The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 01, 1923, Image 3
RRU i'liOUD NEBRASKA. CHIEF i RL w K 1 K. Now for "BUCKWHEATS" $ tewo ..- .., '(xwAA, VS.. 5 zzzz" Aunt Jtmlm Prepared GucWw!it rionr, Cittd on ths fanm-ji Aunt Jemima rrclpc with jutt enough fine buckwheat flout cMcil to give the flavor you lone for. Heady-mltedt iimuly odd water (or milk), mil and bake. Try it. At youj gro.r't iu the ytlow Aunt Jemima package. A ami luis itii mure use fdr a crying hub Hum u wctiuin has for a crying hud. Ifeasft Foaisi The best way to learn to cookbegin snaking bread. Send for free booklet "The Art of Baking Bread' BOARDING HOUSE FOR PETS stitution for Care of Dogs and Cats Planned by Humane Society In Kansas City. I'lim.s fur establishing a hoarding inijsi' for pet animals, principally dogs ind rats, were oiitlliU'd recently by dlltinls of the Wyandotte County Ilu iiiuno society. The plans will he sub .nltted to the hoard of directors hy Miss Sarah Jacobs, president. The dog and cat hoarding house would he self-sustaining. Miss Jacobs Vild that the plan contemplated would require the contraction of suitable sheds, pens, a run or playground for dogs and a modern system for disin fectant to fjiiard against disease. "I have had more than KM) calls this summer," Miss Jacobs said, "from re sponsible persons who desired to pay for a temporary home for their pets while away on vacations. "It appears comical to establish a hoarding house for dogs and cats but I he proposal has a serious side. Mnn.v B you tA& girders fro m a Coffee Pot ? IT must be humiliating for thousands of people to confess that they- lack the will-power to stop coffee. They lenow from experience that it re sults in irritated nerves; keeps them awalre nights; makes them nervous. Yet they don't seem to be able to say "no." If you find that coffee harms you; change to the pure cereal beverage, Postum. You'll find it delicious and satisfying. And it is absolutely free from caffeine or any other harmful drug, so you can drink Postum at any meal, and as much as you want. P Phalli ss imm ! ' few fliWL7n ! --crLOUD II (III 'J LirjA jAv T!6 SV "LsCr) J J "Vie in town, f 1 S jjuuijr. . Clover parlor tricks, laboriously learned, do little to Increase one's In come. Home bread-makers c verywhere prefer It Northwestern Yeast Co. 1730 N. Ashland Ave, Chicago uulmiiK are valuable, and dogs roam ing the streets while owners are away on acatIons often become rabid." MKs Jacobs said provisions would he made to give lodging to horses and A Dig for His Master. A London physician accepted an In vitation to join a house party for a little shooting. When he returned, a privileged butler nked him whether he bad enjoyed himself. "Oh, yes," was the reply. "Kill much, sir?" "No, hardly anything," admitted the doctor. "Ah, well, sir," said the butler, "It'a nice to hnve a change." Boston Trun script. First Rate Alibi. Mr. Youngwed This pudding s pardon me perfectly dreadful. Mrs. Youngwed I'm sorry, dear, hut the tact Is the recipe was given me hy a friend and her handwriting Is simply atrocious. Pearsons Weekly (Lon tlon). Your grocer eclls Postum In two forms: Instant Postum (In tins) prcparoj Instantly In tho cup by tho addition of boiling water. Postum Coreal (in packages) (or. those who prefer tho flavor brought out by boiling fully 20 minutes. Tho cost of either form lo about onchalf cent cup. iisss lioat Given Important Place as Poultry Feed ll'iri'iwi'il ly i lir I mini Stmri liopartmi-iit i-f AKf.rullui, ) W .tli (lie price ot wheat ill several stall's inwer than, or abotp eipial to, the price of corn, poultry specialists lu the fulled States Department of Agriculture point out the d"slrahlllty of giving wheat an important place in poultry rations. The ititlueiice of war-time conservation of wheat Is still evident, according to specialists of the department, but there are no longer any economic reasons for conserving wheat or using It solely as a human food. On the other bund, It Is so plen tiful and cheap In many localities that It Is a more economical live stock and poultry feed than corn. Com and wheat are the two best grains for poultry and are about equal In value for this puipoe. although wheat can he fed alone better than corn, which Is Inclined to he fatten ng. Itest results are obtained when and corn are combined about equally In egg-laying rat'ons. following Is a good scratch mixture: 1 pound cracked corn, 1 pound wheat. 1 pound oats. While wheat Is an excellent feed for dairy cows and meat animals. It needs to be ground for best results with such stock, whereas poultry relish It and utllh'.e It as whole grain. The department points out alo that wheat at S!) cents per bushel, which was the approximate current pi Ice re cently In seven Middle Western states, Is S'JO.GO per ton, which Is a lower price than prevails fo- various other feeds having no greater nutritive value. The department's recommenda tions for putting wheat hack on a pre war basis as a stock feed are rein forced by action already taken by some farmers. A co-operative association of Michigan farmers recently published a INt of feeds for which could tie more econotnlcattv substituted. This association contends that the local wheat market wis hlovv the cost of production and that local wheat would bring more when fed to live stock than when sold on the open market. Wheat for Chickens Is Recommended to Farmers Wheat fed to chickens Is worth con siderably more than wheat sold at the present market price, say poultrymen at the Ohio State university, who have modllted their rations to allow for this fact. nicy are substituting whole wheat for corn In the scratch feed, and In tend to continue this substitution as long as the bushel price of win at stays below the bushel price of com. lint the largest saving, they say, comes fioui grinding wheat, and sub stituting whole, wheat In the dry mash for the bran and middlings usually fed. The old lorunila for the sitind.iid Ohio dry mush was equal parts of bran, middlings, cornmeal, ground oats, and meat scrap or rmkuge. The new tormula. now being fed at the college poultry plant, and recom mended to all farmers with SC per cent wheat on their hands, Is: '1 pans ground whole wheat, nni 1 part each of cornmeal, ground oats and ment scrap or tankage. The whole wheat, it Is said, In creases the feeding value of the niiish. Kuril huntlrcdweluiit of wheat so fed saves buying that much bran and mid dlings. With mldilllnss at ?-1(l a ton. wheat has a substitution value of nrotind $1.20 a bushel when thus fed. The farmer with a good-sized (lock could more than pay for a feed grinder by the saving iiiade under this plan, the college people believe. Damp Quarters Cause of Roup and Other Diseases Damp, dark epiartors often lire one of the main causes of lack of thrift, disease and los among fowls on the average farm. Filth and dampness cause 00 per cent of the colds, roup and most of the other diseases that ravage the farm flock. Coldness Is not nearly so destructive as dampness, for dampness seems to work through the feathers of the fowls and produces a creepy, chilly sensation that Is not at all pleasant. Fowls can stand plen ty of fresh air and ventilation so long as It Is a dry cold. To prevent the conditions outlined above, If you have an earth floor In the henhouse, fill In the entire floor at least six Inches above the level of the ground on the outside of l,oue. If there are any cracks in tlie walls or roof throurh which Hie wind and rain can blow, close them up at nine. The saddest part of all the destruc tion caused by drafts and dampness Is that such conditions vm iiIiiioM a! wa.vs be easily remedied. Plan to Prevent Moist Mash From Packing Hard An excellent way to prevent inoUt mash from packing Into an If digestible miss in tlie crop of the lieu Is by add ing short-cut alfalfa or clover hay to the mixture. This sort of food may compose as much as "0 to t!."i per cent of the inn-li hy hulk In most cases The most essential thing In this case is that the hay he leafy ami cut In quite short lengths. Ileforc mixing with the mash, first soak the hay In i bucket of water for hours. WOMEN CAN DYE ANY GARMENT, DRAPERY Dye or Tint Worn, Faded Thlnas New for 15 Cents. Diamond Dyes, Pnn't wonder ihclher you can dye or tint successfully, because perfect home dyeing Is gunranteed with "Ida motel Dyes" even If you have never dyed before. Druggists have all colors Direction!) In each package. Adver tisement. Marriage of Convenience. An Australian woman In London who had dllllculty lu becoming ttrallred took a short cut hy paying j nn old bachelor $lf0 to marry her. I thus making her a Hrltlsh subject 1 Hy agreement the bride and bride groom separated nfter the ceremony, never to see each other again. The Ilrltlsh home olllce snvs that several marriages of this kind have taken l place. BABIES CRY FOR "CilSTORIA" Prepared Especially for Infants and Children of All Ages Mother I Fletcher's Cnstorln lina been In use for over .10 years as a pleasant, harmless substitute for Cas tor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups. Contains no narcot ics. Proven directions aro on each package. Physicians recommend 1L The genuine hears signature of Rain or Shine. I "Please, Mr. Orafto," said the euro- taker of the Hats, "the gentleman on the next floor presents his compli ments nnd says, Feeing as how you can foretell the future, would you he fo good as to let htm know how long It will be before your bath slops over j flowing through his celling?" ited Cross Pall Iiltie lu tho finest product of its kind In tho world. Ev ery woman who has used It knows this statement to bo true Advertise ment. All Angora Cnto Alike. It was n valuable Angora cnt, but Its owner was governed as much by humane Instincts as appreciation of its valuo when she took It to n board ing place when preparing to start on a European trip. Though friends offered to take care of It she felt that her pet would have even better care in a reg ulur cat home. It was therefore with considerable and Indignation, a day or so after she placed It in tho boarding place, that she ran across her cat roaming the streets. Swiftly she picked It up and descend ed on the boarding house. For live minutes she gave vent to her wrath. When he got a chance tho proprietor i-poke. "Calm yourself, inndatnc," snld he. "Your cat Is here. The one you hold In your arms Is tho twin of yours and It belongs to Mrs. Blank." To provo his point he produced the other. New York Sun and Globe. Fish or No Pearl Buttons. An Interesting work In aqulciilture Is now being carried on In the Missis sippi valley tinder the direction of the hurenu of fisheries. It Is based upon ' the fnct that the propagation of tho mussel Is dependent upon tho pros- enco if fishes to wblch the young, freo-swimnilng mussels may cling. 2ahtfM&b'. GsapeMirte and Milk: One of the Jew COMPLETE FOODS WHEN you watch robust men and women at work or at play, docs it ever occur to you that their strength end health arc largely due to the kind of food they cat? Grape-Nuts and milk supplies com plete and balanced nourishment of the highest order. This delicious dish pro vides the valuable wheat and milk proteins; the "food minerals," phos phorus, iron and culcium; also tho vitamins. fMrffliMlwfriiYTriftfc-- fliffa&fc-..fifrEi HEALTH FOR WORKING WOMEN Let Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound Help You to Become Well. Tlionsnndfl of nlrls linre to work In liomen, olllces, stores, mills or facto ries who are physically unlit for work, with often an aged or invalid father or mother dependent upon them for support. Standing nil day week in nnd week out, or sitting in cramped positions n girl often contracts aomn deranged condition of her orgnnic system which calls n halt to her pro press nnd demands restoration to licnlth before she can bo of uso to herself or anyone else. For these. diatrcHBitiR weaknesses and derangements these girls have found health to do their work In Lydin E. Pinkham's Vogotablo Com pound. Urooklyn, N.Y. "IJko mnny girls, I had troubles every montii," says Cnrolyno Mnngels, ''nnd they Inter fered with my work ns 1 could never be siiro of my time. My mother often BUggested that I Uiko Lydin H Pink linm s Vegetable Compound, but I nsver did until lntely. I havo had very pood results, and am now r pri vate secretary and do my work with out missing n day. I recommend your medicino to every girl who speuks of liuvins troubles llko I hnve Lydin 13. IMnlclinin's Private Toxt-Iloolc upon "Ailment Peculiar to Women" will bo sent you free upon request. Wrlto to the liVdln 13. lMtilcluim Medicine, Co., Lyun, AluhsuchusuttO This book contains vuluublo Information. Iwo pleasant ways to relieve a couglv Take your choice and suit your taste. S-B or Menthol ferH flavor. A sure relief for coughs, colds and honrsenest. Put one In your mouth at bedtime. Always keep a box on hand. TRAD1 SMITH BROTHERS SB. COUCH DROPS JEHB& Famoui AMERICA'S HOME Black - Tan - White StllNOlA " mQdc of the finest wax fiHIUAIl It tottem and preserves leather. IVUkes snocs wear lonstcr and look better. SfllNOlA i quickly and easily applied in a jiily. Keeps shoes trim and tidy. ShlROtA Home Set makei the home car of taoo ttiy "Tlie Shine for Mine" Movie Pedagogy. One movie director can get his ac tors to follow 1dm perfectly. Ills scheme Is simple enough, too. "You're a fine actor, Walter," he yells. "Register Joy." Walter registers Joy. "That Is, you used to be a fine ac tor, but you're slipping. Now register disgust." And Walter does. Some Men's Idea of Humor. Laughing loinhy when you miss n two-foot putt. Calling yoi. on the telephone at two o'clock In the morning. Telling your wife the thlncs you Irjdn't thought to tell her yourself. living noisy. Even If love were not blind, he Is sit absent-minded that he might as well be. ape "Nuts THE BODY BUILDER "There's a Reason Sold by Grocers Evciy where! Made by Postum Coreal ;.ryiirKBiraiatr:ivr.gssg!: hnd."-CAnot.YNnMAMGrxn,'I07 14tb St, Urooklyn, N. Y. Office Worker Helped Milwaukee. Wis. "I havo taken Lydin 13. Pinkham's Vogotablo Com pound nnd Lydin E. Pinknnm's Mood Medicine for Uireo nnd n half years, and they have improved my health wonderfully. My mother also haa taken tho Vegetnblo Compound and wo recommend it to our friends. I am working in an oflica now and can nlwnys do my work ns I do not havo tho troubles I had at first. 1 read of your Vegetable Compound In the newspaper and you may uso my let tor In that way if you wish to do o." Eleanor Siieblak, 637 36th St, Milwnukeo, Wis. Paint and Headache Webster, Moss. "I wns all run down, had a bnd complexion, and Buffered with pnins and backache, and wns dizzy nt times and felt weak. I worked in a mill and my girl chum told mo about your wonderful medi cine, Lydin 13. Pinkham's Vegotabla Compound. I am feeling much better sitico taking It" Maky I'LAZA, 13 West Street, Webster, Mass. Wy MARA tine 1847 SHOE POLISH - Ox-Blood - Brown and oili. - shines Plague Deadly In Java. In Java, which has 't population third as big as ours, bubonic plague Is so conimoL that It kills half of the children before they are live years old. The Javanese take this as a matter of course, reports William Ferguson globe trotter. He found the people o Java with the viewpoint that If tin plague didn't kill half of the chlldret the island shortly would be unable t sustain tho Inhabitants uesplto Its fer tility. .Nature) Is cynical In Its harshness. She deals inly In cause and effect, ac tion and reaction, and the thing w call emotion Is alien to her plans. Civilization Is merely a handing to gether for mutual protection ngnlifst liarsli nature. Most of us havo lost sight of this original puiposc. Mnny a man Is too lazy to marry a rich widow. JBr"55'2!SHfcW i jisrrfl ?.73IK iM IPBHBBnit?' , V.U' VRyWI Because of its nutritive properties, its crisp texture, and its easy digest ibility, Grape-Nuts is the best-balanced cereal food for young and old.' When used as an ingredient in other foods, it adds remarkable zest and valuable nutritive elements. Recipes will gladly be furnished on request. w Company, Ino,, 0ttl Creek, Mick.