RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHHSF Dl If P!T The person who really hn it lot to jay usually .n, It hilolly. (tcticrnl Villa had live wives. No -wonder ho was n lighter. A badly iuciti( Imontlon Is a po tato hug that will 1lvo on eockleburs. Conking noli'. To know IT con'oc Is rood, drop a Hatlt'on In It. If the Iron iloats It Is all right. Some employes arc never happier than when they arc doing womo of their vn work on the boss's time. Tho divorce rate might bo lower l( tower man led couples lived In fin alshed rooms or boarding' houses. A'on always got tho worst of It when Ttm kick a skunk, no dllTercnco how much the Hkunk deserves kicking. Hank Leggctt says the only table. juuniiiTs one needs to know Is how lo keep from choking or burning one's seit. One editor dolefully remarks that tlit: chief object of a reformer Is to prevent any one from having a good lime. Another thing 1 kick on Is the small town hotel tbat ehurgos Omaha prices and then mnkes me carry In my own ' prlps. I Separate the good Jobs from the reform movements and most of the promoters would at onco loo interest In them. The state of Nebraska might innko Mime money by liming inmates of the Insane asylums wrlto songs liko tho banana song. A Harvard man remembers one win ter in Nebraska when It was so eold that all the cows gave lee ereain In stead of milk. Safety tlrM. When eating pie with . a knife, you ate less apt to eut your- sun a iu nun inu euge to me cen ter of your mouth. One of the ridiculous things In this world Is to always stick the word "honorable" before the name member of the legislature. of When Frank Edgecombe saw tho big life- buoys on a lake steamer bo .iskod the captain where In thunder tltey used tires on a boat. litis liuocliler is worried because it ia becoming fashionable for women to , uncover their ears. Ills most out- Minuting feature Is modesty. i Tho hostess at a Children party, recently, told her guests to be care-1 ful about spilling their hootch because It would oat holes In the rug. .Some cynic remarked that hundreds .f Omaha people who were scared still" when the water was bad will drink any sort of hootch without Question. The embarrassing thing about pub He speaking Is that most of the up pliuisu tomes after a fellow sits down. Just what is meant by It, Is rim auestlon. . XTy expense account for August allowed a chnrgo of .8.1( for uionU TliLs shows what a liar Hank I.eggeit & when lie says no one will Invite me tm at with them. Sixty-four hooch Joints were pad iieked In Omaha recently. And there mis hardly a name In the list of own rs that could be ptounuueed without producing lockjaw. Who .says wo iuu't need restriction of Immigration. The florlng Christ Ian church Is out jf a piiHtor and they are having a whale of a time getting another. Ase Wood mid Itlll Mauplu arc both mem dm of this congregation. Candidates take one look at them and hike for mil timber. Country editors are always preach liig eo-operatloii to their readers but it In mighty hard to get them to work with each other. Q always lime an open mind and am ready to glvo tho fullest possible it-inslderatlon to all who want to ar iuv on my tdde. When I was JIninwig around In "Sew York In July ile only reminder n Nebraska I saw was a lonely Valou Padt'le freight cav s ai.Jlug on c siding. The Junior flnd a lot of fault with Tr table milliners hi't l'o been eat Uvff lots longer than she has and 1 ought to know v.hnt Is what. M'lien I jaw the Junior about tho rjiolish faslilons of today I always 'tuw she won't 11ml any photographs irJT tlie fashions when I wns young. TTio Ross ought to fool compliment wL when 1 ro'fusu to buy overythlug vrunt8. It proves my contldence I her ability to get along with what bt has. mw GT DECMTG mmm OF wm PLAi Unsound Currency Gives Sellers Unfair Advantage Over the Producers. EXPERT EXPLAINS MONEY Points Out Dangers in So-Called Energy Dollars Other Plans Exposed. How domagogues nro using falso doctrines of so-called "sound nmnoy" to glvo themnelvea or tho class they represent unfair .dvantages at tho oxponso of roat producers Is exposed in tho Journal of tho American Hank oro Association by II. Parker Willis, export on tho money question. "Thero Is no subject in whoso namo moro crimes against truth have been committed than that of 'sound cur rency,'" Mr Willis says. "Tho term Is always resorted to by domagogues. At tho present moment thero seems to ho a danger that It will bo used by a potential presidential candldato ns roptescntlng the 'platform upon which ho expects to run. There Is no question that moro nenrly and di rectly touches tho Immediate welfare of every class in the community." Purpose of Money Primary functions of money anil curroncy, it Is explained, aro to servo as a means of exchanging goods and as a hum ui of maeurlng tho valuo of goods. Mr. Willi; continues: "Demagogues and thane who aro disponed In mislead tho public for various ulterior ro-:u have suc ceeded in disseminating an ontlroiy, dlffcrcnt view of tl. purpose of money. Ho; u of t.'i m contend that tho sound nt or best currency is that which it 'i arrn-i v-d aa to bring about a '. . ution of wealth. They win' i -v -i ly depreciating currency-. wbiih keeps playing Into tho IlmiIm of tho seller of goods, by enabling hi-n to count contldently upon higher prices In terms of money so that ho piys the producer from whom he h".. obtained them less and less. IT IS A STKANCSK TIUNtl THAT THIS KIN';) OK CUUUKNCY IS OFTEN HIGHLY PRAISED OH rAVOiu:.) isY "Min PuonuoEit IllMS i: 1. V. NOTWITIISTANDINll THAT HE IS THE (1REATEST SUE FEltER FROM IT." Energy Currency Thero Is another popular view ol sound currency which alms to basu It upon "natural products" or "nat ural forces" usually It Is true, speci fying products or forces which havu boon monopolized or can be con trolled by tho advocate of such cur rency. Thus from Cum to time there have been scheme t'o issiiii a cur roncy baaed upon or protected by farm products stend In warehouses or occasionally representing "units ol energy" or hone power. The rulers of Soviet Russia at ona time attempted to introduce a cur rency rcprcncntlnn "labor time," each, man recehlng a t'-.eck representing tho number of lioeri of time ho bail put In at work, while goods them selves were to bo valued In terms o! hours of production time. Thus onq man who put In an hour's time Iti stroot cleaning received tho same control over goods as ho whe put In an hour'B time at surgery. Tho theory was that this kind of "sound" currency enabled tho "poor man" ta got a largor supply of goods. "The trouble wns that when those who could perform a certain kind of labor were not paid in proportion to their effort they stopped making goods. So it was not very long In Russia boforo tho sound currency, which was issued In favor of thq poor man hnd brought It about that tho poor man could not buy anything with tho currency. This wns an un fortunate kind of 'soundness.' Wo do not want something liko It In tho United Statos today, yet very slml lnr proposals nro now being mndo In a good many quartern that ought to know better," says Mr. Willis. FACTS ABOUT CHECKS A bank check Is a written order on a bank by one ot its depositors to pay! a specified sum to anothor party. This Instrument must bo dated, tho amount wrltton In full In the body,' and signed tho same ns tho deposi tor's signature appears on the bank signature card and ledger sheet. A check is paynblo on demand, pro vided It Is not dated ahead. If dated ahead It becomes a promise to pay, tho samo as a note or acceptance, pay able) on somo futtiro dato. United States rovenuo stamps aro reipilred on a check dated ahead, at tho rate ot 2 cents per hundred dollars, or frac tion thereof. In caso a cheek carries two differ ent figures, that is $2.00 In tho figures and "Two llundied Dollars" in tho written part of tho body of the chock, tho latter, or part in writing, always controls. A check made out to a person "or order," requires la 'ntlllcatlon, anil the party presenting the samo must as suro tho bank that ho Is the payee. A check to a porson "or bearer" is pay able to t':o ono presenting It nt tho batik, but r, certain amount of Identi fication la necessary, for the bank re ervea tho right to know that he la en titled to receive the fundi. OiWL!0 Northeast Pawnee Hell) II iiImi "llliive I li . Olnuri lllfct Frid'ij 'n ii hi- trd ng Mi I" Mntie r uhh ih lug her Tad itig u' In' . Ring! ThitrMlit 11. II i v.- Il'.iirntol Unit L'lnii'Kiin i'ic truting n MiuMirvilIt! one ilny last w ectt Ueniiie hihI Frank Mh pen "old home catiletn Pur McUoale -no day litM W 'ik.- Mr. anil Mrs M'i.v Jones were at l)ii'kei vllle, Thutwhiy last doing their t 'lldlltg, Mi. E. E. .-punier was In Smith Outer oil" duy lust week oil business m.ittt is 'Out Prill and Uirt (Inss drove to ii -aviile one d.iy last week to transact business. Roy My rs finished his new burn mid now l- starting In to paint, Ills brother Eicietl assisting. Miss Lottie Delicti and brothers were visiting with Mi. nail Mrs E Myers oiim day lust week Mr and Mrs. E, E Hot and family weie v siting with Mr. and Mrs. Jim day last week Mrs. Stephtn (Jould.e und daughti were doing their trnding at Dneker villi) the end of lust week All Hut f.ntneis In this vicinity who inti d to feed, got their young entile vaccinated dining the pHSt week. Mr. mil Mrs. Frank Drown, Mr. mid Mrs John Urown done their trading tit Womiir the iniilil'u ot the week. J. C. Williams, bis daiighler, Mrs Mohler anil P. MeCoalo drove to Rid Cloud last Friday to do soino trading Vis. (J M. Noble and son CUMinl and Lewis Paget t weie at Woiiuir ih log their trading one day las' v.eel:. -in Mei'iiH purchased a i.iri.e in. eli ot hi'ir fr- in ISi-iiiilo Moli'er. J. Collins ussititinh in the ban ing last Monday. John Ring was in Itiavale one day last wcea pileing liimliet- as he inieinls to bitilil a barn befoiu the cold weath er sets in. iJHimio MobK-r buiigiit up j "'t ' n lit, of cuttle fioin (lilTcM-nt pi.tes d irliijj the week putting t hem in the teed lot Willi what he nliv:in. hint The contluiiniis rain of Sat in day and siiinlav was line mi the as well as I'oin..' most denetieial to nlfiilln anil ntlir eiiii-ing tliem to iissuuii ii tlilTeiont nsnect thereby making n liixniiiiiii pasture lur ihe late full anil winter. John Collins and ltennie Mohlei drove to Red Cloud last Satuidny to t aus-iei business, but on i uiu. i.tlitr in leu i.od tlitne 'ni some' hint; tho m tier with fricilou. I leeUon the lu-avy i-ius of that duy bad houu tiling to itn with it. Mis t Cioubiie and (1. ugl tor Anna. M and Mrs. 10 M.wis were m llust. iegs ui,.. day las, week. The foiinei t ole her d uightur to u specialist us S io I tn i iieen in ill beii'tli for a lengtli of line , i nit the speeii.lisi eon Id tlo in more f .i In i- (if us uiui'li) tbiwi tin louu line ois Timely Rains II. ui in In en privileged to exchange places with Jupit"r Pluvls during the pieseiit year, we doubt very much that tin moisture supply for Nebiaska as a w heli! could li'ivo been better ad apted to the needs of agriculture. Timely tains thioiigboiit the glowing s.irtson with i noiigh fair weather to pet tulr ptoper tillage has been the get ei ul condition This, of course, Is uliituoly speakiui:; some, sections bad too much rain and some not enough, but, compared with other yoair, the precipitation has been adiqiae and well ilislilbnted. Now, hs the season for fall plaining is at liniid, anothir geneious down, pom Ins visited the stnte and the land fin winter wheat, so far as tho tnoi6 line supply Is concerned, is in hotter c. mutton than usual. Also, rail pas. turcs have been nicely revived aud the state will go Into, winter quarters with us blight an outlook for the forth coml year as could bo hoped for. Probably the favorable conditions for planting will result In a larger acre Hgo of wheat than had been antlclpat ed, but we do not believe this will be siitlleienl to overcome the determina tion of a groat many farmers to ro. duco their wheat acreage for next year. Kansas reports that, whereas the ac reage of winter wheat in that state in 1910 was 11,000,000 acres, it will pro bahly bo not more tlinn 9,000,000 next year. We anticipate that the reduct ion in Nebraska will bo between 10 and l.r percent, compared with n reduction of 'in per cent last year over tho year before We hope this will come to pass, for there mo many crops that can bo giown more profitably, year In and year out, in Nebraska than wheat. This was abundantly proven this year, and It should encourage u funnel in crease in dlversltled farming and live stock raising that will maUo for a moro permauont aud prolltiiblu agriculture. Nebraska Farmor. A Crazy Look. rrm a utory "Quilt was wrlttu la line of hla face." Boatoo art- Tranacrlnt. u, S $lV&?z 'witriirw RED BAND made by I rAGLEPNCLCQ NEW YORK US. Aj sTM GRACE EPISCOPAL Whv no.l go io chiiiehV Eventually, why not, now'.' , The ohuicli has f-omcthiiig for yon butter than you can find elsewhere. Ond Is your Father, He Msks you to meet hiui( at ohurch Lend (tod nu hour or two each week. (Jo to church. You will be well repaid. Rev. Daiigbeity is planning a series of discourses on the great hymns of the church. The first of the series will be given this eoming Sunday evening. You should not miss heai lug this series of ml tresses. A cordial welcome to all at all times. Church School u 10 o'clock Sunday morning. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock ytin day morning Evening Piayer at 7:!t0 o'clock Sun evening You aro welcome. Come mill wor-hlp with us. Rev. Disil S DiughiM-ty. State Lino Mr hihI Mrs Fred IJiown made a trip to Smith Center S-Wun'nv. Joe Ryan hlptd Fiank Rjnn build fene- ImsI wck. Flunk HiiiKii was in U'runef S'lMi' div t Cl lYotd Noiile and Li'wis P.ipt't huiilei! lumber frin Innvale Friday for u az house. John C 'lllns and Uen .M-dei vaeuiniit. ed chIvps Fi'ldav. Hert Cts and fimily spent Sunday iiMhe John Collins home. Frank .-Min'-ri and son Cnll'nrd were in Iimv'atu Filduy. Mfs Paget was trading in Winner Friday. Oia Prill and I5eit Cass madt a trip to Red Cloud Sutuulay. Wanted It Set. To the clerk who had Just sold her n thennoiueter a woman said : "Would j on be m kind as to set It at 05? Thill's about, what the doctor says I'm to keep' the room at." Notice of Hearing Bstttto of Jnli iiue-'j lliinmelberg De ceased) in the t ounty Court oT Web. ster County, N?brnl a. The Statu ui Nein-i.ska. To all per sons iuteioste 1 in s.'l ostate, creditors ami heiis take imnei, 'nut Mary Letuki has filed her petit'uai I'hging that Jo hannes lliiuiuellierg died intestate in Webster C nintv, N'-lir.islts, on or about Septi-nin-r III. l'.lll, lining a resi-1 uuill, linn iiuifiiiiititil. ui ecaici wuuu- ty, Nebraska, and died seized of the following described real state, to wit: The South half of the South East Quarter, of Section Two, ('.'), in Town ship Three, Cl), Range Nine, (9), West of the Cth P. M. Webster County, Nt brHhka. leaving hs his sole aud only heitsat law the following named peisons, to wit: Addelido llimmelberu, bis widow; Ljdia llli eh, Dena Lemlto, Anna Herz. Mary l.euike, and Jobu lllinuielberg, his children. That the interest of the petitiontr hoieiu in tho above described real es tate is oue of the heirs above named and the owner of tin undivided inter est in said premises and praying for a determination of the time of tho death of said Johannes '.lltnmolborg, and of his heirs, the de gree of kluship and the right of des cent of the real property belonging to the said deceased, in the State of Ne braska. It Is ordered that the same stand for hearing the 27th day of October, A D., 102.'!, before the court at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. Dated at Red Cloud, Nebraska, this 2."ith day of September, 102.1. (Seal) A. D. RANNEY, County Judge. II. S. Foe, attorney for tho estate. You aro roading a complete news paper when you read Tho Lincoln Star, You have the satisfaction of know. ing that the news facllltlos and thei nowspaper features me tho best ob talnable. Two loused wire services carry tho news of the wm-ld to Tho StBr Tho Associated l'ress aud The International Nows Service, providing tho btiongest nt'ws facMUios possible. Tho world's greatest newspaper car toonists and feature wrttcis aro con tributors to Tito Star. The Star Is a 21-hour newspaper, all the nows comploto In each oditlon. You can always Hnd something good lu tho Star, It will 1111 all your news paper wunts. It Is the paper lor your homo.-Adv. m Yes, We Have No Bananas Today But Mr. Business Man WE HAVE TWO OF THE BEST LINES OF PAPER FOR YOUR STATIONERY HAMMERMILL RIPPLE MAIL ORDER BOND LINEN Try Hammermill Ripple and be Convinced BOTH PHOMES The Red Gloud $hief h s .VJWSJV, UNDERTAKING The I. T. Amack Undertaking Co. Auto Hearse in Connection Licensed Embalmer Dcst Service to Others Means Real Hcppincss to Ourselves. BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB '" ",l lintifflimnipnxrciinini ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that we have opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav ings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and we are for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. h THE WEBSTER WBimmiiiiiiimiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST OVEIt STATE BANK Red Cloud Nebraska LUTHERAN Regular services every first and third Sunday in the month In the Adventlst church nt 11 a. in. If you aro not worshipplngclsowhero you are cordially invited to worship with us J O. R. Uelnltz, Pastor Statement of Ownership In compliance with tho Postnl Laws and Regulations, A. B. MoArthur, oditor of the Red Cloud Chief, makos tho statement that tho paper Is pub lished weekly, that ho is tho Publisher, Editor, Business Manager and Owner, and that there nro no bondholders, etc , owning or holding stock in tho busi. ness. A. B. McArthur, Edltorand Owner Sworn to and" subscribed before mo 1,1 1. ..1. .1 1 n.i.i,,,. m.'i mis am uy u, u..iu -.. I B- W. Stewart, Notary Public. m 5 .VWWV, imiiMniiCTMmiiiiin'iiiiimiMiTiipf 1 COUNTY BANK I "1Ml1IP'lllllllllll"Pllmllmmll'M Dr.R. V. Nicholson DENTIST Red Cloud, Ncbrask The Margin of Safety Is represented by the amount of insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself Into a fancied security. Because fire has nover touched yon It doesn't follow thnt you're immune Tomorrow -no today, If you have time and you butter find time come to tho ofllce and we'll write a policy on your house, furniture, store or merchandise, -LATER MAY BE TOO LATE- Q. C. TEEL Relia.ble Insurance Something to B Avttded. An obligation of any sort Is a morfr lgo on your time, ) J V k, MM,.