RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF pnw.N'KY XIT SCHOOL KOTKS K4. L. ,. J.M- i ....! i.,.-J ' ., JJill '"I-PHI IIJIMMil --. .-i .-:-jt: -. z.. ;. -- -. . . -- jua mmbb. t ! jwtwo fcaw l2JK2 wvimi Trun a:: t r , ?-.. . i r i v c- t .1 1 I 1 1 A, i H S 8 tt S K M K K S X X Jg X X AS TOLD TO US down by js'kst Grant Tin nor wa-. in way Center Monday afternoon. Supt. A. j. Gelwick war- n Guide Hock Friday afternoon. W. G. Ilnmilton was In Lincoln Sunday to spend a coupre of wce'.cs. G. R. McCraiy was down Inavale Monday morning. from Jim Etherton of Grand Island spent Sunday with friends here . Mr. and Mr.i. Waller Knsscr aie tho paionts of a baby girl born Sunday. Kev. Tweedy was a pn.scngcr to Lincoln Monday morning on train !. t 1. W. Kdson ws a ps cnger to Hlue Hill Thuwlay morning on train 4. Mrs. Harvey llickerson was a pas senger to H"ct?rt?-! Thursday morn ing. George Schaaf spent the last of tho week In Harvard vJ-Jtlng his parents.- Rev. Cope Is moving his household goods, via auto truck, to Cloy Center this week. Mv. and Mis. Dick Vlpond hne moved into the Fox 'rorerv 'n t' c r.i prrt of tnw". ! " a;n! a! I at Yo.k, I 'I he I 0. 0. F. Cr.d 'o so the P.ebeknhs will meet October 16, 17 and 18. Bort Perry ba reslgiief! ids posi tion at the power plant and Ucrt Anderson has taken his place. Joseph Jclinck and Miss Tillic Stroble wcro -nited in marriage by Judge Rannev the first or the week. E. II. Newhouso went to Hastings Friday morning on No. 4 to spend the day attending to business matter.-. Mrs. L. L. Lnfler of Hastings re turned home Mondnv morning after a few days visit here with friends. Orvillc M. Loekbart e.nd Miss Douis I). Ttiggins both of'en, applied for n marriage license September 2Sth. Fred Clund was a pns-ongcr to Blue Hill this morning after spending ?. short time here attending t0 buslners matters. Mr. and Mrs. Will Dynn went to Superior Sunday morning on trnin 14 after spending a short time here with friends. Mr and Mrs. Howard Hunt depart- ed Monday morning via the Ford car for Bishop, California, where they will spend the winter. Federal court will convene In Lin coln next' Wednesday. Ed Gilbert of this city and J. F. Morris have been drawn for the jury. Mrs. Ba'lsback returned to Wiisonvillc Saturday morning on No. 15 after spending the nast few days here with relatives. Jess Craig returned to his Home in Omaha Thursday moring after spend ing tho past few days hurc attending to business matters. Mrs. Guy Zeigler and son, Donald, of Ashland are visiting her father, W. L. Weesner and sister, Mrs. B. I Perry and famil". START A , SAVING ACCOUNT WITH JOHNSON A GRAHAM FURN 1TURE, RED CLOUD. NEBR., THEY SAVE YOU MONEY ON EVERY THING IN HOME FURNISHINGS. Farm Loans 1 I can make farm loans in Webster, Franklin, .Towell and Smith counties at positively the lowest rate, best terms and opt'on offered .1 H. BAILEY Hanson Laundry Under New Management If you have never known the satisfaction of having your Laun dry work done by us, now is a good time to try it. Phone us and our wagon will call. We do Ruff Dry Finish and Wet Wash Ray Gard Watt for Smith Itro's. I'oliuul Sa'e to buy your Uomsntid Ollt, Oct. '23 U'iiIcIi fornilil Vi' liio now piepHrnd to give reason able terms on both Now and Used Cars payable monthly or in n lump sum. Ogle vie Bros Mrs. M. E. Tillman of Mnnknto, Kansas, was a parsongor to Lewis ton, Montana, from the local ticket office Wednesday morning. licit Clark of McCbok, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark of this city is yard ma .tcr in the local yards in place of Mr. Arncll while he is o-.i vacation. Mrs. J. W. Auld and riuugntcr Mis Virginia returned home bun-.:ay morn inng on train 1G from Denver where they have been spending tnc summer. .1. II. Hamilton & Son nic claiming October lGth ns their sale itato. They have some mighty good T'olnnd China hogs which they will sell a: tuts -aIe. Ervin Ailes was a passenger to Wheeler, Knnsm Wednesday morning on train 15 where he whl spend a roi'plo of weeks vislllmr with friend?. Nuckolls Co. Breeders Assn bold their fall Bnir niul Hilt sale (nil UrpfliUl at Nelsnii. Nfbr . on Oct. CO J011. Watch this paper for add Lnlnr. John Amen one: Oalre Wolfe utarted via auto, for fie northern part of t state Satur'ay evening j where thev will upend a week hunt ine- and Thing Mrs. M-" M.'r all rc'.'irrcl o bev :-cme In Council .Tlluff.-, Tw-. Pit.iv iliv rror:ii-. after .-, ctm"''- tV f"1 week here w'th her parc--s, ?.!,-, an'? Mrs. Frank Amack. fieorne H".rt, traveling freight rep resentative for tho Burlington, ppnt several hours in this city Wednesday morning atton-'ing to matters :i con nection with hi work Mrs. Carl Jernbcrg arrived here Sunday morning from her home in Akron, Colorado, to spend a few days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Jernbcrg and with friends. II. K. Culbertson, mastor mcchnnic for tho P.urlington at McCook spent several hours in thi ciiv Thursday morning attcnd'ng to buines'; mat ters, froing to lIo.sti.ig3 on Xo. t. Mr. J W. Ilai'fk arrived '.cre Mon day morning on No. Ifi to pack their household goo('s for shipment to Den ver, Colorado wheic l'e will work for the Burlington in t!ie ruture. DOWNKY NKST Mrs Fred Nelson and ch'ldren re turned home Sunday morning from Akron, Colorado where they nave been spending the past few days with Mr. Nelson who is woiking out of that place. Mr. T. M. White, who has been here for tho past moimh visiting with her daughter, Mrs. W. I,. Hines and family went to Blue Hill Sunday for a few days visit at tho Tom McMann home. Mrs Clara E. Smith wa: a passen !. V V, , 'tlon of Indian pictures and curloi. o'.orado Saturdin iPIM . . ' , . . A, .. i- wl ro Oio willi1"0 cunos aro hrought bi' the pumls V NWlci1;s,lc , 'and each tells tho story of their ger to Wrav Co! morning on train pcnd a couple of days visiting with friends before going to Denver for a visit with her sen Ellory and family. Mr. M. F. MacLaren, superintendent of tho McCook division spent several hours in this city Thursday morning goin on to Norton, Kansas, in the evening in company with other Bur lington officials who went to attend a meeeting put on by the Commercial Club Friday. Blear sihted nessboth. near and far is always yours wrLn vou wear RYPTOK GLASSES No Seams J. C. MITCHELL Juwolor and Optomotrlst RED CLOUD, NERR. r Hi l I The Senior 11. gh School atlondanco ( for the first month was $)8rc. There i were seven eases of tardiness during .tho month. Tin's 's a good record. Wo urge parents and pupils to cooperate in maintaining a high percentage of attendance, as regular attendance ir essential for good work. There are sixty three non-icsident pupils enrolled in tho Senior High this year. The tuition received is $108 per pupil for the year. Tho High Scho d paper staff aie planning to publish the first issue of the Mirror October 25. Vacancies in tho staff have been filled nnd report er. appointed. Considerable Interest is being shown, and plans mado to make the Mirror of 1923-21 the bc-t published by pupils of It. C. II. S. The Science clases this semester are: physics, agriculture and Mology. Our school has one of tho best equipped and furni hed labratorics for a school of this size and class The practic 1 side with Us relation to life and woil; outside of school is emphasized. The work consists of four periods of lab ratory per week and recitation three periods. Field trip; are taken who i ever consi 'crod advanlageou.-. j Severpl loys o' the pnysici ch vvmjmado n trip to Amboy to siuily t hydraulic ram installed tnero. in-y watched it work, inspected Its part.-, and were well in .trueted as to 114, v and value by Mr. Frhblo, tno owner Tho boys me do n complete report of their project to the class, iliustratlnr their iulk with well drawn s:eteiie. Tho Kindcjarton hs neon elud ing dome M- j.nimals, their hobi' rr'es etc. They have built a Mir," tine farm yard on tho s-ir-rt table. T lffuirth V(,-v icr.1 vw r-vc-n TV'' all bat tlve" if'civlng IfO'. i The fir. t.rvade U spending mu um. uponwumR ..,. !......, . - doavoring to read naturally and wi h ouprossion. Thoy hope to be able to time unon readintr and nnonlcs, rt expression. Thoy hopo hnvo tho ?cacon syslom mastered before long, so .thoy may ta::o up a new system which is being introduc ed. In hand work and on the Blind table the children arc woiklng out the life of tho Indians, leading up to the life of tho Pilgrims and harvest time. Tho second grade is making book lets for autumn leaves they hac gathered and pressed. Tho third grade has won the half holiday for tho highest average in attendance cv ,'cry Friday afternoon of ., J this school tcr jnn. rao averages were ages 1009?, for the first week, -Jl) 1 the second ami 97 C9o for the third week. I The fourth grade i ; beginning an j apparent what its aim is The thing intensive study of the peopic of North must bo unnarent in the s-iort tlmo America. Wc have begun with js before the judges. The numbe, life and country of the Eskimo. This will bo followed by the Inaiuns of tho North country, tho Canadians, the people of Labrador and Newfound land, our own peopic and lastly tho Mexicans nnd peopic of the Sugar Islands. Wc plan to mnfco booklets containing pictures and stories about tneso people. Already four splendid books on the life of the Eskimo, loan ed us by Miss Swartz have been read by tho pupils. Some of tho devices used by theiencn 1c(1 CImi1 ,)V l-a' ftor fifth irrado In studvintr tlin Indian .the examination. Algebra, geometry arc: stereoscopic views, stories, phono- graph records, Indian games, collec- curio. The pupils of the sixtn grade have been making salt and flour maps in their study of the surface and drain age of Nebraska. Now they are making a collection of the various soils of Nebraska. The history class made Columbus booklets, containing, tho story of his voyage In the flog contest given by the Anti-Saloon League Friday evening, September 21st, the seventh grade pupils were the winners. The seventh grade are taldng an unusual amount of interest In their study of hygiene ns presented by Gregg's Hygiene by Experiment. This text seeks to give tho pupil: 1st tho necessary motivation for the study of the subject through tho appeal to his normal interests; 2nd, tuc nccos sary sense experience by which to interpret the terms of the book; 3rd tho necessary stimulus to guarantee the fixing of the proper health habits. Friday afternoon the pupils will dramatize "Tho Story of Contagion." Mrs, A. R. Garett and children left for their home in Fnrmington, Now Mexico Wednesday evening on train 17. She has been here for the past month visiting with her lister, Mrs. Miner Sherwood and family. Mrs. Burgess of Long reach, Cali fornia, arrived hero Tuesday moaning on number 1G for a visit with Tier daughter, Mrs, N. B. Busp.. I- ill M (mM A III 8 J 1 1&333SEBBEZ2Z3BZ3EE SCHOOL NO'l'iS By County Superintendent R. l")mk Touchers' ex'jnlr.nlionu will be gi en this year on the following date October 20, 1023. December 1, 192T' 10. 102 .Api-1 12, ij; 5liiy 2'M!' 102 T.ine 27 .,1'.: I . ' w rvt Xi : ice. il r .-ni ' - . ' i sfi. 'ihe ti ont .i i " mintage of t!".e .. "i . r'i c h fhat h w! votM, , , ( d ftt h . , i . .,.. . . ',' i r iriT.dcs in late is a irreat ruiu.iv .! fccuring a position. Tho Webster County Agriculiut 1 Ko-icU meets October !) ro VZ, l'.)2 Article 22 schools and article (5 schools arc classed as town rciooiB in tho catalogue. By a mistake in copy ing from the State Fair list it ap pears us though the town srnoo: were left out. This is mv oversight which I make haste to rectify. Tiijs h an opportunity for them to mafcc a nice little sum of money. The trtea is not to make a large ehibt b"t to do a reasonable amount exceedingly well. 'I'll lrtaf ,11ni,lflt, ilf'.i'.miT ill HlO I r . . 1 ,. , . ,.,.. . . , fair is for the narado. IIih shou'.i i .. . i carry out some idc;'. r represent some event or undertaking either of the present or pa t and it .liould ho 0f the district should be carried In a prominent nlnco also so Uiat there will bo no trouble afterwards ao to where tho premium belong. Teachers' Examinations will be given in Red Cloud, Guide Bock and Blue Bill, and in any oilier place where they will lie carrion on taie fully and will bear their own e.v pcnfcs The state has lccrcc1 that the papers must bo sent ?ooncr than in the past so that all panors must arithmetic, reading, civic agriculture, spoiling, drawing, pcnmnn.siup, tyig- l"h composition aie !, j3s. Bot-ny, mi-sir, grr morr.-ng .sub ammar, ntsinry, geography, theory rnd art mental arithmetic, physiology, bookkeeping are nfternoon subjects. November 18-21 is American Edu cation weetf. Sunday, November 18: For God and country "A Godly Nation Cnnrot Fail". Monday, November 10: Constitution day "Ballots Not Bullets". Tuesday, Noveihber 20 Pfitriotism day "America First" Wednesday, November 21 School and teacher day "Improve the School" "Thursdny, November 22--IlHtcrucy day "No Illiteracy in 1927." , Fiidav, November 23 community day "An Ee.ual Chance For All Children" Saturday November 21: Physical Educational day "A SicK Body Makes a Sick Mind". The State teachers program of tho fifth district of the Nebraska State Teachers' Association will be given November 1 and 2 at Iloldrego A great deal of attention will be given to improving rural conditions. This meeting is well worth attending. Will Hines went to Wymorc Sun day morning to spend tno day with his parents, returning homo on No. 17 that evening. Dr- W Guy Gillette Chiropractor Auditorium Bldg. .-.. W arner WRAP-AROUND INVISIBLE CORSETING FOR ALL WOMEN. IN VARIOUS STYLES FOR YOU! Haven't you longed for something that would perfectly control your figure and yet leave it free? Something that would be invisible under your dress? To wear a Warner's Wrap-around, is to enjoy a new and delightful experience: it is so convenient, so comfortable, so becoming to all futures. You will PEEL, as well as LOOK younger in a Wrap-around. SEE THEM TODAY THEY RANGE IN PRICE FROM $1 to HAMAKA mtBmomsfBSpQ'ts( The Showing o New Fall Suits and 0?coat is Wonderful Belter Valuer Than Ever Kuppenheimer, Cloth Craft and Blocks SUITS AND OVERCOATS $18.50 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 $30.00 $32.50 $35.00 top to $45.00 New Fall Hats Caps, Shoes and Furnishings Trade With the Old Reliable The Cowden-Kaley CIo. Co. 25 YEARS Or GOOD SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE OF RED CLOUD AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY (9ES3' WE HAVE WEIR CITY THRESHING COAL The Malone WVWVVVVVWWVVVAV1W,W,JVAVJ,AV.VW,AV.VAVVVWVW Magazine Agency Bring your subscription to us and we will give you the lowest prices quoted and save you the expense of sending. IE you have any special offer bring it in, and if we cannot duplicate it we will tell you. CHAS. L. COTTING, Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper. Paints, And Electrical Supplies. The best place for'. Picture Framing- . $S PHASIES m xiwrrsisfMmit4n in lm...'lI.1 Lii-i - Gellatly Co. The Druggist Geo. W. HutCliiscD Bonded Abstracter Real Estate Farm Loans and Insurance Red Cloud. Nebr. TMi 1 3" i