The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 18, 1923, Image 6

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Recent Happenings In Nebraska tC
Given In Brief Items For
Busy Readers V
"i he Mato fon-stry association will
moot at Otiiiiltn Octolior 20.
Volunteer llrt'int'ii or Harvard will
1 1 old njienellt ball Hallowe'en night.
Monroe hiiii-owlves have stinltl a
campaign to bojeott all Havering
extracts containing alcohol In the
The Omaha Itotuil Grocers'
sociutloii will hold Its annual
show and household exposition
fond Oct.
15 to 20.
Kwluo Judging 'train of Nebraska
Agricultural college- won third place
In competition at the national nwlno
show at 1'coria, 111.
Several carloads of machinery to
ln used In dtllllng for oil at Hod
Cloud arc on the ground, and work
vill lie ciMimiciiccil .it once.
Floyd A. Smith, of. Omaha Is dead
as the result of lilooil poisoning, which
set In after he stubbed his toe while
In swimming at Valley last Labor Day.
Mr3. W. I.croy Davis of Lincoln was
cli clod president of thu
luiguo of women voters at
Nebraska i
tl.C annual ,
Keeling of the orgnnlu Ion held nt
onillc Meyers, farmer living near
Preston, has developed tetanus (lock
Jaw) as the result of a tinner on his
right hand being amputated by nn
olect lie fan.
.More than :tS,(M)() children have been
enrolled In (be public schools of Oiun
ha. All Institutions of higher learn
ing report larger enrollments than
ever before.
Attendance at the Ak-Snr-Hen car
nival, at Omaha last week, was more
than twice as great -as that of last
car. The 1022 total was -I2.S0O, the
'jtal this year, S.",0.7..
The 1023 season for manufacture of
beets of the territory Into sugar com
menced at (hand Island last week.
The crop has been good and .72,000
I niu of beets will he ground.
Henry Heimcrs of I'lerce has been
appointed chief of police of that city
to till the vacancy which occurred re
cently when Fred Koehlcr, former
chief, dropped dead while on duty.
Mrs. 10. W. Peter of Ansley wns
painfully Injured when the lid of her
wa-hlng machine fell upon her left
hand, removing nil the llesh from the
first Joint of her thumb. Amputation
above the Joint was necessary.
Visions of asbestos qunrilos for
Klcbardson county were diRpclIed
when specimens of stone found near
Itarada and sent 10 I'rof. K. II. Har
bour of the State University for an
alysis wero pronounced cahilo
.lames F. Maclteynolds, retired
business man, living on a ten-acre
tract near Hellnvuo, last spring plant
ed three rows .!00 feet long of blood
red Held corn. Hery bill came up
and he now has ir"fleld" of red com.
Such a stnnd of red corn is unusual
it is said.
Mr. and Mrs. Korott Howell of
Itarada had no dllllculty in establish
ing their claim to the largest family
In the auto day parade, the feature,
of the closing day of the annual
county livestock fair at Falls City.
They brought their 1(5 children along
with them In cats.
II. ('. M. Hurgens, on, for many years
prominent in the Insurance ami poli
tical Ileitis of Nebraska, died nt the
sanitarium in College View near Lin
coln, after nn Illness covering u per
iod of three jears. He was a mem
ber of the legislature from Lancas
ter county In the sessions of 1003 and
Itrowu county lias tho largest po
tato acreage In years, and for the putt tho jleld Is fair ami of good
quality, hut there are no buyers, it
Is estimated that In the vicinity of
Ainsworth there are at least MKi acres
that will not be dug unless conditions
citnuge. i acre were some sales on
the streets at 2."i cents u bushel.
".luiabo," a llolsteln cow of elephan
tine proportions, belonging to Frank
Itacbman of Ilalstou, Is now the proud
and happy mother of a daughter which
promises rivalry In sl.e. When Mr.
Hacbnian brought her from Wisconsin
the llrst week In September, "Jum
bo" weighed 2,010 pounds. The aver
ago HolKteln will weigh around l.ioo
to 1,200 pounds. The calf, when born
September ill), weighed l.rll pounds,
Just about double the weight of thu
ordinary calf at birth.
K. ('. Knudson, head of tho state
hanking dopartme..t, has been np
pointed receiver of the American State
bank and the Pioneer Slate hank, of
Omaha both defunct. In compliance
with tho new state law transferring
lecul receivership of defunct banks to
the Guarantee Fund Commit slon.
Alpha homo ut Fremont founded
by the Abraham Lincoln Mission as
nidation of Lincoln, Is one of the lat
ent Nebraska Institutions for homeless
children mid other dostltuio persons.
The property was donated by Mrs.
Lauretta J. Schreluer, ouo of (lie in
corporators of tho association,
Humiliation of tips In barber shops
may be a new law passed by the next
Nebraska legislature, nccording to
bathers attending Nebraska State
Masters' association at the meeting
Just ended at Omaha.
Stnto Land Commissioner Dan Swan
son has sent notices Jo delinquent
holders of lenses on state lands that
they must pay up by January 1, or
their lenses will he declared forfeited
ami tho lands ndvertlsed for releasing.
The law gives delinquents ninety days
In which to produce- tho necessary
money to rquaro themselves with the
State Superintend" Urges Teaehert
to Attend An al Convention.
1 In n letter containing greetings to
tho various Districts of tho Stato
Teachers Association, John M.,
state superintendent of public Instruc
tion urges all teachers to nttend tho
annual convenlioi, to be held in
Omaha, October .'10 to November 3.
"F.dueatlon has made great progress
during the Inst decade," Superintend
ent Matzen wrote, "not only In render
ing a largo service to the ntato and
i nn'lon, but In tho development of a
' professional consciousness r.uinng tho
"The organizations largely Instru
mental In the promotl n of the pre
vailing genuine spirit of team work on
the part of the teachers are the county
district, stato and national conven
tions. Kvory teacher owes it to hortclf and
to the community In which she works
to give some tlni" and effort to tho
ailvnuceiiii nt of tho (inching piofes
slon. It W our hope that the tenchen
In the Districts will lully realize
their professional ohligal'on and at
tend their annual convention to bo
held in Omaha this fall, calling them
selves of a real oppirtunlty for ex
tending their services to the children
who come under their Instruction."
One of the iiunortant tonics to ho
.sCUlHll,i during tho convention is tho
,,.,.,, .wninl ilWit illml loll of school Invest
so schools in thinly populated (lis
tilets will have more llnanclal support.
The llfty-slxth aiiuuul meeting of tho
Nebraska P.aptist convention is in
session at Ojnahu.
Nebraska (ivvn.'i the world'B grand
champion I)iiroc-.J rsey hog. This
honor was won at the Peoria, 111.,
National swine show, by V. II. litis
musser. of .Norfolk.
A big stock sale, accompanied by n
barbecue, put on by a commission
Unit ut (Jrand Island resulted In the
salo of nearly ? 1 00,000 worth of breed
li.g and feeding Mock.
Dr. Ccorgo V. Collins and w lf- cele
brated their golden wedding annlver
sray at their home In Pawnee City.
Dr. Collins lias been u resilient of
Pawnee City for fid years.
The twenty-seventh sunset
reception given by the Fpworth Icaguo
of Centenary M. K. church, at Beatrice,
was attended by one nundred twenty
guests nil over sixty years of ag .
Nebraska will be distinctively rep
resented at the national convention
of the American Legion at San Finn
clseo, October 1.r-10, by the appearand!
of tho Hastings girls cadet corps.
Joe Hickman of Albion remained
unconscious for live hours following a
shock from u bolt of lightning. He
was found lying in a meadow after
bis horse bad returned to the bouse
Wreckage from a school houe in dis
trict No. .'!!), in Plntte count, torn to
pieces by the tornndo that recently
bit that county, was fo.-nd scattered
for half a mile in each direction, whllo
some of the hooks were found miles
Lancaster county commissioners hn
nounceil that ?fi()() will be paid by the
county to whoever captures the ban
dit who shot ami killed Homer D.
Williams, Lincoln oil filling station
attendant, during nn attempt to hold
up the sti.tlon.
Attendance of 15,103 persons Wed
nesday at Snapp brothers carnival at
Omahn set a record for a crowd at an
Ak-Sar-llen attraction of this nature.
The show grounds were thronged from
the time the gates were opened until
the closing hour.
Tho sixty-seventh nnnual conven
tion of the (Jrand lodge of Nebraska
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
will be held at York October 11!, 17
and 1S. The committee is making
plans to entertain from 1"0() to i!,000
delegates and visitors.
It. J. llarr, for Id years superintend
ent of schools al (! ra ml Island, died
at Ills homo In that place last week.
Kvory (irnnd Island high silmol di
ploma issued from the time the school
was established up to one .vcar ago
! is attested vvltn his signature.
ltev. M. F. Mulvany, pastor of the
M. K. church at Aurora, and Mts.s
lllanche McKoe, of Hampton, wero
nian'ed at Aurora last week. Ilev.
Mulvany was formerly principal of
Hampton schools and bis wife
teacher In the high school there.
Tho Nebraska (Sas nnd Kleetiie
c.otnpnny of Norfolk has purchased
the electric light plant of the Pierce
Milling company, and In a short time
a lino will bo built from Norfolk to
Pierce, which probably will be a step
toward making Pierce a suburb of
Walter S. Jackson, president of tho
Farmers' National bank, and u prom!
nent business, man of Valentine for
many years, was accidentally killed
when a shotgun fell against him and
was discharged as he opened the rear
door of hl.s car.
With a corps of more than thirty
exports working day nnd night to make
it a success, witl 1100 performers from
the four high schools participating.
'The Fnchanted Year,' to he presenti d
during the stato teachers' convention.
at Omaha, will he the hirccst ami most
beautiful anialour stage performance
over put on in that city.
Conjointly with tho prosit) tery of
Kearney and the First Piesb.vterlan
church of Kearno.v the sjnod of Ne
braska will hold its r0th annual ses
sion In tho new church nt that placo
October 10-10.
Warden Kenton expects to harvest
I approximately l'.'.OOO bushels of corn
from UOO acres. This will more than
feed the penitentiary live stock and,
much of tho grain will bo marketed.
The warden raises hogs for the insti
tution and often is in n position to
inarkot some of Ids porkers. From
tho prison gardens .'1,000 bushels of
tomatoes win harvested this vear.
Freak Band
u2-J ( "i'VTiftr.v.CV-hjLjjK--fc.ji...rfKtr innrff
Music from Jugs may be the big feature of the national convention n the American Legion at San Francisco wheie
his hand will compete for honors. The only regulation Instrument is the banjo, pia.ved by the leader. Will Hyan.
The others extract weird rhythm from Jugs, tin cans, cigar boxes, tin whistles and kazoos. The band was organized at
IMooinlngton, ill., by soldiers of the lute war.
Flag Placed in
lj WWX '" i '
ti vr ;k. j " -rrisBmr,wym f?m'vmmwvr''&(rsjim" i ',. ji
u wiiiii nifMiPLi iPWBPi iiflBBgp1 1 J jp 1 1 h
Mrs. Frank Stearns, wife of the close friend and backer of President
Coolldge, on visiting the Whlto House recently perceived that there was no
Hag In the executive office. In a few days Mrs. Stearns herself saw to it tlint
o beautiful silk Hag was placed In tho otllce. Photograph shows the President's
desk Just as he left the nation's business to eat luncheon with Mrs. Coolldge.
Mysterious Art in Oregon Forest
U saiaiBkilfn y I
This woman's llgure, masterfully fashioned In a solid rock, was discweied
iccently by Southern Paclllc engineers while surveying a new railroad line
near Critter lake in Oregon. Sculptors, artists and archeologlsts aro deeply
puzzled. Some declare It to he the work of nature, others say It Is the work
if a master who went out In tho woods to do his stuff. Tho surface Is so
budly eroded that tho means of carving ennnot bo determined.
Columbus found cavemen in Cuba.
Locomotives recently sent to Uruzll
had to bo unloaded by floating cranes.
Tho sheep returns of New Zealand
for April shows an Increase of 700,005
sheep nvor 1022.
An electric wrench designed for ubo
with automobiles can exert pressuro
up to 00 pounds and enn ho used as
a power grinder or buffer.
at American Legion
Coolidge's Office
-.'' Jim- .
A golf stroke counter worn llko n
wrist watch has been Invented.
Dartmouth college has determined
not to accept inoro than i!,000 students.
Dancing would he awfully hard
work If It wiibn't such fun.
Girl entertainers In the public dance
halls of Seattle have formed a mutual
protective organization.
An Inventor has given a combination
padlock a radium dial to enable It to
be opened In the dark.
Yakima Canutt, shown here with Ms
trophies, Is now king of the cowboys
hnving won chief honors at the round
up ut Pendleton, Ore. He has the
Police Oazetto belt, the Union Pacific
! saddle and the Uoosevelt trophy, con
tested for both at Pendleton and
Cheyenne on n point basis.
ataXiX iM&M..
This photograph, Just received from
.Madrid, shows King Alfonso (left) and
Captain (Jenerai Prlino Rivera, tho
, now dictator of Spnln.
Patriotic societies of the United
States are searching for this lost
liberty bell of tho World's fair at
Chicago. It weighs more than a ton,
but has disappeared. It was cast In
1603 of precious metals nnd priceless
relics of the Revolutionary and other
wars and was meant to be a duplicate
and companion pluce of tho original
Liberty hell of Independence hall.
Force'd to It.
"Young Gaylelght has turned over
a new leaf. Ho says hereafter he's
going to work with a will."
"He's got to. He was left out of his
rich uncle's." Huston Transcript.
Jmnda) School
T Lesson'
Teacher of ICnKtlsh Iilblc In the Moody
Ulble InKtltute of Chicago.)
( 123, VVuletn Nwtiaper Union.)
LESSON TI-.XT Josh. 1:1-4; Isa. 2:2
4; Isa. 19:23-25; Uzel(. f:5.
GOMjKN Tt:XT "Iok unto mo and
be ye saved, all the ends of the earth."
Inn. 45.22.
PHIMAKY TOPIC The Itenutlfut
land of Israel.
CIioho for Ills People.
IC Israel In the Midst of thf Nations.
The Strategic Position of Palestine.
I. Israel's Geographical Position
(Josh. 1:1-1, cf. K.ek. fitf).
Israel, God's chosen and most fa
vored nation, the nailon to vvii'tm lie
came nearest and p,.c most In order
that It might pass on ills goodness to
the other nations of the world, was
given a most strategic position In the
earth. "Palestine was adapted as no
other country for God's great purpose
of preparing a pure rellglopand send
ing It to all the world. To this end
u single nation was selected, trained
ami placed In the center of tile world,
bo that when the time came to publish
the true religion all lands could be
reached. Palestine was central nnd
Isolated, yet accessible, for when the
time enme for the apostles to go from
Palestine by the Mediterranean sea to
tho lands round about it, and from
there to other lands, their way wan
1. Their Leader (Jnuh. 1 :1). Joshua
was Moses' assistant. lie led the Is
raelites to victory over the Amalekltes
soon after their escape from Kgypt.
He was with Moses In the Mount when
the law was given, lie was one of the
spies sent Into tho land of Canaan.
When Moses knew that his time of de
puiture wns nigh he appointed Joshua
Ids successor.
'2. Condition of the Possession of the
Land (v. .). The land was theirs by
God's promise, but It became theirs
only ns their feet advanced to take
possession of It. P.ecause of their lack
of faith, courage and obedience they
never enjoyed the full possession of
It. Christians today lack the riches
of the Heavenly Father's blesslngs'he
causc of their want of faith and cour
age. 3. Its r.oundailos (v. 4). On the
north It was bounded by the rugged
mountains of Lebanon; on the cast
by the Ihiphrates river; on the south
by the "great and terrible" desert, a
barren region through which the chil
dren of Israel bad wandered for forty
years; and on the west by the Medi
terranean sea. It Included nil of
Mesopotamia. Israel's lack of faith
prevented them from possessing fully
this land.
II. Israel's Spiritual and National
Position (Isa. 2:2-1; 10:2U-2.r).
This pictures the place of Influence
which shall he exercised by Israel In
n future time.
1. When It Shnir P.e (v. 2)--"In the
Inst days." Ily "last days" is usually
meant In Scripture the timet of the
Messiah, for this Is the primary sub
ject of all prophecy.
2. What It Shall He (v. 2). Tho
restoration of the kingdom of Judith
to the place of pre-eminence among
the nations of the world. "Mountain"
In Scripture symbolizes Kingdom (see
Dan. 2::i.r; Iter. 13:1. 17:0-11). This
vision of Jon's glory refers to the
millennial age, at which time other
nations of the world will liMirn of the
true God through the choJun nation.
a. The Result of (vv. 2-1). The re
turn of God's favor to this chosen peo
ple shall he "life from the dead." To
the nations of the earth (Item. 11 :15).
(1) Nations shall How unto it (v. 2).
Tills pictures the mirsse.M of the people
moving toward Jerusalem like streams
from all parts of the earth. (2) Na
tions encouraging each other (v. 3).
AH Jealousies are now taken from na
tions, and with good will to each other
they are moving to Jerusalem, the
world's capltol. Tliej are going there
to be taught of God the right ways to
wnlk. They go to ho Instructed out
of His holy Word. There is but one
wny to peace In the world, that is, hack
to God through Ills holy Scriptures.
(3) Peace In tho earth (v. 1). When
Isreal shall he In her God-appointed
place with .Xns Christ as king, then
war will be over. The Implements of
war will then bo destroyed. (-1)
Friendly communication (Isa. 10:2.1
2."). As s.oon as wickedness Is taken
from men's heartH they will establish
means of friendly communication.
Good TldlnQs,
How beautiful upon the mountains
are the feet of him that hrlngeth good
tidings. Isa. 52:7.
Holy Scripture.
Holy Scripture la n stream of run
ning water, where alike the elephant
mny swim, and the lamb walk without
losing Its feet. Gregory the Great.
Cultivated Countries.
Countries are well cultivated, not
as they are fertile; but as they aro
free. Montesquieu.
Ho not so bigoted to nny custom ns
to worship It at the expense of truth.