The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 18, 1923, Image 4
KKBfeAlKA, CHEEP ESfSRTTEffC m ,ii wtf.f 3. ;f FHE RED ICEOtnrCflffif .J 4. '.HI..W iw '' TtoYTLcre rarm For Sale - jf TmirU-x" mr-mmnrmpm S R&BES and BLANKETS I now have a nice assortment of ROBES and BLANKETSBet'ter get yours before they are all picked over. Get my prices on anything In the Harness Lino beforo buying. LEE R. WALKER Red Cloud, Nebraska. , UBLlSfiEf'D EVERY THURSDAY , 4 .ntorcd In the Poitorncc tit Hcrt Cloud, Neb as Second Clu Matter BED GLOtTD, Located 5 miles from Wheeler, Kn., and 7 Miles from SI. Franc s. The farm is practically level, 8, acres bolng in cultivHtion, balance pasture, all fenced. Good well WBter. OJ Hcres of corn Hint will yield !J5 to CO bushels per acre, '20 acres of feed In shoclc, 40 acres in fall wheat that is up. All new farm machinery, 8 head hot&ep, 3 pood milk c iw. 2 wagons, 1! i-efs of work harness, 12 hop", 50 chicken", and household furniture goes with farm Farm cost $10,(0J but ou ner will take $9,C0J. Can pive time on $J.70U. Write Hox lit. r. f. d '.', S Francis, K ns. CHRISTIAN POSTPONED & SMITH BRO'S. SALE PURE BRED P0LANDS POSTPONE FROM A. B.MoARTHUR, Editor and Owner Advertsing Rates Foreign, per column inch 15c Local, 12J& 15 s auiciifflaam 1 8 COAL WE CARRY IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES THE FOLLOWING COAL MAITLAND LUMP ROCK SxDRINGS LUMP PHONE US FOR. PRICES BEFORE BUYING. WE SELL FOR CASH, THAT'S Wl IY WE CAN SELL CHEAPER F armers' Elevator ansiiiiicnBi "lr:fK -..,--. J, --. O "Vs tfi'w''JBn(P!YYV. si ""' 0 9 Kodak as you go All roads lead to pictures and pictures lead to our Kodak counter. ". Finishing service that pleases, and Kodak Film in any size are here for your use. Autographic Kodaks $6.$0 up. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist LOCAL'ITEMS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO I'orcey McNittlx home from Chicago. llmry NewliotiM is home fiom the w uld'o fair NfiunsUn "for a sa'iilnious clinm'o un-1 beaut ftjl ueathor. Ili'i'iiiuil McNiny imi iloiiiK biihiiit's. In Itivcrtuii this week. Mrs. Krnet UVIuh loft SiitKlny fur h visit to the world's fair. V. M. Keen who tins been in St. Joe for u few days has retarded home Editor Wuri en mi i liimily retained homo from the woild's fair, Monday. I II Ltntlsey of GunnUon, Colorado huH bought the batcher business of E. II. Coble, and moved his family to this city Mrs. Bradbrcok and her two sons, L'oyd and Guy, went to Lawrence Tiiursdny. 8 lh"" wmtwrmm i i , vmt AM ) 1 More for Your Money You get more for your money when you buy a Copper Clad. You get a range Lined With Pure Sheet Copper a range that will serve you long and well. You get a beauti ful range one easy to keep clean. Come in sec the Copper Clad. Made in Four Finishes: Gun Metal Blue white, Blue or Gray Porcelain Enamel. When you need a new heater see the ILL1NOY. Like all other merchandise wc carry in stock, it is sold under guarantee. All sizes carried in stock. WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN STAMPS GEO. W. TRINE wXwwovl vm uoui twmZ'iSlm aqoblm4iaJL l Mm Mi it Mm Ml ill fill fl l 0 20 J2AKS ACO .Joe lllalr was in town this week. Fied Temple is. home from Omaha. Frank lladley blew in from Okla homa Wednesday. Kennedy was down from McCook the first of the week. Horn, Sunday, to Mr aud Mrs C. P. G'ltid of iilue Hill, a pirl. Dr. Henry Cook is making some- im provements in the interior of his drap store. Miss Mym Griiretb attended the Hui m til Waldo wedding at Holdrepo Wed nesday. County Commissioner Richards aud wife leave Monday for an extuded visit in Ohio. lloren Brothers have sold their lively buslnes-s in tlTis city to Mr Ezekiil Johnston of Alma, Neb. They took in exchange lund near Holdrege, Neb. Miss Veinon Storey, daughterof Mr. and .Mrs. Paul Storey, while playing with a numbttr 'of-little friends list Saturday, fell, breaking her ankle, and dislocating her shoulder She is gtt iug along nicely at present. 11. 1'. Sowtor, who has been iu the tn ruhant tailoring business iu Red Cloud for several years, has disposed o! his business interests to Mr. Will boo js;, who will take possession the tirst of next mouth. 10 YKARS AGO Geo. Hutchison left Suudoy evening f r Mnooln and Omaha Roy Stevens and wife left Tuesday morning1 for Kansas City on a shott business trip Miss Josie Igou returned the last of the week from a visit with relatives in Ctliforniu. I)anlol Garber, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C'.ilham, Alf Saladen, E H. Newhouse and the Mesdames W. . Warren and K. wolsch left the first of the week f r Lincoln to attend the I 0.0 P. (hard hod ire.' Mrs. Joy Pope and son, Alba, return e 1 home the latter part of the week f om Wisconsin, whero they wont to a tend the funeral of Mrs Pope's fatr--e David Helllebnwer and wife loft Wednesday for Omaha, the trip beirg made iu order to secure medical treat mnt for Mrs H lllebower'n eyes. BAPTIST Hlble school at 10 a. in. Morning service at 11 a m., Subject: " Jod'6 care for the solitary." Evening service at 7:30. Subject: "Tho Greatest Thing In the World." Special intcrost is found of lato in tho mid-week meeting for Dible otudy, prayer and conference. Every Wcdnes day evening at 7:30. All willing to assist in singing are asked to meet with the Choir on Pri day evening. We will appreciate your presence and a cordial welcome awaits you. I. W. EDSON, Pastor. t Great Shorthorn Cattle Sale at ALMA, NE!)R OCTOBER 21, 1023 iu the' r " NEW AUDITORIUM Fifty-five head sell. Fifteen bulls an 1 40 cows. Tweuty.flvo are show cattle, Winner? at stato '?aTrs. The" greatest lot of cjitUo ever bolibMn tuo west, Jtfoiji better In America, cbme and buy at your own price. A. C. SHALLENHERGER and HASKINS & OGDEN, Owneis. The following is it quotation from a Btbsun Du lelin to banker'- nrd met ( Clunts; "The'iied nf(lliM hour is not ino-e Ifghlati in Thu n-cd (if iUm hour is in. (iv religion. Mu-e lellpinn! is iiHi-dod evety where, from tin- i,i!s or Congress at Washington. ..,- f.. -or vs. Hi.' urm-, lht Hi-,l ,i ",. ' uresi. i is one thing to talk a1 . nt i pi ii. s or pollult, but a plitn or -i,i.-j I without a iclL'ious mo ivo is lilti- n witch without a .spiingor a bodv with the breath of life " If Mr. Ilibsnu Is coirect, would It not be a pood plan during th.s Clii. ' ren's Week to heel the hoids coin mind: Theiefore shall ve lav un iIh-sh my words in your heart and iu your sou';. ...And ye .shall teach ihem to your children, 'talking of them, when thou slttest In thy house, mid when thou walkest by -tho way, and when thou liest down an 1 when thou risest up." fit-v. Nelson, who is attending the General Hoard Meeting of tho Curist iiu Church at Dayton, Ohio, this week will be back for Sunday Service8. The morning service will carrv out the Childien's Week idea. All parents and Children are especially invited tn Morning Worship. The Ladies Aid have so much work that they are having an extra tuectii g with .Mis. Eagles this week. The Social Circle meets with Mrs. Cuildress in buaine-s vssiou this Fii. da afternoon. The Beacon Lipids will meet with their teacher, Mr. C. G. Nelson, Satur d ly at 2:30. The Old Boau't. Regret. "Alas, things have clumped," sighed ihe rich old party. "Formerly, my po lite attentions were taken for declara tions of love; now in declarations of love are taken for polite attentions." QGTOBt UNTIL TOURS.. N0 MITF SUPERIOR, r$? S3 $ . S. 1923 U BRO'S S NEBR. (4 Report of the Condition OK TIIK Bank of In a vale of Inavnle thnrtcr No. 795 In lhr. State of Nrbmska at tht: close of busings October 4. 1923. l!lOUIt( KS IjoaiiRaml Discount Si:il,U!0tU Overdrafts l,7;M.&6 llonds, sccurltleH.JiKlKtiionts, claims etc., Includlm? all Kovcrnintnt tiotuls 4,00X1(1 Ranklni; bouse, furnlturoA llxtures 3.&U.C0 Current expense, taxeB and liitert'Ht paid 4,0-28.18 Due tromnatlonal and Ktato banks '. JI2.M1.70 Currency 707.00 Gold coin 70.00 Silver, nickels and cents .... S'.O.fll li.mfil Total j 162,12(1.(3 1.IA1III.ITIKS Capital stock paid In ? 10,000.00 Surplus (unci 10,000.00 Undivided prolltR :.. .. -t.nni.cs Individual deposltH subject to check 7.1,761.10 TlnieccrtlllcatcHofdeposIt IO,7:W.o.'l CJOaUM lllllH payab'e 10,000.00 Depos'tor's Kuarnuty (und (Mi.isit Total j 102,120.(3 Hl'ATK ()!'. N-KI1UASKA, I County of Webster (RR I, U. It. McCrary Cashier of tho above nam ed bank do hereby swear that tho abovo statement Is a correct and truo copy of tho report rnado to tho State Hanking Hoard. O. It. McCKAItY, Cashier. Attest: Alfred McCnll, Director. (3. It. McCrary, Director. Subscribed and sworn to beforo mo this 15th day of October, liriL U. M. Sherwood, Bml). Notary Public. Blear sihted nessboth near and far is always yours you wear RYPTOK GLASSES No ri vm tFZm W:KlK0 V X. ij,. "ti WiSS earns t . mmmmmmmmWJSBifaifjl i . a iiiiii i ' - it1' ;-Hf.P!lT,; J. C. MITCHELL Jewclar and Optometrist RED CLOUD, NEDR. NUCKOLLS CO. BREEDERS ASSOCIATION S BOAR & GILT 8 SA LE s s s s s i)ND,Y, 0GI. 29, 1:00 U The Fourth Semi-Annual Pure Bred Sale ON FAIR GROUND AT NELSON, NEBRASKA 57 Head Consisting cf DUROC JERSEYS, 18 BOARS, 8 GILTS POLAND CHINAS, 20 BOARS, 6 GILTS SPOTTED POLANDS, 3 BOARS CHESTER WHITES, 2 BOARS Thry a-c all jood use'ul pigs from up to date breeding and choices from some of the jjood herds in the county. All have been vaccinated ith the double treatment and s-hou d be immune. Come to the sale and look the pigs oyer, I believe wc can please anyone. Come spend the day with us. Bring the boys and girls and also tell your neighbors about the sale. Several pigs in this sale was winners at the fair this fall. Write the manager for a catalogue. He has one for you. Mention this paper. REMEMBER THE Blti FREE LUNCH AT NOON NUCKOLLS CO. BREEDERS ASffN. LAWRENCE SMITH, Sales Mgr., Superior, Neb. Col. A. W. Thompson ) A .. Col. W. C. Henderson, Auctioneers WWWrWVSW For The Best of CoaJ See Us The Malone-Gellatly Co. ,wwvwurvwrw i Magazine Agency Bring your subscription to us and we will give you the lowest prices quoted and save you the expense of sending. If you have any special offer bring it in, and if we cannot duplicate it we will tell you. CHAS. L- COTTING, Tho Druggist rivtsmmmmr F3a& . - M1 ul i,v it ( t , r, Tt ' V " vyyyf-" ewnan. - . t.iranae. "7 r"TT Luino ducks ure IiicvTtubly. .by-prod A Xumlnlno. Ii:tiirjr on DHychdlogy ucts of popular governrheM. Hut advertises liVrself'ns "tho wuinun who every fitatesiuuii should hava a trndA nori.r ivnctin wni rn.i J . .,. J Chicago Dally Isews, .' us ns something new-in femininity. I i V t 1 n--