The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 01, 1923, Image 4
- Jt BED CLOUD. NEBRA8KA. CHIEF nwmmww . THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, NobrnsltOL "JULLSHED BVEKY THURSDAY 3iJL PHOENIX HOSIERY kdhi a- -. L ROBES and BLANKETS I now have a nice assortment of ROBES and BLANKETS Better get yours before they are all picked over. Got my prices on anything In the Harness Lino before buying- LEE R. WALKER 'tu. sraws mui ntered In the I'ostcullre nt Hcd ( loud, Neb a Second Class Matter) FALL STIYAL r 3H csams&sxfflnmn COAL WE CARRY IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES THE FOLLOWING COAL MAITLAND LUMP ROCK SPRINGS LUMP PHONE US FOR PRICES BEFORE BUYING. WE SELL FOR CASH, THATS WHY WE CAN SELL CHEAPER Farmers' Elevator nutnm A. 13. McAIlTHUK, Editor and Owner Advertising Rates Foreign, per column inch I5c Loctil. 12& 15 1'WKM Hl'KKAU NOTES Kodak as you go pictures and All roads lead to pictures lead to our Kodak counter. Finishing service that pleases, and Kodak Film in any size. are your use. iere for slutographic Kodaks $6.50 up, E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist lit I'." s More for Your Money You get more for your money when you buy a Copper Clad. You get a range Lined With Pure Sheet Copper a range that will serve you long and well. You get a beauti ful range one easy to keep clean. Come in sec the Copper Clad. Made in Four Finishes: Gun Metal Blue white, Blue or Gray Porcelain Enamel. When you need a new heater see the ILLINOY. Like all other merchandise we carry in stock, it is sold under guarantee. All sizes carried in stock. WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN STAMPS GEO. W. TRINE uJWvip. vm mm fiwnM-i&m ayohheL 4U (Hy County Agent, H. II. Fnusch) Fruit and vegetable budget work finished this week. The Notary Women's Club met at the home or Mrs. Geo. Ohmstcde, the Happy Hour and Clovcrleaf Clubs met at the home of Mrs. Henry Juhn, the llladen Women's Club at the home of Mrs. Wcgman and the Red Cloud Com munity Club at the home of Mrs. Everett Coon, and the Five Star at the home of Mrs. Frank Krai. "Com parison of Menus" was the subject at these meetings by Miss Florance Atwood, food and nutrition specialist from Lincoln. This work was started by Miss Atwood in four rural schools. The work is put on by Women's CIuSs of the community. The children are measured and weighed. Each child is given a card to correspond to weight. White card for normal weight blue card for less than 7 under weight and red card for 7 or more underweight. In rax weeks or the second meet ing the children will Be re-weighed and all who mnke gains will be given 1 silver star, at the third meeting a gold star will be given to all child lcn up to weight. This work was started in the following schools: Notary Club. Miss Ruth Atklndi. toucher, and 18 pupils 8 ioeeive! white car, 2 blue cards and 8 led. Mctrict 08, work sponsored by Clover leaf Club. Irwin llartman, teacher, 1G pupils. 2 received white cards, 7 blue cards and 7 red cards. Dstrict J)8, work sponsored by Five Star Club. Reka Stecn teacher, 1C puiplii. 5 received white cards, 8 blue cards and 3 red cards. District 58, work sponsored by Red Cloud Community Club. Marcclla Stockman, teacher, 12 pupils,' 6 received white cards, ! blue cards and 2 red ciirds. h J IN EDUCATION AMERICA HAS NOT FAILED Immigrants who come to America are often disappointed in finding that conditions are not just as they ex pected. Perhaps the golden stream' is not poured put quickly and copious ly enough'; p'crlmps the restrictions which the" policeman and the sanitary inspector place upon them don't meet their ideas of American freedom; perhaps the food they must eat and the liquids they must drink aie not those of the land from which they came. It is only natuial that such things should caue a feeling of ils f -tisfnetion. In one respect, however, no im migrant has ever been dis.sapointcd, and that is in the provisions which America makes for the education .t' !.'- ihildicn. Tile Polish Jew who wi taught in seciecy, if at .'II, and i ir fear of impiisnnmcnt, finds icrc- , . 1 that education is as irce as tiio :in- litiht. The German who was ic-tiii-c ' to a few studies supposed to l -litod to lis htatiou .mi wa n' 1 ermittcd to the higher emmc finds in America that his children mav attend any school for wiiirh they aic prcpaicd and that they sit 'do by side with the sons of the wealthy and cultuied The Englishman who was barred from the privileges of spoow!- ary education by the fees charged or by failure to piocure n scholarship finds that high chools, housed siipei li ly, are open to all without price and without formality that which is necessary to insure academic teadi ness. In no other country on earth i.s education suitable to the ml.anrement of the pupil offeied without distinc tion of class and without cost to -all who apply. Americans know no other way for their schools have been so conducted from the beginning; but when Europeans come to us th quickly observe and generally a; preci to the udv:i aynn which Un,v enjoy for the first time. It often happens that the schools are the de ciding factor in determining desir able immigrants to renin1 a when they might otherwise be persuaded to 'return to the homes of their child 1 hood. The American system of public cd- jiicntnu is the crowning glory of the .0 1 s,steni which has developed on this continent. Every paluctic American regards it with pride and maintains it with devotion. I BEGINNING THURSDAY NOV. 1 AND ENDING NOV. 10 A time when we are giving you prices that cannot be duplicated anywhere by anyone. A reduction in prices on almost everything in this great store Prices have been lowered to a great extent on ready-to-wear for men, wom en and children. On the threshold of a bitter season, lay in your supply here where you can save many a dollar on your clothing budget on for the winter. A Great Saving on Foot Wear for the Whole Family FIRST LOT A complete shoe department on the left balcony at your service for prompt ness, correct fitting and courtesy. Friends, this department is now under new management and, to be frank with you, this new manager is going to get rid of a large per cent of his stock dur ing this festival by cutting prices. He is not clipping them but CUTTING them. This is all high grade merchandise and will be placed at figures that mean a great sacrifice to us. Now while we make you these offers hereunder out lined, we trust you will benefit from them by laying in your supply of winter shoes during this great event. These are placed in lots to coveni ence you in selecting. THIRD LOT The third lot consists of Ox fords, straps and sandals for women and girls. There is a wide variety of styles and leathers. Festival price $3.95 The first lot includes pumps, oxfords and high shoes for wo men, selling at the ridiculous figure of $1.39 LOT TWO Lot two consists of oxfords and straps for women and girls. These have Cuban and low heels, of calf suede, leather and "com bination colors. Festival price FOURTH LOT The fourth lot of childrens' misses' shoes in black brown. Festival price and and $2.39 Famous Arnold Glove Grip Shoe for men in a wide selection of new styles. Black and browns. All at one Festival price $9.85 An Exceptional Soap Special Begins Monday, November Sth And Continues while our stock of 1SOO Pails lasts By a special arrangement with the manufacturer, we are able to offer to our friends and customers what we consider the most liberal soap offer that we have ever made. 18 Bars of P. & G. White N apt ha Soap 1 Bar of Ivory Soap medium size) 7 Box of Ivory Soap Flakes I lO-quart Heavy Galvanized Pail All for $1 r A xjji '12 One Price to We Give S. ft 11. Green Trading Stamps PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS I h4W kk. vU jijiLiimiuiiiiu'jiriinniiiiiiiiTpmimijii - GRACE EPISCOPAL This Thurs.diiy, Nov. 1st, at boven thirty in the evening we will have Evening I'rnyer nnd Sermon, celobrat ing ALL SAINTS' DAY. Your prcs encewill bo very much appreciated at this special seirico. Next Snndny Nov I'll wo will cele brate the Holy Communion at the hour for Morning Prnyur eleven o'clock. Rev. J. M. ItiitfH will bo the celebrant. At Evening Prayer at seven thirty o'clock Rov. Diiiighcrty will have the third of tho sink's of addresses on the hymns of the Church. You will find a cordial welcome to all of our services. The Church School at ten o'clock every Sunday morning. Morning Prayer ut eleven o'clock every Sunday morning. Evening Prayer at seven thirty o'clock every Sunday Evening. Ki'v. Hnsll S Daiigherty.. The Degree of Honor lodge met in regular session last evening, with a goodly attendance. After the re gular routine of business Mrs. L. V. Watkins sang a very pleasing solo, Miss Ilah Pnrrett, hcing her nnnwiminKiK MMMMBIMKEEtB ANNOUNCEMENT . Webster County Bank W7E WISH to announce that we have opened up a sav VV int's department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift inH c,,,: something that has been neglected. SVm 1S . We kindly invite you to take advantage of this nv ings idea and make this your banking home Nv ith vour savings-no matter how small, you are alwas wScolnc ii. n; ?A""?"I ?"Q we are lor bth. Bank mu uiiu j.u luil UUUIY UII UO, with We welcome everv child in thn mu.. . i. .. n rnstomnr nf ,; ,J ,! "" """""' l" oecome THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Tmiiiiiniiiiiw A a KinsoflHiin .tULfiitiuuLiiifiiiTiiiuiriiT.TiiniiTumiminTi'mMTTTTmTTmTTrfTmrTMtJiiWfFifmMrmiftmfrm. . i i ii 1 1 1 n 1 1 mi 1 1 h fw mi mi uj wi 1 1 HffHi I UJ mf j HI M HBO Unit accompanist. Miss Grace Hunting ton, ir. her usual elevdr way, gave two readings, after which the mem Ikjis woie served u dainty lunch by the serving committee. Commercial Advertiser. "Titian Home Monument. Tie honi at I'icvc ill Ciuiore In which the gn.t plntr Titian waa Jifirn has heon proflnlined a nntloiml iih.; wwiit ,v ,l(. Kvprnin,.,it ,us hi'i'i) the Mrtlipliicc ,f . poet and dramatist Count Vittorlo Alllurl at Astl. .Soiontldr American. "i V