f VOLUME 51 Jfc, OVERCOATS We ask you to come in and Investigate our Overcoats this is National Oregon City Week These Coats are Pure Virgin Wool and guaranteed in every respect WE ARE SHOWING THESE COATS IN THE NEW FABRICS AND STYLES pneed $22.50 to $42.50 REMEMBER WE SELL NOTHING BUT WELL KNOWN LINES OF MrRCHANDISF AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE n W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. Style Authority in Women's Hosiery To know that yoiir hosiery is un questionably Correct is one of the satisfactions of dressing well. For this assurance women are turn ing more and more to "Allen A." Allen A Hosiery for all the family. Finest quality. extra money's worth always dependable. THE R. P. WEESNER COMPANY Dr.R. V. Nicholson DENTIST V Hetpioud, Nebt-Mtk illliaLoiL. ao.hiy 1 lite (iU v??r nrs s-ftaSMBhtt w ' J ifc-J :-y Geo. W, Hutchison Bonded Abstracter Real Estate Farm Loans and Insurance Red Cloud, Nebr. kT BftnT" iMiii? t.v Tfii '"TTlPrTTMiBMMBBKrB -jit ji. " j ITT "Tip'"t ssrry, i n"s""ipE1 " JrBPWBTBlfcrj . A FlewsiMKr That Aires The Rent Flfty-twe Weeks Each Tear Fsr Sf.50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. OCTOBER 25. 1923 Oil Station Changes Handtf j Wednesday, Ki-Hiik llurg, wlio has boni in churgo of the Dei'p Rock Oil ( Station here for hivenil months, sold the big truck nml I iihinxst to W. II. MeKlinmi'y who immediately took pos ( feesMun Jny Kddv will unialn witli Mr. McKimmey Hwliilc until Clnud Frost becomes acquainted with the iniuiy eiistoiueis. We un-ierbtaud that the Deep Hock Oil Co , will Immediate ly stnrt the erection of their new slat iou on their lots on Kiist Fourth nve nuo SCHOOL NOTES Sent to Mr. .C. A. Fulmer, Dircc- tor for Vocational Education; Mr. A. B. fiolwiek. Siinorintoiulnnt. nf snimnis - -----.-, -, 4- - .... . ,,. .v va uvaiw-' Mr. Glenn Cook, Agricultural In structor; Mr. B. l- Perry, Secretary. Subject: Visit to the Bed Cloud high school in the imcic t of the Depaitment of Vocational Education. The state supervisor of vocational agricultuic spent Tuesday, October 1G visiting the agncultuial depart ment in the Bed Clovd high school. 'IVc purpose of this visit was to check the equipment in the dopart- meat ai.d to offei any assistance- '01 the improvement of the woik in this! Valine A. Purd.v whs bom iuSeloto, sommunity and to sec if this depart-1 ohio Suptumhcr '28, 1818. nml passed ment was meeting lcmiircmonls fur,tot,,e I'1''"'"' Ui'd -l"'. Nebr., state and federal law. . nn.l fodnvnl 1..iu The first class which meets in the morning was having farm shop woik. The hoys in this class spend two- fifths of their time for vocational agiiculturc on farm shop woik am' me umcr mice nuns an iigr.cumiim Tohllt UoV( nU(UUv ,, t,.cc ,,,IRh. work. The boys were making hog- ters-Klliiibeth, Mnry mid Ida Mis. tioughs, chicken feeders, bulletin Burt moved with her family to Atlum file, small talbe top and painting ar- Sils ritVi ici.sns, i (lc $.piltiK or 1877. tides that they had made in the sho,. Thoy movod fiom there to Puwneo In other, words Lie boys were doing Ciunty Oklnhomn in 1891. Hciu they thu k'nd of .shop work that meets the lived on n Homestead until the death needs since tin's is the type of work 'of her husband in 1008; since which they will do on their farms. During the car they will have rope woik, tool sharpening, soldeung. window repair, aditional woodwork and some work on gas engines. The remaining mechanical phase of the work will be given to them the second vear. The second class which is held in the afternoon was also visited. This class was doing similar woik to the other class. This is due to the fact that this is the first year the school has had the work. Besides the cfass work and shop work each boy in the class, under the supervision of the instructor, is doing home project work. This is the prac tical work that is carried out in con nection with the work. The projects in this are poultry, dairy, sow and litter arid baby be'ef. The equipment of the school is very good for most all of the work. Some additional tools will be needed when the complete mechanical course is offored. A small addition to the shop will also be needed at that time. A good class room is available for the work. The boys are at present mak ing cabinets for the equipment which has been provided. The supervisor was well pleased with the progress that has been made in so short a time. The general at titude towards the woik is good, All of the boys seem to be very much interested in the work. Since this school is meeting the requirements for a vocational agil- cultural school the supervisor recom- mends thnt it be approved for the semester. The appioval or the school means that one-half of the instruc- tor's salary will be paid bv federal and state funds Copy of State Supervisors report of inspection. M1N. V, Harwood went to Hastings Thursday morning to spend tlio day Y tj, attending Convention the State W. C. being held there. A1 M I Mhii A C? DinliAli lilllnnil iini-n frmv. n,i,. l.omo t,, Vnivhuiv nil. unit i r . .i . iiimiiiii iiiii iii'ii Sunday morning to spend the day with their daughter, Mrs. Marion Hloom and husband, rcturnitfg 'home that evening. Married at Edgar Carl L (hiss nml Miss Pauline Rhod es were united in marriage ut the home of the bride parents in Edgur the (list of the week, The bride is 11 luleiited and accomplished young liuly. Mr. Gnss in operating 11 buttery stiition in this city iind since locntiiiK bore lms mnde many friends who wisli him nml his hrhlo a hiippy wedded life BUSINESS WOMEN'S CLUB ELECTS NEW OFFICERS A very pleasant and interesting meeting of the Business Women's pUD was held on last evening. 'After n dainty lunch was served, a busincss meeting was held and the following new officers were elected: Picsident Barbara I'lmres. Vice President Clara Walker. Secretary Jessie McCallum Treasurer Lydia Traut Directors Mrs. Frank Smith, Mniy Peterson and Ilai'el Powell. Wednesday's Commercial Advertiser. Obituary Ocolor2.l, inj.l-ageil 7,i veurs iindSri days, sV She grow to uoiurwihoud in the loto community mid with nniriiud to Amizinh Hurt, Mai oh l'J, I8&"i. To this union ueie born leu ehildicu: heveu sjiis Henry, Siiniiel, Ciilvin, Walter, tlnio she has uindo her homo with the children. She bus been in poor health for the Inst three years There retuaiu to moiiiu her depart. ure: four sons Samuel of Walla Walla, Washington; Walter of Redando Reach, California; Boy of Torrance, California a ml Bay of Webb City, Oklahoma; two daughters: Mrs. Mary Murnahaii of Bed Cloud, Nebraska; and Mrs Ida Acda of LeRoy, Minnesota; one broth, cr, W. A. Purdy of Edmond, Oklahoma and one sister, Mrs. Lilllo McMaln of Durant, Oklahoma; nineteen grand children and live groat grandchildren, besides other i datives and friends. She united with the Christian church at the early age of ten, iu the commun ity where she was born and raised, After coining west she did not forget her church relation, but transferred her membership. Services will be conducted at Red Cloud by Bev. C, . Nelson, pastor of the Christian church. The intermeut will be made in Pawnee, Oklahoma FARM BUREAU NOTES (By County Agent, H. R. Fausch) There will be a meeting of all swine breeders Tuesday evening, October 30th at 8 o'clock in the court house. One of the main objects of the meeting is the arrangement of sales. Every breeder regardless of ,the breed of hogs should attend. Don't wait for a special Invitation. The second annual meeting of rep resentatives of Women's Clubs is cuhC(i foi, Frjtjay, November 9th at 10:30 a. m. in the court house at Bed cloudi AU women ciubs in the C0Unty who want to carry on rome pJmso of Extension woik in their ciubs f,noui(l serul two or moro (ec. j,atcs to the meeting, as the cxtcn- sion program will be made up for the 'year of 1921. j This being the annual meeting, election of oflkcrH will take place and a delegate to the home economics meeting held in Lincoln in January iwiU be e,cctcd' The Webster county girls' demons- tration team will give their clothing, log Sabbath, lou will enjoy the bob. 'demonstration at 1:30. ;.i .bth School! The pastor will conduct m AUDITORIUM Direction E. C. PRESTON RED CLOUD, NEBR. Friday & Saturday Oct. 26th and 27th You people who like out door pictures or west erns will sure like this one. We know you can't help but like it. Strongheart The Wonder Dog In "Brawn of the North" It has the thrill of the norlhwoo d s. peopled' with figures of hate, love, courage, cowdarice and Strongheart leaping through drama, sensa tion, to moments that make you choke or cheer. Also another of (hose good BUSTER HEATON COMfcDIES "The P.'AYHIU&E" 9 Off HAVQ O DIU UI I O Marion Davis TEEMING with action, radiant with beauty, redolent with the warm flavor of romance here's the most talked about picture ever made. The enchanting story of a madcap princess and her daring lover, filmed at a cost of $1,500,000 and with a cast of 3,000. i 3 C Methodist Church Notes H. O. Wilcox, Pastor The beautiful day we had Inst Sun day contributed to the interest of ohurch going and people responded well to the services of the sanctuary. The choir also bang beautifully both at the morning and evening hours. The evening service was in the nature of an union service which had been given over to the ofllcors of Webster connty W. C. T U. Rev. lva M. Innes, one of the Union's Field workers, gave the address of the evening. Are you chicken hungry'.' The west circle is putting on a cafeteria supper at the church on Friday night of this week from 0:30 until 7 o'clock. The ladles will be pleasod to have you come. There was a host of people who were glad to greet thuir old time fiionds, Mr and' Mrs. Hcrrick at church last Sunday. It Is hoped that these good people may return to make Ited Cloud their home. The Kpwoith Leiignors aro begin ning an interesting contest tl.is week in the form of an automobile race. Tlio Ministerial Alliance voted at Its last meeting to designato I ho fifth Sundays in each calendar year as W (!. T IT. Ktitifluh at unv or all of j willci, tmt orKatilzutlon may plan to put ou a union Sunday night piogram with all tlio churches cooporu'ing. A cordial welcome is extended to you to attend the borvlces of the com NUMBER 43 m Sunday and Monday Oct. 28th and 20th Jackie Coogan's NEXT PICTURE "MY BOY" The Kid's a wiz! He has a hundred new smiles for you: yes and a sob now and then. Here he's an immigrant kid. dodging the cops and adopting a surely old sea captain as dad. And he looks after Dad like a mother. But that doesn't stop him raising Cain with everyone from rent-collector to society-swell. And You Ought To Suo Him Shimmy with a IIurdy-Gurdy. ALSO 2-Rb'EL Snub Pollard Comedy TOES., WED., THURS. OCT. 30, 31, NOV. 1st in "When Knighthood Was in Flower" ONCE in a blue moon they come the truly great, epoch-making pic tures. Here is the sea son's dazzling sensation, the production New York stormed the box office for fifttecn weeks to see. Everywhere it has scored similiar tri umphs. DC m Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud Nebraska Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper. Paints, And Electrical Supplies. The best place for Picture Framing. Dr- W. Guy Gillette Chiropractor Auditorium Bldg. Dlvino Worship at II o'clock iiud nimln at 7:30 In the evening. The Epworth I.eauue will meet hereafter at 0:JI0p in. Foot Ball Game Tho Red Cloud High School Foot Hall te.'itn will close the sensou ho'O Friday afternoon at which tlnio they play the Republican City team. Turn out and encourage tho boyp. DOWNEY NEST ' i ti-iaritskl Rcac M JOUD'J . j ficct 'ond, 4 ,V-fr