The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 04, 1923, Image 1
V i A f& A f t '! r &. ) A u r m i aa i a Qi'J s F' 1 iBl Da- uiu lilatuilunl Moulelr '-'.V LlBCOlfc -" " aiiii j c.afeB SIPS?' Muf ". i. r-r - - T? h ""UiKA T - -XTS-JJS- .lH:TIYJI!.V,ina ? - - . -.-.- - S - T2r -rr, -& " " "I m V5 -IS 1i ip - 5r " " - ''m$ SMJII iifyifjjy j ' ttfwiJpHBTfpBPBBBp 71 Ef ,sT ajpii nc!! T:ilfBBBnBlTBBWftBiiiBFf i?Lr 'P Hl""vflBBBBlBDVhBf9HDMIBV'r J bo ESBiwKKtxiKKIKfSSKKKBiMjKmSESMiSiit ,T-TBLfrTyp A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Far $1.50 VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. OCTOBER 4. 1923 NUMBER 40 bb.'. fc hwv tew kjfe bw.; t .. N4 r . r ill 1 1 & mPb ith A $ & FARM IirilEAIT NOTKS FOR FAU U'Q UKJtU crarouxixfn rjg,Tht7Tgt. na "- m V.- , J ,, di.h- !i j P '" NflE1 HAVE JUST RECEIVED CUSS Se? Shipment of MALLORY HATi j r i (Ily II. 11 Fausch, County Agent) Tonus hac boon elected and tiain cd Tor a stock judg' r, covp: to lo liol.l October 10th st 0 -. m. The champion Wobstc county team ill conduct t!io contest. On Wodicdny evening the winning tcr.n w'll be pre sented at tl'e Auditorium, a'so the Webster conjty team. Sample of the com var.cly tests will be on exhibition In tno iuin Products building during tiic Inii. Kcwton W. Gaines, rcnr.munily welfare specialist o.' Lincoln will give hi famous loctuie "The Homo" on Thursday evening at the Auditorium. Plan to hear him. CITY COTNCII, HOLDS REGULAR MONTHLY MELTING When you try on a MALLORY HAT you y have a feeling thai, your Jiat Problems arc ' i ended. They ars styled right up to the minute, h J yj REMEMBER WE SELL NOTHING BUT WELL KNOWN LINES OF MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE j W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. AH membeis wcie found present, when Majoicss Mary I'otcr en cnllqd the City Council fogother In regular region, in the Council Chambers, on Tuesday night. An amendment to t;.e Occupation i Ordinance submitted by tne nusrncss !mcn of the city was la'd over until the next meeting, which comnriso' practically the only ical Mislnce" at tended to, outside of allowing the following claims: Cit: Employees.. ?luO DO Mabel Albright SO 00 Lawrence Doyle 00 00 Robeit Wishone 75 00 S. R. Flornnce 3107 ty r -jj -?1! V iiTICO St SCHAAF & TURNER FUNERAL HONE Licensed Embalmer in Nebraska and Kansas Bell 80. - - Ind. 120x a Tilt NEW BRUSHED WOOL SWEATERS JUST ARRIVED The Latest Styles and Shades MEDIUM PRICES R. P. WEESNER GO. Mabel Albrigh 8 11. G. A Crow - 10 05 Geo, Trine -..-.r 8 lfi Commercial Advertiser- 100 Mid West Elcc. Co 210 02 McGraw Co. GG 51 Wallace & Tierman 3 41 Jones Elcc. Shop . 34 GG McMaster Carr Co 10 SG A. Klein 2 00 Sam Mountford 75 00 Chas. Whitaker 1 20 Chas. Barrett 2 70 Frank Clawson 40 50 Mark McConkcy. 70 40 Wan en Sutton 00 00 W. a Gilham. 24 00 Giice & Grimes 8 35 H. M. Beard. 0 05 ,John Wilson 4 22 50 Lew S.iiniota r 1 00 Barber Shop Changes Hands Hnivcy IUcUkimiii who lus In-en holdliig lowu u clntir in tin Hunt Imi bir hliup for the pHt f.nn euts purcluiSfd tho (' ,v Curui'r bnrbur sliopifM. A Mcrci'r, M.niduj, nml ltniiicilintcly took po-sos.ion of tin." biuue Mr. UlcUtTson is mi ospi'rh'iicud artist in bis cluwii tuido and bus iilutn-liiu'ti lotitnl on the joti Tho ' Cblof tiloiig with Ids ninny fi lends wish li i in sucei'sg George Griffin in Jail (jt'oitfo (Srlllln, who bus iuhiI" bis homo in tldH city fur the past sevntut i montl s, was arrcsu-d by SlioriJY. Willi-, or, li lay. mid lodged In juil. Ilooon fosscd to SborliV Waller ibiit bo lirolu- in' o n luunuss sliop ut KfpublliMii City, Mhj' 11, stciiltni; four sets of hnrnc-s Two 't-ts of tlm Iihiikhs tthiob wfio sold to p.irtlt's mound bore liHio been lecnvt'icd by tho Shodll U win tttlion to Alm.i wboio li pluul guilty In Dlstilet UuiiiL tin. I glvuii i sfntiinoo of 1 Id 'I jpurs b IlilU'l Dilwoiili ' m m m i Brakeman Vierson Injured Monday ovenlng, uliout feovmi thlity, while switching in tho west end of the local yurdb, Hi iiUnnim U. A Vlorson of MuCook nilfsed the foot board of, the oufjine on which bo was working nml fell under the trailer. lie was taken to Dr. Miutin't, hospital wheio upon oxiiniliiiitloii It wns found that he was iuito seilou&ly injuied, little hopes belup bell out for his leeovery till dny TuesdMy However, at this time his general condition is much b'ti'r and his ultimate recovery is nn looked for. Ili- parents nrilved heie from MuCook Tnesduy morning on No. 1 1 SCHOOL BOARD IN SESSION ON MONDAY Red OloudOctober 1, 1023 The Board of Education met in reg ular session at tho Commercial Club rooms nt 8 o'clock. All members present except Sherwood and Tope. The following bills were audited and allowed and secretary instructed to draw warants for same: P. P. Collin & Son ?71 10 B. F. Perry 2 35 John Parsons 1 50 Pope Bros. 30 24 - 17 00 ,- 20 05 05 ... 4 35 - 4 75 .. 0 50 - 2 GO ... 14 70 .... 28 83 ... 32 40 .. 20 00 Webster County Argus -.., Grice & Grimes Ross P. Curtice Co. E. S. Gather Commercial Advertiser Red Cloud Chief Johnson & Graliam Co Houghton Mifflin Co Allyn & Bacon University Pub. Co. Northwestern Mfg. Co Midland Chemical Co. . . J- 28 50 Motioi made and carried that pro vided all tho Red Cloud teachers will attend the meeting of tho Nebraska Southwestern Teachers' Association to be held at Holdrcgo on November 1st and 2nd, the Red Cloud schools will bo closed on these two days. No further business tho Board ac journed. B. F. PERRY, Sec'y. Rev. and Mrs. Cope Entertained at Dinner Saturday ovening tho Red Cloud Ministers and families, entertained the Reverend ami Mrs. Cope at a chicken dinner at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Kelson. Many delightful stories up. piopriate to the occasion were told The pleasuie of the ovening was tinged with regret at losing this family from our midst Their ready cooperation and sympathetic geniality has endear ed them to everyone. The memory of our work together will be an Insplra. tloti for the days to coino. Our love aiid prayers go with them to their new Qld of usefulness 1 The Farmers Institute Fair Board Have Leased The AUDITORIUM To show this community one of the Biggest and Bent Educational Pictures ever put before the public. It showed to Packed houses in New York City for 3 solid months at $1.65 per seat. You are neglecting yourseK and your child rens Education if yfiu miss. H. A. Snows unfinn B& (same in Africa" Don't get the idea this show is being put on by the Management of the Auditorium for it is not. Every penny taken in goes to the "Farmers Imstitute Fair" 'in m m m a Mit thsoine comedy, jungle romance and primitive jav. are combined with the most extraordlniuy liutitiug feats in Hunting itig Game in Africa which is the keenly anticipated attraction at the Bcsse Auditorium on next Tues day night. The explorers have secured n veritable treasurer trove of enter tainment for all olasses of people. Popular prices the only admisslcn charged during the fair. Program Red Cloud Fair TUESDAY, OCT. 0, 8:00 P. M. "Hunting Big Game in Africa" Betz Oichestra Admission 35c and 10c H. V. Perry of Santa Ann, Cali fornia, who has been heie for tho past couple of weeks visiting with rela tives, went to Eckley, Colorado, Sat urday evening on train IT where he will spend a few days with his broth er, before returning home. The annual meeting of the Webster County Farmers' Union will be held at the j:ourt house in Red Cloud, Thursday, October 1th at 10 n. m. Onen mcetincr will be heliT In the after noon. National secietary A. C. Davi.i will speak. Everybody Invited . The Red Cloud ball team went to Lawrence Sunday afternoon where they crossed bats with the Lawrence team. Red Cloud won by a score of 5 to 3. Fred Slaby was on the mound for Red Cloud and had good support while Elmore was behind the bat. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 10, 8:00 P. M. High School Orchestra Double Quartette The First Farming ....C. N. Gurney Tho Farmer and the Merchant . . C. B. Steward Solo Rev. Basil S. Daugherty Winning Stock Judging Team State Chanlpion Team Double Quartette Motion Pictures "Duroc Champions" Something to Be Avoided. An obligation of any sort Is a mort roge on your time. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11 2:00 Live Stock Parade 4:00 Band Concert 8:00 Program High School Orchestra Violin Solo Rev. S. Hardmnn Double Quartette Lcctuio "Tho Home" . ,N. W. Gaines Double Quai telle Motion Pictuies "Poland China Champions" mgmssmmm&i A Cash Refund I III '! FRIDAY AFTERNOON School Paiadc , Band Concert Football I'J UHCjI nD "HELL'S HALF ACRE" NOVEMBER 8-9-10 I Seventy two cars of stoc:: made up the stock run through nee Sunday morning. They we're hn.-.ttied in two .trains. One carload of nogs was I shipped to the Kansas City maiket from here. A genuine diamond rattle snake measuring four or five feet In length with nine rattlers on its tall was kill ed by Lawroncc Picico while mowing at tho Piatt & Frees Lumber yard 'Wednesday morning. It is thought that the snake got away 7iom the Cole Bros, show which showed hero this summer. Will be given with every PJ purchase of $&.00, From Oct. 5 to Nov. 1st lj Hastings Army Store Rhone 229 i j M JllMiii i I iii ii n flfcfcwTI'ii" l""VrfiMi iTnTn rrfrrl II i j . j