The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 04, 1923, Image 7

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"S X." I aSH II ' .L-L-1.H1 L , l- - -
crmont is mv hlrttin nnn ITnm nnn imu aLsi. viT. v ,?; jjusjt Wr-ar?,k,.V fcTvrwr V J
Illuminating ide-Lihte
on ihe Character of Our
Thirtieth President-'
- 1
Silent Call I'm Cal, nil right, but I'm not silent
ojr a lone -hot. President Calvin Coolldge.
ALVIN COOLIDGE, thirtieth presi
dent of the United States, entered
the White House to face grave and
diverse problems, both national and
International. There are factions In
the President's political party; "lead
ership has been unhorsed and ambi
tious malcontents are struggling for
the stirrup." The- Sixty-eighth con
gress, which meets In December, will
contain many new and untried men
of radical views.
What wonder then that all the world Is Interest
ed In knowing all about the man elevated by the
working of fate Into the most Important position
on earth as the presidency of the United States
unquestionably Is. Calvin Coolldge emerges from
the. comparative obscurity of the vice presidency
Into a llercer limelight than ever beat upon any
throne. Ills character and his personal and pub
lic record are under the X-ray. Thousands of
keen' and analytical minds are weighing his every
recorded word In the hope of guessing his pos
sible and probable action in public issues at homo
and abroad.
This article Is intended to bo informative and
nothing else. Thero la no purpose to try to guess
tho political policies of Calvin Coolldge. Tho
writer holds no brief for or against Calvin Cool
ldge either as n man or as a possible candidate
for tho presidency In 1024 or for or against the
President's political party. It is prepared solely
with the view of throwing light upon tho personal
ity of Calvin Coolldge.
As to tho photographs: No. 1 is Calvin Cool
Idgo's latest "close-up."
No. 2 shows him enjoying his vacation on the
ancestral farm, where he took tho oath of presi
dent. "Ilard work never worried CaL" saya his
No, 8 Is a snapshot showing tho President tak
ing fin early morning hlko In Washington for ex
ercise. No. 4 shows a family group ut the farm : Loft
to right, John C. OoollUge, the father; Mrs. Calvin
Coolldge; Calvin Coolldge; Calvin Coolldgo, Jr.,
thojyoungcr son.
No. fi is Calvin Coolldge In hla senior year, class
of '05, at Amherst. Ho was graduated D. A. cum
Jaudo and won an essay competition open to stu
dents of nil colleges.
No. C shows the President and Mrs. Coolldge nt
ivenlng looking at tho hollyhocks In the farm gar
den of old-fashioned flowers.
Ono tiling that makes the American people eager
iox oveTy revelation concerning the life and career
and personality of Calvin Coolldge is tho fact that
he Is a new typo of man in the, White House to tho
present generation of Americans a New England
cr of native stock. It la sixty-six years since New
England has had a man in tho White Houso and
almost one hundred juurs since n citizen of Massa
chusetts has held tho ofllco of president. Frank
lin Pierce of New Harapahlro waa president, 1833
1857. John Qulncy Adams,, son of John Adams,
tho second president, waa president 1825-1820.
Calvin Coolldgo Is by lineage, birth and upbring
ing n New Englander of New Euglanders a simon
pure Vermont Yankee. And he's proud of It Ho
said In 1020 to a largo gathering of his neighbors:
( CrniOnt is mV hlrtlmlnnn ITnrn Ann irntu nLsi.
to nature; In tho mountains. In tho brooks, tho
waters of which hurry to tho sea; In tho lakes,
shining llko silver in their green sotting; In tho
fields, tilled not by machinery, but by tho . brain
and hand of man. My folks are happy and con
tented. They belong1 to themselves, livo within
their Income, and fear no man.
New England, of course, believes Implicitly In
the. New England type. It ulso halls the President
as n fine sample of tho type. Tho Boston Post, a
Democratic newspaper, speaks for New England
when It snys:
Calvin Coolldge cannot fall. Ho embodies not
nlonp all tho hopes of New England, but her very
llfo blood. Ho Is tho inheritor of nil tho splendor
and all tho magnlilccnce of servlco that Now Eng
land has Given to America.
So New England elects to stand or fall with
Calvin Coolldge as a cautious, discreet, thrifty,
tight-mouthed, God-fearing, elllclent Down-East
The CooIIdgcs certainly go back to the beginning
of things In New England. The first American
Coolldge came over about 1030 in the first flight
of tho Puritans nnd settled In Watertown, Mass.
In 17S0. John Coolldge. the President's great-greatgrandfather,
after service In the Revolution,
moved to Plymouth, Vt. He hired out occnsslon
ally to his neighbors and he left a farm to each
of his five children I
Each succeeding generation of these Plymouth
Yunkco farmers seems to have run true to tyini.
Cnlvin Coolldge's grandfather was Justice of the
peace, constable, selectman and town agent and
attended all the political state and county com en
tlons. John Cnlvin Coolldge, the President's fa
ther, hale and hearty at seventy-eight the Presi
dent says he has been tho most formative Intlu
ence In his life owns tho farm where his great
grandfather settled. Ho was tax collector and
constable for thirty-eight years. He was Justice
of the peace, ne served five sessions In the legis
lature, two In tho senate. He kept store, ran the
shop when tho blacksmith left town, could pull n
tooth, was road commissioner, settled estntes,
taught In the Sunday school and usually looks
after the seating of the people nt funerals. The
'resident's great-grandfather wbb without school
ing; his grandfather went to the district school;
his father wont to tho nendemj nt Ludlow; the
President himself Is a lawyer and n college grad
uate. "Coalldgo luck" has become proverbial. He
started out by being born on the Fourth of July,
ne has been 'In public ofllco almost continuously
since 1S09. Ho has never met defeat at tho polls.
He won a wife who Is a genuine helpmeet. He
haa two fine sons. A pollco strlko In 1010 made
him famous over night. There nre ambitious poll
tlclans who would give millions for the popular
appeal of tho setting In which ho took the onth of
ofllce tho parlor of the old homestead; the old
fashioned kerosene Jamp; the gathered neighbors
outside iu the darkness; the father, a notary pub
lic, reading tho constitutional oath to tho son ; tho
son, with raised hand, repeating the oath and add
ing "So help mo God!"
Several things evidently must bo taken Into con
slderntlon In connection with tho "Coolldge luck"
nnd tho President's political career to date. Poll
tics with Calvin Coolldgo has been a profession.
Hero Is his creed, stated publicly:
Politics Ih not an end, but a means. It Is not a
product, but a process, it Is tho art of govern
menu Llko other values it has Its counterfeits
... It la tho process of action 1b publlo affairs'.
Calvin Coolldgo knows politics moro thoroughly
than tho average man knows tho multiplication
table; ho has learned the game from the bottom
up. He has been ably tutored. Ills opponents
say that when ttte occasion demands "expert
cfeAUffeurtng of tho steam roller" Coolldge la a
good man at tho wheel, no has hnd powerful and
devoted friends back uf him. And the record
seems to show pretty conclusively that Coolldge
has made good In every position ho has held. In
reading his speeches and writings one finds often
the words "duty" and "service" they bulk large
In his political creed.
In politics Calvin Coolldge has always been a
party man "regular". Ho believes In the party
system. He said, when governor of Massachusetts :
Wo hnvo a government of parties. We must
recognize purty. A man ought to bo loyal to those
who havo been loyal to him.
President Coolldge, It Is everywhere agreed, is
taciturn and reticent. His friends say he was born
tight-mouthed; those who have opposed him add
that he has also cultivated It as a irolltlcal asset.
Here Is a sample of Coolldge brevity: When he
made his Inaugural address as president of the
state .senate the second time he said Just this and
no nioie:
Honorable senators My slncercst thanks I of
fer you. Conserve the firm foundation;) of our In
stitutions. Do your work with tho spirit of a
soldier In the public service. Ho loyal to tho com
monwealth and to yourselves. And bo brief.
Above all things bo brief.
Yet Coolldge can tnlk when ho feels like It and
tho occasion warrants speech. Intimates say he
can pound the desk and say "D n." They also
say that when he does read the riot net his lan
guage Is blistering. Ho has made many notable
public speeches.
Certainly ho fooled the newspaper correspond
ents at Washington. Coolldge, as vice president,
was singularly unobtrusive. Edwnrd G. Lowry in
his book, "Washington," described him
as "a politician who does not, who will not, who
seemingly cannot talk." And this came to he the
view generally accepted by the newspaper corre
spondents at the cnpltal.
Practically the first official act of the President
upon his arrival In Washington was to receive the
newspaper men 132 men and 5 women. He subtly
gave tho Impression that he was anxious to estab
lish personal relations with them, He also showed
unmistakably that he was master of the sltuutton.
He opened tho Interview with n short speech. Study
of tho President's words shows both speech and
answers to be concise, clear nnd admirable. The
result was that this body of exacting, generally
cynical and frequently unnppreciutivo newspaper
people repaid him with a hearty round of applause.
Coolldge, contrary to report, Is not nt all .lacking
in n sense of humor; his own brand Is very dry.
Ho Is, of cbtirse, thrifty.
Analysis of Coolldge's record shows that he has
often been able to make men of divergent Interests
work together and has retained tho good will of
both sides. Competent observers among the Wash
ington correspondents say that most of his many
and various callers since ho becntno President havo
gone away In a friendly spirit, though tho man In
the White Houso had wild little and promised noth
ing. "Everybody's Friend" they rail him, half In
compliment, half In Jest.
Coolldgo has n tow intimates who Insist that he Is
much warmer Inside than his exterior Indicates
and give various facts In evidence. Uut even theso
Intimates, though they may call him "Cal", don't
slap him on tho back when they say It.
Calvin Coolldgo has Imagination and Ideals nnd
a militant spirit of servlco; read his "Havo Faith
in Massachusetts if you doubt. His Puritan (not
Pilgrim) forefathers "fell first upon their knees
and then upon tho aborigines." Spirituality and
practicality both bulk largo In tho character of tho
men who settled Now England and In that strango
blend which has produced Uie Down-East Yankeo
who is thirtieth President of the United States of
ax are ma-de
at Home
Ty IWIOX sashes and girdles nro
- ainiiiig the pretty things that w
havo always with us and that women
make for themselves. They are vat led
with the changing seasons so that
there Is always .something new to re
port about them. Just now they nre
Klveti to extra ornamental front pieces
of ribbon, beads or other decorative
mediums made separately and tacked
over the girdle at the front. A pretty
examplo uppears In the picture and It
fastening nnd a bow or rosette of tho
ribbon plnced nt each side of tho bnnrt.
There In a certain uncertainty In
tho lines of the new fall coats, but
It serves to give an added fillip to tho
fashion, and itorhnps Is a blessing In
disguise, since It will prevent the repe
tition of models and materials where
all coats follow the Hntne style latlu
The straight-line coat Is undoubtedly
the basic stylo of the season, but slnco
Ribbon Sashes Arc Popular
can bo very effectively developed by
using plain satin ribbon for the sash
and narrow, metal-edged ribbon. In
rococo effects, for the latticework
and small flowers that make the orna
ment. Wide ribbons, lavishly used In bows
and loops to simulate tho old-fashioned
bustle effect, have been used to
Introduce a new style note Into pretty
draped afternoon frocks this fall. They
vary the almost universal straight
line silhouette In a pleasing way.
The new season brought In many
two-toned ribbons In the narrow as
well as wide widths. The narrowest
widths are used on dainty boudoir or
breakfast sanities made of light silks.
The ribbons are made Into tiny fiat
bows and set on In rows. If one cures
Its introduction coats with tiers nnd
circular skirt effects have appeared,
and already have established them
selves as graceful additions to the
mode. There Is a vast difference be
tween an "addition to" and a "depar
ture from" the fashion, and In this
case tho advent of the more ornate lino
has not affected the good stylo of tliu
perfectly plain coat.
Shown In the Illustration are charac
teristic models of both kinds. The coat
at the left Is a sports affair, made of
camel's hair In a huge plaid pattern!
Tho collar Is of gray fox and fasten
closely about the neck. The coat Is en
tirely Innocent of buttons or clasps, tho
only fastening being a narrow tie of
the material." The sleeves are of a
,iiinm mtumt n mivvrf&jfi,, 2 ta:MiiiiiiiBifCTiier.iKgggg'y&y
"V wk jFm
Coats Show New Lines
to bo extravagant the snequo muy bo
covered with chiffon In the two colors
that appear In the ribbon.
There aro some narrow ribbons with
one scalloped edge nnd a drawstring
along the straight edge. It Is very
easy to simulate flowers of muny
sorts with this kind of ribbon. These
sumo ribbons nro used with stamped
patterns made for embroidery iloss In
stead of regular embroidery. Little
baskets, outlined with narrow old-gold
ribbon, uro filled with flowers made
of tho scalloped ribbon. This makes
u lovely adornment for cushions, bed
spreads, tablo scarfs and tho llko. This
scalloped ribbon IS also used for cov
ering small fans shaped like palm-loaf
fanB. The ribbon Is put on In rows.
ltlbbon headbands for little girls on
dress-up occasions appear to rival Just
now the popular hair bows. The bands
uro drawn about the head and fasten
under the hair at tho back. Snap fas
teners or hooks and eyes aro used for
modified kimono pattern, with deep
Tho model pictured at tho right is
essentially a dress coat. Collar and
cufTs aro ornamented with rows of vel
vet ribbon loops. Tho long Inpel and
Irregular tiers on tho Bklrt are used to
modify the straight line of tho mode,
A huge buckle of whltc-nnd-black gal
Hth provides tho fastening.
(. 1823, Weitern Newipaper Union.)
Pink Roacs.
A hat of very lino black Milan has
a cluster of pink roses placed nt the
right side. A veil of very flno black
lace softens tho cloche brim.