The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 11, 1923, Image 6

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Recent Happenings In Nebraska
.V Given In Brief Itomo For
H Busy Rcadcra
Tin iiiiniiiil Johnson county tcn.h
its' institute will be liflil In Tocumsch
October 111 mi. I )::.
A innnwuy toirn on a fiirm near
Auburn upTl n life hive, uml were
sovcrcl.v stung 1, tin1 maddened In
s ei t .
Ilif Nebraska llallwa.v .omnilsslon
I ."s oidoro.l tin' 7 cent tii'il in faro
in unman Himuni i.u an mm-iimu- ,
liirlcitl. i
SiTcliuiiilliio valued at .()( vyns
.al en fioiii the Fred Hum... eonfee-
... .1 . ... i ..t..i...
iionery hi.hc ai mum, '""' -,
While mowing weeds in a lunibcr
ard at lied Cloud Lawrence Pierce
hilled n lattlP-nalte the and onchalf
,,'',, ,on , ,
The new bridge at Cowlos on the
llnsllngs-ltcd Cloud federal highway
mis oeen opeae.i lor uavci. iiiiii.niy.i
not .vet llnNlidl.
Thellrst en. load of cantaloupes over
m.ippeu out or .Nci.raM;a ien i .rniBt- ,
pmi M'pii'iuiM'r in. couHgucn io
l nil! house iii Chicago.
cggn.on raided (,enea, i.
hree places and escaped without
leaMny any .lew as to their Identity.
I he total loot was small.
.ni'inii i.rmi aauouMcs m um-j 2it wll IiBtmilliis the fact that Kai- .i.hhlpme:its,rcatlleanill.orM.s,t(11Ii(iN I11K,P N(lll!ls,vil , ,,, ,10 i
nto NelMaM, iroui South I Mhotu . , ,. flllIllll.,nlIv tllo ,.,.,, (.r ,
has heen lilted In this state. I f ,w am, ,m,f million In the m,,.,., ,
It Is eslmat.,1 that ..early ,.,(KMl should ho an that tl.c larm
homes rellarn ami hasemeals were , ,, ,,. f(r ,.,, ,,.,,.,
S ,'i,. ,'. n p. ili I'"" '.U ' ! Tl1" "W ,!r","('rl " A"""-""-
am o nnc I IlutTs last week. H , ( ,,,,..,., , ,,,
Col. I W. Alnswoill. of Din Moines lu ,.. , . . , ,, ,
was 'lected pieshlent of the I'.Ih-, division of the A. 13. !',
its dosing uieetiin; at Omaha.
A "Sunset I'arlji," ipiallllcatlon for
nlli'iid.ince helny the attainment of
the iiko of (m ,ears, was held at the
Ilaptlst church at Cllihon lant wee!;. last week enlertalncd the ,
laivest c.ow.l of Niors In Its liK-
t..rj--oir l.-,(t(ii) peiwons attending I
the annual harvest lcttlval In one j
Since the wheat -uason btvim al '
II. mliiKfoi.l elevators havo loaded
sciil.-M.en cais of wheat, ahout
iii..-l.iiiitli durum and three-fourths
m 'fim timii'. '
I he date of the meetliiL' ot the Con-
Irnl Nebraska Press aolatIon, an
noiiiKe.l to lie held at P.rnken llnw
M.tnher .", has been hanni'd to I'rl
day. October 11!.
The annual meetlii;
of the woman's mlssiunaiy Hieloties
of the Presb.ui'rlau church of the sy
nod of Nebraska will he held in Cen
tral City, October S) to 11.
IrllliiiK for oil will (.oon Htart near
Campbell, In Franklin ciaintj. (!e-'
oliKUts from oil illstrl"ts Hay indica
tions aro that welbi will be "coming
In" before winter .sets In. J
.lohii, a wealthy retlied farm-1
er of Wilbur for the past thirty .vein-,
who is nlnetj-one .veins old. was mar
ried reienlly to Mrs. .lnsle Kanei
foitv- s(i(., also of that plaie.
Tlio Nebraska sjinid of the Fnited
i.iuneran ciuircl. at Its recent meet-I
iHK hi loiuuiinis .icci.ieii to lalse a I
S..IMKK) endowment fund for the Mar- I
tin I.uther seminary In Lincoln.
l. iriv K.n.ii..wiu ., ....!.... i...... !
. ,, iii-KMi.i-. 1..1 Miuiuii nt;s 1 1 1 1 v t
li.en shiinu'd otii of sniithern Xe-.
ina-i.a in uie past cmii
week.. They are belni,' sent to llrms
In Kansas City and Des Molne.
terrlllc v.ludstnnn, accompanied
by heavy lainfall. striuk P.ushnell and
vl. Inlly last week, blowlnj 'S loaded
fruit cars off the I'lilun Pacific tra.ks
at place, uprooting trees and
aiis.ii; other damage.
A number of tanners llvinir In the
P.I ue valley, fearing that tlielr corn
nod potatoes would be ruined bv the
t:i. waters, du;; their spud, and
lii'.ked all tlie mm they could eel b.s
lo.e their tlelds were Milliner', d. of the most suiuc-sful race
ni'i'tliiKs held slii.i' rauiiif,' was etab
li led in omaha under Ak-Snr-P.en's
I'linncr, was clos,..! Saturda.v, Seplem-
on .i. .Mom i. mi. ipiid muses, tioth Wayne, w.v more ; and tho.e from Iowa
ruiiniiiK ami linrtieas, from all parts of aro from Cedar Ilaplds, Centeni'lo
Hi.- i limit ry participated. Council F. luffs, lies Moines, Fort DnUe
V monster apple of the Wolf Itlver (Jrlnnell, Harlan, Ida (Hove, ova
variety is tiu1ii;,' the desk of Count.v ,'il,v, Marshalliown, Mason Cil.v.MNs
p-nt Could at the couilhouse In ouil Vallej, Newton, o.skt.loo.s.i, ot
Iiioken P.nvv. It measures ITiliMn I tuinvva, Sue City, shuix City, storn
indies and weighs ''2 ounce.. The l.nke, Wate.loo and WobFl'er cltv
irint Is fniui the inchard or .1. T. ' liovernor Uryan will mako tho
linlay or ICoitud Valley. 0f welcome.
Ilev. W. II. Cope, pastor of tho ur. P.. S. Peterson of Omaha, for
Methodist 1 hurch al lied Cloud for tho sK yeais secretary of tho State ()..
last four .veins, has been appointed to 1 teopntlile a.soclath.n, was le-elected
Mie pastorato of tho church at Clay , to that olllce at Its lecent coinentlon.
1 .'liter. I AmoiiK the thousands who took part
I'.very osteopatnlc center in Nobras. I In the exercises connected with tho
la will shoilly lie provided with afreoi transfer of Atbor I.odsie at Nebraska
nlc fo,- children, accnnlliiy to Ur, c.
' ti'addls. of tho national
What Is probably the lliM corn pal-
e over erecli'd in Nebiasku was
1 oi'i by llio citizens of Sidney for
t'i'r fall festival October . anil 5.
l.i. iialuco Is ictaonnl In shnpo and
two stories ldjjii.
sinrtliuf in .lime Mm tin auto tour
ii. .!. the Western portion of Urn
1 iiiichI MtatoH, two yotinc ladlfs
vi -s Maude Uohblps of Stanton and
'i s i, l)lckluou of Seward
'.. Hi. trip without a mishap, ami
ii-ptl at ibeli' homes last vvet'k.
'1 ed ItauluN nf ltamrnft, Lee
. r Vntral City. (Iiolnnl Jlallan
.: ai, Clydi' Walker of Wiixwrly.
ink Wtlklnxon of West.n, Mo.,
.. Ui" svii. Judjjtiij; team that
i'U tun t MHorsjiy ot xviirit'
''tdl colleiro In tho cimleKt
'!i "U" ultow in Pfoiln.
miu'f'wiiwiwMmiigiiiiwiwii fnmrwwm
nighty telephones It P.ontilte worn
letupon ll pui out iff order wIkmi n
iiiitnlii'i' .f lio. - rl'M'.f'il tln cable wit It
rlllo bullets. I
Mr. .lam." II. Cochran of Tecum
cli broke liotli bones of her right fore
hi ni while iittcinjitlng to I'lnnl; an
Iloldrogo will have a "patiloilc
pug. ant of piogress" In celobtiitl'Ui (
the llflli'tli anniversary of the nifiiui
liilon of I'lic'i'" canity.
Mi, jitur r.l r-. .lames Maker of
Illniimlli'lil, celebrated thi'lr gold, n
wedding tiiiul iinry last week at
tlii'ir homo In that la''.
Ilobort Pease Iiih boon iiiiolnli'il
postmaster at P.cntrliv mirrcciiitm .1.
15. McCnnn, who haw held the po
I lion foi the pa-t eight years.
I A destructive tmll slom I -I i I
Ileal rice hint vvo.k, some of th
, ,,,,, ,,.,, s wllUls, ,
considerable (liiinno t exulted.
,,,,,,,,. ,,,.,. f imiP ,,, lhP
,jrs wll,Kl(1Jj ,- l0,uN ,,,,, ,
the South (iiniiha iilarket. The trip '
i was made in an airplane In fort;. -the
, mliiiitf-j.
I Homer D. Williams,
; , ,,, , ,,, ,.,.v(llMv.,.
'district of Lincoln, win shot and fat-
Ily wui,do.l ,v ,, 1()dup man who
,,,. ,p, ,.s,.npo.
, ;N,r.,Mil rab.od Vl.,. S70011O
i,,1(, fnmlll.m, n,!iof fCr,K
,.,,, ,)(1z (,sn,.t ,.iaiiii!'in of
eil (.,.l)sy ,,.,,, , -m) Ill01.(l ,
, . H(,.'s quota
.i,.in.s (lf ,l,e Columhus Unman's
frIl,f (. ,,, lllt;lu ,M.,,
, siimnil of fl(ls ,, J(,1(IS ,,,,.,,
, t, ,,, ,, (() , h((m,s ,.. o
Uoldiors at .Mllford and lluihett.
(r (
li HliiuillH l ttlKiw lir flfl'l jl IIUII14I1I4
thai place for Its olliie.". io com
several hundred thousand dollar, ami
an old pt'iipluV home at a cost of vj.",.
A. II. Iules. proldent of the N-
mal.a County haul;, droiped de;ul
whll Fltllua: in a loir mi liln I'nimi
smitlu-i-r of Auhuiii. Mr. Kn-l.-v .-,, i
i.orn Ocerinhei- li, istai. In Nemah.i
(.ty nIi ms n.,t.,l tim. Ia 1 1 j,..,
I Unci; walnuts are so scarce and s(1
valuahle In s.uue parts of the .state '
that farmera aie Hiai.dlnt: iruoi-.l ..ver
(heir walnut ;:rove this aulun.n and
t,v fiI.H wll lku h(,lr vuU., ,,,, R0
walnuttii.t; aiv returning homo empty-
A lui'uc nuiiibor of stock caitlo
have been shipped Into lied Cloud to
be fattened this winter and shipped
to n.aiket in the spiin. It N a lar-e
luciease over any pjevious ,ear, ninl
Is duo hugely to the lino orn crop
this year.
In IDL'i: the t.ital amount of laves
colic, ted In Nebraska by the stauj
and its sub.iivWoiis was Simi.s.V. Iiil.
or a total of SHi.trj fur each pe.soti ,
In the state. The tlmite s i- a
out by the I'nlted Stales deparimciit
..f coninierc. .
IIiik receipts records at Souln Oini
ha for the mouth of September wen
broken last mouth when the tutul
leached I'.Ki.lHHl. as compared with '
S"pteiuher a .vear ayo, when .lie re-1
eipis i.tiaiicn iii.i,vi(ni neaa, a luv
recoi.l ni ilmi Mm..
A fll.aK ,,,K .nBIIB t, ilI(.r,
i,0in on the farm of Albert Crl-ks,,...
near IVIilnijr, was much linger th..n
,1... i .. i. in I
nu- runiir, hum u iruiiK lll.e nil ie-
lihant. exes close under Its inmL
was hall less, except fur e,velash(
a hunch of hair under 't,s nee
died tlfteeu minutes after birth.
From tl.e commencement of
the state iiniversit.v in IST.'I at which
two dej'r.'es weie ci'iintcd, to that of
F.rj:: when Ml were conferred, the
complete re. ord of the activities of
alumni and uoiet;ra.luates of Nebras.
ka has lu-cu assiin.bled In the third
Alumni nirectoiy Just Issued.
Klwanls clubs of i0u tuul Nebras
ka will hold convention at l.lmnli
October U' and IS. Clubs from N, b.
raska include those from Auburn,
I'.eatrlci'. Claulron, Fremont, (ionlon
(Jrand lslnn.1. Hastings, llolilrodi.e,
Kenrnev, l.elnt,'tou. Lincoln, North
Platte, Omaha, Superior, Tecum. eli.
city last week weio two ot the meni.
hers of the tltst volunteer liro depit-
iiieut at that place M. lioweis It
llrM chief and tor over llfty .vents its
' dlrei tor, and F. II. Fields, who ha-
1 been the treasurer over since Its ..r-
I trantxntlon. P.oth aro halo and l.ei ty
and still take an active Interest in t! .
present .lepartniiut.
Moro than ll.ouu former uiemlxit
of the Flirhty-Plnhtli division weie in
' numUn September USIU) to attend il.c
, third annual reiinbui of the i;u.,i-
1 Flxhth Division nsso. latiuii. M. i-r
Ueiieral WcIkvI, former .unuii u.d. 1
of the rej;!iiiuut and other mllitarj
' notubles wero lu attendnun.
I MUa Mlblrod bliiiuni of Albion win
ivprPKenteil ut tho Oinalui cattle mar
. feet l th salo of lior prho-winiiiin
LOJO-nouml rod Rteor, wjticlt wai
, awarded tlr.t jiriae nt tho Uuom
coiiiiiy iiur. huo rccoivu 11.70 i
hundred and the St cur w'n void to I
paclter buyer.
Wk WxJik IULHU 11-Sl
. :ymmw $Mi&v wwjvwstotisr w . i
ft, xja Ni ,iwTS w U$mZ W ,' . easeJSTM M$m$
ft cidtediW- fBsse5SsotA jL-.-' V "x n
I U 4ltSlaXffiS22!B2
Italy, claiming a .shale in the settling o( the lutti.e ownership of tin i!t of 'J'aii'lci', Morocco, to'otlicr with
airland. Kr.tnce and Spa'n, dlsnia.xL'd the oilier powers y laiiilltii! a niiniher of troops thcro. This view of a streut
n Tiiimlor shows Auii'rlciin Jackies from the. hattlt'shlp Aikansa.s. hlf,'hthi.'eln.
General View of Sofia, Capital
View i.l Si tut. ot i;ult,ari.i,
rommuuUts and nurailans.
til'iUKe ItlVUIl.ili, leader of the I.l.
mils democrats and a power in nu
tlonal politics, had a loiiu'
with Wood.ow Wilson and the air
was soon lull of r.nnors that the f.u
iner president was ready to take an
active pait in the cumin;; presidential
s t-Bii&K
Miss Mini, a Fiaiuis Hale, nlmlcen
.veins of jue and a stuvlcut at tlie L'nl-vcrslt-,
of Cnllfoinla, Is uoltitf through
eolleKu without arms. Mln Halo do
clares she U not hiinUlrnppoU biN-ainui
she has inner had tho uso of units.
Wlietl ho has completed her raurup .it
the university she Ib going to devdo
er life to the euro of cripples or at
shied I'Cmaili
1 '-SSm- 1
Mm tMfMvk
I 1 lltl I
' i jlss'v'agi av
Ownership Now Interests Italy
whivii wjs ri'iiiuted to lie tin c.iiei . d l.
Yankee BaKoopiois KiHed by Bo!
1 1 . : 1st. f ?? ' i ' 4 0 P
11 H Ml vJ4L &fe? 1 i
1 1 mm i wMsiH0 I
; I PP!Mi wJmm 1 i
f V! I II
W hen i he I nued Si itcs arm.v iialloon S (i, taking p.nt In the (Ionlon Ib-n
nett Cup rice in iSilJum m s .lestio.vei) by a bolt ot llxhlnin;; the two pilots
Lleuts It. C. oiu.stciil and .lohn W. Clu-ptavv, were killed. They are showr
i.bovo In tho bus! et. olmsicad at the left; and the Inset shows the S-0 In the
Electrical Wizard on Vacation
Mb- ... . ' s- . ' ' -. - r ir inti fvrffrv f t il& Jrt'P Sf
Dr. Stollintetx, electrical wUard.
valley 111 .Now York, hut ho couldn't
ncterlstlc uttlludo In lit nhnelt.
of Bulgaria
the .elvaiiceot an aimy of rehelli iis
iwyiF.f - . !. ,im .:..-"
has been bavin a vac- tion In the .Mobaw'
mop working. He Is hiv keen in n cli.t.'
my nr.v. v. u fitzwatkh. d. d
Teacher of Kngllbh Ullilo In llio Moodr
Ultile Institute of Chlcno.)
(. la3, Wtitern NeHctuitjer Union.)
m:.-;son ti:.t i:mi jdii-c; ia.
43 Ml, Ihi. t: iO-i'J
ClOI.hi::.' TIJXT "Vc shall he unto
tnu a ItliiK.loni of prints and an holy
tuition." Hvod 19 .1.
PItl.MAItV 'tOPlC noil's Kindness to
Ills I'ootilu.
.lUNlOlt TOI'IC Why Cm! Chose 1.1
r.icl. iNTi:n.Mi:ntA'rn and scnior top
ic Tin- Mission of Hi.. Chosen People
Israel's Mluhluuury Call.
I loracl's Exalted Poclllon (Ksod
The descendants of Abraham had
now become a multitude and the tliuo
hn.l come to nr;:anl:.e them Into n
nation. In or.l'-r to ...i i'de them to s(.0
what a rl'i I wait '.heirs,
(! ! di.spla.ved Ills ma.le.sty on Mount
Sinai. In Ills messa-rc to them. lie
save them a look backward and for
ward. I. A Itevlmv of Their Past History
(v. 4). lie temlnds them of what Ho
had done to the lvpiiuus when Ho
brought them out ot their cruel bond
age, and Hint His divine care over them
had been as that of an eagle over Iter
young. lie had imt merely brought
them out of Fgyptlan bondage, but
unto Himself. Cod's .-alvatlon Is not
merely deliverance from sin, hut a
union witli Himself.
U. Promises of Fiituro Orentnoss
(vv. !i, 0). On condition of obedience
to Ills voice, and faithfulness to tlielr
covenant obligations, lie promised
them a peculiar relationship to Hlni.
This relationship Is three-fold:
(1) The Lord's Peculiar Treasure
Above All People. This Is tho treasure
of Matt. Ill Ml. If this is recognl.ed,
the mrahlo Is quite clear. Failure to
allow Scripture to Interpret Scripture
results in confusion.
('') A Kingdom of Prlc-M. "A King
dntu whose cltlons aie"'all priests liv
ing wholly In Cod's s(.c uud ever
et.Jo.vlng the right of access to Him."
In this kingdom there Is united sacer
dotal privilege and royal dignity.
CD A Holy Nation. A nation sot
apart for the work of Cod. Kealizlng
this, they would be Impelled to a
1 standard of living which would be
wot thy of their high calling. Separa-
i tion from .sin and a positho stand for
1 the right would always lie demanded.
The failure of this chosen nation Is
largely the explanation of the world's
distress. Had Israel shown the natloni
i the way to go, they would not have
gone so far Into sin.
II. Israel's Pressing Obligation
(Isa. -13 :.)! 1).
1. God's Challenge to the Heathen
Nations (v. II). They were asked to
assemble their witnesses to see If they
' were aide to make known tl.e futlitv
as (!od had done through the prephets
of Israel. They are either to ::ako
good their predictions or to acknowl
edge the truth as declared by Ond'i
prophets, namely, that (Soil Is tho
only Cod.
I li. Israel, Clod's Witness (v. 10). This
nation had been brought so clearly Into
i touch with Cod. had s.o many times ex
perienced Ills mighty hand to deliver,
that they were competent ..
Not only the nation was a witness, hat
the prophets from that nation had so
many times witnessed ami tlielr pre-
i dictions were t completely fulfilled
that the whole world knew that Clod
was the one and only Cod and Savior.
The only way tlie world can know that
, fio.l Is a forgiving God Is through tho
witnessing of His redeemed people.
How sorely this testimony Is needed 1
How 'miserable has heen Israel's fail
ure I .
ill. Israel' Message (Isa. ).";20-
The message which Israel was to
give was that God was the Savior of
all the natlonn. Israel misinterpreted
and misapplied this message. They
ilalmed lllm as their Cod and denied
Him to the heathen. Though they have
' thus Call cil and the world Is In dark
ness because of It, one day thev shall
I go to the ends of the earth with It, and
j the result will be the ushering In of tho
1 Golden Age of which men of all ages
' have dreamed.
I 1. Tho Idolatrous Nations Are In-
J vlted to Draw In.
I 'J. They Aro Challenged to Hrlng
Their Kcnsons for Worshiping Idols
lu the Light of the Fact That God tho
Savior Was the Only God.
fl. They Aro Given an Invitation to
Look Unto God. They were not asked
to do Miniethlng to lie saved, hut to
look to tho Savior. Sinners today
need only to look fo Christ. What ,i
vv underfill day when Israel shall de
clare this message to all nations In tho
power of tho Holy Spirit 1
God's Promise.
7. id hath promised pardon to him
tin t repcuteth, hut he hath not prom
ised repeutanie to him that slnnoth.
St. Atiselni.
Friendship Is the nearest thine sv
know to what religion Is, Clod Is love
Honry Uruninwnd.
A Fool's Coat,
A fool may havo his 'invr.i.i
ored with gold, but It U a fool'v? con'