P"3 Wrt.W-S-X" kwilu --: ids f , B.l1 'r-HAsySr' Itsrl-"" "i 1 ESF&In. If -- wwZ r -i -rt.jV-- 1 i..i:,nn.TiT. -.id; awl-" s ttisai -. -- .Jtiw;'A'ff-i.,f.fc,.J., w -Haa . --tfii ct J1; a u&k sn uns ,v.wi m ' w --" -fgrgan ff-te ; l hW;FlJ Sr m r.rSr k Newspaper That aires The Hens Flfty-tna Weeks Each Year For Sf.50 VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. OCTOBER 11. 1J23 NUMBER 41 t wn fc-3i5- v---' J MALLORY MAT: FOR FAIL r Foot Ball Game i Tho (list foot bull game of thi sea win will bo played Fildny afternoon at I -if rw$ vamp Red Cloud Merchants to use Uniform Flag Decoration Friday. Messts II. h. Allan and O U o'clock at ilio K...mu Held. Thov. (iralitun ropiosonting tho bhonan Guide Rock high seho.il ham, whluh j doih Phi A. Douot atiiiK' Co., undor the bus won one game and lost one, will m,5p00h 0f tho lied Cloud Flio Do med I h. I.'ed Cloud High to.unou the purtmetit, sold lirty llaus to the pro Held, l'hc loo.il tei.ni is eonposed of yrossive business men of this city iikhi w c i 1 1 1 uos nut tnc. aio pio intslii),' to put up a liaid Katiie. Bigger, Better Than Ever Thi' ll-d Cloud AniLMicuii l.clon I'.iit has s,a Xovi'intiff H, !i niid lot's lis the liuteb tur b'tl.'iriK I Iiif indoor L'tiiiiviil "IJcllS Unit Acii" this uitr. Oiil'eieiit cuiuinUtt'cH linv" been up pointed and they aio b i-y buying which tlioy will uso for dewnating pin poes. When in iiso these flags will stand in tiont of the stoics along the einbuig in a iinlfortn line. Tho Hugs ate I (! feet and will hang on a twelve foot polo. Then- gentlemen stated that they aie onlj making the linger towns in tills state but this city had been highly recommended and our meiciiauls wuic Indeed please' to teure this uuifoitn V we have: just received our Second Sltelpmowfr r' IWALLORY NJ&T When you try on a HALLOiY HAT you v' have a feeling that your Hat Problems are ended. They ors styled right up to the mmr r se:e our window r j r REMEMBER WE SELL NOTHING I3UT WELL KNOWN LINES j'j!i' 1 OF MERCHANDISE AT THE J.OWUS1 I'OSSlULfc. i'KlUb l!ij WrG.' Hamilton Clo. Co. HP fH I II tkIW. "1 .t..- A lu Jl V S.TVtCO V. A J. iV SCHAAF & TURNER FUNERAL HOME s s Licensed Embalmer in Nebraska and Kansas Bell 80. - - Ind. 120x p BUY NOW CABBAGE A Car Load Just In And the Price Is at It's Lowest $1 40 Per Cwt. Good Bulk Apples at a Reasonable Price: Ganos, per bu. Missouri Pippins Winesaps $1.60 1.60 1.70 R. P. WEESNER CO. IBI Ik III "HELL'S HALF ACRE" NOVEMBER 8-9-10' good- etc. for this yont. Theio will ' syalem of decorating for Use he.o as It is something that has been nee led for yenis The Kiro lb p.u Uncut has a few of these lings lift which they will stdl t'i l: in .' u.muiitf niiio. be Homo new teatuic- this jcar an 1 a good oiclic'Jlr.t will be secured to furn is!i the dance music. September Weather Report Tempeiatuic: Meant iW; , ma.l mum l)j dc g , on .'M and 1th, minimum 11 ib'g. on 'Jlst. 'i'otal prccipltatinii "J til) inches. tuber of days-Clear lti, partly cloudy (J, cloudy 8 D.Ues of hail i3 and Until. Thmiderstoims I, 17, 10, ill. IM and 2t)fh. 1'icvalling wind N V 11 days. Precipitation since Jan. 1st, UlMO inches. Chas. Ludlow, Observer. Mail Carriers Convention The quaitorly convention ot the Webster Countv Rural Carriers As social ion met Thiusday evcuiue at tho Red Cloud I'ost Olllce. Thirteen in all weie present. Tho postmaster Mr. Clarber, graciously furnishing tlic place of meeting and also his desired pre. senco. L'res. Porter Hale called the meeting to order and secretaiy (J. 1'. Uonley of Innvalo further ollloiatod. Mr. Fisher of Hladen gave a good re port of tho State Rural Carriers Con vention held last August at lieatrlce. Soiuo business was transacted and the remainder of the evening was very pleasantly spent in telling incidents of the rural carriers life and discussions ranging from the unnecessary practice of "penny picking" to the more ele vat ing thots of future carrier mainten ance. After adjourning to meet next Feb ruary 22 in Illuc Hill the visiting carriers were guests of tho local car riers at the Monte Cristo cafe. Growing Bulbs Indoors Hyacinths, Paper white Narcissi, Chinese sucred lilies and even tulips may be grown indoors with a fair de gree of success, according to the horti culturists at the University of Nebras ka Agricultural College. They may be grown cither in water or dirt. To grow the bulbs in water, the bowl or vuse should be partly filled with gravel, pebbles, coal, together with a small amount of crushed oyster shell. Then the bulbs are placed firmly among the stones, eta, partly covered with water and removed to a cool dark part of tho cellar while tho roots are forming. They should be left there about 0-8 weeks, the water bolng changed every woek. At the end of this period they are brought into the light and into a heated room to llower. Tho bulbs may be grown in pots also, a fl Inch pot be ing suitable for fl "bulbs Tho pot is filled with garden soil In which a cup ful of saixi has been mixed and a little well lotted manure The bulbs arc set just beneath the surface of the soil, watered and removed to n cool dark moist place such as a cave or out-of. doors undor a covering of dirt, straw or ashes. Hero they aro left for 0.8 weeks and then gradually introduced to heat, Mrs. T. W. White, who hks been hero for the past month visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Will Hines nnd family, returned to her ".nome in Ard moro South Dakota, Friday morning. Red Cloud Fair in Full Swing Today The annual exhibit of tho Webster County Agriciiltutal Society is now in full suing in this city Tuesday was untrj day and a largo number ot exhibits were entered. Tho cuttle hogs and sheep 1111 the Sale Pavilion there ate several good bieeds of cattle on exhibit among them being tho Shorthorn cattle of Sohnsou iV Anlil, also the Aberdeen Angus hcid of Wcsscls of Mluu Hill. The hog exhibit is not as large as usu a', but Henry Pauch has several good Poland Chinas there and there aio several pens of goad Hiiroes and Spot ted Poland Chinas. I Tlie poultry and tai in products oc j cupy tlie I Icatou building. The farm ! products ai k much better than foimor 1 ly-itud a large variety of good corn is to be seen. The poultiy department is well represented with tlfe different breeds ot chickens, geese mid ducky, and makes u very creilitablo show for the poultry raisers of this community. The Ladles Departments and the School Exhibits occupy the Peterson building. Tlie baking, needle work and canned fruit display excells all other displays made hero, while tho creditable exhibits ot the schools proves that the scholars are apt in their studies and shows that theteaoh ers are giving them good training Tlie old relics collection Is also in this department and several articles In well preserved condition over a hund red years old were on display, among them a blblo owned oy Dr. Martin, al though quite worn due perhaps to Docs continuous usage. Tuesday evening the picture "Hunt ing Rig Game in Afiica" was shown at the Auditorium to a largo and appreci ative audience. This picture was photood by EI. A. Snow, and besides tho animal life the mining of diamonds was shown. The Hot', orchestra furn ished the musio for the occasion. Wednesday evening thero was not very many present for the program owing to the heavy rain at supper time. Tbe high school orchestra wore, tho first on tho program and the scholars played sovoral selections which ploased tlie audience. County Agent Fausch introduced tho Guide Rock High School Live Stock Judging team which won the honors in judging and they will represent tho county at tho High School contest held at Lincoln next year, Ho then intro duced the State Champion team com posed of Alfred Sommeifelt of llluo Hill, Cecil Means of Red Cloud, Earl Portinior of (lulde Rook being absent. Those boys will represent this state and our county at tho Kansas City and Chicago Llvo Stock shows and they hope to bring back tho fruits of victory for which they are achieving. Tho double quartet, under the leadership of N. It, Hush, sung two appropriate sclootions in their usual pleasing way. C. N. Guruey, who camo hero in tho early 70's, spoko of his exporienco of farming In tho early days of this coun. ty. His talk was brief but proved to bo Interesting. m m AUDITORIUM Direction E. C. PRESTON RED CLOUD, NEBR. " dofpi fmm Friday is the day we give the LMfiWP away Y0U MUST BE HEEH TO CLAIM IT FRIDAY and SATURDAY Charley Chaplin and Jackie Coogan in "The Kid" The Pictura that made Jackie Famous Also 2-reel Comedy "Bright Eyes" Admission 10, 20 and 30 cents SUNDAY "Poverty of Riches9' Our Gang Comedy "PLEASANT JOURNEY" PATHS REVIEW MONDAY and TUJSDAY THE L. D. FULLER CONCERT CO. 45 minute Concert in addition to the regular Motion Picture Program d 1 ip Chas Stcwaid was assigned the sub ject "Tho Farmer and tho Merchant" and he dwelt considerably on how the farmers and merchants here nud else whero had coopciatod in making such shows as this a success He proved to bo a very able speaker and furnished much food for thought for those pre sent. Rev. 1$ S. Daugherty sang two solos in a very pleasing manner after which President Overing introduced Capt. Italph Pope, of the U. S. Navy, who spoke on his experience in tho navy and ulso stated that this country needed a Merchant Marino in order that we might establish foreign markets for our products. The quartet closed the program with a selection. Methodist Church Notes The new Methodist pastor nnd his wife arrived in this city from their former home in Nelson on last Thurs day afternoon and found waiting for them a beautiful modern parsonage homo left all spic and span by our predecessors Rev. and Mrs. Cope. We 'have since bacn digging our way out from the avalanche of boxes and fur 'niture which had been MiippCd from Nelson. And so this is Red Oioud. Well, it looks like an exceedingly attractive and hospitable little city to us. l'rom tho looks of things we aro certain to enjoy our ministrinl labors among the people of Red Ciloud. While we have come as utter strangers tho le ecption which we have had thus fur has been most coidial and kind. We were greeted with unfavorable I weather on our opening Sabbath last .Sunday nevertheless we enjoyed the day and arc looki- for.va.d to nct Sunday hoping that tlie day may be favorable and that we may bo prive leged to meet the entile congregation and friends of our church at the Sab bath services. ! The Methodist people of Red Cloud and community as well liavo felt a distinct loss in the removal of Mr? and Mrs. Cope to another field. These esteemed people wrought well during their stay in this city and have taken with them the universal esteem and good will of the people. And now wo aio indulging the fond hope that we too who come may share In the same hearty .cooperation inntl loyal support accorded to them during tnelr minis try in this place. The Epworth League of our church impresses us as being a live wire Our League has recently had an election of officers for the new year with tho following results: President Evelyn Hansen First Vice President Nellie Kailcy Second Vice Picsidcnt Jean lleez loy. Third Vice Pi osident Marion Uart zook. Fourth Vice President Florance Monagon. Secretary Marguerite Schnelbcr Treasui or Garland Baker. Hero is something that will inter est you. Instead of the regular Sun day evening church service next Sun day night tho Epworth League will render a special progarm of addresses and music and at this service the in stallation of the new officers will bo conducted by the pastor. The minis ter's wife will also be one of the speakers on the program. We shall be pleased to have you with us next Sunday night. Another interesting program which our League is about to feature ij an automobile contest. This will interest the young folks of our eongregntion and many others who are not mem bers of any of the young peoples societies in town. Every young per son in the church will want to get in to this automobile race. Strangers land visitors always have a hearty welcome to tho services of the church. - - H. G. WILCOX, Pastor. V i'j i ACKl"..VLMeM