The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 01, 1923, Image 2

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The Branding
Join t.titullH. eight f" ynrs
old, wife if I'lcrre, la tho ilii'iKh
tor of John Carver who murdered
her mother for adultery llur
lotifly life, with lu'P father. In a
Wyoming caliln. titibeanibh'. Joan
leaves lilm to work In u hotel In
n nearby town. Joan inert
1'lcrro, nnd tin- two, mutually at
tracted, am married. Carver tells
I'lrrre story of Jonn'n mother.
llerr forges cut tin lirnnd,
Frank llolllwell, yoiir.g minister.
ureHeitu books to Jonn. I'lcrre
forbid her to rend them. Mud
dened iy Jealousy. I'lerro ties
Joan and lnirtiH the, Two-Hur
brand Into her nhouldur Hear
ing her sereuum, 11 MtriuiKr
bursts Into the house 11 ml shoots
I'lcrre The M runner revives
Joan, tolling her Pierre Is dead
argon her to i;o with lilm. At
the HtraiiKer's home .loan'" In
Juries are attended to, She Is
Introduced to a new world of
boohs and line clothing bv the
Htrnnger, Prosper Clalo. a writer
CHAPTER XII Continued.
And then slit opened hor vciluiuo In
Us middle nnd hor eye looked upon
rilllllllltr HllOS
"Bo the two brothers nnd their mur
dered mun-"
.loan'.s heart foil like a louden weight
mill tin color dropped from lier fnoe.
In an Insliint she wns buck In Pierre's
room mid Hie white night circled her
In great silence nnd she was going
over I lie story of Iter love nnd Pierre'
tholr love." their beautiful, grave,
Imph love thill hud so Itllod her life.
And now whore wiih she? In Hie
house of the mill) vhn I1111I killed her
luislmnd! She hiul boon walling for
llolllwell. but for 11 lone while now
she I1111I forgotten that. Why wns she
Mill !'ere? A strange, guilty terror
came with the ipi.stlon. She stored
nroiind the gorgeous little room, snug
rrom the world, so secret In Its winter
canyon. She beard Wen IIo'.s Inces
sant pattering In the kitchen, tho nnd thud of Prosper's shovel
tug outside. It wns suddenly a hor
rible nightmare, or loss a nlghtmnre
(ban a dream, pleasant In the dream
Inc. hut hideous to on awakened mind.
She wns awake. That little homo
stend of Pierre' 1 Snob a lumper
opened In her sojl that she bent her
bead and moaned .She ronld think of
nothing now but those two familiar,
hare, clean rooms Pierre's gun,
Pierre's rod, her own coat there by
the lUmr, the sn wslioes. There was
no place In her mind for the Inter
tragedy. She bud gone hack of It.
She would rather be alone In her own
home, desolate though It was, than
anywhere else In all the homeless
And whnt could prevent her from
XolngT She Iniighed nlnud n short,
defiant laugh rippled to her feet, and.
In her room, took off Prosper's "prrttv
thlntr.s" nnd got Into her own old
clothes; the coarso underwear, the
heavy stockings and boots, the numb
skirt, the man's shirt. How loonoly
Ibey all hung! How thin she was!
Now Into hor coat, her woolen cap
down over her ears, her gloves she
was rendv. her heart laboring III e an
exhausted stag's, her knees troirtriint;,
her wrists mysteriously absent She
went Into tiie hall, found Inn snow
shoes, bent to tie them o.t, and.
straightening up, met Prosper, who
bin', come In out of the snow
He was glowing from extrclse, but
ut sight of her and her pale excite
ment, the glow loft him nrd bis face
went bleak and grim. He put out
his hand and cnught her by the arm
and she backed from lilm ngiilnst the
wall this before either of them spoke.
"Where nre you going, Jonn?"
"I'd n goln' home."
Ho let go of her nnn. "Von were
yolng like this, without a word to me?"
"Mr. fhiel," she panted, "1 had a
I'eelln' like you wouldn't 'a' let me go."
He turned, throw open the door, and
topped aside. She confronted bis
bile anger.
".Mr. CiiiPl. I left Pierre dead I've
been a-waltln' for Mr. llolllwell to
nine. I'm strong now. 1 nun be
i-goln' home." Sud'Vuly nho nliied
nut : "You killed my man. What hev
I to do with you?"
He bowed. Her breast Inhered nnd
all the distress of her soul, tumbled
by mi Instinctive, Inarticulate con--piousness
of evil, wr.verod In her eyes
Her reason already neouscd her f In
gratitude and renchery, hut every tllici
uf her bad suddenly revolted. She was
all for liberty, she must have It.
Ho was wise, made no attempt to
hold her, let her go; hut. as she tied
under the llrs, her webs sinking deep
into the heavy, tincrusteil snow, lie
-tofiil nnd watcher1 her keenly, lie had
not fulled to notice the trembling of
her body, the quid, lift and fall of her
breast, the rapid (lushing and palltiu
of her face, lie let her go.
And Joan tun. drawing recklessly on
the depleted store of what had nlwnvs
been her Inexhaustible strength. The
Btiow was deep and soft, heavy with
moisture, the March air was moist, too
not keen with frost, and the green tlr
wero softly dark against mi even
stone-colored sky of cloud. To .loan's
e.ves, so long Imprisoned. II was nil
tbtoulBhlnglv bountiful, clean und
B13 Katharine Neiajlm Bud
CopyriKht liy Katharine N. tlurt
grave, part of the old life back to which
she was running. Down the canyon
trull she floundered, her short skirt
gathering 11 weight or snotv, bur webs
lining 11 mass of It at every tugging
slop. Her speed perforce slackened,
but she plodded on, out of breath and
In n sweat. She was surprised at the
weakness; put It down to excitement.
"I wiih afeered he'd make me stay," she
said, and. "I've got to go. I've got to
go." This went with her like n beating
rhythm. She came to the opening In
the firs, the foot of the steep trull, nnd
out there stretched the valley, blank
snow, blank sky, here and there .1
wooded ridge, then 11 range of lower
bills, blue, snow-mottled; not u roof,
not a thread of smoke, not a sound.
"I'm awful far 11 way," .loan whis
pered to herself, and, for the (list
time In her HIV, she doubled her
strength. "I don't rightly know where
I am."
She looked back. There stood 11
high, fuhillliir peak, but so were the
outlines of these mountains Jumbled
nnd changed that she could not tell If
Prosper's canyon lay north or south of
Plerie's homestead. The former was
high up on the foothills, und Pierre's
was well down, above the river, l-'rom
where she stood, there was no river-bed
-n sight. She tried to remember the
loiirney, nut nothing canie to nor ex
cept a confused Impression of follow
ing, following, following. Had I hoy
jone toward the river first and then
turned north or had they traveled close
to the base of the giant range? The
t anger's cahln where they bad spent
Mil night, surely that ought to be vis
ible. If she wont further out, say
bevoml the wooded spur which shut
Hie mountain country from her sight,
perhaps she would Had It. . . .
Ilrnvely she braced her quivering
.misples nnd wont on. She plunged
nto drifts, struggled r.p; sometimes
be snow-plnno seemed to stand up
like a wall In front of her, the far
hills lolling like a dragon nloug Us
top. She could not keep the breath of
Prosper Took Her by the Shoulder and
Turned Her Over In the Snow.
her lungs. Often she sank down and
rested; when things grew steady she
got up nnd worked on. Each time she
rested she crouched longer: ench
time made slower progress; and nl
ways the goal she had set herself, the
end of a Jutting bill, thrust Itself out.
nosed forward, sliding down to the
plain. It began to darken, but Joan
thought that her sight was falling.
The enormous efforts she was making
took every atom of her will. At last
her muscles refused obedience, her
laboring heart stopped. She stood a
moment, swaed. fell, and this time
she made no effort to rise. She had
become n dark spot on the snow, 11
llfeuess part of the loneliness and
A small, black, energetic figure
came out from among the llrs and ran
forward where the longest shadows
pointed. It looked absurdly tiny and
anxious; futile, In Its pigmy baste,
across the exquisite stillness. Joan,
hlng so still, was acquiescent; this
little striving thing rebelled. It came
forward steadily, following Joan's un
even tracks, stamping them down
firmly to make a solid path, nnd, as
the sun dropped, leaving an Immense
gleaming depth of sky, he came down
and bent over the black speck that
wits Joan. . . .
prosper toou her by the shoulder
and turned her over n little In the
-now. Jo, in opened her mid
hulked at lilm. It was the dumb buik
of 11 beaten dog.
"(Set up. child." he said, "and come
home with me."
She struggled to her feet, he helping
her; and sllentlv. Just as a savage
Minimi no matter what her pain, will
follow hor man. so Joan followed the
'ruck hi niiidi bv pressing Hie snow
down tr'nlv over her former steps
i'.f ' '" isl.L'd nnii. "nil
rr. n
she nodded. She was pale, her
heavy, hut she was glad to he found
glad to be sated. He snw that, and
he saw n dawning confusion In hot
eyes At (be end he drew her arm
Into Ids, and, when they came Into the
house, be knelt and took the snow
shoen from her feet, she drooping
against the wall. He put a hand on
each of her shoulders and looked re
proach. "You wanted to leave me. Joan?
You wanted to leave me ns much as
She shook her head from side to
side, then, drawing away, she stum
bled past him Into the room, dropped
to the bearskin rug, and held out her
bands to the (lames. "It's awful good
to be back." she said, and fell to sob
bing. "I didn't think you'd be onrln'
I was thlnkln' only or old things. I
was homesick me that has no 1101110."
Her shaken vole way so wonderful
music that he stood listening with
sudden tears In his eyes-.
"An' I can't forgot Pierre nor the
life. Mr. (iiiel. an' when I think 'twas
von that killed him. why, It breaks my
heart. Oh, I know you In d to do It I
saw. An' I couldn't 'a stayed with
lilm no more. What hi Ilil. It made
me bate lilm but you can t be tbliikln'
how it was with Pierre an' me befoie
that night. Wl we wan happy. I
11st to live with my fat In-, Mr. (Jaol.
an' he was an nwl'iil mail, an' there
was no loln' hot ween uri. but when I
llrst soon Pierre tonkin' tp at me. I
lirst knowod what lovln' m'ght he like.
I .lust came away with lilm because he
asked me. Oh. Mr. Gaol, I can't for
got him, even for liatln'. That brand
on my shoulder. It's all Sealed, but
my heart's so hurled, It's so hiirted
You killed him. Forgive tin. please; I
would love ,oii If I could but some
thin' makes me shake mvity from
you because Pierre's dead."
Again she wept, exhausted, broken
hearted weeping It was. And Pros
per's face was drawn by pity of her.
That story of hor life and love, It was
n sort of saga, something as moving
ns an old ballad most beautifully
sung. The varied and lhrnnt on
donees of her voice gnve evsry delicate
shading of feeling, of tin light. She
was utterly expressive. All night,
after he had seen her eft and sent
her to her bed. the pbrrses of her
music kept repeating themfelvcs In his
ears. "An' sn I first krowpd what
lovln' might he like"; nnfJ, "I would
love you, only soniethln' makes me
shake nway from you because
Pierre's dead." This wan n Joan ho
bad not yet realized, and tie knew that
after all his enchanted leopardess was
n woman nnd that his wooing of her
hud harillv vet begun. So did she
Imlllo him by the titter directness of
her heart There was so little of a
barrier against lilm and yet there
was so much.
For the (Irk time he doubted his
wizardry, nnd, nt that, his desire for
the wild girl's love stood up like a
giant nnd gripped his soul.
Joan slept deeply, without drenms;
she bnd confessed herself. Hut Prosper
was as restless nnd troubled as a
youth. She had not mnde her escape;
she had followed him home with humil
ity, with confusion In her eyes. She
had been glad to hold out her hands
ngnln to the lire on his henrtb. And
yet he was now her prisoner.
Nerves and Intuition.
"Mr. Oael." said Joan standing he
fore him at the breakfast-table, "I'm
a-goln' to work."
She was pale, gaunt nnd Imperturb
able. She announced this decision
and sat down.
"Womnn's work?" he asked her,
smiling quizzically.
"No. sir." with her own rare smile;
"I ain't rightly fitted for thnt."
"Certainly not In those clothes," he
murmured crossly, for she was dressed
ngnln In her own things.
"I'm u-gon' to do man's work. I'm
n-goln' to shovel snow nn' help fetch
wood nn' kerry In water. You tell
your Chinese man, please."
"And you're not going to read or
study any more?"
"Yes. sir. I like that, If you still
want to teach me. Mr. Caol. lint I'm
a-goln' I'm going to get some ac
tion. I'll lust die If I don't. Why.
I'm so poor I can't hardly lift n broom
1 don't know why I'm so miserably
poor, Mr. Oael."
She twisted her brows anxiously.
"You've had a nervous breakdown."
"A what?"
"A nervous breakdown."
lie lit bis cigarette and watched her
In bis usual ln.y. smokc-vclled man
ner, but she might have noticed the
shaken fabric of his self-assurance.
"Say, now," said Joan, "what's tho
name for?"
"There's a book about It over there
third volume on the top shelf look
up 011r case"
Willi an air of profound alarm she
wont over and took It out
Not to Her Uklnn.
Madge How was the yachting
Mario I? So-so. There wore so
iiiiinv on board the boat the hes: Char-
I.' .-11111.1 iin was to hug the shore.
lo wa Boy-'s Steer
Is Grand Champion
Careful Attention and Good
Feeding Responsible for
His Success.
When Wayne Probst, n thirteen-year-old
farm boy from West Liberty, Iowa,
visited the 102'.! International Live
Stock exposition at Chicago und staged
a meat-cutting demonstration In the
boys and girls' club department, he
examined the wonderful milmnls on dls
play und vowed that some day be
would be tin exhibitor und lead his own
hiilmnl Into the arena.
Champion at Iowa.
During the winter nnd spring Wiiyne
carefully tended the pure bred Here
ford steer which he bad entered In
bis county baby beef club, und when
the state competition was held at Des
Moines during the Iowa Mate fair, his.
pet, linnnle Arbor, was (lectured cham
pion Hereford baby hoof nnd reserve
grand champion of ( the ihow. Al
though he was offered 20 tents u pound
Wayne ProbGt and His Champion Here
ford Steer.
for the animal, Wayne refused to sell
lilm, since be bad set his mind upon
tilting lilm for the supreme show at
Chicago the llrst week In December.
Wayne has been In the boys' club
work for six years and has been if
consistent winner nt the Muscatine 1
county fair. This year bis entry won
over ?.' bond nt West Liberty and was
sent on to Des Moines to compete for
tho championship of the state. At the
state, fulr there were ocr 450 baby
beeves- entered In the classes, rank
ing the strongest show of these an
'mats nt any state fair
Wins Trip to Chicago.
In addition to the prlr.e money which
Wune won nt the county und state
fairs, he was also awn tiled a free trip
to Chicago and will Join the thousand
or more Juniors who will attend the
International ns n rewurd for excel
ling In their club work activities.
Wayne put chased Iio-inle Arbor from
a local breeder und iWtbough the nn
linal was of excellent ancestry, those
who know the boy state that his, suc
cess was due to the care and feeding
which were given to his pet. When
started on feed December 20th, the
steer weighed 400 pounds, and on Au
gust 0th he had exactly doubled his
weight, balancing the beam at 0S0
pounds. This guln was put on at a
cost of 8 1-3 cents per pound, and ut
the rate of 2.1U pounds per day.
Wayne attributes much of his suc
cess to the Inspiration which he re
ceived at Chlcngo while nttendlng the
International Live Stock exposition
last December. Within two weeks af
ter returning home be started his calf
on feed, nnd nil during the succeeding
months the high standard of the an
imals he saw at Chicago wns kept con
stantly In mind and spurred lilm on to
gi eater elYort.
Soy Bean Stubble Makes
Fine Seed Bed for Wheat
Soy-bean stubble makes an excel
lent seed bed for wheat and experi
mental work has shown that the wheat
yield may be Increased 25 per cent by
sowing after soy beans. Most grow
ers make the practice of harvesting
the beans with n sweeprake and fol
lowing Immediately with the wheat
drill. No seed-bed preparation Is nec
essary, and this Is one of the Impor
tant factors In the economical produc
tion of wheat.
Corn for Silage Must Be
Cut Fine and Tramped
Corn for silage must he cut line and
trimmed well Into the slle, If It Is i!p-
1 smi to make the best quality of feed
and lill the sllo to Its greatest capac
ity, says the Department of Agricul
ture. Tho usual length of cutting
varies from one-fourth of nn Inch to
one Inch, but the latter Is u little too
long, us the pieces do not pack so
readily In the sllo, and they nre not so
completely consumed In feeding us the
hhnrtcr lengths.
Hogs Show Good Profit
by Hogging Down Corn
Sumo practical feeders .seem to que.s-
tlon the advisability of hogging down
corn at present prices, but plenty of
tests show thnt bogs give as much
profit when they are allowed to help
themselves us when the corn Is fed
' by bund In fart, these snme hogs will
1 Fhow greater profit by hogging down
I corn than digging It out of muddy
1 feed-lots. '
fttfl Br' Jl
Prevent Diseases by
Exercising Good Care
Seed Bed Often Is Source of
Various Plant Ailments.
(Prepared by Ihn United SUlea Department
of Agriculture.)
Cabbage nnd other cruclfcrs, such
ns hrub-scls sprouts, kohl-fabl, kale,
turnips, radish, rape, rutabaga and
charlock, are subject to fungous and
bum-rial diseases which are carried
from place to plate by various means,
Including Insects, Infected feed, trans
planting from an Infected seedbed to
It. .1.1 .1 u.. I .. ...a ....1.1....... I...f... .. .,4.l .!(.
Ill-Ill, uniiiiiiKi', t'iliiiiiiKU ii-.u.-m- 111111 niv i
otner plants nieniioneo, ami suime
manure, farm iinlmals and tools, und
wind. These diseases 111 e preventable
In the main by simple means of plant
sanitation, says the United States De
partment of Agriculture, even as hu
man diseases may largely be prevent
ed by proper care.
As the seedbed Is often the source
of Infection, the truck farmer will
find It prolltable to take the grentest
pains to Insure healthy plants. Locate
the seedbed on new ground If possible,
advises the department. Crop rotation,
avoiding crops which belong to the
cabbage fnmlly, will help and Is worth
while, regardless of whether or not
It Is necessary to control plant mala
dies. A good rotation system will
stnrve out many fungous diseases tl. it
mnv ovist and will help control many
weeds, particularly wild mustard and
Its relatives, which haihor cabbage
The leaf diseases of cabbage, cnull
flower, and related crops are relative
ly so unimportant that spraying Is sel
dom required. The most Important
diseases are Interna! or soil parasites,
which are out of reneh of fungicides.
The free use of lime will help In con
trolling such pnriis'tes and the disin
fecting of all cabbage sofd before
planting, to prevent black rot and
black leg, will be found of consider
able value, according to tests carried
on bv the department. The use of
disease-resistant varieties of cabbage
and other cruclfcrs will also pay.
Artificial Lighting of
Henhouse Is Permanent
The artificial lighting of henhouses
has become permanent and popular
during the Inst few years. Contrary
to the llrst opinions of some people,
electric lights are not Installed for the
purpose, of fooling the hens. The use
of lights merely endeavors to aid In
duplicating spring conditions whereby
hens have more opportunity to con
sume a large amount of feed and thus
have material In which to manufacture
n large number of eggs. Lights In the
evening will give the hens less time
between the Inst evening meal nnd the
first one In the morning, so that the
crop never gets empty.
Fairly Good Silage Can
Be Made Out of Alfalfa
Because of the abundance of protein
In alfalfa nnd the shortage of sugars
and starches, It Is hard to make really
first-class alfalfa silage. At the Mis
souri station, however, they found that
If care wu.s taken, a fairly good grade
of sllnge could 1p made but of nlfnlfa.
The Important thing wns to let the al
falfa dry enough so that at the time
of putting It Into the silo It contnlned
SO to 45 per cent of dry matter. When
It contains more water than this, It
?eoms to make a sloppy, fpul-smelllng
ullage. The best plnn seems to be to
let the crop lie In the swath for n few
hours after mowing until It Is well
wilted, but not dry.
Good Silage Serves as
Substitute for Pasture
Feeding trials at the Kansas agricul
tural experiment stntlon ut Manhattan
Indicate that the sllo Is a money
maker wherever eight head of cows
are milked. Good sllnge serves as n
substitute Cor pasture during fall, win
tfr and early spring. Silage can be
profitably fed to dairy cows In Kansas
rlne months of the year.
There is n prevalent Idea ntnong
firmers that It does not pay to put a
good corn crop In the sllo. As n mnt
tcr of fact, the bettor the corn yield
the better will be the sllnge and the
nrenter the amount of foliage which
may bo fully utilized.
Two Plants Practically
Alike Above the Ground
Sudan grass Is .somot lines mistaken
for Johnson grass, ns tho two plants
nre practically alike above the ground.
The Sudan seed, however, Is a little
Ir-rger and plumper thnn the Johnson
g-ass .seed. And there Is a wide dif
ference In the roots and the habits of
growth of the two plants. Johnson
grass bus underground running root
stocks from which It grows from year
to year. Sudan grass, on the contrary,
has short, (lbrous roots and grows only
one year. Therefore It never becomes
n troublesome weed like Johnson
Soil Prepared for Soy
Beans by Fall Plowing
Holl preparation for wy beans is the
same as for corn. Where It Is advis
able to plow In the fall for corn, then
It Is advisable to plow in the fall for
soy beans. The clay Innds should be
fall plowed, and In the spring disked,
harrowed, and made smooth by the
drag nnd plunker. For light, sandy
soils spring plowing Is preferable. On
clny and sandy loam soils both spring
and fall plowing are equally satisfactory.
tTako it liome to
the kids.
Havo a packet if.
your pocket for an
ever-rcady treat.
I ifMRNtv A delicious contet.
TifrA "on ant' an a
ulUJpk tho teeth, appetite
1 ren9WHB digestion, k
B .T "'P01 w I -rlir r
Lincoln, Ncl
"INCOLN'S Rooms for $t.5C
Lunch Room In Connctlon
Creamery and Cream
Station Supplies
Milk Dottlei and Dairy Suppllm En
Casci and Chicken Coopn Boiler..
1309Jone.St. 11 W.ThlrdSt.
All widths nnd nil kinds. Cloth-covered
buttons. Broad nnd nnrrow hemstitch
ing. Mall orders returned promptly.
S06 Wcit B'dway, Council Bluffa, I.
Only Three Miles.
The pale-looking passenger had
shown signs of nervousness through
out the voyage. Approaching the cap
tain one day he asked: "How fur arc
we from hind, cuptuln?"
"Oh, about three miles," replied thai
"Only three miles," snld the passen
ger. "Then It's funny we can't see
"Oh," returned tho skipper, "thaff
because the water Isn't clem
Jud Tunklns -jays It's Impossible to
jc absolutely sincere nil the time, oth
erwise you'd often have to think uy
Fomethlng besides "Dear Sir" In start
Ing a letter.
Womnn's maiden nlm Is to chnn
rer mnlden nnine.
Sure Relief
f3Yl-ir J
Hot water
mm, 1 oureKeiier
Sure Relief
For oyer f ortr Tiara btantlf nl women hare baan
keeDlna thrlr akin loft, rlrar and (nit from
KullT guaranteed. Jlooalet t nn. Twoaliea, ll.
nrfita. At ilrngirUta or postpaid .....
nu c. n, iunf io..Miii . Biki.. . cninoo
MIWDERCGRNS Itrmom Coma. Cal
lounf.. tin, atrix all l'lu. rn.urra comfort to tba
frrt. mLc walklni; ra. M liy mall ur at Uruc
cLUi. lllKOxCbemlcal Works.
Comfort Baby's Skin
With Cuticura Soap
And Fragrant Talcum
I Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and SOe, Talcum 25c.
vy. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 43.-1923.
1123 O Street
'Prtj-ti PARKER'S I
fCMV'V -XI Rattorea Color and I
12 VsiYL "jCj Deaatr to Cray and Faded llalrl
Ks'J.wJTf'"'! ex-. anrtliailruiTCIta. I
BvftiW 1 yy" niffox (Turn. W . I'atrlmmn'.H.T I
. l. . . .. .