-I7. Inclusive, under the auspices of tin? Nebraska Kennel club. Harvey lllakor, farmer near liar ueston was seriously Injured while hunting near tho farm I le with two boys. A ritle carried by one of the i.... i.. i . . .. J "Ml-"1 """ "s uiHcnargou, ino iiiiiici Mining r.iiiKoi' m me nip. Spedal election to vot on t Ii Is. suance of .S".l)(i,()()() school bonds for the erection and oulpmont of n new seal ir high school cariylug Interest at !',: per cent will be called In Co lumbus about the middle of Novem ber II. .f. Wick, a trapper near Iteatrlco. brought !ii2 gophor scalps to the County clerks olllce, for which he received a bounty of 10 cents each. Last season ho lnil'l''d l.V.i. Ite-hlcs the bounty ,,(' r''',,lves 1.", cents per head for thosu lu' lnl,s lor farmerH. Many cornhiiskers In Platte county are refining to work for less than ill per cent of the market price per bushel, farmers are complying with their demands nnd paying wages of SS to $10 a day lu cases whero the capture or the holdui s. Mr. Dorn will split the reward Into J?12t)l) for the capture of each robber or JfiitMl in nil. One of the largest macaroni mills in tho west, doing a business of alnuM a j ear. is located In Omaha eoi-Ko W. P.onnell. city ticket ugent for over 'J 5 years for the l'.ur- llngtou at Lincoln, died last week. He bad been in the employ of the mad for lirty-ihc years, beginning In ISO!) at Kurt .Madison, In., us a telegraph opeiator. Omaha policeman are girted with a W"T of ,,lirtl'sy ''' politeness that on n crowded stieet Sattirdaj, ami thin piloted him to the door of tho store he was vainly tr.ving to reach. To a lady who tendered him congratu lations on his act, be said, "oh, any of the hoys would huvo done the same I thing." Rtrglnrs entered the W'nfrey & Sou store at Stella b, prying open a rear window and escaped with SIS in . ,,,IB" Miiantlly of ovendls, sacks of potatoes oth t articles ' 'lvv0 l01'14 pouches stolen from the depot at Alma were found hy the seitlon men under a tallro'id trestle. , The pouches had been cut open and all letters torn open. Frontier (ounty will have the bug est corn jlebl in itu history this tall, according to Count.v Agent ('anipb. it Not mil will It be the largest lehl p, r acre, hut moro acres wire plaund i then than ever before. Lloyd George Is Warmly Greeted 8 MS! ' iMkWSmW&m a a wmm!m3&m umwiM A&mtmm&J3ffi7M$&m 1 1 SCfSiP i David crowds tur from the n Lloyd (icorgo and bis wife nlng out to greet them and ill way station to the hotel. Gifts From Hungary to America M -p$i M !8 ! m m 6f45 VK Ym I TJiese beautiful, brought us gifts to this country by Hungary's greatest statesman, Count Appnnyl. show Washington and Kossuth, American and Hungarian patriots, with symbols and emblems of both countries. Pretty Chinese Celebrant When San Francisco's picture .(pie Chinatown staged Its night celebra tion of the twelfth anniversary of the Chinese republic -the celestial I'ourth or .Jul.v- score of tiny maidens in while, euro lug picturesque lanterns, marched through the streets. Here Is Dorothy Ylm, Red Cross lantern bearer. Gov. Pinchot Buys Peace Stickers F pf vrrwf ttrr?"&ys&vtt?z&&CZ2tesrBBSvi it t &i&. 7 MM S I bl& ill i VK fvM crrr a I H t si a j""!iww 4? IP V-- I JmM j i w 4 m?0m 4&k S kWmtf P Hit ami daughter were given u genuine middle welcome to Chicago, Immense to hear the famous Welshman speak. Tho photograph shows thu procession 1.1 ov. iiiiioro i inciioi in i-emisyivauia buying from Mrs. Maud Wood Park the first of the "peace stlckets" which the National League of Women Voters Is selling to llmtnee Its "iuteriiatlonul co-operation to prevent war" depart ment. ..... "... V. I.. ....... . A I, .. . .. in Chicago m OCTORARA IN FLAMES y . , m vi fs A heautiriil view or a burning ves selout this one Is being purposely destroyed. The sip. tbe Octorara, like niaiiy others, was one or the wooden ships built during the wur by the United States shipping board Tor he Kincrgenc.s Meet corporation. Tbe .ships hae been purchased by the Western .Marine ami Salvage company ami are being dismantled and then burned In the Potomac river near Quantlco, Va. NORWAY'S PREMIER rr. 24i Abraham Ilerge new premier ot Norway, succeeding Otto I'.lelir. He i heads the Liberal Conservative party of his country, and is a ory able statesman. WOLF AND MIS MEDAL MuKtU&4s;fX3 &kXh- boe is hi.ovui Wolf, an anlniai Into of ihe World war and one of the most conspicuous in attendance at the National Convention of the American Legion in San e'ranclseo. Wolf la holding In his mouth the medal given him by Marshal Koch of I'rance for conspicuous bravery In action. Cling to Old Friends. I'p to middle age, a man Indefatlg ably seeks new friends. After that he clings affectionately to those he has accumulated. Home of Chestnut, The homo of the chestnut Is in the Mediterranean region, where chestnut trees have been cultivated from early times. yji-tv" i r. .Si,. i . v &? ...u ' : m . K-fl2fi 2. a mtk I life) lp If IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAl ISimdaySchool (Dy ItHV. I', n KITX.WATMlt. D. D.. Tcnrher of Knglisli Hilile In tlio Mooily Illlile IriBtltiitf of Cbliago.) ( i) 19S3 vi-prii NHWuimSPr tlnlnn.t LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 4 WORLD-WIDE PROHIDITION WORLD'S TEMPERANCE SUNDAY. I.KSKON TRXT t's. 10J 1-S; l'rnv. 23 29 -.,:. K)Ll)i:.V TKXT "t will vol no wicked tbiiiK before my eyes" Ph. 101 X PRIMARY TOPIC Taking Cure of Our Bodies. .TPNIOR TOPIC Tiie Effects of Al coliol INTKRMRDIATi: AND S'KNIOR TOP IC ProKicMs of Prohlblttou M liornr anil Abronil YOt!NO PKOPM3 AND ADULT TOPIC Tbe FlRht Against UiwIckhiich.i I. Principles of a Righteous Llf (Ts. 101 :J-S). 'lids Is a psnlm of D.nld tbe king, ami therefore shows '.ic t-miiluct of a ruler, it is divided into two sections --the lirst, verses 1-1, refers to person al conduct, and the second, H-.S, to the government of others. This part of the lesson can oiih refer to the destruc tion of the saloon lu the sense that all evil is to be uprooted and destroyed. I. Personal Conduct (vv. I-I)! (1) Kindness and Judgment (v. I); (U) wise behavior (y. 12) ; (,t) ail malice put away (v. .".) ; all wickedness put as'de (v. !). 12. fiovornnicnt of others (vv. o-S). Only as one. is right In his own heart and lii'e is lie fit to rule others. As n righteous man lie will be against (1) the slanderer (v. 5). He will not tol erate such in Ills presence. (12) The worker or declt (v. 7). The deceitful man and the liar are to he removed from his sight. (.') All workers of in iquity (v. S). It Is the duty of rulers to see that all workers of wickedness of nil kinds be cut off. Tho manufac turer and sel'er of liquor should be re garded as notorious workers of Iniqui ty. Those who blight manhood for sordid gain nre grossly wicked. II. The Awful Ruin Wrought by Strong Drink (Prov. li.'i :'.!!):."). I. Woes of Those Who Indulge in Wine (vv. 2, HO). (1) The awful pain which causes one to cry out, "Oh!" Many, Indeed, are the pains wdilch men mtffer hecutip of strong drink. Rodlly Ills innumerable can he traced to Its evil Inlluenee. (12) The bitter remorse, which causes one to cry out, "Alas!" Many are the expressions of hitter re gret which daily come from the lips of the dninkard. (8) Contention strife and quarreling. Much of the fighting among men Is directly caused by their passions being Inllumed by strong drink. The drunken man ts al ways ready to take offense, as well us to give it. (!) Rnbbllngs and com plainings. The wlnebibbor complains of everything HI luck, loss or friends, of fate und of (Sod. lie sees every thing wrong hut himself, (fi) Wounds without cause. These are wounds from lights in which a sober man would not have engaged, ami from ac cidents which ure purely the result or intoxk alien. ((!) Redness or eyes. This lias reference to the blood-shot eye of the tippler which dims his vjslon. All these woes come upon those who lurry long at wine. II. The AUltude Enjoined (v. 251). Look not at It. Do not put yourself into the way of temptation. The only Fnl'e atlitode toward strong drink Is total abstinence, and the only way to total abstinence is not to even look nt it. III. The Drunkard's Bitter End (vv. " u-'ililj, 1. Acute Miseries, "it bitetli like a ncrpcut und stlngelh like an adder." Strong drink, like the poison of a ser pent, ponneutos the whole system and ends In the most fatal consequences. 2. Perversion of the Moral Sense. This excitement cause thu eyes to be hold strange things. This denotes the fantastic lie ages produced on the brain of the drunkard. Kvon when delirium tremens does not result, there are aw ful fancies which are beyond the pos sibility of realization. Then does his heart utter perierse tilings. His moral sense being perverted, his utterances partake of the ij.'iine. He tells lies; ids words cannot le relied upon. .'. He Is Insensible to Danger (v. I'M). lie Is foolhardy, even as one who would lie in the top of a ship's must, wliero there Is the greatest danger of falling o(T. '4. He la Insensible to J'aln (v. :5."i). The drunkard Is utterly Ignorant of what happens to him while under the influence of strong drink. Man bruises and wounds the drunkard has which he cannot account for. 0. Ills Abject Rondiige (v. .'!.ri). After nil his sufferings, sorrow and disappointment.-, bo goes on as a bond slave lu the ways of sin. tt. Hell at La.-it. No drunkard shall in herit the klug.lum of heaven (I Cm'. 0:10). Whole Sum of Human Life, Of the whole sum of human life no small part la that which consists of a man's relations to his country, and his feelings concerning it. (Jladstone. Prospects. If you will show mo the style of a man's amusements and recreations, I will tell you what are his prospects. Do Witt Talmnge. Largest Slave-tiolder. Mniumon Is the largest slaver-Jiolder In tho world. 1 Saunders. V -yl