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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1923)
r RED OLOOD, NEBRASKA. OinEP NEBRASKA BRIEFS Timely News Culled From All Parts of the State Reduced for tho Busy A golf I'lul) of .() membcra Iiiih been organized tit .Mlilon. Mr, llllzabeth Donovan, HO years cltiriiiK tlio lust decade," Superintend old, n resident of KHImnro county for cnt Mntzcii wioto, "not only In render. Xfl yearn, tiled recently at (ii'iiova. ' Ii.B " hugo service to tliu atnte and The annual convention of tho Nc-jimMon, but In the development of a brnsku federation of Women's Clubs professional consciousness Miiong tho will bo held In ltontrieo Oetobor 23 to teachers. 2(1. Hoy Ilunnell, a railroad engineer, wan elect roeuted at his homo In North I'latto when he attempted to turn out n light In the baHemeut. More than 1, '.!()() hunting uiitl fish ing licenses have been Nsued at Hast ings so fiir this ycir by County Clork Cutes. all to AdaiiiH county people, except four. More than 1,000 teachers from over the slate are expected to attend tho Teachers' Association convention at Omaha which will hold n three days' session beginning Oct. III. N'lght schools for adults, similar to tl.ono conilucted last winter when more tbaii 100 people enrolled for vocational j (raining, will bo opened again In j Columbus during the fall and winter. Contributions to the Loulsvlllo Hood relief fund are coming in steadily, In sullli lent ipiautlty to care for local needs from day to day, although many of tho Inhabitants tiro yet In dlro Btnilts. Major General William F. Welgel, former commander of the F.lghty eighth Division In France, attended the third annual convention of tho division at Its recent meeting In Omalia. Word Iiiib been received at lied Cloud by Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Outlier, parrntfl of Wllla Catber, noted Ne braska author, that she Intends to leave Franco on the homeward trip about November 1. Molvln Plttmnn, 10, member of the second football eleven of the Colum bus High school, Is suffering from concussion of the brain following n practlco gnme, when bo struck on his bead during n fall. With 20 Judging teams competing In tho boys and girls club contest nt the National Dairy show nt Syracuse, N. y., the Nebraska team from Adams county won second placo In tenm de monstration, and (lfth place In Judging. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Douthltt of CukIiIii? celebrated their golden wed ding anniversary September 29 when nioro than seven hundred guests at tended the inniriago ceremony and tlnneo nt the family homo. Visions of asbestos quarries for lllchnrdson county were dispelled when specimens of stone found near Ilarnda and Bent lo I'rof. K. II. Har bour of the State University for an uly.'bi were pronounced calelto Nlnety-threo per cent of Nebraska farms are utilized for tho raising of poultry In connection with their reg ular agricultural uses, nnd tho poultry Industry on theao faruiB Is valued at $3.r,000,000 annually, according to figures compiled by tho bureau of publicity. In tlio last 10 years thcro has been an Increaso of 28 per cent In tho poultry of tho stato. Nobraskn fanners have come to realize tho value of raising poultry In connec tion with other farming pursuits be cause of the roady cash markets that nwalt their eggs and poultry. A $100,000 budget for home and foreign missions Is the goal of finan cial endeavor for tho Woman's Home Missionary union and tho Woman's Hoard of Missions for tho Interior of the Congiogatlonal church In Ne braska, Joint stato convention, has Just closed nt Columbus. About 80 per cent of the potato acreage In tho Kearney district has been harvested. Of the remaining 110 per cent a liberal proportion will bo withheld from tho market for seed. A very small propottion of tho acreago remains to be dug.- The sea son proved profitable to growers, The Nebraska Federation or Wo men's clubs will hold Us annual con vention nt Ilentrlco October '211 to 'JO. working along lines prescribed In tbo slogan adopted for the convention "No illiteracy In 1030." Discussions and addresses on child welfare, agriculture, county homo economics and Hamentary law, will libraries and classes In par be features of the convention. Miss Naomi Moxon, daughter of nn Alliance Jeweler, and W. C. H rooks, "stunt" aviator of the Alliance Avia tion company, were married last week In nn airplane piloted by Hrnokn while the machine soared 'J.fiOO feet in tho air. Tho Winter Meetings of tho agricul tural association In Nebraska will bo held at the Agricultural College, Lincoln, tho week In .lanuarv. as has been customary in provlous years. This year tho dates are January 7, 8, I). 10, nnd 11, 1021. Plans nro bolng nmdo for bigger, bettor, and moro In teresting meetings for nil associations. The 102U season for manufacture of beets of tho territory Into sugar com menced at Grand Island Inst week-. The crop has been good and .12,0110 tons of beets will ho ground. Auditor (Jcorgo W. Marsh announces thnt his department has held as legal i ? 15,000 school bond Issue of Dis trict No. 50, Falls City, tlio legality of which hud been questioned. About 00 por cent of the Stato com crop was matured beyond danger of damage from front by the close of September, according to returns from gruln elevator operators thruout tho state. 6END8 GREETINGS. 8tnte Superintendent Urges Teachen to Attend Convention. In r lettor containing greetings to tlio various Districts of tho State Teachers Association, John M. Mntzcn, stuto superintendent of public Instruc tion urges nil tenehoiM to attend tho annual convent!? , to he held In Omaha, October .'10 to November :i. "Education Iiiih ninde great progress "Tho organizations largely liiMiu I mental In the prnmotl n of the pro I vailing genuine spirit of t'am work on t the part of the teachers ate the county ! district, fKiiteand national conven tions. Kvery teacher owrn It to herself and to the community In which she work to give some tlim and effort to lite advancement of tho teaching profes hIoii. It is our hope that tho tencheri In the Districts will fully realize) their professional obligation and at tend their annual convention to bo held In Omalia this fall, .vailing them selves of n real opfortunlty for ex tending their serviced to tho children who come under their Instruction." One of the important topics to bo discussed during tbo convention Is tho more equal distribution of school taxes so schools In thinly populated dis tricts will have more llnanclal support. Over 100 horses were entered In tho races held at tho I'nwneo county fair. This Is said by horsemen to bo the largest number of horses at any county fair In the state during tho present year. The purses offered to taled .f.'t.r.oo. Tbo elghteen-months-old baby of I. .1. Strnttou, living on a farm near Lincoln, fell Into a thirty-foot well landing on n narrow plank twenty feet below, where Hhe was found three hours later, and rescued by neighbors who had been searching for her. Alumni of tho university nro found In every stato In tho United States and In thlrty-ono foreign countries. Tho representation by states varies from ono In Now Hnmrcdilrc to over ten thousand In Nebraska, according to the recently published alumni di rectory. During the nluo montho Just passed 5-10,080 head of livestock have been brought to the Omaha livestock mar kets by auto, truck. This was dlvld ed ns follows: 28,037 cattle, 'J00.S7V hogs and i:i!),70t sheep. The In crease over U)li2 was 171J87 of all closses of livestock. Mrs. II. Laurltsen, of Cnmbrhlgo? last spring while feeding chickens, lost a set out or a valuablo diamond ring, and was unnblo to find It. Sbo hns mnrkctcd chickens from her Hock all summer, but when Bhe went to proimro n chicken for n church supper recently, sbo found tho stone In Its craw. Andrew G. Wolfonbargor, n well kuo vn member of the Lincoln bar and for many yeurs a state and na tional prohibition lender, died laBt week at n local nanitnriuni. He was iredlted with being one of the main on cs thnt put Nebraska on the dry column, and bad nn International re putatlen us a speaker. ltequcsts for a bulletin on poultry dlsenscs can bo filled by tno Agricul tural Collego extension service, Lin coln, and the Cov.nty oxtenslon agents, with Farmers ltulletln No. i:W7. This bulletin, Just olT tho presses, covers tho cntlro list of poultry diseases and takes tho placo of the old bulletins No. Wtf and 1111 which havo been out of print for some time. In 10112 tho vnluo of eggs produced on Nebraska farms was .O.OOO.OOO more than tho gold output of Colorado I and the vnluo of poultry sold was !?ir,000.000. More than 50,000,000 dozen eggs wore produced and tho , total amount of Nebraska's eggs ship ped out of Nobraskn was equal to 1. CIO carloads. Half the eggs produced wero shipped out of tho state. "Jumbo," n Ilolsteln cow of elephnn tlno proportions, belonging to Frank linchnian of Halston, Is now tho proud and happy mother of a daughter which promises rivalry in size. When Mr. Hachman brought her from Wisconsin the llrst week In September, "Jum bo" weighed 2,010 pounds. The aver ago Holstcln will weigh around l.loo to 1,200 pounds. Tho calf, when born September 110, weighed 1W1 pounds, Just about double the weight of tho ordinary calf at birth. Mr. and Mrs. I. it. Cln.Uon, pioneer residents of (lag county, celebrated their f7th wedding anniversary at their homo In I'.eatiico, In tbo pres ence of their children and other rela tives. They bao 15 greatgrandchil dren and 2.T grandchildren. With u coips of more than thirty oxpeils working day and night to mnku It a success, will 000 perfornu rs from the four high schools nartielnatliiL'. 'The Lmluuited Year,' to be presenti d during thu state teachers' convention, at Omaha, will bo the largest and most beautiful amateur stage performance over put on in that city. A big stock Bale, nccompnnled by a Jiarbecue, put on by a commission firm ut (irand Ihland resulted in the salo of nearly 5100,000 worth of breed lug and feeding stock A warm nutritious food served at school at noon helps to make the lunch brought from homo n real meal, says tho Agricultural Collego extension servlco at Lincoln. It Is now a gener. nlly accepted fact thnt n child's mental condition depends Inrgely upon his physical condition, and that If tho child Is to bo In tho best physical condition bo must havo propor food nnd health habits. Army's Runaway Blimp Travels II off ' r t-i ii if 'VW' ft''&RHYiJiA I I pi A runaway pony blimp of the I'ulted Slates army escaped from I.leut. Uuehe Kcows, twenty miles from llellevllle, 111., and was can led In a heavy wind to Woodstock, 22 miles from Atlanta, On., crashing to .arth In a corn Held. Main Street of Scene on tho Genzn or main street buildings left standing were gutted by lured men for robbers i This Is I'cggi I'.url.o of Chicago, who has confessed that bhe has been nctlng as n siren to entice victims for a gang of holdup men. She says her hubbaud, Angelas Llskas, took all tho money she obtained. IN N. U.'S FIRST CLASS In 1S.V) Horace Goodrich rc-Mered at the opening of Noithwesurn col lege In nwiusion. 111., us a member of Its llrst i lass. The other day, at tho age of eighty-six, he registered again In memory of the old times and placed on the steps of the original building n 'wreath for the other nine members of his class, all now deud. lie Is here seen with President Wal ter Dill Scott of Northwestern mil erslty. Goat3 nnd Women. According to the ancient records of Vork county, preserved In the court- bouse at Alfred, Me., goats and wvmen were not allowed on the Isles of Shoals. One tlshernuin brought his wlfo there, ut the same time importing some goats. Lengthy legal battles were waged con cernlng the matter. Finally It was set tled unit Mie goais inusi go mi! Mie wife could stay. I tip iu'm Kpy- h ; ? i inW t f i It :BK? r m j0Etij- .,, mL t W Jt ASI f lWMM85iA t m A ; V 11 ) 'kSHkIbP SI 1ML cgr xrwrmwvu!iit&xa&m? & S&&r Kb. Fl'i&MlMr i I Tokyo Once More of Tokyo ufter the street was partially lire. L1oyd George and That David Lloyd (Jeorge and his through Canada and tho United States Schneider Cup Won by U. S. Navy $3 ,$JSPSZ!3K5SKSSO 33H Cl fi j rxm&mzs&Mvmxi& y , Schneider cup won l. American nny pilots In the seaplane race held at Cow os, Knglaiid. Lieut. David Itlttonhoiiho, U. S. N., whs llrst with n speed of 17".:iS miles an hour, n new world's record for seaplane bpeed. Lieut. Kut ledge Irvine. U. S. N was second with a speed of 17!l miles an hour. WORTH KNOWING The sartorlus Is the longest muscle In the body. A method for tho coloring of trees while they grow has been '.Iscovered. Guatemala produces a nut whose oil cvntent Is (13 per cent. riens have caused 7,000,000 deaths In India by carrying the ge-ms of the plague. Thcro were !1SD,220 marriages .In France last year, as compared with 27.0SI divorces. In Des Moines, women detectives posing as "Mappers," trapped lift nn toinohllo "mashers" In one day. Long Distance Open to Traffic cleared and open for trnlllc. Megan Seem Happy 1 I daughter Megan are enjoying their dip Is evidenced by this snapshot of them. Afghanistan Is the last of the Mo-" liiimmediin countries to proervo Its isolation from the Inlldel. More coal passes through Cincin nati than any other city In tLe United .States. Fifteen now plart iMtjases were reported In tho United States during 1022. Twelve crops were aiTccted. One hundred and fifty million tons of wood waste Is produced annually, most of which, It is asserted, finds no useful application. Production figures fchow thnt Michi gan was last year the saltlui't state In the Union, with New York second and Ohio third. Thu , i IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SiindaySchool 7 Lesson v (Dy P.i:V. P. U. F1TZWAVHU, I) D, Tonrlicr of Kngllsh ISIblw In the MooJ lllble Institute of Chicago.) I. 1923 Wtern Nrwupaprr Union I LESSON FOR OCTOBER 20 GOME MISSIONARY TCACHINCG OF THE PROPHETG LKSSON TEXT Ih. COM-3; Jonnh 4:)0-ll', Mlcnli 1.1-3; Zcpli 3:U. UOI.DEN TEXT "The U utiles fchnll cone to thy light, nml klans to the briKhtiu'es of thy riding-." Int. 60:3. PKIMAUY TOPIC The Story of Jonah. Jl'NIOU TOPIC Clod's Love for All Nations. LSTEU.MEE1ATE AND SENIOR TOP IC Tho Piotilirts a n MlHHlonurles. YOUNC5 PEOPLE AND ADULT 'IOPIC Tho MliiHsonury Mvsjaao of the Prophets. Perhaps the hist way to teach this lesson will be to note the message of the Individual piophets. I. The Mcssaoe of Isaiah (Na i;o:i:i). 1. Its Central Fact (v. 1). Israel's light, her lledeeiner, has come. The primary inclining of this Is not the in carnation of the Hcdeemer, hut His manifestation in glory and power as He comes back to this earth to reign as Israel's King This glorious fuct is presented under the llgure of a bright .sunrlslng. It will be u glorious morning without clouds dawning upon u (lark w oi Id. 2. The Ulnglng Summons (v. 1). Messiah himself calls Israel to arouse herself fie.n her Ion: sleep of In dllTeniue and r.hlne forth hi the glnrj of her glorious king. 3. The D.irUcncd F.nrih (v. 2). In spite of all the progress of the arts and sciences spiritual darkness blindness touching spiritual things has settled down upon the earth. It will be peculiarly gioss In the last days. It can only be dispelled by the glorious appearing of the Lord. 4. The messed Kesult (v. 3). The (entile nation shall come Into the light, being uttracted to Zlon by the appearing of the Lord. In the midst of such darkness the sudden appear ing of the light shall attract the na tions nnd draw them to Jerusalem. II. The Mintage of Jonah (Jonah 4:10, 11). Jonah was comninnded by the Lord to go to the wicked city Nineveh and proclaim its destruction In forty days. He started In die opposite direction In order to escape this unpleasant task. A storm came up and the superstitious suitors threw him overboard. He was swallowed by a great fish and after three days and nights was cast upon the shore. Having learned thu needed lesson he went to Nineveh and preached with inch earnestness that the whole city repented. The mercy shown by the Lord In sparing this wicked city so angered Jonah that he went out of the city and improvised u shelter where he could see whether Ood would really destroy Nineveh. To protect tho prophet, God made a gourd to (julckly spring up and throw a shade over him. When the gourd died and left Jonah exposed to tho burning sun he prayed for death. The particular message of Jonah Is thnt (Sod is great in mercy to all the na tions when they penitently turn unto Him from their slrs. III. The Mausage of Mlcah (MIruh 4: 1-3). In Ibis message the prophet portrays the blessings of the Messiah's king dom In Hik la'st days. Three thing are predicted: 1. The Siiptemacy of Ills Kingdom (v. 1). It shall be exalted above ull the kingdoms of the earth, its glory Miall attract the people from afar. 2. The Uxtent of It (v. 2). Many nations shall come with the urgent re quest thnt others accompany them. Tho kingdom of Messiah shall be uni versal, It shall extend from sen to sea nnd from the river to the ends of the earth. II. It Sliall Krlug Peace (v. 3). Kn nilty will then be taken from men's hearts nn-1 they will love each other. When their honrts are changed they will no longer wage war against each other, they will oven destroy their Implements of warfare. War will con tinue till men's hearts are regener ated. The way to get wars to cease Is to get men to love Jesus Christ. IV. The Message of Zephanlah (.eph. 3:0). Kcphnnhih declares that following tho Judgment upon the nations God will turn thu people from their Im pure speech so that they may call upon lllm. Ilo declares that God's will Is that all nations turn from their filthy conversation and call upon Him. Ho desires that nil nations should como unto lllm. Christianity. In order to abolish Christianity tho one thing needful Is to get rid of Sun day. George Holyoake. To Appreciate Institutions. Fairly t.) appreciate Institutions you must not hold them up against tho light that blazes in Utopln. Vis count Morley. Mammon. Mammon has enriched his thou sands, and has damned Ids ten thou sands. South. The World. We may despise the world, hut we ennnot do without It. Uaruu Weinberg, K.