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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1923)
. a .mm wgaiw y .chief ' , , ,1,, I.,.,,.-. -" .Mfc.. Afco .. '. - " " " - v&tKXX W'T . I i .M- HE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nebraska. 'JBLISIIED EVERY THURSDAY imioi:n'i i.y wmmim ROBES and BLANKETS I now have a nice assortment of ROBES and BLANKETS-Better get yours before they are all picked over. Got my prices on anything In tho Harnoss Lino before buying. LEE R. WALKER FINER FOOTW ntercd In tho I'oMoltlco nt Hcd Cloud, Nob ai Second ClftBn Matter' 1 A. B. MoARTflUR, Editor and Owner FOR FALL Advertising Rates Foreign, per column lncli, 15c 5)i IS ' " " " I mmmmxammmmmatBmmm I r-1 m n t M m PHONE YOUR COAL ORDER TO FARMERS' ELEVATOR Bell Phone 29 -:- !ns5. Phone 12 HE Kodak as you go ' All roads lead to pictures and pictures lead to our Kodak counter. Finishing service that pleases, and Kodak Film in any size are here for your use. Autographic Kodaks $6.50 up. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist Why Don't You Buy The Best Range? You buy the best tools to work with for your farm shop or office. You do this as a matter of econ omy. You know it pays. When you find your self annoyed with some poor tool you replace it with the best you can nncj on the 'market. 1MS3S55 Range V i f -TjFJXTST When you need a new heater see the ILLINQY. Like all other merchandise we carry in stock, it is sold un&f' grantee? All sizes carried in stock. Bear in minc these Jacts: We can promptly sup ply yourwaritsnthe line of shelf and heavy hard ware. Specjal orders receive careful attention. t WE GtV'E S&li. GREEN STAl$ Red Cloud's-Leading Hardware Dealer Red Cloud Fair, Oct. 8 to 11th local:itens OF THIRTY YEARS AGO Charley Ourney Is home from Kansas City 't Mr. and Mrs Llndsey arid Mifb Mabel Saunders loft Tuesday for Chic ago to visit the world's fair. John Winters is homo from his trip to Minnesota. He expects to return in about two weeks to bo gone until Christmas D 10 YliARS AGO .1 II. llailoy made a business trip to Tr.Miton mill otlur wes'eni points the firs' tif the week. (Jeorge l'ope and wife leturned Sat uiduy ftum Minnesota after a few weeks visit with fiieiiils. ii.'ii Aultz leturned home tho first of the week from Sabetlin, Kansas, wheie he went totiy the mineral bath". Charley Hilton, Dill Pinler and Xell Stuiie left .Monday morning ftr St .loe to attend tho lloiseshoo Totiinament and l.ivo Stuck .Show. Min .lav Pope left the first ol tlioj weH fo 1 Vlc nsitt where she wns suini oiied lij u t terrain itiiimincn g the d H'h of her fattiti. Paul S'rn-ey and wife leturned home SitudHj ftum M.fmou polls wheiu Paul W"iit us Grand Itepresuutative to the Uiuiigu tirand Lodge of Odd Fellows Mr and Mrs him Ilobeitsou lot urn. e! Immo tiom Lincoln, Kiiday wle-ii they had been Visiting their datmhteis, .Mm. Will ki'i, mid Mis. Kted Sleeper Alf MuCall and J. II Kliinger left for easteiu Colorado points tlio first of tho week to purchase eattlo. l 20 YCAKS AGO Miss Xollie Wat ion was in Superior tills week. Dan Uarber of Nelson is hero vibit in,' his parents. Hoi bort Conover of MeUuoU was in ci t s.ilniil.ij . Iimesl (tiitvcx is dovMi 1 1 .mi .Me Coo I; viiiiing Ins mother. Ivi'.s Gather came home from Oxford Sat it day for a hhoit visit. Kalph Koe came down from McCook, Saturday font visit with his folks. B J. Pulsipher and A A. Frame hive returned from Axtell, Neb, where they have completed a building contract. E. Henry Newhouso, who has been raising ducks and chickens out on his father's farm this summer, moved back to town this week. Fred Fearn returned Sunday from Halgler, Nb., where he was called by a telegram announcing the serious ill. ness ot his brother, O. . Fearn, whom Fred reports was well on the road to recovery when he left for home. BAPTIST Itlblo school at 10 a. in. Moi ning service at 11 a in., Subject: "Not good if detached." At the evening hour, we shall unite with the brethren of the Methodist Church, in the final service of Rev. H W. Cope. Daptists without exception regret the proposed removal of Brother Cope HIr four years of ministry here have been fruitful of good feeling and steady effort for the benefit of all the community. In all intcrchuruh rela tions be has exhibited the most kindly and genial spirit. H1 The idea gains among us that his transfer Ih required not because, ol any local need or suggestion, or because be particularly desired it, but for the effect it might bare on his Denomina tion In the.Conference r ! Cong term Pastorates are significant in the veiled reproof of the short teVm men, as welt as. the estimate people are wont to make of those who suc cessfully bold dn That they are pro. ductive of greater good to the favored church than shorter term?, is undoubt edly true, but all churches may' not hayc them, so men must move, I e In the churches with overhead manage, ment. - In the otlier ohurclies Pastors stay awhile and leave- wheiu the minnrilv decrees, a chonge. ,, xiiortiu society gat lerlng at Mrp. E. H Ooblo's, was a mio affair, with excellent refreshments. All enjoyed it greatly. Our next Mid-week meeting will begin at 7:110, tho lit at half hour to be given to Itlble study for the teachets of tho Ulble tchool All porsous in terested are cordially invited, Ulioir meeting every Friday evening. Everybody welcome I. W. EPSON, Pustor. Like the apparel for the new season, the prominent color in footwear is brown, although black will never be unpopular. Much suede will be worn this fall and the exquisite models with straps, lace oxfords and gore oxfords in lustrous blacks and rich browns, with Spanish block heels and French toes, will be evident wherever fashion's whims are satisfied. Our footwear for women is so varied that space is not sufficient for its de scription. A visit to our most complete shoe department on our left balcony will convince you of your opportunity here as to the price, the quality, and as to being satisfied with your purchase. .;., WHEN IN TOWN "And hunger strikes you unaware . .just drop inside our front door ' 'and you will see c delicious, big .. display of sweets that will satisfy that hunger at once. No matter what particular kind you like, you .will find it there because the kinds are too numerous io mention Are, you a subscriber to Stein's "Nowsy Motes"? If you are net just drop a card with our nans and address to the advertising department an$ you will be taken cere of. It 13 absolutely 2ree and comes once a month. ww ONE PRICE TO ALL WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS j'li'ToitiAi. ju:vii;v iwi-raixs few . csKSTLasKEsaiaa FAIR M. M OCTOBER 9, 10, 11, 12 Wednesday Judging ThursdayLive Stock Parade Friday School Parade, Football BAND CONCERTS AND EVENING D0 N'T ) W11 i. Webster Co. - ,1! nflaaLLLLLBaaaaaH - Red I, -ffSf Cloud Nebr. id ' ElaSOSlLia IIlSSSaStfeaBfe 35 head 2 yr old Hereford cattle, mixed, for sale THERE ARE THINGS Right now that cannot be put off any longer. That new blanket for the spare bed, that curtain for the dining room, that sauce pan that you have meant a dozen times to get winter is coming on fast and you must get the house in order. u. iw. i . 7 ISsSHSBBlLi JlEra&y gSEngfi PROGRAMS ! i i ,nima i i'li . !- L ' , MISS IT ;,i- " za- A ' ! " ,! J f.''W . . tiC II i H,1 "rf-'f tA aV O0C1 'i irrfrsfyaf I ffsf ij ,7r Olias. Brown, Bellajie, .Kansas. Agricultural eiv . .. . i 1 nm - BLLLLLLLBaaaaaa! H UiaaaaaaaG IS ... ..... .-- tt I-, -M l i'i,it, JT '11, ! 1 1 ', I ' If J r Y i I,