The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 27, 1923, Image 3

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i 1
After m
B Every Meal
Kg Have a packet in your .jj
K pockcl for ever-rcady s
Kg refreshment. $j
Pjj Aids digestion. $
15 Allays thirst. M
fc Soothes the throat, gj
E For Quality, Flavor and S
g a tho Sealed Package, JM
Through the Use of
Two Interesting Cases
Somo femnlo troubles may through
neglect reach a stage when nn oper
ation is necessary. But most of the
common ailments are not the surgical
ones; they are not caused by serious
displacements, tumors or
though thfi symptoms may appear
tho Bame. When disturbing ailments
first appear, take Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound to re
lieve the present distress and pre
vent more serious troubles. Many
letters have been received from wo
men whohavo been restored to health
by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound after operations have been
advised by attending physicians.
Mrs.Edwardi Avoids Operation
Wilson, N. C " For about a year
I was not able to do anything, not
even my housework, becauso of tho
pains in my sides and tho bearing
down pains. I could only lie around
the house. The doctor said nothing
but an operation would help me, but
I tried different medicines which did
Lydia E. Pinklmm'a Private Tcxt-Boolc upon " Ailments
Peculiar to Women " will be sent yon freo upon request. Wrlto
to tho Lydia E. PinUlmm Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts
This book contain valuable information
It Is easy enough to practice di
plomacy when the other man Is doing
tho same thing. Hut when he frankly
Insists, what?
e Dfeisei
8DS&S '"SiPJffl
. n.-?--xszr vac
$wjS2i 6 Bell-ams
hot water
Sure Relief
ga u H am bbw trc
scat ru a Hasted
For Sale Two Choice
Well Improved Farms
HO Hcrn.i nml 100 ncros, ha f mllu from ntu
tion. Catholic church nml Kctiool, north
fitatern knniwii Crops Hlun sure Cithor
KooJ furim ti exclinngp AI'O St Jmoph
Income properties Knurfcn coo.l fnrma with
mail murtirnRex will troili1 equltlo for rlotir
wostern Intnl. V I 'inilMI.HY.
811 EJmonil ntrnct. 8T JOSinMl MO
For ovtT forty years bpatitlfnl womrn Iihto bon
kueplnu tholr nkln roft. clear nnd freo fnnu
I'rockicswithDu. c m.iihuut'h mucwuiomsMT.
Fully Kiiaranteed, Uoukletfrre. Tito sites, tl.SS
orC'.c. Ai rtnirilitjor poHtpaUt.
UU. C, II l.rtiUf 0 2t)JW6, Blcbltl lf , CIIICIGO
Mm lo Ilium (ur lluiuu ti auu.l.inl, noli
Inflnmiuutilo, complptu mihjt'vts -drnimui
comcillfH wcBteriiH, I.lst 2c stamp. Dralrr sup
plied, CoxmoB FUma. 729 7th Ave., New Turk.
Pay a visit to Canada
see for yourself the op
portunities which Canada
offers to both labor nnd
capital rich, fertile, vir
gin prairie land, near rail
ways and towns, at $15 to
$20 an cere long terms if
desired. Wheat crops last
year the bifjgest in history;
dairying and hogs pay well;
mixed farming rapidly in
Excursion on 1st and3d
Tues day of Each Month
froravariouaU.S. points, clnfjlo
fare plus 2 for tlio round trip.
Other special rr.toi any day.
Make this your Btimmcr outlna
Canada welcomes tourists
no passports requiredhave a
Itrcat trip and co with your
own eyes tho opportunities that
await you.
For lull imormaucn. win ireo
I booklets and maps, write
305 Peter' Trait EW.
Omaha, N:b.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, flO. 30--1023.
fn the Dook Store.
Clonic Wluit can I do lor you, sir?
Nervous Yinins .Man I want a 'took
on hiishiindr.v ; I'm k to got married.
Cutlcura for Pimply Faces.
To remove pimples ami blackheads
smear them with Cutlcunt Ointment.
Wash off In five minutes with Cutl
cura Soap and hot water. Once clear
keep jour skin clear by using them for
dally toilet purposes. Don't fall to In
cludc Cutlcura Talcum. Advertisement.
Army Officers Given Privllcccs.
Arm.v ollUors who are on duty in
WnMiln.jtoii, IV C, are now pennltleil
to dro-s in Chilian attire. The new
order requires them to wear their mil-
Tlicro Is nothing more satisfactory
nfter it day of liard work tluiti u line
lull of snowy-white clothes. Kor such
results use Ited Crosa Hall Blue. -Advertisement.
Cold leuf was ummI on the tombs and
monuments of ICgypt.
The land or Armenia is very rich
In Iron, copper and gold.
Lydia E.Pinkham's
no good, until my sister insisted on my
trying Lydia E.I'inkhnm's Vegetable
Compound. She said thcro was nothing
like It. I know that she wos right,
for I began to improve with the first
bottle and it has done mo mora good
than anything else. I am able now
to do anything on tho fnrm or in my
homo nnd I recommend it to my
friends." LlLLli: EDWAltDC, H.F.D.
3, Box 44, Wilson, N. C.
Another Operation Avoided
Akron.Ohio. " I enn never praiso
Lydia E. Pinkham'j Vegetable Com
pound too highly for what it has dono
for me. I had such pains and weak
ness that tho doctor told me nothing
but an operation would help me. But
my mother had taken the Vegetable
Compound and she told me what it
had done for her, and fo I took it and
I nm glad to toll every one that it
made me a strong woman, and I have
bad two children since then." Mrs.
R. G. Westoveb, 325 Grant Street,
Akron, Ohio.
Crue and Inhuman!
Gilbert Wiley Is one of those kind
of men who won't let women drive
ami alwnys operates the family auto
inolille himself, Sirs. Wiley cliurgcc
while on the stand In her divorce ue
t Ion lii Chicago the other day.
She aliened cruelty.
Sirs. Wiley told the court hetweer
soh:i that -she had held down the had
seat with im opportunity to hlow tin
horn or feed the gas while, her hus
hand rode jauuilly at the steering
w heel.
.She got iillniony with her decree.
Ut leu Globe.
Fooling the Hen.
An Invention tor the use of tho
fanner Is the "cackle switch." de
signed to Increase the waking hours
of hens and, correspondingly, the egg
yield. This Is a clod; equipped with
an on-and-ofi' switch hy means of
which the electric lights In the hen
house will he automatically turned on
at dark or early In the morning and
turned olT when the desired niimher
of hours of light lur'c been added to
the hen's working day. Utility Hul
letln. Not Too Free.
"Why do so many Immigrants want
to come to America V"
"They think this Is a freo country."
"And that they cr.n come over here
nid help themselves."--Loulsvlllo
era&fir fTi ?
Ti i wmi ii ii i iii r
'Farmers' Opinions
on Stock Feeding
Obtaining Feed Economi
cally Is Moat Troublesome
Problem of Breeders.
,1'rf-parnl by tlip I'nllril Ht.ilM Department
of i:tl ultiltr.)
l'ltnlmiim or otherwiiie ohtalnln
Hull' ft oil eionoiaically Is the most
li-oithlesoiiie feeding piuhleai of farm
i'v who keep llo stork. This was
hivu;;lit mil' emphatically thiou;;h u
ipii,i.on;;.iiio h.-nL out hy the United
.S'alih liepartmeiit of Asi'lcillturc
which a aiiseiMl hy nearly Mh
f.irmers scaiieied over the country.
The replies .!unul Unit general ecou-
o.ny of rations, the cost of i;nun, and
the tost of p.oie.n represent ahout Ti'J
per cent of Hie dillleultles In feeding.
These' men el.i-scd huliiiit'liiK of la
llous iieM in Tiupoi'titiict'. Other proh
Ifius, such as lahtir, lucrcaslnc pro
duction, (lll'lcuUle.s In wintering stock,
hhort pastures, and variety and pal
alahllii.v of leeils apparently were
thought of only In connection with
the principal dltllcultles. That these
opinions are worth coiicUlerlii,; Is
home out hy the fact that all of the
men ipicstioned were progressive farm
ers and hrceders, and the average pe
riod of their experience was illl years.
Adopt Balanced Rations.
Purlni: tho two decades these stock
raisers have boon workliiK to net
ahead, many cliaiih'ofl have taken place
in tJie wios of feeding animals. The
outstanding progressive step taken has
been the wide adopting of the bal
anced ration. Other Improvements In
th order fjlveii by most of the tlvu
hundred funnel's arc more feed
In',', feeding more legumes, better wa
ter supply, providing minerals, feed
ing according to production, feeding
more protein, and more regular feed
ing. At the Mime time they list tho
common errors in feeding which are
responsible for poor results, poor com
binations of feeds being the one most
Ireipiently mentioned, followed by un
derfeeding us the next most effect Ivo
redtner of profits. Following these In
regular order, based on the number of
times mentioned in the answers, come
lack of protein, lack of water, lack of
legumes, sudden changes of feed, poor
housing parasites, lack of salt, waste
of feed, poor equipment, and overfeed
ing. I'ractically all of these troubles I
are easily preventable.
Almost all of these fiOO fanners had
raised at one time or another scrubs
. and pure breds, nnd almost to
they Joined In n paean of praise
a man
of the pure bred. Only 1 per cent of
them reported that they hud failed
with Improved stock. Most replies
co? tallied specific estimates showing
tho superiority of well-bred over random-bred
unlmals. and when aver
aged It was brought out that these
men consider that pure broils make
about -10 per cent better returns on
feed used than common stock. It Is
Interesting to note here that another
questionnaire sent out by the depart
ment a year ago anil answered by sev
eral hundred farmers .showed that In
their opinion pure broils have u gen-
oral utility value a little more than -10
per cent greater than common stock'.
Mary Uco Gelf-Feedcrc.
The rejiort prepared by the depart
ment on the results of this feeding In
vestlg.itlon contains many more In
tero.'itiu.; sidelights on feeding and
corroborates a number of tendencies
that good observers must have sus
pected. For Instance, of -100 who an
swered question regarding the uso of
s.'lf-fooiler. per cent had used
this method of feeding, leaving about
three-llfths jot to take up this econ
omy. At pro.-cnt the .self-feeder seems
to bo urcil mostly In hog raising dis
tricts and for poultry. In the Middle
West more than half the fanners re
porting used It. The general senti
ment seems to be that this piece of
equipment Is especially suited to hogs
and chickens, but a few farmers used
It for feeding calves and sheep.
Nearly nil of those who replied
made comment on the feeding of si
lage, and prat tlcully T.O per cent of
them use this feed. In the north
eastern states, where dairying Is very
generally followed, two-thirds of the
farmers In the list have silos. Al
though most of the silage Is fed to
dairy cows, the list of animals to
which it Is fed, according to the ques
tionnaire, includes also steers, breed
ing wc, and brood sows. A few men
reported feeding It In limited quanti
ties to horses, hogs, and lambs.
It Is worth while to note that more
than 22 per cent of these farmers who
answered the government questions
credited farm papers as tho principal
source of their knowledge of feeding
problems. Other Important sources
mentioned were: Experience on homo
farm, general observation, bulletins,
nnd books nnd records.
Darken Colt's Stall to
Lessen Fly Irritation
Leave the colts In the barn while
tlii'lr mother Is working In the field.
1i.iii.ou the colts' stalls to lessen the
irritation from tiles and give them uc
cess to clean feed at all times. This
will give them u chnnco to develop
nnd grow Into much better Indlvldu
nls. Profltrhle to Cull Flocks.
It Is Just as profitable to keep the
farm (lock culled for wool and mutton
us for eggs nnd white meat.
Mark of Good Layer.
Late limiting is the murk of n good
Worm Causes Ilc:i ici
Losses Than Cholera
Biggest Part of the Damago
Conies From Wasted Feed.
Svvlno raisers suffer greater loss
from round worms than from hog
cholera, aiTonllng to the department
of animal husbandry or the New Jer
sey agricultural twpurlment station,
but they do not attract so much atten
tion because few hogs actually dlo
from vvoniis. Tin damago conies from
the amount of feed wasted In feeding
the win ins and the loss of vltallly of
the aiilm ils. Many lung diseases, es
peclnlly pnoiuuntilii, occur as thu di
rect result of worms.
To con. but the round worm suceps.
fully Its lift, cycle should he thor
oughly understood. Six to eight mil
Ion eggs a year are laid by the fe
tiinle worm In the hog's Intestines.
Tho eggs eoine out with the manure,
Infecting every particle of food on
the riiirfiiec of the hog lot. They will
survive most conditions for nt least a
The eggs arc swallowed by the pig
In feeding and hatch In the Intestines.
Tho youag worms then work their way
through the walls of the Intestines,
and Into the liver and blood stream,
by whh h they are carried to tho
lungs. While In tho lungs they may
cause "thumps" or heavy breathing.
Hero they become active, crawl up the
windpipe and cause coughing. Some
nro expelled from the mouth at this
time, but most nro swallowed and then
remain permanently Ip the Intestines.
Several treatments for worms may
be followed:
Withhold feed from tho hog for 24
hours and give a capsule containing
two grains of santonin, three grains
of aloln and eight grains of sodium
bicarbonate. Do not feed for eight or
ton hours after treatment, and then
give one to two tahlespoonfuls of ep
som sails or glaiiher salts In tho
food for every 100 pounds llvo weight
of the hogs. One capsule Is sufllelent
for a pig weighing up to 7." pounds.
If santonin cannot be procured, oil
chenopoilluni, also known as "oil of
worm seed" may be used. Four tea-
spoonfuls nilved with one ounce of
castor oil Is the iiMial dosage. Th(
results will ho most satisfactory If
tho oil Is given alono rather than with
tho food. I'ach pig should he fasted
2 hours before treatment.
If necessary, repeat the treatment
In four to six weeks.
Late Built ITOUSCS May
utilise vjOicis ana uoup
Many poultrymon are llndlng that
poultry houses built too late In the fall
are apt to result In colds and roup.
Ileforo tho birds, especially pullets,
nro put In n new poultry house the
floor as well as the lumber used In
construction must bo thoroughly dry.
The essentials of a good poultry house
are, dryness, as this prevents colds
and roup; fresh air, which keeps tho
birds In good health ; sunlight, nature's
best disinfectant, and Moor space so
that during confinement the birds will
i imVo room to exercise.
.,r tilf. , results a poultry houso
. should i. illt for units of 'M0 birds.
This requires a house 20 by -10 feet. It
should face southward and should be
located on high dry ground, and where
It gets some shelter. Class windows
i on the east and west sides with cur
, tain windows In the front will allow all
, the sunlight and air that the
birds require.
I Protection of tho Hock against dally
and seasonal changes of weather and
! climate Is the purpose of a poultry
High Feeding Value of
Buttermilk and Products
The feeding value of buttermilk and
buttermilk products, such as condensed
or dried buttermilk, 'm not generally
appreciated. At any rate, creameries
are unable to get as much out of their
buttermilk as Its feeding vnlui Indi
cates they should be able to realize.
Farmers who llvo close to tho cream
ery at which they m11 their cream
sometimes take their own share of tho
buttermilk back home as a food for
hogs and chickens. They derive much
value from the. product, provided It Is
fed In an economical manner. Hutter
mllk Is relatively rich In protein and
Its protein has a high feeding valuo
becauso of Its animal origin. For tlint
reason, If It Is supllod more liberally
than It Is needed for balancing the
grain ration fed, part of It Is wasted
and, as a result, Its full feeding vulue
Is not realized.
Pure Strain Selections
of Tubers Are Superior
Coriii')! university plnnt breeders
have found that pure-strain selections
of potatoes are much superior to those
ordinarily grown by farmers In New
York. Plants of the pure strain, de
veloped from a singe tuber, produced
IS more bushels to the ncre than seed
potatoes selected by farmers In a two
year commercial test.
Disposing of Produce
to Commission Merchant
Selling to commission merchants Is
tho simplest method of disposing of
the produce, as It does away with tho
expense and trouble Involved In u pri
vate trade, but the returns nro usually
not so great, except when dealing with
certain commission louses that have
built up u fine tra 1c aluii,' ccrtuln
Alabama Mayor Out
With Strong Facts
.Tuilgo C. V. Thoiniuton, Mayor of
Tarrant City, Alabama, widely known
and highly esteemed pioneer citizen,
recently gave his unqualllled endorse
ment to the Tanlnc treatment.
"Chronic Indigestion brought mo to
the verge of a general breakdown
llireo years ago," said Judge Thorn
usoti. "and nothing scorned to nfford
much relief. I was eating scarcely
enough to keep going on, and food
tdiiyed In my stomaeh like a rock,
causing pain and extrcmo nervousness.
Telling It to the Policeman.
An aged colored man was ihiv'.ng
nn equally aged horse down Coiunier
olnl st root recently.
A street car coming from the Santa
Fo depot caused the tralllc "cop" on
the corner to signal the old darkey
to stop, lie failed to check Ids ho'so
and drove up In front of the car.
which forced It to stop.
"Why dldn' you stop?" yelled the
lltlgt'V cop.
The old darky answered: "1 Just
done bought this horse from n Mexi
can and ho started him, and l'se done
forgot what ho said to say to atop
him." Topeka Capltnl.
for Economical Transportation
Farm Products
Modern, projcsslvc formers, being
also business men, now depend on
fast economical motor transporta
tion to suve time, save products
and get the money.
Chevrolet Superior Light Delivery,
with four post body was built espe
cially for form needs. It has the
cpacc and power for a big load,
which it moves fast at a very low
cost per mile.
For heavy work, Chevrolet Utility
Express Truck at only $550 chasslt
only, offers a rcmnrknble value.
Fits any standard truck body.
Chevrolet Motor Company
Drviiion ofGtntrat Motors Corporation
Detroit, Michigan
Thoto now lawprUot offtctivt Sopttmbtr lit
I If Jl '495
I m -AH
Important Qualification.
"You go so far as to admit the pos
sibility of defeat for your parly?"
"Yes," replied Senator Sorghum;
"but you will observe that I observe
the rule of .statesmen who lift u warn
ing voice and am always mighty care
ful to say 'unless'."
Important to All Women
Readers of This Paper
Thoupnnds upon thousands of women
have kidney or bladder double and never
miHncct it.
Women's complaints often prove to be
nothing pIpc but kidney trouble, or the
result of kidney or bladder diene.
If the kidneys are not in a healthy con
dition, they may cause the other organs
to bocome di-.iscd.
You may BulFcr pain in tho back, head
ache nnd loin of ambition.
Poor health makes you nervous, irri
tablo and maybe despondent; it makes
any one bo.
Hut hundreds of women chlm that Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health
to the kidney", proved to be just the
rnnody needed to overcome such condi
tion.. Many cnd for a sample bottle to Fee
what SwTimp-Root, the great kidney, Jiver
and bladder medicine, will do for them. Uy
meloning ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co,,
Ilinghamton, N. Y., you may receive sam
ple mq bottle by parcel pout. You can
purchase medium nnd lart!o hIzc bottles at
all dniR stores. Advertifcment.
St. I'tinl's cathedra! covers an area
f two and a quarter acres.
At every crNIs look urnund for the
I'portunlty. It's there.
Block - Tan
3. ciuick
Ii cav to shine with the Home
W iSJET dm
SliK melted
?5KDK(!$ii. JML
ji iruh,,,vn.f i;m MKai
W KeWSrShf M tM
L JfLi-yL jfiMttk wrl
tl vW "? tVVt'
Sft7EJa -SJW5S
Sleep was often Impossible, nnd I grad
ually vvcakujiotl so I could hardly at
tend to my olllce duties.
"The first bottle of Tanlac Improved
mo wonderfully, and each successlvo
bottle pive nddod Impetus to my re
turning strength. I felt ten years
younger when I finished the sixth bot
tle n short tlmo later. Tanlac gavo
mo now zest In life that still rcmcln.'i
with mo."
Tnnlae Is for sulo by nil good dnig
glst.1. Squeezed Out of It.
"Tho Idea of your dozing while I wnjt
"You wore singing a lullaby, weren'J
"Then I couldn't pay your art anj
higher compliment." Huston Trim-script.
Dad's Opinion.
Mother Hut Helen needs ncvy
clothes John. Young Duhhlelgh Is be
ginning to pay her attention.
Fnthcr (examining bills) Huh 1 An
expensive lot of halt for a poor llsh.
Host on Transcript.
Prices f. o. b. Flint, Mich,
Superior 2-Pi.Rod,tr $490
fiupnior o-ran, touring 4yv
Superior 2-lat Utility
Superior 5-Pnsi. Sedan .
Superior Light Delivery.
Superior Commercial
Oiaula ..... i
Utility Uxpreaa Truck
Chaaala ......
Dealers and Servic
Stations Everywhere
Light Delivery
r. . 6. Flint, Mick.
Medical Professor Where la the
Snide I don't know, sir. I think yori
put It on the shelf In the dissecting
room with the rest of the surgical In
struments. Hoston Transcript.
Pictures represent nil farmers ai
six feet tnll ; but they're not.
Stop their pain
in 'one minute !
For muck lastinir relief from corns.
Dr. School's Zino-pads stop the pain
in one minute by removing the causa
friction nnd pressure.
Zino-pads are thin, safe, antiseptic,
healing, waterproof and cannot pro
duce infection or any bad after-effects.
Three sizes for corns, callouses and
bunions. Cost but a trifle. Get u box to
day at your druggist's or shoe dealer's
Put one- on - tha pain 1$ ganf
Ox-Blood - Brown
SlllKGlA "id the Shinola Home Sel
ue in every nome. livery memuer o
i.r.4 x-.i tniU'r,t-Y
Hwd Avb JrA-y
family can use it for it gives the quick
' shine. The shine that preserves leather
resists weather. S'lnnlA in (lie handy
opening box with the key.
St. "The Shine for Mine"