RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF J H H S3 8 K K K X K X S K dowxhy xkst rrrr SO, IMIIIUliWWWWWf HI ,.11,11 ! Ml' UlllWWf W i t. f T Y i k y I- KSKHHSSSSKKSSiHSlK GS TOLD TO US w DOWNEY XKSl" Bert Lconaid M !o Tucday. was down fron Inn- .Ins. MmnJian wont to Wymore the Inst of ll.e week. E. C. Preston v (r fiivl of the wool:. in Hasting the Bigger and bet'er, 8, 9, and November Hell's Half Acn 10th. Mm. Carl Romj'ie wjv . irKsorg.?; to Hasting-. Saturlay morning. MI s Mabel . i l-y returned heme Wednesday morning from Denver. Mrs. Emil "' liucky wan ger to North Bend Mo.iday a pa. ff' monung. Tom Kerchner h 'iow coryig the mail from the post office to the depot. Mar. M.xer wcr' to !!:u'Jng; IMday morning on tran 1 to srevd t'na day. Lorimer Ed -on wa- a passenger to Hasting Thursday morning on No. i. ' Miss Clirlsliiio Caldwell wont to Guide Bock Sunday morning en Irais 10. Kamil Ondrak wiu a passenger to Omaha Thursday morning on train l.J. Mis Gertrude WullbranCt returned home last Thursday frm EffinghaM, Illinois. '' Miss Kstella Carter was' a gqr to Hcmingford Monday on train 4. pasca-morning Miss Mildred Mercer was a passen ger to MeCook Wednesaay morninc on train 15, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hall were pas sengers to Hastings on train 4 Tues day morning. Hell'i Half iul lO.h. Acre, November 8, J Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Creighton wcio passengers to Kansas City Sunday morning where they will spend a few day., Mrs. Grace Clclland of Florida Yai been hero for the past two weeks visit ing with her father, Alf Me'.'aU and family. Mr and Mrs riert Cinik returned to thelv hom in Me'Jook Mo-iday morning, Mr. Clark having fir.fshorl his work here. We arc now prepirod lo (jiv- reason. able teuns un t"th New Hfult'sel Cars payable monthly or tu lamp sum. tty'levle Ur r Mr. and Mr . Albert Delph and children left for Mount Pionmit't. Iovn Saturday morning for an c:tcm'c visit wit.i re!atio. Mr. and Mrs George Overleose of San Diego, California, are the p..ret. of a baby girl. The little one !-.- boon named Joanno Esther. Mix. E. J. Pul.-ij .'fi' returned horn.1 tho latter part of hvt week afte spending the past month in McntroKo Colorado with her daughter "TiuXEY SAVED: At .lohnson .V Graham Furniture Co, Rid Cloud. Xehr., on Everything in Home Fur nUhlus. Tliey Sell them for less Mrs. Martha Rhea and son of Ar lington, drove here Wednesday to spend a few days visiting with her father, Alfred McCall -and family. Captain Ralph Pope of the U. S. Navy who has been stationed on the U. S. Ship, Galveston, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Pope. Attorney E. G, day in Hastings legal matters. Caldwell spent Fri- attending to seme u. Ed Gilbert went to Lincoln Tuesday evening where he will serve on the Federal Grand Jury. Mr. and Mrs. Cbcil Ilcan and baby arrived here on tram ll Tuesday evening from HV stings. Meredith Hutlov went to Wauncta Sunday where ho will work in the Ed Koon meat market. D. G. Auld has been hero for tho past few days vi itir.g at the homo of his son, .1. W. Auld. Fred Henderson returned home Wed nesday morning fiom a trip to iho western part of tho state. Carl Day of Nora, Nubr., is claiming Movcmtiur 0 as his suits date for Duroc Jersey Hogs. Waleh for ad. N. B. Wagoner went to Hastings Tuesday morning to spend the day at tending to b ,s:no. s matters. Mrs. J. W. Hauck, who has been here for the past wesk packing her household goods for Dsnver, left for that plac: en No. 17 Sunday evening. Mrs. Bert Clark and children ar rived here Saturday morning on train 14 to spend a couple of days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark. II. A. Roerig, Burlington Claim gcnt from Denver spent several t. i . j ...i:. ... , nours in tins cay r-ruuiy r.iiunuu.j; . matters in connection wit!i his work. J. II. Hamilton & Son arc claiming October ICth as their sale date. They have omo m'ghty gond I'oia m China hogs which they will sell at tills sale. XucUnllo C. ltii'cders Assn will hold their fall Bonr and (Jilt nlo (nil bruedt.) lit N.'U hi. N'br , on Oct '.0 102.'!. Wcited tills pap for add Later' M.- and Mrs. Ed. Sutton left for Omaha Monday morning where they W'll spend a few day , visiting with relatives During hi' ab-enre Fted Slaby is working in the local yank; Francis LeRoy Tictjen, aged 2 year. 4 months, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tictjen residing northwest of Inavale passed away Monday at their home after a short illncsss from fruit pois oning. FunciUl services were held Wcdnestay at the Rivcrten Methodist church, Rev. Hcintz in ch; rge. Fied Mau'Ievillc, deputy U. : marshal, -pent Satuiday night ar.'l Sunday here visiting friend?. Sheriff Jack Waller departed Mon day evening for points in Iowa-tc at tend to some business matters. Ben McFarland went to Fairbuiy Saturday morning to spend the day nttonding to business matters. Foot ball game Friday afternoon Guide Rock vs Red Cloud high at Koontz field. Go out and boost. C. B. Steward arrived hero Sunday morning on train 1G to spend a couple of days attending to business matters. Farm Loans I can make farm lonns in Wobster, Prnnltlln. .Towoll and Smith counties at positively the lowest rate, best terms and opt'on offorcd .1 II. BAILEY Hanson Laundry Under New Management If you have never known the satisfaction of having your Laun dry work done by us, now is a good time to try it. Phone us and our wagon will call. We do Ruff Dry Finish and Wet Wash Ray Gard WAN I'M): .Man In coll Rawh.iBh Quality Piortni'ts direct to uonsum'ois in Web-lex Comity. Pleasant, perma nent, ptolltablu hiisliK'h'). Little capi tal needed. Makt piaeticully every family a Meady satisfied Customer. Workers make Inrue steady income. Give ace, occupation, lefeieuces. W. T Rawleigh Co., Dept. 2007 Froeport, 111. Blear sihted nessboth. near and far is always yours wnn vou wear RYPTOK GLASSES N. - ". Mshl No LIBRARY NOTES With vacations oer activities be gin to center once ngain In the home circle nud books enter into tho scheme of things lo an even greater degree than in tho months just pat. Tn view of thi- fact the library has added a number of new books with which it will be well to spend some of the long evenings: Among them arc: "The Mind in tho Making"' by James II. Robinson. In which the author tries to find an explanation of why men fail to solve t'te problems of the day. The book Is an earnest plea for honest thinking and an open nttitudc of mind in regard to the facts of history a s a guard against making similinr mitake "it lhn fut ure. "The L'fo of Christ" Jty G!oanni Papini. Translated from tho Italian by Dorothy Cunfield. a work by Italy's foremost man of letters which ha attracted ntt? ittn In the language it wan written and Hie many into which it ha bee. translated. A fen-id, eloquent and pfll simple i&rrativu b.ircd on t!ie Cic?pol mater ial, rocrcting both clmractorn and places with unusual vfvtilne . t and color and attempting continually to odinw it, 4t,nl Ivnerlr. nin (tin mfillV teachings su'led to our tlmo and to our inc." Do you want lo know something about repairing your automobile? Consultour new "Dyke's Automobile nd Gasoline Engine Encyclopedia." The elementary principles, construc tion, operation and repair or automo biles, gasoline engines an automobile electric systems, including trucks, tractors and motorcycles, simple, thorough and practical. If you arc looking for some good ideas for the party you arc planning our new "Book of Games and Parties" by Theresa Wolcott will help you out wonderfully. It contains games, stunts, menus, costume and house decoration schemes, for every kind of holiday or special ocasion party. - Tho "Burgess Flower Book ror Children'" by T. W. Burgess is told in story form for the ytnngcr child ren and is a companion book to tho "Burgess Animal Book" and tho "Burgess Bird Book." Good illustra tions from photographs, many in color. New books of poetry by our poets of today: Throng by Edgar A. Guest April Twlights by Willa CatTicr. North of Boston by Robert Frost Collected Poems by Vachel Lind say. The New Poetry by Tlarrct Mon roe. Teachers will find especially help ful the "School Book or Fore try" and "Trees as Good Citizens" both by Chas. L. Pack and published by the American Tro Association. Also four new volumes on "Nature Study for Boys and Girls" by T. 13. Craig, for the third, fourth, firth and sixth grades; four new Geographical and ndu .trial Readers-Asia, South Ameri ca, the New Europe and tho United States by Nellie B. Allen and the "School History of Nebraska" based on tho J. Sterling Morton and Albert Watkins history and edited by James A. Bcattie. New books added to our latest- fic tion shelf are: North of HG by Emerson Hough. Men Life Gods by II. G. Wells. West of tho Water Tower Anonymous. Feet of Clay by Bertha Tuttlc. The Alaskan J. O. Curwood. The White Flag Gene S. Porter. A Lost Lady Willa Calher. His Children's Children Arthur Train. Other new books of fiction arc: Manslaughter Milcr. Jim Hands Child. Desert Valley Gregory Twisted Trails Oyen. Wrong Twin Wilson. The Borough Treasurer Fletcher Tho Custard Cup Livingston Gunsight Pass Raino Highgrader Raine God's Country and the Woman- Curwood Painted Meadows Kerv Paradise Bend Whito The Untamed Bnand Twenty-fourth of June Richmond Way of and Eagle Dell The library lias a copy of the New York Nation which contains tho ar ticle on "Nebraska" by Willa Sibert Cather. (W w i' MM ,4!if iff Mm t A T WW Wl w jn & 40ij 'W M.U. Vb JL W WRAP-AROUND INVISIBLE CORSETING FOR ALL WOMEN. IN VARIOUS STYLES FOR YOU! Haven't you longed for soniclliimj that would perfectly control your fitfure- -and yel leave it free? Something that would ho invisible under your dress? To wear a Warm r's Wrap-around, is to enjoy a now and delightful experience: it is so convenient," so comfortable, so becoming to all It lures. You will FEEL, as well as LOOK younger in a Wrap-around. SEE THEM TODAY THEY RANGE IN PRICE FROM fl r m $1 to 96 BARBARA PHARES i t j ..J&it.i&S P W0Hlmf-''- Jt .ii. Jl 14 ? UA HOW NICY NIJST Brakeman (. A. Vierson, s!n wi hurt in the loe .1 yards was taken t Denver Thur.-day on train 15 to cute a hospital lor further medical treat incut. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Ua?.cr and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew King departed Tues day via automobile for California, where they will make their future home. Curt Evans and V. L. Smith were passengers io Aurora, Illinois, Sat- " day morning en train sixteen where Mr. Evans will take trcatniMt for his eyes. Fred Slaby went to MeCook Sun day on train 15 to spend the day, re turning to this city Moncruy to work in the local yards during the absence of Ed. Sutton. Max Mizcr went to Hastings Wed nesday morning on train ! to spend the day with Mrs. Miner who is in one of the hospitals in that city taking medical ticatment. 2&g 3$i SH25 $&SB5b- The Showing of New Fall Suits and 0'coats is Wonderful SfElfilT 0b i . i ! J. C. MITCHELL Jeweler and Optomotrist RED CLOUD, NEHR. Mrs. Mildred A mack Intn.'.s lead ing in a fesv dayt; for Utile I-' rkansas, whore sho will -vend the winter at the homo of a sister of her living in that city. Chas. Trautman returned Home Lt Wednesday evening from Zocland, South Dakota where he has been foi the month, he being called there bv the death of his mother. Better Values Than Ever Kuppenheimer, Cloth Craft and Blocks SUITS AND OVERCOATS $18.50 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 $30.00 $32.50 $35.00 top to $45.00 New Fall Hats Caps, Shoes and Furnishings Trade With the Old Reliable The Cowden-Kaley Clo. Co. 25 YEARS OF GOOD SEKV1CK TO THE PEOPLE OF RED CLOUD AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY MEliSSI2SrSSSr Miss Anne Hatmcy r-.luwieu to lici i school work in Hastings Saturday afternoon on the height after spend ing a short time here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Ilanncy. UWWWWMrWWJVWWW . 'H. ,! !! II.- IWII.PIII 1LII .IWIIII !! .MW.WM f For The BeSt of GoeJ See Us Mrs. Koy Itobinson, who has been here for the past month visiting with her parents, Mr. and .Airs. P. A. Jernberir. returned to her home in Cheyenne, Wyoming tho first of the week. Great Shorthorn Cattle Sale at ALMA, NEHR., OCTOBER 21, 1023 in the NEW AUDITORIUM Fifty.flvc head sell. Fifteen bulls and -10 cowb. Twnuty.flre aro show cattle. Winners at btnto fairH. The greates1; lot of enttlo over sold in tho west. Noao better In America. Come and buy nt your own prlco. A.C. SHALLKNBKRGEU and HASKINS & OGDEN, Owners. Ctirl Hedge, who recently under went an open, tion for append'eitis at Hastings was brought to tho homo of his mother in this city Saturday where he will be under the doctor's care for awhile. s The! alone-Gellatly Co. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Zciglcr and baby rctnmed to their home in Ashland, via auto, Tuesday morning after a visit here with her brotfier, R. P. Weesner and family and with other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hoxsey and little daughter returned to their home in Harold, South Dakota Thursday morn ing after spending the past two weeks here with his brother, Dr. R. P. Hox sey and family. The Beatrice Tent and Awning com pany of Beatrice had trucks hero Wed nesday hnuling u large tent from the Burlington dopot to syarkc Bros, farm which will be used by Starke Bros, for their sale today. Mrs. Louiso Ketchum and eon, George, returned homo Monday even ing on train 11 after spending the ipast six weeks in Omaha with friends and in Valentine at the Tiomo of her brother, Luke Bates and family. Dr. W. Guy Gillette Chiropractor Auditorium BIdg. WWVWJWW.', M'MM m Ml' 1 "IE Magazine Agency Bring your subscription to us and we will give you the lowest prices quoted and save you the expense of sending. IE you have any special offer bring it in, and if we cannot duplicate it we will tell you. CHAS. L. COTTING, The Druggist Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper, Paints, And Electrical Supplies. T1q best p.lace for Picture Framing. Geo. W. Hutchisc? Bonded Abstracter Real Estate Farm loans and Insurance ' Red Cloud, :-: Nebr.