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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1923)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF r, i - Kmtmmmmammmmmimm'mm'mmmm''imml'mtmmt'kt . . lm A II ilII H. IT" 0 J KiMf 5353 l&j l m BlEisa IMl D & 141 em mam a n esso tLrasfito WOMEN CAN DYE ANY GARMENT, DRAPERY Hall's Caftawftii Medicine T- tld your system of Catarrh or Dcafncf caused by Catarrh. SotJ by drutgliti far ottr 40 fmri F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio or Tint Worn, Faded Thlngt New for 15 Cento. Diamond Dy es. ';WKiytfnlu ay yy MSB O BI I Uylrllli St , , "., toft flU ? m V Don't wonder whether you cnn dyo or tint successfully, because, perfect lionu' dyeing Is guaranteed with "Dia mond Dyes" oven If you lmvo never dyed before. Druggists lmvo nil colors. Directions In each imvlHKO. Advertisement. OuchI The widower Intel made Ida proposal nnd was awaiting the reply. Haughtily she arose, nnd thing lilut with n stern glance nln exclaimed: "I couldn't marry n widower; tho very Ideal Catch me walking In another woman's shoes I" Then the light of triumph gleamed In his eyes. "Madam," ho relumed, "I had no Intention of offer ing you my late wife's allocs you couldn't net them onl" CHEMISTRY TO MAKE 1TDLOODLE55 BUT EVEN MORE AWFUL War Ih a ncrloits i)rol)lem mid thi noxt war I the most serious of all problems Hattlellclds will become bloodless and tlio iicjony of muscles will bo replaced by the nttony ol mind Col. J. V. C. Fuller, in The ltcforin.itlon of War" Dy JOHN DICKINSON SHERMAN T IS to he assumed that nobody now wants another world war. Hut tho possibility and tho dread of It are ever with us. Professional soldiers are studying the last one In search of guidance for the next one. The United States War department is preparing a comprehensive plan for the Industrial mobilization of tho nation in ease of war. Nations arc experimenting openly with nlrplunca nnd bombs and, doubtless, In secret with gas. The presses are kept busy printing hooks on the "next world war." Abroad nations seem to he running a race In developing the airplane as the coming weapon of war. The United States seems to he lagging be hind In this development to such an extent that the American Legion has proposed to nsk Presi dent Coollilge to call an International conference to halt this rare by limitation of air armaments. If our aviation accomplishments are compara tively of little Importance, what must be the devel opment! abroad? UultcJ States naval seaplanes bombed and sank In short order two battleships slated for the scrap heap. Twenty-three United States army airplanes, in cluding sixteen huge bombers, made a flight of 800 miles from Virginia to Maine and gave tho Atlantic coast an object lesson. A transcontinental aerial mall schedule of thirty hours from coast to coast shows that night (lying, an essential of mili tary aviation, Is practical. A navy Curtis racer, piloted by a naval ofllcer, traveled at tho rate of more than four miles n mlnuto and again nt tho rate of 'Jo. miles an hour. The Hurling bomber, the world's largest air plane, successfully completed Its mnlden trip at Wilbur Wright Hold. The bomber has a wing rpread of VJO feet. Loaded, It weighs twenty tons. It has six Liberty motors of 400 horsepower each and two pushing and four pulling propellers. It will May In tho air twelve hours and fly about 110 miles an hour. The United States nnval dlrlglblo ZR-1 success fully made a twclve-hoilr flight of COO miles over New York, Philadelphia and cltlps of the Atlantic seaboard. Now all of these feats In air travel wore Immedi ately translated Into terms of war. For Instance, Commander Italph D. Weyerbachcr, U. S. N de signer and builder of tho ZR-1. declares In n printed statement that hnd the aerial superdread naught flown over New York on a warlike errand It would lmvo been an easy matter to have Oe Mroyod public buildings, smashed great holes In the crowded streets and reduced the metropolis to a btate of panic. "Had she carried tho five tons of high explosivco the ZR-1 can float, wo could have wrecked th guns of Forts Hamilton and Wadsworth and lifted the seagoing Aqultanla from the water, to say noth ing of the lesser craft In tho harbor," he wrote. "I could not help thinking as we circled Manhattan what grievous destruction may bo wrought by aerial bombing over large cities ir such floating battleships as tlio HIM can be developed to a point where they can successfully resist counter attack." Commander Woyorbncher translated the possl blllths of tho ZIM Into terms of explosives. Others talk about gas. Whole armies put to sleep and taken prisoner In gas warfure Is by no means an Impossibility twenty-five years hence, Col. Ray mond F. Tien con, chief of tlio technical division of tho chemical warfare service, A. 10. F., says In n description of the possibilities of tlio fututo art of war made public by the American Chemlcnl society. He says: "To say the use of gas In wnrfare must be abol ished Is almost the same as saying that no prog ress must ho made In the art of warfare toward making It more efllclent and moro humane. With tho use of gas It Is posslblo to saturate a piece of ground so that no troops can cross It, and thus make an artlflclul barrier for the flank or protect the lines of communication. S&i v v MAmMf&3aJM3E& vMworMotx MnJ. Victor Lefehure In his work, "The Riddle of tho Rhine," predicts that the next war will be a war particularly of chemistry. He dwells on the possibilities of the combination of gas and nlreraft, and he warns that no prohibition or agree ment Is going to stop tho uso of such weapons when national existence Is believed to be at stake. Hut it Is Col. .1. F. C. Fuller, D. H. O., who car ries this talk of a chemical war to Its logical con clusion In his new book, "The Reformation of War." lie Is an Knglishman nnd a professional soldier who knows war both In theory and prac tice. Ills book gives us pen pictures of war as It will be fought when the lighting airplane, tanks nnd gas reach the full matuilty of their terrible power. Colonel Fuller's basic proposition Is that "war Is of tho Inevitable." Ho has the Utmost contempt for peace talk, disarmament propositions, ami the outlawing of certain weapons and certain methods of lighting. He believes that when war comes nations will use the most efllclent wenpon avail able, bo It what It may. Ho asserts that the tra ditional soldier Is doomed, that In the coming war our present-day armies and navies will bo value less, that the World war will be the last of Its kind. Up to near the end of the last great struggle, ho says, war was of two dimensions. Tho air plane made war three dlmenslonnl. What Is tho use of armies fighting. If airplanes can leap the armies and carry tho war to the heart of tho enemy's country. The airplane, however, is a mere means of transportation for gns, the most efllclent means of destruction the world has yet seen. He says 7,!!00 bullets a minute cnn be fired In shrapnel from a field gun nnd then says: "flas Is, however, composed of chemical mole cules each of which can disable; consequently, the projectiles of n gas bombardment cannot bo reckoned by thousands per minute, but by thou sands of trillions. In fact, so Immense a number Hint It Is not even necessary to know the position of the target; all that Is necessary Is to know In what area It Is, and then to Inundate this area. Unlike a bullet, the effect of gas does not cease once the forco generated to propel It Is spent, for, while tho bullet Is 'dead' the gas molecule is 'ullve,' and mny remnln alive for days after gas has been projected. If tho render can Imagine a machine gun which can fire millions of bullets a 6econd, cacti bullet drifting on nfter the forco of tho original discharge has been spent, creeping through trees and houses, wandering over walls and Into shelters and dugouts, then he will have some Idea how gas cnn be used to economize mili tary time." Colonel Fuller says tho "traditional soldier" will he succeeded by the "war scientist," whose strat egy will be to attack the nerves rnthor than tho bodies of tho enemy. "The brute forco theory of traditional warfare" ,lll go; In Its place will be "the direct attack on the hourco of all military power the nerves and will of the civil popu latlon." Ho snys: "A nation which deftroys the economic resources of Its enemy, destroy.? Its eventual markets, and thus wounds Itself. War must entail some less, hut tho less Jbls Iokn Is the greater will he tho victory; consequentl), the military object of a nation Is not to kill and destroy, hut to enforce the policy of Its gownment with the least pos sible loss of honoi, llf.. and property. If the enemy can bo compelled to aecept the hostile policy with out battle, so much tho better. If ho opposes It by military force, then It should never bo forgot ten that tho strength of this forco rests on the will of the government which employs It, and that, In Its turn, this will rwds on the will of tho nation which this government represents. If tlio will of the nation cannot be directly attacked, then must the will of the army protecting It he broken. In the past this will has been attacked by attacking the flesh of the soldiers, ami so consistent has this been, that tho idea lias arisen that the military object of war Is to kill and destroy. Thus, In the popular and military imaginations, tho means have obscured the end ; consequently, tho prevailing Idea of all patties In tho recent war was destruction, to destroy each other, and so blinded wore .'they by tho means that they could not see that In the very net they were destroying themselves, not only during tho wnr, but In the peace which must some duy follow tho war. "I believe that the world U hlowly learning this BABIES CRY FOR "CASTORIfl" Prepared Especially for Infants and Children of All Ages Mother I Fletcher's Castorla Iiiih been In use for over 30 years as a pleasant, harmless substitute for Cas tor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups. Contahis no narcot ics. Proven directions nro on ench package. Physicians recommend It. Tho genuine bears filgnnturo of LaM&3&. lesson, and thnt, ns In my opinion wars are Inev itable, the old Idea of warfaro based on destruc tion will he replaced by a new military Ideal, the Imposition of will at the leant possible general loss. If this be so, then the means of warfaro must he changed, for the present means nro means of killing, means of blood ; they must be replaced by terrifying means, means of mind. The present Implements of war must be scrapped, and these bloody tools must ho replaced by weapons the moral effect of which Is so terrific that a nation attacked by them will lose Its mental balance and will compel Its government to accept tho hostile policy without further demur." This strategy will endenvor to "petrify tho human mind with fear" ami will send groat fleets of airplanes to make gas attacks on tho nerve centers of the enemy nation. Colonel Fuller says: "A few years ago armies alono went forth to battle; today entire nations go to war, not only ns soldiers, hut as the moral and material suppliers of aoldiers. Tills being so, we llnd that, while a short time bnck It was clearly possible to differen tiate between the military and ethical objective of nations at war, today this differentiation Is becom ing more and more complex; so much so that both these objectives are likely to coincide, and, when this takes place, to attack the civilian workers of a nation will then be as Justifiable an act of war as to attack Its soldiers." Colonel Fuller then points out that the first gas used In tho World war was of a lethal nature. Hut nt tho third battle of Ypres the Germans used mustard gas and disclosed to the world the possi bilities of gas warfare, lie cays. "Respirators to a great extent were now use less, for the persistent and vesicant nature of this chemical rendered whole areas, for days on end, uninhabitable and dangerous to cross. Men car ried the oily liquid on their clothes, on the mud of their boots, and Infected dugouts, billets and rest camps far back on tho lines of communication. Few died, hut many were Incapacitated for months on end. Here, curious to relate, Is the true power wof gas as n weapon It can Incapacitate without killing. A dead mnn says nothing, and, when once hurled, Is no Incumbrance to tho survivors. A wounded man will spread tho wildest of rumors, will exaggerate dangers, foster panic and -equlres the attention of others to heal lilm until he dies or Is cured, he Is n military Incumbrance and a demoralizing agent. (!as Is, par excellence, the weapon of demoralization, and, as It can terrorize without necessarily killing, It, more than any other known weapon, can enforce economically the policy of one nation on another. ... "I believe that In future warfaro great cities, such as London, will be nttacked from the air and that a fleet of fiOO airplanes each carrying fi00 ten-pound bombs of, let us suppose, mustard gas, might uuse 200,000 minor casualties and throw the whole city Into panic wlhln half an hour of their arrival. Picture, If you can, what the result will he I London for several days will be one vast raving bedlam, the hospitals will ho stormed, trafllc will cease, tho homeless will shriek for help, tho city will be In pandemonium What of the government at Westminster? It will be swept away by an avalanche 'of terror. Then will the enemy dictate Ids terms, which will he grn.ped at like a straw by a drowning man. Thus may a war bo won In forty-eight hours and the looses of tho winning side may be actually nil I" Colonel Fuller's conclusion Is this: "That side," ho says, "which gains supremacy In invention ami design Is th s!do which Is going to win the next war." And again: "If mechanically both sides nro equal, then on vnlor, obedience am) self-sacrifice of tho soldier will victory depend. Hut If one side relies on these virtues alono, nnd neglects to safeguard them by tho most powerful weapons obtainable, then will they be of lit f lo value, as little as all the valor of tho Sudanese at Oiii durnian." . History shows, of course, that warfare has been "revolutionized" a score of times by vnrlous Inven tions In the ascent from clubs to 7r-mlle rango cannon. Hut Invariably tho fffenso has been later inatched by the defense. Perhaps tho alrplano has already temporarily been rendered useless a story from London says that tho explanation of tho forced landing and confiscation of thirty French airplanes in dermnny la that tho Cerinmis aro using u secret method of putting them out of uctlon. Will every gas have Its antidote? Hlo Estimate. "nnd," said the young hopeful, who was thinking of branching out In the world, "whudda you think of tho chick en business for nic?" "Well," said the wise one, "I dunno, son. It costs n lot to feed 'em. And If you ever start using taxlcahs you'll go broke." Will relieve CouRhj nnd Colds nmonc horses and mules with most satisfactory results. For thirty years "Spohn's" has been the standard remedy for Distemper, Influenza, Pink Eye, Catarrhal Fever, Heaves and Worms. Excellent for Dlstcmncr and Worms nmonc does. bold In two sizes nt all drug stores. RfjpVM PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM RcmoTMDutarnfT RIc'lllrKlllnd Restores Color and Deautr to Grr and railed IlaU wr. na viuubi iirurcmit. HINDERCORNS ItrmoTM (Yrnt, CI. Ioiimv. em., tiope ail in, rnturva comfort to the rrrt, makra allo nur. Uo. tr tnall or at LnuE ltU. Illacos Cbaiuleal Work,. I'atctioeve. N. Y. A Mystery. "It's n mystery to me." "What Is?" "Where they get all there l' speed cops from. these 'hey You'd think once one." In a while you'd llnd a polite Cuticura Comforts Baby'o Skin When red, rough and Itching, by hot baths of Cuticura Soap and touches of Cuticura Ointment. Also make use now nnd then of that exquisitely scent ed dusting powder, Cuticura Talcum, one of the Indispensable Cuticura Toilet Trio. Advertisement. SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS Thrre in only one medicine thnt really stnailH oat pre-eminent ns a medicine for tumble aihncuU of tho kidneys, liver and bladder. Ir. Kilmer'ti Swamp-Root stands the highest for tho reason thnt It han proven to he juBt the remedy needed in thousands upon thoiiHands of distressing case. Swamp-Root mailed friends quickly IW enure its mild and immediate effect la noon realized in mot cases. It is a gen tle, healing vegetable compound. Start treatment nt once. Sold at all drug Riorca in bottles of two sizes, medium nnd large. However, if you wish first to test thla (rent preparation aend ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., HinRhnmton, N. Y., for a sample lottle. When writing ho tmrc nnd mention this paper. Advertisement. Jump at Conclusions. , Jumping at conclusions Is nlwnya hazardous; a fish finds It so, In Jump ing at tho conclusion of a flshllne. Many n good design has been turned nut by n mean architect. English as She Is Spoke. Overheard at iu directors' meeting: "While we aro sitting here let us see how wo stand on running expenses." The uso of soft coal will innko laun dry work heavier this winter. Red Cross Hall Hlue will help to remove that grimy look. At all grocers Advertisement. f!o to a tailor for a wedding suit and a lawyer for a divorce suit. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION aMllaSl INDIGESTION 5 am - g-1 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELLANS 25 AND 75t PACKAGES EVERYWHERE CHILDLESS HOMES MADE HAPPY Presence of LittleOnesaGreat Blessing Four Interesting Letters Cortland, N. Y.-" I took Lydio E. Pinkham's VeRetnblo Compound bo canso I was wenk nnd wanted to bo como BtronR and hnvo n child. My huBbnnd rend about it in tho'Cortland Standard ' and thought it might help me. It certainly did for I now havo a lovely boy fifteen months old who weighs forty pounds. I recommend Lyuin E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound to my friends nnuyou can cer tainly uso my testimonial in your lit tle books and in tlio newspapors, ns It might help to mako porno other childless home happy by tho presence of little ones ns it has donomino." Mrs. Claude P. Canfield, 10 Salis bury St, Cortland, N. Y. A Message to Mothers Hamilton, Ohio." I hnvo known about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vecetnblo Compound since girlhood, havincr taken it when I wns younger nnd suf fering from u weakness and back ache. Lntoly I havo taken It again to strengthen me before tho birtn of my child, as I wns troubled with pains in my back and a lifeless, weak feel ing. I think if mothers would only tnka your wonderful medicine they wouldnotdrend childbirth ns they do. I recommend the Vegctubla Com pound to every woman." Mrs. J03. Falcoin, JR., (552 S- Uth Streot, . Hamilton, Ohio. St Louis, Mo. "Iwftnt toteUyca whnt Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for me seven year" ago. I was run down and had a weak ness Buch as women often havn. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and after being married sixteen years became tho mother of a sweet little girl. I now have four lovely children three flno boys and tho littlo girl six years old. I had longed for children all the while and wept many a day nnd envied every woman with a child. I was SG years old when my first baby was born. I recommend Lydia E.Pinkham's Veg etublo Compound to any woman who Is ailing with female wenkneBS." Mrs. J. Naumann, 1517 Benton St, St Louis, Mo. Was Weak and Run Down St Louis, Mo." My mother took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound when I was a girl, and when I was troubled with cramps I took it, nnd later when I married I again took it to mako me strong as the doctor said I was weak and run down and could not have children. I took it and got along fine nnd now I have three girls. So you know why I keep th Compound in the houjo. I am a well woman and do my work and Bowing too." Mrs. Julius Hautman, 2501 W. Dodlor St, St Louis, Mo, livo pleasant ways to relieve a cougk, Take your choice and suit your taste. S-B or Menthol flavor. A sure relief for couchs, colds and hoarseness. Put one in your mouth 'at bedtime. kaoh Always keep a bos on hand. SMITH BROTHERS JB. COUCH, DROPS gaggfe MARK 1 n $ 'I til