i W MK-M-. rt3i.-aL-- ro ' P in Will '""'"Icnl a00ely i -Rrfc. KM JyVfTrV. llPili A Newsiiiiwr That eiiei The News FIIty-tw Weeks Each Year Far $1,50 VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. OCTOBER 10. 1923 NUMBER 42 .-KSfs- MALLORY FOI? FAL& jVitTrf.-TIIK i - - Ifc - .-i i rfi-T m M HATS . hi i! Ii1 ii ' i I M TA SCHOOL NOIES WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR Second Shipment V n of have MALLORY When you try on a MALLORY a feeling that vour Ii&t HAT I LIoms you are ended. They ars styled right up to the minute. SEE OUR WINDOW REMEMBER WE SuLL NOTHING BUT VIELL KNOWN LINES OF MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. fii'J JW-. .Jb.. r .Or JJ, V SlTVlCO W SCHAAF & TURNER FUNERAL HONE Licensed Embalmer in Nebraska and Kansas Bell 80. - - Ind. 12 Ox Cr Loed Of ILLINOIS KEIFFEK CANNING PEARS ON TRACK SATURDAY and MONDAY $0 00 "a 2.00 Bu. , The following program was given by the 8th grade histor class, ob .erving Columbus Day: l Star Spangled 11 inner Class. i Columbus D.iy Mu-garet Hoxscy. Columbus Winnifreil D.tcker. Youth of Columb" Cilld Walker. Columbus and the Queen Lydin Schultz. Story, Lnnd, Land Pot Floranco. Song, America Class. , Columbus and the Sav ges Clif ford Smclser. Columbus Illtioatcd Rachel Wecs- ner. Home Again Ebic Dedrick. Death of Columbus Helen Lewis. Discovery of America Clifford Turnuro. Clni.stopher Columbus riorance Pope. Poem, Columbus Hnwklns Masoh. Quotations and Short Stories Raymond Bartn, Jane Peterson, Robt. Uarta, Anderson Hedge, Goldio Grtjat Rudyard Mauley. Il.uold McConkfy, Marion Piatt. Chairman Lois Wright. The State Supervisor, J. II. Pearson of Lincoln leccnUy vi-ited our Smith- Hughe;? department. He sccmcil quite j well pleased with the won: nnti thought we were getting along nice ly. Mr. Pearson was well pleased with the Smith-Hughes judging team, this being their first year, nltlifaigh they wcic beaten by Guide Rock and Cowlcs by a small majority. The scoio was Guide Rock 1673; Cowlcs 1GG7; RdlCloudj 1G51. Theic were two other teams in the conicst. Clar ence Ciowell of the Red Cloud team won high honors of the county. The Red Cloud inexperienced foot ball team surprised all its supporters bv defeating the heavy Guide Rock team, 20 to 0, Friday, October 12th. Early in the first half was the only time that the Guide Rock team threatened to score. Red Cloud made its first touch down in the first quarter. They held Guide Rock for downs on the 40 yard line and after a series of line plunges and end runs Hedge carried it over on a line smash. During the second quarter Hedge threw a pass for 20 yards to Edson who carried the remaining 20 for the second touch-down. The last toucn-1 down came in the fourtli quarter. Newhouse intercepted a forward pass on the 40 yard line. A series of end runs by Murnahan carried it to the 15 yard line and from there Pope with splendid interference carried it over, on a long end run. Touch-downs Hedge 1, Edson 1, Pope 1. Goals Pope 2 out of 3. Guide Rock was penalized once for five yards. Red Cloud was penalized five times for a toal of fifty yards. Rcfrce Hale, Peru. Umpire Sherwood, Nebraska. Headlines man Gellatly & Kaley, Nebraska and Hhstings. The Red Cloud team played ag ressive ball and the line outcharged the heavier Guide Rock line at all times. The Red Cloud team plays the Or- Foot Ball Game Friday nftoinoon,at II 30, the Oi loans 'Hih School team will moot the local team ntthc Kooiitz Field The visiting team is composed of several t.porli no cd players and thov have won nil their games this season. The local team is composed of light weights and they de feated (Snide. Rook by a score of 520 to 0. Tho boys would appreciate it if you would come out to the game. Buys More Hose for Fire Department Tho City (Jo'inell hel' a special m ot iiiC Wednesday at which time thoy in spected sevcial samples of tit o Iiom'. After duo consideiation thoy Instruct ed l'ortor Hale, Svcietury of Flic Do purluii nt, to order WO foot of now hoso uud several chemical lit e oxtiuguMieis which will put our lire lighting equip meat in better shape. D Stockholders Held Meeting The Funnels Independent Telephone Co , held tluir annual stockholders inciting Si.tuiday atleinoon at tho com t house. The sin etui y troasuioi's repoit was read and showed (hat tho company was piospoting Tho stoukholdcia decided to tqnlp nil ruial telephones with condonsois which will slop "lubbeiing'' and gho better service to tho patrons. Tho present oIIIcpi's wero rc-elooted. 3 C m 3 I AUDITORIUM Direction E. C. PRESTON RED CLOUD, NEBR. AT CAR 2.10 Bu. AT STORE THESE ARE IN FULL BUSHEL BASKETS, WELL FILLED. THIS WILL IN ALL PROBABILITY BE THE ONLY CAR OF CANNING PEARS THIS YEAR. R. P. WEESNER CO. A Married at Smith Center Mr. JnyEddy, or (his city, and Miss Graco Deir, ot Doniphan, wore united in iiuurhigc Saturday afternoon at Smith Center, KausaH. Mr and Mrs. City Dorr stood up with them. The groom is one of the popular young men of this olty and for the past tew years nas ueen n nullum ami elllcient employe of tho Deep Rock Oil Uo. Tlie brlile is a claugnter ot Airs Mary Dorr and is an accomplished young lady The newly wctla will make their homo In this city and their many friends extend congratulations. - m Road Show Coming What Is underlined as n real merry treat for those who like tholr amuse meuts served in mi appetltl.ing and original manner undoubtedly will ho pleased at the announcement of the title of the next attraction at tho Audi torium theatre Thursday, Oct. 25th. The piece is nothing moie than the latest version in stage form of tho many adventures of JlKgs Mahoney and the rest of the characters made famous by Georgu McMunus in his popular comics, ' Bringing Up Fathei". This time under the Friday & Saturday "The Pride of Palomar" With All-Star Cast Headed by Marjoric Daw and Forrest Stanley A Paramount Picture Here's the groat Peter B. Kyne story you've longed to see in motion pictures. Made by the most lavish producer of pictures in the world Cosmopolitan, Produced in the actual location of the story. Directed by the man who made "Ilumorcsque." Also a LARKY SEN0N COMEDY "The Barnyard Sunday and Monday Theodore Roberts in "Grumpy" They called him "Grum py" but he had a heart of gold. And what a detective ho was! "Grumpy" is the won derful play that broke London's record, ran a year on Broadway, and then came back for a season-long return en gagement. It is a com bination of romance, comedy and mystery that is a pure delight. By all odds William do Millc's most fascinat ing picture. You can't aiford to miss this story of young love's problems and an old man's sym pathy. Also 7 111 Fl Ah I lni Blood tnllllrd The Kniaht that Failed Marion Davi The jjreat show is comiuf here! Wc take pleasure in announcing the coming of this magnificent love sfory, already hailed by press and public as the greatest sen satiou in motion pictures. :.. "iVL..-, r-.-Ul-J 111 TT1IC11 iviwyiuiiuuu S Was in Flower' ' Listen to me Just Once This is the big 12-reel Pro duction and showed in all the big cities for 52 a seat. I am bringing it to Red Cloud and you must sup port it if you want more of these large productions. ' E. C. Preston. October 30 and 31 and Nov, 1st m n c 3 C m FOUND: A lot of new customers Call nt Johnson & Graham Furn. Co , Red Cloud, Nebr. You can see them but we intend to keep them. Mr. and Mrs. James Cnther took ilinii lit tin ilimirlitor. Union T.nnin to caption of "Bring- ,. lS .,.. - ...i ing Up Father On Broadway" JIggs "' muimmy iiiuimug will bo compelled to travel to many she had her ton tils icmoved thnt climes, Including a visit to King Tuts'afternoon. Mr. Cathcr returned to Tomb In the valley of the Kings, Euypt 'nnt!llL i.;,iiiv o accomnanv them That the tun will be rampant, unctuous, Hnst,"KS - l0 accompany -cm and infectious, coupled with puuKe.pt nomu on wiu jju.s -vngcr umi, iuiuiBl wit, screams, novelties and other sail out and distinctive features goes with out saying. Two acts and live 6coiicb will be required to toll of tho merry and absorbing escapades of Jlggs.Mag The local ticket office received in stiuctions Wednesday morning to Klo and Dlnty and other pleasure lov.grnnt a loundtrip fare for one and Ninety five carloads of stock went through here Sunday morning foi the Kansas City and St. Joseph mar kets. They were handled in two trains. One caiload of hogs was ship ped from here to Kansas City Sun day. Special Agent Schm'dt of the Burlington nrrived hete Satin day evening from Stillwater, imncsoia with Lee Barber in custody. Hnrucr u wanted heie for stealing eggs from a car in tho Burlington yards over three years ago. ing clan. Novel eiTects surprises are promised. and unusal FARM BUREAU NOTES (By H. R. Fausch, County Agent) High School Judging Contest Guide Rock High School wins first in one of tho best contests ever held at the Webster County Agricultural one half of the one way fare for the dedication of tho Nebraska stadium and the Kansas-Nebraska foot ball game which is to bo held in Lincoln Saturday. Crosby Rutherford v. as arrested Saturday night by Sheriff Waller. He was charged with having intoxi cating liquor in his possession and lis appeared before Judge Rrfnney Monday, pleading guilty and paid a fine of $100 and costs. "HELL'S .HALF ACRE" NOVEMBER 8-9-10 leans team Friday nt Red Cloud. The 'society. Orleans team has four, four year Gui(le Rock scoro wns ic73, Cowlcs men, four three year men and seven was a cosc second with 1G07, Red two yenr men on the squad. They cloud 1G51, Ecklcy 1012 and Blue Hill have won all their games so far this 15Q3. season. Tim hicrh (.mi-intr individuals wore: list, Glaiencc Ciowell, Red Cloud, CO:, LUTHERAN 2nd, John Yung, Guide Rock b'JO, , , L , ,, J Walter Spriker, Cowlcs, fiGl, 4th Mai- Regular services every flrstand third h(m c t EcW C01 nn Dth bundaylnthemonthlnthe Adventist c,ff , Gudo Rock cw church at 11 a.m. Tho other member or the Guide Coming Sunday the Sacramentof the' , , ., . ,. Lord's Supper will bo celebrated. ,Ko ws M,,rion Dl,ffy w,, Aniiouncemonts will be received at ,'an'iC1 8tll any time before tho services. I The Gll,(Ic llock tcttm wiU present Short Confessional Service at 10.15. , Webster county nt the state High Preaching nt 11 a. in. Subject: "Tho School contest held at Lincoln next Nntnro and Functions of Conscience." .May. The Red Cloud team will also The nublic is cordlallv invited to at- go to Lincoln representing bmun tend our services. Hughes work in the Red Cloud higl O. R. rjeluttz, Pastor. school. (P rG gFic 3riE DI BIG DANCE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19 BESSE AUDITORIUM, RED CLOUD Peppy Jazz Music by Kromatic Kids 1 PRIZE GIVEN FOR THE BEST COUPLE DANCING. Worth While Trying For ill G09D ORDER AND GOOD TIME ASSURED 1 RL- IE 3P1E llE UTv, W - &m Vhhr J 'i H