The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 27, 1923, Image 6

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Recent Happenings In Nsbraska
Given In Drlcf Itcmo For
Buay Readers
Gcliodule of Some of the Mo3t Im
portant Events. i
Following Is a IM of the attractions'
to lio presented nl llii" Ak-SarF.en
full foHtlvlllr'. which began Inst week will last till, llllll Include, October
li. t
Races dully lit Alt-Sur-Ilm lle-lil until
Mi'pti'inlii'r 2J, iiiln r nliltit
Alt-Har-ltm .lulillee KritiinilH. .Sixteen
th ami .lntii'ii Htivi in. on-n fi uin Septum
In r LTi Id Oi'tnlier II.
IEIiikIImk Hrothi'ts mill Illinium
llailcv circiiM. Twentieth ami
HtrnctH. .Scnlcnibfr M, afternoon
Ilelltllnll 1,'lKllty-elKhtli tllvlllotl At
nuillturliiiii, Ketcmler 1!8, "'J uml 30.
Alllltuiy day. October 2. I'linulu nt
in :m . in. Athli-tli' meet ami military
iiiiiiiuiivcth at Ali-Sar-lliu Held, 1:110 li.
Ak-Kiir-IIen paijearit. "Patriotic His
toric AiiiitIcii," October 3 at 1! . in.
Atiniial rnioti'itioM ball at AI-8ar-Hen
lien, October G.
Carnival night at tliu Jubilee grounds,
October 6.
Tlilrty polo ponies will Iip in (linn-
li:i for the polo tniirniiiiiciit In be held
ilurhij: Hie AK-Sar-llen feslMlloes,
Omalia'H paekliii: liunses ylelil iin
nually products wiIiumI at more than
.SS.tiUL'.Ool, ticconllng to fuflenil
Tlio Dniislas couiily fair, at Water
loo last week, wiik the most hucccss
fill, lliuiiiclully mid In number of at
lendanee, of nny yet liebl.
Russell Urns.' Kei.crnl htore at Hock
ford, In (biKo couiily, was entered by
ImrKlars, uml clolhlni;, Krueetios ami
tobiiecii valued ut .U0() stolen.
Tlio parado In the AU-.Sar-Hen
pageant of "Patriotic Historic America"
will be over live tulles long, according
to e.stiinate.s of those In charge,
(irnpes urc commencing to movo
from the Ihownvllle district, niul it
is estimated that llftecu car loads will
bo shipped out or there this season.
One of tbo heaviest crops of prairie
hay ever put up In .lellerson county i
mis just neon harvested and most of i
tin land produced one and a half tons
to the acre.
Or. Itoscoo Pound, a former Nebras-
kan, now dean of Harvard law school
is oho 01 nit; seven people cuosen to
make the award in thu link peace
plan prize.
After frightening women and chil
dren, a monkey, believed to huve been
one which escaped from a carnival
company was shot by Frank Prlbyl on
his ranch near O'Neill.
Tbo County Ked club, successor to
the Itentrico Poultry association, Is
making arrangements to hold a poultry
show at Mcatrlco for live days com
mencing December 10.
Jockey I'hiavetta was Injured and
his mount, llrilliaut Kay, instantly
killed when It was forced Into a fence
while rounding the three-quarter turn
at Ak-Sar-Pien race track
Nebraska stands third In per capita
automobile ownership with tin auto
mobile for each .i.l persons, accoidlng
to information issued by the national
uutonioblle chamber of commerce.
Calll'ornla Is tlrst with It.S and Iowa
second with I.S.
The state hail Insurance division
of the department of trade and coin
mot ci has reported that the prospects
were good for the pa.viuent of ill) to
'.).'! per cent of ever.v loss under state
hail insurance polb !c.
P.elug striii.k on the end of the thumb
while catching a pitched ball has cost
11. .1. I.lvel.v, Itiirllugton conductor out
of W.vnmro for the past eight years,
bin thumb, part of bis hum! and now
his right iii-in through operations
bronchi about by Infection.
Hog cholera is taking a heavy toll
of hogs in Custer county, some fanners
having lost their entire bonis. Pra...
Ilcally all bogs which vvero not accln -
ated have died of the disease. It K
estimated that close to l.ono heail have
died In one township alone.
Hiss Antoinette .Mullen roilo from
O'Neill to Lincoln in an airplane
piloted by her brother. Sho Is a co-ed
at the state university and is said to
be the llrst girl student to make the
trip to school by airplane in Nebras
ka. The air distance Is several hund
red miles.
I-.. I,,.. ...,tl,.,... ... ,...ll V-l I l.l.
"" vVb "l sOIICU V UV WHICH l
last spring was untlei. stood to have
ei ii puce on us piuni tnore at tne
request ol the Lutherans, has not
been sold, and so far no bid on the
property has come before I be board of
trustees. i
Elaine Tuchninn. daughter of Mr. '
cud Mrs. .I tie Tuchninn. of Omaha
"weighed In" at twelve and one-lialf
The annual convention of Hh' ,ioal pomids of wiener, give a f.unt , ' SSM I 4&
women smi.sionary society of the im,ir,.sMllIl , ,1(n, l0 cIU(l f .,, . i WSfiW -, l?1 v
Oerinan Evangelical I'rotestant church oi,. , , .. , , , ,.' . C OatmxVsft f t
of II.V. Nebrnska synod will be held In' ?. c,1,,0,,, s. '" ,i,,,;'1 ,,rJ , , Sffi i M
Columbus Oc.obe.--J oiul :t. I 1",vo ,,,,,, ' B,,,l'l"' f'"' Shelon I TO S U
pounds when she was born September l'm'h at Aurora. A broii;.e tnhii i -111
ut .Methodist bnspltiil. Slie has a ' dlcated by tho women's reliei emps
thick thaicli of ldacU curly hair, a good will be innrltiPil with n fltiiiiK irilnt e
Milce and healthy uppetlte. Hobpital to the hojs of Company II who wen
iittcndants know of no other Nebras- camped In there prior to ih'elr gmn. to
l.a baby as large at birth. Camp Cody.
The state IMi car in tlinrge of tlauio tinisshoppera 1mo become so
Warden lloster uml ( oinnilssloner
ltitteuback has turned thous'inds of
black bass, ring perch uml ernpple In-
to the lakes uroiind North Platte.
E. P. Fiizgornld a, was
made postmaster of Elmcrcek under
President Wilson. His wife a lepuhll
ran, now succeeds her husband thru
'iiver of Hie present administration.
Thrown beneath tho teeth of a buy
lake by a runaway team, George
Hotter, the thliiet-n year old s in ol a
fanner living near Geneva, received
Hiclii Injuries that the amp nation of
lijj lclt nnii wiis necessnrj "m '
County High 8ehoo1 Levy.
The following hIiowh the amount or
taxes levied for county lilith school put
poseH III the eleven coutlth'R In tile Ht ito
where Htieli m-hoolH arc inalntalneil, alio
tin- levies for VriZ ami I'.CII for t IiIm pur
pose ami the Increase or ileereime 111
county IiIkIi school tuxes ns compared
with those for t!U2.
At thlir County hh;h school tax. $7,
018 15. Increase $15112. I.i vy Ititreart
ell from 2 ft to ;i iiiIIIh.
llanuer-County hluh school, $2,:t2t 7.1.
Ilicnaiie $21. IG Levy .fi MilllH. fume lis
III I!I22.
Cli i He -County IllKll school, $21. ICO 23.
Ill el. -.mi- J.ll.' I.ey, 2 li mlllH, H tint
an III 1922.
I laeH -County IiIkIi sehool $ :T1 r.n.
tlli'teiiHe, $l,2i"l 52. Levy llii 1 1 upi-il from
.8 to I mill.
Iloolifi County. hK'li ncIiiioI. JIIMRl II.
IniieaKe, i;, :'. 'II. Levy ln Ce mod fioin t :i.2 iniiiii
lCe.a Palm County hlim m-hoot $12.
IVS1I. lucre:. . $278.21 Levy lit
er, .ntt-d fioin If! In 2 iiiIIIh.
Klinlinll-I'oiintv llluli ncliuol. $ir.,K0l
57. IXereiiKe. !2,'T. Ill, l.i'vy ileeieilHt d
fiom 2f. to 2.5 mlllu.
Mrl'lierron- County IiIrIi hoIiooI $7,
2!l 12 lucre me. f 1,312.17. Levy lit
creaned fioin l.f! to !! mlllu.
I'eikliiH -County IiIrIi hcIiooI $.l)iir.
DecreiiHe, $2 21118. Levy ilecriMMoil
from i :i I,, is ,B.
sioux-c .imiv iiiUii hcIiooI $1 ovi :!i.
Increase, $l7.ldS.fiS. Levy liicmm. d fr uu
l.l to .1 IlllliH.
Wheiler County high Hcliod $1.T 122 fil.
Illi-tiitMf jr;.2o 7!. Levy Increased fioin
l.t to 2.0 iiiIIIh.
I'he toiil Increase In county IiIrIi
school taxen for the II iniitu-i H $(,.
I'jj.,1. while the, total .Icore'ine la $'..
'.':.',! 3 ,,lllll"B a litt Inc.icnae of a.',
i ots.07.
Of Ik 2li.j,(M5.i pounds or butter
received In Ni-w Vmk city last .war,
l!l.7-l,:i2.' went limn Ncbtanliu.
Tlii' Statf Li'iimic of Womi'ii Vntcra
will meet at Aurora Oclnlior Ith to
flNen - x ways anil means for Imprnv
liiK the politics of the cominnnweultli.
A not prnlll of .sis.I'.IJ on sales
nKKn-KiilliiB .fJ'J.SiTU.s:: wna made by
Ibo rarmers' union eo-operallve as
sociation nt liny Spring in tbo
bnlf ur the present lUenl year.
Owing to unprofitable oprrutln con
ditions, the Kearney military academy
announces Its suspension. Tlio build
ing will probably be turned over to tbo
pivorninent eterans' bureau for use
as a hospital.
Tlio .Met'ook Chamber of Comtnerco
mis neciiieo in cc e irate in hoiiii
proprlate manner the IIMIi nnniversary
of 1 1 1 organization of tlio lllago lit
MeCook whlcl
took plate No ember
Hecent reorganlzallon of the Omaha
community chest, will do away with
"lag days" uml prevent overlapping
in the hamlliiiR of charity cases hv
plnclng nil welfare activities under one
govt rnitiK board
The county superintendent of
Franklin county has written a letter
to tbo state attorney general, regard.
lug the disposition of n H,y in thu
community nine years tld. who lias
so fiir escaped the compulsory educa
tion law, having been compelled to
attend no school.
Anna Topsy Lyons, ."-year-old cow,
bred uml owned by th0 Nebraska
School of Agriculture at Curtis, was
the highest producing cow on semi
olllclal tests dining August. It was
announced ut the state Agricultural
college. in two days she produced
.".IliiH pounds of fat.
Nearly l'J.000 people took part In
celebrating Kearnev's llftletb anniver
sary last week. Three thousn,..! two
hundred pounds of "baby beef,"
raised especially for the occasion by
boy calf club members, and
to the markets at Cltv, Omaha
and St. Louis since September l.TbH
i makes a total of in cars ot this year's
crop of hay that has been sold by the
irarineis of the coinmunlt.v uud the al-
falfa ha.v crop in that section baa
I hardly been touched.
One of the most unique Industries
in tlie Cnlteir Stutes is being carried
on In Columbus, Xeb., in the wm.v of
a "wooden shoe" plant not the old
"Hutch" kind, but for the production
of u wooden sole carrying the refu
tation leather or rubber upper. Tlio
shoes are etousie,v used bj work
ers in packing plains, tanneries,
creameries, oil ami metal refineries,
laundries, on farms, electric winks,
and in various other similar occupa
tions, us Hum, are not alVected by
water, heat, cold or electricity.
tiu:irterl. purchascB of foodstttlTi
for the various state institution r.s
l tentl.v made by tho state boaid or con
trol show that tho cost or living h
nhom holding its own compared with
prkes paid during the .lime having
period and In many instances the prltes
"''' unich higher than vvero paid in
September of I'.rjJ. Menus, rice, cheese
bacon, ham and liran are ill higher
than tbej were when pun based in
Juno ot t Ills year, while oatmeal, dul
lish, .sugar, beef, Hour and corn nual
tiro bllghtl.v lower.
Omaha sintered no tyliobl or other
disease attributable to contaminate I
wan-i, uuiuik or succeening the em
ergency which ol'.Ud for two weeks,
when (hat city wii without wan r
due to a hf(iKdnu'ii
A stone welching Jt.noo poumU has
been In-oiiglU from Sewurd aim
be plated on tlio silo of tho old . .iiiji
grouml of Company If, in Sim- i. r
emus in iho Iteptihllcan valley, and
luirtlcularly In the region umwid
Arapahoe., (hat farmer-, have mloit.
heroic iutaureH, ami oro using "kill
hopper," a new poison dope, to rid
Ihein of the post"
Dally 2l,bSS persons from oei of
town go into omahn by nut .i..u,
accord;1 g to esilnutcs based on i ir
t of iniefstiite hlgbwa.vh Jti.-i - m
jilvteil by the buieau of puliltil.;, of
ill riiMiniKT ot Commerce.
ng) of T.'-V ii'itomobiles
eliy i;ll tl.e l'l Inteisliile
, w Ini b" were watched
n .
enti r
imv i'.tm riiii Tnimiitnto tmi iiii ...i.h. i lfcVft..T-iT',4.srT.r-Nj'2'ayv rwa
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A-msr 't
'I hs renii.ri ulic plinin.riipb shows tm.r ol the seen .recUed de.stroyer.s Hiiinsliliii to pieces on the rocks olT
Point Honda, C'nl. The Delpliy crashed on the rocks first untl the stonily pmindlnu of the sens soon split the vessel
In half. The bow or the Delphy can be seen further up the coast line with the hull in the foreground. In the rear
Is the Voting winch was Hie .semnd eshcl to smash. Ktriber out can be seen two more of the tleet of seven.
Big Bridge in Massachusetts Is Ruined by Flames
m mmsssssEssasK
View of tbo lire wrecking the big North End bilile, spanning the CoMicctieut river between the city of Spring
Held mid the town of West Springilold, Mass. A brisk west wind, the lact that the nearei,t hydrant nt either end
was more than it hundred yards from the bridge, the bursting of the iltst three lines of hose laid and the Inability of
the Sprltv-'lleld depattment to obtain motorhouts from which to light the flames rendered the firemen nearly helpless-.
The loss Is about .$1,000,000.
Talking Over
The lonner inetnler of Franco,
House sitting In the "Tiger's" garden
during a recent visit of Colonel House
Irish Women Are Glad to Vote
Women or the Irish Free State took
full advantage of their right to vote
In the tecent elections. Some tr them,
carr.vlng their babies, are here seen
arriving at the polls In Dublin.
A stock exchange was recently
opened nt Kobe.
A wasp pollinates tho wild or caprl
tig. t
The only known dbunoiid mines in
; HI
North Amoiiui are located in I
mm lilillwi'
Wrecked on California Coast
w Kn"rt)'J.ftjl.Ui,a4i...yJ . ....!-.' . ,
mMwmmmmmim'mmz .
v . , . . uW;k .
"' ' v r Kinnt
- x ,.. ev" .rr-'i.t-vvj''o.virf
Versailles Days
Georges Cleinenceaii. and Col. E. II.
at St. Vlncent-si.r-.Tard, in the Vendee,
with the old statesman.
A&M &"
f ,'hlx (WM
If a man owes an tiling to himself
he is likely to settle promptly.
Hitter dregs of truth aro found at
the bottom of the cup of foolishness.
.Many a man would rather run for
oihee than to walk Into an honest Job.
' .ooui
I rcqulri d an
(-lrult crops
.ooiii isu.inAi,uuu wooiien mixes are
nnually to pack the citrous
In Florida and California.
mmm assm
- ..?.
'. !.!
M . ,i '
"rte&&& ktj
('apt. Itoger Pocock, shown above,
Is skipper of the Iirltlsh yacht Fron
tiersman which was seized by federal
olllcers at the port of Los Angeles be
cause It had or gallons of whisky
aboard. The csel Is manned by n
volunteer crow from tho Adventurers'
iuh ot Loudon ami is on a pathlludlng
expedition around the world for Urlt
Ish aviators. Captain Pocock Is him
self a noted adventurer mid a writer.
This is an exclusive photograph of
Jesus Salas Harraza, self-confessed
murderer of Pnncho Villa, us ho looked
in J. ill. Harraz.i stated he would kill
Villa again If lie arose from the dcndt
St"" jj.
Jtpyb b
iieSKiiiMM '
lrilUtfirtft1tWii.Wrr TiVfculB fTnril.1 rtinYY -T1 f i"-"r .. Bm
M:.u!&&jiuj-f ' 4ant"i".
--Wwr. AJ; . lt .liTKlllil ll.
- s I .&
Tcaclipr of KiikIIbIi Hllile In tlio .MooJy
Ulble Institute of Chicago.)
(. 1923, Wealern Newapnper Union.)
ll:13-ii. Vi, 40.
GOLDK.V TKXT "Wherefore feeing
wc also aro compassed about with si)
great a cloud of witnesses, lei uh 'ay
asltlo every wtliiht. and tbo sin which
doth so easily beset u.i, nn3 lot us run
with patience the race that IB uct be
fore us." Heb. 12-1.
I'UIMARY TOPIC Favorite Story of
the Quarter.
JUNlOIt TOPIC I'nvorl to Herons
anil Heroines of tho Quarter.
IC Some Greut Churaotera of tho New
Life Lessons From This Quarter.
With the senior mid adult classes,
three methods of review may be protlt
ably employed :
1. The descriptive word method as
presented in Pcloubct's Select Notes.
1. Hrave John the Haptist.
The Faith-Filled Virgin Mary.
Impulsive INiter.
Loving John the Apostle.
Thoughtful Matthew.
Ardeut Mary Magdalene.
Uusy Martha and Opcn-Heartcd
8. Fnltbful Stephen.
0. Generous Harnabas.
10. The Many-sided I'auU
11. Timid Murk.
12. Helpful Luke.
13. Consecrated Timothy.
2.. Presenting Life Lessons as given
In Crannel'6 Pocket Lessons:
1. Woman Lessons.
I. Mary: Glorified Motherhood. Les
son 2.
1!. Magdalene: Adoring Gratitude.
Lesson 0.
3. Martha-Mary: Hounded Woman
hood. Lesson 7.
II. Leader Lessons.
1. Peter: Compacted Zeal. Los-
Eon 3.
2. John:
Itlpened Love. Lesson 4.
3. Paul:
l'asslonate Devotion. Les-
son 10.
III. Helper Lessons.
1. John: Faithful Pioneering.
son 1.
2. Matthovv: Divine Transforma
tions. Lesson fi.
3. Stephen: Heroic Witness. Les
son S.
1. Harnabas: Greatenlng Greatness.
Lesson 9.
0. Murk: Return of the Quitter.
Lesson 11.
0. Luke: Double Healer. Leson 12.
7. Timothy: The Glorious Ministry.
Lesson 13.
3. Tho Summarizing of Contents,
The following Is suggestive:
Lesson I. John thu Haptist was a
humble and courageous man. He did
not tako honor to himself nor trim ids
message to suit the crowd.
Lesson II. Mary should not be wor
shiped, but she Is worthy of great
honor. Her fnith made her to nc
qulesce in the Lord's will In spite ot
the fact that she knew that her char
acter would be suspected.
Lesson 111. Peter, while being fickle
niul cowardly. Is a fine example of
the transforming power of God's grace.
Lesson IV. John the apostle was a
reticent man. He did not say much
about himself, hut was passionately
In love with ids Lord.
Lesson V. Matthew, though hum
ble, was n man of force of character
and decision. Ho left all and followed
Lesson VI. Mary Magdalene, be
cause she was saved, was steadfast In
her devotion to the Lord. Hecauso of
this, she wns able to tell the good
news of the resurrection to the dis
couraged disciples.
Lesson VII. Mary and Martha both
loved the Lord. Martha was mistaken
ns to the best way to please I Urn.
Mary chose the good part In fellow
ship with her Lord which has made
her name Immortal.
Lesson VIII. Stephen was so com
pletely filled with Christ that his faco
shone ns the face of an nngcl.
Lesson IX. Harnabas was a good
man and filled with the Holy Ghost.
Therefore, he was qualified as n lead
er of men.
Lesson X. Paul's Knowledge, of
Jesus wan so real that lie had as his
supreme aim to magnify Him.
Lesson XI. ' Murk, though having1
turned hack from the work, was re
stored and became n great and hon
ored minister of Christ.
Lesson XII. Luke, the skilled and
popular physician, gave himself up to
be thu iitteudutit of the mlosionary of
the cross.
Lesson XIII. I'pcnuFP of Timothy's
religious training, he became u worthy
minister of tlio gospel.
Corner Stone of Society.
Tho s-anctlty of marriage and tho
family rclntlon make the cornerstone
of our American society and civiliza
tion. Garfield.
Our Enemy.
A merely fallen enemy may rise,
again, but the reconciled one Is truly
vanquished. Schiller.
When our hntred is violent, It slnkn
us even beneath thosti wo hate. La
7 LB
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