The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 27, 1923, Image 8

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    iillVlh' II Ml' IH f
4T js33jj.i I ill iiiS.M
Magazine story folks never drlnli
-nytliliig'. (hoy iilwnys kIji It.
Modern girls Just, love water, pro
Tided it Isn't' In u rilimpnn or u wash
tub. A great trouble with high Ideals Is
tfiat they no often lend to plain ileni
A man's best friend Is his dog. Ami
the lowest form of humanity Is the
dog poisoner.
AfcKlnloy Squaro m HulTalo Is round
aiid'Tlnies Spuare In New York City
I threo-cornered.
A western Nebraska editor says to
L bald is an iill'lhyluii Ivit wbKkers
sre your own fault.
The'blggpM slump In business will
come when people begin to buy only
hut they can all'onL
Colleges would be More useful If all
ffoe students bad to learn to Mipport
themselves before intruding.
.The bluest fool .of. a" ls "',l ,I,,in
Vho thinks a loeonioifve will turn out
Mill give him the right of way.
true reason for the high cost ufllv
Me Is that the old fashioned dime
si'vel now coat's $1.7i, plus postage.
'The reason 1 don't like to eat corn
off the cob Is because It Is so much
trouble to wash the butter out of mv
ig3iXt Is a good .thing that plasterers,
t"jiio get llfteen dollars "a day, don't
Jivo to take their pay In marks or
Too many people demand high
wages- nowadays without having de-tnon-mited
their ability to earn any-
In my opinion, a lot of peoplo ain't
got much sense about politics. Hut
they think the same about mo so wo
am oven.
Tifs world would be a better place
ft newspapers would play up mtire of
tfH' sacrlllces of life and fewer of tho
Women are easily tlattered but did
you ever notice how a man acts when
someone suggests that he should run
Tor (tfilco?
-Xebnisita country editors sometimes
Aimbast Omaha but they do it for the
ood of her soul not merely for the
purpose of finding fault.
tOaxcs were a little lower a man
miMT mftke'V living rilUtt they were
a little higher he would quit trying.
As it Is, nft oirt' knoWfi'what to do.
Lew Shelley says It takes years of
time and considerable wisdom to pro.
fuce a healthy tree In Nebraska but
a fool can ruin one In n few minute.
1 am perfectly satisfied for The
Boss and The Junior to luive their
own way if they will only shut up and
let me hav my way once In n while.
One reason thrifty, old fashioned
men are still satisfied with the wives
rhey started with Is beeuuso modern
SLethods of courtship are so expensive.
.1 rtfmo's worth of mixed candy and a
nnul can wouldn't even start n follow
Someone remarks that black eyes
ifwiotc passion and vehemence. From
;ln depths of his years of newspaper
nrperlence (Jus Huechler soulfully
adds, "Yes, usually on tho part of the
Kher fellow." (ius should be less
aiiltant In expressing bis editorial
We all know It Is u He but, at the
..nme time, most of us feel puffed up
Mien a book agent tells us that be Is
wily allowed to sell a limited number
ui copies In our lclnity and that we
iv been selected as one of the
What the public needs Is not a now
political party, remarks one Nebraska
editor, but more sensible use of tho
old ones.
Slnco the piico of gas went down
ntadrori folks want to sell their cars.
I'hey want soinethliiginore oxpen Play with.
(tvnmy be that I am killing myself
ith strong tobacco and black cofttv
vf some of my frit mis claim, but tin
Uei Is that I have much botttv health
.dau, the average man of m age.
t j
.Io.t of us can remember the time
HH..if a girl pur ou.m'ltchci she Wji
v-alltyl a goner. Now look at 'em,
t . -.
If I could get paid for all the ad-
rk-c I give I'd he richer than Hank
Cord and Jnclc Rockefeller, both roll-
. luto one,
flank Leggott and Hill Mnupln say
"tiey would be glad to repent and con
loss all their sins if they had any
nea-on to think tho Lord would be
lecvfng on-the grand jury ubotit that
'.1nu. . -'"W t'
President Association of Reserve City
Conceived In tho spirit of common
.ood, for tho best Interests of govern
meat, banks and public alike, based
on broad and cop
rect principles re
lating to tho na
tion's currency
and credit, tho
Federal Hescrvo
System repre
sents tho greatest
piece of economic
legislation enact
ed by an Ameri
can Congress,
Tho S y b t o m ' 3
C. B. Hazlewood
record of achievement throi-jh n
world war, an Inlkitlon period of dizzy
heights.' and months of serious and
costly liquidation. It Is a matter of
greatest Importanco that very earnest
and patriotic thought bo given to tho
two questions: How far has tho sys
torn succeeded, and In what particu
lars has It failed, to give our country
as strong and ns useful a financial
system as human mind can devlso?
Tho hope and expectation of thoso
who frnnud the Federal Heservo Act
that tho machinery hi t-up for tho
origination, distribution and automatic
retirement of currency Issue, which
should be entirely responsive to tho
needs of trade and tho varying
conditions of business, have been won
derfully well realized. Every possible
effort must bo exerted to preserve the
Federal Iteservo System from political
alliance and to keep its powerful in
lluonco entirely devoted to the build
ing up of tho greatest banking system
In tho world.
Tho first bank of the United States
was established In 1701 and failed to
obtain a renewal of Its charter in 1811,
tho opponents charging that the bank
was a "money trust" controlled by
foreigners, a tool In tho hands of tho
Federalists, and that tho act chartor
ing tho bank "was unconstitutional.
Note tho use of the words "money
trust." Wo have tho Idea that this la
a modern term. Tho suspicions which
aniniato tho demagogue today have
not changod In a century.
Tho second bank ot tho United
States was chartered In 1816 and
failed to obtain a renowal of Its char
tor In 1831, tho reasons being a wide
spread belief that the bank was uncon
stitutional, the hostility of the skates,
the opposition ot tho atato banks, the
rise ot democracy, and the envy and
hatred which tho poor always feel to
ward the rich.
Both banks functioned well and ac
complished much for the country dur
ing crucial times. The downfall of
both was caused simply and solely by
attempts to place the determination
of banking policies In the hands ot
political authorities.
The delicate handling of currency
nd credit, to tho high end that' the
best Interests of .all nmjfbe. served
with special privilege (to none, cannot
be left to otljers than thWe whoT are
competent through proven judgment
and experience. Tho ,dangqr ot poll
tics Invtbo-J'-ederal Rcs'oxvb System ls
a real onp; upon us ls placed the
Bravo responsibility of forever keeping
the great system clean.
Festus J. Wade Says Anarchy
Disappears With the De
velopment of Thrift.
When thr savings pass-book comet
Into a man's Ufa to stay the red flag
goes out. What tho country needs is
to bring about a condition whereby
the man who works with his hands
shall tako tho same interest in his af
fairs as tho capitalist does In his.
Probsbly the best way to do this
would be to turn the workman Into a
capitalist. And this It exactly what
he becomes when he saves his money
and builds up a reserve fund. He re
main's a capitalist as long as he holds
o to that money. The satisfaction
of seetQg his money reserve mount
up will discourage the wastor to take
a layoff now and then. It will encour
age him to work a full six-day week
and thereby Increase the labor hours
appllsd to production.
The American people can solve any
problem they set themselves to. We
provided for a sound currency when
the greenbackers and Inflationists
wero routed and tho gold basis estab
lished. The Federal Roservo Dank
was established and solved a problem
for which most peoplo thought thero
wnstffto solution. A number of years
ago, when .there was a crisis or when
a banVfnlied. wo nil used to shut up
our vaults tight Vul let nothing get
out. Instead of bettering conditions
wo made thorn worse Now if failures
occur few people, excopt thoso direct
ly IntoreBted, aro disturbed.
Porhaps tho most Important problem
of all right now is to do nway with
labor wasto. It never can bo dono by
preaching, hy ngltatinn or by forco. It
can bo dono by Belling tho workman
on tho idea ot becoming a capitalist.
This can bo brought nbout by tho right
kind of hank advertising. Who Is
there to say that m advertising dol
lar bringing about this rosult would
not bo a constructive dollar? Fustus
J.W4. .... .
HBH'x wv.
r'i- t A i t1 4 "
jt:n)nttinltO''forni foi.jis j Wbsbr,
PYrt'nliMn.feVeirnnd Smith 'comities
at positively the lowest mtc, best terms
and opt on ollVied .1 II UAIL-HY
' Regular cerrloes ev. rv flibtiitttl tliiitl
81101111)- In t li a month in the Adveii'Nt
chinch at 11 a. in
If yon are not worshipping elsowlieie
you are cordially Invited to wor-hin
with us
O K., Pastor
'.nd all the peopie gathered tbein
eles together us one man. . ..and
I'j.ia rend. ...from e-ily timrnli'g until
midday i .. the people w etc at
I.Mitlve tint" the n..U of the lii'v."
Next Sunday, September .10, Is Rmly
Day. Let's all attend Sutitbiy School
mid stay to Chutcli service. The Sun.
day School K preparing a special io-
Monday and Tiiesdii j. Off. I ami 12
the County SninNy School conv ntioii
will be lieitl in the Chiistixu Chiitvli.
The Social Crcle meets Fi liln. ntur
noon of this w. el; tit. the home of .Mis,
Cly.'e South.
' I'lie true citieo Ihohv is n
citi Ip
of the world, mid his tir-t loyalty s (,
til i ti l i i ul. I'm ridi i-in cntnes lis u tc
O'hI loyally, to lie clieeld-d, dieliilied
and determined by the Hist and urcni
er loynlty This must extend tn-veiy
d'pi'rtmeiit of life, t elisions uiid in
telicetoal. piihticul and commeicMl '
The (Munch helps us to become bet
ter cit.ei.s. Come to Church. The
c lurch needs you and YOU need the
ohllicli A imnIi.iI welcome awiiitr
you at all of our s -rvlces.
Church School u 10 o'clock Stindny
Morning I'tayer at It oVo.-k Sun
day morning
Hvenlng I'ltuer at 7:"0 o'clock Sun-
You are welcome. Cotuctuul wor-hlp.
with us.
Kcv. S Daimheity.
VWW- Sk-is-i-i---N
F-tti bot rt mi 1 1 wy
- I tl M-rtri.
Iflc mi rw Wcbjp dr, Wky iwl
rpHK Latin adjective mlrandUB'ls're-
sponsible, for tho, existence ' of
charming Mlfahflii,- a rmmfi 'forever ns
Bjocjalwjl .wltlLjioctlu funcy, .Mrundu
sjgnlHifH "ndmlrnblc" or "wortiiy'-to be
a;duilred" and, utdde from Its, bar
mimic, fijllables, claims the right U
fame' tlirougU the kindly offices of
When the master dramatist wrote
"Tlie Tempest," he called his beau
tiful and modest heroine, daughter of
Prospero, Miranda. She It was who,
brought uf) on a desert Island with
the delicate spirit Ariel and the sav
uge and deformed Caliban as her only
companions, became the object of the
love of Ferdinand, son of the King of
Naples, who was shipwrecked on the
The exquisite love story which the
poet dramatist wove about the young
couple and the efforts of the young
prince to prove the sincerity of his de
votion by performing the lowest
menial tasks prescribed hy,
hits made the name of Mlrundu one
of the love heroines of history. She
ranks with Dante's Beatrice and
Petrarch's Laura.
The pearl is Miranda's tnllsmanlc
gem. It signifies the modesty, charm
and affability for which the name
stands. Monday Is her lucky day nnd
4 her lucky number. The wild ros
ls her flower.
( by Wheeler Syndicate, Inc.)
Community Morals.
'There have been n great many ar
rests In Crimson Gulch."
"Yes," replied Cactus Joe. "We
can't make up our minds whether the
Gulch Is getting worse, or whether
bootleg liquor Is stupefying the law
less element nnd making It easier to
come up with."
(Copyright, tr ItcCluro Syndicate.)
Dtpth ann silliness.
Clear writers, like clear fountains,
do not seem so deep as Uioy uro: the
turbid look the most profound.1 Walter
lajrgje Laudor.
-JlilLUJi J" ii I i i In -II ggg
M5LaCJ-SS8' YELLOW PENCIL r-ircrr.cwASAoo!i!LncouNTijl
gssap nuitHfia RED BAND V, made .by I
-r, - iir-, EAGLE PcNCL CO. vw fYO?A,lS.A the worldj
Northeast Pawnee
Mr. C. McCoalc whs hi inavale
Saturday for a load of cimI.
K Myers luiil wife were visltiuu Mrs
!:. N'elsien and fniuily last Sundaj.
Harvc Blair us doing his tindiug
at DucUcrville tho Hid, of the week,
Mr. and Mis, L I'agVtt w-ie doing
their trailing at Womer the end of last
iwek. .,
.1. Collins atid wife vcte in Red
Cloud one day last week tmnsattting
Itihti lioulille (Hue iniiii) was lepalr
lug the phone Hue u couple of days
Inst week.
Max (ties uiul A Spurrier weio at
DueUei vllie one day lal week doing
.tlu-lr ti ading.
II. Mai her. Mv mid Mrs. II. Moblcr
It nve to Red Cloud lust Nit unlay to do
some tunllng.
MessersJ. c. Williams mid O. Stone
were In Luliiuioti lust Saturday trims
acting business.
I', mill d. Ryan tuul their wives were
doin Oleic trading hi Womer the
middle of the week
Roy Flint's 5 year old hoy got his
arm badly dislocated lust Saturday by
fulling off i WHgou. Dr. Cieighton
imis at once called upon and put it in
place, the boy is getting along nicely
Mrs. Rrown and her (laughter Mrs.
W. L. Taylor who whs here visiting for
t.vo weeks with the formers sister,
brother and niece Mrs. liill Francip,
Mr. J C. Vlilinnis and Mrs B. Mohler
returned last Mondav to liidinnapoli-,
Intl., so on the eve of their departure
(Sunday) a most elaborate and. sumptu
ous dinner was given by their relatlvis
and well wishes at the residence of
Mr and Mrs. Oennle Mohler all bring,
lug large baskets filled to overtlowing.
After dinner Mrs Mohlir and Mrs.
Taylor entertaiued the guests in rend
ering some fine selections on the piano j
also Mr. J. C. Williams a much noted .
musician showed his ability in giving I
several tunes on the violin received '
with great satisfaction by ell. Those
present'Wen-Mr. Kiul.Mrs. . Francis
Mr. add Mr..l. C'willirttnt, Mr. andj
Mrs." 11 Fruit anftuLf.aqOly, .Mrs. J.
-nitMr. unit bTvff'Vl Elliott nnd i
familyj'Mr nViiMrVSlU Elliott, Mr. I
and Mrs". Ed. Elliott And family, Mr. j
He Mrs. C, Fair and family, the
Misses Davis, Miss Bar 'on, Mr. and
'Mrs". 11. lUiber, Mr nod A?is. R. Relie-I
ban and family, Ml. and 'Mrs R. Fairj
nnd family, Messrs F Stone, I. Collius,
.1. Fair, U. McCIni- utid C. MeCoakv
' Notice of Hearing
Estate of Johannes tiimmelberg Do
ceased, in the County Court of Web.
Bter County, NebraWa.
The State of Nebraska, To all per
sons Interested in said estate, creditors
and heirs take notice, that Mary Lemke
has tiled her petition alleging that Jo
hannes Uimmelberg died intestate in
Webster County, Nebraska, on or
about September 13, 1011, being a resi
dent and inhabitant of Webster Coun.j,
(y, Nebraska, and died seized of the
following described real estate, to wlti;
The South half of the South East
Quarter, of Section Two, (2), in Town
ship Three, 13), Range Nine, (9), West
of the 6th 1M. Webster County, Ni-
leaving as his sole and only heirs at
law the following named persons, to
wit: Addelide Uimmelberg, his widow;
Lydia Kirch, Dena Lemke, Anna Ilerz.
Mary Lemke, and Johu Bimmelberg,
his children.
Tb at the interest ot the potitiontr
herein in the above described real cs
tnte is one of the heirs above named
and the owner of an undivided inter
est in said promises,
and praying for a determination of
the time of the denth of said Johannes
Himmelberg, and of his belts, the do-
gree of kinship and the tight of des-
cent of the real property belonging to
the said deceased, in the Stato of Ne-
It is ordered that the sajne stand for
beating the -7th day of October, A D.,
102.'1, before the court at the hour of
10 o'clock A. M
Datod at Red Cloud, Nebraska, Oils
2oth day of September92J.
(Seal) A. D. RANNEY,
Cuiiuty Judge.
II. S. Foe. attorney for the estate.
"Fresh Start.
Miss M. writes that while she was
vlsltlug her sister lti the country alio
overslept one morning and was uwnk
eped hy her little ulece, .14 years old,
who exclaimed: "Aunt Annie, get up;
the world bus begun." Boston Eve
pins Transcript.
Printers' inkf ns made thousands of
men rich when it was mixed in the
right proportion with Brains
The Red Glood Chief
The I. T. Amack Undertaking Co.
Auto Hearse In Connection
Licensed Embalmer
Beat Service to Others Means Real Happinesa to Ourselves.
Webster County Bank
WE WISH to announce that we have opened up a sav
ings department in our bank for the use of the child
ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is
something that has been neglected.
We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav
ings idea and make this your banking home with your
savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome.
A saver is a.hustler and we are for both. Bank with
us and you can bank on us.
We welcome every child in the community to become
a customer of this new department.
Dr.W.H.Mc Bride
Red Cloud Nebraska
Sunday is Rally Day in all Depart
ments. The order of the day Is as fol-
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Rally Day Program of Sunday School
n a. m.
j Young Peoples Rally 8 p in.'
i Address to Young Peoples Dept II.
11. Keeney of Cowles.
A social for the Young Peoples De
partment and Chorus will beheld Sat.
unlay evening in the rear room of the
church. Members of the orchestra are
invited to bring their Instruments for
this occasion.
The Sunday School Rally ptogram
will bo several recitations and short
Ploase note that Mr. Keenoy will
give the evening address Sunday.
When Butter Wat Cheap.
Butter waa used by the ancient! at
time m (ail.
Dr.R. V. Nicholson
Red Cloud,
The Margin of Safety
Is represented by the amount of
Insurance you carry.
Don't lull yourself into a fancied
Because lire has nover touched you
It doesn't follow that you'rclmniuno
Tomorrow -no today, If you have
time and you better II nd time
come to the olllce and we'll write
a policy on your house, furniture,'
store or merchandise.
Reliable InsuraLnce
Elaborate TattoolnflL '
A fenturo of Mnorlland Is tattooing.
Some of tho -xtraordlnnry facial foa
turea take ilx years to complete. ,
Ar -rwt?' , ajv-i--: