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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1923)
. (ftftrm. iriaKAik cnnst rVM' 35 4 ' J DP J " i Agatha's Odd Exploit ' - I I3y CLARA DELAFIELD I PRIZE ESSAY CONTEST SOON TO OPEN If your Job doesn't suit you, you can't sot n bettor ono ly loafing on it. I3y CLARA DELAFIELD 1323, Wcitern Nctvnpaper Union.) ' AGATHA was a luishslliiKPr In n cheap restaurant. Now this Is no story of Hie beautiful young girl whr Tho nian really lives wit. who lives ly his wits liy other men's hick of When ProMdcnt Harding died how long dlil It tuku you to reeall the vice president's niiine? No man dares to tell the truth when nuked to express his real opin ion of a now lialty. .Slneo short skirls went out of stylo some, men Hud that It Is no longer necessary to wear glasses. No man can expect n unless ho Is willing to service In return for It. living wnge give honest If you want to he successful you must learn to make up other people's minds ns well as your own. I have often wondered why It Is considered Impolite for two persons to take butter at the same tliuo. Fow children would over learn to play the piano If they had to depend upon dad to make them practice. You don't want to believe all you hear but you should have some sort of a foundation for all you believe. John M. Mutzcn, state .uperintcn dent of cducnt 0.1 . ns been of.,'!iIi. notlf.c I of t..e opcu njj of l!ic J rh.c I'Vay Contest of the Anie" domical tfocicl: in whLh : ll s'.u 'entf. of nnd secondary s,ckno! in i!c Ifit-i'c of Ncbrai'rn have basn ; to (o.npetc in a tint Oiiul tonics fi $10,000 in cash prives aiul s hobr ship j to Yule, V.' s in- nnd Khcr universities and colleges. Tho contest is the fjii't of Mr. nnd .Mrs. Francis P. Gnrvon of New York, ij n memorial to the'r I'autfhlcv, Patricia, an.l is intent!cd to stlmul 'v interest umonu high rchool in tho development of chemical re'ec in this country. All arrangements for the contest are in the hands of the committee on .'rizc Essays of the American Chemical Society, with headquarters at the Munson building New York City. Six prizes of $20 in gold arc to be awarded in each state in the Union and scholarships to Ynle and Vnsscir will be given for the best s':: cFsa'-s in the United Stales. These scholarships will carry with them tuition for four years in chemistry or chemical engineering and ?500 n year cash. In nddition to these award) many other scholarships will bo offered through various uni versities and colleges. A ret of five books which include "Creative Chcm- A Harvard man thinks thai If Henry Ford runs for president ho will pass around spark plugs Instead of cigars. Someone remarks that It Is mighty hard (o light up your pathway through llfo by burning your candle at both ends. Lew Shelly wants mo to Include saxophones nnd obituary poetry In my private blacklM. Clad to do It, Lew, glad to do It. It Is unfortunate that so many men who know all about how to run the gov ernment never get a clianco to hold office and provo It. An eastern Judge rules that It Is a woman's right to rulo the home. "There ain't no reason for a court tie cMnn on that Milijcet. Some editor remarks that you never had to change a buggy tire on a hot day. True! Hut they used to loe off In doVvu'iither. Nebraska Methodists voted to al low women a ay-so In conference matters, Since women do PS per cent of all the church work why not let them rim the whole show An Omaha woman Is asking for a divorce because her husband won't go to church. Hank I.eggett hadn't taken an Omaha paper home with him since the salt was started. In a recent Isue of his paper Hill Israel printed a dellnltlou of a kiss. What does he know about It? If anyone ever kissed htm she had an awful stomach ache for the next week. Noxt time 1 vlMt the west end of the state I am going on a steam roller lnstcnd of using the Dodge. The lies those fellows tell about me out there have passed all endurance. If President ("oolldge's son Is going to help raise tobacco I hope It Is better quality than some of my friends smoke. It is getting to be almost im possible to bum n pipeful of decent tobacco. "Welcome editors," read a sign In n Sioux City hotel. And then they had no rooms for the editors. Another liotel displayed the same sign and then required all editors to pay In advance for rooms. Muni: Leggptt says be is going to keep n cow. He may If ho can per suade bis wife, to do the milking. Hank is too lazy to milk for one rea son, and he Isn't built for Hunkering down on a milking stool, for another. meets a wealthy young man and mar ries him. Quite the reverse. Agathn hnd a faco like but no personalities, please. Agatha had n face. Let It go at that. Agatha had a face and n beau. At least, she knew she could get a beau If she had a thousand dol lars. He was an earnest young man and worked In n shoe store, lie was out to marry money. Ho said so frank ly. Ily money he meant a thousand dollars to go Into business with. My that It will be seen what sort of iPian clal and moral status Sydney Inn!. Hut Sydney doesn't como Into this tale. It concents Agatha and her thou Band dollars. Well, ono day a very cranky old gentleman came to one of Agnthn's tables. He muttered and fumed nnd scowled and quite forgot to tip Agathn. Ho went away, and Agnthn hoped he'd never como bade. However, ho did como back. He wns always coining back. He sewned too well-to-do a man to frequent such n cheap Joint as Agatha's. Hut he was not too well-to-do to forget to tip her. Never n bean out of the old slob. And complnlnl Say, If the eggs weren't dono Just right, or tho ham was too fat, or the bacon was too lean . . . but never mind. That's all In the day's work for people like Agatha. Ho always seemed to be In the throes of some business deal. There he would Bit, scowling nnd muttering: "I won't pay a cent more than five thousand," or 'The- dirty scoundrel, to try to do mo over that proposition." While he wns lighting It all out the eggs would get cold, and then poor Agatha, would get the blame. He made her more and more norvj ous nil the time. She grew to dreaiT tho appearance of the old gentleman. Ho always sat at her table, too. That was the woist of It. And a tip? Once In a while? Never, never I Agatha was verv. very nervous one day when he came In. To begin with, she had had a quarrel with Sydney the evening before, lie said be had n chance to buy a share in a shoe store for a thousand dollars and he'd get It If he stole It or had to marry an ostrich. Those were his exact words and such a meaning look as ho cast at her! Agatha had wept all night, not about the tist rli h. but became she couldn't raise a thousand dollars, for she had a soft heart, and she loved Sydney. Then the next morning was Friday, the thirteenth. And then the old gen tlemau came In. Agatha had never seen him In such a fury. He muttered and scowled, and looked as If he might drop dead at any moment from apoplexy. He Hum: himself down and ordered two hard boiled eggs and n glass of Ice water. "Here!" he roared live minutes lat er. "Put some Ice In this water, girl ! Whasermarrer with yon? Hurry It up!" And then the thing happened I Agatha had Just got the Ice on the spoon when the old gentleman craned forward with such a fiendish scowl that she dropped It down the old gen tleninn's wide collar. Let us draw n veil over the proceed ings. Agatha was Instantly tired by the outraged proprietor, and instantly taken back as soon as tho old gentle man hnd snorted his way out of the door, swearing that ho would never re turn, still engaged In the futile effort to find the piece of Ice all that was left of It. And Agatha wept salt, bit ter tears, nnd they had to give her Ice wnter to console her. Three days Inter a strange man came Into the restaurant and Inquired for Agatha. "You have Inherited eleven hundred dollars," be Informed her. "My client, Mr. Jasper Clay, dropped dead yester day nfter altering his will, and this the prizes in the State competitions Is a legacy to 'the young womnn In DE A. G ILt IE " y. wrfrft JWl WS YELLOW PENCIL lf.auuttcrr.emsAQOTHWtcuNTWMl llZ wild tho RED BAND made by I " V ZZ . ., .,,-, ,,,, ,, -V THE URGEST PENCIL FACTORY r h tv. t NTER COMES K5SJBB And no doubt it willit always has. In Indian summer, birds, beasts j'j and human beings prepare for the bitter months of winter. Are you laying ;,;, up your stock? Are you planning now to meet your needs for clothing, ac- r, cessorics for your house, furniture, or the 'things for the kitchen that will help make the good things to eat that you will have for Thanksgiving, Christ- '.'; mas and the new year even better? , A v. istry" by Slosson, "Tho Riddle of the Rhine" by Lcfcburc, "The Life o.' Pasteur" by Val'ery-Radot, "Discov- ', "The Spir.t and Servre of Science" by Gregory and the "Future Independence and Progress of Ameri can .Medicine :n mo ge oi vieim - try" by a committee of the American Chcm'cal Society is being rent from New York headquarters to every accredited high and secondary ichool 'n the "country, and sets of llic-c reference boote are being placed in the leading libraries of the state for the use of students who enter ti.e competition. The contest, which Inn the endorse ment of Dr. John J. Tigert, conimis s'oncr of education of the United States, is fully ('.escribed in u phar.i phlct, which will be distributed through the high schools and the libraries. Ths phamjilct contains in addition to facsimile letters of en dorsement from Pr Tigcit ar.d frnr. Dr. E C. Franklin, pro ident of the Amor c n Chcini al Society, a fu 1 outline of the terms and ccni'Mnn. of the contc.-t together with the let ter of gift of Mr. Garvan. II E lowc, cd tor of "Industrial rru' Knginroiir.g Chemistry" the oilk1 c jigr.n of the American Chemical So cvty Ik's been named as chairman i ' the committee, t.nil he is ass stcd 1 Dr. Wider D. Pancroft, Prorcssor of ChomUrv at Cornell university, one In the CciiUly LOUrt Ot of the bet known men in educational circle; in this country and president of the American Chemical Society in 1910, by Charles H. Hcrty, president of tho Synthetic Organic Manufac hirers Association and president of the American Chemical Society in 1915 and 191G and by Alexander Will ams, J. of New York, who is acting as sc retary of the committee. It is the plan of tho committee in charge to appoint a national commit tee of fifteen who will be chosen from all walks of life, from among the lead ng educators, scientists nnd pub lic eplritcd men and women of the country. It will be the duty of this committee to judge the essays and 'to award the scholarships in the nation al competition. They will be ass'sted in their work by State committees of eleven whose dutv will to be to award r y OUR FRIENDS Are many and the personal in terest that we feel in each ones wel ' fare trends with hoping that each one may be prosperous in all his un - dertakings. They feel that STEINS . is their store home and when they are in Hastings, It's "I'll meet you at STEIN'S" or "I'll wait for vou at STEIN'S" or something of that sort. 2 i ii.! ECONOMY The spirit of economy is not the spirit that tells you to skimp on money when you purchase an arti cle but it IS the spirit that guides you to be thoroughly sure that what you do buy is actually worth the amount involved. Ours is an institute founded on fair dealing and consideration of our A patrons. This i3 your store, it is run for you, we work for you. If there is something in our service that is not fulfilling the intention, kindly call our attention to it. We hope to see you in the store oUen. Do your waiting j r 7 and resting in our rest room on the right balcony. One Prioo to Mil We 6iv3 5. & H. Green Trading Stamps mm m mmn tw. "Tl - - w. r"" i h4 Tho main Job of a reformer Is to Xeep other folks from tuning a good time. It Is tough for n small boy to have to wear tils big brother's cast off trousers. Hut my sympathy goes out to the hoy who has to wear big sis ter's cast off knickers. I wish Nebraska editors would tend to business closer. It took me almost half a day to steal enough dope for tliis column. Usually I can dig It out In an hour. Clam's restaurant who dropped a piece of Ice down my back on Frlduy the thirteenth, August of tills year. "It appears that Mr. Clay was about to make a very foolish business deal In a (It of anger, nnd at the very mo ment when tie hnd reached that de cision you dropped the Ice down his back and cooled him. Ho changed his mind and wns saved a loss of several thousand dollars. Unfortunately tho excitement hud proved too much for him, und ho expired of apoplexy." This la where Sydney comes In. 163 Acre Faim For Sale Webster County, Nebraska. stati-: or Ni;fm,.Kivt ) WKnsTi:n'"a,:.iY. )' In the niuiter ' tin sta'eof Michael Donovnu, deeeiiseil. CndiU'is Sniit IMi'e Will Take Notice, tlmv I be 'line united for pres entation and ltli g of elalnib against the same I- l-Vbiuary loth, 1924, nnd for the pxyment of de'-t-j is October 20th, I0J1. thai I will !l at the county court room in sttid county on tho lCMi day of February, 1024. at 1() o'clock, A, M., to leceive, examine, binr, allow, or adjust all claims nnd oljeotions- duly filed Duted this 20th day of October A. V 1023. (Seol) A. D. RANNEV, County Judge. m Thero would be fewer violations of law If wo didn't have so many fool luws that violate the rules of com mon sense. When they started buying dnlry cowh nt (Jeiing Ase Wood advised farmers to be sure and get the kind Chut gave malted milk. Tho worst thing that can happen to !.viiio of tho politicians Is to let them luivo their own way. If It wouldn't Tht Incorrigible Profiteers. Ren All Hnggln, grandson of ttio nuiltl-mllllonalre horseman, James 11. Hnggln, was talking at n dinner In New York ubout his temporary bank ruptcy. "How can you help going temporar ily bankrupt," he said, "tho wny the prollteors put It over on you?" "Legislate against them as yon will, tho profiteers are Incorrigible. They aro like little Willie. "'Willie,' said his mother, 'h do you persist, morning after niorntng, In coming down to breakfast without wnstilng yourself? You know I always send you back.' '"Ah, but once,' said Willie, 'you forgot.' " Located 5 miles from Wheeler, Kas and 7 Miles from St. Frauds The farm Is pructlcally lovel, 85 acres being In cultivation, balance pasture, all fenced. Good well water. GO acres of com that will yield & to GO bushels per acre, 20 acres of feed In shook, 40 acres In fall wheat that is up. All new farm machinery, 8 head horses, ft good milk cows, 2 wagons, 2 sets of work harness, 12 tiogs, 00 chickens, and household furniture goes with farm. Farm cost $10,000 but owner will tolce $0,000. Can give time ou $2,700. Write llox ID, r. f. d. 2, St. Frauds, Knns. Yes, We Have No Bananas Today But Mr. Business Man You are reading a complete news paper when you tend The Lincoln Star. You have the sathfHCtion of know. Ing that the news facilities and the newspaper featur09 Hie tho best ob tainable. Two leased wire services carry the news of the world to The Star The Associated Press and The International Nows Service, providing the strongest news fudlUles possible. The world's greatest newspaper car toonists and feature writers are con tributors to The Star. The Star Is a 24-hour newspapor, all tho news complete In each edition. You can always Qnd something good in the Star, It will 1111 all your news. paper wants. It la the paper lor your home. Adv. WE HAVE TWO OF THE BEST LINES OF PAPER FOR YOUR STATIONERY LUTHERAN Self Suiter. Guest Walter, the service Is ter rible. You gave that fat man nt the table wt to mlno n stenk twice ns blu uq the one j ou brought inc. Where's Regular services, every tlrstnud third Sunday in the mouth in the Adveulist church at 11a m. Tho public Is cordially invited to at tend our services O. R. Holnltz, Pastor. Call Day of Nora, Nebr., is claiming Moveinber 0 us his salo date for Duroe Jersey Hogs. Watch for ad. Wo uio now prepared to give reason, able terms on both Now and Used Cars payable monthly or In n lump sum. Uglevic lirus The Margin of Safety Is represented by tho amount of Insurance you carry. Don't lull jourself into a fnncled security. Uecuuse fire has never touched you ltdoosu'tfollow that jou'roimmune Tomorrow -no today, If you have time nnd you better find time o.iuie U the ofllco und we'll wrlto a policy on your houso, furniture, store or merchandise -LA Tint MAY HE TOO LATH- Q. C. TEEL Reliable Insurance (P HAMMERMILL RIPPLE MAIL ORDER BOND LINEN Try Hammermill Ripple and be Convinced BOTH PHONES The-Hed Glood Ghief vvJVJVwvvv,vwv.v. 4 ,AV.VAVVAV.VftftlWAM I.T.AMACK E.V.STEINER J ' I. T. AMACK CO. t MORTUARY License Embalmer and Funeral Director Prompt anil careful attention given to this kind of work. "Service" our motto. UP-TO-DATE AUTO HEARSE BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB 1 I . :H -r "Iff, ! I iCt :s 'I K I t. be io hard on the rent of ns I'd be the RinagerT Hell's llulf Acre, November 8, 0 londiiOth. ! .WWWWWWWVftVWWWrVWyW . -.. 'UiiSer -.,vo- Js