The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 11, 1923, Image 3

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mM Grade Accidents
Potatoes Foremost
Among Vegetable:
Can Be Prevented
. " .?
Stomach Catarrh
Help your stomach
get rid of poisonous gase9
and fermenting footb.
Master that catarrhal
condition of the digestive
tract with the rem;ay
which lias proved its use
fulness over a full half
A Splendid Tonic
For Spring and
Sold Everywhere
Tablets or Liquid
Religion and Stability.
The initliorltli'H of it large rnllwny
company huvo started n movement to
lndui'u their employees to attend
church In their respective eoiiiinunl-ties.
harmless Laxatlvo for a Blllou
Constipated Baby or Child.
fl c
A . 27
Constlpntcd, hll
Ions, feverish, or
sick, colic Hnbles
mm i iinuron iovo it &
to take genuine Ifju .
"California KIg Ag-j J) ft
Syrup." No other .fer -Q ;AI
"' ". . "" ".. XffrA T
tno tender llttlt' M
bowels so nicely.
It sweetens the
h t o in a c h a n (1
fcinrts tlio liver and bowels nrtlng with
out griping. Contnlusi no narcotics or
toothing drug. Say "California" to
)ur druzglst and avoid counterfeits I
lslst upon genuine. "California Fig
Svrup" which contains directions.
AdIci t young mini iilmiit to write
(i low letter; "An. thing jmi -nv will
he used as eMenee against you."
Toronto Telegram.
ii i - i - x nc r a . t f i
-Z f CftV .1 Hi rnn
' " K' Cji I.T"! .''' .-.!
. ac?1BS6fl IHWqE5i'j
v wr -';-;
raLjSi 6 Bell-aws
i V3-.3 Hot wafer
' mi - l .. -J - r. I. -
& mt n o
qflfiT?a Ite?
Kspwta uwfcU
PCiL 1-1 3
?J a ct & r
Prearranged Vacation.
Mary Is tlit'ti engagement at nil
.Marie No, just during the .swim
tiling .sen.son.
Don't Forget Cutlcura Talcum
When adding to jour toilet requisites.
An exquisite face, shin, baby and dust
ing powder and perfume, rendering
"titer perfumes superfluous. You mav
rely on It because one of the Cutlcura
Trio (Soap, Ointment and Talcum),
"3c each everywhere. Advertisement.
'I he amateur photographer icspon
frlblt' for a iiiiiuy of lfe' nilsiop-reseiitiitlons.
When two women argue the wlnnei
Is the one who can t title the l'liMest.
A tramp Ids one mHanl.ige over ar
automobile his tire nccr pum turt,
Aro you torturL'd with constant IncU-nclic-tiled,
weak, nil utistiuut; niter
the leaht exertion? Kening find you
worn out and discouraged? Thru look
to jour kidneys! When the kuluojs
n oaken, poison nccuinulatc in thu sjh
tcm and cdue winning backache, stab
lung pains, licad.iclies and dizinen".
Vou feel nervous, irritable and "blue,"
mil likely Miller annoying bladder ir
legul.iritK. Don't wait. Neglect may
load to fciioiM kidnuy 8leknesi, Use
I man's KUIney Pills. Daan's have
lmlncd thousands and tdiould help jou.
Aik your nnnUbor.'
A Nebraska Case
ivJ V iikv". w. .'.in .,
l&lc 111.. ... I. .. 1 .1 . X..!-.
II i III I' ' I l 1.,
. ivh "I linJ .-1 irp
f ll il O t I II I'flllls
tlllillllMI 111V lllti'W
tell lilt.- i-ii.r.
t-i 1 In. I dlzy.y
ii art l.l.i '(;
R i In lloiMl'fl lj'-
f ii my "v t V.'litm
rUlll.l' UllBl'Kf I II1HJ
inn 1 hltll to I'f
S fC- to w.illt M"
rKZTZ&j&i i i rv iuri no. n
tin v rcllrv 1 mc"
Oel Do Wt t Aw Sioie, 0c a tox
I - ,r- RlJPN CO., DUrALO, N. V.
' ij
'T. i' l ll 1 Hill!
--.v7fAH -in
Ireddle "Say, dad, why are iheie
lo niarrlagc.s In heavenV" Henpecked
"P.ecausc it's lieaen."
To insure gllhtcning-whlte table
linens, use ltcd Cross Hull Ulue In your
humdry. It never disappoints. At all
good grocers. Advert Nemcnt.
A farmer can rejoice In that he
never has needed any "loiters of recommendation."
Increase Expected Because
of Larger Number of
Motor Vehicles.
(I'rip-ireil by ti t'nltcil Stntri Deportment
of Acrloullurc )
The lui ron u of public roads of the
L'nlted States Hepartinent of Agricul
ture calls attention to the fact that
highway grade-cro'ilng accidents con
tinue to luciono. The liiterstate com
inerce commission t epulis that In the
final quarter of lllL"-', ."17 persons were
killed mid 1,710 Injured at grade
crossings, an Increase of 1(1 fatalities
mid Ki.'t injuries In co nparlson with
the same period of the previous year.
Similar Inereu&on are reported In oth
er quarters.
It has boon suggested that an In
crease Is to be e.'.pected since the
number ol motor ehlcles and high
way trallle la Increasing, but this
should he the reason for additional
preventive measures rather than Hit
Isfnctlon with the situation.
To Prevent Accidents
There Is only one safest way to
prevent accidents whore hlghwajs and
railways Intersect. That Is by a com
plete separation of the grades by
means of subwajs or viaducts. There
bus been agitation for legislation In
n number of states to require all users
of the highways to stop before cross
ing n railroad track. A few states
have enacted such laws. The gen
eral nppllcutlon of such a law cov
ering all of the ralliond crossings In
aiiv stale leads to absurdities and tin
necessary lneomonlonoo. I'or ex
ample, one of the principal state high
ways leading west out of Halelgh, N.
C. where such n law Is In force,
crosses a branch lino of n ralltoad
running Into the state fair grounds.
This switch track Is ued for only
' lew days each jear at the time of
the state fair, but under the law all
the trallle over one of the principal
hlghwajs In the state must stop at
this crossing "." days per year.
Temporary Expedients.
Such laws should be regarded ns
temporary expedients onlv. Hundreds
of branch line railroads carry only
a small percentage of the passenger
.trallle now carried by the main lino
highway which the;, cross. If either
trallle Is to bo halted at the crossing
It should he the rail trallle. Itlght of
way is ghen the most Important traf
fic on the rallioaiK This Is a fun
damental principle of operation, nnd
this same principle should bo recog
nlred by the state !n making nny laws
with reference to stopping trallle nt
railway and highway Intersections. Un
doubtedly trunk line rallwnys should
be given right of way. and the high
way trallle stopped, but branch line
railway trallle lies In u dllTeient cate
gory entirely. The highway trallle
over Important state trunk lines should
not bo stopped at branch line railway
crossings. Uat her, the Infrequent
trains should bo stopped before Cross
lin; such highways.
The agitation for stopping highway
trallle at railway cnwslngs, however,
Is having Its effect In rapidly crystal
llrlng public sentiment against all
grade crossings, and this will lend to
the only right solution of the matter,
that Is, the separation of the grades.
In the construction of federal-aid
roads the bureau ol' public roads has
adopted the policy of eliminating
grade-crossings whorowr practicable,
If possible by relocation, otherwise by
moans of n:i underpass or oveihcad
crossing and to this end nn engineer
ing Investigation Is nindo of every
crossing nnd n grent many hnvo al
ready been eliminated. Costly struc
tures are required but there Ik no
doubt that the policy has resulted In
the saving of many lives.
Cut Sweet Clover for
Seed With Self-Binder
Uofore harvesting sweet clover It Is
n good Idea to take a cutting of hay
Mrst. Hotter seed and a shorter, finer
straw will result, which will of course
lesult In less shattering. Cut the
sweet clover for seed Just as you
would oats with a self-binder, and cut
the crop Just about the time that most
of the seed Is showing black. There
Is hound to be con'dernblo shattering,
but If you use care In moving the crop
considerable shattering will be nvold
oil. Cover the hay rack with n canvas
or a tarpaulin and you will be able to
save what seed ill ops off In hauling
the straw nnd seed from the Held.
New Diseases of Field
and Vegetable Crops
riftoen new diseases of Held nnd
regetablo crops were reported In the
l'nlted States during W2'2, according
to the plant disease survey of the De
partment of Agriculture. Twelve crops
were affected. They were carrot, spin
ach, Swiss chnrd, lettuce, potnto, rad
ish, Chinese cabbage, bean, water
melon, sweet potato, tomato and tobac
co Most of the new diseases np
pearcd In very restricted mens, seem
In: io be the lesult of abnormal cli
matic nnd similar conditions.
Blight Is Destructive
Disease of Bean riant
One of tlio commonest and most
Instructive disprison of the bean plant
Is the blight. It Is a germ disease rind
dlfllcult to control. The germs aie
carried Into the patch on Infested seed
nnd i renting the seed with corrosive
fiuhllmntn Is recommended. Spraying
with bordeaux will help prevent the
fi'in d of the dlsfuse.
Government Reports Show
Farmer How to Sell.
(rrepnrt.l Wr the fnllM Htatri Department
of Agriculture )
The potato Is foremost In value
among our vegetables. It Is the chief
money crop of huge aieas, an Impor
tant staple In many others, and U
grown for homo supply and local
kets in almost every farming district.
The wise or unwise niaiketlng of the
potato crop mav easllv u differ
ence of millions of dollars In the runn
ers' Income- In a jour, ticcoidlng Ui
the Lulled Stales Department of Ag
rlcultuie. This Is partlciilarlj true
of the late or main crop of potatoes,
which comprises about four-lift lis of
the total production.
Potato crop and market news sup
plied bj the milled Stales Depart
ment ot Agriculture Includes crop and
market reports and summaries of many
kinds published nt eight Held stations
located In the prominent shipping sec
tions and at about a dnrcn market
stations, Including the Washington of-
lice. These lopoit.s contain the nec
essary facts of production, condition,
shipment, prices, demand, and qual
ity. Ity porsistentlj using and com
paring reports from day to day and
season after season, they become inurn
and more useful In showing the potato
holder when, bow, nnd whore to sell.
The general condition and course of
the m.ii kot Is best Indicated by the
loading grades of the most Important
coinnierclul varieties In the largest
nnd most active markets. Among the
regular prlcu developments to be
looked for In average seasons Is a
comparatively low price at digging
time with some gain ns shipments de
crease or when winter conditions be
gin, then M'vornl months of moderate
lips nnd downs, mid then another
swing, upward or downward, with tlio
opening of spring activity. The pro
portion of stocks bold by dealers on
January 1 Ins often proved an Indica
tion of the course of the late winter
and spring maikels.
Interesting Figures on
Agricultural Products
The farmer still has use for the mul
tiplication table, despite the lips and
downs In the ngrh ulttirul situation,
uccording to some llguros Just Issued
by the United States Ilopat tment of
Agriculture. Kor example, the out
put of skim milk powd-r has doubled
In the last live years; the number of
cow-testing associations has boon
doubled In the Inst six yours; the
qunntlty of lto cream produced ha
doubled In the last twelve joins; ami
creamery butter In fifteen jears. If
whole-milk production continues at the
sumo rate as during the last (he yoais,
It will double In twenty-three and a
half years nnd pure hied cuttle, If
they continue to Inciense us In the
Inst two decades, will double In thlity
j ears. Thu population of the rnlted
States comes next, linvlng doubled In
the lust thirty-nine years; the number
of milk cows on farms has doubled
In the last forty-four jours; factory
cheese production has doubled In forty-six
joins; and the average yield of
milk lor cow, If continued ns in the
Inst live years, will double In sUty
Three Big Essentials
Make Poultry Success
Poultry success Is founded on three
big essentials, ltognrdless of the par
ticular specialty In poultry husbandry
which one engage;! In, there are three
big factors that control the results.
The first Is good stock, the second,
proper bousing, anil the third, correct
feeding. The three aro of equal Im
portance. They are each dependent
upon the other. Neglect of one moans
fnllure. Poor stock properly housed
and correctly fed will amount to little,
while on the other hand, good stock
Improperly housed and fed becomes
equally poor. Adhere to all tin oo es
sentials, use common sense and sjs
torn and your success will be assured,
Question of Successful
Late-Potato Marketing
The chief advantage of the late po
tato over Its earlier brethren Is Its
keeping quality which penults Its salo
and use all winter and through tlio
early summer the following year, snys
the United Stntes Dopnitmont of Ag
riculture. This Involves special meth
ods. The whole question of success
ful late-potato marketing can be
summed up under four heads, accord
ing to department workers. They nre;
(1) Careful planning from planting
time to day of sale; (2) full use of
crop nnd mnrket news; (,'l) good bun
dling, grading, nnd lending; and (I)
readiness to learn from the methods
of other potnto growing sections.
Not Difficult Matter
to Dehorn Young Calf
When the on If Is only n few dnjs or
not yet a week old, nib caustic potash
on the born buttons. It Is well to re
move the hnlr from about the button
and apply n Utile vasi!!np or lard to
the skin surrounding It. Then rub
the putnsh on the nubs until they are
raw. Keep the calf out of tlio rain
to prevent the potash from bo
lug washed Into the eyes and blind
lug the cair. Ilopeiit the application
twice more, allowing enough time be
tween each treatment to completely
dry. lie sure not to get tho caustic
potash on your lingers or on the skin
.ibout the calf's born Hub.
Condition of Hen House
Factor in Productivity
The condition of their winter quar
ters Is a potent factor In the pro
ductlvltj of poultry llocl.. Only
heuitlij, contented hens pioduco eggs
In pnjing numbers. While on lango
most hens both lay ami paj, because
conditions are such that they aro per
fectly healthy. Sanitation thou takes
care of Itself ituil constant o.erclso,
coupled with nutural selection of food
having widely dlfl'oilng properties,
gives Ideal conditions tor high pro
duction. Mecauso conditions differ
vvldolj in these particulars during tho
seasons when fowls are conllned, re
sults are not as tittlMuctory.
"To counteract unsatisfactory re
sults," snjs A. 0. Smith, poult i y hus
bandly leader at University rami,
"proper sanitary iik'hsuics must bo
practiced, llegln by putting the joung
Hock In a clean house this fall. Clean
and disinfect the bouse thoroughly.
Hemovo and burn all Door and nest
llttois. Remove nil fittings, such as
nest, roost, roosting platforms, and
water stands; clean nnd paint with a
good liquid disinfectant. Keiosi-ne to
which has boon added a little strong,
crude (iiiboltc acid serves the purpose,
us do seveial commercial disin
fectants, "P.iiisii down the walls ami celling,
remove as much of the old ouitli in
seems necessary, paint the walls with
the same disinfectant as the lifting i
and put In tine or sandy loam to tho
depth of four to six Inches. Kcplacn
tho llttlags, and let the house air well
for a week or more beloie putting In
the joung stock."
Proper Arrangement of
Roosts for Hen Flock
Itoosts for chickens should be wldo
enough to support them; narrow
roosts cause cramped positions and I
crooked breast-hones. The best loosti
are scantling of 'J by ;t or ". I y I,
broad side up, with rounded edges.
They should bo smooth and movable.
Itoosts need not bo very high. Ton
high roosts cause bumble foot when
the chickens lly down on a hard sur
face. Heavy broods requite lower
roosts than the light hi cods. Prom
one ami a half to two foot hlrli is a
good height. Itoosts should not bo ar
ranged like .'tali's. Chickens like to
roost on Hie highest point; the stair
arrangement means ovorciowdlng on
the upper roost.
Plan to Clean Up Badly
Mite-Infested Building
To clean up a badly mlte-lnfostert
building, proceed as fallows; Sweep
nnd dust thoroughly, 'llrst removing
everything removable. Scrub with
washing powder and water. Paint tho
roosls and supports for the roosts with
heated caiholineum. Next, spray tho
nests and every other bit of woodwork
that harbors vermin, or might do so,
with crude creosote and distillate, one
gallon of each to the mixture. If thorn
weio no mites on the walls or tloon
whitewash would make a good spray
for them. In either case the fowls
should he shut out of the house until
thoroughly dry.
Breeds for Production
of White-Shelled Eggs
Poultry of the Mediterranean or egg
breeds are best suited for production
of white-shelled eggs. Hepresentutlvos
of this clas are bred largely for the
production of eggs rather than for meat
production. Among the popular breeds
of this class are: Leghorn, Mlnorcn,
Ancona and Andaliislnn. One of tho
outstanding characteristics of the egg
hieods Is the fact that they are classed
as nonslttors. That K as a rule they
do not become broody and hatch their
eggs. When fowls of this class are
kept, arllllclal inculmtioii and brooding
are usually omplojed.
Oyster Shells Are Good
to Form Shells of Eggs
Ordlnarll.v, tho hen does not con-
sumo enough lime to form tho shells .
of eggs If she Is lujlng abundantly un- I
less something besides the ordinary
grain foods Is accessible to her. Oy
ster shells are very good for this ntir- I
nr.L A !... , ,l....l .l.-.ii . . I
I"t. t ii.i. n iiiinuuii niiuu.1 may up
placed before the fowls, allowing them
to eat at will. Old mortar and fine
grave! arc also useful In suppljlng
Plenty of bone and uiuscle-forinlng
rather than fattening feed Is needed
for growing poult 17. Leave the1 fatten
ing business ulono until near sellinu
Turkey (ions are probably the best
breeders between the ages of two and
llvo or six yenrs.
PullefH that nro undersized, Inciting
vigor, deformed or hntchod too Into for
winter production, should ho cullud.
Knch year n nlco little profit could
bo mado by the average farmer- by
giving his hens a Utile study, nnd cull
ing out the poor layers, thus allowing
111010 room for the good luvors, swing
n feed, labor, time and closer attention.
nrn. i j-t. - . 1 iit
the most mmous pancake
swipe m asi me won a;
ready-mixed in
Aunt Jemema
Pancake Flour
Tho Economy BfiKINQ PQWBSER'
tlic next time you bake give
it just one honest and fair trial.
One test in your own kitchen
will prove to you that there is a
big difference between Calumet
and any other brand that for
uniform and wholesome bak-
Jhr Economical Trantporlation
Essential to Profitable Farming
tic utility $ C C! A chasis "'y
Express Truck .3 .3 KJ o. b. flint, Mich.
Fits any Standard Truck Body
Nn business cm onccccd unless id product is profitably sold.
Most farms Iiavt: ; fine production department hut no sales
department. They grow crops and stock bought by buyers who
set the price.
One of the chief reasons for this unprofitable situation is the
average farmer's poor facilities for moving his crops or etock
to the place where lie can sell or ship to the best advantage.
Became of the time and expense of horse delivery millions of
dollars worth of produce spoils annually on American farms.
The saving of this waste would, in many cases, change a losina
farm to a money-maker.
This low-priced, high-grade, reliable truck was designed ns a
moncy-Eaver a,nd money-maker for farmers nnd business houici
needing fast low-cost haulage of heavy or bulky goods. It fits
any standard type of ton truck body. Ask any Chevrolet
dealer for price of the style of body you require.
Prlccj . o. b. Flint, Michigan
Superior 2.Pan. Roaditer . $490 CotlimcrcirtF Cars
Superior S-I'aii.lmirltiii . . 495 Superior Main Uellvrrv . . $495
Superior 2-1'an. Utility Coupe 640 huprrlor Commercial Climili 39 J
Superior 5-I'au. Sedan . . . 795 Utility UxprtM Truck Cliauli 550
Dealers and Service Stations
Chevrolet Motor Co., Detroit, Mich
Division of Qcneral Motors Corporation
Black - Tan - White - Ox.Blood - Brown
In the handy box that opens with a turn of the
key. No broken nails or soiled hands. Softens
and preserves leather. Sheds moisture. Shoo
shining with SllIfiOlA " a nifty thrifty habit.
"The Shine for Mine"
Iivo pleasant ways
to relieve a cougfv
Take your choice nnd suit
your taste. S-B or Menthol
flavor. A sure relief for couuhs,
colds and hoarseness. Put one
in your mouth nt bedtime.
Ahvaya heap box on hand.
m iff
9BHB U H tl HI'JJ-SW. HI K', Fa .1 Ur Wl W 'V
h ll Baalu us
a my a mjw ua
Famous 1047 tmnf ttkiUti