r v J Lturvltt 4Egeaasgg! -i.- J-j.wgi.TtT?!gg?55gji A NewtNPer That aires The News FITty-tue Weeks Etch Year ftr 11,50 VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. NOVEMBER 1, 1923 NUMBER 44 rifcLji S rs?f Flags Are Here OVERCOATS We ask you to come in and Investigate our Overcoats this is National Oregon City Week These Coats are Pure Virgin Wool and guaranteed in every respect WE ARE SHOWING THESE COATS IN THE NEW FABRICS AND STYLES priced $22.50 to $42.50 , I I L I REMEMBER WE SELL NOTHING BUT WELL KNOWN LINES OF MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE i " ' W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. C. li. & Q. MUST PAY FOR WM. IIRUNNERS DEATH A ffiv wtiks ago sunlit (Ifty of tilt ... Hfi! Cloud merchants puichased the Commenting upon a rather novel uniform ting dtcoratton ..f Hit RmI cuse in so much as it holds an inter Clond Fire Department The Hh-xs nie state carrier, under the compensation ixtUeet Mini stand on it 12 font stuir, :... .i rnnrnniliur the nassinn- of a firmer Hetl Cloud citizen, the State III smile having miivoiI this (!, Tlmuif tubers of the 'l-p;trimi'iit hre been liusv Mi j-ast two dins putting Hie hulilfts in conoit'H in fiout of each tirliiNts" place of business. The merchants will no riutibt use lliis (K'Coi'Hiion next w'fk rim hit: (iellis Half Acre, nod they are tqtu'tcd by the bgion 0111001; to tle llio llgs ill each night before mhim'1 i I.T.AMACK E.V.STEINER I. T. AMACK CO. MORTUARY Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Prompt and careful attention given to this kind of work. "Service" our motto. UP-TO-DATE AUTO HEARSE BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD. NEB Merchants Combined Sale November 8-9-10th Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday the Red Cloud Merchants will hold Special Sales. Those taking part In the sale will give aw.tv a 3 pelee Parlor Suite at the Auditorium, Saturday, Nov 10, 0:30 p. m. The following are the Arms participating; Johnson & Graham. P A. Wullbrandt. Star Clothing Co. W. G Hamilton Clothing Co. Cowden & Ktlev Clothing Co. R. P. Werner Co. V. G. Turnnre & Sou Mrs. J. A. Harden. United Stores Co , Smith Oi os. & Copley . Piatt it Frees, laidlow's Restaurant. W. L Koon. Smith's Shoe Store. Malone & Gellatly. Monte.Cristo Cafe. Barbara Pharos Palace Bakery. Oglevie Bros. Gleason Studio. Auditorium. Yost & Sou. E. II. Newhouse. Farmers Union Store K. S. (5o,rbor. Variety Store. Hook's Billiard Parlor. Lee R Walker. Pope Bro G. W Trine. Morhart Bros. Over four thousand bills were print, ed ntid mailed out advertising tlie.so merchants bargains on the reliable merchandise they carry in stock kftAAWWAJWUWWArtArtrtAAArtMAftSArtJW HE 3G DC 3C 31 AUDITORIUM Saturday Evening wuy.j in STETON ' S STUPENDOUS PRODUCTION The Oldest Theatrical Attraction In The World Our 53rd Annual Tour Uncle Tom's Cabin 17 The Big UT IUIU Show From The Eastern Coast SOLO BAND CONCERT ORCHESTA STREET PARADE DAILY Journal of yesterday, has i'.io follow ing to xiy: "Compensation CotntnIs!Stoner Frye has held that the Burlington rail road com.iuny must pay $l,GGG for the death of one o; its employees, William S. Brunei-, in spite of the fact that the state compensation luw excludes railroads from the state law and places them under the federal compensation law. "The state commissioner finds that the employee wa3 killed while em ployed as a workman upon a culvert near Red Cloud, January 11, 1023, and that his widow is entitled to $13.33 1-3 a week for not to exceed 350 weeks. The employee was a laborer working about four miles east of Red Cloud. Rocaufe he, with other employees, was working upon a fjew culvert for the railroad. This culvert was not open to interstate trafllc at the time and the state comniijsioner holds that the status o the employee should be taken at the time of the injury. He finds the work wus not contributing to inter- state commerce. io cxciuue u ran- roa' company from the stafe conv pensation law the employe himself must be acting in furtherance of in terstate transaction as well as tlte employer. He said it is not reason able to say that because an employe was not acting in furtherance of in terstate commerce at the time of an accident or death, he or his depen dents would be barred from re covery. "Altho the railroad company has nob insured its employees or satisfied the state comr.ii.. ooner of its ability to pay, such non-action, according to court decisions, has the effect of causing the company to elect to come under the compensation law. Payments now due under this order are to commence immediately and to date from January 11, 1923. IJurial expenses are also added to the weekly compensation. The rail way company pleaded specific exclu sions from the state law ay reason of being an interstate carrier". The C. B. & Q. was represented by P. E. Boslaugh of Hastings Mrs. Elizabeth Potter Called to Her Reward Elizabeth Thimpson wa9 born in Ire land Feb. 17, 1847, and died at her home in Red Cloud on October 26, 1923 at the age of 76 years, 8 months and 9 days. When but a child she came with her parents to America, locating at New York. Shortly thereafter her Attorney father became head of the Toronto, while Attorney F. J. Munday of this Canada educational institutions and city acted in behalf of Mrs. Mina the family moved to that place. Here Rrunner, the widow. Commercial the deceased was married in 1865 to Advertiser. John G. Potter. Very soon thereafter Federal Farm Loans To Actual Farmers For Agricultural Purposes LOANS AT ACTUAL COST Less than 5 1-2 Percent WHY PAY MORE? The Loan That Never Comes Due Plenty of Funds on Hand No Red Tapp Prompt Service $25,000 Limit HENRY R. FAUSCH, Sec:-treas. Webster County N. F. L. A. Red Cloud, Nebraska. service y SCHAAF & TURNER FUNERAL HONE Licensed Embalmer in Nebraska and Kansas Bell SO. - - lnd.120x they moved to northeastern Iowa and in 1873 together with other early pio neers journeyed overland to Red Cloud where they have resided since. They were the only couple iett among tnc CHRISTIAN "The law of Jeliovhh is perfect, re storing the soul; The tehtlmony of .Jehovah is sure, early pioneers who camoto Red Cloud . malting wUe the simple." at that time. Next Sunday being World's Temper- Mrs. Potter had always been active. auce SuudBy, the services will be ap. in the work of the Methodist church propriate to the day. of which she became a member early Tui' meeting of the Sunday Council i lifv Rim Wne Mm W crviv nr last Wednesday evening was well at- the original charter of the Ladies Aid tendef ")d of P00' ItrBt. School .:i.. r..i - :.. r ' orgauizHtion was dUoussed. Nov. 14 will be the next meeting at which we will take up Sunday School Literature. Considerable interest is being t-hown in the new Home Department. nnirre Kiddies 25c riuiEO Adult 50, 75c DC 3E Dr- W. Guy Gillette Chiropractor Auditorium Bldg. society. During the active years of her life she took a lively interest in , the Order of the Eastern Star, which ' has honored her in the past years. j ) She was well known and liked by all . with whom she came in contact. Her, t first concern was always for others rather than for herself. I Six children were born of this union: i Oscar M Frank N Robert T.,,Lulu! V. (now Fuller) Archie C, and John' U. Potter, all of whom grow to nian Jhood and womanhood in this city. 1 Dur'ng her long illness she was al iways patient and frequently spoke of her acquaintances, never failing to ; appreciate the many nets of kindness Dr W H MrRrlHf .wh,ch they bestowed. lji . vr .ii.JviuLJi ivc PunernI MrvlcC8 woro hol(l at tho late residence on Monday, October 2!), UWArV,WSrrfVVWSVSV.V.V.V.V.V.V.VUWiVWUI s I For The Best of CoaJ i See Us a PLUS TAX 3E 3 3 S DENTIST . OVER STATE DANK .at 2 p. m. and wre in charge of Rev Don't forgot the Ladles Aid Lunch Nov. 10th. (jcitrude Crablll is entertaining her class, The Ueacon Lights atu Hnllmve'. en Puny Friday evening. The Social Circle has s-et December 8 for their Hu.aar. Last Friday evening, tho Endeavor and a few friends, held a Hallowe'en ' Party at. the Patb'inage They wcio i met by Ohost.s mid a Witch who made each one tald) a solemn vow to niter into all tliH evening'.- Inn mi of cuurso eauti out) had a good tittio unless it was during the ghost storlen. Tho enter- talnmont comiiil' t'p wore: Ruth Put- I, The Malone-Gellatly Co. wwywww.1 Wi.wvi Red Cloud i H. G. Wilcox, pastor of the Methodist n, Jessie Christy, and Fern Deldo- Nebraska church. Irleh. Hanson Laundry Under New Management i it you nave never Known tnc I satisfaction of having your Laun dry work clone by us, now is a good time to try it. Plionu us and our wagon will call. We do Ruff Dry Finish and Wet Wash Ray Gard DOWNEY NEST Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper, Paints, And Electrical Supplies. The best place for Picture Framing. '