I'llUPy PtOPP, JftBKJfaaC CHIEF. f r ft r ViV' " u mi c k ,i: I I , f ; t f i - .. t ' 1. AS TOLD TO US DOWN'KY NKST Frank Musil of Hladon was In the city Friday. Frank Hughes of Superior was in the city Sunday. N. M. Hayes arrived from Chicago, Thursday evening. . J. V.S Linn., was up from Superior the Inst of the week. Rummage Sale October -1, 5 and at the Peterson building. Frank Star's, horse I'ntrlcinn won llrst in the trotting races at lSentrlco. Tuesday. SCHOOL NOTES Tom Swartz of Kansas Cily 1ms been lieio for the past few days attending to business matters. . The Masonic lodge members and their families arc holding u plcute at the golf grounds today. N. P. Phillips of Franklin Sunday here with his wife. spent Lee Walker and Mr. Bailey were in Nelson Saturday afternoon Rev. Kshelnmn was a paeiigcr to Ayr Monday morning on train 4. Mrs. Mary Polnicky wr. a pasen ger to Hastings Wednesday morning. Mrs. Minnie Throckmorton wont to Hastings Wednesday morning on train 1. The commercial department has begun the year's work with an enroll ment of eighty, and the students are showing an inteiost in their work which is very commendable. Business spelling has uoen added to the course this year and special drill is being given on the relation of cor rect pronunciation of words and cor rect spelling. Also considerable em phasis is placed on meanings of words similiar pronunciation and therefore commonly confused. Students are re quired to keep lists of words common ly misspelled or mispronouncqd, and oral contests are given each week for drill in correct pronunciation and spelling of common words. The clnss in business, arithmetic is reviewing the fundamentals In prep aration for advanced work, special emphasis being placed on accuracy. Each week a contest drill Is given in rapid .addition as inaccuracy seems to ... ...... . . i. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hansen and bc the chief ninurance to good woik daughter. Ruby, are visiting thc-r in tins subject. Cecil Barrett of Superior spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. IBnrrett. Mrs. Wilson and son, Don, have moved into the Mrs. Julia Warren re sidence which she recently purchased. Alvin Saladcn returned to his home in Alma, Monday morning on train 15 after a short visit here with friends. DOWNEY NEST Special Sale of School Dresses To Clean-up on Gingham Dresses will close them out at the following prices. Age 2-4-6 choice of any in the store Age 8 choice tw, Age 10 choice Age 12 choice Age 14, choice $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 daughter and sister week. in Colorado this Rev D. Fitzgerald wa. v. passenger to Grafton Tuesday morning on train .1. Jlr. and Mrs. J. W. Hauclc teturn od from Coffcyville, Khnsa3 lant evening. Wm. Dolhney wont Wednesday morning on SOr. to Hasting the passen- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mudn and Mrs. T. W. White wont to Hastings Wedno -day morning, via auto, tu lake in the circus. J. W. Ciowell and Freeman Erick- son arrived Wednesday evening from St. Joe with a l&ul of cattle to fatten this fall. Al Slaby states that if the party who stole his thorough-hied chickens will return the same he wili give them some others. W'rry Gilhani went to Denser, Colorado, ThtustKiy to work at that place. A largo number of our citizens at tended the circus at Hastings Wednesday. Mrs. Walter Warren was a passen ger to Lincoln Saturday morning on train -1. 'Mr .and Mrs. Clarence Kizer were passengers to Hastings Wednesday on train !. R. E. French was down from Mc Cook Thudsday looking after railroad bus'ness. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gibson, who re side south of Franklin, v.cro In the city Friday. We ate now prepared to kivo reason able terms on both Now iiud lTd Cars payable monthly or In u lump amn, Oglevit' urns Beginning typewriting c1aes find the Victroln a welcome addition to the equipment of the typewriting room. Writing to music make tlie drills more interesting, also is very helpful in learning cornet touch nrd develop ing a sense of ry'hm whtr'i I . c'-or.-t'al to -speed in typing. Kuril student keeps an individual chart showing his progress .Accuracy first, speed sec ond, is the motto of each member of this clnss. The commercial lnw class is making a detailed smity oi roiuinci; r.im i becoming quite familiar with the essentials .of valid contracts. Each week members of the c'iav bring in example. of business m every day life for discussion as to their valid ity, in order that they may cP the application of their (l't IN HOSE WE HAVE EVERTHING in size's from 4 to the largest out size in Cotton or Silk from 15cto-2.50 Come in and look the line over. I know I can save you money on your hose. BARBARA PHARES wt:'; I -r jrv ,-. qeb2ssb&s asssssm tuwtitt&& wEd&M&mm smm$m& mm Wr Chas.' Tivutman left for Zeel r.d, South Dakota, Saturday evening on train 17, ho being called by the death of h's mother. lJOWNDY N'KST Mr. a. d Mi-. Elmer Mitcimil a lived heie Monday nioniMg on tram l(i from their homo in Akron, Cole rado to make a short visit at the home of Mr. and Mr.--. Haiick. 2iSSEeSd!aSSB4 The Showing of New lusts an Fall S Mrs. ,1. W. 11 auric and her motln-r. Mrs. Adr.ms left for newer, Colura- Tuesday monilng, via m:.o, wheio tlc' will make arrangement- for : hook) ! ' "JS0 DCfr0 nov'r'ff tneu' hour .'hi p'i'air'! ods. John Schnell returned homo Friday from Colorado where he has been spending the past week attending to business matters. CV:sh Scrivner and John Laubcr re turned home Saturday evening from Hastings where they had been doing some carpenter work. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Crow returned to Republican City Monay morning after spending the pa-r row days aero with relatives. Mis.i Edna Henderson v."s a pas senger to Omaha Saturday moining on train 4. Harry Yost andWill Hines drove to Guide Rock Sunday afternoon to spend a few hours. W. A. Romjue arrived from Wichita Kansas, last week with five cars of cattle to feed this fall. Eugene Bush came in from Trenton to replace operator Stuesser, who ,. goes to' St. Francis, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pope and daugh tor, Pauline spent Sunday hero sit ing with friends, loturn-ag to their home in Hastings that evening. knowledge to actual bu.T? The XoiTial Tra'r.ev p.t i'i3 vc- j cipient of the rews thrt much of the practice teaching is to be do ie the j last twlevo week; of t:.e semester. This means that much or the plan writing and ob-oning nv.st, bo done the fir.'t si-: weeks. Incidentally this accounts for the weekly procession from the Sepior II. S. to the Grade building, the Normal Trainers are observing. The students arc beginn ing to see that teaching Is just a little more than a check at the ond of four weeks. The Smith-Hughes instructor visit ed a number of farmers the past week and they all seem to be well pleased with the plan of the agricul ture work. They all expressed their opinion -, as fooling that the new course 'j, jjjt ; was the one tnat tno larmcr noy iris W-'-cdith Butler, 1 o vns ' 'e mah for a whole aln m ".L ,"1 : ' Hastings, has resigned Id n ' pnd will movo to Wnuneta wneio h" v 11 nave charge, of Ed. Koor.'s mem m irket. CfTTT Fiiday, Wm. Piel, who -s m-.kini. j the race circuit with Lee 'Valker's j tiotting horse, was thrown from the, cart and considcfliblc in.Mred by the) oxercheck breaking in the races at Nelson. '- , d O'coats 4lT' !' wet.-' m$i i is Wonderful f - ' Ever M I Cloth Craft ' A rjn Mrs. 'Clips. McKcighan went io Omaha Saturday morning Tor a cou Me of weeks visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. Robertson. Sl was .,'.s,.,,,;,i i. i,pi- iIiiiktmoi. .Mrs. C (11 LlllllJItllll.l .', .... - -.- F Better Valucc Tha Kuppenheimcr, arad Blocks FTC A MFa irVK 7117 WTTrfc A T1 uiHiS mvu jVMAjJtik&a $88.SO $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 $30.00 $32.50 $35.00 top to $45.00 New Fall Hats Caps, Shoes and Furnishings Two cars of hogs were shipped from here to the Kansas City market Sunday morning and on car of hogs and one car of cattle for St. Joe. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Py!c of Falls City are here for a few 'days visit with her mother, Mrs. Hatfield and at the home of her brother, Bert Hatfield. B. C. Burden, Plant Chief of the Independent Telephone Co., is busy lepairing the lines in this city. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hoxsoy came in on 17 Thursday after a ten day visit at St. Joe and other eastern points. The Ladies' Episcopal Guild will , hold their Rummage Sale in the .. Petersen tuiKdng.JQctober 4, 5 and 6. - i Ul$ Thenatliipf the S oldersbfthV1" PanS8' Indepen Mrs. Roy Oatman and son Billy were passengers to Hastings Wednes day morning, they goinp up to at tend the Ringling Bros, circus show ing there. Smith Bros, and Oonley were in GuidjjRJQk Tuesday and helped New house and Pharos unload a car of Fords, three of which the rormcr firm Wrought to this city. ii3 'W;- Holders Stock dent ifii Telephone Company will convene at 4&r thoovtBottMrSfcturday afternoon W) at n'nlonU. October 13. 1023. for the iStran.aotion of any bafTJMfearhich nrtjf; ml lawfully be brought beffire it. V Dated September 24, 1823. f T7I m llliAfl I tfj W A - - w-U-Jk.JMlBJ "'"" Mrs. N. B. Bush went to Denver, Colorado Tuesday morning on num ber .15 where she will meet her mother Mrs. Burgess who is coming, from Long Beach, California ror a few weeks visit here and with her daught er in McCook. been needingfqr a long time. Many country boys are much interested in farming and unless this Interest is kept alert our future i armors may number less and less from generation. At the present time the clnss is taking out the cast end of the shop and puting in a nine foot door. A large door is needed in order that large pieces, such as hayracks, may be taken in and out 3f the shop. The class recently visited KeHogg's farm where they studied and Judged Duroc Jersey hogs. The sixth grade won the ring con test by receiving the greatest num ber of votes at the lecture held at the M. E. church Friday night. You will see it floating from the Grade build ing flag pole every holiday this com ing year. In the tests given the Kindergarten class Friday in the Bolenms reading, all but ten passed with a mark of 100. The fotball game with Guide Rock has been changed to October 12th in order that the game may &e during the ,. Mr.and Mvs. R. E. Shir-man ream ed home Friday from v iisonviiic whore they have beer, visiting with relatives. Her sister, Mrs. RaiN hack returned with them ror a few days visit here. Trade With the Old Reliable The Cowden-Kaley Clo. Co. 25 YEARS OF GOOD SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE-OP --" RED CLOUD AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY I Fred Nelson arrived hero Tuesday morning on train 1G from Akron, Colo rado, where he is working for the Burlington, to spend a few days with his family. He intends moving his family there in the near future. Mrs. Lemonde Durand left for Cas par, Wyoming Tuesday morning after spending the pnst month here with her brother, Rev. B. S. Daugherty and family. She with tier husband will make their future home in Caspar. Farmers' Institute. f r The street commissioner has been busy lately grading rscveral streets and aveoaes in this city. Let the good work continue . 4, n &1 - ' ' ."11 . tt m. -!--t ixiiuaui & KnMHmBff rTrs&wimNcj. 1 .l 7ril1..YfHaHHur't V Vr'V2JL-t"Tf. i i Lv iINT ,Jill'iEH rHBj- .t. .M IC16USBCu.-r i. dB4l'4F-V V i W M 9 TT? CJIAfAki SEE OSCAR MATT1S0N DEALER INAVALE, NEBR. WANTED: Man to sell Rawlelgh Quality Producu direct to coosamers la Wbter County. Pleasant, perma neat; pJPUble business.; Little pi( 'talnerfded. Make practicallyery family a steady satlsfled Customer. "Wdrkersinake large steady income. Qlreace. occupation, refereuoes. W. . Jtawleigh Co., Dept. 2907 Freep6rtf You are readiog a complete news- aper when you read The Llnooln Star, Yon have the satisfaction of know. ing that the news facilities and the newspaper features pro the best, ob tainable. Urtfr lenied wire services carry tlie news or tue worm to tub tjiar inBsspoiien "Jf"8 A,r Jnternatlonai"NeW8 Service, providing the strongest neSjfopilitles possible. , The world's greatest newspaper car-i toonlsts and fenturo writers aro con tributors to The Star. The Star Is a 2Lhour newspaper, all the news complete hi each edition. You can always find something good in the Star, it will Oil alt your newt,. paper wtmts. It Is the paper for your home. Adv. WUAJVWWWWJVAVWVAV.V. i WE HAVE WEIR CITY THRESHING COAL Mrs. W. H. McKimmcy, who has been in the Hastings sanitarium for" J the past month receiving medical treatment, returned home Saturday 14 .nfH tVllinVl evening, ncr condition uchik '"" better than at any time for many weeks. & if t r? si 5 II ?' i t i The Malone-Gellatly Co. 4 B tear sighted nessbotti near arLd. far isalwaysyur, uwear TVrUBTKVC . 3 imjT. u r f JiRYPTOK W (GLASSES fii? IT '' " Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Shuck and child ren of Alamosa, Colorado have been here for the past few days visiting hiR father, Sam Shuck. They went to SuDerior Sunday morning on train 16 to Rpcnd a couple of day with friends before returning to their home in Oolbrado. r i tl K I - i lATJWWVWVVAV-S.VAV.V.V.V.V-".V.VV.".VAV,WVW mm FAIRY FOOT REMEDIES i'Mrta J. C. MITCHELL Jeweler and Optometrist RED CLOUD, NEBR. P Mrs. Oscar Henry, wife of the new Burlington roundhouse foreman, bpent atuVday here with her husband re turning to Denver,1 Colorado, tha evening on No 17,., where she will mnVV Jmmplintp arrangements fori nj9vlng their household goods to this city. They have brought the J. W. Haiick property. , , Miss Eva Beok. aged 22 years, daugh of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beck of this city, passed away Saturday at Danbury. Be sides her parents she is' survived by three brothers, Ollbort, Hnssell, ana Rollfy and bto sister, Miss. Alta, of this c!ty. Foneral sorvloea ,wcre held Siifulnr Hftemoon at Danbury nftcr whlnh Intfrntent was mndo In the1 cemotory there. Bunion Pit Ajc ' ' Com PHttbra H . it . WJUbkiivAVX tli.'wV-'fcfcl ... . . us noraeHT aiV&.i 1 Largeot American River. The large'st river iinder the Amer ican flag Is the Yukon, in Alaska. It Is navigable for moi-e than 2,000 miles. Soft Corn Romotty Foot Powder CrtcTcciTTd Ri We Sell and Guarantee all of th'ese,Rmeclic8. rry ana o conywcip, CHAS. L. COTf INCS'" Hf i - ' B Yes parber's Is Tlie Place! To Buy Wall Paper. Paints, And Electrical Supplies. The best place for Picture Framing. Gee. W. Hutchison Bonded Abstracter i Real EstatQ .-. Farm Loans and Insurance , Red Cloud, Mr. i i